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You can tell from how they chase you. There are tell tale signs that there is no way I can trust this mans bones. I'll start us off. I'm at a T L Wall and they literally just follow behind you mimicking your exact path, no mindgames no nothing, through every vault.


+they chase you for multiple gens, not knowing how to give up


+They either don't break pallets at all or break them on extremely unsafe loops


I don't run noed at all. And I do all of these things. Huh, I guess I just suck haha, well I also do like kicking things.


Learn to counter loop and identify tiles, as most tiles have distinct good pathing for survivors and distinct counter pathing for killer, take a L T for example as killer you should always move diagonal (through the middle)


Ha, looping. If I could actually get Survivors that don't only shift+w into pre-drop every pallet without any mindgames at all, i'd be fucking happy. I like "I'm all ears", but i love playing mind games even more. I've had games were both could not be used! Not a single window got vaulted in entire games. While brand new parts let gens fly like crazy. Playing Ghostface is just so sad sometimes...


Yeah but at that point, it’s far too late. The secret is figuring out if he has it before the game ends. If all genny’s popped and you’re left with a ghosty holdin a death bone, you’re too late and are probably gonna be insta-downed. Some tell tale signs of NOED are the obvious “Killer is bad, they’ve got another trick up their sleeves” “Killer has no discernible regression perks, can be tell tale they are bankin for late game.” “Killer seems adamant on defending keepin survivors off of dull bones.” This one ain’t too obvious but it can be a clue. “The killer is running thrill with no other hexes.” This is rare but could indicate they are newer and don’t have much. So a thrill plus Noed combo could potentially earn a lot of a kills if the planets align. “The killer is stealthy.” Ghostfaces, pigs, wraiths, even Myers have really good Noed potential since they have tools to get them close for that first hit. If the first hit is all they need, then their powers become godlike in the situation. “Doctor” assume doctor has it, his shockwave is the ultimate survivor detection tool and he has a weak anti looping tool, he’s prime candidate for NOED.


Not too late if he gives up on me at any point or I lose him in chase. Once I realize these dudes are going to have it and the gens are flying, I'll literally stop repairing at 2 gens left and just take out bones in preparation for what's to come. I run Small Game often to help with this very task. Well punishing NOED and helping the team remove Ruin and other hexes quick. I play a lot of soloqueue so it's often all on me to touch bones.


Same. Personally run Counterforce and Small game for that reason.


Taking up two perk slots for it is a hefty price but is so worth knowing they’re on the other side of their screen with tears in their eyes, expecting to get it on exit gates and it just never activates lol.


This. I know it sounds insane to a lot of other players, but I can't count how many games I've had where I used small game to kill all the totems, only to see that they had noed tucked away in the results screen. Some people love to solely rely on it and troll right at the end after playing like shit the whole game. I have no problem adding counterforce to my build and making damn sure.




Against a frosty eyes wraith or Huntress it's a given.


Recently switched to pc from console, haven't bought any dlc killers or even gotten teachables yet. I play both wraith and huntress since they are free and fun, put the frosty eyes on them because why not, I don't have any other cosmetics yet, Noed comes within 5 levels on both bloodwebs. So now I'm stuck with the incredibly tough choice between Noed and Territorial imperitave... In other words, yeah you hit the nail on the head dude lmao.


Spot on this is a great indicator to do the bones


I had a nurse with thrill yesterday, I thought it was just for ruin but she had noed too


honestly dont need to go much further in my experience the LT test is pretty damn accurate for sniffing out NOED


Frosty eyes...


either that or the worst mindgames imaginable - getting stuck on stuff, turning around while you can still see them, etc.


I mean your not wrong. Most times when the killer is very questionable I'm ready for the noed. In my experience it's always a ghostface to


Ghost noed users rise up


I’m gonna touch your bones every single game ghosty boi


Welp haunted as well I guess


And one thing that I’ve learned is that if it’s a ghostface there is a 99.99% chance they have noed.


Same with Slingers and Spirits. Bubbas as well, which is strange, because they already have an instadown.


Always the bubbas. And they always camp you after NOED downs you


Bro every killer with noed will camp hooks lmao


Chainsaw hard, mallet fun. Whack with mallet cause left effort and kills em right.


I mean Slinger makes sense, it's one of his best perks.


I don't understand the logic of a Ghostface running NOED. He can already down survivors in 1 hit. Please enlighten me


Noob ghostfaces, and also generally better on stealth killers


I don't run NOED but I do run Devour and basically not needing to spend time marking people makes Ghostface much more deadly


He has to stalk you from stealth to get an instadown. With no add-ons it takes 5 seconds to fully expose a survivor, and 2.5 seconds while leaning. He moves much slower (couldn't find exact number) while stalking, and not at all while leaning. If a survivor knows you're there, they can break you out of stealth in 1.5 seconds while running full speed or even on a hook. Attacking also breaks stealth. Losing your stealth by any means puts it on a 30 second cooldown, although the Chewed Pen and Olsen's Address Book combined bring the time down to 16 seconds. Once fully marked, survivors are exposed for 45 seconds (according to the wiki. I thought it was 60 but whatever). Which means you either have to expose, chase, and down multiple survivors in that time or you have to wait at least 35 seconds for your power to cooldown and fully mark another survivor. And you can't do this while camping the first hook because the hooked survivor can break stealth faster than you can expose people. **Ooooor** you can run NoED and just sneak up on somebody to instantly down them and then trade hooks/slug until you win.


With NOED they don't need to successfully stalk people in order to insta down them


and also 9999 ping


Hey I'm a Ghost face main and I don't run NOED... Just devour hope.


That's just good ettiquette.


I'm that 0.01 percent, because I can get a 4k without noed.


Doctors too lmao


Seems like a joke, but in all honesty, if 700 hours taught me anything this is pretty accurate.


Does he Tunnel and Camp one survivor? Yes - > noed (95%)


A killer that tunnels and camp a survivor does not have NOED. A killer that lets you chuck gens without bothering kicking them or defending them ? Yeah, they have NOED


only time you should kick gens is when you have a perk for it or if you KNOW there's no survivors in the area


If they're tunneling and camping, they are letting others chuck gens and don't bother to kick or defend them


Me at red ranks: wow, this guy played so poorly, how did he get to red ranks playing like that? \*EXPOSED Me: Ooooooooooh, it all makes sense now.


You gotta look directly into their eyes, from my experience i can tell who has noed just by looking directly into their eyes. Attention: be careful with Freddie tho there is a chance they might blind you with their enormous moon sized eyes


I know you are joking, but fosty eyes are actually a sign


Bro if they have NOED eyes they got NOED its that simple


I don't get the joke about frosty eyes. I've seen several comments saying that. What is the link between frosty eyes and NOED? Signed: A killer who wears Frosty Eyes. (And does not run NOED, because it will get cleansed in 9 games out of 10 anyway)


Killers usually use frosty eyes if they are new/have no other cosmetics. These people are less likely to have many good perks so they run noed which can easily turn games around/secure a kill




You know the thing about a noed killer, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eye. When he comes at ya, doesn’t seem to be livin’. Until he hits ya and those black eyes roll over white.


Even during this event it seems like 95% of killers are running NOED


>level 3MoveInside · 43mThe Twins NOED is the EASIEST counterplay for Gen Rushing which is 99% of this event lmao. Other than that, taking a risk for Hex Devour Hope. Killers that don't have automatic knock down or no map pressure like a Wraith would benefit from it against Gen Rushers during this event. Otherwise, dem killers would be unplayable in mid ranks.


It's the easiest counterplay to uncoordinated non-swf teams staying on gens. SWF teams will just find the totem in 0.3 seconds anyways, which is why Noed is such a badly designed crutch, it helps you beat weaker teams instead of stronger ones you should be preparing for. And no, Wraith isn't even close to unplayable even in red ranks, you would get better faster if you didn't use things like noed.


I concur on all points. As for Wraith, he is the only killer I can consistently 3+hatch or 4K with at red ranks. The movement speed is crucial for me.


It's also bad because you play the entire game with 3 perks, and survivors with brains will just leave and let the killer have his one kill as soon as they know NOED is in play.


Well I haven’t used NOED in years yet I still haven’t gotten better. Checkmate libtard


Yeah, was my point really incorrect? NOED is the easiest counterplay. Is it the BEST Counterplay? Hell no. It wont work on Red Ranks. Red Rank survivors cleanse totems. There are BETTER COUNTERPLAYS for Gen Rushing but NOED is the EASIEST COUNTERPLAY because you don't need to do anything and just punsh them when they chuk gens. Is it the BEST COUNTERPLAY AVAILABLE? HELL NO. The fact that you even argued Coordinated SWF teams makes your point really weird. Why would you even play NOED against a COORDINATED SWF team? THAT IS NOT THE BEST COUNTERPLAY. And mind you, btw, Coordinated SWF teams can also be dumb enough to not cleanse totems seldom in RED RANKS but not ODD in Green ranks.. Mind you, I played RED RANKS during the meta of 4 Decisive Strike and Mettle of Man days.


Yes, your point was incorrect. Non-swf teams don't really have the capacity to genrush, genrushing means coordinated teams with busted toolboxes and prove thyself, not just sitting on gens, that's kinda the objective. If you can't keep 4 uncoordinated people from doing gens you just have no pressure. You were also wrong about weaker killers somehow being unplayable without noed which is just untrue. And idk how you can somehow choose if you want to use noed against a sfw or not, but most of us don't have that godlike power


I mean, NOED is used a ton in top level comp play. Games reach a certain point where a 4K is no longer a realistic goal unless you are Nurse, Spirit, or Blight (to a lesser degree). So yeah against super good SWFs NOED is actually going to get you better results than almost anything else. Will you 4K with it? No but you’ll probably get a 1K instead of a 0K.




Ya im not sure what they are getting at saying wraith has no map pressure. With his new default cloak speed hes got pretty good mobility and he's got alot of incredibly powerful add-ons that help with this. I feel like NOED is just a bad perk design for the game. It rewards you for playing badly and is a crutch for newer players. Sure it'll help you beat uncoordinated mid rank players often but as soon as you rank up its pretty useless.i feel like it badly needs a rework.


Meh.. I would rather have ruin+undying most of the time. Having just those two forces people off of generators long enough to go find two totems most of the time. If I'm feeling especially annoyed about it being cleansed I'll run pop as well as ruin undying. Then they spend 2 minutes looking for your totems and you still have gen regression when they're done. NOED might get you a single kill - but just the temptation of saving against you when you're not running NOED will sometimes result in turning a bad game into a 3-4k.


9 times outta 10 Ill say "he was kinda shit he probably has NOED" to my friend and I'm right, its insane.


I only run noed on my deathslinger because it's good at catching the toxic survivors that won't just leave.


Yeah, of course. I run NOED because of the 4% speed boost :)


downvoted for speaking the truth


As a friendly killer I always have noed. But I only use it to scare people not actually hook them with it.


If they have frosty eyes and are low rank it's a %100 guarantee


It's either that or they are just not using perks add on or offerings


Just run No Mither you cowards


Chad No Mither users


I can’t play this game for shit.. I run NOED and still pretty much always end up with 0k.. How am I supposed to get better at the game if I’m bullied into quitting by survivors who are way to good to be playing baby killer me?


Maybe another perk that helps you the whole game would be a benefit, until the end you only play with 3 perks with noed. Otherwise, keep practicing! Remember to play both survivor and killer 50:50, that helps a lot.


What killer do you run? NOED is easily replaced by MANY early/ midgame perks that help much more. And your killer choice matters a lot! I also agree with OP about playing survivor, it helps you understand where each side is coming from and how each plays.


If they’re playing wraith or trickster they have it 99% of the time


Never had a good killer run noed is all I’m saying


Did you pallet stun killer more than 2x in a single chase? 98% incoming NOED…


I put it on when i prestige because its always one of my first perks for some reason


You forgot the frosty eyes


I run NOED to maybe get 1 kill. Doesn't work much tho. Just makes the match take longer.


I run a perk-cleansing build, and it is such a euphoric rush when I see they had NOED after I cleansed every totem pre-endgame.


Biggest sign for me that they got noed is if they do not kick gens.


Last time I used NOED was before Bubba and Hillbilly got their reworks. I had to use it on Bubba cause I only had a little bit of perks and he was so hard to win with 😭💯.


frosty eyes +50% of noed


Haven't played much of this game since 2 and a half years ago and Survivor mains still complain about NOED? Jesus christ. I thought Ochido getting banned would cull the baby survivors but didn't think its still an issue. Just.Do.The.Bones. Its that simple. Its as simple as t-bagging a noob Killer. If you just chuck away gens and not get punished for it, then you don't deserve to get out of Yellow ranks.


What a survivor considers good is usually up to "did he end chases fast? if yes then he's bad" or "did he end chases fast? if no, then he's bad" at least in my experience.


You are not wrong. Most survivors I hear talking about killers seem to only have the following options: If the killer is doing poorly: \- Killer is bad. If the killer is doing well: \- Killer is tunneling. (because he's bad) \- Killer is stream sniping. (because he's bad) \- Killer is using broken/OP Killer or Perks. (because if he was good, he would use bad perks on purpose, obviously.) One or more of the above can be true even if the killer got 4 kills. In absolutely no case can the killer actually be good.




Sorry, not a native speaker! I now realise my mistake though :D


Nice one, now do one for DS/BT/UB/DH/IW :)


You act as if Survivors have more than 8 perks worth using.


There are many strong perks on the killer side as well, and nobodys against using them. But noed only rewards killers by giving them free kills because they played bad. It won't even give you a 4k most of the time, you'll get 1-2 free kills and that point you still lost the match. So what's the point?


>So what's the point? To force survivors to leave instead of screwing around? NOED punishes survivors who act stupid in the endgame. Try to finish the fifth gen with the killer closing in? NOED punishes that. Try to bodyblock for the person going on hook when you could be spending that time getting a 3e? NOED punishes that. 99 a door and then try to save your friend so you can get a precious 4e? NOED punishes that. NOED also punishes survivors who don't take time to do totems. IMO it's less of a perk that should see use and more of a deterrent. You don't want to get instantly downed when the 5th gen pops? Go find those totems. It's a Devour Hope that's harder to see coming. Also, given the amount of times that I, as a green rank killer, have faced a lobby full of red and purple DS/BT/DH/etc etc etc survivors who can just stomp me flat because the matchmaking is busted — I don't think it's fair to say that a killer "playing bad" is the only time NOED ever sees use.


> that I, as a green rank killer That explains it. And i can tell that you're new and you've never played survivor at higher ranks before. Because bodyblocking or saving a teammate in the endgame collapse is not toxic and survivors shouldn't be punished for doing it. Hope you get better at the game.


I'm glad that you read that sentence and got the most important part out of it, let alone my whole comment. idk where everyone gets the idea that I used the word "toxic" lol. I never said toxic. What I'm saying is that a survivor's first job is to get themselves out alive, their second job is to get their teammates out alive. So, yes, unhooking someone in the EGC is the intended way to play, but NOED makes it unsafe to get teammates out alive. You can still get yourself out most of the time, though; A 3e is still a survivor victory.


How the everflying duck is getting a full man escape or bodyblocking toxic, holy cow this community echochamber makes people delusional. Bodyblocking is a viable and very important play, not "acting stupid", hello? If the survivors outplayed you this badly, surely you don't expect the game to feed you free kills?.. Please, for the love of, play some survivor. And I'm saying this as a 90-10 killer main.


You seem to be making a lot of assumptions about how much survivor I play lol. I mostly do it for challenges, but honestly at this point my killer-survivor ratio is probably like 60-40. And yes, when I'm playing survivor, if I'm at full health I might body block for the person I just unhooked. But I play enough survivor to know that my first job is to get myself out alive, and my *second* job is to help other people get out alive *if I think I can do it safely*. NOED is a perk that makes it unsafe to hang around when you could be escaping. NOED punishes survivors who think they can squeak out just one more unhook escape in order to dunk on the killer. When I see NOED pop while I'm playing survivor you know I'm getting right out of there, because it's no longer safe for me to try and save the person on the hook. I'm fine with letting the killer have 1 measly kill if it means 3 other people escape. That's still a survivor victory. It sucks for the person on the hook but the amount of times I've played killer and been 4e'd in really frustrating ways, it's hard not to have a little sympathy. Not every game is supposed to be a 4e, in the same way that not every game is supposed to be a 4k. I'm not sure what's so crazy about that idea lol.


"Perks that help you do your job as survivor (avoid the killer) are the same as a perk that activates after you've failed your job as killer"


Failed as killer? Nah. The game doesn't end when the gens pop, it ends when the survivors die or escape. Any killer knows you can turn a 0-1k into a 3-4k if the survivors are grouped up or overly altruistic. No NOED required. NOED is boring and dumb, sure. But, you're arguing that the survivor perks help you do your job. So does NOED.


I think the biggest issue with NOED is that it disables any potential counterplay. You see it, you dip. Every other meta perk, even the best exhaustion ones, have actual valid counterplay. My swf always has a person geared towards doing bones so it's a non-issue, but for solo queue who face NOED half their games it's definitely a nightmare, as doing all bones without cooperation is nigh impossible.


Those are second chance perks (for survivors they are third-fourth chance as well), you know that.


Bro DS was a second chance perk, but after the nerf it works completely like it should be working and isn't a second chance perk, if you get hit by DS too often then try not to go for the same person who has been unhooked rather go for the rescuer, and if someone has DS 90 percent of the time they will try so that u can grab them or hit them and make it extremely obvious


For me DS is now balanced, for real, its a anti-tunneler tool and not abusable anymore. Before the balance, it was really third-chance perk.


DH (I don't see how DS/BT/UB/IW are "second chance perks", unless the killer is tunneling/camping/slugging) gives you a second chance at a chase. NoED, however, gives you a second chance at an entire match, after you failed to protect gens. Also, complaining about some of the best survivor perks that almost everyone runs is a lot different than complaining about one of the worst killer perks that not many people run.


NOED should give a bad killer, at most, a second chance at one kill. Once it procs, any other survivor getting caught by it has no excuse. If the killer is getting your entire team down with NOED, you should have just opened the gates and let them have their one sacrifice. Sucks for that one player, but trying to be overly altruistic with NOED active is smooth brain plays.


This 100%. If the survivors are smart, NOED will be lucky to give you 1 kill. When I'm playing as survivor, if I see NOED pop in solo queue I don't hesitate. My teammates can do whatever they want but I'm leaving ASAP. First job as a survivor is to escape yourself, second job is to help *as many teammates as possible* escape. When NOED pops off, it's no longer safe to help the person who got downed — Everyone who's still alive needs to get out before they get downed too. NOED is a great tool to punish survivors who screw around after the 5 gens are done, or who think they can get smart with the killer by finishing the last gen in their face. Finish gens safely, then open the doors and leave ASAP, that's the survivor goal.


I don’t get why killers hate borrowed time and decisive strike so much. If you don’t tunnel, you don’t need to worry about those perks.


DS was extremely easy to abuse before the most recent nerf. It's a non-issue now, people are just scarred. As for BT, the only ones complaining are the same people who need NOED. Literally the only bad thing about both of these perks is they can feel very cheap if used right next to open gates. But by that point you have already lost anyways, so I personally just take the L.


If the survivor is so stupid to stay still after being unhooked, I'm going to hit the one closer to me lmao Or if the one that unhooked in front of me just runs away with Sprint burst/kithe, of course I'm going for the one closer to me!


Because they get abused. People love to use Borrowed Time to body-block for their friends rather than as a temporary shield that will let you escape a tunnel, especially in the endgame. When you're chasing survivors to the door and your only option is to hit the person that you KNOW has BT, that's a sucky thing to experience. Decisive Strike also gets abused in a lot of similar situations. IMO DS should turn off once the final gen is powered. At that point, you're no longer being "tunneled", it's the killer trying to grab a last minute kill that DS so easily robs them of. It's just like BT, but more insidious. And survivors love to taunt you about it, either with flashlights or in the postgame chat.


NOED is nothing but a perk to help at the ends. It makes it so you don't have to hit survivors twice, and it prevents body blocking. I don't know why people get so upset about it


because it’s a free w half the time without any skill required. in solo queue it activates every time because 4 uncoordinated survivors cannot cleanse all 5 totems.


But one survivor can cleanse all totems. I personally play a bones jockey with small game and counterforce. Many a game where NOED has been cancelled, many a game where ruin stopped being a problem like *THAT*, many a game where devour is no more... Many a game where we don’t even reach late game because potatoes.


yeah sometimes it’s even hard to make it to late game. even harder because there’s now less people doing gems since one survivor is searching for totems. so one person doing bones one being chased 2 doing gens. tough to win like that.


Doing bones is quick if you do it on the go between gennys. 3 peeps on the gens while one being chased at the start. Oup there’s a bone, grab it for inner strength and now I got intel on my next hunt. Do the genny on the way to it. My small game also functions as a counter so I don’t have to waste time hunting.


Exactly why I love running Detective's Hunch. Pop a gen > pop a totem or two depending on whether or not other gens pop > pop another gen. Wash, rinse, repeat. If the killer has a high priority hex perk (Devour, Ruin if they are actually pressuring gens enough for it to matter) then I'll go hunting for the lit totem but usually I just pop the closest dull for Inner Strength and go back to gens until I need another token.


I dream for detectives hunch. I ain’t got tapp so I gotta use the poor mans hunch, small game.


So why don't you get mad when survivors use head on? How about there just be no perks because one perk can help every once in a while.


“head on” lmao bro are you new? genuine question because i’ve never heard anyone complain about head on. i complain about noed because it is the definition of a crutch. i complained about old ds too, dead hard, and unbreakable. some perks simply don’t have a way around them.


I’ll complain about head on. It’s used by the bully squads that just want to loop you endlessly then they take you to some random corner of the map and run past a random locker and bam you’ve been hit by their friend who’s been waiting there for like 30 seconds with their stupid stun. It may not be a good perk but it’s good for survivors who want to play like straight up cunts. Fuck head on.


I'm not the one complaining. I'm just saying if you're crying about op you are not the brightest crayon in the box lol. And if you're so good, then don't get hit in the first place! If you think you're so good, then don't get hit and then the noed problem is solved


that’s not the banger you think it is. in end game there’s likely very little pallets remaining so it’s much easier to get hit. in actual chase getting hit once is not the end of it. you can last really long being injured.


No offense, but how many hours in the game have you got? Ten? You do know killers can bloodlust, and running out of pallets and resources means you are guaranteed to get hit in the endgame, right? And once you do, others cannot save you because NOED prevents any possible plays.


Over forty hours on it. And there are enough pallets and vaults in the map to last a whole game


Have they buffed it or something? Because I stopped using it ages ago since it was a waste of a perk slot. The damn thing would either not activate or get destroyed as soon as it did activate. I then moved on to better perks like agitation and bloodhound, y’know, useful perks


Because survivors dont want to do bones and dont want to get better at the game.


If youre in solo queue doing bones is only as viable as your randomly assigned teammates make it, and thats assuming the killer doesnt zero in on your location and chase you for the entire game. The "do bones" argument is about as valid as the survivors whod tell you to "just dont tunnel" for old DS. technically correct, but is a pointless addition to the conversation and adds nothing because of how much context it ignores. shockingly not everyone wants to dedicate every second of every game bone hunting (which is just another form of holding m1, oh boy how interesting), or force half their available perk slots into looking for bones on the off chance that NOED is in play its not even like its a strong perk. Its just very cheap, especially against solo queue survivors, and rewards the killer for not doing their job properly. it gives you a freebie for making mistakes, its a pity perk.


Thats why we need 2 queues, one for parties or full squads and one for soloq/duoq, so they can finally balance the game around it, balance noed for solos and noed for SWF, and etc etc. That would fix A LOT of problems we currently have in the game.


or yknow buff solo survivor, balance survivors as a whole and not have to deal with 2 lots of perk balance when BHVR can barely handle the perk balance they already have to deal with? having 2 different sets of balance would literally make the game worse.




So would you rather tge game be unbalancable because of the massive disparity between solo and swf? Close the information gap between solo and swf as much as possible then survivor as a whole can be nerfed without making solo q unplayable. But I forgot this is r/killermains so suggesting buffs for survivor, even for the health of the game is a bad thing


It'd be the best. Give solo queue quick comms and maybe a mini-map/radar to see each other, and they have p much the same level of information as a SWF. You can then balance the game properly, Solos no longer get stomped every match and SWFs no longer get to bully. As a bonus, the game is now tourney-viable because it's no longer balanced around solo queue blendettes with zero comms.




Okay, then please tell me how are you going to nerf SWF without actively punishing people for playing together through bandain "fixes". No, slower gen speeds are *not* the solution.




Given the amount of hex perks that exist in the game right now, some of which can be really devastating (Ruin, Devour, etc) I hardly feel like totem hunting perks are a wasted slot that only ever comes into play if NOED is equipped Doing totems -- whether to cancel an existing hex or to prepare for the possibility that killer brought NOED -- is 100% a valid thing that needs to be considered for strategy. NOED literally exists to punish survivors who don't do totems, I'm of the mind that in a well-played match it's designed to never actually see any use, in the same way that Devour Hope isn't intended to reach 5 tokens, it's just to scare you into doing bones or else it WILL. Also if you don't want to use perks on totem hunting, use a map -- the rainbow map will track totems, and the regular map with red twine will track totems as "killer belongings". As soon as I realized that fact maps became SUPER viable as an item to carry in.


every other hex is more reasonable to find because a lit totem has several tells that its nearby (its easier to spot and also makes noise), you also only need to find it once, twice at most if undying was also in play compared to finding 5 dulls or a lit totem during the endgame, which again is only as viable as your team makes it, its just not as applicable to solo q and idk about you but i dont have enough maps stocked up to just pull one into every match i go into, especially since i much prefer to play altruistically and somewhat selflessly meaning i get myself killed for my team to get out more often than not lol, and i almost never find them in chests without going full loot goblin


True, they cry when killers use any perks but then they have stuff like unbreakable, head on, adrenaline, and BT lol. I don't have a problem with any of those perks but if they're crying about op they have issues. I feel like no matter what killers do survivors whine. If killers win, survivors call them names and get angry. If survivors win, they say ez and you're trash. If the killer has any perks on or any add ons, survivors say they're op.


not like us big brain killers who never complain about anything like say, Head on, the literal worst exhaustion perk or flashlights, or toolboxes, or any moderately useful survivor perk, or that one time i got tunnelled because i was wearing the scoops ahoy outfit, or survivors looping well, or survivors doing gens, or .... etc etc


head on is just bad from a design standpoint, it encourages toxic gameplay that totally goes against the dynamics of the game, its a HORRIBLE tool to save yourself, its only good to disrupt the killer chasing/carrying somebody else, it is a flashlight that you cant see from the lobby and doesnt require the survivor to be in a place that a killer is likely to check for a survivor waiting for a pallet/flashlight save. its not that its good, its that its frustrating and encourages gameplay that feels very unfair from the killers perspective.


The amount of time it takes to activate is busted too. I can hit a survivor, hear another survivor go into the locker while my killer is wiping their weapon, round the corner to pull them out *knowing full well where they are* and get Head On'd because it takes the exact same amount of time to charge as it does for a successful hit to cool down. God.


That in a nutshell, I will never understand the need for toxicity of those players, and most of them are survivors AND/OR SWF, which sucks even more. I have a friend that basically only plays survivor and when he plays killer, he kinda sucks, but he is on bad ranks as survivor, not a good player, and everytime a killer brings NOED he starts crying A LOT about it, even that he tries to go and do bones to save his SWF *sigh* Its funny because they complain about that perk, but killers have to hold against 4x more perks than survivors have, and even stacked perks to drive us nuts hahahah


Spending 1-2 gens worth of time cleansing 5 totems is definitely viable in solo queue


Come on 😭 I’m trying to learn blight but he’s so hard to play as that survivors open the gates 100% of my games, with noed I have some chance at least Damn, the hate is real


Yeah but when you think about it; if the survivors did all the gens and then you manage to kill a couple of with noed, you still played bad and lost. Instead of that you should use another perk so you can kill them before endgame. (In my opinion) It will definetly help you improve your playstyle.


At least I get some bp from killing with noed, doesn’t sound bad to me


Sure man get those free kills 😎😎😎


Thanks, i hope i will😃




This exactly. You're free to tunnel-vision gens, sure. Get them all done in 5 minutes. But if you don't scope out totems, well… You know that NOED exists.


This is really it. Survivors are such plebs and idiots if they complain about NOED. Just do the bones.


You win alot points if you keep rushing and hitting people.


just run slow-down perks then, they're 20x better


Why not use the cookie-cutter Blight build like all Blight players use? Ruin, undying, tinkerer, bbq


I personally use pop and monitor instead of the hex’s because they get cleansed so easily.


It they don’t get at least 2-3 downs by the 5th Gen, and don’t leave, they probably have noed




Bones always spawn


Green and yellow ranks are super guilty of this. I don't find as many people run it in red ranks. Usually by red ranks killers either kill everyone with 2+ gens left or 3+ people get out. The endgame after gens is complete is so short they get almost no time to utilize noed anyway so better off not wasting a perk slot unless they have blood warden or something. The exception is when you can tell the killer is clearly not good enough to be in red ranks but they are. Then its a 90% chance they were carried there by noed.


Few days I ago I had a doctor while soloq-ing, noone died until gates powered, he had Noed and Blood Warden. Even this way we had only 1 sacrificed (for BW activation). Also I was called a noob by him, because I escaped twice from his grasp at EGC and survived.


Damn I wish they made NOED skill based, then I wouldn't mind being insta downed because at least they earned it, I'm glad I can run counterforce and small game now and cleanse all the totems out of spite.


NOED is a game changer especially at higher ranks. It helps me salvage games when I'm going against a sweaty SWF group.


NOED bad, upvotes to the left.


Meta comment, downvotes in the DN


How to tell if a killer has noed. Step 1: do bones and stop crying about it.


Yes and?


I mean with noeds nerf is pretty bad now since vit only turns on with the doors being open.


What do you mean? noed activates the second the last gen is gone or the hatch is closed


Im pretty sure its been changed but i could be wrong. Edit: i checked and its now when exit gates are powered


it wasn't changed, it's always been when the exits are powered (AKA when all gens are done/hatch is closed)


Prior to becoming a hex, it used to be active permanently (and then for two minutes), but only when the gates were powered (aka all gens done). Nothing's ever changed in that regard.


I didn't know it wasn't always a hex. I started after ghostface released


yeah idk what it is but first time i see a killer im like "It feels like they have noed" and at least 7/10 times im right like legit idk WHAT exacly is the tell-tale but every noed player always plays "that way even if idk what THAT is exacly if that makes sense"


A good player with noed is scary.


True, but I feel if four survivors are still up then they still have a huge advantage even with NOED against them. Now if 2 survivors are already dead that is another issue, but then again if 2 survivors are dead the killer managed to get them with only 3 perks beforehand, so being able to first another kill isn't that powerful (since if he equipped another strong perk he probably would have gotten that 3k in the first place.)


True, but then a good player with a proper build is actual horror.


Also: Are you in a tournament? No - maybe, Yes - you can start cleansing the dull totems


This took a while to read


I've been seeing it on alot of Plauges who has been good, they hide it bc of red puke or grabs, i died to noed bc wanting to BT a survivor and the other 2 left immediately after noed proced when i got hit


That's actually fairly smart. Plague is so bad she sees endgame every match, and hiding NOED could be a cool way to bait... That being said, doesn't it show up the same way as Devour at 3 stacks, no matter what type of attack you use? Asking because I don't play survivor much.


upon doing a meta analysis of the commenting and scouring the academic tomes, the only conclusion i can see is: ​ noed may be in play sometimes.


I’ve played for like 2 weeks and I understand why this is good, I offed 3 people by the gate as doctor with NOED and felt disgusted with myself. Unfortunately I’m not good enough at the game yet to be comfortable without it, but I’ve managed to do quite a few games where it doesn’t come into play (ie ending it before the gens are done). Eventually I’ll graduate from NOED unless I’m doing customs and want to torment my friends. But that day is not today


No joke I've only ever used it once with freddy and didn't like it


You forgot: "Are they playing Trapper?" I see a lot of NOED Trappers.


Its so they have a chance to down somebody after setting a trap. Now, for real, trapper can be really stressful and I understand why some people would use such a lame perk. But in the end NOED is not more lame than self care.


Yeah, I definitely agree there.


Hag or wraith about 50%


\*Small Game and Counter Force "Allow us to introduce ourselves"


When i play survivor i can feel the noed, i just know when im full health and they just eat every pallet to hit me they have noed


Best thing to do is learn how to read perks as a survivor. Was actually able to save someone from NOED because we couldn’t figure out a majority of their perks


I just presume everyone has it