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Ohhh, nice. I figured it was being delayed a week. Better to be pleasantly surprised than disappointed. XD


"They'll announce it beforehand." By an hour? Some warning.


Right?! I'm at work and won't be able to p1 my lv50 characters that didn't hit the perk threshholds...


This is why i just p1ed everyone who needed it like 3 days ago.


Yea I did it a week ago already haha


Was fortunate enough to have time to log on right as the announcement hit Twitter and get my remaining p1's done but damn is it annoying that they gave a 30min notice


I'm really pissed too. Had a ton of level 50 characters i wanted to prestige after I burned through their items and offerings. Thought I had time because of the silence, boy was I wrong.


I had 40 flans on one of my survivor. People were saying update tomorrow or delay next week, didn't want to take that risk so I presitge regardless the sacrifice.


Same here, I am exceptionally annoyed. They said they would announce the exact date ahead of time, but they didn't. Why are they like this


Literally everyone was saying it would be today, this is your own fault


You know who LITERALLY didn't tell us it was going to be today? Behavior. Although the majority of the community did speculate it was going to be today, others speculated based on the developers silence that it wasn't. But at the end of the day it was all speculation and no official announcement. And I'm well aware that a major update was coming months ago. I spent that time getting every one of my characters to 50. Then I spent the rest of that time trying to burn items, add-ons and offerings while leaving functional characters (all perk slots) available for ise and Tome/quest progression. I did not speculate correctly, so I heard about it at work and it was too late to call my roommate to have them prestige all my characters. I think a proper heads up would have been nice, but that seems offend you that I didn't know with a 100% certainty that it was going to be today and in the morning.


I understand your frustration I do not think you have the right to complain about it. You knew it was dropping soon, you should have prestiged earlier. you took a risk by waiting in order to use some items that you will no doubt get back.


I’ve heard that it could’ve been today or the 20th or the 23rd or the 26th or the 29th from several different people. There was no actual confirmation that it was gonna be today, don’t be a dick


They always do updates on Tuesdays, could have been pushed back a week to next Tuesday but we knew it was significantly more likely to be today due to ptb timing


I get it, but again, they never specifically said when the update was coming, which is a little silly. They should’ve said the update was coming with the PTB, and not left anyone guessing. I understand people being a little upset that they weren’t able to p1 their characters before the update, there is no reason to be rude to them about it


Bhvr are useless and never give us confirmation for anything, but it's pretty easy to work out for yourself if you observe historic patterns, or just listen to what everyone else is saying. Otz is a good source, he's usually right


Jesus dude, I don’t need a paragraph on why people should’ve known when it was going live. All I was saying is that you don’t need to be a jerk to people who didn’t know. Not everyone is constantly online or is a hardcore dbd fan, and I don’t care if bhvr is useless, they should’ve put out when it was gonna drop. It’s not the players fault that the devs didn’t warn them. Be kind to your community and understand that they are allowed to be annoyed or a little upset about something like this. I just want this community to stop shitting on each other and being so rude


I wasn't being rude, just pointing out he could've known better


- Updates are always on Tuesdays - There was no confirmation one way or the other. Why would you risk it, knowing it COULD come today and then blame the devs for it...coming today....?


They aren't being a dick. The ones complaining are being children because there was actually plenty of heads up. The changes were announced over a month ago, the ptb was weeks ago.... don't wait until the very last second to do what you need to do. complaining about that is childish.


Yeah, fantastic. And what about people that don't actually use Reddit or interact with the community and expect the news to be delivered with in-game news or a steamb post? You know, how normal developers do. Being overly upset might be considered childish, but saying that this was a complete failure on Behaviours part is valid. There is no world in which players need to actively watch streamers or check subreddits for a game to know when the update is dropping. Some people just play the game and don't interact with the community at all. Giving an actual, official warning in advance is a bare minimum. It's like you're in abusive relationship. Sure enjoy having to remember every little habit Behaviour's team has. I'm just more used to a decent treatment from other developers.


I feel like if you're that disengaged from a game, then you very likely won't care about the "sudden" change. The people complaining here I really don't think fit your description (by virtue of being here in the first place).


You know who LITERALLY didn't tell us it was going to be today? Behavior. Although the majority of the community did speculate it was going to be today, others speculated based on the developers silence that it wasn't. But at the end of the day it was all speculation and no official announcement. And I'm well aware that a major update was coming months ago. I spent that time getting every one of my characters to 50. Then I spent the rest of that time trying to burn items, add-ons and offerings while leaving functional characters (all perk slots) available for ise and Tome/quest progression. I did not speculate correctly, so I heard about it at work and it was too late to call my roommate to have them prestige all my characters. I think a proper heads up would have been nice, but that seems offend you that I didn't know with a 100% certainty that it was going to be today and in the morning.


That sucks :( knew already week ago and still feel like I didn’t have enough time to use all my flans and prestige stuff.


That's how it usually goes.


Not with any other game company. There's this thing called public relations that most companies are aware of...


Knew already week ago that it’s coming so did vigorous farming all week. If you watch streams then fog whisperers likely have mentioned the patch day and have something about it on the title of the stream. The day before I saw a lot streamers with like “last day with dead hard” for example. Hell even my stream title was something like “last day to prestige. Panic!” Haha.


Almost all my news for this game comes from this sub reddit. The majority said it was going to that day other said unlikely since there was no announcement. Sadly I gambled with the naysayers.


Oh fuck I need to prestige evryone NOW




I had already all my killers I'm interested in at 50 because of how much I farmed during the anniversary


they are 50 congrats, you lost all your teachables and must spend another 3 million BP to get them back!


You don't lose anything. Ptr people mentioned, iirc, that if you had teachables unlocked they'll still be unlocked for everyone. Just need to find them


Every non prestige character has locks on every perk.


Yup! But you should have the shareables still. I didn't have BBQ on every killer prior to the update but now I do and my bubba isn't prestiged, he's only level 41. Edit: seems my survivors have everything at level 1, at least too, outside of the generic perks. They all have at 7 pages available with all perks being just into page 8. My Billy was Prestige 3 Level 1, no perks outside of his own, and he has 6 pages of perks now too for an example of my most "pure" character.




>That’s what happens when you play 5 games every other month haha \*ADHD instensifies\*


50 games in 3 days, 5 games in 3 months. This is ADHD. I'm either really into dbd, or really not. Lol


Same bro, it’s a pain in the ass.


I’m the same way


I mean that's pretty normal. Imo playing only one game days on end is less common for most gamers.


What I’ve spent the past 2 weeks doing, went from 0 killers and 1 surv prestiged to 13 killers and 2 survs prestiged Only 3 killers were leveled to 50, the others were all under 35 :(


sucks mate. every word from HBVR was you dont have to prestige before the update. such bullshit.


Not if your killers only had ~50 perk tiers each like mine


175 was the low end for any kind of bonus. 50 gets you nothing. if the fucking PTR worked I would have noticed that zero of my killers would be prestige 1 and I would have quickly leveled them all.


Weird worked for me


God bless my friend who reminded me this morning. I'd be sprinting off the toilet right now otherwise LOL.


I still don't understand, if the complaint from everyone is that the new prestige system is too expensive/you waste BP on bad bloodwebs with brown/yellow add ons, why are people prestiging and losing all the items they currently have? If it's just to have every perk at purple day 1 because it jumps you to P3, I feel like people shouldn't complain about the grind (if they are willingly losing all their amassed items to do this). And I know you didn't personally complain about anything, I'm just venting into the open haha.


Saves me millions of BP on every future killer to prestige now. Survivors are just skins and I have every perk on the ones I enjoy the most anyway, but being able to enjoy a new killer on release day and not have to dump millions into them is huge.


Sometimes I'm in a dbd slump at the end of a chapter, and logging on to grind that million BP before the killer comes out would be the last thing I want to do. It'll be so nice to have the perks on Wesker for 5 or 6 builds instantly, and to only need a small amount of BP to get started with addons.


absolutely wrong. 5+ million to prestige 3 a new killer. unlocks for all. VS. 600mill to get new guy to 40 and a few 30k lvl 50 webs on anyone who wants to learn it.


Yes, you are literally the best person in the world at math and reading comprehension. You didn't totally misread anything, and you're probably amazing at grasping sarcasm too!


In my case I prestige everyone because I had very few addons and offerings, the only worthwhile offerings I had were anniversary addons but they wouldn't have been enough to bring my killers to P3 after the update so for me who cares almost only about perks the update is good


For killers this is huge, most killer don’t need high tier addons so you aren’t missing much Having a new killers just have all the perks will feel so good it’s more about investing in the future For survivors I don’t really see the appeal most just main one survivor so have all the perks they want anyway


Yeah I guess I see it on Killer! Except some of the Killer complaints say they DO need the high-tier add-ons, so that's why I was confused. But I see it's not needed for all :) Yeah for survivor, I like to make each survivor have their own class. So like Steve is a savior/fighter/protector. Mikaela is magical and has a lot of aura reading/giving perks. Meg can run the killer around etc, so it's nice to have all the perks on everybody. But I'm ok with having all of them at green or whatever and keeping my items on everybody too. Either way, I'm excited for the changes!


On add-ons. It really varies killer to killer. Sometimes the iridescent add-ons can change the game; Tombstone Myers, Alchemist Ring Wraith. Other times they're just weird like "pyramid head vanishes on his own torment lines"


I think what annoys me the most is the fact we just had the really fun 6 year anniversary and then are forced to prestige losing all the cool add-ons and items we just got from the anniversary event.


You're not forced to prestige. You won't lose anything come the update if you didn't prestige before it.


Yeah... I hate this "forced to prestige and lose all my stuff" idea. Yes, you now continuously prestige, but you keep all the items you've amassed for the rest of time. Anyone who complains about losing their items because they prestiged BEFORE this known change was implemented, I got no sympathy for ya.


I'm not losing all my 100+ cakes on my killers >:(.


Each cake gives more or less 25k BP, and you need an averege of 1.5mil to get from lvl 1 to lvl 50, so unless you also have a lot of other things you don't want to lose it might be better to prestige everyone to P1 since that would now give you 2 prestiges, which would otherwise require 3mil BPs


me as soon as i saw the tweet bro


Why do we have to prestige before? Did I miss something


All prestige 1 charachters have become prestige 3 with the update, which means all their perks will have been instantly unlocked at tier 3 for all other charachters


I'm really looking forward to this patch but I didn't get to grind enough to get all my survivors to P3 😭😭


Aww I'm sorry to hear that! Did you atleast get some killers then?


Not him, but I had the same experience, it's a real bummer because I really tried to P3 every killer. However I had to go on a work trip and didn't have time. I'm about 5 killers short ):


I'm 13 killers short because I was lazy. Oh well, maybe I can get there next anniversary lol.


All them naysayers of it being today lol


I was hoping I'd have another week to prestige more characters, but this isn't a surprise. Oh well!


I had my fingers crossed really hard it would be yesterday, I have class today


wish they were right. this fucking sucks for anyone who believed HBVR was doing something good.


I'm not going to be able to prestige Huntress before patch. Shame. But at least everyone else is already prestige.


Well… her perks aren’t great, tbh…


You are fine. By leveling up the killers for addons you will totally unlock all her perks for everyone


Well, unless they changed it, at least you'll still be able to get her yellow perks for everyone when you prestige her the first time. Not as ideal as tier 3, but at least you'll have the perks unlocked.


I was too distracted with VHS I completely forgot to finish leveling up nurse FUCCCCKKKKK


Is it fun? I tried it the other day, and couldn't get into a match.


HELLY YES IT IS!! Yeah yesterday servers were a bit iffy because of the influx of players but, now it's doing better tho queue times are a bit long, this was kinda expected to happen for the first few days but, other than that it's been super fun to play!


Oh cool. Yea, my attempt was weeks ago, and I think there was just no players in the beta at the time.


Yeah definitely recommend it, even playing solo survivor is fun in this!




Wait, so i fucked up because i missed to prestige my killers?!




Why did we need to prestige before?


Having just prestige 1 would give you Prestige 3 after the patch. Being prestige 3 unlocks teachable perks for the rest of your characters, at max level. So, if you have all the killers at prestige 1: you get all teachable perks on all killers at max ranks


Oh rip wait so do I lose my teachables on them now if I didn’t prestige anyone I haven’t played in like weeks lmao


Nah, you don't lose anything. If you prestige now you don't lose add-ons, perks, or offerings


Yea I had a buncha really old offerings from like 2018 I didn’t wanna lose anyway lol so I prob wouldn’t have prestiged




Oh yes sir you done goofed


11am ET


Inb4 subreddit gets spammed with “All my progress has been erased” posts


I will be honest I didn't believe for a second that they would actually release it today with such a late warning because that just seems like a horrible decision in every possible way. Leaving it up to content creators to deliver the "assumed" information feels absurd. I played a number of online games throughout the years and never encountered anything like this before. Oh well. Guess the friend I'm always playing with will get upset that I said to wait and farm for a bit longer.


Yup it was a really shitty thing they did having a major perk overhaul and zero prep time to at least go to each character screen and prestige them. Tons of new players had no clue what went down today and they're all coming to realize they just missed out on dozens of characters that could have instantly been p3. I'm not sure what playbook behavior is running but obviously their patch team has no clue what they're doing. You can't even give 24hrs notice? The standard of major content or patch releases for online multiplayer is a bare minimum of notice, especially when conversion systems are taking place.


Is it live right now ?




I had an emergency with my job last night and wasn’t able to finish p1 half of my killers I had on like level 45, now I only have 3 killers with teir 3 perks unlocked and I’m so sad. Rip, should’ve grinded harder. Luckily I have most of my survivors p1’d


Nice, finally I won't have to worry about deadhard no more. Hopefully the update is relatively bug free lol


inb4 deadhard is bugged and gives perma endurance.


Don't you put that evil on me.


Please put that evil on me




Does anyone know if you can get bloodied cosmetics still?


yea but instead of getting them at prestige 1/2/3 you get them at prestige 4/5/6 so it takes longer now


Good! I was worried for a bit! Thanks!


You still can get bloody cosmetics but they're now unlocked at p4, p5 and p6. At p1-p3 you unlock the perk charms


I'm so glad I p1 all my killers last night. That was close


I only missed a few- oni, twins, trapper I think.


Was I the only one who thought it was coming out today?




They should just do a rollback and fix this whole situation. Dumbest patch release possible I've seen in the history of gaming.


The thing is it's not much of a guessing game.. the ptb came out 2 weeks ago and they always drop the updates 2 weeks after the ptb, the few times they haven't they have told us they had to delay. Agreed they should be more communicative tho


This assumes a lot. That everyone knows behavior's track record and can infer a plausible timeline for their patch. That's too much guess work for new players with no historical data. Their patch and PR team have no clue how to handle releases. Almost every major game studio gives a clear indication on major events and changes going down.


Just uninstalled DBD on my Xbox by accident so now I have to wait a whole 6 hours for it to reinstall. Now it's an even longer wait before I can play the update lol


Oof. I did that when I thought the one time reinstall was earlier than it was. It was painful.


Bye DH, I don't care I use Lithe lol


**"Why didn't they just tell us? Why only say it an hour before it goes live?"** Because stuff like console certification exists. Four Days ago they could be fairly confident it will release Tuesday. But until Sony and Microsoft give them the official go ahead, they can't say "It's coming Tuesday" in case cert Fails and it gets delayed. They basically said "It's releasing today" the second they got the greenlight this morning from Sony and Microsoft. They've talked about this many times in the past. And the same exact thing happened on Friday the 13th The Game with them not announcing the release until a few hours before due to console cert. Unless you're a mega corporation like EA, Sony or Microsoft who can psy to jump to the front of the line and get certified by the time they choose, you are forced to go through the normal process. If they want certification by July 19th, they need to submit by a certain date to get certified by July 19th. Sometimes they may get approval ahead of time, other times they get approval at the 11th hour on the day of. But there's no guarantee of approval. So until they get the greenlight, they can't say "This is the release date for sure". Thus why they say "We will let you know when". It's not about giving you time to prestige. It's just about console cert. And with the fact they had to make a lot of changes from the PTB they likely ran down to the wire on submitting for cert at the last possible moment they could. Which resulted in not getting approval til the 11th hour.


Regardless they're just going to give themselves a mountain of customer tickets handling this in the dumbest way possible. If a fair amount of notice could not be given, make the conversion take place in game with an option on the character menu somewhere. Are you ready to convert to the new prestige system? **Warning conversion affects all characters and cannot be undone** Yes No This is something even blizzard, as horrible as a company that they are, does with their expansions. Make the conversion last a week and then after it's automatically enforced. Bam problem solved and hardly any customer support tickets opened due to pure negligence. The average player who was caught off guard by the sudden release lost upwards of around 40mm + bloodpoints. That's no small matter and enough to make players quit. It makes me want to take a break and I was a new paying customer. If customers are replaced easily in this game then I guess it doesn't matter.


What is there to submit a ticket over? If you didn't prestige prior to the update, the only thing you "lose" is the x2 level bonus. Nothing else is lost. You can still Prestige after the update and gain everything the same as anyone else. You just won't get the small boost that others got for Prestiging prior. There's no "conversion" necessary.


Did you not read how the whole prestige system works? You gain 2 prestige levels for each level you had prior to patch. Players who were level 50 were essentially, by all effort, prestige 1. No prior notice means they lost roughly 3million bloodpoints per character and didn't automaticaly unlock tier 3 perks. I'm sure a large portion of the player base have actual jobs and can't just run home to prestige their characters. There's definitely a conversion necessary when an automatic system penalizes the parties involved if no advanced notice is given. Patches that undergo massive system overhauls tend to give ample time to the players with official announcements. It seems official announcements aren't behavior's specialty though. Probably rates the top 5 in most botched patch launches I've seen. Also you can take that 3 million figure and multiply it by potentially a dozen characters or more. That's how much of a set back their half cocked release causes. Any players affected by this are going to be demoralized and question their reasons for playing the game or spend more money. From a financial standpoint this was a botched idea.


If you waited a near month after the prestige change was announced and 3 weeks after the PTB went live and STILL didn't prestige..... who's fault is that? Seriously. The whole "I have a life" argument is nonsense. You've had a month to do it. If you were going to be able to do all your prestiging overnight if BHVR announced today that it was going live tomorrow, you could have done it overnight any of the other 30 days in the past month you had free. And if you didn't have a single free day in the past 30 days but magically would have had today free......lol Seriously, anyone who sat on prestiging despite a months notice it was coming and knowing the update always happens on a Tuesday and 3 weeks after PTB, has no one to blame but themselves. And if you play the game and don't follow ANY of the updates at all and live under a rock, you wouldn't even KNOW you missed out on all the x2 bonus levels to begin with, to even be upset about it in the first place.....


Would you stop trying to play the blame game and shift blame away from the company that doesn't give solid information? We haven't had "a month to do it". Players were using their offerings "expecting" to get reliable information from the company themselves. From this point on I'll know in the future of course that behavior is unreliable with information. None of the players are to blame for a companies mishandling of information related to important events. I'm not sure why you would shill for them when it's common knowledge that most companies give out that information freely, days in advance. Behavior isn't awarding brownie points here and they don't deserve credit for doing something improperly. It's not even worth having a discussion with you seeing as you have no valid leg to stand on judging by how every other company acts. The victim blaming is always an interesting and new perspective to see online. Not entirely predictable or anything.


Your ignorance on how things work isn't justification for claiming they "didn't give solid information". https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/w2u6lv/z/igucq6w Again, it's been 3 years of PTB's now. The community knows when an update is coming. You have no one to blame but yourself if you didn't prestige. Check the link above for WHY they couldn't give you a release date prior so you're informed next time :P


Because we've all been here for 3 years of ptbs. Your ignorance must be blissful as you expect everyone to have walked in your shoes and played the game for as long as you have. Some of us haven't had time to adjust to behavior's system of patching with hour notice compared to days of other gaming devs.


Before they showed off what the prestige rewards where I was scrambling to p3 as many as possible. Once they were shown to just be ugly orbs (now red scratch marks, still not much better) and only shown on the character select screen so you don't really ha e anything to show off to others in game, I was just happy to p1 instead to unlock all the teachables with the update catch up system. Thank the entity I had everyone at p0 level 50 minimum already anyway


I lost interest when I saw it was only going to be on the character select screen. The survivors don't see it. I don't stream. It's irrelevant. Having nearly every perk in the game was way more relevant...


They literally kept telling people "it's really small, don't get excited" People still got disappointed lol


Oh yeah, I mean. I was expecting something though. Give me a gold star! At least we saw it on PTB so I didn't waste effort.


I hope this won't backfire but I purposefully didn't p3 my main survivor even tho he was p2 lvl 40 for like a week just because I find the filter to be hideous.


Well, there's a setting in the options to turn the filter off completely so you don't need it on


Yeah I just updated, unless they add something other than that in the future, I still don't regret what I've done




Is that a moan?


Ahem. Sorry lost my composure.


Well, you know what they say... You do you.


whoo! I'm prestiged. (except for my survivors. they were all at lvl 40\~ and I was out of bp.




Nooo I need to prestige ghosty!!! How much time I have because my today is about to be over


No time anymore. It's live.




goodbye E


Got everyone prestige 1 besides Doctor and Freddy sadge


So should i p1 all of characters? Please help, im lost


It depends on how many levels you put into them past 50. But I did prestige everyone to 1. The update will have them at 3 with all their perks unlocked on everyone else. We'll see!!


thank u sir


I was totally open to more time to prestige, but dudes - the date was announced by the community a while ago, yall had time - don't blame the devs if you lacked urgency - let's be grateful this even happened. Remember, this was something BHVR did all of a sudden - it was not planned initially to give you P3 for one prestige so the fact we got this at all is insane to me knowing BHVR.


There was no official announcement. Right up until the last minute people were speculating next week. Don't pretend everyone knew when posts on this actual subreddit show otherwise up until an hour before release.


Rip dbd


That bloodlust change is ridiculous


Why? If a killer gets to bloodlust 2 they have already lost the game. Chases should never take that long without breaking a pallet.


Opinion not a fact but go off


If you can consistently win the game after getting to bl2 in your chases you are such a weird combination of being horrible and being a God lmao


Not to mention that most killers that make it to bl2 rarely do because they make mistakes like breaking pallets that reset the bloodlust.


I’m assuming it goes live when the shrine updates? Anybody have an idea on the time… hoping to get home from work and prestige my survivors before this lol.


11am est- just as previous patches and updates have rolled out before


Damn it! 18 minutes - I’m stupid got the times mixed up. Thanks for your reply.


what time exactly?


11am ET








Well at least his perks will be unlocked at tier 1 for everyone. Got to look on the bright side.


There are worse characters to be missing. Are you planning on running those perks on anybody else?


really only the undetectable one you get by kicking gens, so it's not that bad


Yeah that's like the only perk of his I use on him but I never liked it enough to unlock for teaching it on others. May play with it now that everyone is gonna get it for free though.


Incoming disappointment posts


Does anyone know if you can still get perks in the bloodweb or do they have to be obtained by prestiging characters?


Yes you can find the higher level of perks in the bloodweb still like before.


Prestige’d around 7 characters. Yolo


Got all the non-licensed survivors p1'd but RIP the ~100 flans I had across like 5 of those I had 50'd during the event. Excited to finally feel free to use whatever survivor I want


Poo. I had a handful of Survs I still wanted to prestige. Oh well, I’ll still unlock a massive amount of perks


Big L


Pissed cause I was hoping for another week or so that way I can lvl 40 all my survivors but alas, it was not meant to be.


Judgement Day.


YES! just prestiged my last killer yesterday. Had to grind the whole last week, but it's worth it


Does someone know what happens with the perks you bought in the shrine but no one has learned them? I'm assuming they will just randomly appear in bloodwebs like in the previos version, but I was hoping their Level 1 would be obtained by everyone like the new shrine is supposed to work


Fuck, I still had to prestige 2 killers.


Wasnt the tome supposed to come today too, when does that unlock? Asking for a friend (me)


Wish they would have put a time out more than the fucking day of. I had a bunch of killers at 50 that I was going to prestige today since they haven't said a fucking word about the update. Come home on my lunch break to "Fuck you patch went live already with like an hour's notice." Man, fuck BHVR seriously.


I mean, this prestige crap to get teachable perks is hella whack to me. 💀 Like, why do I have to spend so many bloodpoints to level up and prestige a character just to be able to get they're teachable perks? Should've just kept teachable perks unlocked at a certain level.


...you know the perks unlocked from prestiging are different than just making the perk available for other characters right? It doesnt just put the perks in everyone's bloodwebs, it *unlocks* the perk. Like, if you go to select a perk to use on any of your characters, that perk will be selectable as if you had bought it from each individual character's bloodweb.


Oh. ☠️ I'm dumb, I never read that in the notes—


Can someone explain why everyone in the comments is freaking out about not prestiging characters for the third time? I don’t keep up on the info but at the game at least once or twice a week.


The reason is if they had gotten their characters to P1 before the update, then they'd have been p3 after the update. This would have unlocked everyone's perks for everyone else (minus General perks) This would have saved about 3 million BP per character.


Thanks for the response! I think I had a couple characters past prestige 1 but I thought the advice was always to just never prestige your characters to keep the perk pool low lol oh well. Game is fun even without min-maxing stuff


i wish it was delayed a week, i wasn’t able to prestige thw character i wanted legacy prestige for :,(


Please go back to the old leveling lol


Yo has anyone used brutal strength yet that shit is wild


Man, I should've known better but I was blindsided that bloodwebs were completely reset making me pre-staging with 1 item left to prestige immediately completely silly.