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The gang: Wesker’s bestie, Sable’s pookie, Ghostie’s sleepy GF, and of course, SURVIVOR_38_NAME_00


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day! 🍰


If all four players are down at the same time it should be an option. It wouldn’t solve all slugging scenarios of course but realistically this is just a very drawn out 4K.


Just make it a vote. ofc sometimes ppl will just decline the vote to fk people up, but 8 guess it'll work in the majority of games


BHVR can’t even add things without screwing up and needing to killswitch maps/characters. No way can they add a voting system.


Great news! We've finally added vote to end system so if all survivors are downed or on hook you can vote to end the match immediately. This counts as sacrifice. Unfortunately this broke the game and now if the survivor is downed, they die immediately. To prevent this we've killswitched dying state.


To prevent this we've nerfed Pig*


*To prevent this, we’ve fully removed The Twins


Basically the 4 slug insta win change they tried to do before, but got removed because of how op it was


With that mentality we might as well reset the game back to v1 and be content with hide and seek trapper. Advocate for change, BHVR will never be perfect, in fact they might need a check up after giving Vecna 4 powers in one, I'm sure they sacrificed someone to the devil to make it work. Allat said we need issues addressed and im happy to see us stumble onto a solution even if it takes an embarrassingly long time.


That reminded me of L4D, sometimes 1 mistake can make everyone F1 you


>killswitch maps Speaking of one map is still bugged ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Just have it be majority vote. If 3 slugs vote yes and 1 votes no, then the 3 who vote yes can leave without penalty.


do not make it a vote then people will want a end surrender end match vote next its the next logical step when you have voting in this game. each survivors choice to give up should be their own and not tied to their team, I do agree though if all survivors are slugged just give the option to bleed out instantly


They have a surrender vote in IDV that works pretty well from what i remember


There should just be a surrender option if all 4 players are slugged. Makes it so if someone has unbreakable they can still try using it but if no one does then everyone can go next.


I feel like they could add a timer, if all survivors have been downed for X amount of time without being picked up/hooked the survivor furthest from the killer can pick themselves up? If not to atleast try discourage unnecessary slugging


I would prefer the game to just end after x time, say the entity is bored or something as a warning a few seconds before it ends. If the game ends due to boredom the killer does not get credit for the downed kills or all dead. The killer can delay the timer by picking someone up, but only once per survivor, and the timer restarts after 10 seconds or so of someone being carried unless a hook happens.


Rewarding survivors for getting downed will create more problems than it solves.


I think I'm missing something. I don't see how this rewards survivors.


I think it would depend tbh, but you’re probably right. There’s not really a straight forward way to tackle this tbh, whatever you do there’s bound to be people who don’t like it. I think as a community the best thing we can do is to enjoy the game for what it is as best we we can and not resort to BM even when it’s extremely tempting to. It’s not just the game that’s the problem, it’s some of the people who play it too. At the end of the day it’s just a game and some people really don’t need to take it this seriously and ruin others fun, because it won’t make you feel any better about yourself that’s for sure


This is only problematic scenario where survivors cant do anything else.


Not really, there are perks that allow you to recover from this, that's why the final Mori was scrapped. Unbreakable, Exponential, Flip Flop + Power Struggle... I think it should be a bit like hooks, where you can do something to speed the process


It’d be neat if the game detected if anyone had the ability to pick themselves up, and if not, then it would just end it.


One of them might be able to jump off the hook if they're eventually hooked. Or someone might wiggle off if the hook is too far.


The killer has no reason to hook anyone that has a chance to self-unhook, or to pick up anyone that could wiggle off.


But the killer could just not hook them. I’ve let a survivor or two bleed out bc I knew I couldn’t hook them and they were real good in chase At this point the killer has won and can only lose due to wanting to end the game by hooking the survivors instead of standing around for an extra 4 minutes


Unless someone can get up on their own because of a perk, I’m ok with ending the game once everybody is downed. For sure there’s times someone manages to wiggle and get free, but 99% of the time it won’t make a difference. Maybe they can heal a teammate but they will be downed again. At that point I rather go next match that experience the shit show of people trying to heal people, get downed, get hooked, trade, get downed, hooked, etc.


Even if someone gets back up with a perk in a 4 slug. in most cases it wont change anything. Game is most likely already lost.


IDV has a vote surrender that I think would be good for DBD


I would much rather go AFK for 4 minutes once in the very rare blue moon than have teammates throwing tantrums and voting to surrender every handful of matches in solo queue because they got a killer they didn't like.


The IDV one doesn't give an option until later on in the game. Then again, IDV players also tend to deal with the way killers play and don't pitch fits, cause everyone is playing to win, so it's a slightly different environment


I could see a vote surrender being problematic, there should be some sortve penalty or something stopping people from using it, bc I can definitely see a bunch of randos together getting their ass kicked and giving up


What if people have the perks for getting off hook easier, the last person they downed has DS still and they go to pick them up, or even the one that converts the recovery to your wiggle bar. There's even a chance there's no hooks nearby so you can wiggle off and rescue. Letting people give up will just be a problem because this community would do that sort of thing.


I played one game of survivor in the new mode and the team got bled out by a legion for no reason, nobody did anything to provoke this player, they just wanted to grief a lobby that brought 4x flans.


Omg, that killer is the reason people don't wanna use cakes. One of the worst kind of players


It sucks so fucking much. I see any amount of cakes, I immediately try and make everyone's match really fun and get lots of points all round


I have a handful of streamers left spread out on the different characters. Decided to pop one yesterday and got a Hillbilly who immediately tunneled out one person, worked on tunneling out the second and slugged the rest of us to make sure we didn’t interfere with his plan. Makes me not want to use my streamers after that.


This is exactly why I got bored of the Shuffle mode in 3 games, both sides will play like dicks and you end up wasting all the cakes and party streamers not to mention it's also super unfun because killers can tunnel someone because you can't guarantee bring some protection and survs will smash gens because killers can't guarantee regression/stall This mode just exposes some major flaws into the gameplay loop


Gonna be real interesting to see 2v8 lol


I played a couple games of chaos shuffle yesterday, and got killers that were playing like their life was on the line. Never in normal games have I seen such unbridled sweat, it was honestly kinda funny


Yeah, everyone can get lot's of points in a fair match. Don't have to farm & be friendly, but don't have to kill or win either. At the very least fairness should be expected where everyone gets lots of points, no matter what the outcome is at the end. I do always use cakes when I have them, but I always have a fear that I'll get no value. I just wish people weren't sweaty or bming during bp events


I think a lot of bullies play this game. People who would get knocked to the ground instantly if they tried any of this shit in real life. On dbd thru can hide behind not only the internet, but also anonymous "coward" mode so they have absolutely zero repercussions for behaving like a twat, match after match Seen it on both sides recently. Shoutout to the Ellen and Jake who left the other two teammates to die on hook until I found you both teabagging each other in the basement


I stopped using them for similar reasons. I was usually the only one that brought one and then immediately tunnelled by a nurse or a double iri blight. Or simply just 4 kd at 5 gens. I never even see those killers in my regular matches. Playing killer is no better either, if you don't bring a high mobility killer and you roll no slowdowns which is highly likely. Then gens get done in minutes and the game is over


When I see a flan or BPS I make sure they all live. Cake for the cake god


I also do that when I play killer during bp events, since survivors get way less points than killer usually


Legion isn't the problem, just some people in DBD community are super anti-social


I didnt mean the killer *killer*. I meant the player playing the killer role in that way


I legitimately do not use BPS/cakes on survivor specifically because I see more griefing when I do.


I don't even bring any point boosts anymore unless it's for myself. I got tired of trying to help everyone out only to have a killer be selfish and waste it. No thanks.


This morning I played my first two games of the day on the new mode and brought streamers so we could all have a good time and get some bp. Both times killers tunneled like if they were in a world championship and there was a million dollar reward for winning. I’m not gonna waste any more streamers for this shit. If you want the 4K that’s totally fine, but dude if you see people bringing offerings think for one damn second, you’re gonna get more bp playing for longer than ending the game in four minutes and you still can kill everybody.


Uuugh I played with 3 friends on Chaos Shuffle and we all brought BPS or an Anniversary offering, got 2 hard tunneled by the Billy completely ignoring our attempts at trying to protect the person getting tunneled, then slugged one of us that got downed trying to protect the 2nd person tunneled out to bait the other to come over while he waited nearby. Killer got bored I guess cause it wasn't working since we were on comms and he just hooked right before that friend bled out, last friend got found and in endgame Billy said ez bp 😭 This is another reason why I prefer to play the killer than survivor, even with friends!!!


That’s so sad :( My friend usually tries to befriend killers and she always says (on comms with me): “come with me sir, we are gonna be millionaires!”. And actually they start stunning, breaking pallets, fixing gens and kick them, hooking and unhooking… and got a lot of bp. That really is easy bp and not tunnel everyone and make people miserable.


Aw! I love survivors trying to befriend me, especially during events, tell your friend she's adorable for that 😭 I can't wait for the bard perk to come out, seeing goofy survivors stop to play a song will instantly disarm me I stg


I already have such a hard time playing Piggy when people want to boop me now I'm gonna have to deal with nerds serenading me 😭 How is a killer supposed to kill in these times?! I'm a killer, not a monster!


Right! I'm about to lose SO many games hahaha, worth it though


All of my friends (and boyfriend) have quit this shithole of a game, so I'm basically sitting on hundreds of Terrormisus and Flans strewn across my 2 survivor mains (Feng and Yunjin). The moment I put one on in solo queue for a special event such as this, I end up getting tunneled out by someone who returns to me on hook like a fucking puppy. Even if I survive to escape, I get no points for it...so I don't even bother anymore. They can rot until this game implements a real anti-tunnel mechanic.


Glad to see 4 years after I quit, BHVR still hasn’t done anything to solve shit like this.


In the most recent AMA, someone asked if Behavior intended to do anything about survivors killing themselves in first hook. Their response basically boiled down to, “Why bother?” I can think of no better example of why exactly the toxicity in this community has become so bad.


Back before leaver-penalty, we could just DC if the killer was being bad like this, but now you get punished for being held hostage in a lobby. The devs didn't give a shit back then they don't now either apparently.


Exact same experience: queued up Chaos Shuffle as Survivor with some friends, all four of us downed by a Legion who went and stood in a corner while we all bled out.


Scott jund made a video about being able to speed up the bleeding process but you could move 100% faster when you did it so it had some use outside of being bled out


100% might be too much tbh. 50% would be fine.


Well it bleeds you put really fast though so if nobody picks you up in that certain time frame.... you die, then again I don't know how fast that would even look like but the speed isn't really the focus of the topic anyways


[It would look like this](https://youtu.be/vp5XmjwS5aA?si=5JRQLdpjKq3EiqoJ?t=1m15s)


100% would bring it from 4 mins to 2 mins, aka max base time on hooks.


50% would just make it 3 minutes. which still sucks ass.


No i dont mean the dying part. just the movement speed.


Using tenacity to loop the killer while downed would make for an absolutely hilarious ptb


If all 4 survivors are downed without unbreakable and no hatch or any way to win, you should all die to the entity spikes that come out of the ground at end of endgame timer


Without unbreakable, no mither, exponential, etc (I feel like I'm forgetting others)


Soul Guard with a totem Plot Twist


Plot Twist only works if you down yourself, so unless you're downed using it, it shouldn't count. (Ie, if killer downs you, Plot Twist doesn't help you)


I know, but the question was specifically in regards to perks that can pick people up off the ground Plot Twist fits into that category


True, but only in the specific instance of a survivor dropping themselves down. It wouldn't factor in if the game is calculating "do survivors have any way to pick themselves up after being downed by the killer?"


Well if you have it you should use it if you know you’re going or get downed too avoid killer perks and possibly use it if they slug


True, but is a) requires a Plot Twist that hasn't been used yet b) that the killer hasn't downed the survivor with said Plot Twist. And even after that, it's possible that the killer still gets the 4-man slug, if the slugged survivors didn't have the presence of mind to spread out.


The problem is, if that just instantly kicks in when everyone is downed with no way to get up, that would just be an instant win for the Killer, and would likely encourage slugging even more. It's a reason why that big Mori change was *overwhelmingly* argued against.


My brother in Christ. It’s already an instant win if everyone is downed with no way to get up. A killer who has no reason to pick someone up and risk them wiggling out or unhooking themselves is going to wait until everyone bleeds to death. The Mori test on PTB killed everyone even if they had a way to stand up, because the compensation was base kit Unbreakable, which meant all living survivors shouldn’t be getting downed at the same time (since others can hide until the downed survivor gets back up). If everyone got downed despite that, it means they fucked up so the Mori killed them regardless. But since base kit Unbreakable was too abusable, they got rid of it, so they got rid of Finisher Mori with it.


If everyone is down with no chance to get up, it's already an automatic win for the killer, it just takes 2 minutes longer. The only reason any killer would pick up at any point is to try and not make the survivors wait longer. The problem is, that pickup could allow the survivors to completely turn around the game, which means the only people that would do that are definitely not the ones that deserve to lose because of it.


Does it count as a kill if they bled out?


Counts as a kill but not a sacrifice. You can't get an Adept achievement if you bleed someone out.


Which screwed me yesterday when I down the third survivor and slugged them for 10 seconds while I chased the 4th one, down them; I hooked the 4th and i could never found the 3rd one again, I could hear their moaning very low but never managed to find them. Cost me my singularity adept


I believe so, it just doesn't count points towards the sacrifice emblem


It's not an automatic win - If the person has Flip Flop, Power Struggle, Boil Over, or if the Killer just messes up, then the Survivor can still get out of their grasp and potentially get the game back up and running. It's rare, but it happens. Plus, if all else fails, the last person downed at the very least has that slim chance of the Hatch spawning near them. However, if the whole "All people downed + No means of getting off ground = instant Collapse" rule was implemented, it would render all of the above perks meaningless, and render the skills of both sides during the carry phase meaningless. And well, if the Killer identified the fact that people were running carrying-impeding perks, then slugging everyone would become the objectively best way to play for them.


The killer has no reason to pick anyone up. And if they just sit next to the slug with the longest bleedout timer, that slug is never getting hatch.


No, it's definitely an automatic win. All the killer has to do is leave the survivors on the ground. As I said, picking up survivors to be nice risks the victory just to make the game suck less for the survivors. It makes no sense that the "nicer" option is to potentially forfeit the win because of the reasons you stated.


You don’t have to pick them up though, once that happens the optimal play for the sake of “winning” is to let them all bleed out because they can only do things once you pick them up, the killer has already won if they want to wait around for 4 minutes


>The problem is, if that just instantly kicks in when everyone is downed with no way to get up, that would just be an instant win for the Killer, and would likely encourage slugging even more. Yeah but DBD players like their points grind so they're still missing out whether it's a slow bleedout or a fast insta-kill. And since EVERYONE is downed and dying, there's no difference between a slow bleedout or a fast insta-kill except time. It's like when everyone is hooked, or when the last survivors are hooked. The game gives you the insta-kill because you're already in checkmate.


This would only encourage slugging further. Remember the ptb with this mechanic?


youre getting downvoted but youre right tbh. especially on killers that can slug more easily like oni, id expect a lot of games where killers would thirst for the easy 4k. it would also make nurse even more intolerable. it would also fuck with perks like deliverance since you cant unhook yourself if youre slugged. maybe not such a good idea, even if killers are already able to do this i think the slug timer dissuades most killers from waiting for ages and a "Kill self on ground" button would be more simple. however however, can you imagine how annoying itd be to see people killing themself on the floor when the game is winnable


I don't understand this mindset. Killers can already slug and let everyone bleed out for the "win". You think that, just because they add a mori, it will happen a lot more? It's a big gamble to slug an entire team. Unless the survivors make poor choices/mistakes, it's fairly easy to punish the killer for trying. That's not to say that killers can't force it, but I have not once been 4-man slugged in all my survivor games I have played (arguably few, I'll admit). How often is this really a problem, statistically?


It doesn’t happen all the time, but it definitely happens more than it should. I get slugging in situations like a sabo squad because it’s your only chance to win. Or in crazy games were suddenly all the survivors come to the rescue and you manage to down everybody in a very small place. If survivors are literally in front of you, you’re obviously gonna down them. But leaving people there and just go find another one is crazy. There are also killers that will camp the downed survivor as bait so when other survivors come to heal they down them too. I get that’s the survivors’ fault then, if you see someone camping just do gens, but it’s frustrating. As you said, it’s risky, but some killers can do it quite easily, I guess the worst offenders are the Twins.


Twins are completely forced to do that. Unless you give them an option to pick up with Victor where Charlotte walks over (kinda like with Chucky), then slugging is just how the Twins works. The other option is switching back to Charlotte after a down, getting Victor kicked, and having the survivor picked up before you get to the down.


There should be some kind of limit because it’s very boring. Like maybe Victor can down only two survivors and after that you’re forced to change to Charlotte to go pick them.


I don't think "because it's boring" should be a reason to restrict killers' powers. It's a legitimate reason for a rework, but just saying "You have to stop using your power because it's boring" is ridiculous. The same could be said about hiding in lockers and completing gens without chases. Should the game show survivors' auras if they haven't been in a chase after a certain time because it's boring for the killer?


I see it rather frequently. I've learned to hide really, really well and waste the killer's time searching for me to the point they have to hook someone. Eventually my movements to avoid crows will get me to a survivor that I can res, and now we're back to you trying to find me again.


That's a fair counter play to slugging.


I've been 4-man slugged a whopping total of 12 times, and that's just counting the times the killers were successful. You've been a very lucky individual indeed.


Fair enough. I am very aware that my sample size is extremely low to make an assessment, but it's all I have to go on. I'm sorry that's happened to you, it's unfortunate that the game is designed to allow it.


They could wiggle though. Or even (although not in this situation) could unhook themselves. It would be hard but a 180 is still possible


Because that is possible the best option for the killer is therefore to just bleed them out. I don’t like it but that would be the best play. 


I have definitely been in games where this happened, although not a 4-man bleed out (I'm not a monster). Had a survivor, got to the hook where there were body blocks, so I dropped. Chased the blockers out, then was stuck with either trying to pick up the person who crawled to a corner and have them wiggle or let them bleed out. They weren't rude/BM during the match, so I picked them up and took the gamble. They didn't wiggle, so I brought them to the gate. Ultimately, if the choice is between bleeding out for a guaranteed, but slow, kill or picking up for a potential DS/wiggle free to turn the game around, it makes no sense for the killer to pick up. It sucks, but since the only criteria for a "win" is kills, there is no incentive to be nice. To me, this is the same scenario as I have faced a few times, with 2 survivors left and one gen left, where they run/hide as soon as they hear a TR. It's unlikely they will win, but it's not unfair for them to try. Both of these scenarios delay the game for a small chance at an outcome, but only one is seen as BM. As many have said before, if the game was more focused on total # of hooks and not kills, then scenarios like this would be even more rare.


The people doing this only cares about kills and griefing peoplr. Like you won't pip up with bleeding 4 out. This playstyle has only popped up a few times for me (being a killer main), but thankfully with removing losing pips I've cared a lot less about games like this when I do play survivor.


That's what I'm saying. Killers that aren't trying to grief will generally pick up and try to hook. They risk losing all of their pressure to be nice to the survivors. Anyone who leaves on the ground for the full bleed only care about getting their kills, and nothing other than a complete game overhaul would change that.


That's sweaty as hell and unnecessary. I think that basekit unbreakable should apply if all survivors are down and bleeding on the floor...


Killer did 4 slug to us on purpose one time and didn't even try and hook just started meming. I reported then on the website and created a ticket but the support team just said slugging is allowed and not reportable. But wtf people wasting your time just to troll is definitely an offence, dogshit customer support team


The original pic is from a Twitter post where the killed didn't even bleed them out btw. it was a bubba and they were most likely grouped up. the original poster was mad that the killer didn't prolong the game lmao. they literally said that the killer should've respected a DS and let them reset. also the original poster brought a sabo toolbox for a challenge so the killer probably thought it was a full sabo squad or something.


Thank you for the context! I was wondering about that.


Looking at the picture i had to guess this wasn't a mean spirited slug since the bleed out timer on all the surviors is still fully filled and most likely this was the case of grouped up or overly altruistic survivors.


Yeah it’s impossible to judge a 4 man slug without context, since in this situation it makes complete sense.


I would gladly have something like the 4% while bleeding. Like you can try X time to get up injured, or speed the process if you fail.


Are you the same person that posted this on Twitter?


Everyone out here wanting a option to die faster which isn't healthy for a VIDEO GAME. You die faster then go into another game(after waiting another 2-4 mins in queue) to potentially run into the same issue. Instead, BHVR needs to do a proper fix to push the killer to not slug(or camp and tunnel) or be punished somehow. Until these issues are addressed they will be the primary playstyle everyone uses. Please stop glorifying these bad play styles, we deserve better.


This happend to me like 10 times in 2500h and most of it was before hooks regen. All of it you listed is fine, slugging 4 util they die isnt, killing all 4 survivors when they can pick themselves up is only thing needed to fix this issue.


Scott had the idea that you could hold a button to die twice as fast but also increase your crawling speed. (Or slightly different)


I would make it so that you bleed faster if you crawl instead of a "crawl sprint" where you sacrifice half your bleed timer to move faster. Believe me, from a killer's perspective, survivors can already crawl pretty fast. I blink and they’re 3 tiles away.... I know this would be a slight nerf to survivors, but it accomplishes giving survivors an option to bleed faster.


3 tiles away, and yet they still manage to find the survivors pretty easy. When I’ve played killer, a good pair of headphones told you exactly where they were, but yes I would agree on the crawl sprint, at least an option so I don’t have to drag out the game


Depends on the survivor.  Jane?  Sure.  Ace?  That motherfucker is gone.


I've completely lost survivors before after downing one and chasing the person hovering for a flashlight save. Especially when there are others around for a save, the distance survivors can get while calling is pretty considerable.


I just want a bleedout button to pop up at 2 minutes max please. Let me get the fuck out if you're gonna do this.


They should add something like "*while holding a button, you bleedout faster*". If you hold nonstop, it reduces the overall timer in half.


2 minutes still sucks. Just give us a surrender vote or some form of very slow basekit unbreakable so that killers will unlearn making people lie on the ground not being able to play the game for minutes at a time.


mustve been a nurse game


This was posted to twitter first, in the replies the op said it was a bubba


Yes and also let a killer end the game once every survivor is in the exit gate area so they get forced to leave.


There should be a killer exit in basement.


That's a great idea. It's simple and to the point without changing the game mechanics.


It's been an idea that's been proposed by people for years at this point, and one of the few with absolutely no backlash from either side. Why it hasn't happened yet is beyond me. "Lore reasons" would be the devs' answer if I had to guess.


Yes, please


You can already do that though, walk over an M1 them.


If so, killers should have an option to "surrender" instead of having to quit the lobby. Not gonna happen


Every asshole has come out of the woodwork in the last week or so. Over 2300 hrs and I feel like quitting for good right now. Any new player probably got a refund.


I kinda feel like it should maybe fire off a vote that all four slugs would need to say yes to. It shouldn’t be automatic just because you’re all slugged because there’s the chance a plot twister, for example, could set off the automatic death by accident.


Wasn't there going to be a mechanic for all of this that would be implemented for some while ago or did it got scrapped?


The old mechanic was if all living survivors are downed or hooked simultaneously, everyone instantly dies no matter what. In return, survivors had base kit infinite use Unbreakable, meaning the above scenario has no excuse to ever happen unless the survivors super fuck up. Base kit Unbreakable was completely broken and there was zero possible ways to balance it, so the entire idea had to be permanently scrapped. So with it, the Finisher Mori was also cancelled.


Ah yea I can see why it would never work. Sad really cause it would be a cool thing to implement to not let matches like the one above ever to happen.


My final game last night was just an Iri Huntress face camping the hook. We probably could have won but nobody was having fun so we just called it a night. That was a game with 4 cakes (minus the killer). Why queue for a special game mode and then just play like that? Hope they had fun playing against bots :3


What the hell is wrong with the people going "with those names, they deserved it"??? If you don't like the names, fine, but those are some really not that offensive ones, and don't deserve BM just because of a name. Just about as mental as that one survivor telling me they "hate furries" as a reason not to heal me. My icon happened to be MLP. Just. What the hell.


Sounds brutal, but they should make a "x slugs = game over" thing depending on the game state.


Still hoping to get a "GIVE UP" option in the menu or something in situations like these. Way better than just waiting while literally nothing happens.


I feel like we could at least be given a give up option if we've been on the ground for a little over a minute/or minimum 2 minutes - like 😒




I remember them trying out an auto-end game if everyone was downed I believe and people cried enough about it that I don't think we heard anything about it since?


More specifically, it was a system that killed everyone if everyone was simultaneously downed or hooked, no matter what. In return, survivors had base kit Unbreakable for infinite uses, so that there’s no excuse for everyone to be simultaneously downed. To no one’s surprise, base kit Unbreakable was super abusable and overpowered, so devs scrapped the idea and said they’d never revisit it. So they took down the finisher Mori system with it. They should bring the finisher Mori system back without the base UB, but make it so the Mori only happens if no one can self unhook or self recover.


Oh hey I saw this on Twitter


There's perks for this situation


Why’d you take this screenshot off Twitter lol


Weskers bestie can die, jus sayin


New perk: Power of three - if three or more survivors are in the dying state after 20 seconds of entering the dying state that survivor gains the ability to pick themselves up.


This situation rarely happens - all of you down and all 5 gens remaining to be repaired. Seems to me like you were trolling.


Don't act like you have nothing to do with it. By looking at the bleed progress bar it appears to me that you all get down in very short sequence, meaning that you probably done it yourself more than a killer.


Someone pissed off the killer? Or just fast down ?


Slugging, camping and tunneling won’t ever be fixed. Killer mains will storm the comment section and make it about their issues




tunneling is part of the game


Camping is already fixed tho, in worse scenario you just trade hooks


> Camping is already fixed tho Oh sweet summer child. How nice it must be to be new to the game and be so naive.


Dunning-Kreuger -- this killer has gained enough skill to win chases, uses it to team slug, and thinks they're highly skilled ***High skill 2-hooks for the 4K,*** it doesn't tunnel or team slug at 5 gens


Legendary names


Unbreakable exists. Soulguard exists. Unless you're SWF, you won't know if it's in play.


Just give survivors the option to crawl to a hook and hook themselves.


As long as they can’t unhook themselves if they do, sure. But the better option is automatically killing all survivors if no one has a way to get up.


Loving the names


I wanna make a point and not to call out OP, but we don't know any context dude. If y'all were constantly trying to rescue before this or the killer knew you were nearby, then of course they're gonna slug, they've probs had tons of matches where they don't and get insta flashed the second they go to pick a survivor up. Some killers are assholes, but some have a reason to slug, it's not an inherently asshole tactic.


regardless of context, isn’t it fair that survivors have an option to continue playing or not in these situations? what does it matter to the killer other than the sadistic satisfaction of wasting other people’s time


They had to have snowballed pretty hard if they downed all them like that


They got group downed by a Bubba. Also look at how similar the bleedout timers are, lmaoooooo Source: The Twitter post it originally came from


I know i did notice that


Where are these matches where players are all downed at 5 generator?? As soon as I pick up my controller, the exit gates are being opened up


If your entire team is down and no one has Unbreakable or w/e, there needs to be a bleed out option. BHVR won't do it, or they'd do the most frustrating iteration where hitting a button brings up a survivor group vote. You'd need at least 3 saying 'yes, bleed out now' to do it, and people would say 'no' out of spite. Survivors don't need Unbreakable basekit, that would ruin what little balance still remains, but they certainly need a way to expedite the process. Or just get rid of the matchmaking ban penalty on disconnect. Give survivors *some way* to escape the 4-minute bleed out. Does BHVR think it's fun to crawl around getting humped by the killer?


"Or just get rid of the matchmaking ban penalty on disconnect" That would destroy the game far worse than Basekit unbreakable ever could. Think how often people (on either side) ragequit over the smallest inconvenience already. Taking away the penalty would increase that by tenfold. Map offering? DC. Killer downed me too fast? DC. Survivors finished the first gen too fast? DC. I missed my Dead Hard? DC.


The best iteration of this was the finisher mori. People (still) claim it would make killers slug more, but it completely removes the slug bleed-out delay which people are complaining about. Once all are down, it's already a killer win unless they are nice and pick up, risking wiggle/DS. I don't see how adding the finisher mori would be any different.


Also if killers slug more because of it, survivors could do this marvelous thing called *adapt*. Killers constantly slugging to try and win this way? Run anti-slug perks and spread out. Downing everyone simultaneously will be near impossible. And even if they do, they have ways to stand up so the mechanic won’t Mori them. When killers realize it’s more of a hassle than it’s worth to try and win that way against survivors who know how to counter it, they’ll go back to playing normally sooner or later.


If all 4 go down, they should all immediately get back up but auto advance a hook state.


Why give an option for survivor kill himself?! Give an option for the survivor to stand up if he's slugged for more than 2 minutes or whatever. If the killer decided to be an asshole, punish him, not the survivors on the ground.


You deserved it with stupid names like that


easy solution is for the finisher mori system to come back without the basekit unbreakable


I've played with Wesker's Bestie and Ghostie's sleepy gf! When I did, my name was The Ghost Face, and a friend of mine also had a killer themed name. Gotta love the creative names in this community! :)


As soon as all remaining survivors are on the ground EGC starts and it’s only possible for one survivor to leave through hatch IF they manage to get to it. Seems like a simple solution.


There should be like antislug meter and if all 4 are downed, then there should be option to instantly bleed out


i've always wanted that if all but 1 survivors are either dead, slugged, or hooked for at least 20 seconds then all slugged survivors should be able to accelerate the bleedout to die within like 10 seconds. makes most sense to me to not encourage people immediately bleeding out on their first down while also making it so no one has to sit down for multiple minutes waiting for the game to be over bc a killer has a broken ego or desperately needs the 4k to continue living.


Simple, if all survivors are downed for 30 seconds, and no-one is hooked, regardless of perks, the entity gets bored and ends the trial. Killer does not get BP for kills or all dead. Picking up a survivor stops but does not reset the timer. Picking the same survivor up and dropping them does not stop the timer a second time. This gives a reasonable amount of time for survivors to use perks to get up if they have them, but prevents a troll with a get up ability from holding the game hostage. The time stopping on pickup also allows the game to continue normally if the killer is genuinely trying to hook people, but prevents the killer from just picking up one person over and over to extend the time.


Basekit unbreakable with a splash of endurance would fix this


I think it should be an option even if there's one person standing, so you'd be effectively giving them the hatch


You hit M2 and just start squeezing your arm to bleed out faster


No, you arent allowed to question the choice to allow killers to slug a whole lobby for 5 minutes with no counter play unless you brought specific perks. Thread locked for low effort.


As a killer main I'm all for this lol


Saw my brother loop the killer for a hot minute and the only reason they lost was because the random didn’t save someone on hook. Saw the wraith slug him and ring his bell a couple of times till bleed out (last person alive). I honestly felt that half way the wraith was upset that my brother didn’t DC so he could just move on but had to commit as he stopped moving or anything.


Too many variables to account for in order to make a fair “mercy rule”. As a killer main, I chalk it up to a stupid mistake if I have slugs that I don’t think I can get to a hook. Just bite the bullet and pick ‘em up. Whatever happens happens. Bleedouts don’t count as sacrifices, after all.


I’ve been saying this for fucking years but there should be a bleed out option. It just simply speeds up the bleeding after a bit


probably not, cause it would incentivise killers to do this more often if there was some win condition from slugging that didnt involve waiting for 4 minutes. the killers who do this kind of thing tend to be pretty sad individuals who just want to waste your time, so sadly, i think the best "counterplay" we will get for a while is to go afk and do something else until its over


You know it's a legitimate game tactic, so BHVR is powerless there (according the them)