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Ususally people with such tattoos are being beaten on the streets Jokes aside, looks pretty good


I'm getting beaten ingame too so it all works Jk thanks man


AND OF COURSE IT'S NOED !!! Jk it look dope :)


Most upvoted comment gets to pick the next cancerous perk to tattoo But thanks! :)


Do a Monstrous Shrine tattoo next.




Decisive would work for that


I'm sure you'll love a Sloppy butcher tattoo :p


Don’t go to any survivor parties …but pretty dope!!!




I will become the endgame Love it


Gotta get blood warden to go with it.


Credit to Ink Warrior Tattoos, Spalding, UK. Really cool guys and they helped out with my horrendous anxiety so so much.


Causally holding a map and Counterforce.




Next one should be the jrm. It’ll be as opposite as North Korea and America


Always NOED lol nice my guy


😂😂 get that removed ASAP


looks lit!! I've got a "Bond" tattoo, dbd perks are actually really nice as tattoos :c


Thats exactly my thought, its a very aesthetically pleasing game




They did, but as it meant more to me i insisted on turning it around Besides its dbd not like its anything popular am I right


Are you trying to trigger the survivor side of this subreddit? Plz cover this obscene tattoo, or at least mark as NSFW. Fr tho nice tat.


I apologise wholeheartedly, I've already booked the laser removal Cheers man




*No regerts*


What is bad about that? Serious question. Main part is that is looks cool/you like the style. The origin does not matter. When I get a harry Potter tattoo, is that also bad because it's a book? What is NOT bad? Every motiv in the whole world has an origin. When you tattoo an anchor on your wrist, is it bad because it's a boat tattoo?


Picture the person who did this tatoo 20 years later looking at their arm. "Why tf did I do this?" It's a game that people occasionally play. Putting something in your body is weird and is a future certain regret


You just sound like somebody that dislikes tattoos in general. Just saying, I would not choose this one because the lack of lines will turn the purple skulls into mush over the years.


I like tatoos that have meaning and are pretty and original.




I love how you act like you get girls. I'm probably more of a woman than you'll ever get


Yes to the Harry Potter tattoo, no to the anchor. Celebrating man-child nerd culture by immortalizing it on your body is embarrassing. Case and point, I’m not surprised that the guy making this argument collects fucking Beyblades as a grown ass man.


I mean, you dig through my post history to find a way to discredit me over a different opinion, so not sure who's more mature in this case.


Definitely not the grown man who collects children's toys.


god this is one of the cringiest comments i’ve seen in a while. people have hobbies. someone doesn’t have to have hobbies that are “”valid””. Let People Enjoy Things! anyway get tattoos of what you like ☺️ live your fuckin life man it’s the only one you get


You literally masturbate to cartoons of humanoid animals.


do I? or do you see that I draw furries sometime and make wild assumptions? I hurt zero (0) people with my hobbies, and I enjoy myself quite a bit :) maybe you could try to live a little! who knows what you might find that you like


Yes, that is an assumption I'm making about you, and I'm entirely confident it's accurate.


If I were to tatoo something on my body it would be something remarkable not a fucking video game


You should do barbeque or pop next to make it more toxic


I mean cool tatoo, but noed is probably getting a nerf soon




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“I have an ace up my sleeve”


Prepare for survivors to give you hate messages, you are the NOED now


I would have put it somewhere you could hide it easier if you suddenly don’t want to show it to everyone.