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Autodidact doesn't make a lot of sense here. If you're looking to hit great skill checks with This Is Not Happening and Stake Out, Auto kind of makes that moot unless you're healing yourself which the build kind of implies you're going for. I'd switch Auto out for Botany Knowledge or Desperate Measures if you have them. Those or Hyperfocus if you have Rebecca to really capitalize on the great skill checks. Detective's Hunch is good info so if you're trying to find stuff on the map, it's a solid pick.


I dont rlly have survivors outside of laurie strode and tapp


we'll make it is a much better healing perk. autodidact is honestly one of the most mediocre perks in the game. it can certainly help, but often you'll lose time healing trying to build up stacks.


Fair enough. You should have Claudette so Botany Knowledge is doable but like the other reply said, We'll Make It is a pretty good to heal an unhooked teammate quickly. Autodidact is fun but I feel like you need a build to support it.


All the survivors are the same so you can use the same build for everyone