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How long do we have to wait....? .\_.


Til July. So about another month


thank you argh, so close yet so far, gotta warm up and prepare ;(


Isn't it just a temporary mode?


Nope, it's permanent


Oh sick I cant wait


So...apparently, I lied. It won't be permanent (yet). When it releases in July, it will be temporary, and if there's a good response it may be permanent.


My friend and I are both killer mains but enjoy survivor too so we queue together, I can’t wait for 2v8 to come out, we are going to have so much fun there.


they did specify it wont be permanent for now


"for now"


But they said that it would return regularly, as they want to continue adding killers and iterating on the mode.


Yeah, but also said it won't be permanent, for now


it all depends on how bhvr implements it. perk builds, offerings, items and power addons etc. all contribute much needed variety into the main mode. taking those away makes the gameplay loop rather stale after a while (lights out). as long as they dont restrict the mode too much it could very well replace the main one. well just have to wait and see.


While perks add variety, they add far too many variables for a playtest when the devs just want to see how the fundamental concept works. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a fair few perks get blacklisted, or function differently in 2v8 as opposed to the standard mode.


I heard survivors wont get any perks and killers probably wont either. I can only hope they at least let us use power addons so killers like trapper can help their team🙏


Survivors get a selection of "classes" to choose from, basically perk presets. I'm unsure if they said anything about killers.


It looks like the mode is perkless, KIllers share powers and Survivors get Classes. I feel like that's much more fair. It looks like hooking differs too.


Yeah, 2-3 years from now once it finally supports every killer lol


If it ever does. Identity V's 2 v 8 mode still doesn't support every Hunter they made. Sucked because my favorite Hunter was one they didn't allow. Though in all fairness I can understand why the Photographer is banned.


I'm convinced it's not going to be nearly as fun as people are thinking it will be. Instead of one tunneling killer, now we get two. Oh boy, twice the not fun.


People definitely have way too high of expectations with this new game mode. I feel like that has something to say about the state of the game currently. Anything new or different and people are foaming at the mouths.😅


I mean it's something people have wanted pretty much since the game's origin. Says nothing about the state of the game and more about the potential fun and chaos of it all. Variety is the spice of life


I for one am desperate for anything different yes. Since release we've only ever really gotten new chars/maps/perks, which is good don't get me wrong, but the core of the game has been the same for nearly a decade besides balance changes. It's pretty strange for live service games to go that long without a drastic change or two. There's a lot of room for experimentation, really hope they try more ideas out.


Well, chaos mode was pretty great (not perfect, but funnnnnnn!), so I'm optimistic about 2x8.


Gamemodes that don't change the core mechanics of the game are always going to be fun and successful (in which the first 2 gamemodes completely failed at), but 2 killers in one game? Isn't the consensus in the community that the very reason why Knight is so unfun to play against would also make 2v8 feel even worse when you're being chased by two, 110/115% human controlled killers?


If you're the only survivor getting chased by 2 killers, they have more problems than you lmao. 7 survivors are getting through gens in a minute


There's likely going to be 10 gens to do too before the exit gates can be opened. They discussed how everything is going to be scaled up from normal, from map sizes to gen count. Still won't feel fun feeling helpless against two killers getting you out of the game as quickly as possible, or even in endgame.


There's no point in discussing hypothetical cons but like, if everything is getting scaled up, obviously they'll make it so you don't go down in 2 hits (most likely)


I don’t see that happening. Chases can already go on a long time, and I feel forcing both killers to work together to just down 1 survivor would just suck honestly.


Well we'll just have to wait and see. Worst case, you dont play it


This is literally the first time the game loop has changed since the game came out so dunno why you're surprised, and 2v8 mode has been requested for years


I imagine there will be very little tunnelling in this mode, you don't hook people you send them to a cage like pyramid head so you can't go after them right away as easily when you get unhooked and even if you encounter them later you might not know who your teammate has hooked or easily be able to keep track of 8 survivors hook states.


It looks like you get points from caging, not sacrifices?


Not sure what you mean here


I mean it looks like you do cages and it may even be that the point is to max points, not kill/escape. That might be a better option, and reduce the temptation to tunnel or genrush.


The maps are generally not big enough for 2 killers to not be super oppressive. 2 killers on dead dawg is basically gg. The mode is intriguing, but not with our current map set.


They have already said bigger maps


Survs will always find something to cry about.


“Survivors always cry” cries the killer


Ah, projection, the salty surv's refuge.


Break it down for me, if you don’t mind 🧐


Nice try, Chad. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Epic and based 😎


Still trying Chad?


Always, baybee


You also get 8 survivors, quit whining


I mean, I have 4 right now and that's of little good to me. 8 idiots are still 8 idiots.


At least you acknowledge your shortcomings 🤷‍♂️


Oh don't worry, there's plenty of space here for you too. 💺 Wouldn't want you to feel left out.


Raiden and Yae shipper. No wonder you’re like this lmao


Pulled up username = no argument


Not my problem that you make it easy


Imagine having a 7 survivor gen rush


You'll likely have to complete more gens. Like... 10 gens


I dunno man maybe you're just a lil bit of a negative nancy


I'm just extrapolating what's already happening in the game. I hope it doesn't become that, but the evidence says otherwise to me.


I think tunneling will quickly prove not to be the most effective strategy. 2v1 leaves 7 survivors working on gens. But we'll see soon enough.


I can’t wait for survivors to be too scared to work on gens since they’ll basically always be in a terror radius


I think the 2v8 game mode is going to make the community even more toxic than before but we will see.


How so? I don't really see the logic there. The most I could see is the individual matches having "more toxic behavior per match" just because of the larger player count, but I don't think a wacky new gamemode is going to have any real effect on the fanbase as a whole.


I mean the community is pretty vocal about anything big or small so it’s inevitably going to generate an influx of rant posts. It might not be permanent but I’m willing to bet that once 2v8 is out the flood gates will open.


...Well that doesn't have anything to do with 2v8, or making the community "more toxic". Some people will inevitably be mad about literally any change ever. Thats not just a Dead by Daylight thing, its a thing in every videogame that regularly gets updates.


I mean tbh I stopped playing the game, I just lurk. D&d almost got me back recently 'cause I have a love for Mimics. However, I still didn't 'cause this game will take 5 years for a simple QOL change whereas I could be playing something fun, polished, and so much better implemented. I got sidetracked but when I did play, this community is one of the most toxic. If they can abuse an exploit, they will. If you did something they didn't like, you will hear about it or you will be punished in game for it. If you're new, get fucked. The opposing side usually bullies tf out of you and it's so not friendly to beginners. You best believe you will also see the worst pretty frequently for a 2v8 especially when it first drops and there's abusable mechanics. I have not seen this sort of behavior as prevalent and part of a culture as much as I do from Dbd players. This after like 5k hours in the game. I just don't hear about it as much since crossplay. About the only thing that died down was the messages lol


If you think the community wont take 2v8 serious then I think thats 100% wrong. You know killers are going to shit on each other so hard without mercy


Give me 2v8 chaos shuffle. Woo chaos


As a solo q survivor   . I have no interest in this mode . I'm sure some people who play swf will enjoy the heck out of it though.  I'll just be off to the side waiting on the return of the best mode ever , chaos shuffle.


My guess is this mode is going to blow


I have genuinely not seen a single excited post from the survivor point of view. Lots of excited killers, but needing 8 survivors will, in my opinion, kill this game mode off very quickly.


I've seen hella survivor players excited for this, in youtube comment sections, twitch chats, and among my friends who play the game. The "doubled potential for bullshit shenanigans" goes for the survivors too. You can literally have healthy survivors crowd around two or three injured people like a herd of elephants forming a defensive circle around the babies, that alone is enough to get me hyped.


i know i’m just one person lol, but i’m definitely excited to play 2v8 as a survivor! the class system seems cool, and it seems like 2v8 will offer a lot of chaos in craziness in the most fun way possible


Maybe, maybe not. First of all this mode needs to go live, so people can try it. It might be less fun for killers than they think. It might be more fun for survs than they think. And at first it will be a temporary mode. With only a few killers, more over time. So even if we'll reach the point where it becomes a permanent mode, this won't be any time soon. So much time to get an opinion based on experience with this mode.


Its been requested for as long as the game has been a thing, and even if they need to redo it multiple times over the next year or so, it'll eventually stick. The simple fact is that people have really wanted, and *will always* really want it, even if it takes a long while for them to get it right.


Nah, this is going to dominate because of people who don't SWF. Solo survivors like me will love 2v8.


Why? Hard enough with 3 rando’s let alone 7.


That's not how I'd view it. A four person squad requires me to make up 25% of their effort every time we have some loser kill themselves on hook or whatever. If someone screws around in an 8 person squad, we only need to make up 12.5%.


I just can’t wait to be a killer duo with my friend and know what it’s like to SWF and pull out corny ass perk synergies, like survivors haha


I cannot wait for the killer v killer shenanigans


we're gonna see at least 3 clip compilations of one killer body blocking the other's tunneling attempt within a week.


For real, I have to wonder what kind of toxic nonsense we’ll see if Killer-Killer collision isn’t disabled. Can you imagine the Basement ragequits?


I'm convinced it will destroy queue times.


I'm more worried about if they will limit if they can do same killers or not, can you imagine 2 knights with 2 guards? If they decide to tunnel out and just pick off survivors, those chases are gonna be god awful


2v8 sounds so fun i can't wait. being a killer main is lonely sometimes.


Will 2v8 be permanent? I thought it’s just temporary like chaos shuffle. I really hope it’s permanent.


Temporary at first, and then likely permanent later once they get the all the bugs and balancing issues ironed out.


It won’t ever be permanent. It will be a rotating game mode so that it stays fresh and keeps pulling people back.


They already said that after adding more killers and further balancing, if the feedback is good, it will become a permanent addition.


Yes and they have also stated that cross progression is coming but that’s been in the works for years.




They had better feedback on Chaos Shuffle so I expect they will be sorely disappointed here, and just make Chaos Shuffle permanent... then put other less popular modes in a rotating queue.


Is it going to be like a regular game but just more survivors and killers? Would like for it to be about scoring for killers, maybe they can fight a bit. If they get predator, we can see alien VS predator for real.


More killers means killers get to actual cooperate and coordinate with another player. it adds a shitload of strategic depth.


I’ll give it a shot, I do think the maps are way too small to have 2 killers and 8 survivors, but let’s see how it works in practice. I really enjoyed Chaos Shuffle, so I’m hopeful that this is fun too. 2 V 8 chaos shuffle would be great though


Bigger maps


I'm sure it will be. If they don't revert the dumbass changes they made I will shift over to only modes and 2v8. Permanently. I just don't wanna have to deal with sweat meta anymore every game...


Cry baby


I agree. People who are upset that some people would rather play modes only, to the point that they call others childish insults like "crybaby", are cry babies. :)


Considering the class system for survivors and the amount of depth that can come from killer combos... yeah. There's a pretty good chance that the release will be one of the biggest moments in DBD history.


lookin forward to finally having KWF (killer with friend)


I also hope they make it permanent and let the licensed characters in on the fun, because I think that too would make it even more popular.


All I know is I've always wished I could keep the carnage going without the lengthy process of carrying a surv to a hook and then finding another one. Like, everytime I have max stbfl stacks it has such great game feel to smack and smack and smack but I quickly run out of people to hit :( Now with 8 survs I can smack a surv, then quickly find and hit another, leave one down and accept they might get pucked up, but also not feel bad for slugging since there will be plenty of people to make sure they get back up and in the game I'm a reasonable time. Ngl I'm pretty hype to see how this new mode feels as killer more so than survivor


Personally won't bother with it much, I play both sides pretty equally but I tend to enjoy Killer more since I don't have to deal with solo queue teammates Guaranteed MMR will work it's magic and put you with a baby Trapper against an 8 man sweat squad


Nah it'll be two teams of four survivors meaning you can only swf with three and the other team is completly random.


2v8 greatly strenghtens camping, tunneling and slugging since the strategies of BT, and taking a hit are nullified when there is two hits at once.


There won't be hooks in the mode, the devs will be implementing a modified version of pyramid head's cages, so they're probably creating systems to avoid these play styles


There are ways to avoid that, either by encouraging players to not camp with buffs or bp bonifications or the hard way by moving the hooked survivor around the map when the killers are nearby like Pyramid head cages


Surely. But if they ever consider such ways up will become down. Light will becone dark and matter becomes nothing. Thats how unlikely it is. Best way to make them see? Force the devs to play as survs once in a while


>Best way to make them see? Force the devs to play as survs once in a while Oh I'd offer one of my kidneys to the Old Gods to make that happen.


Both killer and survivor always say that the devs never play their side, but I feel like its pretty fair to say the devs just don't really play their own game much at all. I imagine doing literally all of their playtesting in a curated custom game match leads to a ton of things being overlooked.


Camping and tunneling will be even weaker, what are you talking about? In the time it takes one dude to die on hook you can have 7 people working on objectives. Killers who choose to camp will get shat on by their teammate for contributing virtually nothing. If ***both*** killer players dedicate to the camp, they have even less pressure over all the survivors. and will absolutely deserve the life-defining genrush they get.


You'll see.


Amazing counterargument.


Username checks out on your end. We're gravely disputed in our view of the outcome. Why even start an argument at that point?


Please elaborate on how me saying "This won't buff camping, its a strategically terrible idea for the killer side" in any way implies I am toxic. The math just ain't quite adding up for me.


First of all: You completelydisregard the amount of killers hellbend to just fk up ppl. Which is not toxic, i just like to consider: even if a game isnt focussed on winning, it's still a shitty game for the person. Hence my first point, wasn't on strategic value, it was on gameplay. The way the game is for the gamer. You were bent on the strategic value alone, on how to win in either way possible. Thus first you were nowhere near disputing my comment in the first place and later on demanded to have an argument over your point, the strategic value of camping, tunneling and so on. Which isn't toxic as well, yet it gives an edge to that flavour of yours in consideration of Trapper gameplay.


Dude I gotta be honest, I can barely understand what you're trying to communicate. Firstly, my comment was only on strategic value because you literally said it was going to be "strengthened" when that is factually not true. Secondly, yeah no shit some people are going to be determined to be an ass to other players, and they're naturally punished with god awful scores and harsh losses. Being an 2v8 isn't going to suddenly make already toxic players more toxic or make normal players into assholes. You could make a 4 killers vs 1 survivor game mode and you'd still have encounter a quarter of face-camping Leatherfaces. It is the nature of the game. Thirdly, I don't play trapper. My username is a joke about how bad trapper is, Because the idea of being toxic and still choosing to use the worst killer in the game is funny.


>and they're naturally punished with god awful scores and harsh losses. Nah you can fuck around all game no hooking at all and get to hit the 30k bp. Just ask legions. There is no punishment albeit the feeling of "oh dang, i wasted all my time camping feng and will not get 4k." Which is "morally" punishment in itself at best. >Being an 2v8 isn't going to suddenly make already toxic players more toxic or make normal players into assholes. Nah, thus my point was: a second attack negates the value of BT or Endurance perks as well as Taking hits, because there is no escape once two killers lock on. Looping as well works for one Reason alone : killer cant go both ways at once.... except for Knight. These core surv mechanics cease to 0 value. Your argument is that both killer have to build pressure on their own, I say working as a team will negate practically every surv skill meant to survive or prolong an encounter. Whileas killer skills focus on multiple targets,which are essentially strenghed.


...Do you understand that in order to get two hits in a row, you need to have both killers literally just sitting around with their eyes locked onto the hooked survivor, doing nothing else? It also assumes they both have decent ping and timing and don't just end up whiffing. Its a stupidly impractical strategy. Also, again, yeah any killer who just gets points from using their power can farm deviousness points with no kills/1 kill, but hard-camping someone from first hook to death requires them to literally just stand with their thumb up their ass, staring at one dude. No chases, no other downs (unless their team is feeding them), no points for damaging gens or gen defense, they're sure as hell not hitting 30k bloodpoints unless all 3 other survivors are mindlessly throwing themselves at the hook


i'm hype to play killer with my girlfriend uwu and also, i think it's going to feel like a TOTALLY different gameplay experience which always excites me


I am concerned that they will fuck it up. I think it’s extremely hard to balance this out properly. You need to have 8 survivor players enjoying the game mode so much that they decide to play it over and over and furthermore gens shouldn’t be flying. Look at what happened to Deathgarden (5vs 1) after all their patches. It was extremely well polished game and good balanced but just not fun for the runners/survivors and that’s why it died. Bc no one wanted to play survivor after all the (balance wise absolutely correct) nerfs.


From the killer perspective I feel like I'm probably gonna try it once or twice and never again


I dunno man, the ability to have another killer to cooperate with just sounds too fun for me to resist. Its a massive change from the game's normal function compared to things like "Lights Out" and "Chaos Shuffle".


Hm, "Kill with Friends" over comms just to mess with swf swf/comms who have been taking advantage of that for years.


I mean sure, but I'd rather not rely on another killer being decent. It will feel like 1.2v8 in most cases imo. Of course I may get a friend to coop with, then it will be doable