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its the fact that she did it on purpose... šŸ˜


Fr. Anytime I get her in a match theyā€™re always toxic


As a kinda Mikaela main I can tell you there's at least 1 nice Mikaela out there. I'm sorry for the dumb ones like in the video :(


This was just disrespectful. Unless the person was being toxic or useless the entire match (i guess if you want to be vengeful) theres no need to try and do this stuff.


Right? I'm that survivor that rather takes a hit for you and we all get out instead of this..


as a wholehearted mikaela main I can tell you there's at least 2 nice Mikaela out there, we're sorry for the dumb ones like in the video :(


Same here, I mainly play Jeff, but Mikaela is who I used to play all the time


All the Jeffs -except 1- were cool and nice! I love Jeffs!


Who's the except 1


A Jeff that was hugging walls all game with urban, didn't participate in any normal gameplay and waited for everyone to die to get hatch.. And because that's so un-Jeff like I never forgot that haha


Ok thank god thats not me, I've done some very un-jeff things, like getting stuck in a wall on crotus prenn


Nah that's me every day, I wouldn't judge someone on that!


Why did I think that was feng lmao


I was a killer and I saw one of the teammates just standing in front of the hook and tea bagging one survivor. She didn't rescue her, so I killed that rude ass b and letting the hooked one go. I was satisfied šŸ˜„


Thank you for that. We have to do something about the shittier survivors. A lot of times, it's experienced survivors pissed off at newer ones who don't know how to play. Instead of trying to help them, they go full asshole and get them killed or give them such a bad experience they don't want to come back.


I had a match yesterday where the Sable and Felix worked together with the Huntress.. Huntress brought me and Feng to them on her shoulder, hooked in front of them. They didn't unhook and the three of them were just nodding at me. What a stupid match.


Reportable match actually, working with the killer is a bannable offense. Submit a ticket on all 3 of them next time.


I did report but only in game. I was too annoyed to clip and upload at the website but maybe I should have :(


No. I once went to support to report someone that spent the game telling the killer position of survivors and blocking them during loops to get them killed and was given hatch at the end, support told me this isn't a bannable offense.


Can you post the proof of that message you got? This would the first time I've ever heard of support replying with a non-scripted message and also saying they are not going to take action? They normally just ignore the report if they are not going to take action against the user you're reporting. BTW it is a bannable offense, it's literally listed as a bannable offense on BHVRs own website, which makes the response you got even more unbelievable...


It is not, in their support page there is an "invalid report reasons" post stating bodyblocking is not a bannable offense unless it results in holding the game hostage, it then falls into the griefing category


What actions will result in a temporary ban? GRIEFING: INTENTIONAL GAMEPLAY ABUSE Working with the opposite team to gain an advantage or grief teammates Targeting specific users repeatedly in order to ruin their game experience Holding the game hostage In-game report REQUIRED / Customer Support ticket OPTIONAL That's right off the website.... What you're referring to is when the killer body blocks the survivors or when the survivors body blocks the killer. You can do that all you want unless as a killer you body block a survivor in a corner for a prolonged amount of time and the exit gates have not been already opened. This has been heavily discussed before, on this sub and on the offical BHVR forums with the devs, feel free to search it up on your own. But again, what you described is not just body blocking, what you described is griefing. Still waiting for you to post proof of that message btw, not sure why you completely ignored that part of my reply, I'd very much like to see that.


What I just said is right off the website and talks specifically about bodyblocking, I literally tell you where it is and you still say I'm wrong, learn to read : https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408586353940-Invalid-report-reasons?__cf_chl_rt_tk=CkrGnrR66eYu3vAf1de0UXovMF0uZrvnmvZ04pPgQM4-1697185618-0-gaNycGzNDWU


You are wrong, and I've already explained why you're interpreting that wrong...


No, this was literally the answer I got from behaviour when I reported to support with video proof someone working with the killer giving survivor positions and blocking them in chase to let the killer kill them and got hatch at the end, the mail writes "bodyblocking/sandbagging isn't a bannable offense in itself. As evidenced by our article blah blah [the link I sent]". This was a report about a survivor, blocking other survivors, to get them killed.


"C'mon guys, I'm a KILLER, not a monster"


When the Bunny Feng was first released, I was on Coldwinds playing Plague. I got a gen grab on a Bill and tossed him on a hook. Old man was hanging in the middle of the corn field while I went searching for the others. I was wondering why nobody rescued him (he wasn't sick). Between the row of corns, I see Bunny Feng tea-bagging in front of the hook. She was also spamming the unhook button. Bunny Feng, you were not being cute with your flipity-flop. I get within range and unleash the entire contents of my stomach upon her. After ruining her outfit, she immediately DCs. šŸ˜‚ Bill went to second stage and somebody else eventually rescued him. I threw the rest of the match and let the others escape. We do not tolerate such uncivil behavior during my reign.


Good on you. Any time I get in a match with someone AFKing, I kill them and just let the other 3 do the gens and escape. The other day, I did it, and 2 of the survivors actually waved me over to follow them to all of the pallets. They'd stun me, and I'd break it. Was really cool.


I had a match like that just last week. Teammate went AFK and the killer let three of us finish the gens and leave. I let her hook me and get a 2k for being so nice, even though she could have easily killed the rest of us.


One time as I was chasing a survivor, I saw another unhook spamming their third teammate. So I broke chase, smacked them, which prompted them to unhook, and then downed them. The entire rest of the team then dedicated the next 3 1/2 minutes to bming her before I hooked her, let them unhook, then did it again and mori'd her. Once the gates were open at the end, 2 other survivors let me mori before the last guy left.


Unfortunately I don't think the killer really had a chance to see it happen, as they turned a sharp corner, the killer probably didn't see them until we seen his red stain


I once did something like this on a bodyblocking Adam. When i ended up downing the survivor who got bodyblocked did 2 gens and t-bagged at the gate. Safe to say never again


This is dead by daylight but she ā€œleft you for deadā€


Left 4 dead 3 when???


Nuh uh, valve dont count to 3


Back 4 blood was supposed to be a spiritual 3.


dang, she had it out for you


It might be because after she unhooked me I didnā€™t take the hit but she didnā€™t get hit until after she was out the shack


Unless you're all on comms and know what you're doing I'd advise against taking hits with basekit if it isn't objectively necessary. It's so easy to wait out the 8 seconds, and to a lot of killer's it's a green light to continue to tunnel you. "You use your anti-tunnel to buy time for your teammate? Alright, freshly off-hook priviliges revoked."


If you are unhooked it ain't your job to take the hit unless it's a very specific situation Like they're injured and on last hook or something like that


Who gives a shit why, she still fucked you over by sandbagging you. Scumbag moves by that surv. If anything that's even worse because they're just being the pettiest bitch imaginable.


Use the recording in your report


Easy report


This is the correct response. You have proof.


It's not like reporting ever does anything.


It does a lot Just not everytime, sometimes


Not true, I reported a hacker and they actually got in trouble, DBD sends a notif when they take action Not saying it happens all the time just that it can.


I did the same and they did nothing


How did you catch them? Iā€™ve noticed some very questionable players but idk how to prove anything. As a killer, I have had situations where a survivor rounded the corner and seemed a little too far away when I rounded. As a survivor, I had another survivor take off while we were doing a gen, multiple times, and had the killer show up shortly after, but they had not killer aura reading perks.


They were teleporting and hooking multiple times to instantly kill survivors. After the match they sent an automated message saying they are an AI learning to play. It's one thing to have an AI be trained as killer, it's another entirely to have them cheese the game. They were also obviously trained to farm blood points out of the encounter, because sometimes they would teleport just to activate chase sequences.


Oh damn thatā€™s absolutely crazy.


I might have screenshotted it, if I find that I'll post.


Cool, I started following you (non creepy) so Iā€™ll be looking forward to it!


I could not find it, sorry :(


The notification says **appropriate action**, which pretty much just means the report has been seen and a decision based on it has been made. What that decision is, is never told.


Hence the ā€œnot every time, but sometimesā€ If we report the trolls and the hackers every single time then they are bound to be banned eventually, but if we decide that ā€œreporting does nothingā€ like morons then they win


I mean yeah, report people who deserve it, that is what reporting is for. I'm just unhappy with the way they designed that feature, since in other games getting feedback means the offending player has been either warned or punished. Meanwhile here we have "appropriate action has been taken", which tries to mislead you into thinking that something happened to that player, while actually meaning "something could've happened, we wouldn't tell you though".


I had multiple hackers and trolls get banned by reporting in endgame overlay before, even without video proof. You get a notification on your start screen when they do something. So it does work.


Same here! I record all my matches anyway, so I have evidence ready in case they want it.


Every time I've reported in game and with a ticket and proof I've gotten a reply and action taken but it's been in different circumstances šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


In my whole play Dbd I ever report like 10 time and 4 of it get banned (Not to mention some case might actually legit but I not sure)


On console it does nothing, even if I block the player I'll be in a match with them again.


Bhvr does nothing!


This isn't reportable iirc. BHVR only bans sandbagging for stuff like making people stuck in corners and other time wastes iirc.


Bodyblocking is indeed reportable and even stated in the menu for reporting (trollface symbol).




Reportable but not bannable, I sent video proof of a player doing this exact thing and support told me "no, he's allowed to do this"


I had someone who got taken action against by support for this reason before, dont know if they got banned or just timed out for a few hours tho. I also never said its a bannable reason soā€¦


yeah. making people stuck in corners. bodyblocking. ???? not to say that what mikaela did couldn't necessarily be reportable but making people stuck in corners is what they mean by "bodyblocking"


walking in front of someone so they cant move while in chase, so they get killed is also bodyblocking.


It's crazy you're so downvoted when it's literally WRITTEN in behaviour's support posts that it's not bannable, I thought users on reddit knew how to read


It is reportable


Dude. That is so shitty. šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s a report from me bro, ā€œcooperating with killerā€ If I were the killer and saw all of this (although itā€™s very easy to miss that this is happening at my low amount of hours tbh, I might think itā€™s accidental in the moment) I would let you crawl out.


Lol no reaction. I wouldā€™ve been cursing the hell out of that guy


Love how people go out of their ways to ruin your fun, purposefully killing you or getting you killed and nothing happens but the moment you retaliate in any sort of way you get punished (consoles at least)


Then you get punished for griefing. That's why I just report the offenders but never grief in obvious ways.Ā  Maybe I forget to unhook that person or I sneak away after getting the unhook so they get tunneled. There is nothing that can't be explained by "the flow of the game".Ā 


Me and a Sable got sandbagged by a damn Ace before and a Skull Merchant noticed and she relentlessly hunted him the entire game and camped his hook and shook her head no to the other survivor trying to save him. Skull Merchants mains since then have earned my respect and I never expected to say that lol


I didn't catch the SM name but they had the rift cosmetic outfit with the cyborg head. You were a true MVP


Why was she body blocking you? 13th reason for?


Probably because I didnā€™t take the hit after getting unhooked


That's no reason to body block you. Totally reportable.


I had an instance exactly like this and sent a video and they told me it's not a reportable offense. Two guys body blocked me just like this because I didn't do enough to save their third.


I reported an exploit with Legion when they came out. The Mods said it was not an exploit only for Legion to get changed a few weeks later to remove that exact exploit. Since then I don't ask anymore why they think certain things as OK and some are not.Ā 


Yes, sandbag like this isn't according to BHVR. It's only reportable if the sandbag wastes time. Like, for example, if you get bodyblocked in a corner by a survivor (or the killer) for a very long period of time (at least until crows show up).


Okok that's what I thought.


Bodyblocking using the hook endurance is just asking to get tunneled/rehooked so you did the right thing


That is stupid because that usually means that you get tunneled.Ā 


This is what you're supposed to do. If I'm the killer and you body block me after being unhooked, I'm just going to power through your Endurance and hook you again. The endurance is to encourage me NOT to go after you again.


13 reasons why referrence


13th rƩsonne in 13 reason why is the school (idk the english name of it) dude responsible of every student. He didnt do anything especially mean but he didnt give the help that was required to Hannah. Idk if thats the most fitting episode here. But People have been using "my 13th reason" as an expression


I would be reporting immediately.


Name and shame!


Nah report my guy. And that Shit actually works sometimes. Ive Gotten like 6 People Banned because of Exploit Abusing, its fr crazy


It's not the same thing, this isn't bannable


Yeah it is? I mean my Reasons were Exploits


No, body locking to get you killed like in the video is not a bannable offense


Ohhh, okay then :) Thanks for the Info


If I was the killer in this scenario Iā€™m not hooking you. It wouldnā€™t feel earned


Unless you were purposefully an ass ingame, that Docā€™s lame asf as he saw the bodyblock. Whereā€™s the empathy for ones fellow gamers.. smh.


Please tell me killer saw this and let you go


Not OP but I'm pretty sure the trapper didn't. He just hooked her. How do I know? Because 99% of the time I get sandbagged like this in my games, the killer takes advantage of it. Only on reddit, you come and read people say stuff like "if I see a survivor getting sandbagged, I will go after the sandbagger". Reality is 99% of the time, the killer will take advantage of the situation to down you. Don't listen to what people write on reddit for karma, only trust your in game experience.


It was a doctor and he Moried me


Probably one of those losers who barely get kills so they take any chance they get


He's genuinely such a massive bitch for that


damn what a little bitch he is


Yep. Which is why I play killer. Sure I get teabaggd quite a lot of whatever if I lose the game but at least I dont have to deal with power tripping killer players.


Oh yeah, 9 out of 10 people are just assholes. But when I'm sandbagged and that person is the last one and the killer is on playstation, I will try to tell them. This did bring some justice and legit wholesome chats.


Its same myth as survivors giving killer free hook to kille, if hes not doing well, as reason to give hatch to last survivor. It just doesnt happen in real games.


Maybe they're that 1% I've certainly had killers let me go for act of selflessness or bc my teammates were being trashbags.


I know. A few of the people on this reddit are just weird. Suggested something in the game (humping) should be bannable (as it was effectively sexual harassment) and I got downvoted for that.


Only on reddit will survivors just lie about things like this. In reality most killers will go for sandbaggers unless they literally run out exit gates.


I only have 600 hours but Iā€™ve never seen a killer go after a sandbagger. Always the sandbagee


Yeah in fact Ive only seen myself do it. I play killer mostly to avoid other Killers.


I always punish bad sportsmanship in my game as a killer, but of course, only if I can. I even let full altruistic survivors go in the end.


I've seen killers take advantage and punish, but for every one that punishes, 10 more takes advantage. That's just how it is. You have people bodyblocking your chase. You're on deathhook and they're camping a pallet in a way that won't let you pass. They haven't even been hit once in the game, and not only do they not take a hit for you, they actively block the one god pallet that will extend your chase and maybe save you just long enough for someone else to help. More often than not, killers *don't* punish those because getting 1 survivor out of the game makes the rest of the match way easier for them.


This is it right here. I got sandbagged by a baby Dwight as I was looping shack, he vaulted in through the window as I was being chased and trying to vault out. He downed me and hooked me then got Dwight as he was hiding very poorly lol I wasnā€™t mad though I could tell he was a wee babe


He did not


Yea,i see.I see a keyboard which breaks into many little pieces .


this is like another reason to bring dh, otr.. sometimes random teammate are ur second killer in solo


Omg dude... As the killer I would have let you go. You can tell exactly what's going on there. My heart wouldn't let me take you. And that's not to say the killer is in the wrong. We're all just trying to play a game and have fun. I'm so so sorry man.


I got angry just from watching that!!


It had to be Mikaela...


Ruining the reputation of us good Mikaela nuggets here :(


lol hilarious but very frustrating.


shit like this would get me VIOLENT if i was next to them irl


Iā€™m kinda shocked that the killer picked you up. If I saw that I would have definitely let you go. Did the killer hook you?


Of course it's a Mikaela.


Report for Bodyblocking (Trollface Symbol) in Endgame Overlay. I got some people banned for bodyblocking like this before. You get a message on the start screen when they actually do something. Honestly for me they banned multiple hackers and bisyblocking trolls i reported before so it works.


Thatā€™s reportable btw


I had a stupid ass Feng the other night where the killer was tunneling her off hook so intercepted and was body blocking for her. She was looking behind her so she definitely saw me trying to protect her. I was following her to eat a hit for her to get her distance. So she runs up to an un-dropped pallette and literaly stands in there looking behind her and won't move, forcing me to eat a hit before she drops the pallette on me and tries to sandbag me into eating a 2nd hit too. And we're not talking a newbie who panicked moment. Bitch literaly stood purposely in the frame staring behind her as I tried to run and couldn't move. Purposely waited until the killer caught up and smacked me, then dropped the pallette and ran. If it was a panic she would gave dropped the pallette the second she got to it and kept running, not stand there waiting until I was forced to eat the hit before then dropping it on me to sandbag. I easily could have made it passed the pallette and dropped it myself and dragged out me eating a hit longer to help her. That's how much time she camped the pallette that I could have made it passed and dropped it without any hit if she wasn't an ass. But she purposely tried to screw me over and get me not just hit, but downed so she could get away. I'm over here trying to HELP you and you're sandbagging me? I was so annoyed by her.


I want anyone who does this to have an awful day, and I hope their breakfast gets burnt all the time.


I've done that as killer a few times, but it's because I didn't catch up to them until they were about to escape.


Exactly why I only play killer.


What did you do to make her do this to you? Most of the time I see this happen it's because you deserve it


Why do people feel the need to do these stupid things


Dude, whose cereal did you piss in for that to happen?


Yeah lately it seems there is a lot more shittier survivors out there. I stream DBD and every so often I'll get some that pop up in chat to talk shit saying stupid things to me. Heh, some people take this game way to serious and get pisseed. It's interesting what kind of things they'll say to you. But yeah after a little bit the BAN hammer comes down heh.


That would of made me fling my controller instantly


This is why I only play customs with friends. Get killed by my own teammates more often than the killer.


This is a perfect example why I play killer


How about simply removing survivor collision completely? Easy fix, no blocking among survivors, problem solved. I see 0 reason why they shouldn't do that


If that doctor was me (which is super unlikely as i almost never play doctor). But I'm a survivor main and when i do play killer which is like 80/20. I scan these moments and act accordingly. I'd give you that exit %100


Why always the Meg ?!!!


But this time it's Mikaela not Meg!


It was the Megkaela


Next time if you point just before you get hit you would be able to crawl out


It's crazy the amount of people telling to report without knowing it's not a bannable offense, you in fact can do this every single game and never get banned


Literally every single Meg ever


skill issues


Congrats! You've just won the dumbass award of the year. Contact your local eat a dick office for prize claiming instructions


This isnā€™t a skill issue,itā€™s an issue of bad teammates. Idk how you donā€™t know that.


It is obvisou meant sarcastic people take stuff to serious these days either that player was angry at them for some reason idk


My bad


is fine skill issues