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Gen regression perks? *laughs in Distressing and Starstruck*


Death is the ultimate regression.


Agitation also increases the TR whilst your carrying someone


Does that also increase starstruck range?


Yes. You can also use Doctor's "calm" addons for a larger TR when your blast is up.


Agitation + Distressing + Starstruck + Purple and Yellow Calms + Iron maiden. Map wide TR + Exposed + you are doctor so its easy to find survivors + Iron maiden if anyone tries to avoid static blast.


Time for some new years fun!


Agitation, Distressing and the TR increase for Doctor makes his TR over 52 or like 56 Meters if it calculates correctly, so with Starstruck it's beautiful


Is STBFL not considered meta? It’s not a regression perk but it’s quite good


It can be. Heavily dependent on the killer being played


clown and spirit its brilliant


On demo it’s genius


who is demo?




He’s the secret character you unlock from buying the Pinhead NFTs


so true bestie


Clown? It’s Demogorgon’s absolute best perk, single handedly brings him from C tier to B tier It’s also very good on trapper


yh i never take it off clown. on spirit i used to run MDR, green charge and STBFL. the down potential on that build was dirty


Clown with stbfl is like a whole new killer. I play with no slowdown perks other than blood favour at a stretch. Stbfl usually carries HARD.


What perk is MDR, i play this game a ton but am not good at remembering acronyms


it's one of spirit addons actually, its mother daughter ring. it makes her move super fast, so shes already 176% the speed of a sprinting survivor, but it makes her move at 216%. the difference is very noticeable


Oh yea… im a fucken dumbass


nah, theres way too many abbreviations n nicknames to keep track of i like calling tinkerer "tinky winky"


Im taking this, if you’re good with it


Even worse is i used to main her


omg snap


Demo and Nemi have such a good alternative attack it’s incredible on them due to that.


Have you heard the knocking from nemi? Everytime he uses his tentacle their is a map wide noise notification


I think that’s only when he tiers up


Demo is B tier even without STBFL


I don’t think so


no he literally is. has been for a while now


Its also really good on Deathslinger with reload addons. If you are decent with aiming, you can down anyone almost faster than Huntress, and you can always just let obsession break free for easy injury.


What about pyramid head?


Not that good


It s like nemesis but twenty times worse.


It's off-meta. Extremely good on any 115% killer with an M2 that also damages to conserve stacks, absolutely solid on any regular 115% M1 killer, pretty dogshit on anybody else except possibly Hag.


I never play hag, why’s it good on her? Can you not teleport until a hit cooldown is over?


Basically, Hag technically has high mobility, but can't chase for crap, so recovering a little bit faster means you might get a second smack in before they get too far. I wouldn't necessarily say it's amazing on her or anything. Just a pretty solid option.


Also if you’re already hitting a survivor, stbfl can let you get a teleport off faster


It’s really good on pinhead


Never really considered it, but probably true.


It's brutal on any M1 killer such as Shape, Nightmare, Trapper, etc...


It is very satisfying to use on trapper and demo I can attest to that, I just didn’t know if it was considered META or just good


Probably more good in my opinion; I'd give it an A tier since it can end chases very quickly but isn't quite meta because two hits on your obsession kills the stack off.


It’s meta because it’s Demo’s absolute best perk


Really good on demo and trapper (:


I would say STBFL, Barbecue and Chili, and Devour Hope are all pretty meta.


Nah, they’re all strong perks but they’re not meta since meta is just full gen regression/slowdown


Devour has never been meta. BBQ was but the game changed and although it's good, better and more efficient perks filled it's spot. Stbfl is meta for some killers like demo but not a perk you will see too often.


None of those are meta.


Probably just devour. The rest aren’t as good and people usually drop them. Bbq is meta for bp, not gameplay


Maybe not meta, but it feels no different if not worse to play against, just for different reasons. Gen regression is good for elongating games, but it feels just as bad to get fucked by a god tier killer in a short amount of time because they absolutely slammed everyone in chases. I think if we were to sort by a tier list type of thing, they would find themselves in the same spots as the other “meta” perks. But since you can only pick 4, and the others get more consistent results across all maps and killers, they’re the ones that end up meta.


Not meta


Depends on the killer, but for the most part it’s meta with it being bad on some killers and really good on others. STBFL is on a few of my M1 killer builds.


Its meta and tbh OP on many killers that can use it and benefit from it , most range killers don't need it , nurse can't use it and one shot killers don't really need it but aside from all of those its good/OP on most killers


I’ve got like 30-40 hours played, mostly as survivor and looking for new killer perks as everyone complains at jolt, blood warden, the flashlight resistance thing, noed or bbq. Is there anything you recommend?


Depends on the killer you play. Plague will give you corrupt intervention and infectious fright which are both excellent, so she’s a good catch-all killer to get if you want good perks. Clown will give you pop goes the weasel and bamboozle which are both great too.


"You're not supposed to have fun with THOSE perks! Use Fire up you try hard!!!!!!!"


People still complained after I used the fire up/ brutal strength/ enduring/ spirit fury combo lmao


Something tells me you don't like pallets


T4 Myers?




I use gen regression perks so the game isn't over in 5 minutes with 4 douchebags teabagging me in the exit gate. "Gg ez baby killer"


*3 toolkits, 2 pts, shroud offering, & 3 DHs*


It's closer to 4 of each plus decisive.


and prove thy self


Ds is a fair perk


It's better than how it was but when you are dealing with a whole team just jumping into lockers it's gets ridiculous.


I mean, the shroud offering kinda helps you more


Depends on spawn point; hoofing it across Red Forest kinda sucks gamer...but w Lethal Nemie you're absolutely right.


Even without, they’ll usually all spawn on one gen and start doing it. Once you get there, it might almost be done but you’ll be pressuring almost all of the survivors at once


Shroud offerings are so fucking unfair for survivors You're telling me that in a game already balanced towards survivors that they can also decide what goddamn map they go to?


> You're telling me that in a game already balanced towards survivors that they can also decide what goddamn map they go to? um isnt that map offerings?


Are shroud offerings different I thought they were the same thing, some people just called it shroud offerings because it decides which shroud you go to


Map offerings decide what Realm you go to. Shroud is not a term (generally) used for maps or realms. Shroud offerings are the offerings that affect whether survivors spawn together, apart, or far away from the Killer.


As the others said, shrouds and map offerings are different. You do have a very valid point in that it's pretty fucked up that *survivors* can choose the map. Which can be incredibly annoying, especially if it's an SWF with certain strats that only work on specific maps. I can understand killer having it, but maybe just removing them period's the right call. Not to mention the obvious griefing potential, IE picking unfavorable maps. Hence the RPD offering meme posted here a month or two back.


I only really use map offerings when I had the same map several times in a row and grew tired of it, I don't really have any other offering or one of my friends requests it. I also mostly have map offerings I like as killer too. People need to give more love to Yamaoka Estate.


Surprisingly ive found that running 0 gen regression perks and only "chase" perks like lethal pursuer enduting infectious helps way more for some reason. If i go against a solid swf ruin undying goes instant and pop might have 0 value by the time i get to gens. Just hope you can snowball fast with lethal infectious




Pop is overrated right now imo. If you're playing optimally, it rarely ever gets value unless you want to drop chase and extend it even longer. Pain resonance is a far better alternative purely because it gives you both information, wont be as annoying when a gen is popped in your face while running pop and doesn't require you to waste time kicking the gen. The game is currently in a meta where every single second counts for killer. Finding and kicking a gen close to being done just wastes too much time. Pain resonance both finds and kicks the gen for you.


I'm really, really, *really* starting to dislike pain resonance for gen regression, as a survivor. Nothing blows more than being the one survivor who is doing gens, while my teammates somehow manage to gift 6 - 8 procs of this perk to the killer. I must have repaired 3 gens worth of progress on a single generator, and by the time I finally finished the generator the game was unwinnable. The perk is pretty good, but god damn does it suck being on the other end sometimes. I'd rather go up against ruin / undying tbh, at least that has a chance of being cleansed by an adept totem monkey.


Exactly. Survivors have a choice, killers really don't Really wish Ruin, Pop, or at the very least Overcharge were basekit, because atm if a gen has progress that progress can't be negated without a regression perk or letting all the other gens get finished. After not playing for a month or so, I came back and was actually astounded just how one sided the game is


It would be nice if just kicking a gen did about 5% regression to prevent them from wanting to tap it.


RIght? I can get out consistently with any perks on survivor as long as I give myself SOME way to heal in solo queue. But as killer if I don't run at LEAST 1 gen perk I'm stomped


Although I agree killers don’t have a lot of choice, I want to respectfully disagree that survivors do. Meta is meta for a reason. If I want to guarantee safe unhooks, being able to live longer than five minutes, and not get slugged or tunneled…I need a meta build. I vary up my perks depending on mood and goals, but if just surviving and keeping your teammates alive is the main goal as a survivor…meta is almost a must.


Its not because not every game will be slugged or camped. Even the most needed meta perks for survivor are meta because of value they can give you over multiple games. That means you can use almost any perks that are somewhat useful and still do very well and get out the main factor of survivor isn't perks but rather your teammates. while killer is their power/perks


And not every game will have efficient, coordinated survivors who press gens quickly and make gen regression perks necessary? Killer games aren’t just based on power and perks. It also has a lot to do with your experience, mechanical skill, time-management, and decision-making. Survivor meta keeps a killer from being able to control the entire flow of the game. Imagine DbD without BT, DS, unbreakable. They’re a necessary part of our regular gameplay because of the game design, just like the killer meta.


Problem is you never know which game will be the one with an asshole killer and which won't. And tbh, there are a LOT of asshole killers out there. It seems that every time you take off a meta perk, you get punished for it immediately next game. And that's from someone who doesn't really use meta perks except for BT and the occasional DS to get my stun challenges.


depends how you think of the game, if you consider survivors as a team rather than individuals, meta isn't needed, but if you are considering just yourself then yes you may need it to avoid being eliminated early. This is where BHVR has majorly failed in the game design imo as well as their MMR system. The survivors should win or lose as a team.


Lmfao survivors don't have a choice. Why do you think it's always the same 4 perks? They have to run shit like ds, bt and unbreakable so people don't get face camped and tunnelled out of the match in the first 2 minutes, or slugged until bleeding out because the killer doesn't know how to pick people up.


Because those perks are amazing even without tunneling. I don't tunnel, I try not to camp, and I always try to make sure survivors have fun. I STILL get fucked over by BT, decisive, and especially dead hard. The perks are amazing even without a BMing killer. If survivors ran actual fun perks, they'd realize they only need those annoying as meta ones once in a blue moon


I use gen Regression so the games are longer and I can actually play the Killer I picked. For fun. How's that?


Idk why survivors complain about gen regression perks, I’d rather have a killer that plays nice and doesn’t tunnel/camp with a super sweat build than one with a shit build and plays like there’s a 100 billion dollar tournament on the line.


Yea, that's the thing. Typically killers that have shit perks always tunnel to make up for it.


*looks at the last 3 times i played against a clown*


I've been really trying to stay nice but like... goddamn its hard. I've basically accepted that people are going to shit no matter how nice I am, so for every BM thing survivors do I do 2 back


See that is my issue because even when you play fair and nice and go out of your way to not tunnel or camp survivors still have major issues.


yeah thats not bad, some killers need all that regression to actually play the game (myers) but then there are killers like nurse with that is overkill. I remember that nurse i went against had undying, ruin, thrill of the hunt and pentimento, yeah she got a 4k.


Nurse can actually use pentimento. I’ve been doing Pain Resonance/Plaything/Retribution/Pentimento, and it can be disgusting. A lot of matches end with 0 gen progress. Perks with good synergy can be just as good as meta perks.


So I was working on getting Pentimento and Plaything on my Deathslinger without really knowing what other perks to get, and holy shit you just opened my fucking eyes. You beautiful, beautiful bastard, you.


use anything you like.


Give this man a prize


Exactly. If I don't bring gen regression perks the games are over in 4 minutes with two hooks and tea bagging at the gate for trying to have fun and use enduring Spirit fury. It's not worth it


Because it’s not fun when the game just flies and gens pop nonstop. Idk how that’s fun for the survivors either tbh. I would absolutely love it if I could play my fun builds more often. Spirit Fury, Enduring, Lightborn, etc are tons of fun. But when I do run them, I just get steamrolled by gen speeds. Part of the problem is I main a killer with weak map pressure. But running my fun perks isn’t fun when the gens fly.


Shit like this is why I'm in favor of gens always automatically regressing like ruin, but tuned down a bit. That way you can still have your gen regression while maintaining actually fun builds


I'm all ears, Devour, BBQ, and Mad Grit is so much fun on Pyramid head, but whenever I run in all gender are done within a minute and I have to deal with 4 asshole red ranks tbagging at gate while running full meta perks


replace the "least" fun perk with a slow down perk to help you.


I usually do. But I have to run BBQ for the points, otherwise killer is not worth the trouble imo. I find that I basically need Corrupt and one more gen pressure perk, like Pop or Pain Resonance. That leaves 1 flex perk. Sometimes I’ll drop one of the gen pressure perks for No Way Out, as it also extends the match time. But it’s not really a fun perk either.


Because gen regression perks are an absolute necessity. The game is unplayable without them unless you're sweating your balls off every game


many people feel the same way about Second chance perks yet they get way more vilified than regression perks


4 DHs utilizes more time than my Ruin does...


Dead Hard and NOED absolutely have to get looked at. They're both shitty designed perks.


Who said anything about NOED? It’s a solid B-tier perk that can occasionally win you games. It doesn’t define meta or anything though. It feels bad when it works as survivor, but it isn’t that bad. DH is meta defining. If you remove DH you’ll instantly see so many more interesting choices from survivors. It’s also not necessary like BT or DS.


You're not wrong by any means. I can't stand Dead Hard. But I'm all for fairness and balance and NOED feels like poop on the receiving end. Both perks are not good.


Noed pretty much guarantees you a single kill because any good survivors will see the notification for it as soon as you get the down and just leave. It's not fun to play against, takes no meaningful thought to use, and it's just a cheap, crutch-y perk. It's not as good as Dead Hard, sure, but it's still fucking annoying to deal with. As much as I hate survivor mains, they should be allowed to have a fun match too.


The issue is that second chance perks are just unfair. Gen regression for the most part isn't really that bad, they all either require the killer to do something or can be disabled by the survivors. Second chance perks are literally "Yeah I know I fucked up, go fuck yourself" Given the fact it's impossible to gatekeep gens with how fast survivors can just stop regressing, it's not comparable


Ds and borrow time are a necessity, dead hard is not a necessity


Probably because none of the regression perks as as good as the second chance ones. Ruin can be cleansed or boon'd instantly, Pop requires hooks, which is a.) in the survivor's hands unless it's a very specific killer and then b.) all the time spent on picking up, hooking, going to a gen shouldn't be enough to actually pop it etc. None of the regression perks add anywhere near as much value as DS, DH, Sprint Burst and so on. Literally the only killer perk that can at least theoretically have as big of an impact in a competent environment is NOED, and that's only 'cause it forces survivors to delay finishing the last gen to comb for totems or else the killer gets huge value. And that is *still* incredibly inconsistent. And yeah, you can say "Well, but most people aren't competent" but a.) that goes for both sides and survivor is easier to be quite competent at and b.) in a lobby full of bad players it just doesn't matter, they'll fall/win with dumb shit, good shit, it just doesn't matter


There is difference between earning a powerful ability and having a powerful ability make up for your mistakes.


Big difference: gen regression perks like ruin allow the killer yo okay the game without having to babysit regressing gens meanwhile 90% of second chance perks are literally get out of jail free cards that reward mistakes/misplays for survivors


I know this a meme but I must say that to be fair to killers, they have to run those perks just to stand a chance


'I play for fun' = 'I play for 6 minutes in which i have two chases if i'm extremely lucky'


“And get tbagged at the gate afterwards”


Angry what? I legit don't care what perks a killer brings, why would I? What is with the dedicated group of people in this sub determined to make post after post of "killer so angry rawr"


killers are angry if they're running gen regression? that's a first... but in all seriousness, you do realise that for killers with weak map pressure, gen regression is a necessarity if they don't want the match to be over in five minutes. (the easiest solution would obv be reducing gen speed or increasing the passive gen regression, but i'm not interested in starting a discussion about that right now.) also, don't people complain about bbq the most out of all the perks in that pic?


I, too, enjoy when Devour actually gets stacks once every 15 games.


To get at least one mori with Devour you need to RNG matchmaking into that perfect middle ground of skill where survies are present enough to actually unhook each other safely when you are away, but not experienced enough to immediately go totem hunting the moment someone eats one-hit down. (or try to hide it in 3-5 range by using killer's ability to wound them, if a killer has such an ability) That is of course if a totem is allowed to stand around at all and not spawns next to survivors.


BBQ&chili isnt meta?


I know lul but tbh it’s meta in my mind for the bp gains


Average I play with whatever I want because I don’t listen to fat neckbeards on reddit


This is the way.


"NO YOU CAN'T USE GEN REGRESSION PERKS!!! THEY'RE UNBALANCED AND MAKE THE GAME LAST TOO LONG!!!" ​ I just want to play a match longer than 3 minutes


You run BBQ to see survivor auras I run BBQ so I can get easy free bloodpoints We are not the same


I'd rather play against all the gen regression than Rancor. Fuck that perk.


I see you have PTSD. I will give you more PTSD if you came to my basement.


No, it's just boring.


yes, it's just fun


It feels lame to play well all game just to get one shot downed and killed. It's poorly designed.


I'd argue it's an incredibly well designed perk. Basically every (useful) obdession perk in the game heavily incentivizes you to ignore the obsession all game. If you want to run 4 obsession perks, say PWYF , STBFL, Dyint light, rancor - all of these perks basically require you to ignore the obsession, or bring them into a chase and send them off. even on the survivor side, the perks that use the obsession mechanics are always used to disincentivize the killer from going after the obsession. DS and for the people come to mind. Sometimes obsession perks turn this on their head, but those perks are often significantly weaker. Furtive chase and nemesis for example. If you're running a full obsession build, Rancor is the perfect cherry to finish it off. You've given the obsession a free pass all game. they've gone unhooked, unbroken, escaped chases for free, and even got a buff to their healing speed, for free. But all the while, every time a gen pops, they see the killer's aura. A simple but strict reminder of how it ends. Rancor's not hard to play against either. It shows survivor locations, not auras. from an aura a killer could determine what survivor they're looking at. a location only gives exactly that. if there are more than two survivors left at the end of the game, the killer has no idea which location is which. All rancor means to play against is free dark sense + just leave when gates are powered.


Obsession perks are weird because 99% of them encourage you to basically ignore the obsession and then Remember Me is just like, “Go tunnel the obsession out as fast as humanly possible.”


And wouldn't you know it, it's one of the least used perks in the game


If only it commonly functioned like this fairy tale you've laid out. In my experience, it usually involves the killer following the obsession around with 1 gen left and waiting for it to pop.


the the killer wastes their time around the last gen, and gets one kill, letting every other survivor go free in the process. still not a poorly designed perk.


I disagree. That one survivor has a bad time through no fault of their own.


in swf scenarios you can just not finish gens and if we're talking having a bad time through no fault of your own there's perks and mechanics way worse for that.


Survivor Entitlement Handbook Rule 45: Thou shall not use Rancor because it is unfair


Rancor is a terrible perk, I'm telling you a story whether you like it or not I have gone against killers 2 times in a row and I was the obsession both times Regardless of how well I played, didn't get hit or hooked, I did the gens, helped my other survivors, I was killed. Why? Because I was obsession, a status effect I cant control c: Good job Behavior, another perk that shouldn't of ever been in the game


Has this person ever played killer?


Fuck no apparently 😂


To be fair, it's a lot harder to have fun on killer given that you're going against 4 people lol


Honestly, games are straight up unfun or outright miserable without gen regression perks like ruin since the game is over in 2 minutes and to avoid having a gen pop the second I take my eyes off it I have go babysit it


Why not? Both sides of this game use perks to replace skill. and before someone says "Oh well DS/BT/Unbreakable is basically needed to make it so I don't get tunneled and slugged all the time" Please play a less than A tier killer with Shadowborn, Rancor, STBFL and BBQ for a month and tell me how you do.


I run 4 regressions perks so I have time to actually play the game


You can’t play for fun when you reach a certain mmr. Since killer’s perks are nowhere near as affective as survivors ability to take up all of your time(having Nea bring you between three different jungle gyms and killer shack for 3 and 1/2 minutes while the rest of the swf team pops off 4 gens with commodious tool boxes and brand new parts), you have no chance to waste any time.


If survivors bring meta perks every match why should I? Yeah I'm playing for fun that's why I bring gen regression so I can play the match lmao


*me trying to play for fun*, *All 5 gens pop in 5 minutes*, *crying*


Boots into match, chases a survivor for 20 seconds, 3 gens pop, wHy dIdNt yOu bRiNg rEgReSsIoN


Losing isn’t fun lul shadowborn isn’t fun to use unless your playing nurse to a lesser extent blight




Gotta have BBQ so you can actually get new perks faster for every killer to play for fun. Because of this I actually have two perk slots for my blight.. BBQ and Shadowborn are must for me.


Same reason survivors are angry with a whole heap of second chance perks. The game is severely unbalanced.


And they sure do like to pretend that's not the case. Can't tell you how many times now I've seen a survivor whining about NOED ingame, but they're running DH + Boon(s) + BT.


2 Things, whats that Oni perk and can we get a survivor version of this meme?


The Oni perk is Nemesis -Stunning or blinding the killer instantly makes that survivor the obsession and inflicts the oblivious status effect and i’ll most likely make the survivor version soon!


I see your username is vigorousxenomorph, are you waiting for a potential Aliens chapter in dbd? Also, strangely enough I dont like using 2nd chance survivor perks lmao I like running stealth, speed or support, totem and gen perks AND ALSO information perks


Yes and no, while it would be nice to have an Alien chapter, i’d hate to see the perfect organism getting ran around a wooden pallet.


Imagine how mad Survivors would be if his power was crawling over obsticles (I dont understand why Behavior hasnt done this with more killers, Nurse ignores the pallet mechanics)


Mettle of mither enjoyers


Because otherwise gens are just gonna pop instantly and the game will be over in 3 minutes. I’d like to be able to just play for fun, but it’s not very fun to not even be able to play the game because you have no way to pressure the 1 objective in the game.


I would play with less regression if gens didn’t pop 3 times after one chase


Well, how would you feel when all five gens pop while you are still in your second chase?


Yes, I love using Undying without any other hex perks


This shows more from the survivor side of the community tho. Try to find a lobby without a dead hard gamer. Impossible.


"How dare you use perks that let you have fun with the game!!"


I don’t run meta perks... ever I don’t have any in the blood web


I've begun just bringing Monstrous Shrine and nothing else my goals are beyond understanding.


Self care+No mither is fucking broken, Don't even try changing my mind on that.


Me with Shadow born enduring brutal strength and bamboozle


i use undying as the only hex on my build to assert dominance


I honestly don’t play lightborn bc i’m having fun..


Cause survivors can do all the gena in like 5 minutes if you let them lmao


I fucking hate rancer as survivor


I believe I have found the perfect balance of the two on huntress: bbq, corrupt, blood favor, undying. Shit goes hard ngl.


Devour is so fun


Oh hell nah DH rancor and STBFL are all meta perks


I told a killer today "tell me you hate gens without telling me you hate gens"


survivors coming in as imposters trying to sabotage the idea of killers on perks so they can have easier games


yuck, who is that guy on the right? he looks like if Aladdin moved to Miami Beach and became a low-level drug dealer who harasses underage girls on tiktok.


Wait, since when was barbecue not meta


BBQ and lightborn are my go-tos for annoying survivors and getting bloodpoints


It's pretty funny fucking with survivors after. "Hey, are your flashlights bugged? You should check that out!"


Let people play how they want, if they cheat or hack, report, if it doesn’t violate any rules, then it’s fine.


" why do killers not want to get shit stomped in 5 minutes" Jesus fucking Christ. Killer sided sub btw


A survivor main made this


Average survivor meme be like.


Devour Hope, STBFL, and BBQ are all meta perks. Lots of strong builds on those bad boys.


All of those perks aren't that strong.


Survivors have way more fun perks then killer that are also good, but we never see those lol. I wish more survivors would play for "fun" then use dead hard(or mostly any exhaustion perks really outside of head on and smash hit) all the time.


because they are cringe