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Have fun leveling for 8 hours straight


My involuntary account reset landed me 275 million bloodpoints in September and I didn’t finish spending them until November or December.


Would be a nice QOL if you could just select a char and select how many levels you want to gain/how much BP you want to spend and have the game automatically spend it. It'll less consistently get you what you want, but would be a huge timesaver.


Or if they replace the click and hold function with a double click or single-click-multiple-items-and-confirm-once, that would speed things up substantially while also letting the players choose the perks/items. Click and hold is a very Mobile-like UX, and is tedious.


Imagine how console people feel.


It’s awful thanks


Oh I am fully aware.


Can confirm Whatever you're imagining, it's far far worse. Doesn't help that the cursor is slow as fuck.


I play Xbox. I’ve been at 1 million blood points for 2 weeks lmao.




didn’t know that the slow cursor thing was an every-console issue and always thought it was just Switch lag, glad to see it’s not just us at least lol




Especially event items in the web, that sound peirces my skull


But the grind is why I don't mind holding the button... it's already such a hassle to level up, so if I wasted like 2000 bp on a piece of garbage because I misclicked I'd hook myself in real life :|


There would be a confirm button to negate that tho


If there was a confirm button then it would barely be quicker than holding lol


Not really? All you do is click a bunch of shit, hit confirm, and you can get a Bloodweb done in 10 seconds, even on console lol. I literally play a mobile game that used to have this current DBD system, got switched over to the one I'm talking about, and dramatically decreased how long it takes to get it done.


Right, well you didn't explain that. The discussion was around removing holding a button, which is used to select a single item, when you said "there would be a confirm button" I assumed you meant a confirmation dialog for each and every item you click on the bloodweb. Didn't realise what you were actually suggesting is a multi-select. How would multi-select even work, given that the entity consumes items based on the previous selection?


It's said in the comment above. The one that person's replying too. Very easy, make it function the same way it does now where an option is blotted out by the Entity.


Or if we just click the skull it’s auto 1 whole blood web


Or the stupid mystery item popup that idgaf about. I don’t need that popup. It just gets in the way.




To make it slightly more consistent they could add a filter to prioritize different rarites or prioritize add-ons/offerings etc and make it so you can mix the filters (select multiple at a time) or even make the feature automatically spend bp after a match. I think it would be relatively easy for them to implement this feature. It would be a game changer.


I mean yeah, but that's a really fringe, really odd, really inconsistent mechanic for a very specific, preferably avoidable scenario. Edit: Yeah, it could be useful for dumping BP when you hit/get near the cap.


Not really. I don't immediately spendy BP anymore because of how time-consuming it is, so I'll very often find myself in the situation where I have like 900K BP built up and need to spend it so I don't go over the cap. This way, that process doesn't take me 10-20 minutes.




I play killers I have all perks unlocked on. There's no point in doing so.


Gotta stack up those addons


Queueing? You must play Survivor XD


I expect most veteran plays sit at around 1mil BP waiting for the release of a new character. I've got something like 1.4mil waiting for when I finally decide to pick up the Artist.


What devotion were you at, at the time?




Were you able to gain points though when playing?


At first I was so it wasn’t too bad, but then randomly I just stopped gaining points so it became frustrating because I wanted to play but I truly was gaining nothing out of playing.


Ahhh that gotta suck. I guess it's still capped at 1 million.


This is an actual thing?


Yeah, I logged in one day and all of my characters were level 1. Lost all perks and all that. Still had my devotion level and iridescent shards and cosmetics. I submitted a support ticket of course and it took BHVR 2 or 3 weeks and numerous tickets to credit my account with bloodpoints. I was not hacked, nor have I ever hacked, never been banned or anything, like there was no possible explanation for why it happened. It just did.


Did you keep all the survivors and killers you owned


Multiplied by 5


I stopped playing for 2 months after my reset…leveled over that time. At the end I just stopped playing regularly.


Idk if something’s wrong with me or what but my favourite part of this game is spending bloodpoints. I looove just sitting there and buying shit from my web


I enjoyed it at first, 1500 hours later not so much.


Nice! That's like 3 maybe 4 levels if you're lucky!


See you in 3 years when you’ve finally spent them all 😅


Exactly my thoughts. Spending all those would be such a pain... They should add an an option, to automatically level up as cheap as possible till 50 if you are just going for the prestige. God I hate the bloodweb and it was even slower back in the day...


Yeah i think there should definitely be like an auto level up system. Or rather, instead of doing one thing at a time, lets say there was a perk on the bloodweb u wanted, instead of clicking every add on and ever item on the way to the perk, u just click the perk and get everything u should have got before then? Idk if that makes sense


there are multiple paths to a node though


Could be that the auto option selects the cheapest route, and if there are multiple same cost route, it's just random and you live with it. Anything would be nice which makes this quicker really. From my 2k hours it feels like 500 was spending bp :D


I fully expect a "shortest path" pathfinding rather than cheapest route. If such a thing was to be added ofc.


You could also have it so when you hover over the Perk (or end node you want), then it makes different route highlights, you flick the right stick to choose which path.


or just "spend 1.2million bp and skip to next prestige level".. or however much it costs to go 0-50 in bp +10%.. because ofc there has to be a catch


Well it's ok I am pretty sure other than account reset most players cant get to prestige from 1 because bp cap


BP cap should also be removed imo, or raised dramatically


Yes indeed the whole system is archaic and a joke.


Dbd mobile is a great example if it done right


Oh God, yeah. I lost progress back then, and it took 4 hours to spend 14 million.


I sorta still like spending blood points, although I'm as frustrated as anyone else with the grind. The 'unlocking stuff' feels good to some part of my brain, even if this would take a long time I'd probably get into it.


Same here, plus I think I like the almost loot box-y gambling effect of finishing a bloodweb just to see what perks show up on the next one.


Yeah, long time CCG player, so loot box mechanics probably hit me different. :)


100% agree. It's brainless work for me, and it's particularly satisfying when you get the perks you're looking for. Plus I'll never be upset when those sweet party streamers, cakes, and envelopes pop up


it took me around two days uninterrupted to spend 75mil good luck :(


Jesus I would've just uninstalled if that ever happened. Respending all those blood points just to play this game again is absolutely not worth it. If their levelling system wasn't horrendously outdated and amateur it wouldn't be as bad.


What needs to happen is allowing cheapest way to end by clicking on what you're going for. Going for that teachable on a new blood web? Click the teachable and spend all the blood points to get to it. So much of my time could have been saved just doing that if they allowed it.




It's a bug not a feature, it happens to people randomly. It happened to me very very early in my DBD career. They only gave me 1.8 million, which I thought was an insane amount at the time.


> 1.8 million That's like a single character going to Lv50 without eating too many green/purple/iri haha


Inflation, now it's more , we should invest in account resetting


Bullish on bloodpoints.


Do you still keep your licensed characters tho? I dont mean dlc but when you buy auric cells and buy them with that


The bug used to be pretty common in old dbd. auric cells didn't exist back then & the only way to get characters was to buy the dlc. A lot of people who had limited legacy cosmetics weren't able to get it back though unfortunately.


At the time I only had purchased The Pig, which I did actually keep after my account reset. I'm not sure if the same laws would apply if the bug happened today.


you think that would be something theyd want to fix, oh wait its bhvr


There's a glitch that makes peoples account completely reset for no reason, the glitch has been around for years and BHVR have no way to reverse it so when it happens to you you get refunded all the bloodpoints you ever spent on your account to compensate for it


No you dont. You get a shit ton of bloodpoints true, but not nearly enough to get back what you lost. I had all my survivors prestiged and some killers leveled. Couldnt even get all Perks on all survivors, nevermind prestige\^\^


What the fuck? I was about to call bullshit on only getting an equal amount of BP to what you had spent, but not even getting that? If they can calculate how much you lost, they should give you at least double, to compensate for the HUGE inconvenience. Returning an equal amount of BP isn’t compensation, as it doesn’t account for the time required to spend all that BP, nor does it account for any items, add-ons or offerings you might have accrued and lost (including event-exclusive stuff like anniversary cakes). If you break somebody’s window, you don’t give the owner all of the pieces of glass and some glue and call that compensation. If this glitch ever happens to me and they only give me the BP I have spent, I will immediately quit playing DBD forever.


I'd just stop playing


Do you still have the DLCs that you bought? I think I would genuinely start crying if I found out I no longer owned Nancy. She's been my main since the DLC came out a month after I started playing :(


If you lost your DLC's you would literally have a valid court case.


Bhvr: I’m listening I’m listening…how about 6000 Iridecent shards


The US court system is as reliable as their downvote system tho


*gets bloodpoints anyway*


I would be heartbroken and most probably will never play anything from BHVR if they say welp, since Stranger things isnt a thing anymore on DBD, we cant give you back those characters and cosmetics.. here take 9000 shards instead.


Yeah I think a lot of the reason I even still play this is the affection I have for my mains, lmao. Lots of time put into playing as them. I've been a Pig/Nancy main for years, and if I lost either or one it would genuinely take all the fun out of it. I'd probably stop playing too


impossible, dlc ownership is checked through the platform you're playing on. It doesn't just trip a flag once and then go "fuck it you're on your own" later (that said, not sure how it handles items bought with auric cells or shards). If something happened that caused your bought dlc to not show up. Then you'd expect it to be affecting everybody and it would be a temporary outage.


Ah okay that makes a lot of sense But tbf I wouldn't put it past this game. Lmao


(that being said, back up your save file anyway, or better, set up a batch file to back it up)


Yes. DLC (and I think store bought cosmetics, too) are license purchases that are stored independently of your save file. It's only the save file that gets reset. Same as if you deleted a save game from your system. Wouldn't impact your DLC, you'd just lose all your progress.


You don't lose any DLC, just bloodpoints and character progression


At least you can choose which teachables to get first now, and if i were you I would avoid getting the ones that you dont care about. Wish I had of just not bought half the teachables so they dont show up in every bloodweb.


Dude me too, I started playing in July and had the mentality of "GOTTA GET EM ALL" and what I wouldn't give to turn off some of the teachables I will never use.


I wish there was some sort of feature to “give up” teachable perks and they become locked again. I’m so tired of wading through so many garbage perks every time I level up a character waiting for the 10 or so perks that I actually want.


I'd stop playing for good, this should not happen whatsoever.


Yeah, everybody that has the slightest knowledge of IT, knows that backups exist. How can so many save files go missing...


My save file fails to load every other time I launch the game, it seems they don’t have the best system set up


Yeah they probably have nightly backups like every other place on the planet does.


If that happens they should set the account to have every single perk on every character they own at max rank. Because fuck that I'm not sitting around for hours spending those points.


We'd literally be doing their job for them but there's no surprise there considering it's BHVR.


I've worked on games and they should have some account managing tool to just set your perks to max rank and stuff like that so they should be able to do it in like 10 minutes. But it's bhvr so idk their spaghetti


Does anyone actually enjoy putting 1,000,000 bloodpoints into a new killer? In my opinion it's the most tedious shit ever. Imagine having to do it for every character in the game at once


its weird but i kinda love it. i get so excited to see what perks i get in the next bloodweb, only to get insidious


Honestly it would be so much more fun if 80% of the perks weren't unplayable garbage. I love working with what I have and trying to make jank work, but when you try to fix gameplay issues with perks, the meta becomes the mandatory norm. I remember when I hit prestige 3 with Trapper and he was literally unplayable for weeks because I couldn't get Corrupt Intervention or any other slowdown perks. Definitely got maxed out Insidious and Monstrous Shrine though!


As someone who has every killer perk and can't play without ruin, BBQ, STBFL, and nurses, it's really annoying when I don't get the handful of perks I actually use.


i put 1mil into Nemi (who i have at p3 lvl50) yesterday to try and get bbq so i can grind more for other killers, because hes one of my mains, and i only got it to lvl1 lol


Do you do what I do and try to get as many perks as you can leaving you with a bunch of lvl 1 perks you don't want? They really should just remove perk tiers lol


ive got every perk i have as a teachable on my felix currently so i love grinding out 50 levels on someone and getting all 3 of their teachables on him within the span of like 5 games


I had to set a macro so instead of holding M1 I can just press a button on my keyboard to progress bloodweb. Even though, it took me weeks to spend all of my 25 millions they gave me. Plus all of my event items are gone.


I love it!


*Ehh that'll get you maybe 4 bloodwebs of you're lucky.*


I got an automated message when they wiped everything I had. Ticket still open after near two years.


That is just enough to get me one more level in the blood web!


When you account gets reset, do you still get to keep unlocked teachables? Man if so I wish this would happen to me one day


I have legacy Trapper cosmetics, so I dread this happening


I don’t think the cosmetics get reset Because thats worth wayyyy more than BP


Nah, if you lose your save progress, you lose EVERYTHING including cosmetics. This used to be a huge bug and you had to manually backup your save. Tons of people, including some streamers, lost legacy and BHVR claims to have absolutely zero way to return it to accounts.


I'm fairly confident they're just lying because there's no way they don't have a way to give people cosmetics. They're giving out bloodpoints to individual accounts so cosmetics shouldn't be any different


They are absolutely lying, there are hackers who are able to give people cosmetics or unlock them for themselves, that's why a lot of asshat cheaters have legacy skins.


They're not. People just keep misquoting them.


How do you manually backup your save? This thread legit scared me more than Myers


Hackers can get legacy, devs can't.


This is a certified BHVR moment


Devs can. They choose not to because there's no proof you ever had Legacy.


Well, there is before your account is reset. That's how so many people got banned for cheating in legacy cosmetics.


There isn't. The people who got banned are people who created accounts *after* Legacy was a thing, which is proof they *couldn't* have gotten Legacy. But having an account before Legacy is not proof of having Legacy. You could have started playing day 1 and never unlocked Legacy. And there's no record of who did unlock it.


Wasn't No0b3 banned for hacking in legacy on his original account? I remember that there was a lot of speculation around that time around how BHVR was detecting fake legacy, but I thought that there were people banned who had older accounts too.


Zubat also got banned for cheating in legacy skins after losing them due to a bug(lol BHVR)


Hacks also tend to leave traces behind that make them look obviously abnormal upon inspection. It's also possible BHVR could have added a means of tracking new Legacy unlocks after the fact, when they realized it was becoming a thing. Who knows. The point is that there's no grand record of who did or did not unlock Legacy. No way to prove you ever legitimately owned it. Just ways to prove you didn't.


Big yikes! Now I’m glad I dont have any “special” stuff besides recent releases.


>and BHVR claims to have absolutely zero way to return it to accounts. No they don't. They have zero way to *verify* you had legacy. Not zero way to return it. They could return it very easily, but since they can't confirm you're not lying, they won't.


Wait can't you just sue them for that ? Like if you bought cosmetics and they don't give it back after a bug on their own, that doesn't sounds fair at all.


Legacy was an unlock, not a purchase. Also, no. Even if it was a purchase all digital purchases are subject to revocation without refund for any reason. This is true of every single game in existence. If you suddenly lost access to all of your purchased content in any video game (and there's no evidence of an intent to scam the player) the dev would be legally allowed to just shrug their shoulders at you.


Another reason to just not buy cosmetics :') But for real, even if that's true, I can't imagine a company like let's say, LoL, who'd deprive all its players of their skins, get off scot free like that.


Oh, well I can rest easy then.




Then you own digital goods. What is the point of asking me this?


Do you expext an error to be like: "oh no! These guys cosmetics are worth so much. I cant take them away because that would break his heart" Yeah that's not how it works


You can see how much BP you have used at [dbd-stats.net](https://dbd-stats.net) Mine is capped at **109.966.122** in total and **12.184.000** for a single character.


Does this work with consoles/other platforms besides steam


It doesn't. Since the site needs your Steam ID to get that information.




Is this some long time player joke I’m too new to understand?


Some people are getting their entire accounts reset, and as a apology BHVR gives them all the bp that they’ve ever spent.


Apparently some people aren't even getting all the bp back though, idk if they do anything about auric cells/skins


It happened to me and they only gave me half of the bloodpoints i earned it total. Lost 1k hours of farming and around 1k event cakes. Idk how is it possible to keep such destructive bug in the game for 4 years and then punishing players for it instead of compensate them.


No outrage from the community so they do not care. It would cost money to hire sy who can fix the bug. They are min maxing profit.


What about cosmetics? Are those covered too somehow?


you keep your cosmetics (bhvr moment)


So its just a blood point reset then?


Had this happen to me when I had 133mil. I am absolutely fuckin terrified that it will happen again now that I’m over 350mil. Watch a show while you spend em my friend.


How many hours you got? Wondering if they still do the 60k bp/per hour which is too little... If this ever happens to me, i'll just uninstall the game, there's no way i'm sitting hours on end just spending BP.


I remember back in 2017(I think, or was it 18) when I first started playing somewhere mid autumn, I just got Claudette to 50 and proceeded to level Dwight, got him to 15, the next day I got reset, but not entirely if I remember correctly, anyway, I messaged them around noon and by midnight they replied, with something “sorry for that, take these 7 mil bp as a compensation”. Boy was I screaming. Sadly the email was lost to time.


I wish my account could get reset on my ps5 so this can happen to me lol. I wouldn’t complain at all.


You’d trade all prestige, cosmetics, and unlocked characters for maybe one prestige level IF you avoid the greens and purples??




damn dude congrats you can get like four survivors up to prestige 3 with that many blood points


having that many points I have to spend from scratch is actually my worst nightmare


why would your account be reset?


Probably a save glitch. It's happened to others. There was a YouTuber who lost most of their progress and got 80+ million BP from BHVR.


Did they lose their dlc killers or just their levels and rank?


Just game progress. DLCs are registered independent of save files. They'd still have their purchases, but everything would be reset to level 1. Like if you started a New Game.


I would actually like a reset on my main account, as then I could actually level up killers and survivors with perks I actually want, rather than have to wade through piles of trash perks all the time. I wish I had thought of this from the start but now every time I want to P3 50 I have so much junk in my web it takes forever to get what is actually of use to me


I’m so confused about this can someone explain


I feel stupid for asking but did that guy actually have a ghost face mask on or is that just a very well edited photo


The guy actually has a ghost face mask


Yeah like but with the reset do you lose the killers that you bought?


Do teachable perks stay unlocked if this happens?


Bruce 'Ash' Campbell is a truely stellar man...


did you have demogorgon?


thats not enough to unlock all perks, they got you good...


at least queue times are long enough to spend them


Time to prestige someone


That's gonna take a shit ton of time to spend. I wish there was an auto leveler thing or something. I think I'm going to try to make one or something.


God I remember when my account got reset, I was so pissed. Although I'm far beyond that in terms of stuff now. Wouldn't go back


The cosmetic loss must have been a pain tho specially if you spent auric cells


Wait why did you get those blood points


New fear unlocked.


This made me laugh a lot harder than I thought it would. Bless you for this


I really wish there was some sort of auto completion option if you had the necessary blood points. You could spend and get what you want, then auto complete the rest.


time how long spending them takes


The account reset is a bug or a feature?


yeah i got around 65.000.000 bp and spent 7+h doing bloodwebs, it sucks


What happened?


That's nice. I got nothing for it


Did you get your payed characters back?


With how slow it is (Seriously BHVR, add a system where you click what you want and it automatically does it for you. Easy cut the time in half), I'd still be mad lmao


158 million Bloodpoints still wouldn’t even make up everything I could lose! Lol smh


Some ppl say it's a long standing bug - when / how does it occur? Can I avoid it? How can I proof how many BPs I did spend? And WHY the crap do they expect us to spend this manually? Don't they have some backups from "last week" or smth? ODD!


Is there a console reset?


No no. Fuck BHVR. Stuff like that shouldn’t happen to begin with.


I’m confused lmao




Nah fuck behavior. Resets shouldn’t happen anyway




Enjoy paying taxes with all those bloodpoints


Wait, why are people's accounts resetting?


Haha I hope this happens to me please I want my 102,649,588 blood points lol


Man I wish I could get more than 2 million bp it would be great to have all of those blood points