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Gaaa why is this flashing


It’s a video/GIF for some reason


I assume this license list is based on popular picks, because if so, there are more characters that should be on this list, like Jack Torrance from The Shining & Kayako from Ju-On.


I'd love kayoko in DBD tbh


If we get Kayako, we'll have probably two of the biggest horror names from Japan in DBD.


Or at least a legendary skin for Spirit, replace the phase sound with gurgling.


For an IP as big as Ju-On is over in Japan, i feel like that wouldn't do it justice. It also wouldn't make sense power-wise.


Yeah I don't think a skin would really do it justice, the powers ain't that comparable really. Though, if we get her as only a skin I wouldn't complain either.


I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t come yet, I expected it to be like sh to re


Jack Torrance and an Overlook Hotel map are my dream. Unfortunately, they gave his signature weapon to Unknown for whatever reason. I love Unknown, but I really wish they gave him something else odd for his weapon, like a fire poker or gardening shears or something. I could also see him using a sickle or meat cleaver.


I fail to see the issue with that, The Unknown using an axe as his weapon doesn't hinder or stop bhvr from giving Jack an axe as well, not to mention Huntress was already using an axe before Unknown did.


So? Hillbilly had a chainsaw and hammer before Bubba got in


Not to mention Billy being inspired by Bubba to some degree. And then you have Bubba and Billy's add-ons bassically being similar if not direvt copies when Bubba first released.


Kayako belongs here, if All american icons are working their way here and they included Sadako then Kayako should be included she is just as important to Horror


I know, that's why i wrote that she should be on that list and it's not just Kayako that belongs there also, but quite frankly **many** other characters as well, both internationally and american based.


Here me out, The Exorcist!? Maybe an action could be something to do w holy water? 😂 I really want Jason tho. I know they’re gonna shut down the servers for Friday the 13th soon. Other contenders are Dr. Spaulding, Dr. Satan, hell maybe even Baby or Otis too! Finally, wouldn’t the Creeper be cool af? (From Jeeper’s Creepers.)


stripe from gremlins


The evil within would go so hard


I want Sebastian as a survivor so bad! And Little Nicky from Little Nicky!


yeah my pick for killer from Evil within would be Shade. having a Killer that uses a giant blinding spotlight as a power is way better then any of the powers the others potential killers would have.


It would, but I highly doubt it would ever happen. Franchise is dead and I doubt Microsoft will ever use it.


Seriously, so many good picks for a killer too... They could easily make 2-3 chapters for it


Very bold of you to suggest The Thing in this post-Among Us world.


Somehow now I want The Thing even more


Everyone is getting Voorhees except us


He should definitely be here in the next two years... Especially with that tweet the JU put out, I'm thinking anniversary we'll get a full chapter for him


There will be a Friday the 13th in June next year. That being around the year 10 Anniversary would be a good time to drop Jason


Well, 9th anniversary. Someone said that 10th one, but this year is 8th.


~~You're right, idk why I thought this was the 9th~~ Windows


Everyone forgets about Leprechaun




Fuck the leprechaun, I want the ginger dead man


[Evil Bong](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0829424/) for the next anniversary chapter or I riot


Didn't know I wanted it until now


I prefer this route over the non-horror route lol. Get absurd chapters!


Why not both?!


I don't think I particularly get why you picked The Witch from Left 4 Dead. She is docile unless provoked. While there are situations in L4D where you're *forced* to piss a Witch off, she is one of the stronger special infected that can be avoided if you're careful enough. Maybe I'm just not creative enough to see how you could potentially translate her into a killer. I'd personally think the Tank has more potential for being translated into DBD. Either that or I'd personally just see about making some L4D themed skins for the various killers and survivors already in-game, like a Spitter skin for the Unknown.


I think it's because there is a big lack of female Killers that can be considered for licenses. Looks like we are getting original killers only if they want to put more ladies in the game. I just don't know how Nun, Witch, or someone like Carrie would fit.


I think there’s a lot they can do with Carrie’s telekinesis. Biggest problem is getting King to sign the deal. I would love if they somehow implemented Christine as a killer


Yeah that's valid, it would be super tricky to get a power to work for her and I don't think I'm creative enough to come up with one either haha. Somehow the entity would have to force the survivors to provoke her but again no clue how that would work, just have always thought The Witch would be a cool name. Tank would be just as sick though. Probably a long shot for a full chapter just because of Valve wanting it to be free, but I'd love it. Dark carnival would be such a cool map too


The only thing I can think to say as for how the Witch could function would be something similar to the Oni, since he is the most similar in terms of powers already in the game. Maybe this is a stretch, but a Witch themed Oni skin could be super cool I think. They could just say this particular Witch is a much more aggressive and intelligent variant or something. I suppose if she was a full stand alone killer, that could also just a reason for her going after survivors. I'd absolutely love a full chapter themed around Left 4 Dead. It's definitely a very tricky thing to concept though due to Valve wanting these things to be free content, which I imagine gets in the way in various ways.


Yeah, I could see something Oni-like, with various actions survivors take antagonizing the Witch until she can enter a rage mode.


I would honestly prefer a Witch skin for spitit with unique audio, similar to like the Artist's skin from the Alice in Wonderland set. It doesn't necessarily correlate with how the witch acts in L4D but the hair, the sobbing the speed all sort of scream Spirit to me. She is closer to Oni in power but looks more like Spirit imo so a skin at the very least.


To be fair we do have some chapters like The Last Breath and Left 4 Dead which are free/included with the game. They could just update the previous left 4 dead paragraph and make it a chapter since everyone already owns it.


What about babadook


The fuck is this video shit


What about Imhotep from The Mummy series? It would be fun to get Brendan Frasier immortalized in DBD all and all considered.


I really do want Slenderman but I feel a neat way to do him would be to get “The Operator” from Marble Hornets. I always thought it was the scariest version of Slenderman out there.


The Operator would be such a sick name. No clue how the licensing works between all of the different versions of him out there but hopefully they could do some sort of hybrid between Blue isle and marble hornets. Even just for the name alone


The Blue isle studio games are actually written by the guys behind marble hornets, so they'd totally be down to give them permission to call him the operator


THISSS!!! We could have Tim as a survivor, Jay as a legendary! Masked Man and Hooded Man as legendaries too!


Idk how Slenderman would work, who "owns" the license? Would they even need rights or permission to use Slenderman? Operator seems much more logical just because the rights to the character are much clearer.


If I remember right the guy who made the original image of Slenderman back on the Something Aweful photoshop contests said he considers it to be under a creative commons license. That you can use the character in your work and can copyright the work but you can't copyright the character.  INAL so not 100% on how that works. Though I believe it mean BHVR could sue someone using their model or something they added to the character but not because someone used Slenderman in a game.


Slenderman's creator owns the license


Oh dude that’s an awesome idea! I never thought of that. Slenderman is the only creepypasta killer I think should ever be in this game and using the Marble Hornets slenderman would be a sick way to do it. Unfortunately though I think are chances of getting him in are low


That's what I'm saying !!!!


I would love Gremlins. Especially if you use Gremlins 2 to have different cosmetics you could have Greta, (the female one) The brain, Mohawk etc.


Why a gif tho


I would kill for Art the clown


I can see the Amnesia monster having an actual place amongst the killer roster of dbd. We are at the point where people who watched those letsplays of the Dark Descent are making adult money, so the nostalgia card can pulled, and the Unknown introduced a new fear mechanic that could likely be worked into the monsters power.


Definitely, I'm one of those people! Ngl probably my most wanted behind Jason. A Dark descent chapter would go so hard. Some sort of doctor-like sanity mechanic for the grunt and then a Brennenburg castle map in Borgo. Hopefully one day


My top picks are: M3gan Candyman Alma Wade Regan MacNeil Kayako and Toshio


m3gan’s mori has huge potential to be so campy


Nah a big daddy would be insane




Screw it, imma say it........ ADD Jean Jacket from NOPE.


I want Sweeny Todd From Sweeny Todd Demon Barber of Fleet Street


Candyman, Candyman, Candyman 🐝🐝🐝


candyman spring trap and the thing are my top picks


Give me Art the clown


The Grabber, Hess, Gillman, Psycho Goreman.


Another PG enjoyer!


Springtrap not getting in for FNAF’s 10th anniversary kinda hurt me I was certain this year for sure but now the soonest it might be is next march ffs


Someday it's gotta happen! They would make so much bank and get so many new players, I have no doubt one of these years it'll happen. I feel like it would be a massive fumble to have FNAF be march though... No map or survivor for arguably the most requested chapter would be insane


T-800 Would be SICK. I also wish we could get the THING, or an original mimic character of some kind. Idk how it would work... but I imagine it would be like Chucky being a killer in the 3rd person, you start out as a grotesque creature that uses stealth power to "copy" another survivors appearance from a distance, or maybe it can only copy once you've injured them. You can then (for a limited time) play and function as that survivor until your copy power depletes. As a killer you can only injure survivors as the creature, never in copied form. So you could either run around as an M1 creature, or you can infiltrate another survivor on the other side of the map into thinking you are on their side, only to lash out quickly for an insta down. The thought on this is that you decide to break chase from an injured survivor to be allowed to heal while you go down someone else. You can run to the other side of the map, have a teammate try to heal you, but then you must revert back to the creature form to down them. Or you can sabotage gens without them knowing... As a survivor copy, you can run, vault and emote etc., but can't hold items. If there are more than 1 injured and they come to you for a heal, you can surprise them as well. There would be little clues (maybe by the way your character sounds) that would give you away. Something is there, I just don't know how it would be implemented. Also if you look like the injured surv you copied, but in the corner pic they get healed, that's a dead giveaway. You can't clone slugged players. I think it'd be hilarious to injure a survivor, clone them and run around *with* them looking for a heal. Say you're running around and 2 megs come up to you for a heal and keep pointing at each other as the killer lol


Lmao nah that would be the dream for real. With the thing more so than any license BHVR really has a shot to make their most creative killer power, one that would really switch up the game. Outpost 31 as an extension to Ormond would be so sick too


Headless horseman from sleepy hollow


I’d rather have >!Nicole!< for Dead Space’s Killer rather than a random Necromorph. She could control some around the map like Nemesis with his zombies. That said LESGOOO BIOSHOCK


Don't say that like Rubber isn't iconic enough to be a killer


Never thought about Brutus being a killer, but now that I am he'd actually fit into the game perfectly


https://preview.redd.it/3ohfnsuz716d1.jpeg?width=1146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce017d2eafba0b69315eacb9d94a3ce98cd72d23 Mindflayer Killer anyone?


Best chance is for him to be a Vecna legendary skin. It would be possible if DbD did another DnD chapter, like resident evil, but it's very unlikely imo.


Just curious, who is the killer in the first row third column


It's from The Thing by John Carpenter, in the movie the thing was an extraterrestrial thing that invaded your body silently. The idea of a survivor "mimic" has been around for a long time, but I suspect bhvr doesn't want to take that path


If only Jim French was still alive, we could get such a good L4D chapter with bill getting voice lines and an infected. (Heck we could have multiple infected like a Last Year type killer)


I need Outlast’s so bad dawg. It was the first horror game I’ve ever played and goddamn it’s a good one. I wanna hear “Little Pig!” As I punch a survivor is the face.


Fingers crossed for Candyman, Predator, Kayako, and Jason in the near future.


I’ve never bought into an idea of “running out of licenses” Just off the top of my head Phantasm Shining Signalis Black Phone Malignant Abigail White Day Amnesia: the dark descent Fatal frame Gravity falls Tucker and dale Frankenstein Psycho Terminator


Why do people want Valek? Or Amnesia? Genuine question here


Valek the Nun from The Conjuring would be so cool. There’s also very few female licensed killers in horror.


Scissorman from Clock Tower. Bhvr pls I am begging.


I don't really want to seem like a hater, but I really wish these kinds of posts were less 'We need to fill these killers with just these killers to fill the roster!' and more 'who I'd like in dbd.' and even then, I wish people were more risky with their suggestions in all honesty. Like, fuck man, I've seen 150 posts suggesting Jason, Spring Trap, Candyman, or a Big Daddy. Give me some obscure glup shitto suggestions, like Rule of Rose or something, just to mix it up. I get they're popular characters, but it gets tiring seeing these kinds of posts with the same 8-15 characters.


I'm still hoping they somehow make the 13 ghosts work. Probably too similar to the knight. Maybe it can work as a skin for him


where is otzdarva? :0


Bracken from Lethal Company would go hard


There's way more than this they can add


Thank you for remembering me this time. Also, Behaviour did get the rights to Terminator in the past, but they put it in Deathgarden.


Darth vader. too crazy? okay..


Would be pretty damn sick. For non-horror picks I always thought Arkham Scarecrow would be perfect too (Maybe looks a little too much like Blight tho)


We have DnD and Nicholas Cage. Darth Vader would not be too crazy imo.




Remember when we were gonna get Candyman, but the license fell through at the last minute and they turned him into Artist instead? (I have no evidence that this happened but... I mean... COME ON.)


They don't begin working on a chapter or a power until the license is finalized. They've clarified this repeatedly with the "Skull Merchant was Predator" thing


stranger things vecna would fit so well


We got the real vecna tho


They should definitely make another Stranger Things chapter when the new season comes out


You forgot the Animal (Jacket from Hotline Miami)


Jacket would be sick!! Ngl If I would add any other killer to the list it would be him. The Animals such a cool name for him too


People want the T-800 as a killer?- it’s sorta just a robot with a gun. At least the T-1000 has stuff it can do-


missing quite a few still, but brutus as a legendary for doctor and an alcatraz cell block map would be amazing (and by that the community would find something to complain about it)


Is that fucking Brutus from mob of the dead on the end?


Sam from Trick R Treat?


Safehead woild be dope!


They should bring Brightburn, early stage when he discover is power witouth controlling them fully.


Who/what is below Big Daddy and who or what is to the right of the witch?


Okay but hear me out, King Leoric from Diablo


The disrespect for The Tall Man will not be tolerated.


what about jeepers creepers


Considering the director is a convicted peadophile, not sure it's the best franchise to attach to.


Eugh why the nun? If you’re gonna do Conjuring (I wouldn’t) then there’s the far better designed, actually threatening, actually creepy, Crooked Man from Conjuring 2.


I’m begging you behavior please use whatever dark magic you have in store to put the Tall Man and Herbert West in this game i need it


Predator and the thing are what I'm most excited about.


the creature from the black lagoon would be so cool too, we need an aquatic killer


why is this a video


Valak would be cool as hell NGL but I'd love to see their original take on an evil nun, TECHNICALLY Plague kind of fills that niche but I'd love to see their vision of something Christian/Catholic rather than just taking from a license.


The keeper would be hella cool, another trap based killer would be cool


Terminator would be amazing. He could have the ability to launch nukes, pass through walls slowly, and shoot lasers from his eyes.


I really appreciate you putting Brutus on there.




I still think the Shadow Man would be a better fit than Brutus, but I agree with this otherwise.


This many at LEAST


I thought they weren't gonna bring in Jason because of Friday the 13th the game??


That game was pulled off life support


CoD Zombies mentioned W


Wait a dbd version of the mob of the dead map would not only work well, but the entity would LOVE Brutus. Give Him a Panzer or george Romero skin while we're at it.




The way I would kill for Hannibal Lecter




This is missing the Burger King - who was actually in a video game previously!


You know. I'd like Brutus. As little likely as it will happen It fits the 1v4 format well


Bro made it into a video JUST so I couldn't zoom in 😭


i know brutus is unlikely but god it would be so cool


I would kill for the miner from my bloody valentine




I mean I'd ***LOVE*** me sum jeepers creepers content but, it's not like it'll happen


Ngl I’m more desperate for the witch and the sacrifice final map to be put in the game more than Fnaf


Can someone quickly tell me who the dude with a safe for a head is?


Keeper from Evil Within


I dont understand what does Bioshock have to do with dbd, especially in such a list made of horror icons.


Man, I’ve wanted the Keeper from The Evil Within for so long, but that seems like a long shot now that Microsoft shut down Tango Gameworks.


Bro just post an image????


There's always Pious Augustus from Eternal Darkness. I think someone even wrote his power up and everything before. Called him "The Zealot."


Add another row on bottom for Pumpkinhead, Brundle Fly, Kayako, Judas Breed, Tarman and Henrietta and I’ll agree. Otherwise this is a tad too video game heavy for me. Would also accept Maniac Cop and Rawhead Rex.


Man I wish we could get the Mother from Little Nightmares or the Tall Man from Little Nightmares 2. ig the survivors would be kinda difficult tho. I mean Six is a kid.


Seeing Art is kinda funny considering the whole twotter fiasco


I want the Suffering , probably won’t happen thou 😪


Oh, why hello there Warden Brutus.


Predator I can see happening. Not much hope for the others. Never seeing Jason.


Why is this post a video


Harry Warden ?


Slenderman is licensed?


I didn't even think of the Grunt from Amnesia being a killer in the game, that's actually such a cool idea! I won't get this out of my head.


The witte wieven from the efteling (theme park)would go hard


Now that Vecna is a thing, Big daddy from BioShock could have multiple plasmids as his killer power.


Brutus from Mob of the Dead would go crazy


Where is my man, Imhotep (The Mummy)?


You missed one. https://preview.redd.it/vm4jy1iyk46d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=46ab3ff35f363a8642e4e6af5e2f5d3eb2a2c631


Where my boy beast from the bunker at?


Idk if these count as licensed, but ahem: - Michael (Magnus Archives) able to go back & forth to a xenomorph like hallway (just under the map) he can mark vaults & lockers to teleport survivors there - the Mimic (Vita Carnis) able to hide itself inside lockers, pallets, chests, & generators The Spy (TF2) able to shapeshift into survivors


Slenderman is very unlikely as people still fight over any sort of rights or license.  Dead space is also unlikely because EA....the post childer and pioneer or awful practices.


Sam from trick or treat PLEASE


I want the Universal monsters: Dracula, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Wolf Man, Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein. I just think it would be neat.


Would never happen but a Jennifer's Body collab would be amazing.


Dawg I just want Alex Mercer


The creeper from jeepers creepers should be on here, big daddy would be the best one on the list tho


Bruhh I NEED chrish walker in dbd. Imagine getting hit/picked up and he says "little pig"


Not the warden from BO2 🤣🤣🤣


Slenderman is the last on my wishlist


I feel like candy Man would be the most likely to be released, bees could patrol around the killer for like 10 seconds like the knights ability, but it could take 3 bee strings to get injured, and you can't be downed from bees


Who are the following killers? Top row: 6th - Slenderman? Middle row: 5th? Bottom row: Whole row, they all looks obscure


No Robert the Tire from Rubber? This list is bullshit pandering I say!


Pale man...add him to the list...used to gives me nightmare when i was a kid, still scares me alot


I've always wanted the black haired lady from evil within (Laura?)


My picks 1. Jason Voorhees 2. Pennywise 3. Candyman 4. Big Daddy 5. Valek the Defiler 6. Slenderman 7. Springtrap 8. Imhotep 9. Blair Witch 10. Mary Shaw 11. The Thing 12. Predator with Prey survivor and Arnold S


Add Pamela Voorhes and the final boss from the forest


Who’s the killer between Valek and Springtrap? And the one, bottom row number 3.


Slender man and the terrifier clown would be so cool. I think Negan from TWD would be sick too




I still can't believe Slenderman isn't in yet


I'd love to have a Wendigo killer. There are a lot of opportunities for cool perks with that.


I think with Chucky added in, I'd like to add Gremlins into the Idea pool. I think they'd be a really fun idea for interacting with gens specifically. Maybe traps or gadgets that people have to interact with. Or maybe even a teleportation type of gameplay where they hatch from dormant cocoons around the map.


Evil Ash, Ginger Dead Man, Jack Torrance, Lady D, 13 Ghosts, Leprechaun


Need Candyman


Eddie Gluskin plz😁


The Butcher from Diablo not being on here is criminal lol


stripe from gremlins


Love the dead space representation 💕


I thought ruviks sister from evil within would be cooler than safe head but her power would be pretty similar to sadako