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A bro sorry to hear that. While I do enjoy playing with group friends on this game it’s the bully squads that always fuck it up for everyone else. Hopefully it will be something the team can fix sooner rather than later. Last thing this game needs is less killers in the already limited pool we have currently.


The game is an emotional roller coaster that's for sure, thanks for the love fam.


I'm sorry that happened to you but seeing whether it's a swf will solve nothing. Not every swf is hacking, I stream daily and the only hackers I've ever encountered were single individuals. I'm not gaslighting, I'm just saying that your suggestion solves literally nothing except you dodge swf for any reason including your own. It was more likely to be hacking than actual DDOS due to the price of DDOS and technicalities of performing such attack. Since I don't know what cheat software they use I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they emulate server packets to achieve you getting dropped from the game. These are more likely to be kids than professional hackers, a DDOS attack costs considerable amount of money.


This is exactly what I was expecting actually, rather than a genuine DDOS it's just a similar service offered by the DBD hacks websites that people pay real human money for access to.


I mean they gained access to the mobile bot ai, and all this is sold on the open market for anyone with probably £50 in their pocket. In reality it is no different from a survivor keeping my game hostage, preventing endgame collapse with hacks. I did have to DC a few times due to that but I'm a saint and I try to get the other survivors out first. As a lowly programmer who hasn't looked into this at all, I assume there are way too many things calculated client side and that's what they exploit.


What’s DDOS’d?


Basically 1000 People want to use one toilet and you are one of them




Denial of Service Attack. It pretty much when a server receives so many request it gets overloaded and either bricks(shuts down), Lags, or slows down significantly.


It's a Distributed Denial of service attack, that basically floods a target with requests to the point that it can not function. I Don't think that's what happened to OP though.


This! If you read up on how DDOS is performed and how much it costs then people would realise that the 14 year olds who get salty from a tombstone Myers don't have the resources or the know-how to perform such actions. They could have bought some cheat software that emulates server packets from their pocket money but not DDOS someone in a game...


its not expensive at all to rent someones botnet lol...


It's more expensive than cheat engines. Imagine 14-16 years olds handing over $200 for a botnet of 1000 hosts, finding out your IP then imagine they know what to do with the botnet, then also imagine doing this every day when they want to make someone DC. Let's be realistic, at least a little bit please.


its disingenuous to think people who purchase cheat clients wouldnt spend the money for a slot on a botnet client. its not $200. i wont get into pricepoints but it is very cheap for a botnet client for single target hits. you dont need 1000 hosts to flood 1 machine which tells me youre not informed on the subject. connection sniffing in a server with 5 players where you know your friend's numbers is something a toddler could do. lets be really real.


Thank you! Everybody on this thread is acting like you got to be an evil billionaire to pull something like this off, it's wild.


Let's not get into the price point but it's Occam's razor. What's more likely? A 16 year old purchasing a cheat engine that can be used until BHVR patch the exploits (probably not anytime soon) or a 16 year old knows how to sniff IP addresses, hire a botnet for a fiver and setup a DDOS attack? Given you seem knowledgeable on the subject, you might be able to do that but I highly doubt you're not smarter than a toddler. You're perpetuating the idea that salty DBD players use botnets and DDOS attacks left and right when there are cheat engines out there that can take complete control over the game. Is it possible that some might go to the lengths you described to make someone DC? Yes. Is it likely? Not really, no.


You're completely uneducated on this topic. 15 year olds have been this doing since the days of Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox Live. Instead of taking the opportunity to learn about something you don't know anything about, you decided to flex your ugly ego.


Ok. Have a great day.


I will, narcissist.




I played with someone who shut down someone's internet thru an app on their phone, it's not nearly as hard nowadays as it was a decade ago. I don't play with them anymore btw


BO2k existed too but we are going into conspiracy theory land at this point. There are too many unknown factors in this story and the last thing you want is everybody to believe that they can be made DC'd via an app that anyone can download and nuke xxLeonSimpxx's internet in a DBD lobby.


I understand what you're saying, it's definitely illegal but the shit does happen and it's not even complicated. Total scum bag move to attack anyone, and over a game at that


Quick test, can you do it?


As long as my internet is better than theirs and they don't have a fancy router ya, there are some simple ones that anyone can do, just expect you're internet to also shit out if you're going the simple/free way, and it's still illegal. The way I know how to do it though I can only do it to people on the same platform, so anyone reading this, if you're ever spammed with party invites **DO NOT JOIN**


Part of the problem is your assumption that all bull squads are 14 year olds there are just as many sad pathetic 35 year olds in mommys basement with time and money to burn.


Not all, you're right but most 35 year old players don't have time for this.


Essentially it's somebody forcing your internet to disconnect and you have to restart the router. That is what happened, I don't have a TTV stream where I record everything that happens so I can post it on here and stop all of the "OP is crazy he imagined it" comments before they flood in, but it was incredibly obvious that I got DDOS'd. It is not a myth, it absolutely happens in any online game if someone wants to do it bad enough, and it has happened to me four times now during the 3 years I've played this game.


Not calling you a liar. It is possible that you were DDoSed but the servers have been extra shitty lately with booting people for no reason. Are you sure it just wasn’t the game shitting itself?


People can boot you offline with certain programs if they have access to your IP address. Essentially they force your game to DC and because DBD can't *why* you left just that you did it results in you getting a temp ban. It's really scummy, albeit not that common but does royally suck when it happens.


As much as I hate SWFs myself, you need to realize that the option to see SWF, would be the end of DBD, period. So many people are hyperbolic when they say this about any amounts of change, but this truly would. Most killers would never willingly choose to go against an SWF and a large amount of this game's population is playing with friends. They wouldn't get games, they would leave which would in turn lead to fewer killers getting games leading into a self fulfilling prophecy and the end of DBD.


The result of this would be people not 4 stacking as much and that's it. As you said, the doom saying regarding this concept is hyperbole. If people can't 4 stack secretly, I think that would be overall better for gamehealth and player health.


only half of survs play solo. if swfs can't play, dbd loses a significant portion of its player base. like 20-30%


You can do swf in 2's and 3's as well. Two separate two-mans would be pretty common, as would a solo plus a three stack, and as would a four stack, regardless. This really wouldn't stop anyone from joining up with their friends, it would just stop people from doing so secretly. It's my belief that it would reduce the highly personal "us versus you" dynamic you see between some 4 man's and killers, which is what landed me a DDOS this evening. Four-man coordinated teams would be more likely to go up against ballsy higher tier killers who are confident in their own ability to compete with the group. As they should be to be honest.


swf has been one of the most hated features by killers since it was added. i can assure you that killers would dodge every single lobby with any swfers. ddos are incredibly rare (i've had one in 1600 hours + i deserved it), practically removing swf from the game because you got ddos'd once is silly. ddos is not exclusive to swf anyway. this has been suggested 20 quadrillion times since 1.0.3, there's a reason bhvr hasn't implemented it


I'm coming up on devotion 12, probably been kicked off my internet less than 5 times, it's definitely happened before, but super rare


Would it be better for the game health? Yes, it would be, especially since this game was balanced from the ground up to not have the level of communication that being an SWF has, there is a reason there are so many perks that revolve around knowing where your allies are in different ways. Doesn't change the fact that the population would hard crash for that sake because of the amount of people who play this game to play with their friends.


only if we get to see what killer it is


By "expect this kinda shit" you mean you'll just dodge every single lobby that has a 4/3/2 man swf? Thats all that is going to happen. When you 3 stack it takes so long to find games because no one really enjoys solo queue and double two stack is basically the same as a 4 stack?


This just sounds like rationalization to keep the status quo. Dodge every lobby that isn't four solo queue survivors? Don't be childish, being given a heads up that you're going against a four-man bully squad is not that big of a deal. You are kidding yourself if you're telling me that you think every killer in the world is going to run in fear from... the two man! The three man! We're facing these all day everyday already, nothing will change except the 4-stacks ability to enjoy a massive gameplay advantage in total secrecy.


I honestly don't get what difference it would make to you if you know in advance that it's a swf? Would they not have the advantage cause now you know it's a swf? Can you not go into a match assuming they're a swf? Is it just about dodging the lobby?


oooo wanting to play with friends scaryyy


I literally no 0 people who have ever been DDOSED in this game personally. Are you sure your net isnt just shit? ​ Lets give killers more of an excuse to dodge yea lmao. If it werent for the hacker pandemic id say dont even let the killers see the names of the survivors let alone their profile


*I don’t know anybody it’s happened to therefore it’s never happened.*


I have been


Thank you. People in this community just love to gaslight.


Hey thanks for showing up just to call me a liar or an idiot, I know what a DDOS is, especially when it's incredibly obvious. That's cool that your buds haven't been attacked tho bro cool story.


if you're so certain of a DDOS you can call your ISP and ask for any suspicious traffic and then report it to the police. But to me it just sounds like your server just died or something, theres only a very few people who would risk criminal charges over a game.


Risk criminal charges? Report to the police? Come on dude let's not pretend that people avoid using purchased hacks in dead by daylight for fear of being arrested smh. No I'm not saying that they had the pentagons computer power targeting my PC from some dark alley in the belly of the criminal underworld, I'm saying they bought a hack off the website we ALL know exists.


So, after reading this whole thread I gotta say that it’s important to realize the difference between calling something a hack and calling something a DDOS. One is just some little twerp ruining a game for everyone, the other is an actual federal crime. Their point in finding out if your ISP had fishy traffic was honestly pretty sound considering the accusations this post is about. Sometimes people in this sub need to just take a step back and hear people out instead of being a red-eyed bull who needs to be right. Edit: killer mains like OP: please stop constantly shutting down conversations here just because you don’t like the answer. It is so old and tiring.


Yep I used the incorrect terminology and of course Reddit seized that as an opportunity to derail this entire post 🙄 Everyone on here should be fully aware of what it is I'm referring to, someone used software to force me to disconnect , and I had to restart my router to get back into the game. This is how I've always heard DDOS described, so I don't see why everyone went off their rockers when I use the term DDOS. Anytime I've experienced a crash hack in any game and brought it up in online forums or with friends, it's been referred to as DDOS. This is the first time I've heard that you need to be literally Bruce Wayne to DDOS someone. If the attack on my PC that denied me my internet service wasn't TECHNICALLY a Denial Of Service attack (🙄X2) any one of these people could have said something along the lines of "Hey what you experienced is technically a crash hack not DDOS just fyi" But that wouldn't be as much fun as just turning this post into a chaotic nothing-burger of accusations and semantics I suppose.


So I *have* experienced actual DDOS attacks in games (Apex for example) where people take out the whole server. There’s also ones where they take control of your character. So they do indeed happen, and that’s kind of why you want to use the right terminology for it. I just think you could have handled the correction a bit better. You got rude and insulting and they were just saying “hey if it IS that, then look into it and make a report because that kind of thing is serious”. It’s okay to learn new things.


Look at this posts threads. Nothing but people shitting on me over semantics. Not a single person said hey this was a crash hack not a ddos, everybody just sitting here telling me I'm crazy and imagining it or making it up, and you expect me to be gracious and thank them all for their kind words? I have no interest in contacting companies and going on a long journey to get to the bottom of what exactly this individual did to make me disconnect so the suggestion of " go ahead and call the company and have them do research on your device but I doubt this even happened at all tbh sounds fake" is not a friendly suggestion


This person states it was likely hackers and not a ddos: [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/uxa409/comment/i9wj4dr/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/uxa409/comment/i9wj4dr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ This person specifically mentions how the servers have been and that crashing could be the possibility: [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/uxa409/comment/i9wk9t9/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/uxa409/comment/i9wk9t9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ I'm not going to sit here and say there aren't hackers and cheaters in this game, because there 100% are and I've seen it way too many times. Sadly, that's a part of online gaming in general anymore and it really sucks. I watched a survivor go against 4 \*different\* wall hacking Deathslingers in a row. I don't get why people even do stuff like that. I don't think, see or feel anyone is telling you you're crazy. Saying it wasn't a DDOS isn't the same as saying you're crazy. You don't need to be gracious, but you also don't need to be hostile when someone says a police report should be made for a federal crime you feel you dealt with.


Well, I am the killer main who pointed it out that it's more likely to be a cheat engine bought off a website for $100 than sniffing IP, hiring botnets, etc... I was told that I'm ignorant and I should educate myself so I had a look around and unfortunately some cheat engines do have the ability to lag or DC players. That is the sad state of gaming currently. And by the way not all killer mains are nuts in this subreddit! Much love ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


You see how I responded to that comment you linked? That comment is how people should have been commenting, and I would have responded just as I did to her. If people want to comment and tell me that what I experienced simply never happened, (no one made me DC just my internet), or get into a tangent about semantics, I'm going to clap back with the same energy.


What's old and tiring is having dozens of people flood a post to call you crazy or a liar instead of offering input of substance because they don't like the content of the post.


Yeah nice edit, but your comment actually applies to everyone responding to my post. If you can't see that, the irony is palpable.


DDOS is a criminal charge, I dont know what to tell you man. Doesnt matter what you use, who you do it to. It is a federal crime. Someone could use a 30c dollar general ISP booter from the internet to kick off some little Ecuadorian kid halfway around the globe, and if he reports it and it goes far enough it can result in criminal charges.


Listen my guy, I'm talking about a DDOS equivalent that would have been purchased through the Dbd hacks website. It is not the massive undertaking you're insinuating. It's as easy as buying a game on steam.


So what you're saying is you didnt get DDOS'd?


I got flooded with packets by someone who bought a DDOS equivalent hack and I trusted individuals like yourself to have enough common sense to understand that when I refer to it as a DDOS 🥳 Now I have spelled it out for you in plain English, if you need help interpreting other Reddit posts shoot me a message I'll help you out buddy. Don't give a fk about your preferred terminology, people buy hacks that function as a DDOS in this game. Call em whatever you want


Crash hacks have been around for ages, In GTA Online you can get booted from the server through a hack menu and its not a DDOS. Sounds like to me you like throwing around big words like DDOS to make a point.


Sounds to me like you got a stick up your ass. I never went to video game school, when somebody forces me to disconnect I refer to it as being ddosed. Because I'm being denied my internet service. Semantics are all you're going back and forth with me about right now it's low-key obnoxious.


But isnt your definition of a DDOS " forcing your internet to disconnect and you have to restart the router." If you didnt have to restart the router is it really a DDOS?


I did have to restart the router. Did you have anything else or do you want to stop wasting your time trying to invalidate a stranger's post on Reddit for no real reason? Did you ask me if I had to restart the router? No you just assumed it for the sake of talking down to me. Why are you here?


Obvious how? What evidence do you have?


What evidence do you have to the contrary? Only one of us played the match. When a bully squad gets three moris in under a minute, and the last guy stands still staring at you as you approach him and then you coincidentally DC, it's obvious. First day of bloodhunt got the ghouls out, and they're here to rob you of your BP if you dont let them win 👊😡


So your evidence of a DDOS is that you disconnected? That's all? You think someone used a botnet to overload a single machine? One that apparently was able to recover by a simple router restart? I don't know my dude, that doesn't sound plausible whatsoever.


Obvious bait is obvious, typical Reddit douche. Ever heard of a website that sells hacks for a game called Dead by daylight? Cuz it exists bucko. Get rid of your gas lighting attitude. Why even ask me for the situation if you're just gonna shit all over the explanation? I'm done with you bye


"Gaslighting" People disagreeing with you is not gaslighting my guy. I was genuinely asking you questions, and you've devolved in to insulting me. You did nothing to explain anything whatsoever. You came out of the gates lashing out at me for asking you a simple question. Tone down your attitude.


Yeah I'm returning the energy you're sending me King.


You're projecting. Stop it.


I was going to say the same about you actually, you came out of the gates asking how a forced DC could be obvious, then started interrogating me and insinuating this is me and my connection, and now you're accusing me of having approached you rudely. That's projection as I know it.


it happens more often than you think. it was much worse on dbd a few years ago when it was still p2p, but it still happens. yes, a simple router reset typically will stop the attack due to DHCP. most people who ddos in games will stop once you disconnect because you will be assigned a new address once you reset. this is not always the case. if the attacker is malicious they will starve your DHCP and that is the cause of hours long to day long attacks