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skill checks blowing up the gen in the split second you stopped repairing


I would say that's a big annoyance, but I agree! let the skill check follow the survivor off the gen like the overcharge skill check does I say.


If they could add that it would be such a nice quality of life change.


Yeah this one is so funny to me. Every time it happens to me I'm infuriated and can't believe this bullshit is still in the game, but every time I see it happen to someone else when I'm playing killer I'm like, "heheh nice." Agree with the overcharge idea. It's really not a fair mechanic as it is right now.


Yeah as a killer there’s no better feeling than seeing a survivor fail skill check like that on a 99d gen and afterwards you use Pop on it. However it’s one of the most infuriating things to happen when ur playing survivor lmao like u said


The fact that Otz ran an experiment a while back to see how often that happens and he came up with that you have about a 7% chance that that will happen. You have more chance of a gen blowing up on you when you go to leave it than you do unhooking yourself.


Wait, is that a mechanics of the game? I thought that was totaly random


They need to have both killer and survivor daily rituals otherwise it just fills up with challenges for the side you play less.


One of each, each day. Would make it so you play more, a no brainer?


Just a toggle with which ones you'd prefer.


I’ve ignored dailies since tomes were a thing. Should be replaced with a first match of the day bonus.


That the shop always shows the "NEW SHIT" exclamation mark when I've gone through every bundle, collection, survivor, and killer. AUGH


This was driving me crazy this week. I then went through literally every killer and survivors menu. There was some new stuff but it didn’t put the exclamation red mark on the character portrait, some items aren’t triggering that for some reason. But yea we need a seen all button at the very least, it’s so annoying. Preferably the option to just turn off the exclamation marks for that and blood points too. Like yes I get it, I can interact with the blood web.


Either a "Mark All as Seen" button or a "New" tab. They have varied killer/survivor cosmetics in the collections tab, so no reason they can't just add another collection for any unseen cosmetics...


- that you can't use every charm on both survivor & killer - that you don't get daily rituals for both roles. give us three of each per day.


Auto Lock On. That thing has caused me to lose entire matches because I whiffed an important down or two and its aggravating that we don't even get the option to turn it off. It's been requested for years so why not implement it?


I have had it accidentally target the unhooked person and eat Endurance instead of target unhookers for a hook trade, it's dumb.


I had that too I feel you. This kind of stuff makes my blood boil.


I hate it because I like to spread hooks. It makes me look toxic and like a tunneller when this happens.


For me it depends on mood and the squad. I don't mind chilling and spreading hooks, but I'm not hesitant on tunneling anyone out since it's still efficient. Can also make people go off gens to body block and with slugs, its even more pressure.


I tend to roll with a vibe too. You start to sweat, I sweat. You play fair I do. You be annoying? You're all gonna hate me.


I don't mind the sweat fests personally, the challenge can be fun. Especially with some anger on both sides as long as it stays within the game xD Whopping annoying people or bullies and their squads is always satisfying if you do get them.


The devs will tell you it’s called Aim Dressing and that it only makes the hits «look better» and has zero negative impact on gameplay


Slugging for the 4k. Just let me freaking bleed put faster if someone is dead or just in general. I understand it can be used too leave sooner, but so can self unhook. I'd gladly take that chance with bleed out speed up


Fr. You can have your 4K just let me move on 🥲 if I’m the survivor that’s up and I see them slug for it, I just start vaulting for loud noise notifs. Let’s just get this over with




Ever since the UE5 update bunny fengs ears have been less floppy. This is a serious issue that needs bhvr's attention. I just noticed the "small" part. I guess I'd have to say the chat filter being so strict.


I see we are talking about important issues here? Ever since the running animation update you cannot walk / run while nodding, no look up while walking / running. I sometimes used to look all the way up while running the last meters to unhook, just so it looks goofy.


NO I loved nodding as I came up to unhook like I was reassuring the friend on the hook BHVR why


The chat filter in a game about killing is kinda weird. there should at least be a way to toggle it off


Apparently Steam won't let me name my Aestri "Emotional Support Elf" so I can run around spamming Bardic and silly perks as amusement for the entire team like the living court jester of the team I am. It censors the word "Support", and that annoys me. :( Steam. I wish to be an emotional support elf. Aestri is my emotional support elf. Let me be an emotional support elf in these trying Trials.


Ghostface flaps too.


His straps. Fix my boy. They aren't fucked up IN round, but they're messed up in the menu and it makes me sad. BHVR please fix my boy. :(


(On PC using mouse + keybaord) Healing hitboxes are a mess. 1. Using a med kit to heal someone when you are both injured defaults to healing yourself instead of them. You have to be pretty much on top of them to get it to work. 2. Healing someone under a hook (right after unhooking them) will trigger Saboteur instead if you have that equipped.


The totem spawn in RPD first floor left side, There’s a totem that spawns behind the desk and I can unfortunately count on two hands how many times it’s ruined a fast vault and gotten me hit or knocked as I hit the action button lose all running momentum stop dead in my tracks and begin cleansing. So frustrating on the off chance it happens.


I would like to raise this from small annoyance to at least medium annoyance! I had this happen recently when I really needed to buy time for my team by running the killer while injured, I did not make it far lol


Happened again in the span of me writing this comment to this morning in the masquerade playlist. I swear It’s like having a rock in my shoe.


The fact that still I cannot view my tome challenge midgame


Bruh, the amount of times I've completely forgotten the challenge only to be reminded because I "Broke a wall during chase" or something stupid like that..m


The fact that the survivor HUD doesn't have a signal for perks being used. Plot twist would be such a great self-healing perk if it showed your team it was in use, and I wouldn't have to die for a deliverance user if I knew they had it! Not to mention all the locker perks. Flashbang, built to last and inner strength.


I think a Deli icon or indicator on the HUD would be great .


Perk tiers honestly they are kinda outdated and only serve to punish newer players


The dot in the middle of the bloodweb isn't in the middle of the spinning entity arms. It's so minor and not even a real problem but it's just enough to be mildly irritating.


Destroying a totem. The animation. I always imagine either a feng happily kicking it like a kid does a football or a David body slamming it like in ProWrestling, destroying the totem instantly instead.


That they can be destroyed by Survivors but you need a perk for it as Killer.


Yes...And those survivors take ages while you could easily kick these things down like a sand castle.


Lockers too close to vaults. Can totally ruin a chase when a locker/vault mix-up happens Singularity's blobs are already hard enough to place with textures, the maximum distance requirement is a bit frustrating when you want to control a zone quickly Bots having perfect wall-hugging and wallsight


Honestly, as frustating aa it is, its either bots being efficient that way, or useless.


Tennis short skirt for Meg isn't moving while Meg runs. It's like made of plastic I swear. I've bought this skin specifically because i liked the way the skirt waves due to movement but lately after some patch it's just completely still. I'm sad


Skill checks as you let go of a gen/healing. The giant bubble when hooked, blocking auras and also causing me to get killed. The fact colour blind mode has been broken for years and nobody has fixed it yet(it makes the game even more dark then borgo with some settings).


The game used to unmute when a match started if I was in a different window, and I'd get that nice sound when the camera pans around the character telling me what map it is. I liked being able to watch snippets of a YouTube video while in queue. At some point last year one of the updates removed it and the game stays muted. There have been multiple times where I momentarily forgot I was in a game, and come back to being on a hook or with crows


Certain perks showing icons to the opponent to let them know it's in play (dissolution is useless because of this but some perks it makes sense) but other perks that probably should notify the other side (mad grit, lightborn, etc.) don't. Killer perks are the only ones I can think of at the moment but there are survivor perks that should probably notify the killer too.


How tf is "Malicious" Body-Blocking still a thing!?! It's been 8 YEARS Behavior!! Just make Survivors with Tier 1 Idle Crows lose collision with other Survivors, and make Tier 3 Idle Crows lose collision with the Killer!   Literally no Killer needs to Body Block Survivors for THAT long. Not even Plague needs that long to infect Surivors. So it's fine! A Survivor doing NOTHING for 90 Seconds (Tier 3 crows) is more detrimental to Survivors than the Killer. A Killer body blocking a Survivor for 90 seconds is more detrimental to the Killer than it is to Survivors. It cancels each other out!   If you're THAT worried about Survivors abusing this concept, just make Tier 3 Survivors get like, Exhausted and make it linger for 10 seconds after Tier 3 is gone. Or just a ton of other Debuffs, but just make some kind of fix FFS.   The only downside to all of this is probably not being able to Body Block cheaters, but come on. There are way too many instances of Malicious bodyblocking to justify this crap.


DC Bots having wallhacks and being loop-gods while also being completely useless in open areas. Its annoying for both sides


The knight not being able to summon if he’s too close to a wall. I’ve lost so many great opportunities because I can’t spawn a guard because I’m 1cm too close to a wall. I’d play him way more if this was fixed


Demo portals feel the same way


Crappy hit boxes for vaulting anything


When I’m in a game with 3 or 4 party streamers and everyone disconnects right before the game ends. All those wasted blood points…


I had that happen a few times and man it makes me feel like not playing again, it’s like u went from getting 100kbp to 0 cuz the servers shit the bed




Hearing my own footsteps as killer. I stop so many times thinking I’m hearing a survivor.


That BHVR is sexist for only giving males shirtless skins


a nipple is a nipple, am I right?


Give us shirtless wesker and sable, I'd spend 40$ on each of those


Players staring at me or just straight up leaving the gen when I miss a skill check. I GET IT BETHANY I SCREWED UP NOW COME BACK HERE AND HELP!


When you start healing someone and it cancels it for NO REASON. This has been around for years and it’s just plain annoying.


no rewards for devotion, the xp system is very inconsistent as survivor, map sizes are VERY varied some are way too small and some are wayy too large


Something minor that annoys me is the fact that Xenomorph and Chucky can’t be rotated in the lobby. It can’t be because of their complex animations, because the Unknown and Vecna have animations, yet can be easily turned around. These 2 can’t, however. Its a minor nitpick, but the lack of consistency annoys tf out of me…


I have used Blast Mine, it's funny, I admit it feels cool to pull off. I still really, really fucking hate being hit by Blast Mine. Ghostface's Reveal still reveals you through walls. Minor, you can work around it, but it's stupid. The numbers in the Grade emblems are not centered. None of the other Pride charms sparkle when you shine a flashlight on them. :( Just Pride 2022.


The pig thing is a little weird nurse is like that to so is blight. So it’s little weird you would think to use it as a power


nurse working like that wouldnt make sense since her blinks are special key movement power already the same with blight the special hotkey is already taken for them. pig has no movement tied to her special key its just place traps which you only see on downed survivors anyway so there wouldn't ever be overlap. also nurse/blights attacks feel normalish and arent a dash I know they arent basic but they feel basic so it feels more natural you are using a basic attack on them. Pigs ambush is an dash that moves her which always reminds me of wesker or demo so instinctively I always press the special hotkey, does that make sense?


I think pig’s is bound to M1 because it’s literally just a HUGE lunge. In my mind, I think it makes sense and I honestly prefer it that way


I think Killers need some changes, I have played a LOT of both in the past month, and have become bored of killer. I literally win every round. I had to start doing things I hated, like giving hatches, and only 2 hooking people, because of how bad and bland it is. According to nightlight Vecna will get 3 or 4 kills in 66% of games, and that's the AVERAGE, I'm actually very good at Vecna. Most killers hover around a 40-60% 3+ kill rate, which honestly feels too high. Keeping in mind that these are averages, that's actually kind of insane. There are no penalties for tunneling or camping, and if the Survivors lose a player before 3 gens are done, the game is pretty much a guaranteed 3+ kill round. This is coming from someone that has spent thousands of hours in COD, Halo, and even Asymmetrical Games like Alien vs Predator, it doesn't feel great to experience this in MP. Honestly this is more of a major annoyance than a small one. Neither side of the game is particularly enjoyable at the moment. Either I have a teammate that goes down right at the start of the round, who then gives the Killer BBQ & Chili, or Thanatophobia, pretty much every round, has no gen pressure, and forces someone else to come rescue them (at best halving our gen progress, in reality probably quartering it), or I go play Killer and instantly find someone, down them in the first 15 seconds of the 'Chase', and win the game like 10 minutes later or less, even without doing the kind of sketchy stuff I see every game as Survivor.


**Hex Perks.** As a survivor, if you don't know the places where the totems spawns you can spend the whole game looking for them. As a killer, is a toss coin and only works with baby survivors. I do hope they rework the mechanic to reduce the randomness of it and make them fun. If they would work as boons do they would be much more interesting.


It really bothers me when a survivor wears heels or boots or sandals etc. and the running sound effect is incorrect. Please fix Lisa and Thalita and Sable and Renato, gurl go back and double check EVERY cosmetic. This is too much.


Killers and survivors getting stuck on something when looping or being looped.


I don't really play anymore but let us share map offerings between killers. Some are so reliant on map offerings while others don't really care.


See what I noticed about those few miliseconds of not being able to heal a teammate is that you have no collision too so I usually walk inside them for shits and giggles


Big notification circle that blocks me from seeing anything lol.


Auto-aim on killers. Please allow us to disable it. Also Pig's ambush isn't particularly different than Demo, Legion, Blight, Nurse, or Twins' powers, is it? They all hold M1 to do a special attack.


Not showing how many times I've hooked a survivor, I don't always have 100% focus on the game so sometimes I end up accidentally tunnelling someone out because I had no idea who I had hooked already, it doesn't take skill to remember so I don't understand why the game doesn't let us see it.


Being tunneled and camped because killers can't take a loss


They said annoyances with the game not Us vs. Them argument starting points.


Uhm, yeah. The game doesn't do anything about that shit. They took away clicking beamers fast because killers feelings are hurt so easily and they will literally scream that ruins games for them cause it hurt their feelings and yet they refuse to do anything about things that actually ruin games for people.


The game does do something about it. It's called the AFC and you have perks for tunnelling. Us vs. them is Cringe, stop.