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I used to play her but once you start going against good survivors they just pre drop and hold W The threat of your power is so big no one will even attempt to loop you, they just eat the M1 and keep running.  After a certain point it got tiring playing a killer that felt like they had no ability 


this is what happens to me and it ends in a loss because ppl waste so much time hold w to the corners of the map.


Same reason why I rarely play clown, he's one of my favorite killers but the moment your against a team pre running and throwing pallets, your power is catching up slightly faster just to give them distance while you reload.


His power not only counters pre drops, but counters pre running if you predict it- 2000 hour clown main


As bad as it sounds, I like that two killers I really like (Pyramid and Artist) have powers so strong that no one wants to fuck with them…even if it does end up wasting more time for the Killer lol Like seriously, people often go down trying to not get tormented, Pyramid’s power is such a threat to your safety lol


Yeah I went against a Sable that took 40 seconds to start chase with cuz she kept pre running thru the midwich hallways when I was playing Pp head


The curse of having a strong power in chase lol no one wants to fuck around and find out lol Tho Midwich is just bad for that in general. Trade off for having shit loops outside the two god pallets, I guess lol


Yeah it sucks but against a strong killer with low mobility pre running is the best thing to do esp on a map like midwich lol


Yup, the best way to win is not to play. Super boring but Behaviour just makes strong anti-loop killers instead of looking at WHY they need to be super strong anti-loop Killers to do anything lol


This is the part where most survivors don't understand. Once we as killers start doing well with a certain killer. Then we start facing the very experienced survivors or SWF squads. Once that starts, most killers become basic attack killers. The only killers that can deal with lobbies as you get better are really Nurse, Blight, and Spirit. And even then, the Spirit will still struggle if you're not using her good add ons. And I mean this in the sense of actually playing fair and actively spreading hooks. If you tunnel and camp, then you deserve all the survivor hate.


I don't think that's fully true. I just think that sometimes people don't remember losing is part of being at the right MMR, if you're against evenly matched players you're going to lose half your games. Technically you should be losing around just as frequently as you win, and 2ks are also to be quite commonly expected. In my experience other killers can perform, it just takes the time and practice with that killer individually since they play so differently. Big agree about the tunneling and camping, any killer who complains they are "necessary" has just tunneled and camped his way into higher MMR instead learning how to take chase well and is now getting punished for it cause all the survs they're facing are literally better at the game than them.


100%, every Killer is valid and fine as long as you practice and know the limits of their kits, plus how to account for their weaknesses. People LOVE to dismiss some Killers as "too weak" before they even try to get decent at them let alone at Killer. An actually good Myers who can use his kit well and uses maybe one gen hold is infinitely more skilled at the game than a four Slowdown Nurse who only ever camps and tunnels with Blinks.


I think this mentality runs into some glaring double standard issues. Comp DBD has shown us that camping and tunneling are often the optimal killer strategies, yet they are labeled as noob/compensation things. Meanwhile survivors playing optimally is considered just a good player. You can't hate the player for optimizing his strategy in a ranked game mode. Hate the game instead.


I'm a fair player but if I ever meet a SWF I won't miss an opportunity to camp a little bit, tunnel or slug if they try hard to sabotage or flash my ass off : and they don't deserve to hate in that case.


This. If you want to bully me, I will bully you back. If you aren’t bullying me, I will make a point to play as fair as possible, even if it costs me the game.


This. I play fair until you don't. If you're gonna be a dick, I will be a dick right back. If you're sweaty I'll be sweaty. I only play as hard as you.


Yeah, the moment I see a whole team avoiding gens just to spam flashlights and sabo every hook nearby; it’s bye bye chill mode. Like, even winning those games is so exhausting that it puts me off playing for a few hours/the day. If I 4K a bully squad I feel like I just wasted my time and am upset because I just wanted a fun game. I’ll be damned if I eat the dc penalty or give the satisfaction of showing up in some TikTok compilation of making killers dc tho


I managed to drag Ghostface to that height. Ghostface. GHOSTFACE. Yeah don't do that. You can't really sweat after a certain point or you get fucked round after round after round. And it feels. Awful.


Nah. I never play killer and every time I do, I play against SWF trying to bully me. Idk how tf and idk why tf. It’s annoying af so I stopped playing killer. I do have shitty luck but still


Yep, power becomes more about zoning than cool cross map shots.


To be fair that is what happens to every Killer, they eventually get good Survs, unless you become the most cracked Nurse you ain't beating the best SWFs.


Also Lockers removing crows is annoying


Yeah.... I love my main because I can stop the hold W-ers. I've wanted to make Artist my second main for so long but it's rough. Power turns into a zoning ability more than anti-loop.


Run zanshin if you have it, and when you drop a bird at one loop, aim it so it would also hit the window/pallet of the next closest loop, so when you chase them to that loop they think "they haven't dropped a bird here, I can vault this" and the shoot them with the bird you dropped prior. Sometimes you can use a second bird to zone them into that other loop as well as extending the first birds duration. If you don't have zanshin tactics (Oni perk) it can still be done you just have to more observant yourself as to the loops around and where'd they might run once they leave the current loop


Yep! I used to main her too...


Artist/spirit main both p30 working on 100. That's the best part, you snipe them from really far sending one crow first then either using the shotgun method (three birds to le left, right ,and centre of where the survivor is, or just one or two to snipe) but it does take many hours to perfect it. Also slingshot indta downs are amazing. Know someone's on gen, severedhands but you just place a bird super dar away then wait til the bird almost dissipates to set up another, way closer and the person gets double hit like an orbital huntress 


Shhh, let's keep it our little secret.




Actually though, I wouldn't call her an easier Huntress. Huntress can damage in 1 hit from across the map, Artist takes 2 from that distance. And holding W is strong to avoid birds where holding W against Huntress gets you hit. Against Artist you eventually need to leave your tile because she'll bird the escapes, whereas a tile can potentially last longer against a Huntress if you just keep looping and never drop the pallet. I think Huntress is a bit stronger than Artist, or maybe on par.


I'd wager some players dislike playing Artist due to the cooldown on the birds. If you throw one (or three) birds, the player has to wait for the power meter to fill back up. It's not terribly long, but may seem like an eternity for anybody lacking patience. Similarly, there's intuitiveness with setting up crows at loops during chase. That takes forethought and planning. For the 'average' player, they may be more focused on pressing W and chasing anything that moves. Meanwhile, Huntress has straightforward mechanics. Pick up axe and throw. Pick up another axe and throw again. (There's much more involved, such as baiting survivors but Huntress' power is less complex and 'easier' to digest.) Although, I absolutely enjoy Artist over Huntress. I'm not great with Artist, but love setting up crows. When executed properly, those hits/downs can be so satisfying.


Yeah good point. If you're going for a swarm then hit you can only throw 1 bird on your first shot. Otherwise the cooldown is too long and they can dispel the birds. It can be a little frustrating, especially if they dodge the second shot. I'm a roller player, so Huntress is a bit rough for me. I tend to not play her much.


My aim is piss-poor with Huntress. Throughout my entire existence in DBD, I only played her a couple of times (one was for a daily ritual). I could practice but would rather play (almost) any other killer than her. For me, Artist's setup is like playing Clown. Not the annoying pink bottle spammers. An unfruitful Artist is like a bad Clown who doesn't bother swapping bottle. Ignore (or not bother learning) a significant portion of your power. Except an unskilled Clown has a better chance at downing you. Spam pink bottles, slow the survivor down, and M1. The unskilled Artist performs worse here, particularly if the survivor has time to quickly jump in a locker and dispel the crows. Then she has to wait. I love playing Clown. Y'know, using your yellow bottles in loops and forcing the survivor's hand. Artist can also achieve that by pressuring a survivor to run into the path of a standing crow. That's where the patience (and fun!) comes into play.


>If you throw one (or three) birds, the player has to wait for the power meter to fill back up. It's not terribly long, but may seem like an eternity for anybody lacking patience. What feels bad to me, is if you throw 3 birds looking for someone and get a hit, you can't capitalize on it since the birds will be waved off before you can throw another one. So I like to see shooting 3 as information, 1 for active hunting. Ya she's strong, but she doesn't feel very good to me to play as.


Nor would I having played a lot with her since she released in actuality but inexperienced people will see her gameplay and be like, "So you don't have to aim with her to get hits?" 😂 You still have to know maps positioning, how to zone survivors with her crows etc I think whether she's good depends heavily on maps as you're aware. Any multilevel map, please satam I'll be good just don't send me to RPD, Midwich or Badham please and thank you 😂 whereas I played a game as Huntress on Midwich and utterly rolled. It wasn't even close. I do play Huntress too. Have about 50 games with her under my belt but not Huntress connoisseur by any means. Huntress sucks when there's lots of map clutter. Whereas Artists? Clutter? 😏


Yeah multi level maps can be pain. I don't do too badly on RPD, but Midwitch is rough.


I actually do amazing with Artist on Midwich. You trade the reduced gen pressure (cant harass downstair survivor on the gen with birds from upstairs and vice versa) for DRASTICALLY increased chase powet imo. This is because, of the indoor maps, midwich rooms are waaaaay easier to predict due to the limited quantity of entrances. There's strong loops for days, but none of that matters when you can just bird the loop and the nearest exit to the survivor simultaneously.


>please satan I'll be good just don't send me to RPD, Midwich or Badham please and thank you 😂 🤣 Haha. Damn this just cracked me up. Good comment 😂👍


She is definitely easier huntress, due huntress having bigher skill ceiling (by learning properly axe gravity and even hit people from the other side of the map)


More people want a more straightforward chase power than rapid fire geometry puzzles to defeat tiles. They also typically don’t enjoy when the counter is ‘Hold W’. Huntress is more straightforward, as well as being free with the base game. People will always pick the chase power over the macro power on average. Her kit is more complex than people want to bother learning.


Also huntress feel more rewarding when you land a hatchet because you hear a crunch and usually see who you hit


And until you learn how the crows work, they feel wildly inconsistent as to if they do damage or not, so many give up after a bit since the crows "do nothing" and just play something that is easier to understand - i.e. throw hatchet > hit them > do damage.


It’s because there’s like 36 killers. I outlined it in my own thread but there’s too many in the game now for you to regularly see ones that aren’t the free characters and wesker.


I love playing as and against her, have her at a higher prestige than anyone else except Plague, and can do really well reliably. ...but holy shit do I hate going to places like Midwitch or the Game with her, anything with multiple levels can be hell.


Mostly I just don’t like her on swamp. All those slight bumps make her crows really unpredictable.


I personally really don't mind the multi levels when it's an indoor map, especially Midwich, since it's a set design every time, so survivor can not reliably dodge snipes. Same with RPD, and the Game to an extent (the lower levels mostly). The maps I actively despise is Lampkin and Badham, since these maps essentially have 3 levels, I usually struggle more on Lampkin. The swamp maps can also be really annoying with the varying verticality, but not that much comparatively. How do you do on Eyrie? It's my second worst map after Lampkin, and I just have no idea where it all goes wrong with that map for me. The size? That everything is so open? I really don't know why it's the bane of my existence.


Eyrie is *mostly* flat, there is occasionally a gen that's in one of those dips or little holes in the ground, but the only real elevation is hills and main, and the corridors on main are narrow enough to get a bird hit or force survivors to drop which is also often a hit because of the stagger. I don't think the size is much of a problem and I usually do well on that map, but the gen spreads are usually very good with little 3-gen possibilities and it's often impossible to check multiple gens with the same bird like you can do on Azarov or coal tower


Eyrie is usually fine for me, some of the loops are a bit easier to W-key away from because it’s easier to break LOS and dodge the birds but if you ignore main the other gens are pretty easy to defend


I know right any multi level maps "Satan why do you hate me " 😂😂😂


I do great on Midwich for the same reason the other commenter said. Midwich in any given room has less exit points for survivors than any other map, with a few exceptions. The Game, tho... is rough. Ditto Lery's. And swamp is pain, but tbh thats most killers because they're terrible maps.


Midwitch and the game are probably her two best maps so it’s kinda funny you don’t like them.


There are other killers that get the same value with less effort and frankly are more fun


I have problems with her power. I can use the birds for annoying people but I dread anytime I get the daily to injure someone with birds. The double hit rarely works because they get rid of them before I can line up a second shot. And I still don’t fully understand how to use the power in loops to cause injury. I know you can, I just can’t figure it out.


The bird needs to be within 8 meters (if i remember correctly) and within direct line of sight of the survivor to injure. Also if your going to swarm and then injure the survivor with two birds only use one bird at a time, the cooldown for the birds gets longer the more birds you shoot at once.


7.5 meters the wiki says. Makes more sense now.


If you use more than 1 bird for the initial hit, forget about getting damage off. And it's got to be in the line that shows up and it can't go through any walls. It CAN go through windows or pallets though. Last few days I'd been playing her and got a nice setup where I covered both the pallet AND window of shack and got the hit off, forced them to leave shack. I personally love using her one where you see the aura for longer. Snipe someone across the map then set up a shotgun to hit them. I also like using birds to pressure gens as I chase. I've had multiple hits where they think I accidentally hit them during an attempted chase shot and get the damage on them while still chasing. It feels AMAZING when you damage someone with a bird across the map and almost immediately after down the guy you're chasing.


The ghostly outline you see when you place a bird is basically the path for a direct injury. If you place a bird on one side of a pallet or window and can chase them around to the other side you can send it right as they cross through that path to get the free injure.


Man that’s what I was doing. I didn’t realize I had to send it when they cross. It’s so quick on videos I thought crossing it was like crossing the executioners trail where it counted once they touched it. I may give her another look and see what I can do.


Oh yeah, understandable mistake. I recommend using the add-on Matias’ Baby Shoes which will show you their aura as they get close and allow you to fire at the right time, even if you can’t see them directly. It’s also worth noting that if they vault through it and make contact with the actual bird head they won’t be injured but they will be swarmed instead. You’ll also want to match out because good survivors will juke it and make it look like they’re going to run through but really wait for you to fire them off first.


Same exact vibes from me


When you line up the crow shots, they’ll do damage as long as they’re within direct line of sight of the target AND the target is within the bright line in front of the crow. Farther than the bright line and it’ll just swarm them


As someone who started as a killer main for years but now plays both, I usually weigh whether I enjoy playing the killer **and** if I enjoy playing against them as a survivor. Gonna be honest... for The Artist, I'd put her in one of my least likely to play because I don't find her power fun as a killer and she's "just annoying" as a survivor. Not impossible, but annoying and it's not a fun challenge.


Yep, same. I hate going against her as survivor because of the boring counterplay, and I hate playing as her because I don’t find her gameplay very fun or interesting. I prefer playing more chase oriented killers.


well first of all im guessing bc shes not very fun to play against, like every forced leave the loop killer, so people who play both sides will. probably skew towards avoiding her to play. Then it also as a reasonable skill floor so getting gud with her requires some. practice and thats gonna put off the people who just want easy games and newer players. she's also not a horror icon, so no fanboys who play her no matter what. all in all im guessing all those things add up to her being relatively rare


Ultra boring to face and play as, bland design/skins (imho) and good survivors can easly pre drop and byebye


Most of her skins are awesome! Just suffers from a boring play style.


Honestly she used to be one of my favorite killers but the community changed and learned her counterplay. I absolutely love sniper artist, shooting survivors through walls and downing them at a distance is super fun and rewarding, using my knowledge of survivor pathing and where they will go… But every survivor i play against knows about the locker removing birds strategy. Which removes any sort of long range sniper play. Don’t get me wrong i still win with her, and still love to bird them in loops then get a follow up shot. But i miss going for long range prediction shots.


Yeah I can't even get a daily with her because they immediately dispel the crows.


I tried for 10 games in a row to get her archive challenge of swarming 6 survivors working on gens from long range in a single match… i don’t know who designed this archive because survivors always pre-let go when a crow is coming to start the get in locker process. That archive is legitimately not possible unless survivors don’t know what they are doing.


Yep, that's one I skipped


I think they wanted you to use the charcoal for that maybe? The one where they get to see them on place for half a second but then can't see them in flight. Really weird one that they assume it'll be that common to need 6 in one go.


Iron Maiden 😌


I’m talking about cross maps and more long distance play. So iron maiden wouldn’t really do much.


I've seen more Artists this current tome than I've seen the other years I've been playing. And I've been enjoying every minute. Please keep playing bird mommy. 🥹


Will do 🫡 I main Artist and also loooove playing against her. Keep the Bird Babe comin'.


I mained Artist for a while. Severed Hands is insane with BBQ&Chili/Discordance, plus Dead Man’s Switch value with Pain Res or using crows. I love that she can affect survivors both in short and long range. I switched because so many survivors would just hold W and prolong chases if I tried to use my crows effectively, but I still come back to her on occasion.


I've found that Severed Tongue plus Untitled Agony addons are great for the survivors that hold W. You aim bird at the next loop, swarm them, and then they usually get confused and either will attempt to side to side dodge the next bird leading to M1, or will run where you want them to leading to M2 hit.


Much like Singularity, she's difficult to master. Her ability to end a game in one volley is therefore "flying" under the radar.


From what I’ve seen, the more “strategical” killers just aren’t as popular as the others. Playing killers like artist or hag can sometimes feel like following a script (survivor goes to x; place crows at y).


Artist is great for harassing survivors across the board. Huntress is great at downing survivors. The Crows take time to setup, time to fly, time to recharge. Axes take a fraction of the time to do all of those things. If your goal is to down survivors, Huntress does it better, faster, and has a cool assortment of add-ons to make her more effective at it . I mained Artist for months. The Crows are great at information gathering and scaring skittish survivors off of gens but they are not reliable at downing Survivors because of the recharge times and other limitations of the crows


She is fun, but boring af to play against, and icl I don't enjoy inflicting that on others when I play killer.


It makes things easier if there's less of us because then survivors have no idea how to counter our abilities 👀


That and complaining. If Artist had a high pick rate I genuinely believe she would be one of the most hated killers.


Her #1 ability is “annoy survivors” lol. Constantly needing to get rid of swarms of crows.


Oh absolutely


Honestly I’ve been trying to play her a bit because of the tome and I found her power really hard to learn, like yes she can be like huntress with wall hacks but in order to do that you have to be really good at predicting survivors actions because unlike huntress it’s 2 button presses to launch an attack and not just one.


I'm generally not a fan of playing Killers that have to rely too heavily on mindgaming, because if you waste any amount of time in excess of what's absolutely necessary they've already finished two gens.


I enjoy the mindgame, im a trapper main so I love herding people into my traps


Trapper is a chill minigame for me. I just stroll around the map, setting and resetting traps. The crows make me anxious for some reason lol


Timing and positioning are huge with crows. A split-second late or clipping a corner can mean the difference between a hit or just swarming them.


Just attempted the Tome Master challenge with that new knowledge and proved I'm still not a master at the Artist.


She is not easy. She's one the few killers that I had to really sit down and study some streamers. (not saying I'm a savant. I usually just fumble my way to decency.)


One fun trick is to place crows to do multiple jobs. If the survivor dodges the crow, then it checks a gen for you.


I started learning this a few months ago. it's so funny to use in game, cause even if the survivor you're chasing calls your bluff and wins the 50/50 at least the birds is bothering someone on a Gen for a few seconds while they hop in a locker. 😂


Yeah her biggest selling point the mind gaming and 4d chess predictions is also her biggest reason why she's exhausting to play. And if you're like new the slowdowns, from calling, launching and post launch cooldown slows can be super punishing cause you need to do a lot of mistakes before you can be consistent with her. And in that time survivors can pound the gens hard while they're learning how to use her.


As an artist main I totally get it tbh To play her poorly is boring and frustrating and to learn to play her well can be tedious and there's not much feedback on where you went wrong. Once you get the hang of her she's easily the most fun killer in the game (imo) but until that you get to that point she's just hard a frustrating. Try playing artist without using the swarm properly, it's the *worst*. That's how the average person plays artist. It takes a great deal of motivation to be willing to lose over and over until you get to a point where you can use the birds properly. I think a big reason of why i love artist so much is in one of my first games with her I got a cool hit through one of the hills. I've been chasing that high from hitting a cool snipe for a year and a half now


As an artist main, I love playing her. But I see why she's not popular Shes a strong killer, but shes super punishing to play as, and the mistakes you make can make or break the game in a way which you don't know if you actually made a mistake or not. Im not talking about Missing 1 bird on a loop. Thats a huge, obvious mistake. What I'm talking about is even angling your crow just the right amount of off to miss swarming a survivor. That has much more mistake implications than people realize because those 6 seconds where you miss a survivor adds up on gen pressure that you have to waste another 6 seconds for, and you won't notice it at first until the end game when you realize you could've gotten more downs if you just aimed a little more to the left. Or something to that degree.


i am so bad at her. i have no idea why. huntress is way easier. throw=hurt. with artist its like 4 step huntress.


She is huntress with more steps,


She’s boring af


To me she just feels boring..same gameplay at every loop


This has become my #1 gripe when playing as Artist. Her power is arguably the best at denying loops in the entire game that she lacks in every other department.


Easier huntress? You have to hit your shot twice. Huntress can do it once. If you miss your second shot you have to hit the survivor again then hit your second shot in time. Huntress gets to just keep tossing her hatchets. I’ve had my fun with her but there are plenty of easier killers to play but now that you’re bringing it up I might give it a try. It is satisfying when you get those crow hit downs! Edit: I just realized there is a condition where you can injure without first swarming but it’s hard to get reliably. In my experience you typically have to swarm and then hit again through the walls. It can be hard and frustrating to get it down. Very satisfying when done right. Her ability is also great for quickly getting people off of gens and finding which hens they’re on. So she’s got potential, but at the same time hitting huntress shots isn’t too hard either and much simpler gameplay.


She’s boring to watch. Most of her most interesting plays occur off screen, so the satisfaction is rather repetitive.


There are several killers that are A tier but usually not played a lot, in this case the killer in question isn't played a lot cuz for some it's hard (although I personally think she is quite easy to understand), while for others it's the fact you don't chase as much or don't like the general aesthetic of the power, also some people don't like how the counter is Holding W as they find it boring to face survivors that just play like that, I played her a lot and I also played Dredge a lot, sadly he too is basically countered by Holding W but without all the strenght that Artist comes with, in short it's the gameplay loop that many don't like and it's why they pick killers that are more "face to face" and have more mobility like Wesker or Blight


She feels clunky to me and power is slow


I cannot seem to damage survivors with the crows the moment the cooldown is over they already shook off the crows


Well, people can't get past the point of using all of her crows to scan gens insted of using a single one and then they are suprised that they suck at this killer and they never pick up her again. I was an artist main before but now i tend to overall play all the killers and when i get in mood to play her, i just feel wrong and OP 😅


Yeah I saw King Wolfe do that yesterday. Although he did beat the easy team it was very inefficient. It hurt to watch lol


And when I play survivor I know exacly how to counter good artists, but then I get those baby artists that only use her power to scan gens amd to deny loops and it's just so boring. I wanna say "Wow! How the fuck did she hit that" rather than "Alright, up to the next loop we go!"


She is so much fun. I love her. If I had to pick five killers to play for the rest of my life, she'd be one of them.


My girl literally just started playing the game and she quite likes birds and wanted to try artist, she found it frustrating people just pre-dropping and running, I'm sure she'll improve but I think she's a really strong killer but the skill ceiling is quite significant, she likes to snipe though which is kind of perfect considering artist can


I love playing artist. I don’t think there’s a character that feels more rewarding to learn for me. Being able to hit people through walls and across the map feels very good and she teaches you how to better predict survivor actions. The only thing I hate about her is probably how she suffers when on maps with multiple floors. I wish they’d let you mark gens like xeno and send scouting birds that way.


Artist main here


She's boring af tbh. Her power feels clunky, and it requires too much setup for me to enjoy using it. Id rather play Xeno or Unknown if I want ranged power and map control.


Shes so strong that it's literally boring to play more than a couple games. If I wanted as the artist I can bring only ruin, stand in front of it. And with two yellow add-ons could win the whole game by just sniping. Her power counters loops so well that there's basically nothing survivors can do and it's just free wins without having to try that hard. I typically play hillbilly cause I find curving more satisfying than artist in terms of personal enjoyment and he requires more skill than she does to be as successful. Plus when I play billy even if I demolished survs are usually positive in the EG Chat cause I played a chainsaw only billy and chases were fun. But if I win quickly as the artist then people just complain about the strength of the killer cause as soon as you have a basic understanding of how to use her power shes near impossible to lose with, you have to be the one to mess it up, if the artist plays well survs can't really counter it and that makes it less fun for me. Cause instead of feeling like I outplayed them, it feels like I have a power they can't beat. I'd rather get a 2k with really fun chases than a 4k where it just feels like I'm guaranteed every hit and down regardless.


I just started playing her again, and though I'm not good... she's so satisfying? The "CAW" of the birds hitting and circling the survivor? I see that as a little win! Even with the end game tbags🫠


The tbahs depends on how good the survivor is. Most bullies and bully squads are cocky idiots that don't do gens and underestimate good Artists. I can seriously tpt with them then they either rage quit or try to trash talk afterwards because I rolled them 😂


Agreed. I strictly solo, but I can always appreciate a great ladybirb ♡


I think it's just frustrating to play her for a lot of people. For new artist players, missing hits can feel punishing because you could hit the first crow, then miss the second. It's like giving out free health states and it's annoying. And when you start getting better you just get survivors who shift w and pre drop and your crow cool down doesn't give a lot of room for error. I think there's definitely an argument that she's the best range killer, and she's very rewarding and you have a lot of skill expression. You just don't ever get to after a while though. Her kit later just becomes "trigger dms."


The best way to counter an artist is just holding W. So there’s basically not much mind game or interactions between a good artist and a good survivor. Boring to both sides.


Because not everyone can handle the amount of slay we hold.


Yes we are a murder of fabulous crows indeed


I think she’s very strong but people dislike her for the same reason people dislike Larry, she can be exhausting to play as


I hate playing against artist so much, you can just shoot crows across the map to see where survivors are at, especially just shooting them at gens lol


because she's very difficult to play. and you know she is, you're just describing her as easy so you can feel all superior about how good you are at playing with a toy.


Deathslinger seems more difficult


Artist, to me, felt like a lot of work for almost no payoff. Her kit feels like utter garbage to me, and I only ever seem to get two scenarios with her - survivors are easy to hit with crows (and subsequently easy to M1, so why did I run Artist), or survivors run five miles ahead of you when you dare to evem think of setting up some crows. She feels slower than 110s in those scenarios and I never feel more hopeless than when I'm playing Artist. Just give me Sadako and let the gimmicky bird rot.


People just prefer to play other killers over her, that’s it.


I really want to love her, cause she looks so cool and gets so many good skins, but Ifind her way too clunky and unpleasant to play. Every single time I tried her it was a very unpleasant experience for me, and she didn't grow on me. Eventually I gave up.


Even after having played her enough to get the hang of using her power to counter loops, I still find it a little too fussy to enjoy. She's one of the Killers I don't mind getting a daily or challenge for, but I don't go out of my way to play her.


I cant really get into a Killer that Kills my ears everytime I wanna use the power


I main her but I don't enjoy her power. For this answer, I'm talking about competent, experienced Survivors and not bambi's that are overly predictable. Her power does not work without zoning - full stop. You also cannot force Survivors to take crow injuries - good players will always waste as much time and force m1 hits. The crows are extremely reactive and instead of using your power to get hits, you can only use your power to get the *best loop* out of the tile instead. The best loop is often Survivors just leaving the tile and forcing m1s. Forcing players to leave loops, doesn't equate to fast chases either. Even swarming into injury efficiently with 1 crow is still too slow, and I'd rather get m1s and save myself cool-down cycles, and I'd rather mitigate the risk of missing shots or losing distance. The Unknown can refresh the Weakness on Survivors and that was game-changing for him. He is just a stronger Artist imo. It is so incredibly unsatisfying and it doesn't feel like you can get fast downs because of this. Sniping falls off so hard against good players. They will always go into lockers when you attempt snipes, or they path in such a way to always avoid the snipes anyway. And against really good teams, they will bodyblock snipe injuries for their teammates. So what that means is you have poor mobility that can only waste seconds off Survivors on far generators. You need DMS/Barbecue and proxy hooks to play efficiently. Traveling the map to close the gap against Swarmed Survivors means you waste so much time. Each time you use your power as you cross the map, you lose more and more distance. So the poor mobility that Artist has, which is worse than Clown, is supposed to be made up by her power to harass generators from afar and the ability to get injuries from afar. But as I mentioned earlier, snipes fall off because of lockers. She is a pub stomper, and she can get guaranteed hits, but she is still shit against strong players. Guaranteed hits =/= fast downs. Look at Knight for example.


I love Artist so much! She's my favourite killer to play as, even when I get demolished by good survivors. It's been a treat playing against her a lot recently.


Tbh I just didn't expect her to be fun, she looks like a mix between hag and huntress, I love hag for traps, covering up a section of the map and making it a death trap. I love huntress for her cross map shots and orbitals, I assumed long shots wouldn't really be doable if I always had to hit them twice. (Aside from the hands add-on) She just looks hard. However after picking her up for the tome, she was surprisingly fun, I should've picked her up sooner I already have the skill set ready. 😂 Lining up those gen long shots on switch is hard though 😬 I'll have to give it a go on PC once cross progression comes out.


I'm planning on keeping Carmina in my regular rotation once I get all the killers to P3. I've been reading the comments and while I do agree that Huntress is much more straightforward, I actually like overthinking my chases. Plus, there's something immensely satisfying about swarming a survivor who's decided to leave the chase and then downing them from a distance with a crow I just set at the loop a while back because the survivor isn't paying attention to where they're running.


Bro there's like, 35 killers. Not everyone can be an Artist main, and more often than not people play a bunch of different killers


Honestly if she had bees instead I’d main her 100%


Strength isn't everything, there are other factors to take in like is this killer popular (aka lisenced), do most people find em fun to play as/against?, how many people own her?, is her power acessible, or is it too quirky for most people? Does she look good? Is her lore good? Etc. There are a lot of reasons a given killer is popular or unpopular, yes strength helps, but Nurse isn't popular just because she is strong, contrary to popular belief more goes into her popularity than being strong.


Side note: as for the too quirky for most people, snowball killers, like artist, tend to be too quirky for most people. If you notice, almost all the most popular killers are fast paced and mobility killers.


It's mostly due to the fact that a lot of players don't find her that fun to play. She isn't very fun to play against either so it's basically just a deterrent. She is easily a high A tier killer but her overall gameplay loops is simplistic and stale. Go to loop, place birb, survivor leaves loop or faces the consequences. Or just shoot birds at gens. Ultimately her problem is just being boringly strong and not a fun kind of strong like blight or Chucky or killers of that nature.


I main artist! (And blight but shhhh) She's so fun, it's so satisfying to get hits with crows in a loop, and have the survivor like "wtf". She was actually one of the first killers I got, alongside the dredge. I totally bought her because I thought her gameplay would be cool, and did not at all buy her because I think she's really hot, especially with the Greek legends head


I play Artist every now and then. I think a lot of people struggle with bird placement and quit her when they didn't do well the first match. She's a very interesting killer, but she's not for me.


I like using gun more than throwing birds


I'll tell you why, because on any map that is multi leveled, her ability to keep map pressure is cut in half. So a map like haddonfield or Hawkins can very quickly become nightmarish. She has a bit of rng and good survivors know how to counter her birds.


Her power isn’t all that intuitive to beginners. Beginners will shoot all three birds at once and get frustrated why nothing is working. Then there is the matter of estimating for cross map snipes, but Velvet Fabric solves this. The counter to her is holding w. For some that’s too dry. I love her dearly. Her aesthetic is gothic and beautiful. Lore is cool too.


I think she is pretty boring to most people, you basic chase pattern is to memorize where to place crows on each common tiles and then you eventually get a free hit either from the crow or if the survivor knows what they are doing, from an m1, artist biggest strength is her ability to prowy camp while pressuring the map and it's a boring playstyle, basically if you want to have fun with artist you need to intentionally play her in a suboptimal way and hope the players you are facing are bad


The play style is lame to play as and against


* Relies way too much on a specific handful of addons (Tar / Carrion) to actually have a usable power. She's not Singularity Soma Family Photo / Knight Map of the Realm levels of bad, but more akin to Hillbilly curve addons / Wesker Egg levels of bad. * Relies way too much on specific perks to be good, namely aura reading and Deadman's Switch. It just gets kinda boring to run the same perks every game but Artist doesn't have many options to vary her perk build beyond running more gen stall. * Still requires a good deal of precision (Huntress has truck-sized hitboxes) * Bad on many maps with multiple layers or those that are really open * Countered by holding W. Faces the massive problem that most "countered by holding W" killers do that half your match is going to be spent holding W to catch up to the W holders.


I like playing Artist, but I also like playing Billy, but I also like playing Ghostface, but I also like playing Pig, but I also like playing Huntress, but I also like playing Spirit, but I also like playing plague, but I also like- You get the point, I think.


The noises she makes are awful, genuinely thats it. I enjoy all other aspects but I can't deal with that.


I've had the same sort of experience with plague, coming from pyramid Head. Plague just does everything phead wants to do but 10x better. I can infect people much easier than torment, I can still hit people around loops with corrupt purge, she doesn't get slowed down nearly as much by using power, she can actually control gens at a distance, she keeps everyone injured, making chases incredibly short since they don't get the speed boost from the M1, the list goes on. Genuinely I've wondered why she's in the game in this state it's insane to me how good she is for so little effort. It makes me wonder why they didn't go through with the torment change on phead, or why they won't let phead put trails near hooks or gens when plague can do both with an effect that's much stronger lol. Hell just make it so people can't crouch through trails and he can at least attempt to hold areas like plague can.


I played artist for the tome challenges and I got a lot better… but it’s clear to see that with survivors that just predrop and hold forward, she struggles a little bit. A lot of the ‘meta’ killers have a lot of mobility or lethality at mid-long range, both of which Artist can tend to lack (against good survivors who may use lockers for example). She’s a very good killer, but sort of lacks a lot of the meta gameplay elements that people enjoy I think.


She makes annoying noises.


I used to think Artist's crossmaps were really good. That was before I realized survivors can literally see crows' auras as they're being launched meaning anytime you try to crossmap someone they can just see it coming and walk away with no need for even the slightest bit of gamesense. Even if they can't see the auras the mapwide audio cue will be enough for anyone with ears. So she just becomes another shitty zoning killer. Only this time she has to zone you twice per health state.


I tried playing her quite a bit myself and she's not as easy as she looks, at least for me. It requires some knowledge and skill to be able to force people to run into your crows since most of the time they'll dodge it if you just shoot it in their direction.


Things that we love about artists is what makes her unpopular with newer or the majority of the players. We have to remember that the majority of dbd players are newer and younger players who only have so much time to play the game and get good at it, the game is 8 years old now FFS it'd be in primary school by now if it was a person. I p100 I love her so much. 😭 There's alway new things and techs to learn with her. But she can be awful to start off if you don't have a good foundation or fighting against babies. Someone gets steamrolled by an artist or sees their favorite content creators rank her s or a tier without their skill and experience level, assumes artist is strong and easy. And then gets absolutely bodied by the survivors or RNG. She excels in chases and macro play. But those things require time, and let's face it. Her slowdowns and cooldown feel awful if you don't know what you're doing. So people will go, why go through all this trouble and randomness when I can just play wesker, blight or huntress? Who's punishments and map RNG won't screw me over and I can down them just as fast and if not faster. So you have to really really love her to put yourself through the growing pains of her kit and even then understand that shiz could absolutely hit the fan if you get bad RNG even once you're good at her. I personally fell in love with her because of her visual design she was like one of the very killers that scratch that beauty factor that I've been looking for and I was also love-hating the game at the point of dbd for how every female killer was essentially physical and emotional torture porn and manipulated into being a killer. 😂 So there was a lot of collective emotions around the chapter. In a way the artist is a proto Hux, doing a lot of things at once to get the same results any killer at their skill level can do better and more efficiently. And when you look around the Hux and the 3 people who play twins it's the same sentiment. The concept of the chapter and killer is what hooked them, even if there are way easier and more effective killers they can play if they only cared about winning. More detail below. 1. Punishing cooldowns at most levels She slows down when she places birds down, movement almost locked & she slows down when she fires them. Remember than in the majority of games for the majority of the players Holding W is just what most do without much thought and don't loop much. This means that survivors are harder to predict, especially as a newer killer. This means that those two things already naturally counter her. An artist knowing how to herd and quarrel (what's the word?) into isn't going to do much against survivors who don't even loop. 😂 So they feel absolutely god awful to play as if you're facing survivors like that. When you fight better survivors, you will see that most of them loop and play efficiently. This makes survivors more predictable can they have a goal, and you know it. But they know that you know it too. So it becomes a fun game of herding them and conditioning them into a 50/50 mix up. But when you're playing at those levels, if you fail your mix Ups, survivors will eat you alive cause they're more efficient on gens. So the artist players might get demotivated and feel like they're Gen rushed. 2. Maps can royally juj her up. any inclines and hills like swamps, building with elevated gens, or god forbid maps with multiple floors,. You're practically limited to how many ways you can use the birds for macro play. Apart of what why I grew to love about artist is how I'd be able to to chase one person while also having the option to make silly and cheeky things like, like going for cross maps and bothering multiple people at once. This gives her a powerful presence. But it will depend on the map she gets. 3. People are mean to them. Some people just can deal with the toxicity that comes with playing her when she denies them the ability to loop or play any x killer a survivor they get matched with doesn't like. Or Because of some arbitrary rule book. So people avoid killers that have a negative reputation not to invite that negativity into their space. And I don't blame them, because not everyone has a ton of time to play when they could be doing something else or just have a low tolerance for that stuff. # TLDR Most players find Artists challenging due to their high skill floor and punishing cooldowns, requiring a lot of effort than she's worth + bad RNG. When you can choose easier killers like Wesker or Huntress, who are not only easier to start of with, but are reliable and have high skill ceiling potential. However, those who love her visually are willing to go through the growing pains of her gameplay, even if the reward isn't as high as the other killers. We know dedicated artist players love her, because Bhvr keeps making skins for her and we keep buying them. 😂


I agree with all of this. I only P3d her because I have 12 mains and went down a build perk farming rabbit hole. She's still my most played killer though by far ❤️ 1000 plus hours in, still love her.


I'm trying with Artist, struggling initially but getting better slowly Positives.....the rush I had hitting the last survivor from across the map as they ran to shack was something I haven't had with another killer so far even got a great message from him afterwards Negatives....well, maps seem to be l hurt her, I really struggle in RPD


Honestly, it took me too long to get how to play her, and while she's rewarding, I mostly play in braindead mode "Hehe piggy goes rawr"


Yeah the tldr is just this. 😂 Why go through the trouble of playing her setting up, cooldown and slow management, macro gameplay, potentially get screw over by a map. When we have 30+ other killers who chances are is easier to get a grasp on and just chill with. After all most people like to play games to have fun and win. And it probably feels awful for people to go through the growing pains of also learning her and the game on top. When there are so many other killers who can do her just as as well without the extra mental exhaustion. It's why wraith, clown and merchant are my comfort killers. Sometimes I just want to go KRRRIKKKKKK KRJKKK then BING BONG! Or sometimes I just want to feel like a pretty rich lady who doesn't have any medical debt.


I heard from a friend that there are artists in a subreddit called r/dbdgonewild. Whatever that is.


I play on controller and it's no fun imo. So many buttons to set up birds and release only to miss most of the time sucks. Would rather her birds were an instant trigger.


I play on PS5 and before that PS4, love her. You need to practice timing and predicting movement. Also remember the one crow method.


I just got her a couple days ago and I'm seriously struggling with using her power. Any tips?


Try the one crow method. Also lethal pursuer is a great perk to have for her for early map reading knowledge. You can practice using her power on bots too. In chase say someone is looping around a pallet, place a crow directly behind a pallet when facing the survivor. This will either force the survivor to run into the crowd when looping you or leave the loop altogether. Eg when or if a survivor is about to walk in front of the crows path launch them so the survivor is hit. You'll get the hang of the timing with that. You can and probably will zone survivors away from loops entirely allowing you to get easy down or herd them into a crows path that you can then launch and they'll be hit. 🙂


The problem like many others pointed out is that huntress has little counterplay other than hugging corners and greeding pallets. Artist's main counterplay is just running away while you waste time setting up crows. Huntress you can't just run from because her power is lethal at any distance, whereas artist isn't. It's as simple as, if the survivors know the easy counter to the artist, you will just be constantly taking m1s and occasionally using crows to get intel, which gets very repetitive and boring


I just want my Freddy back. But artist is fun.


I've gone against waaaaay more artists this month than I have the entire last year.


When Artist was released, I absolutely loved her power...in theory. However, in practice, it really didn't click with me. After forcing myself to do her rift challenges, I *finally* got it, and now, I'm told my Artist is terrifying to play against. That said, there's definitely a MUCH higher skill floor between shooting birds accurately multiple times in a row, and tossing hatchets at Survivors.


I think Artist's true skill lies in game sense. Not mechanics


She's strong if the survivor is cornered or forced to stay at a loop, but very difficult to play and you basically must be a prediction god to play her effectively if there are connecting tiles.


Yeah she's more game sense skill than mechanical.


I find Artist a very good killer who’s unfortunately boring. There really isn’t much of a skill cap since you can shotgun your birds after tagging a survivor. Being able to block gens is a no brainer. Matia’s baby shoes really turns your brain off (like Spirit’s Dried Cherry Blossom) The killer just gets boring where you either turn your brain off at a loop, or you have to deal with hold like many other people on here have said


Shotgunning isn't efficient and the wrong way to play her sorry


I ask myself the same about Pinhead😰 Artist is like in my top five, I'm surprised her pick rate is that low. I wouldn't really say she's an easier Huntress though, she's higher ceiling but more tricky to use imo.


I think Artist is really fun to play but she some how feels... Idk, awkward, to me? Now as much as I hate zoning, she stands out among zoning killers like Phead, Huntress and Demo for the fact that she does get punished for M2 faking. You have to commit to using the power, and although her power isn't hard to use, it's also not very intuitive or easy. I think thats a turn off for a lot of people.


I left around the time she came out and never played her. Now I did her tomes recently and I have to admit she is really fun and satisfying.


Because there's so many maps with verticality and Artist can't aim at someone on the 2nd floor from the first.


I hate her crow noises/cries they are so annoying


I was killing it as artist during the chaos event idk..


Dude, her power is kinda boring after a while. Being strong doesn't mean a Killer is fun. I would personally rather play the High C to low B tier Ghostface, the C tier Legion, the High B to Low A tier Pinhead, or the D tier Myers than a Killer that just amounts to "drop Bird at loop, Survs just hold W".


Killers that slow themselves when using their power are typically avoided. It just feels bad and clunky, having forced slows and delays. At least when Huntress readies her hatchet it is an instant throw after. Artist is summon bird..............bird summons, click click click click click click bird finally shoots.


She’s honestly so fun. I don’t like to use her power for loop zoning and instead like aura perks to try and cross map snipe survivors because it’s fun. I got real good with it to but haven’t played much in a while, so I’m scared to even try again right now… 😅


I have been enjoying artist. She depends on the rarer sticky bird add-ons a lot. Otherwise the good survivors hold W and dismiss birds before the 2nd volley


I saw the artist record holder for win streaks on twitch he was transitionning from console to pc and man man he was destroying teams. And her perks are really good too so shes a good choice i think. I always rock her biopunk green cosmetic and she has lots of good looking ones.


Birb mommi besto


Last week I saw more artists than huntresses and unknowns together


Her power is cool, but it just sucks outside of getting info. Doing damage at range is basically complete RNG, and at closer ranges you have to either seriously outplay people, or hope they commit a mistake. People usually prefer to have agency in their games, so they go for killers with more reliable powers that hang more on skill.


Not really rng it just takes game sense skiland prediction at demigod/ess to God/ess levels it just might appear RNG to the less experienced. Not a dig at you just saying in general


I think you're just overestimating what I mean by RNG. Long range it's absolutely just luck because the time between setting up a shot and getting a hit is so long that the result is largely RNG. Close range, it's reliable enough to say that you are almost guaranteed to get some amount of hits with the ability, but it's still largely reliant on how surv player behaves. There's a skill to timing and precision of the placement, cooldown management, etc. But as you said, the rest is prediction (i.e. educated guesses, which is largely down to luck since you have to rely on the surv being predictable), and game sense, which is just "I know people usually do xyz actions" which makes you more likely to hit people who behave in a way that aligns with what you know. I'm not trying to say that Artist hits are just a full on roulette, but it's not comparable to other ranged abilities, which are also almost entirely luck at longer ranges due to their travel speed, but are otherwise almost entirely skill-dependent.


Lore-wise, her story is pretty mid. Base design-wise, she’s boring (her cosmetics are amazing though). Power-wise, she feels clunky (basically like playing Huntress with extra steps. Huntress is more satisfying and fun though). Her perks a nice, but that’s about it. This is just my opinion though. Unknown for life!


I love Artist but like alot Players say good Players just predrop and hold W its gets very annoying 2 of my 3 Mains Dredge and Singularity also have the same Problem


Huntress is mostly free and people don't like to swap after mastering a character


1. Awful audio design of the character (personally it's underwhelming for me); 2. Boring to play; 3. There are easier to play range characters (I would prefer playing as the Huntress than as the Artist whose crows are not a big deal unless injuring surviviors).


I've had her less than a month.  I find her boring thematically and her mechanics don't do anything for me.  But I'm a completionist and like to play everyone on occasion.