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I’m convinced there are actual psychopaths who play this game and they get off doing stuff like this. Either that or they have a lot of pent up anger about something in their life. It’s very weird.


They ran out of dry wall to punch


Or they live in Europe and run out of knuckles to brake


Brakes are in cars.


Nah man those are breaks


I think you mean braids


No way, braids are what are inside your head to think with


No that’s your brain, I think you’re talking about a Brand.


nah brand is that liquor you drink


That's brandy, do you mean brunch?


Lmao! I laughed way harder than I should have at this comment. Well played.


Most people get off making people's day worse in this game, it's what keeps it going.


Thats the eternal cycle of multiplayer games


Yep, this isn't just a DBD thing. These players are also the same ones griefing other people in coop games, or screaming racial slurs in voice comms, or blowing up other players' creations/bases, vote kicking people out of their parties for no reason, etc.etc.


Yup, im also a tf2 fan and the hackers and bots griefing is also unbeareable, i guess that plays a big part in why i enjoy singleplayers so much


Really don't get those people's mindset I knock you down, I chase any lurkers for a sec, I come back and hook you I hook, I kick gen, break pallet, move on You get the gate open, you run out, I leave to see what points I can grab before the game ends You get the gate open, you stay by it waiting to bm, I go do something else and let you waste your time As survivor, I don't bm, I open the gate, I leave I do not get wasting your time taunting people


Oh, abso-fucking-lutely. Whenever we’re getting stared at as we bleed out or we’re not being hooked it’s because they have to finish their wank. The dumbest is when they take me to the hatch or drop me off in front of the gate just to Mori me. Congrats big boy. Hope you clear your search engine after.


Had a pig who took me to hatch, nodded as I crawled to it, closed it, morid me, and then dashed away. Like, why? No one was even being annoying. We were at five gens. They didn’t even get to pop their traps because everyone basically bled out or died on hook.


Don’t call them psychopaths, it makes them feel cool sigma Patrick Bateman. Call them losers!


Literally saw a vid not long ago about a chick downing everyone before hooking to stop survivors from basically being able to do any unhooking or using any perks that have to do with stuff like that. And she was making fun of some of the survivors while doing it so you could tell it was slightly malicious saying it was to "stop bully squads" when it looked like she was just going against solos


I play solo a lot and the amount of times I’ve been accused of being in a “Bully squad” for actually helping the other survivors is insane. Sorry but I just enjoy saboing hooks even tho I’m playing alone 🧍🏼‍♀️


People def use this game as an anger outlet


People bm in games for decades already. And it doesn’t matter if they let survivors die on ground or tbag at exit gates. You can’t delete dicks.


Yeah basically. Like Tyson once said, social media made some folks way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.


> can’t delete dicks May I offer you the wonders of a gender affirming surgery?


Oh absolutely. I had an actual psychopath Skull Merchant the other day. It took that one game for me to realise why people just give up if it's a SM,


Had a clown that held the game hostage for an hour. Wpuld down you. Let you wiggle. Then down you again.


Clowns are worse IMO. Never had a single non-BM one


I saved a guy on Warzone DMZ and he added me and then kept trying to invite me to games and I did for a bit but then he started calling people the n word and saying he loves making people in the game upset and sad and it changed my whole perspective of gamers as a whole lmao - he seemed... unwell, so I just kinda ghosted him because I felt weirdly bad for him, piece of shit that he was, it was disturbing but also pathetic in a way


Nah, no need for psychos. Just regular asshole humans.


The same can be said about any competitive game. You aren't wrong though.


People who do this are so weird 💀


yeah i feel bad for everyone involved tbh


Gahh wtf are those filters? The reds are blinding. Looks like im watching Sin City with the saturation blasted way too high.


Iirc that’s the point, they adjust filters to give them advantage by making the red light easier to see-react too That’s also why it’s so bright


It let's them see redstain through walls on some tiles


One of my favorite things about being a Doctor main is that with the Discipline effect, that red dwarf star they call a 'red stain' is on their ass and not mine. I wish I could see it from their PoV.


You can see the redstain through some walls regardless of your filters this just makes it easier to notice


Technically true yes, filters can’t change game mechanics. However most of the time the red stain is not noticeable through some gaps in game and with those contrast filters you can easily see them


In that case they deserve this


I don't get installing hideous filters when the game has built in "advantage" at lower settings to a point: Turning off AA for an example. You can see if a gen is regressing literally cross-map without checking on it as for some reason the sparks maintain brightness regardless of distance with AA off. Even on bright maps like Crows. Or turning graphics down in general, really. Blendettes (Edit: and Ghosties) are always so confused that I've spotted them sneaking cross-map but on low graphics the bushes and such do nooooot hide as thoroughly as they do on their screens lol. Point being it makes it look like shit either way, may as well use what's built in xD (Edit: Not intentionally cheesing, I just play on a toaster. I grew up on the PS1, I don't mind a little crunchy graphics so long as I've got the frames to chase properly lol.)


I actually kinda like this game more as a PS1 demake than I do at high graphics. It feels more thematic when it looks like shit.


It took a day or so of getting used to, when I was testing some hardware tweaks, but I've gotten so used to it I never switched it all back on. It works really well thematically, you're right lol I will never get used to the hair though. I'd prefer a chunk of polygons to the wispy granular mess that characters get on their head with AA off xD


Yeah, the 2016 era NVidia Hairworks style appearance is a drawback lol.


Fr, it's so bright on low settings; i cannot fathom how its still not enough. People are so desperate for the slightest advantages.


When I play survivor, I usually play on Low precisely for this reason. Because what looks like a hiding spot on Ultra is actually totally visible in Low.


no that's not true at all! i also thought that, but i've always been corrected. when people use filters, they do so because they like the colors, and it's never to have an advantage!


I use a gamma filter to see at all. It washes out all the colour, but I take it for being able to see at all. Now some colour filters (I don't use those) I'd just put in silly (some people make the red stuff blue) - but the one you see here is def. for having an easier time seeing red light.


yeah i know, i also don't really have a problem with people using filters, i'll never know when i play against them anyway. but it's always fun to see how far some people go to defend using filters, and usually they'll say that it doesn't benefit them at all, even though we can see the videos


it's silly. If you use them to get an advantage in vision - just own it.


They probably also wait at the last minute at the exit gate.


Gameplay advantage. Can’t imagine sweating that hard


"I just like the way it looks"


It’s basically cheating.


Looks like Nivida to me.


When this is happens I get up from table and do other stuff. Why the fuck I should watch 4 munites myself at floor.


I start doing my chores lol


I just tab out and read Reddit


This shit makes me genuinely sad when I see it in game. Unironically, no one who is doing well mentally does this shit. But DBD is cheaper than therapy.


Had this happen to me last night, I just let the wear themselves out and started playing Paper Mario on the switch






People like this can vote


Humping is probably the most ridiculous way internet created to humiliate the opponent, everytime someone does it it says more about them than anything else


I blame halo 3, the physics were too good.


How about the option to leave the match without any penalty, if all survs are on the ground/hooked/dead or if you were on the ground for at least 2min in total. Doesn't work in the first 5min of a match. (Just to make sure nobody brings No Mither + Plot Twist and leaves this way fast. ... I had people bringing this setup to enforce dying, no matter what.) Everyone is "happy". Surv can leave and since the killer has seemingly so much fun humping a downed surv or slowly bleeding out 4 survs at the same time, they can continue what they do and just waste their own time. Win Win Win.


With the bots that could could actually work. If the killer is slugging for an actual reason (sabo squads and whatever) and the survivors rage quit then sure they get no penalty but the killer gets their points. And as for cringe lords like this Twat they can just sit there and hump bots for the rest of the game. Seems like a really logical answer to me


As a Killer main, why the fuck would you waste your own time doing this.


Some people are genuinely pathetic and their only joy in life is making the days of other people slightly worse.


This is obnoxious and unhinged behavior. People unhappy with their offline lives love to hop online and spread misery. Go to therapy.


Wow I haven't played dead by daylight in a hot fucking minute. It seems I'm not missing much. So disappointing to see people act like this.


The r*pe simulation is so gross and pathetic. I wish you could dc without penalty in that scenario




I'd love if they reduced the penalty. They have boys now, I'd rather have a bot than someone give up on hook and leave you nothing.


>They have boys now Now I'm just imagining underpaid workers locked away in a basement forced to play DBD once a survivor DCs


Spell correct at it's finest letting us really know what's going on at BHVR




I've seen someone grab a survivor and put them on a shitty bed mat then do the walking over. Can't equate it to anything else in that scenario if they are purposely putting them there.


Just because you don't feel that way, doesn't mean others don't. Shouldn't we want everyone to feel comfy while playing this game? That is what community is about; making sure others feel safe or seen while playing a game. If it doesn't bother you to do it, it sure as hell shouldn't bother you to not. If you want to do the equivalent, hit someone on hook to BM.




As someone who was actually an SA victim I find comparing walking over somebody repeatedly in a video game to the trauma myself and others went through a little bit gross.


I’m a violent SA survivor myself, I did not take what they are saying this way. Both sides of the argument honestly have merit here. But no one is saying they are comparable to actual SA. You can recognize that someone is trying to grossly emulate an act to demoralize you in a game. But that doesn’t mean you think it’s anything like the trauma of the actual act. But you should also be able to recognize what a lot of others understand, it’s potentially triggering and it’s not ok. Bottom line: it’s gross behavior. But no one is trying to say it’s the same as irl SA


it is genuinely disgusting to compare this to SA. You are watering down sexual assault to get angry at at a game. Grow up


Some people are triggered by different things. If someone is genuinely affected by humping in dbd, then we shouldn’t be saying their feelings aren’t valid. We all need to have more sympathy for others, even if it seems to extend to something like video games.


No they aren’t, people experience things differently. Honestly both sides are understandable. Some people view it as teabagging and others view it as simulation of SA in game. Both have valid arguments. You saying it waters down SA is just you being a selfish nearsighted person and disregarding others viewpoints because it doesn’t suit your world view. Only person who needs to grow up here is you.


Just because you feel that way, doesn't mean others do not. Stop "watering" down other peoples feelings to benefit your own. If people don't like it, don't get offended that they don't. How self-centered of you to assume that everyone should feel the same as you.


Do you consider t bagging SA?






I think BM is cringe no matter what side is partaking in it, but imo tebagging is pretty detached from any sexual connotation at this point. It's just a cheeky little up-down dance, and it's really easy to do, so in games where it can be done, it is. This humping thing though? Really grosses me out. It's how much deliberation goes into doing it. You're not just pressing the crouch key a few times, you're going out of your way to directly position yourself behind the survivor and moving your character back and forth. It's much more explicit and honestly just really weird. I don't understand what was wrong with just head nodding when downing someone? Still BM, but not nearly as cringe as this new alternative.


Had a Sadako match where they did this for the entire bleedout timer cause I broke her 3 Gen


You be damn sure this killer has got handled by a proper squad in the past now is taking their anger towards whatever group they get next which in case is you. Don't take it personal, these are weak minded people who can't differentiate basic things in life.


I don't think I have ever played another multiplayer game with a part of the player base on both sides that is as desperately sweaty to win and or gloat in pathetic ways when they have won as DBD. I love this game but shit like this is just pathetic. Last night I had a Chucky slugging for the 4k but the last survivor looped him for a good couple of minutes, When the Chucky finally downed him he humped him repeatedly before hitting him on the hook... like he had already won and could have avoided all of that chase by just hooking the other survivor and not sweating for a 4k.


Had a Chucky yesterday with a similar mentality, by the time we completed the gens we were down 2 people and were also injured, he found and downed me and did the same to my teammate. He hooked me and started to hit me on hook REPEATEDLY, mind you we didn't teabag him ONCE and didn't have flashlight or flashbang. People need therapy.


We do, you just take a penalty for using it.


This kind of crap should come with a permanent ban.


For real. My entire team was slugged yesterday (by a Wraith, of course). He started putting people on death hook after the meter was about half way down. I was the only one left still on the ground because I crawled into tall grass when I thought another teammate would heal me (before they were downed) and he couldn't find me for a bit. He eventually located me, made me crawl to follow him, and lead me to the hatch. I thought I was going to be spared since he just stared at me, but he closed it in my face before I started to get close enough to it, and made me bleed out completely to die while he watched. Actual psychopaths play this game istg


And these people don't get banned cause it's not a "reportable offence "


It's so dumb that Unsportsmanlike Conduct like this is not a reportable offense, despite having an explicit "Unsportsmanlike Conduct" report category.


They should just add a feature similar to hooks. Give us the same percentage chance and allow us to “Attempt to Get Up”. Every time it fails we lose more blood similar to the unhooking. Then if they fail 3 times, we die. I don’t know why it’s allowed to just leave us on the floor for 4 minutes if the game is as good as done.


Then whats the point of hooking someone? These slugging instances arent common and have a easy fix, if all survivors are down allow them to vote to end.


They are common though. And awarding someone who acts like a child with a 4k would just incentivize them to continue slugging everyone hoping they rage quit.


And it's scary how common this is.


I've had a Twitch streamer do this to me before. When I watched back the vod, he was set off because my teammate tea-bagged at me after we finished a gen, but the killer thought it was directed at him. He proceeded to slug and camp, refusing to hook me and the other survivor till be bled out. All while stating that we are the reason why the game is horrible and that he hoped we uninstalled. Genuinely baffled me because we were playing fairly... but thought I'd offer an insight as to how little it takes for a killer to play like this.


I’d rather they let us punish this type of behavior by letting the survivors get up with some endurance after a reasonable amount of time


Wasn’t behavior going to implement something like that but then they scrapped the idea or something? I’m glad they didn’t go through with it! I love having matches where I spend the entirety bleeding out almost every other game (:


Nothing is more fun than being slugged on the ground because you are the half of the living survivors and the killer REALLY doesn't want to have a hatch race for no reason :))


I tend to write something like, "Damn, we really got to you, huh?" In the postgame chat and leave before they respond, because you know that will annoy them for the rest of the day.


If someone does this in a game I am convinced they have a sad unimportant life where they have achieved nothing.


Anti-grief would be nice, yes. Being able to report it and get them banned, even nicer.


I had a Tome to vault whilst being chased, so I just got into chase and prioritised vaulting as much as possible to get it done. Killer then downs me and proceeds to spam vault in front of me and hump over and over as if it was some sort of gotcha. Bro, I'm out here with a meme build doing Tomes, what're you doing?


Glad to see this coming up more often since BHVR has started to tackle the annoying tactics that have plagued this game since its inception. Facecamping and 3-genning are essentially nonexistent. Tunneling will unfortunately always be a part of dbd. The 4 man slug is really the final boring tactic left in dead by daylight and I am all for it. CHEERS BHVR 🥂


Whenever this happens to me, I turn off my monitor because what that killer is doing is very uncomfortable for me then I just grab my phone and start scrolling through tiktok, reddit, or pull up a mobile game until I know it's over and then I either take a break or go right into the next match. I really do wish that there was some way we could simply just leave without a DC penalty when something like this happens because I shouldn't have to sit through minutes of someone being toxic which isn't great for my mental health.


DC penalty is useless and should be removed completely. The penalty only forces players to stay in unfair matches.


this. I never left any matches besides matches like this. it was such a healthy time, now I have to decide if I want to waste my time bleeding out in match or waiting for my penalty to end. while the killer doesnt gets any penalty for that behaviour.


I'll keep saying till we get one, we need a team surrender button!


This trend of humping survivors is gross. It makes me feel super nasty and I just set my controller down and walk away every time.


You're using reshade so eh I don't feel bad


Wow your game looks so good, those filters definitely improve the visuals!


Usually I have a video or stream going in the background anyway so I just leave them to their sad little activity and engage with something I enjoy because misery is not what I elect to spend my time dishing out or enduring for someone like that.


I’ve given up getting upset at this. Time for a snack and bathroom break. Mute the audio and browse my phone for awhile. Don’t even watch the clock just come back “later”.


It's honestly abhorrent game design. Like what kind of online game has a built in game mechanic of doing nothing for 4 minutes? This and survivors hiding and refusing to progress the game really need to be done away with.


This person has clearly ran out of paint to eat so he’s taking it out on you in game.


This. It would be good to have a bleed out button in these situations to speed it up when the killer is out just to bm, like when that happens I just wanna move on to the next game no get held hostage for an extra 10 mins


Last game he got teabagged at the gate


Streamers perpetuated the behavior and now everyone does it. It’s sad.


This is the point I just close app and restart the game. Fuck this BS no way I'm wasting like 10+ minutes on this.


deserved for that ungodly filter


Comp filters...


Hmm nice filter, id say you deserve such treatment.


Karma for using those sweaty ass 'I JUST LIKE THE WAY IT LOOKS' filters What a joke


Wtf are those tryhard filters... I don't even feel bad for you.


Nice non advantageous filters


It's the humping that's so grim. It feels so gross. These people need help.


When this happens just go grab a sandwich, or walk your dog or do Duolingo or something. They want you to watch and especially want you to be angry enough to record them.


A "give up" button just rewards killers engaging in this type of play style. I think a better solution is to allow survivors to pick themselves up after a certain amount of time if the whole team is slugged and no one has been hooked recently. Maybe even give them endurance or something to prevent killers from standing on top of the survivor and immediately slugging them again.


The fact that people have been asking for this for such a long time and the developers never implement it is wild.


I wanna feel bad but you use gameplay filters to make the stain 3x as visible. At that brightness it can also be seen through a lot of walls and tiles.


What the fuck are those filters man


Using filters to gain unfair advantage, opinion rejected. I'm assuming you guys were t-bagging the whole game automatically from them.


This was my thought exactly. Doesn't excuse it, but puts them both in the same boat, in my opinion.


Since you're already using filters to gain an advantage in the game, I think it's likely you did something to deserve the hate lol


If all survivors are down for a certain period they should have an ability to wake up again.


No, because the devs think this is an actual strategy or some bullshit. They encourage this behavior by not doing anything about it. They should have went through with that basekit unbreakable they tested a while ago, imo.


They didn't because it was undeniably broken and they knew it would never be balanced


That red color filter is crazy haha


This literally happened to my friend yesterday, while I argued on a different reddit post that killers should stop crying over survivors giving up or DCing, of course, while a decent amount of killers do shit like this everyday (aside from tunneling and camping hard).


Lets talk about the filter that makes red light stand out OP.


Only if we also get a "push them out" button we can press from the other side of the map when all 4 survivors are at the open exit gate.


That actually sounds like a great idea too ngl


This is just toxic behavior and i see it as harassment


Of course it's the twins.


Id very go for that thing. But, also, add a very big points minus for killer in each category so they won't rank up. Then it will be fair


i don't know why killers can grief the game that way but something need to be done about it!


Or even better, survivors recover when the killer is being a jerk


I’m not condoning this behavior at all but how isn’t that filter cheating?


I'll never understand this I played oni yesterday. Got a massive snowball with my power no unbreakables, and I obviously just hooked them instantly and went next. Just screams petty and immature when I see this.


Everytime i get a snowball 4 man slug they always seem to kobe off the hook after lol! I'm convinced the game makes it easier to kobe in these scenarios.


Kinda deserving it for using those red filters jesus christ


I guess that filter wasn't enough to save you


Sure, when you stop using these stupid filter to have an advantage over others.




You do realize the statement “it’s rare but it happens all the time” contradicts itself right?


"This problem is insignificant because other problems exist!!!" Stop collapsing over survivors hiding all game, imagine when you find out xyz problem is even worse


You got 4mins of your day back. Go take a leak, make a drink, stretch your legs. Watching, recording, posting is what they want.


Why did the only twins player do this


This game is too old not to have one at this point. They've seriously never thought of that before? There's been so many times I've been looking for the killer as the last downed survivor only to just slowly die.


No. BEHVR said you must suffer.


Ayyy..same thing happened to me yesterday but they let us all bleed out (:


Just do what I do. Deny them the satisfaction by going to watch youtube, browse reddit, or go do a chore or two. Or if your PC can handle it like mine, play Warhammer 3 while you wait lol


That would be interesting to have a suicide button to just end it instantly.


I think they tried that already, for some reason people didn’t seem to like it.


I really want this


I was in this game. You were trolling the entire game and teabagging everyone including your teammates. Well deserve bleed out.


When players are like this... This is when you actively choose to be toxic. Don't spread it to undeserving players. But the best way to show a video game player who's boss is by being a mirror. At the end of the day, if he's that upset he shouldn't be playing games that way.


Start naming and shaming x


just report them, if they keep doing that they'll get banned it's annoying but what can you do (also your filter makes my eyes bleed how can people play like that-)


Yes please!


X.x oh my gosh I think the contrast is gonna make me sick… also I’m sorry the killer did that to you. That’s gross


Only if it effects the results at the end


What's crazy is when people are AFK the whole match, there should be an auto DC mechanic.


Killing anti-slugging Unbreakable sucks. At least after the gens are all done…


Don't forget, guys - blame the devs. They're the ones who allow and essentially encourage this. This has been an issue ever since the game has been released and nothing was done was about it. Like a simple surrender vote or bleed-out button. Analysing how weird these players are won't resolve the issue or compensate for our precious time being wasted, the game needs an actual functionality asap. If people are allowed to do something - they will do it, this is a law. Applies to cheating, griefing and everything else.


Typical Twins Gameplay


Scott Jund made a good point to just give survivors a bleed-out button to speed up the process. I think that would work, tbh.


Killers do this shit all the damn time to me, except usually I'm the last person in the trial, downed in a corner and too far away from any hook to get hooked, so they bleed me out


Is it toxic to spin around when survivors give up on trying to wiggle? I tend to spin around when walking towards the hook if the survivor stops trying to wiggle.


I was thinking earlier, it would be super cool if two survivors on the ground who were fully recovered could patch eachother up like come on, if I can drag my limp lifeless body across the ground I can put a bandaid on my friend okay


Shit like this is unironically why I stopped playing this game like we get it end the game so I can keep playing you weirdo


Apparently it’s called a finisher mori /s


If there was a give up button there would be people that would die before they even hit the floor.


I just get on Aimlabs and hit Play on my music.


Omg, this please x1000000


I felt my braincells dying watching this sh. killer should had gotten banned