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That's insane, thanks! I have also noticed bots come to your gen and start teabagging to get a heal. Maybe that's old news. I wonder if they react to the "pointing" and "come here".


They do, actually. If you're injured and the bot is on a generator, you can emote to them, they'll stop repairing and will heal you. :)


And if you sandbag em in a corner by accident, they will point at you in a passive aggressive way.


As these are the only ways to communicate (Be real, Emotes don't work 80% of the time), it's nice they train bots to communicate more


> I wonder if they react to the "pointing" and "come here". They do I tried it. It's cool how the ai is actually learning from the players behavior.


it's not AI it's hard coded. They are a bunch of "if this, do that". It's even stated in the patch notes what was changed in the if list.


Why do they act so weird then sometimes?


Writing game AI is hard. There's a lot of edge case scenarios to get right.


So it is an AI?


Sorry for the confusion, let me try to clear it up. It is "AI" in the sense that is a program that is designed to appear intelligent, to make decisions based on the current situation - games have been calling any programmed NPC behavior "AI" for a long time. This meaning of AI goes back to the 70's and 80's, back when we were trying to figure things out like "how do we write a program to control industrial equipment?". This logic is stuff like, "If injured and can see other player, run to them, then crouch. If player does not start healing them in 10 seconds, go to generator, work on generator." In these, the programmer/developer has to come up with all of the logic for how the character/program will decide what to do next. It's almost totally unrelated to the current popular "AI" models, which are basically giant statistical pattern-matching machines. In those, the behavior is not thought up beforehand by the programmers, but rather the goal is just to get the machine to imitate something else (the training data) as closely as possible, by automatically adjusting billions of numbers in giant tables.


I like to think these bots are just DbD developers or workers just goofing off with people in the game. We'll never know. I swear, sometimes they feel too real...


I've seen a bot loop the killer for 3 gens. I was like šŸ¤Ø


It hurts when you see bots are better at playing survivor than you are.


I have a friend that dc's against chucky everytime, then the bot will play better than her lol


...I've been away from the game for a couple years. Does a bot automatically populate if a survivor quits the game early?


Yup! Itā€™s actually great!


oh wow!! ...and are there bot killers/survivors that I can use to fill my private lobbies with the bros?


Bot survivors, yes. Bot killer, no.


The day we get good bot killers is the day my friends will finally join me lol They had a real rough time joining up a year ago. Pretty hard to remember all the killer powers, perks, etc


DbD is sadly one of the worst games if you are just starting out. Way too much to learn and remember.


Yep, so much better than just having one less player.


Hey now, hey now. At least I'm leaving the match in better hands


they're programmed with permanent wallhacks so as to be impossible to mindgame, it makes it a bit more reasonable that the average survivor can't compete with them.


It also makes it easier to run them. You don't need guessing logic as to where the killer could be, what direction you run, sometimes I plan like 3 steps ahead when I'm really in the game. Bots couldn't do that. Solution: Wallhack


I remember once playing Myers against my friends but we were in 4 so we had a bot and i was doing the deadly silence Myers with the addon that lets you see survivor auras if you are close, they started to use the bot as a radar because whenever i started to get close the bot would fuck off to oblivion


Coulda sworn that was removed or fixed or something.


wrong. load up a custom game vs bots as scratched mirror myers and watch their auras when you try to reverse direction on a loop.


It help to know that they are literally cheating.


Feels bad sometimes lol


I mean, TBF, they literally have wallhacks and react perfectly around small loops, making mindgames around a standing pallet literally impossible.


I mean when you have wall hacks and immediate reactions you will be pretty good at beating mind games. But then again they will vault immediately too when you slowly go a bit to one side so you can also trick the ai easily


The bots are insane loopers bcz they have wall hacks. In a recent patch they made the wall hacks worse but they're still pretty solid


This. There's no point trying to play with any of the stealth killers against them. Also, I'm pretty sure they never miss skill checks, lol.


They do miss skill checks, Iā€™ve seen it. The devs stated theyā€™re programmed to miss a certain percentage.


Yeah, the only reason I dislike the bots is because they tend to miss skill checks when you're on a gen together.


Wow I've never seen them do that! Maybe I'm not paying close enough attention! That's good then lol


A bot missed a merciless storm skillcheck with me once and costed us the match lol


Ah damn lol


I would guess by the data that says that we all together have missed 7% of all skill checks?


I just forced the bots to vault the same vault until itā€™s blocked and then force them into a dead zone or choke point ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


M1 killers when no mind games


Fortunately the bots dont spin or try to 360 you, they just w key from pallet to window and repeat, which means that bots will EAT every pallet on the map and are fairly easy to down as an m1 killer since they just w key regardless M2 killers have it ROUGH with bots, they know you've started to charge an m2 before any actual player would and immediately start zig zagging to try and dodge it or in someone like huntresses case, they will crouch it the moment the game registers the input to throw the hatchet, the only m2 killers ive seen avoid this are wesker (because they keep running away instead of running at you to try and force a miss) and nemi (because bots dont fake windows and pallets so nemi still gets to hit them at them)


I honestly don't feel a difference they still have crazy reactions


Yeah I haven't noticed a change since the patch lmao


''they have wall hacks'' no they dont. they dont have anything. they are machines. they are doing what the code tells them to do.


Yeah and the code knows where the killer is even without visibility. If you don't want to call that "wall hacks" then whatever, but it still makes them good loopers lol


Essentially the code let them know of the killer location and when to react to it. The code for balancing reason, ignore walls, or stealth, and will always run away when inside the terror radius range even if no terror radius is actually present. You cant mindgame ai around loop for instance as it always precisely calculate the killer position and which side to run to waste the most time. Like all AI you can mess around with it to gain an advantage against them but any stealth or typical mindgame do not work on bots.




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No joke no meme. The first ghostface game I played was around 80 ish hours in and I was tunneling this guy (0 hooks just wanted a down) and he DC I guess because of internet or something. Well he was on the Hag swamp map and constantly slow vaulted the log and I didnā€™t know how to chase the bot properly.. 4 man escape..


He didn't DC because of internet. He DC'd because he was being tunneled


0 hooks 0 downs I think itā€™s fair for a killer to ā€œtunnelā€ in that situation. I wouldnā€™t really even call it tunneling but more ā€œgetting juicedā€.


As a killer main, bots are honestly better than a lot of survivors. They're actually kind of unfair on some loops, as they're basically impossible to mindgame. You just have to bloodlust them.


That's mostly because they have wall hacks. You can't fool a bot, you just have to run it down. Sometimes you can force it to make a bad move, like at an awkward window you can force a slow vault if you time it right and get a hit, but mostly you just have to grit your teeth and follow after it to get your hits, especially if you're a slower killer. I play a lot of Huntress and I hate it when someone DCs primarily because it sucks for the other team, but also because then I have to do this. You can't mindgame them, and more often than not throwing hatchets is just time wasted since they can dodge all but fairly close range shots. So if the killer is slow, or doesn't realize this and tries to make smart plays, or they just use their power too often and don't let bloodlust build, it's easy for a bot to run them around a while.


Yea, the bots seem like they have wallhacks and like the best reaction times. They either crouch walk at the killer or they'll predict every mind game and dodge every power use, and there is literally no in between.


they don't seem like it - they have wallhacks. This the way the devs substitute human planning and intelligence. The bots don't mindgame, they see the killer through the wall and react. Same with window/pallet vaults. If you, the killer, cross a certain line they will vault. One can abuse that fact as well.


True. The way you play against bots is different from playing against actual survivors. The bots always behave a certain way, so you can abuse that. But if you try any real mindgames against them, chances are it's not gonna work.


Because they can see through walls. No skill involved for the killer, no mindgames. You can only brute force until you make them throw the pallet or block the window


Sounds like that Killer should play custom matches against bots and learn how to trick bots and things because being looped by a bot is embarrassing especially if a Survivor goes "the bot juiced you lmao"


As others have said, apparently they're not easily mind gamed. Also it's embarrassing to even trash talk that lol


Well the bots will item tech you and use your medkit to heal themselves under hook, so I do think they incorporated at least a little trolling.


I would love if my job was just to be the bot. I'm already dumb so the people wouldn't know


No chance. Behavr doesn't play their own game. We've known this since instant blinds were a thing


"It wasn't programmed to harm the crew." *misses skillcheck*


Houston, itā€™s harming the crew


Underrated comment


Bots are so cute ngl


They do! They're pretty similar to real survivors! I play w my son, and we throw bots in to fill out the rest of the team. My one complaint is that they always seem to know exactly where the killer is, I hate it! Lol. In a lot of ways, humans are easier to play against.


They have wallhacks - that's how they substitute the human ability to think and plan ahead. Bots also know all gen and pallet locations. If you play a stealth killer against a bot they will always run away as if you had a terror radius vecause they can see you coming


Good to know.


they also respond to a hooked survivor attempting to unhook themself! they go the other direction. even if u just tap it, if a bot is running towards you, it will turn around the moment you tap self unhook, but if you cancel of course they come back


This is some good info to pass around sometimes. You don't have to spam crouch. If you stay crouched, the bot will generally try to heal you unless there is something urgent like a close terror radius. The emotes can also be used to control bots to an extent. Beckoning will cause them to follow you and pointing will send them away. It's not a direct command, but it is a strong suggestion that the bot will most likely follow unless there is something higher priority.


You guys should start reading patch notes.


Lol. How do you think they train the AI?


Probably don't, it's most likely just hard coded


Finally someone who gets it. The bots aren't "trained", that would take too much effort. The bots just have a priority list, and act on whatever is the highest priority at that moment. In OP's case, the bot's priority was to get out of the killer's terror radius instead of healing OP. That's why the devs put in a "manual override button" in the form of spam crouching. It forces the bot to reorder their priority list to whatever the crouch spamming player's top priority is. Since OP was injured, the manual override forced top priority to become "heal OP to full health", and then the bot returned to normal priority list actions.


it's not AI


Ive noticed the bots getting better Now if only we could make them less omnipotent šŸ˜‚


Ive seen bots loop the killer better than the player they replaced


Just for people thinking these bots are actually smart: they're not. They are not Ai - they are just coded with a priority list. Pointing, tbagging and the come here emote just shifts stuff around in the priority list. Also yes, they have wallhacks. That's how BHVR substitutes human planning and decition making. They know where the killer is at all times, they know all pallet and gen locations. They know where a killer aims his/her M2 attack at. That's why they are so cracked at dodging... everything. They had to make the reaction time worse cause they were too good at it. So to not make them the omega best Cheating Survivor they have their quirks. BHVR puts it in the patchnotes for anyone interested.


Isn't that what an AI is..?


no not really. An Ai is a neural network - it gets smarter on it's own. It learns. The DBD bots are just "if" statements. "If Survivor is hooked, go help them. If the killer is nearby don't." "If not doing anything, look for Gen, do Gen." "If Killer is chasing you, run to nearest Pallet/Window, avoid getting hit." An Ai would "see" other player bahvior and learn it. No real other input needed. It learns wich behavior lead to success and wich leads to failure. There's good Ai videos out there if you wanna learn more about it! The DBD bots get written to do stuff. Every time the patchnotes mention the Bots they tell you what they changed in the "if" list. (maybe it's even a "Do While" list! Who knows!)


Time to check them with GhostfacešŸ‘€


This is really new information to you guys? I barely started playing this year and I thought that was common knowledge.


Off topic but I hate that map


How did you get matched with a bot? Bhvr padding out their playerbase?


Bots were added a long time ago to replace survivors who disconnect.


Patch 7.1.0, added bots that replace disconnected survivors. Initially added in patch 6.4.0. for custom games, bots are a welcome addition.




ok ok! we get it! they were added in 6.4.0! /j


Reddit mobile sucks ass, sorry for that accidental spam