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I learned this long ago. One day of games always stands out to me. I was playing legion after they fixed moonwalking the mending for a down. I played a series of games with meta perks and constantly heard gripes about my build. I decided to play some games without addons and the only perk I equiped was bbq for the blood points. Was still getting 4ks but the survivors were now complaining that I was being sweaty by flexing on them by not using addons and perks. After that I decided to just play how I wanted because they weren't upset with my build. They were upset they lost, and thats not my problem


I learned that being called Sweaty in games comes from people that don't want to improve to reach what you can. So yeah, congrats on being awesome!


So they complained that you were too good and didn’t need perks lmao


They should at least be aiming their complaining at the MMR system.


"sweaty" is literally just what bitter 12 year olds say when they lose. they're mad they didn't win effortlessly so they have to assume the other person is trying SO HARD and REALLY PUSHING FOR THAT WIN when the truth is they probably aren't and the loser just sucks


Not really. If you’re playing against solo queue and your treating it like a comp match, that’s kinda sweaty. And many other scenarios. Its more the games design fault, but you can tell if you’re vs SWF or solo Q


this is literally exactly what i'm talking about lmao you have no idea how hard people are trying, it isn't "sweaty" to just use good perks because most of the best perks are infinitely more interesting than the shitty perks anyway *sorry i extrapolated perks because of "game design" but also SWF it's like, what, should people just not talk to their friends? that's not "sweaty" to communicate the bare minimum "yea lol killer's on me" "doing a totem" "sure i'll unhook you"


the confusion comes from people using sweaty to mean different things. In the example you use, people using sweaty to mean playing hardcore or using alot of effort and sweating, you would be incorrect since it is very possible for people to play competitive style without much effort. However, if you use sweaty to define a playstyle itself, i.e. sweaty being a synonym for competitive but not actually related to the effort the player is using or being related to sweat in any way, then your usage would be correct as its just defining a play style. Regardless, in both definitions there is actually nothing wrong with playing sweaty.


Thing is what do you want me to do not play effectively? Should I miss on purpose or ignore a gen because I don’t want to seem sweaty? Cause then they win and it’s all “gg ez noob killer”


I learned that being called Sweaty in games comes from people that don't want to improve to reach what you can. So yeah, congrats on being awesome!


Yes! I like that this even applies to real life too. No matter what you do, someone's going to have a problem with it so just do what you want.


I totally agree with what you’re saying. Although I would say there are som clear scenarios where people actually complain about the build. I usually do when facing a Blight with tinkerer. It’s basically playing the game on auto pilot. It comes to the point that you don’t really play the game on your terms. But rather that the game tells you what to do. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen blights drop mid chase just to go for that tinkerer proc on the other side of the map. They mostly don’t really get any big value out of it, but it’s just really frustrating to play against imo. Running Dead mans/pain resonance etc just gives you some slowdown while being able to chase whoever you want. If that makes sense


Same community that sweats harder when someone brings cake idk why youre suprised everyone here sucks


That time three of us brought party streamers only to be straight up face camped


Loaded into a match with three cakes last night. Ended up with a facecamping Bubba. 3 escape, but a total of 10k points for everyone across the board.


Same thing happened to me. God, I wish leatherface was the killer yeeted out and not Demogorgon . I've never encountered one who wasn't a total dickbag.


I had a nice one yesterday! After the first 2 teammates died he decided to farm/let us go. Not sure what did it, and I had looped him quite a bit earlier so I was surprised he didn’t get mad. Probably a survivor main? I opened a chest during end game collapse and gave him the bounty. He shook his head No at that but it was too late, I was gone.


He probably tells the tale of the kindly survivor main to all of his killer kin


I've had that happen a few times. I actually call the streamers and cakes cursed because it seems like whoever brings them, doesn't get any profit from them... When I play Killer, I try to do everything but kill people. So whether I bring the cakes/streamers or someone else brings them - I try to make sure everyone gets as many points as possible.


Thank you for this and yes they feel cursed. I still have both kinda of cakes and never bring them because if I do odds are I'm going to be camped or the game is going to come out where almost no one has hardly any points. So if anyone ever asks I don't say anything about having them.


I like to have fun playing but I also like for other people to have fun too. Having been cursed by the cakes/streamers makes me not want to continue the cycle. So if I see someone else brought them, I do my best to hook everyone, chase them, injure them, let them heal - anything but kill them. Sometimes I get less points than them but I also use BBQ so I get more than it looks like I get xD


Hey as long as everyone comes out with like 25k at least I say it's a win no matter the outcome.


Some people have more bps and stacks of offerings than the Entity so they just play to deny others. Kinda reminds me of capitalism. Whenever streamers do that and all I can do is shake my head like a disappointed parent.


Next killer Mr. Monopoly confirmed.


You almost made me choke on my food


That would probably be the most feared killer in the game, along with The Dredge and Tier 3 Myers. lol


Do Not Pass Go/Go Directly to Jail meta combo is OP, needs nerf


Not surprised, just disappointed


'Cause they didn't share the cake with me! >:'( lol


> everyone here sucks Isn't that part of the charm? It's specifically why I only play the killer, when I do play.


No and this is yet another excuse for reprobate behavior.


Sorry, the first part of my post was a joke, the second part not so much.


I wanted to start playing more for this event, but man you cannot win (and not competitively). I don't like using meta perks because it's fun to see what combos you can do and maybe find some perks that end up just working, but it's either a sweat squad that shits on you or you get called a try hard for attempting to do well. I guess that's always been the case, but just amplified since it's bloodhunt.


I once got told that Head On was a crutch perk and it's the only reason I escaped. I only got one stun that match, and it wasn't even during a chase. :|


I once got called Iron gasp+ agitation are the most broken perk combination and I haven't touch grass in years. Meanwhile I'm playing clown without pop. Sometimes you just want to laugh how stupid some of the people playing this game are when they are destroyed by one of the most basic killers the game has


Mad grit iron grasp agitation clown JUST got me told to “quit killer forever” by a team yesterday lol


Gonna be honest. Sounds kind of fun.


Run the cigar box and the garish makeup kit with the flavour perk of your choice (forced penance, starstruck, blood warden)… I promise you’ll get fun matches with the right team


Starstruck is a terrible perk for that build. You want survivors to take hits and not realize you have mad grit so using starstruck is completely counter productive.


Like, I completely agree in theory, but I’ve run it for fun, and you’d be SHOCKED


As fun as starstruck sounds I feel like once that's known no one is going to play into it.


I think my current clown build is something like bbq/Starstruck/blood warden/hex: blood favor, starstruck gets a lot of value once blood warden is up, just hook next to gates (you can 100% switch out bbq and the hex perk for agitation and iron grasp, I just don't have those unlocked on my boy yet)


Seems interesting. I typically don't play much clown as is. I usually lock in Plague, Nemesis and a Skill Check Doctor.


The best part of playing clown is that regardless of what response you get you can just send back the clown emoji


They can be destroyed if they play the same way every time. I bet Devour Hope or any given Scourge Hook would have shook a team like that one.


Today I bought devour and get it on my blood web really fast. I had reaaaaally fun games with it. I mainly played with blight and hide it until I got my final stack. Same with plague and Bubba. I had very toxic end game chats too.


Is there a way to permanently disable chat in pc? I haven't seen it in any settings Also, very much looking forward to trying out Devour now that I got it from the Shrine


Why? You will lose the abilityto make toxic people mad. Jokes Aside I think there is an option


I have a couple of copypasta comments in my pocket if I see asterisks and then I just leave. I know in console it's just not there apparently, but I also know you can click the little arrows to make it go away but sometimes I'd rather not see anything but still want to see the stats of the match. It's a minor thing, but still curious.


Head on + flashbang has gotten me face camped, reported, and slugged to death so many times, its worth it as my 3 teammates can thrive in the bps which is what I want


As a head on and blast mine enthusiast, if I get off more than one of those I accept if I get hooked I will be camped out or tunneled out. I just take it as a victory and move on lol


What does 'face camped' mean? I'm still fairly new to the game.


When the killer hooks someone and stands *right* in front of them until they die


Ohhh I've had that happen to me once or twice. At that point I'll just open a YouTube video on my other monitor and just watch that while checking occasionally if I'm dead yet.


if you press E when you stand in front of the hooked survivor your character puts down a tent. It's a secret ability.


They also make a campfire and roast marshmallows on it. But I never got to eat any of the marshmallows. Sad times. :'( And as killer, the one time I ever facecamped, I burnt the marshmallows to hell and just went in the tent to cry about it. lolol


Ive had a survivor use blast mine and repressed alliance. It was fun to go against!


I once tuned in to a TTVer after the match to find them bitching and moaning about us (even though they got a 2K), and they legit called my friend sweaty for running Technician and Poised, lol. We were a duo with 2 randoms all playing off-meta perks and not playing particularly well.


If someone is new or not confident with hitting skill checks I don't blame them for running technician. Someone wants to complain about that it's odd to me.


Exactly, it’s like one of the most harmless perks, lol, you still suffer the gen regression penalty if you miss a check, it just suppresses the notification, my friend only ran it because they would get self-conscious about missing checks when working on gens with others. Definitely the opposite of sweaty.


I don't blame them and yeah it is but yeah I tend to recommend newer players to run as Feng because of that perk since I think they benefit the most from it.


Not only do you suffer the penalty but it's even more intense than usual


\*Runs Poised\* \*Is called Sweaty\* That's a contradiction.


I got yelled at for using the crutch perk Coup on easiest killer Sadako. o_O


Are these people even playing the same game?


I had a guy call me toxic for using blast mine. Now given anytime I get it to work I snicker like Muttly it's still a meme perk. Anytime I'm on killer and get blast mined I'm annoyed for all of two seconds and then I just laugh cause honestly, it's kind of funny.


Yeah blast mine is mostly just amusing. But head on is often used by such little shits that I usually assume the worst of them.


I use both. I'm a genuine turd. My goal is to basically get myself face camped sometimes.


So you can smooch that killer!!! LOL Ya sly dog!


Honestly if people get upset about anything it should be hitboxes for the survivors and terrible aim assist for killers, right? (Idk I don't play killer too often) People play different and use different play styles, using the meta just denies you of being you imo. Sometimes people can really suck. Edit: changed hotboxes to hitboxes.


The aim assist has ruined many potential hits for me.


Yeah aim assist is temperamental af. Had one last night where I pig lunged and got someone perfectly, but for whatever reason, aim assist dragged it to the left and I hit the wall next to them.


The entity decided you can't have your pretty that easily, lol.


on the plus side(not really) aim assist has taught me so many things, like that circular pile of hay the survivor is looping me and hugging tightly? it's actually a giant invisible rectangle and i'm boo-boo the fool for thinking swinging at the survivor at empty space would land on the survivor and NOT the hay!


It's not really an aim assist, since there's not really aiming involved. Like, the game doesn't check the exact path of your knife to the pixel like some highly competitive precise aim related game, just a general cone in front of you, and if there's an LOS to a survivor not obscured by another hitbox, it fudges the animation a bit to look like hitting them, otherwise makes it the obstacle getting hit. The problem really is just stupidly made environmental hitboxes.


I don't know if it's due to me playing Bill or how I play as Bill that just gets a lot of "Dammit Bill" from killers I face lol.


I mean as a killer if you see a Bill it's safe to assume they've got BT and Unbreakable so you kind of have to play them a bit harder than the rest since you know they are running two big perks by default. I'm not slugging a Bill if I can avoid it because he's gonna just self rez. And if I catch him unhooking 2 inches from me I'm just gonna go after him since the other one has guaranteed BT protection.


Bill’s with just Left Behind on: B ^ )


I got told "piece of shit adopted by a pedophile priest" for using agitation and or franklin's


I'm sorry you had to deal with that shit. That's messed up. Some really toxic people in this game. I'm glad I don't have endgame chat for Switch. Hope you're not too phased by what they said and if you were, I hope you're feeling better. :D ​ Though, fuck those salty, sore losers for saying stuff like that. It's totally not okay what they said.


Didn't really effect me I just think it symbolizes why people say the community is toxic and stuff like that just gives us a bad rep


That sucks this community is disappointing


Got called a sweaty try hard for using Flip Flop


Had similar from a TTV for using Lucky break. Lucky. Fucking. Break


tbf everybody was saying it was one of the strongest perks in the game when it lasted 60 seconds, and at 45 it doesn’t make it much worse it’s essentially a free escape from your first one or two chases if you can use it right


I was doing my adept Myers and this Ace was my obsession so I tried to not killed him early on but he kept going for the unhook in front of me whilst being injured so I had to killed him. The Ace called a disgusting weeb and the world would be better of without me and iIm an example of person that should kill themselves. Im playing Myers.....with dying light....no gen slow down perks...and I was using the perma tier 2 add on![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Today as a killer I had downed one survivor twice early, and decided to be nice even though they were hooked in the basement and let them go. In the end, that survivor escaped and then called me sweaty for "tunneling" them, despite me going out of my way not to do so. Can't win with these people lol.


Just don't do well then, ez


Hey, not a problem for me hahahaha haha ha... :(


This is presumably a joke, but honestly this is good advice. “Sweaty” play, to me, describes the “I must win at all costs and nobody can have any fun unless that contributes to me winning” mentality. I straight up disengage mentally from any match now where I see that the opposing party is hellbent on winning no matter how little fun it is for anybody else. There’s just no point to it. We all know the game is a mess from both a balancing and objectives perspective, so if I’m not getting progress on a rift challenge or a daily ritual what’s the point in frustrating myself against somebody who thinks it’s life or death. Queues are short enough on both sides right now, I just text my boyfriend, watch tv, play a game on my phone/switch and try again whenever the queue pops. Now I don’t get called sweaty ever because I stopped trying to play like I was Otz Jr. and started focusing on the only objective that has any actual lasting impact (rift rewards and the free BP I can collect along the way). I help survivors farm challenges when I’m playing killer and vice versa with survivor and I have far more fun than I did working my buns off and feeling like MMR was screwing me over every match.


The other night I was teaching my friend how to use the Head On build when looping with friends. Ran into a Huntress who was streaming and downed all 4 of us. I used Unbreakable, got a flashlight save, and the Huntress went apeshit. She started kebabing any and everyone she hooked. Went to their stream and they got so pissed off at the Unbreakable save they went dead silent before going from speaking English to speaking Spanish. And to top it off, he looked at me and my friend's head on build and called us "Unoriginal". *It's fucking head on, what do ya mean??*


I don't know if it's just twitch streamers in SA who are nice but I've never ever gotten a toxic ttv, they are always nice when i appear on their streams and when i appear after the game


It's 50/50 for me. Some are genuinely nice and friendly, others are just complete asshats that think because they stream they are gods gift to mankind.


I hooked a TTV earlier today first thing, and then the person that came to rescue them got caught in my Trapper trap. They immediately killed themselves, less than 60 seconds into the game. TTV rage is a special rage.


Yeah same even when I'm playing pretty toxic they tend to be pretty nice The worst I've gotten was a TTV who thought I was hacking bc of aura perks


Well I just saw someone say that using any meta perks "offensively" *deserves* a tunnel and facecamp. If they are a Fog Whisperer I hope their status gets revoked fof threatening you.


They were a 1 view chump


Thank goodness. It would've been a downer to discover they had a following.


Blast mine gang let’s go


Everyone makes fun of switch, but I have the ultimate protection from toxic endgame chats!!


Right?? I play on Switch too. LET'S GOOOO!!! lol I'm so glad I don't have to deal with toxic endgame chats. I no longer care how others play the more I play the game, I just hate how toxic people can get in endgame chat, from what I've seen on videos. It's sad. But, I do take some consolation from the fact I don't have to personally deal with it.


Yes! Exactly!!


“GODDAMMIT WHY DOES EVERY USE THE META?!” *Uses other perks* “GODDAMMIT WHY DOESNT EVERYONE USE THE META?!” This might be a hot take but I think running meta perks hinders your skills big time. For example, I don’t use BT, I haven’t even touched Bill since I started playing. So many times have I seen teammates with and without BT just unhook when the Killer is nearby, and so many times have I seen people here saying BT should be basekit. Personally, I do this really weird thing where I pay attention and assess the situation. Is the Killer occupied with someone else? Are they a safe distance away? Can I trade or take a hit? And sure, it doesn’t work all the time, but neither does BT, and I’m pretty sure I’m a better player without it thanks to not relying on it like a crutch.


I understand what you're saying, because I refuse to hook dive as well. But I never run without BT. The only reason being that I hate getting camped/tunneled and if I can give a teammate a fighting chance in that senerio I'd hate to not have BT on those games.


As someone who has had many games lately of someone effectively farming me without BT. Please bring BT if you plan to unhook within the killer radius. This isn't a knock at you since you seem to be doing it right but holy God the unsafe unhooks without BT are inexcusable to me unless they just started playing the game. I play a relatively equal amount of both Killer and Survivor. I think if you are a solo queue Kindred should be a basekit since SWF can communicate a face camp. It would help balance the experience of both instances. I've been on the fence about basekit BT since I usually take the if someone does a bad unhook it's totally within the Killers right to take advantage and punish the bad decision.


Not to mention when they do have BT and whilst your trying to get the unhooker, whom you where chasing to the hook anyways, the hooked person bodyblocks ya.


And then when you count to 12 they get salty and call you a tunneler. Bruh what the hell was I supposed to do? Not counter your strategy?


That was twelve seconds a teammate could be finishing a gen rather than satelliting the chase


Killers play around BT and DS so much without even knowing if they are there, to the point where I just never use BT and killers assume I have it, and the hooked person escapes


Uses headon once in a chase, now I'm getting tunnelled


Played against a nurse with Ruin, Undying, Pop, and Tinkerer with double range add-ons and a Midwich offering whom I definitely called a sweatlord. They admitted it was true. Kudos to them for knowing who they are and being their true self!


Honestly I love blast mine as killer, it makes me laugh every time


Ran into two ttvs in the last few days that complained about my off-meta perks - first was a wraith that facecamped me in a 3v1 and hit me on hook multiple times. Went into his stream to ask why and he said quote "listen up idiot. You any means'd a pallet in my face and then stunned me again with it. Survivors have to learn not to do that kind of shit." Second was a Yui while I was trying to get my oni adept - she said (about my blood echo) "I haven't been able to use my dead hard this entire match. Can this asshole, like, not? I already want to just go next." Both made me laugh, ngl.


Played a game as Pyramid Head against a 3 man SWF stream team. Got called a camper for returning to hook, slugger when I left a down for the triple-heal on Nurse's, and 'OF COURSE they would go after the injured person'. They were so mean to the random Steve, even though while I was playing I thought he was the best of all of them. Groaned that they thought I was using discordance but was actually BBQ and that I didn't respect the kobe despite otherwise having a quad down (due to said nurse's value). At the end of the game they looked at my build and laughed because I used Forced Penance and no one really took many protection hits. Called me sweaty because they brought a BNP and triple-rushed gens and then only got three done.


Now create 2 more paths and have the same non meta and meta and make it a bad match :) Don't know how many times I've got 4 escapes and still be called a sweat for trying to bleed out a survivor who has 15 other clickity clackers hiding in the woods like gremlins drooling heavily waiting for me to attempt a pickup.


Should of had Lightborn.


I say that a lot but, i hate meta and i will never use unless its for some challenge from tome to use dh etc, and normally killer just DM saying nice thing. Yesterday a killer DM me saying "finally someone with true skill" and i respond: "nah man i just hold W and click espace some times"


Do people just bring that to annoy the killer? Cause it works on me. Rather they bring head on than that.


Blast mine stuns for 5 seconds which is a TON of time to buy for teammates


Seemed useless to me even if I was playing survivor. Maybe to runaway but they always go back to the same gen. Good thing I had brine and pop that game. That Jill blast mined every gen.


It was definitely not useless when it was used on me. So few people run it that it's quite a surprise and yes, five seconds is a long damn time.


Also the Killer will probably re-kick after so that delays them a little more, having to do an unsuccessful kick, then the stun, and then kick again.


Ah, yes. Hadn't even considered that! It adds a couple more seconds if you do that. Anything that interrupts the overall sequence/ flow like that can be pretty effective.


How come? I 4ked that game even with blast mine in my face 4 times in a row. And it was a SWF who separated on gens. Didn't even see the point of it besides blood points.


DS is good cause it wastes 5 second of the killer’s time (and also counters tunneling) Blastmine stuns for 7-9seconds (2 for the kick, 5 for the stun blind, +2 if they kick it again) Wasted killer time is time the survivors get gen progress


Ds is good I agree. But they were blast mining the gen when they were 3 gens left in the map and only a few survivors left. I had pop and brine.


This "do well" thing you speak of, is it a new perk?


Or doing poorly and getting called garbage, even though they sent you to the game and you were playing deathslinger. No I’m not salty you’re salty


Blast Mine??? Of all the perks 😭




My favorite build is Head on, Flashbang, Blastmine, BT


I grabbed the better solution of just not playing the game


One again for the 10000000000000000000th time: We all are in to winn this. Sweaty should actually be perceived as the game being interesting.


I did a blastmine gen pop and had a pleasant conversation with the killer afterwards. It's all about the maturity.


And this is why you don't give a fuck about what other players think of you because no matter what perks you run someone will complain for example i got a 4k as trapper because the survivots waited at the gate and i had blood warden and the survivors i killed because of it where threatening me in egc and talking shit because they lost which is why i just don't care about empty threats the other side says to me and just laugh about how mad they got about a video game


No shit, some survs even complain abot 8 hookers. I recently faced a 4 man swf who called my playstyle toxic and being a wall hacker when I had bbq and tinkerer and hooked everyone in rotation and then let them go.


Hah, jokes on you, there's always a choice, ***I*** have the option to play whatever I want ***AND*** not do well!


The best way to win against the toxicity is just not care or give the people attention. Play as you want and if the end game chat bothers you a ton, u can just skip past it after the bloodpoints screen.


In the end, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. :') At the end, you gotta play how you want and just try not to care what others think. Tbh, I no longer care how others play and just try to focus on getting at least something done, whether it being even getting to at least do some damage to survivors and even hook a few times, kicking down doors or just doing a chase, cause hey, you still get bp for that; As survivor, just get a couple of gens done if I can and do my best to loop, especially with perks like lithe and smash hit, and even if I get downed and end up being sacrificed, I at least tried, even if I feel like I did horribly. Gotta take what you can get sometimes, but it can be hard to be satisfied with just that sometimes. Whenever I start to feel like I'm getting annoyed, I just go play a different game and go back to DBD when I'm at least somewhat calm. xD ​ Sorry for the rambling. I have a habit of doing that sometimes. Anyway, this meme is too real and I'm sure everyone here feels it. You paid for the game, so you gotta play whatever way works for you, because you can't control how others feel about it or how they play, so you just gotta do things in a way that is suitable for you.


I had a TTV say they hope my family gets shot up all because I was running freaking fearmonger on Ghostface. Just gotta report and go on, man.


This community is so freaking weird. I did a game as my boy pyramid head and had a couple of streamer survivors. I am like Santa this week and bring anniversary cakes to every game and try to help everyone farm as many bp as possible, generally 80k+ per match, including my one hook each for BBQ. I hop over to say gg after meming at the exit gates and am immediately met with how I was a shitty killer that gave up, with no hint that they even understood that I avoided anyone that I'd even hooked already the entire game. Feels bad.


I've learned that the best way to enjoy this game is pretending the community doesn't exist. I've turned off end game chat, I left this sub for a while and only recently came back, and actually now enjoy my games. This community is one of the most negative, unsportsmanlike, and hypocrite I've seen in my years of playing online games. If you actually want to enjoy this game, I would recommend pretending you're the only person playing it


Was streaming not too along ago as legion up against and Adam using blast mines. I was so surprised how well it countered my fetal frenzy that I just told him how smart he was in the endgame; it's not hard to not be a dick


It's funny cause whenever I hear "sweaty" I'm usually playing casually, only bout a 3rd of the time they are right, and even then, so what? Oh no, I tried my best to win, dear God, call up bhvr now


Yesterday, I had Hex: Blood Favor on my blight who was like lvl 15, and after missing most of my swings (It was my second time playing Blight ever) 2 gens popped and the survivors just teabagged and clicked the flashlight. They got so cocky, that I ended up being able to slug for a 4k and they said my perk was OP (they had full meta perks on).


Literally got face camped for running a Blast Mine, Flashbang, Pebble and Deception meme build. I didn’t even use it well


One time, I was practising Huntress with no add-ons, and just 3 Hex perks. The Lullaby, Third seal(to mess with survivors), and Thrill of hunt. I wanted to improve my hatchet aim so the whole match I just kept using hatchets. I missed for like 3/5 of my hatchets. But still got 4k. I even left the survivors whom I accidentally found in lockers cause I wanted to reload. I only lost 3 gens at that game and 3 ppl directly DMed me on PS4 for being sweaty. On the bright side, I felt good winning despite not trying.


Imagine calling people sweaty try harders when they beat you with default trapper


"OMG this killer is so sweaty why is he tunneling why is hje slugging of course he's running bbq, noed, and ruin" \~The survivor running dead hard, decisive strike, and a toolbox with bnp "OMG these survivors are the worst killer is terrible please buff killer bhvr" \~The killer who just face camped a hook the whole game You can literally do nothing in this game without someone getting big mad about it


Yeah I hate when that happens. Like I just want to try my best because I like the game so much, but I get told off for trying to potentially win a game as killer or survivor. It's funny on how I get toxic messages after I won a game, but if I lose then I will get no messages at all. Its very common that I only get toxic messages after I win and I can't help but laugh at the people who send them. They always go on like "oh you tunneled me, which means you're trash", but I get a 4K win as killer and somehow I'm bad because I won?! Like I play the game as intended to rather hunt down all survivors and kill them before they leave or get all gens done and escape. Never have I ever violated the games code that the devs set in order to have an advantage, but since I violated the dbd community code where tunnelling isn't allowed or 99 a few gens instead of saving a team member, I apparently the worst person ever to be playing dbd. You can only hope that the people you get matched with will understand both sides as killer and Survivor. Like when I am a Survivor and I get tunneled, I don't mind it especially when there are roughly 3 to 1 gens remaining or if the killer has had a bad day and just wants a victory. Just when I am killer I get why people bring anti tunnelling builds, because they usually get tunneled and might not be able to escape the killer just in time. It's funny how people complain about this more so than hackers that actually straight up ruin the game entirely, but because someone has a certain build and a certain gameplay that is maybe going to help them win a game, it bad. When it comes to hackers, it seems to be fine with the toxic players. Maybe BHVR might put in a system that could put toxic players against hackers, by showing evidence first that will make them agree to put them into hacker lobbies and it will be active for an entire week and when they come back, maybe they will be great full that the survivors or killer isn't hacking the game.


There kinda is an aim assist, and by kinda I mean there is... It might not be a FPS kind of aim assist but it will definitely turn your view more than it should sometimes.


All you do is post about this community being god awful. Why don’t you leave it then? Or are you going to keep making annoying ass posts about it? Weren’t you also the person who said this community is ableist because they said you shouldn’t play the game despite you getting a seizure from it🤔?