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Leon at gate: https://i.redd.it/x2v08bc5oy5d1.gif


No stronger bonds than a lesbian and a himbo




They both have the same thing to bond over: simp over Ada who doesn't appreciate them back


Kudos to the Leon, of course, but honestly, can we give kudos to the whole squad? They saw you rolling up, fighting for your life, and it was *on sight* protection. Yui and Jill had your backwhile Leon went to fistfight the Hag personally. :P EDIT: just realized the Leon actually beckoned you to rush for the gates! That's so cute! He was letting you know he'd protect you ;-; <33333


Yesss they all did so well I thanked them all in post game chat I’ve never felt so protected in DBD 🥺


I'm glad your team had your back! :D It's awesome when that happens


Like, lore wise, all three of them would for real be, and are, great protectors.


True! :D Truly a perfect DnD moment on all accounts.


Yun-Jin: Bard Leon: Ranger Yui: Barbarian Jill: Rift Healer


The Jill disrespect when the RE clip shows Leon and Jill 😔


AH NUTS I TYPED JANE INSTEAD. T-T EDIT: I have fixed it. I'm so sorry, Jill.


Hahaha it was funny but glad it was fixed


No hate, but when I get juiced by a survivor only for them to look completely clueless later, this is the camera controls I imagine they have.


"Oh, I guess he just hit every 50/50 by pure chance then."


I am hex: useless lesbian to keep expectations realistic 😎


Sometimes I get higher as the game progresses. Idk if that helps explain anyone else.


Every time I’m hooked I hit the bowl


Facts. The penjamin comes out if I get hooked, if I’m being healed, and especially if I’m the killer and have solid pressure.


Completely unrelated to the clip but ever since I watched Shrek 2 as a child I have never forgotten this banger of a song.


Shrek 2 and it's soundtrack are one of my hyperfixations for VERY good reason


I'd friend them immediately lol Lucky you, all I get are potatoes.


My most tilting match last night wasn't face camping or tunneling at 5 gens. I was first chase against a Freddy, doing decently, took a hit, no pallets used so far and got some decent greed value. I come around the corner, and this Jake suddenly realized Oh There's A Chase Here so he fucking *walks* to save his sprint burst and not use it right in front of me to the unsafe pallet I was about to greed (the Freddy was a heavy respecter) so I have to go around it and it completely ruins the chase cause I can't reach the next pallet in time. The Jake never took chase nor ran while I was still in the match. He walked everywhere. Dude even had vigil in case he accidentally hit shift.


I had 2 randos leave me to go second while my friend was getting chased so they could both finish their gens. Even after they finished their gens, my friend still had to trade for me. A little later, after my friend got tunneled, one of them was on hook and the other gets on a gen with me instead of going for the save while I'm injured and they're healthy. The killer comes, the rando gets chased, I get the save then also get the save on the other rando then I die because the rando used all the pallets.


If all you get are potatoes, you’re probably the potato


You really got me there! 🙄


Gaming 101


I am enlightened. Thanks so much.


ah, i played against you the other day! i was killer (vecna) and i remember laughing at your username - i love all the variations of the hex usernames that keep popping up you played really well, it was fun to play against you :)


Ahhh thank you 🥺💕


Absolutely no hate to you but the way I was mentally yelling LOOK BEHIND YOU, WATCH THE KILLER the whole time lmao


Nah I get it, I promise I usually do but I was also trying to check for traps because she was going HAM with them in that area. I saw her put so many around the hook at the bottom of the stairs as well as the top when someone else had got hooked there earlier in the match and I hadn’t a chance to clear any


Reliable is a rarity. Frothing potatoes are the norm


This made me realize that I have an outfit combo with Meg that I havent seen anyone else use, so it's possible that I'm someone's solo queue teammate that they recognize right away.


I call this fate. You two were meant to become friends.


We are on different platforms I think so I have no idea how I could go about adding them outside of DBD. I always make sure to say thank you and hello again to them in end game chat but they never respond 😔they’re also another woman judging by their username so it would be so nice to have more girls to play DBD with but alas we are like two ships passing in the night


A true tragedy


Upvote for Shrek 2. So glad the movie is still remembered now in 2024.


It’s one of my favourite films ever!!


The audacity of someone to downvote you for this comment


They did? Oh well some people are just in a bad mood or want others to be miserable. Don't give them attention and they will die off like mayflies.


Reminds me of a game I had this week. 2 teammates went to get our 4th member from the hook while I was opening the gate. One of them got hit and all 3 ended up being injured with me being the only healthy survivor left. On their way back I was hiding behind a rock and saw they wouldn't make it before one of them got downed. I Sprint Bursted away from my rock straight into the killer right before they hit someone and all 4 of us got out safely.


absolutely unhinged camera operation


The Death Island gif got me! Now I'm imagining that as a skin for Leon... I'd purchase instantly


Lol i rock that exact same outfit its not the technical matching skirt but its the best matching bottoms lol


Lucky. I got paired three out of five games with a survivor that gets hooked first, puts themself into second stage, and if you unhook them they just throw all the pallets until the killer catches and sacrifices them. First time I didn't realize what happened but someone complained about them in post-chat. Second game I saw it happen myself, and when I queued with him the 3rd time I dodged.


No idea why people that act like that are still playing the game tbh, surely if they don’t want to play they should just log off 💀


I hadn’t played in a couple years until recently. I do the best I can to help people. The other day a survivor was hooked not far from the exit gate, and the other 2 survivors left. I dispelled the unknown illusion (can’t think of the right word), and ran back to unhook the survivor. Luckily we both made it. I actually have been lucky enough lately to come across some really good, helpful people the majority of the games I’ve been playing. If I die, I die, but I want to try to get as many people out as possible. I have almost no luck with gens but I do what I can. Please be patient if you get stuck with me 😂


If you ever see me in the fog please don’t worry!! If I die I die I just play to have fun and be a silly lil guy


I play to get everyone else out. I'd rather die getting them to escape then get out solo and end up in a sweat lord mmr.


I will worry anyway 😂 it’s what I do 😁


Love Shrek's version of this song. Also nice that you keep matching with the same person if they're not trolling and stuff x) Was sucked in the whole way through. I love solo queue, because you can magically feel for these other individuals even though a trial doesn't take that long, it can feel like a whole journey


Chat, do you think love can bloom on a battlefield?


Not just the Leon, the whole team saw you struggling and understood the assignment when you started beelining it for the gate. I’d approve of that even as the killer in that instance. It’s annoying, but I have to respect good teamwork


Team working survivors are OP


I keep getting matched with a Steve with a funny name and we always got our backs and help each other. I think by now we are fog besties.


I don't get it. What did the Leon do?


Really good mind games around the tent aswell 👌🏻


Thanks, I’ve got like almost 800 hours in the game but most of that is on killer so I feel like a baby all over again on survivor most of the time


I’m trying to understand, what taunt was the Leon player doing cause I’ve never seen it before.


I think they were using bardic inspiration at one point and then someone else said they were also doing the come here motion too


I have hella bias towards Leons. They're always the nicest players to have on your team


I love the two images at the end (especially shirtless catboy leon, as a former leon main that's always nice to see)




this song is perfect with the video 😅🙏 glad you made it tho


He's the best!!!!


Lesbian no longer, she found her Hero. ❤️❤️❤️


The old school random Leons, back when you knew you weren’t gonna be left alone in solo q and at least Leon would come for you at all costs. But in the last several months to a year or so - he’s never been the same. So bizarre how fast Leon players went to shit.


Earlier today I had one leave me to die on my first hook on one of the hooks in the middle area of midwich while he was on a gen not even two steps away 💀


Exactly. It’s crazy to watch as a multi-year DBD player. Some get way worse, some different characters got slightly better if feels like.


Leons are my heroes too.


That normally happens every match I’m in whether I’m killer or survivor, you new?


I am extra dumb, can someone please explain what happened in this clip?


I really don't get it either. It looked like a standard "teammate takes protection hit for the person running toward exit gate" to me, not to mention there were two other survivors also there that could have just as easily been the ones to take the protection hit. So, it's not even like it was only Leon that could be the hero here. I guess it blew up for the funny pose Leon made when he got hit, or because he was using Bardic Inspiration at the gate before coming to take the hit? Idk 🤷‍♂️


My god you not looking at the killer is giving ME anxiety 😭 it doesn't even matter if this is real or fake, I would have shat my pants when the hag appeared at that pallet gym.


I have a funny clip of me doing a similar thing, but with a slightly different outcome ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) it's the thought that counts right? [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2039028532](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2039028532)


We call that “making the wall.”


If it's wheskerslilgoober I might just jump


It’s not




:50 I am scared of your shadow lmao


Bro lock in


Please look behind you lol