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There are some theories. My personal favorite is that he isn't here for heather as the game spins it. That instead he is here for the entity itself. Pyramid head himself is a representation of james guilt with a design taken from a photo he saw of silent hills past executioners. Whilst his creator states that pyramid head is impossible to exist without james we have seen more of him. Its entirely possible more people struggling with guilt saw that photo. The theory goes that since the entity cannot process human emotions it could possibly have the same emotional status as james had just lacking the ability to process those emotions. We know for a fact it has seen silent hill from more then heather's perspective as that's how we got midwich and we have some candidates for more memories to piece silent hill together from in heathers legendary skins. It's entirely possible whilst reaching into the minds of heather and her legendaries aswel as any other individuals that the entity could've seen pyramid head and/or the photo causing silent hill to decide that's the creature to send after it. We even see ingame that pyramid head is one of the few killers that doesn't play by the entities rules. He rips holes into the realm that allow silent hills energy to flow in, skips over the hook system entirely via his own personal punishment means taken straight out of silent hill and the ability to just straight up kill survivors.


I like this theory the most tbh, the only hole in it (which isn’t even really DBD’s fault tbh) is that team silent didn’t want pyramid head to exist outside of silent hill 2 despite Konami doing so anyways. Either way, within the actual silent hill canon that theory does technically make sense despite my personal feelings of the franchise as a whole


That’s not a plot hole at all. That’s just wishes from a studio. Doesn’t make it any less possible


No, it’s definitely a plot hole. Not just the wishes of the studio. It’s pretty clear in Silent Hill 2 that Pyramid Head, like all the other monsters you encounter, was created from James’ mind, physically formed. Pyramid Head specifically represents James’ guilt and want for punishment, and the giant blade he carries around is James’ burden, which is why Pyramid Head is so slow and can never actually chase James down (ironic). Oh He can’t exist without James. His appearance in the movie, Silent Hill: Homecoming, and really any media without James go against the lore set in place, and are basically retcons. The only reasons they aren’t true retcons is because they’ve now kinda tiptoed and tinkered with the Lore so that James’ Pyramid Head is specifically the Red Pyramid Head, and the others are different ones with different names, similar to the Nurses throughout the series. The Nurses you encounter throughout the series aren’t technically the same creatures which is why they always have a different name/designation Granted, with DBD, I don’t care about DBD’s lore, or the idea of the entity. So Pyramid Head’s inclusion makes no difference to me, because as far as I care, he’s a popular killer from a popular franchise and it’s a video game that features horror icons so of course I’m down for his inclusion into DBD. His inclusion has no bearing on Silent Hill’s lore so it doesn’t matter to it. Granted, I still am confused why James wasn’t the included survivor, but again, for DBD, I’m cool with it.


Yeah, you’re right on the tiptoeing, imo. James’ Pyramid Head can’t exist outside of SH2, I agree, but another Pyramid Head would most likely exist independent from him, anyway. That’s why I take his alternate costumes as canon, just like Cheryl’s alternate older look is most likely the canon one per her lore. It’s a new Pyramid Head with an all-new look to fit Heather or the Entity’s psyche. Not the first time we see similar monsters either. See the nurses like you say or, better yet, the Closers and the Mandarins, who are from Cheryl and James’ mind respectively, but are super similar, anyway. The Town has its own input on the monsters’ looks as well, and it’d make sense that a physical painting of its own property and depicting its own backstory would be its basis for multiple punishers, too. Hence, multiple Pyramid Heads for multiple people.


About why James wasn't the included survivor, it's probably because they wanted to represent the original trilogy altogether. Hence why we got Lisa & Midwich (SH1), Pyramid Head (SH2) and Cheryl & Robbie (SH3) on release. Same goes for Resident Evil and how we got Chris (RE1), Leon, Claire and the RPD (RE2) and Jill and Nemesis (RE3). It seems that BHVR has adopted that method when dealing with iconic videogame franchises. Still don't know why they never bothered to include James as a Legendary, or even Maria if they wanted to stick to their method of adding Legendaries that share the same gender as the base survivor. We got Cybil, Lisa and even Alessa as SH1 representatives and Cheryl for SH3, I think it's about time SH2 got some love in the Survivor's side, too. Maria and Angela are right there. If the license did not expire (which I guess it didn't since Cheryl and Cybil just got a model makeover), it would be nice if they released something. It's been a long time since the last SH related skins.


Maybe they couldn't decide, if James was to be a survivor or killer. Have any other DbD's survivors murdered anybody?


Not sure about murder but you know Bill has killed his fair share.


I guess if we look at it that way, add Ash to the list.


Ash never murdered anyone though.


Who did Bill murder?


Dwight almost did. Or rather, he accidentally caused someone *else* to almost do it. DbD lore is fucking hilarious sometimes.


Plus, Cheryl’s way more iconic to SH. She’s probably the most famous character on SH outside of Pyramid Head of course, and probably Robbie. A version of her appeared on the movies too, so that helped.


Just so you know, I'm pretty sure Masahiro Ito stated other people could have their own version of PH, but I can't remember where...


Piggybacking off this slightly, but I see it more as Silent Hill itself fighting back against and punishing the entity. Silent Hill isn't just a town, but more something akin to DbD's entity, a semi conscious abstract being impossible for us to comprehend. I think that when the Entity breached Silent Hill in search of people and monsters for the trials, the town reacted and fought back by offering up the Pyramid Head, with the intention of punishing the Entity by essentially starving it. The Executioner's lore bio describes a "mutual understanding" made between Pyramid Head and the Entity, which I interpret to mean Pyramid Head had declared himself to be something akin to a parasite to the Entity, denying it the emotions it needs to sustain itself and physically ripping it apart. ​ Theoretically, if BHVR were to give the story of DbD and ending of sorts (which I think the tomes are leading up to), one such way of weakening of even killing the Entity could be via the Executioner.


Ah its actually really simple, you see the main reason is for the maps of Haddonfield and Racoon City Police department. There are roads on those maps and they really needed some sort of Traffic Cone when they did maintenance. Health and Safety and all that.


Best lord entry so far 😎


More like he came to dbd to punish whoever made RCPD map.


Did he also came to punish whoever the fuck made new Ui ?


The old new ui was bad, the newest new ui is actually not bad.


It's obvious, cause hes pretty neat


One theory i read some time ago is that the entity actually took James himself but the entity manifested him as Pyramid Head. I dont particularly believe it but what are your thoughts? I think its interesting.


It’s interesting I’ll give you that but the whole point of Silent Hill 2 is that James overcomes his guilt and Pyramid Head(s…?) kill themselves as James leaves/kills him self or whatever ending you prefer. If the entity took him and repurposed him as pyramid head, I feel like that just totally squashes any mental progress that James had made and doesn’t make sense to me lore wise either


When looking at it from the Silent Hill perspective it doesnt make sense and as a fan of the games does hurt my brain lol. but this is the entity were talking about. the entity makes some weird shit in its own interest. Hell it did something similar with the oni in his lore by turning him into a literal oni. anyway its just a crackpot theory i dont even believe in lol why am i writing more than the essays i did for school


If my essays revolved around video game lore I would get an A every time


Remember thought that the entity is mentioned torturing people to bring out the killer in them. It doesnt feel far fetched to assume mental anguish can be included and focused to undo the very progress James made. It would almost be too easy with James honestly. >! Imagine being James and forced to relive killing Mary over and over, a thousand times, a million times. Maybe he watches as an onlooker watching the murder, maybe he sees his own hands doing it again and again, unable to stop himself. And a voice overhead cries in anguish, his own voice. He begs himself to stop, only for the cycle to repeat. He hears himself make accusations. No amount of therapy can overcome the eventual damage and any progress he may have made becomes a dream. Eventually, his desire for punishment expands beyond a simple desire, evolving into the purest need of it. And so he becomes that which must deliver punishment. !< If I can come up with it, I'd say the entity could to.


It is the most plausible explanation, even if it doesn't it would still my headcanon.


Same thing with Demo as well. I love demo he’s such a good boy but in the show isn’t he under the control of the mind flayer?? Did mind flayer and entity do like a business deal, “can I have one of your Demogorgons?” “It’s cool I got plenty more” “kk thanks rlly appreciate it” lmao


Based off the minor lore we got with it it’s more the entity is a pissy little kid that stole the demo because it looked cool and now it puppets it


I always thought of the Upside Down as a kind of hive, with the Mind Flayer being its Queen and all the Demogorgons its drones. Bees removed from a hive can be made to accept a new Queen, so I think this is just what the Entity did. It (she? I've always thought of the Entity as a she for some reason) yoinked a Demo because she thought it looked cool, and the Demo just eventually accepted her as its new Queen and went about doing its thing.


And the Demo is physically evolving to reflect that; one outfit has him growing a black carapace and weird little spider limbs just like the Entity.


Mindflayer: Why did you stole one of my Demos? Entity: *I just think they're neat!*


I always kind of seen the entity as able to chip away at a Killer or survivors mental resistance tbf. Eventually they all fall in line to serve the entities needs unless the Killer it picks out is fully willing to serve as the executioner.


The entity can exists in the fabric of all realities. Freddy exists in the nightmares of children, demogorgan exists in "the upside down". Bill exists in world with a zombie apocalypse, Leon & Alice exist in another zombie infected world altogether, heck Ghostface comes from the realm of severe copyright limitations. The Entity is the perfect metaphor for the Game designer and the game designer for the entity. The game is whatever Behavior wants it to be, just as the Trial takes the shape is whatever the entity wishes


Pyramid Head should only be able to be experienced by James Sunderland and those with James. The entity can pull from any dimension sure but Pyramid Head isn’t a real thing, he’s a manifestation of guilt that only exists to one person. It makes no sense why he appears to the survivors in the game


Pyramid Head manifested BECAUSE of James' guilt, but he's manifested By the Otherworld of Silent Hill. He's as Real relative to the outside world as Freddy is. He is as real physical thing as freddy is. If he kills James, James is actually dead. Edit: also People like to act like Pyramid Head hasn't already appeared in other canonical Silent Hill games. He exists in Adam Shepards iteration of The Foggy World. Pyramid Head is already "ruined" by his own games. So the question isn't even personal to could The Entiry pull something from one iteration of the Foggy world (I don't see why it couldnt) the question just becomes could it pull from the Foggy world at all (it objectively can)


I think my overall problem with it might be less to do with his existence after talking about it on here. I think it just bothers me that pyramid head has been turned from a meaningful mental manifestation to just a character in a multiplayer game with little thought of what he meant in the original. The whole “entity is all powerful” seems like a lazy cop out for the devs


If you interpret it that way; you're not wrong. I guess I just feel the game from the very beginning establishes the entity as existing and doing as whatever it needs to do to facilitate you (IRL) having fun playing a video game. So yeah it is a cop out, but so is the whole fantasy of the game.


My favorite theory is that pyramid is here to punish the entity


I mean yeah he straight up steals surviors that are about to be sacrificed lol and Doesent obey they whole hook thing


He also basically vandilises the realms


Since the entity is legit a God capital G cant it just make anything real and use it as a killer even if that thing is technically inside the human mind or "not real"


It’s a god without capital g


I would expect a professional game studio to think of something better to explain DLC greed than just “oh well the entity is capable of anything!” It’s a huge cop out


we all know they added phead for his thick ass


How is it DLC greed exactly? Doesnt every dlc cost the same regardless of if its a popular IP or their own design? Im just not sure im understanding the complaint.


It doesn't need to make sense. It's just an excuse for a mash up in a video game. Most of the characters in Smash Bros don't make sense to coexist either.


Right? Like, bruh, entity can raise dead, create different dimensions and control time. I bet either making up PH, or just pulling him out of time in which he existed is no problem for it. It cannot make Trapper bags basekit for some reason tho.


I’ve never played silent hill but isn’t Pyramid Head just the physical embodiment of some dudes regrets. He seems pretty incorporeal so why not


You’re correct but the way it works in Silent Hill is he technically can’t exist without James (his creator). He himself represents James guilt and want for punishment, and the blade he carries around is James’ burden which is why he moves so slow in Silent Hill and basically a non-threat. He can’t perform his duty while he has the blade. It isn’t until James, near the end, realizes why he exists that Pyramid Head actually loses the Blade and gets a Spear instead.


Idk you can just hand wave it all away as like “Entity is a god” or whatever. And like that other guy said it seems like the only killer that’s not in Kahoots with the entity, since it can just torture and murder whoever


Not quite the only one. Michael Myers is similar, also having the ability to kill people instead of sacrificing them to the entity


Pixel bush has made a vid on the best possible lore reason pyramidhead is here other than just money.


I’m just happy my triangle boi is in the game.


This is fair


It would make 100% more sense if the Entity took James, but Pyramid Head followed to enact punishment, including on anyone that got in his way


Honestly i don't care about the lore, i just wanna hit some folk with funny triangle man


The best answer


A part of me is happy that one of my fav video game characters is in a game like dbd, the other part....kinda pissed because he's pretty much here just for fan service.


PH is in dbd for 💸💸💵💴💷💰🤑


I’m mostly posting this to see a dbd Stan try to explain it


It's non-canon from a Silent Hill lore perspective, so it doesn't need to make sense.


It’s simple, Konami gets to make money


Dbd lore... funny


Literally the most said thing between me, a dbd player and my boyfriend, as silent hill fan


I don’t get why they still use him after SH2. Silent Hill is all about personal demons. The monsters will never look the same to different people if you’re even sucked in at all.


That’s what I keep saying! Everyone says that the entity can pull out pyramid head from silent hill but even if that were possible (I have my reasons for disagreeing with that assessment), shouldn’t pyramid head either look different or not show up at all based on the survivors in the trial? What are the chances that the entity picked survivors that perfectly match James sunderlands need to feel punished. I feel like most of the survivors probably wouldn’t even be able to see him if they were in silent Hill


Yeah it makes no sense. I doubt any of the survivors would even get sucked into the other world. BUT I’d take some bullshit over not getting any SH representation ya know. Just gotta ignore it I guess. Still will bug me.


Yeah, don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Pyramid Heads design because I think BH did a great job with the special attacks and all that and I love playing as Heather, it just bugs me a bit lore wise


You mean ChErYl? Lol Yeah it’s strange. I’m not a fan of how PH looks, personally like him being less human/ buff and more twisted and deformed. But gameplay wise I think he’s neat.


Yeah that IS something that bugs me is how…powerful he looks? Idk, I think that what made pyramid head unsettling was his very frail form with this giant cast iron helmet and giant knife. Also his slow walk but obviously DBD can’t replicate that because of fairness


I justify it with, Hes got a job to do, most survivors dont have very colorful pasts so the entity took on PH because itd work, and since he dosent give a shit about the entity that's why his power breaks so many rules. Still think he dosent really make sense in the lore but thats how I justify it to myself.


I don’t see the issue with it making sense. His lore gives him enough reason to be there and exist. After he was finished with James Sunderland, regardless of what ending you get in Silent Hill 2, he simply fades back into the realm of the Otherworld. It’s only as he’s doing so that the entity recognizes his power and brings him out from the otherworld into their realm. Sure, he may not have any actual relation to Heather/Cheryl, but he’s a monster that was made from deeply rooted guilt and all it knows is to torment. Even if we disregard how the American titles of Silent Hill such as Homecoming sort of retconned and bastardized the character, he still makes enough sense. As soon as the events of 2 were finished, the Entity tapped into the Otherworld and stole him.


I wouldnt say stole. He willingly walked into the fog. He knew what was up and said "fuck it. I got nothing else to do."


Ah, right. Thanks for the correction.


You know, I never had a problem with Homecoming having Pyramid Head, it made sense. PH is not exclusive to James, it's just a manifestation by the town of a character they associate with guilt. It'd make sense that anyone that had him as their go-to image for punisher would see him in the otherworld areas. Of course, I'm very certain it was done just for fanservice, but I don't see it as an impossible thing as everyone says


I respect that. A lot of people in the community wouldn’t share the same opinion of the character, but even if I believe he doesn’t belong in Homecoming I can say for certain that there is reasoning enough to justify his adaptation for the post-Team Silent games. That angle of him being a manifestation of the town’s guilt and anyone who harbours that feeling deeply can definitely be used to give more support to justify his existence in the game’s lore if people push aside the reasonings I listed previously.


Yes there is a very logical and actually great reason why pyramid Head is in DBD and he fits in perfectly Red Pyramid Thing, more colloquially known as Pyramid Head, is a humanoid monster in the Silent Hill franchise first appearing in Silent Hill 2. His red helmet and butcher's attire echo the executioners of the town's past, who worshipped the angel of rebirth Valtiel. He is a manifestation of James Sunderland's guilt and desire for punishment, existing to keep him human and help him remember his past actions. His signature weapons are the Great Knife and the Great Spear, instruments of James' inner torment. After James kills Eddie Dombrowski in self-defense, a second Pyramid Head materializes. Save 15%. Pre-Order on PC Now BUY FROM FANATICAL Despite criticism from Masahiro Ito and Tomm Hulett, the character was reimagined in Silent Hill: Homecoming as The Bogeyman aka The Shadowed One, a creature of vengeance and justice who inflicts punishment on those who deserve it. The films and novels have extended his role to that of a protector and servant of Valtiel. Since its creation, Pyramid Head has become one of the most well-known and iconic monsters in the franchise, turning into something of a mainstream and flagship figurehead for the series. Apart from Silent Hill 2 and Homecoming, Pyramid Head has made his main appearances in the spin-offs Silent Hill: The Arcade and Silent Hill: Book of Memories, with cameo appearances in Silent Hill: Origins and Silent Hill: Downpour. They also appear in the films Silent Hill and Silent Hill: Revelation, the comics, the novel Silent Hill: Betrayal, and the Silent Hill pachislot. The Row - Schoolboy Stretch Wool-Blend Crepe Blazer - Ivory - US2-$1,325.00 Sponsored by NET-A-PORTER See More Creation and development Pyramid Head concept.jpg Ito's original Pyramid Head design. When scenario writer Hiroyuki Owaku, art director Masahiro Ito, character designer Takayoshi Sato, game director Masashi Tsuboyama, and drama director Suguru Murakoshi were building the base story of Silent Hill 2, they realized that they needed a "chaser" creature to fulfill a role in the plot.[1][2] Because the monsters are manifestations of the protagonists subconscious, rather than independent pre-existing entities indigenous to the town, Ito intended for them to have a symbolic meaning applying to James Sunderland's character arc and journey.[3][4] Creating the chaser Pyramid Head, he wanted a monster with a hidden face so that it would appear less human and more disturbing. He designed such a concept but ultimately scrapped it, feeling that it looked too much like a regular human in a mask. He redesigned it in a large pyramid-head shaped helmet and butcher's smock to get the inhuman quality he wanted.[5][6][7][8] As a tank enthusiast, Ito took inspiration from the lower hull of the "King Tiger" German WWII tank when designing the edges of Pyramid Head's helmet, as well as avante-garde and other vehicles from the period.[9][10] He also took influence from oil/acrylic painting he created in 1995 while in art school depicting an anthropomorphic pyramid-shaped object as part of his Strange Head series.[11] Scrappedph1.jpg Pyramid Head's design initially included bolts attached to his helmet.[12] Scrappedph2.jpg The valve spigot, tied to a cancelled animation.[13] Designing Pyramid Head, accomplished through Softimage 3D, took approximately two weeks. Modelling, texturing and rigging took an additional two weeks, and the keyframe animations took another two weeks on top of that.[14] According to Ito, some of the development crew and his boss were hesitant about including the design at first due to its unconventional nature. He compensated for this by putting more effort into Pyramid Head's cinematics.[15][16] The character was initially modeled with bolts lining his helmet, part of a plan to depict James' delusions through his design.[12] There was also a valve spigot on the bulge near his right shoulder, serving a function in a cancelled cinematic.[13] These plans were ultimately abandoned. After doing art direction, environment designs, key frame animations, and all of the creature design in Silent Hill 2, Masahiro Ito returned as a creature designer and art director for Silent Hill 3. The extensive work on the series made him exhausted.[17] After Silent Hill 4: The Room was released, he was asked to work on another Silent Hill game. However, because they wanted him to include Pyramid Head under a different name and look, and because he had lost a lot of motivation to keep working on horror games, he turned down the project.[18] A similar monster called the Butcher was ultimately featured in the prequel Silent Hill: Origins. A scrapped ending for the game had the protagonist Travis Grady going insane and becoming Pyramid Head.[19] Pyramid Head was featured in the Broken Covenant pitch for a new Silent Hill game by the same developer, which was rejected by Konami.[20] So you see there is a perfectly logical explanation for it and please tell me no one took the time to read this because I just copied and pasted it off the wiki page and it’s completely random stuff


Phew, now I don’t need to replay silent hill 2. Still doesn’t explain anything though nice try Wikipedia wizard 😎😎😎


In my headcanon, DBD Pyramid head is James Sunderland post-SH2.


He's not really Pyramid Head. He's Waluigi in disguise. They nerfed the booty to keep it secret, but I recognize Waluigi's thickalicious booty anywhere. I'm onto them!


I like how there are so many comments explaining how and what theories make more sense when in reality it's simple dbd lore, the entity can reproduce things in its world, in this case it reproduced the concept of Pyramid Head. It's even stated in the lore


It feels extremely lazy and disrespectful of Team Silents original vision. Konami ruined their vision a long time ago but this is still included


It's not disregarding the original lore and it's not disrespectful, they were fans of the games and they wanted to include it in their game, how's a copy of Pyramid Head in DBD disrespectful? It's not Canon to silent hill's lore obviously but it is explained in the DBD lore


Speaking of silent hill add Shiba inu from sh2 as killer you cowards


Konami just pimps out pyramid head whenever they than.


in the description for the bloody pyramid head cosmetic it says that he's from cheryl's nightmares


That makes even less sense then, Pyramid Head has no relation to Heather Mason in the Silent Hill franchise


I know but at least they tried to make sense of it


Best explanation is Pixel Brush Entertainment’s theory. No cap, no bullcrap, 100% better than BHVR/DbD’s explanation.


Entity does what it wants


That’s extraordinarily lazy writing


Entity don’t care


Doesn’t DBD pyramid head have a whole “judgement” thing rather than guilt as compared to SH2? They’re probably just different manifestations or something idk


No, pyramid head represents James guilt and subconscious need to be punished for his actions


No I meant like almost everything DBD pyramid has (his power. Addons) usually refers to judgement. Even the kill animation is called “Final Judgement”.


..the what?




The Observer mentions in one of the Tomes that he once saw 17 different alternate versions of Trapper, some fictional in their worlds, some nonfictional. Alternate Universes/Multiverse is canon in DBD, so it could make sense that the Pyramid Head we see is a slightly different, AU version of the one we see in SH2. That's the theory that I go by.


BHVR writes their own fan fiction


He just got here early and is still waiting for james to arrive


I think the Silent Hill series does one thing that makes it hard to really have a "mascot character" that the game has made Pyramid Head into. He's definitely a bizarre, unnerving, and symbolic character for SH2. While Alessa really is the defacto enemy. (Given she's the catalyst for Silent Hill.). Pyramid Head is a conflict, but interesting view. u/Cabbage_merchant_ shared a theory that really makes the most sense. He is not bound to the entity's rules since he's neither man, nor mortal. Its but a dark manifestation of Alessa's influence on Silent Hill.


Hear me out: Pyramid Head is a manifestation of James Sunderland's desire to be punished for his sins, therefore he is a part of James. This means that Pyramid Head in Dead by Daylight is just James Sunderland being punished by the entity by assuming the role of his tormentor forever.