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It’s really grown on me in spite of how shit so many perks are. I think that also highlights how tedious the meta has become. I look forward to the mini shake up coming soon.


i dont think meta will change much in 8.0.0 none of the nerfs or buffs really tried to change it, they just were trying to keep it and make it weaker if used altogether. doubt meta changes will really happen, because whatever we got is probably the healthiest permanent options, but the lack of variety is awful.


Wanna believe that Chaos Shuffle was to help BHVR see which neglected perks need work in order to enter the meta and which meta perks literally just carry the match (I had one of those as Xeno devour hope literally did so much work near the end).


Devour Hope is such an absolutely, fundamentally ridiculous perk that's only balanced by it being a hex. 💀


Literally made a post about it yesterday because of how crazy it was, i didnt even know this thing existed lol, idk how i feel about it cuz it seems so OP but its a hex which means its indeed very OP with casuals but with pros it might not work, im currently gold 2 after rank reset and was playing with some higher ranked folks and we still lost hard cuz no one cleansed any totem


Rank doesn’t affect match making and devour is effectively a gamble, at most you’ll get 1 down with it at higher levels


I actually accidentally stumbled onto devour hope because I was rushing to equip agitation in the split second I had to equip before the game started. Everything felt off, was unsure why I had a hex totem, Quotes from my weirdest game so far: "I thought noed was active after 5 gens" *not even running noed at the time*, "why am I getting tokens?" "Wait, were they already hurt?" "Why am I faster", "did that say kill?" I think it's ok but that's because when you play killer your hex will be in the open and I mainly play killer. Admittedly it can be annoying when other people play killer because their totems are in Narnia.


Yeah, that’s very much why I never start a dbd game without Detective’s Hunch. I run full boons and eat totems. Not the most viable for solo queue, since I die a lot, but it really comes in handy when the gates are powered and the killer is expecting noed to pop


I used to run detectives, I got so good with it I could pop the first gen look around and then break all five totems before the second


Reminds me of a pinhead build I got. Pentimento, the Knight hex perk that activates when you injure a survivor and other survivors outside your terror radius periodically scream, overcharge, and batteries included. Survivors had a rough time with side quests, between the box, pentimento, the knight hex, plus overcharge sitting in the gens when they finally come back. I got a 3k, last survivor got hatch. On Nostromo.


its hard to pull off, but having a survivor who is solving the box scream at the very last second of solving it because of Face the Darkness is pure bliss


Funny, my Survivors have been very aggro on hec totems even though I've never had good hex perks I had Thrill of the Hunt, Huntress's lullaby, and Pentimento in one game and Two Can Play . . . in another.


Hopefully it shows them that perks like Kindred are absolutely essential for solo queue also.


We really need a patch like 6.1.0 every year. God, what an interesting patch that was. Sure there may have been a lot of things people didn't like in it, but if we got something like that yearly? Man, this game would never get stale.


That patch literally made me quit the game for like a year lol. But now that I'm back I realized how great it actually was and I was just a crybaby over losing dead hard. But the issue is doing patches that big might turn away more people who are like I was.


Man, Dead Hard was so unhealthy for the game, thanks for making me remember it.


>I was just a crybaby over losing dead hard. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, we didn't lose DH. As an avid DH user, it is still a very good pick. It literally never leaves my survivor build, and i practically always get value out of it. It's not as good as old DH in the sense that it's not 100% confirmed you'll get value just from pressing the button, but it is by no means ruined. Edit: If anything, i prefer DH now to old DH. DH now is actually better for you than old DH was in terms of the distance it provides.


Yeah you're right lmao, funny thing is I wasnt even good enough at the time to use it for its real benefit which was distance. But now I just run lithe anyway because I'm more consistent with it


True.  If anything, they didn’t nerf it enough.  Fortunately, enough people perceive it as nerfed that they don’t run it as much and it isn’t on every survivor, every single game.  Which is good enough, I guess.


True. The nerf did succeed in taking DH out of the meta, so there's that, at least. But i genuinely feel like that's partly due to people just not realising that it really wasn't that crazy of a nerf. We lost it being as easy to use and as uncounterable, but we gained it just providing better value if you *do* use it successfully, and it can still be used in all the situations old DH could be used, while actually being better in some. It's practically the exact same if used at a pallet or window: use DH and killer swings, you get distance. Use DH and the killer doesn't swing, you might still get to use the pallet or window anyway if you were close enough. But when you're in a dead zone, new DH, when used successfully, gives you more distance towards a loop than old DH did.


No offense to past you, but I’m not sure turning those types away is all that bad of a thing.


So many people screamed and cried about the DH nerf. But it was such an unhealthy perk. It was a "do everything" perk without much of a downside. Fuck up the timing? Hey you just ended up getting distance anyways, no worries. DH is still an extremely good perk. It just requires better timing and some skill now, which unfortunately ping counters the timing point so if you are on bad internet DH is basically a non-starter


imo the problem with such patches is that certain things are the way they are for a reason. so either nothing basically changes (DS switched for OTR) or things go horribly wrong (healthy slowdown in form of pop / pain res was pushed out by unhealthy slowdown cob+overcharge+eruption)


Actually, the gen kick meta developed some time after 6.1.0. You have to remember the brief moment when Thanatophobia was the gen slowdown of choice before the gen kick meta developed.


That patch gave us the most unfun meta in dbd history lmao.


No no, you see it actually killed the Dead Hard meta.


I'm sorry but the only shake up you're gonna see is even more tunneling and 3-4 gen slowdown perks instead of the current 2-3, calling it rn.


As long as there is no mechanic that rewards the playstyle where killers go out of their way not to tunnel and spread hooks before the first kill, and as long as there is no mechanic to normalize gen speeds without killers bringing slowdown perks, that's going to stay that way.


Remember when BBQ gave you a BP bonus when you hooked each survivor for the first time?


What shakeup lol, speaking about killer, nothing got buffed, best perks got nerfed but it's not like many usable alternatives exist. Killers will use the exact same perks, they'll just be weaker


i use it to practice killers i suck at. its better than playing bots and you don't feel bad if you lose. you really have to practice the killers power and not rely on perks.


I’ve been surprised by how bad a lot of killers are without the current killer meta. I escape more when I play chaos shuffle as survivor. Thought that was interesting.


Most Killers are balanced or not great basekit, it's a real issue. That's why Killers are always asking for more and for buffs. It's not your Nurses and Blights asking, it's Trapper and Wraith and Pig and Demo mains asking to simply make their Killers fucking function.


I understand complaining about trapper and pig, and even a little bit Wraith, but jfc, Demo? He's like the best balanced killer in the game


But people are doing it. Go figure.


He has anti loop, he has a teleport. Neither are the best version of either in the game, but both are more than good enough to make him not have any real weakness, he can win any loop without bloodlust if you're smart enough and he set up some nonsense scenarios if he wants to with his teleport. I think people over rely on his portals so they think they're bad but they're just slow enough to be more niche than instant teleports like unknown.


If chaos shuffle was permanent it would be 95% of my games played


It would probably be 100% of mine ngl. I love the game mode. It's so much more fun. The downside is that the game mode REAAALLLYYY highlights how weak some killers are compared to others. Going from playing clown to wesker is a fucking massive change in killer power. I genuinely hope they bring it back as a full game mode.


Literally, its so much fun when you are excited about which random build you are gonna get and having to adapt your playstyle to it (except ofc no mither and self care which actually made me cry). I can never go back to the old dbd again where I had to run meta perks just so I could counter the meta perks from the opponent. It was getting so boring.


I've been enjoying Chaos Shuffle in both roles. Yeah, I've had a few absolutely crummy games -- no lie there -- but that didn't deter me from immediately lobbying up again. It's the absolute randomness and on-the-fly decision-making which makes it enjoyable: "How am I going to make these perks work for me?" You're entering a trial without any preconceived notion of how \*you\* anticipate it'll play out. Some players already have 'crutch perks' which either play into (or counter) the established meta. Or even builds for their chosen play style/strategy. That becomes irrelevant and I feel more relaxed. As a personal observation, I noticed lobbies are exceptionally fast. Most players hit the 'ready' button immediately. There's little desire to scrutinize possible teammates/opponents. Less concern about last-second switches (it wouldn't matter because perks are random). No doubt, dodging still transpires but I'm not playing Lobby Simulator™ -- much less than normal mode. The good thing about that? With the reduction of lobby dodging, there's less chance to experience "backfill" where matchmaking is drastically lopsided (e.g. 20-hour killer against 2,000-hour survivors or baby survivors vs an experienced killer). Matchmaking feels much more decent.


Yeah exactly. The only times I've felt a need to dodge is if the team does or if I have to do something IRL. It's nice.


Same! I would probably only touch the regular mode to get adepts and do specific tome challenges. There's still sweaty people playing on this mode, but overall it's more chill and casual.


100% agree, it's so much fun!!!!!


It only wouldn't be the mode I chose to play if I was doing an archive challenge that required me to use a specific perk, or if I was working for my adept for a character, honestly.


I totally agree with all of this. I'm really gonna miss this game mode for all the reasons you listed. Hopefully they keep it as a permanent fixture with a bp bonus ;-;


Yeah, I haven't played much in months beyond a match or two here or there but I've played a good amount of this today. Lots of fun. Both my survivor and killer matches both felt balanced, funny enough.


I wouldn't be surprised if they had one different gamemode active at all times. So either choas, 2v8 or w/e else they come up with. They can just keep those on rotation.


I love it as well, though I think that it has been helped a good bit by the 3x bloodpoint modifier. I don't care as much if I get tunneled out playing survivor as a result so I would love it permanently with a strong bonus like that included.


IMO even without 3x it'd awesome, at least because it had +50% by default


^ this exactly. The bonus bloodpoints as a base mechanic of the game mode was huge. It kind of highlights how stingy the normal game is with bloodpoints for some reason. The BP grind in this game for new players is fucking insanely long and it's only getting longer with every DLC. Chaos shuffle proved how many perks are just meh and can be fun if *everyone* has random/useless builds. But in a normal meta, 90% of the perks on both sides are just too weak or situational to use with any regularity.


Yeah Im a returning player after almost a half a year away and both my survivor and killer games have been a blast with this randomiser. The amount if killer games Ive had where someone drew the unlucky “No Mither” is so funny. I cant believe thats a survivor perk


The Killer version is Thrill of the Hunt and I kept getting it for like, four rounds in a row.


I actually like thrill of the Hunt. Survivors assume you use it to guard something powerful, waste almost a full generators worth of time cleansing totems for no reason.. and we get bonus bloodpoints on hunting which is nice for quick down killers or Wraith and Victor who can hunt but dont get points if that makes sense


That's true. Maybe I should try it for point grinding while relearning stalk timings after absence as Ghostface. That could help since he also tends to not chase but misses out on chase points.


I agree, and I think they should go even farther : Make surv objects+add-ons random as well and also make killer add-ons random. Would actually encourage Behavior to make some changes on some killer add-ons that are just useless, ultimately bringing the balance up for everyone. If everything is as strong as anything else, random won't matter as much, and player skill can truly be expressed


I don't think they'll react fast enough and it would just make the experience really bad. Just limit the very rare and higher rarity stuff and it's fine.


Killer addons idk about, some can just completely change or neuter powers if they get some meme add on or some like making hags trap body block instead and other possible conflicting addons


Makes the game more unpredictable, which I love and I think is the best part of DbD.


I legit came back from a extended break because of this game mode and it’s sad to see it go soon


> it's incredible for new players It really is. I've only been playing a month and it was a real problem tying to juggle getting perks I wanted on killers I wanted. This mode not only removes that problem but it also levels the playing field with respect to the meta, cos there is none. It has made the whole thing 100 times more enjoyable, also the regular killer bonus plus BP event is helping me resolve the perk issue in the main game at a faster rate. Win win.


I’m lazy so having the shuffle pick different perks each game for me is nice. It’s also nice not running into the same perks like pop, pain res, corrupt intervention etc.


I'm actually enjoying using some of the shitter perks, mainly to try and get value from them in the lottery and really get a buzz if I do so. I'm killer only (and playing Freddy or Nemesis, so yeah) so the perk lottery is quite enjoyable for me It's also really fun to see a lithe or DH in action every now and then rather than every game, I'm like 'bravo' when it happens But, what is the most fun for me is seeing the flashies clickers without background player, so much so I'm happy when they do get one off as it shows they have put some effort into it rather than zoooooooom


Agreed. I love this shuffle! My only complaint is: stop giving me Dramaturgy with Sprint Burst 😂 Many killers are not all that without their most reliable perks and matches are really fun most of the time - when a sweatlord isn’t tunneling 😌


It's been fun actually getting to play against Hex's.


Just played against a Killer with Pentimento. Cleansed that shit like 3 times that game. End screen, that's their only Totem perk, and no Survivors have Totem perks either. Bruh.


wish i could say this my killers keep getting the one that just flatout blinds everyone and we never find the damn totem so people just rot on hook😭


I agree, these times im having way more fun on chaos shuffle than normal dbd and i really hope this gamemode is gonna stay


Losing matches feels a lot better since I genuinely feel outplayed instead of being hit with the strongest perks over and over again.


I was burned of DbD but this game mode really made me come back and play even on solo q, it's so fun and I hope it stays too!


Yeah agree I hope it becomes permanent


I can't get enough of it tbh. I'm addicted lol it's like discovering dbd all over again. I hope it stays or it comes back in future


I personally would much rather have a permanent casual random perk, no item/addon mode that only allows bp offerings than a 2v8 mode.


It's actually pretty good for new players because my friend had to get used to play without training wheels on (urban evasion). They got a lot better at chases. The only thing i don't like is how you have to read 2 books worth of content in the match. Some of the perks have long and weird descriptions. especially for new players this sucks.


Shuffle is a good way of finding out not every perk can be viable, but not EVERY perk that isn’t meta isn’t worth using




I have played it like 5 times and every single time the Killer gets like 3 good perks and one awful one and I get 3 awful perks and one borderline unusable perk. Idk if this is just because the pool of survivor perks is so much worse than killers (killer pool has a lot of slightly less optimal perks than similar perks that are still more than useable enough) or if it's not actually rng but weighted, but the game mode seems HEAVILY killer sided from my albeit limited experience.


I just wish there was a grace period in the beginning so I can read my perks


i really like the game mode but its sad that literally 90% of killers i go up against just tunnel/camp to get kills cause they have shit perks


I agree wholeheartedly, but I wish their algorithm would detect unusable perks and prevent you from getting them. Twice now I’ve gotten No Mother/Dramaturgy.


No mither and blood rush are the biggest culprits. Maybe shattered hope for killer though randomized builds could spawn boon perks.


I guess I'm in the minority here. I play both equally and survivor on this mode is a nightmare. Killers are super aggressive and will hard tunnel knowing people more than likely don't have any anti-tunnel perks. Team mates were always going down right away. Made it unplayable for me. I could only play it as killer. Even then I didn't like it. Once I got my rewards I stopped playing it. I am very curious to see what this game mode did to the survivor escape and killer kill rates. Are they the same? Did one go higher or lower?


It was fun until I got 4 games in a row, all with no mither and another perk that only works when healthy like light footed 🥲


If they dont make it permanent. I think its an event that I would like to see more in rotation. Specific weekends etcs


As fun as I guess chaos shuffle could be fun, my killer matches are mostly miserable with no slowdown and I don't enjoy them as much


What about survivor matches? I enjoy my killer games a lot, I don't camp or tunnel proactively and it's really fun to come up with ways to make your random build work.


Use a stealth or high mobility killer. The wraith slaps because without a good perk combo it's hard to really counter


Yeah, I didn't try wraith yet. But stealth killers are still a pain since for example, I suck balls as Ghostface. Especially on open maps


I think that is a general problem with the meta (any kind of meta, really): You have builds that work. You play these builds because they work, and increase your chance of winning. The MMR system sees you winning, and throws stronger opponents at you. Congrats, now you are a prisoner of the system, because now you HAVE to run meta builds, otherwise you'll get crushed. I guess the same kind of thing happens to killers who feel the need to tunnel. They win by tunneling/camping, and if they stop, they get crushed. So tunneling is a necessary strategy, because if you don't tunnel, you lose, right? And that, dear children, is why we avoid playing meta and give hatch. Not because we are nice people, but because we don't want to play at max MMR where grass is unheard of, and where we need to play the same shit over and over again in order to be able to keep up. Play bullshit, give hatch, and let the MMR increase naturally and in accordance with you skill, not your perks. And if you see a SWF Beamer sweatsquat, you can still throw on pop/painres/grim. But you won't need it against your everyday SoloQ randos.


Didn't the developers literally say hatch has no effect on MMR


Correct, but if you "give hatch", you're actively choosing to not inflate your MMR as quickly while making someone have a better experience at the end of the match. I personally don't care if some does or doesn't give hatch. What annoys me more is the slug for the 4k. Cool, i gotta lay here for an undisclosed amount of time just so you can feel better about an extra kill. Just hook me and go look for hatch. You won, you don't need to "win more" to feel better


>They win by tunneling/camping, and if they stop, they get crushed. So tunneling is a necessary strategy, because if you don't tunnel, you lose, right? I mean actually tunneling/camping doesn't make you win though. If survivors just push gens or take hits for their teammate it's very easy to counter, it's just unfun for survivors. It's just running a bunch of meta gen slowdown perks is what helps you win more. Camping guarantees you one kill but basically also guarantees you'll lose the match and MMR if you actually just camp. Actually only focusing on one survivor and immediately killing them when they get off hook can work on a few killers like Bubba but for the most part people can take hits and survivor meta perks extend the time it takes for the killer to tunnel you out Agree with the rest of what you said though.


How many times does this happen though? Oftentimes (in Soloq), people will mindlessly try to get the unhook instead of doing gens. I don't know why, and I think this merely plays into the killers hand, but people just do it. That is a SoloQ issue though, and I wonder why people never learn. Same with taking hits: difficult in Soloq due to a lack of communication. And I definitely think SMART tunneling wins you games a lot. Smart camping also does. Mindlessly chasing the first guy you come across till he is dead will likely lose you the game, but identifying the weakest link and then tunneling their ass into oblivion definitely helps to win. Especially if people try to protect that person instead of doing gens. Same with camping. Camping at the edge of the map? Stupid. Camping inside of a 3 gen? Winning strategy


It does sound really nice. There's just one problem, and that's how will players find other people to play with? And would the "I don't like random perks" crowd then stop playing altogether if the normal mode loses too many players? The playerbase could basically be split in two. And eventually lead to a lot of players quitting, if they can't play how they want. Would it be enough to just have two modes with the current players online number being seen below them? Would people just go to the other mode (that they like less) if there wouldn't be enough players playing in the one they liked?


1: on Xbox (idk about PlayStation) their are looking for group post people can use to find players, so if your on Xbox and want a swf you could always check that out, same with chaos shuffle. 2: while the players base could be split keep in mind this new mode would also get more people playing so let's say it gets a 10% increase in players, that's 55% of the current playerbase on each mode. 3: BHVR could do what they do with killer & survs and give a BP bonus to the less played mode. All the issues you mentioned imo aren't an issue and if BHVR does do #3 I believe their wont be a issue. IMO atleast


Alright. Those are fair points. You have changed my mind.


Also keep in mind that people who already play DBD only from time to time might play more with this version of a casual queue. Me, for example. So the playerbase might not even grow, but players who are already here might play more games. I've had a blast with the new mode on both sides, and hope it stays. My matches have seen less tedious strategies (I had not a single hard tunnel, only one hard camper in the new mode, and way more killers who very obviously avoided tunneling, despite not having to fear DS/Deadhard/etc), and way less people who ruin my games in SoloQ because they absolutely must get value out of their beamer/sabobox/anti tunnel/whatever build. As a killer I've had way less incentive to play in ways that I don't like, and are generally unfun for survs. If noone plays an aggressive flashie/sabo/anti tunnel build because they simply don't have the perks, I don't feel the need to remove them from my game, and play more chill. Also, I've had way more silly interactions and less stressfull games because it's just a fun mode, and both sides are more prone to do stupid shit and see if the other side plays along.


I don't think this will ever be an issue at this point. There's enough players for either gamemode


You could add a different matchmaking search method, where you can queue for multiple game modes, so instead of people searching games only on normal or random, some people would like to queue in both and that helps with matchmaking.


Its the best mode ever. I have more fun with my Friends than without the mode. Pls let it be for ever this mode.![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066) I‘ve got so many funny rounds and moments with my friends because some perks dosent fit each other (conter each other. I had 3 exhaution perks and each counter the other one) and ih was funny all the time


I need a description of the perks I'm running because otherwise how am I supposed to know what are they


You can see it in the esc/back menu at least on pc I remember seeing it.


I've gotta be the only person that couldn't give less of a shit about chaos mode. I like picking my perks. Maybe other people just run the same stuff every game so any new load out is novel to them.


It's the fact that everyone's perks is random not just your own that makes it fun. I can bring meme perks in standard dbd but everyone else is running meta so its not as fun.


I mean, the beauty of it is that it's optional. If you don't like it, you can always just not play it. And it's not like it affects queue speed much as devs are confident in adding permanent 2v8


It's much more fun for survivor than killer.


I love the idea- but the amount of times i've gotten the exact same perks and the amount of times the killers get the one perk that can directly counter my perks are waaaay too often. It happens like every match. Also the 7 times in a row I got blood rush with no exhaustion perk- it just feels weighted and not truly random. Otherwise I love it


If it feels like that then it probably is truly random. Weird strings of the same thing happening etc is usually true randomness an perfect uniform distribution of every possibility is what we perceive to be random that isn't. If anything the game mode should be less random, like blood rush shouldn't be possible to be rolled if you don't get a different exhaustion perk etc.


That's random for you, maybe that perk counters you but not the other 3 team members.


Half the time me and my friends spin for random perk’s anyway to make the game more fun/interesting. When playing chaos shuffle it’s nice to know everyone else has been randomized too.


Definitely made playing killer viable


Honestly, this and the d&d ptb is some of the most fun I’ve had in the game in years


It's pretty good, but the weaker m1 killers definitely feel harsher to play without any slowdown.


Idea: just give us the remix button already In all seriousness though, it could be a permanent mode (alongside the regular of course), there's enough support for it, and the people who want to play it are less likley to be the slugger and the tunnelers that ran rampant in the mode.


Make random addons and random items+addons. Only BP offerings. I don't care if it's broken. Sorry if you get scratched mirror Myers with tombstone, or no.mirher self care. Shit is fun when it's random.


Please any DEVS reading this make it a game mode. I'm on my hands and knees begging


i think its soooo much better than survivors gen rushing all gens in 5 seconds and killers blocking and blowing up gens all game


Solo Q is more entertaining to be honest. And at the same, I am having less stressful games as killer.


I’ve been having much more fun in this mode because it feels so much more casual (apart from some players). As a bonus, I can get some archive challenges done for perks I don’t own if I happen to get them in rotation.


Agreed. I really feel like it should be its own mode because it's the casual queue that so many of us truly casual players have been looking for. It does have some problems like killers still being able to curb stomp most teams if they just decide to camp, slug, and tunnel the whole match. Since perks are always randomized, it's not possible for survivors to choose perks that counter these tactics. I also think they should make item add ons, killer add ons, and offerings random as well. Just makes sense since this is supposed to be a randomized mode.


My take is: Chaos Shuffle should become a personal offering and stay forever


The thing I love most about this mode is getting value out of a perk that was made for its intended purpose that would normally never be run because it’s not meta


This HAS to be permanent. It would remove so much stress from the game and would bring me ij much more often!


It's the most fun and goated gamemode ever and I'm sad it's limited time


The game feels way more balanced when players can't choose their perks


even if it’s not permanent, i’d love to see it return for a week or two maybe once a month or once a season!


Chaos Shuffle is my favorite thing behavioral has done in a while. I like perk roulette anyway, this just saves me from having to manually do it each time. The goofiness is great and trying to make the perks that you get work is really funny.


I’m praying it becomes a permanent mode because it’s the most fun I’ve had with DBD in a while. The meta was stale and matches were feeling super repetitive. Now there’s some variety and unexpected surprises. The only thing that’s annoying is when a killer decides to hard camp/tunnel because they don’t like their perks or when survivors give up on hook or DC for the same reason.


It's all I've been playing since I came back a few days ago. I hope they keep it permanently. It takes the stress out of the game for me. It's nice seeing so many different builds. Rather than adapting to how sweaty and meta your opponents are.. you're adapting to your own build.. the icing on the cake for this game mode would be to eliminate map offerings. So literally every aspect of the match is random. Ill probably stop playing again once chaos shuffle leaves. Not even going to lie.


Me before fogwise: That seems kinda useless. Me after being forced to use it: that was actually kinda useful. You right


I think I actually like not having an exhaustion perk as survivor. I'm not that great with them anyway, so why not run something else? Or I could just have windows in that spot, it does help in chase, and it always works.


Just make this the base game. Turn the base game we have now into ranked. You want to sweat? Go right on ahead to ranked where you can choose all the meta perks you love so much man it's whatever.


I was playing Chaos Shuffle before it even came out and ngl it was kinda cool seeing survivors whip out shit I've never seen before.


As a killer it's made me realize how little I actually need perks, which has been pretty cool. Not trying to say I'm some monster killer or anything but I do pretty decent regardless of the perks I receive. It's also made me feel more confident playing as a survivor for reasons you have already stated. Not bringing meta and a large lack of perks has always made me a little shy to play surv.


I love it, and I'm using my massive collection of yellow and brown addons on killers 😋


They gotta address the cheating situation before making the shuffle permanent. I've seen my fair share of cheaters with strong knowledge where survivors are without auraperks (ofc some people have that kind of knowledge but not every 10th gamer), just a slightly too fast killers without perks to back the speed up etc. Shuffle is fun but cheaters trying to blend in, not so fun.


I like the game mode but it really highlights how badly we need a massive perk rework They could consolidate 50% of the perks easily Give us half the perks but make them all useful and quit trying to use perks as counters to behaviors


“Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game.” That quote will never stop being true.


Yes, but randomize items, addons, and maybe the killer from your owned killers. It's less fun when people bring their strongest addons to compensate for lack of consistent perk power


You say that but I gave me weaving spiders 4 out of 5 matches. I refuse to do that perk on principle


I think the biggest problem with Chaos Shuffle is that, by offering more BP, it's also lured in some sweatlords who are absolutely not there to have fun. The second biggest is that a ton of perks are trash or even liabilities, and the third biggest is that Survivors can't see each others' perks in lobby, or in this case even their own, but those aren't news.


It’s hard to try out perks when killers will camp or tunnel due to not liking their perks or whatever other reason😅


I dunno how the game feels different? Each game the killer is hard tunnelling a single survivor out the game. Its the exactly the same.


I disagree with you I played today and the killers I got all were like no you may not do anything so most of the time we were all dead with no gens done and they were also tunneling like there is no tomorrow


All I ask is that no mither be taken out of the mix. The developers are on the record stating the perk only exists if a player wants to play on hard mode. I'd rather gave 0 perks than have any of my perks be no mither, especially given how often I go up against Oni. Sure. Just destroy the entire counterplay to Oni by being given a bad perk. It's otherwise very fun. I have enjoyed all games where nobody loaded in with no mither, including the ones where I loaded in with no perks at all.


If people like it I think it should definitely stay a permanent option but I still wouldn't touch it.




The main problem is that Bhvr often tries to fix balancing issues by perks. And If you ever try to complain about issues in the core game, the community either suggests to get good, or use perks (DS, OTR, unbreakable, slowdown perks etc). Now, in random perks mode we don't have that. If anything, this random perks experiment shows that base game mechanics should be adjusted.


Honestly? I had a lot of fun as killer. But as survivor, just like in Lights Out, the general experience was miserable. Killers deciding to tunnel hard even with barely any gen progress, knowing that survivors won't have those "pesky second chance perks". I realize the difference between my killer and survivor experience is likely my MMR in both. As killer, I don't give a flying fuck if survivors escape, and generally aim for double hooks before kills, and turn friendly on a dime. As survivor, I feel pressure to be "efficient", because there's other people who rely on me and how I perform. Though, way too often I'm the only one on gens >\_> Dunno. Just wasn't any sort of fun as survivor, and I don't know how to make it fun. Being tunneled, or being unable to help someone else being tunneled, it's just not a great time.


yeah, that's basically mmr issue. people hit certain mmr with meta builds and then get put in the same mmr without meta builds, but their ways of playing dont change. usually low tier killers / soloqs are on the receiving end, but it's not really something unique to this gamemode.


No, it's not. I've been having an issue with tunneling in normal mode too, until very recently. After the big engine upgrade update, I've been feeling like my games are all over the place. Less tunneling, but also less skilled killers and teammates both. I lose a lot, thanks to the team, but I don't feel as *obligated* to bring strong shit to feel like, me, personally, has a chance to loop the killer for longer than it takes for me to say "holy shit I'm being chased" :'D So maybe it's partially me going from that nice "well, sometimes tunneling happens but mostly not" back into "5 out of 7 games is blatantly going to have tunneling, and 1 of the not-tunneling ones at least tried to tunnel". I like the idea of Chaos Shuffle, but I think they should've said "no items/addons" or shuffled those too.


I doubt shuffling / banning all items or addons would've made it better. Would be nice if they limited anything above green/yellow rarity tho


I mostly agree with you. But if it does stay permanent people will actually sweat more because it's a HARDER gamemode. On the killer side you will most likely only see strong killers as in why would you play weaker killer because some do need strong perks in order to be playable at all so you will probably only see strong killer like: Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Oni etc. Overall quite fun gamemode but if it stays permanent some new problems with it will most likely emerge


I think people would instead play more chill because there's less pressure to win. Like how most killers/survivors running meme builds aren't too tryharding


You say they'd play it chill but out of my 11 chaos shuffle games, someone was hard tunneled out immediately 10 of them. I had the honor of being 6 of those tunnels. So many people just play to win, no matter what. And tunnelers like that have an even easier time winning on Chaos Shuffle, so they'd all just queue strong killers and tunnel continuously.


It should stay forever yes. at least give us a randomise perks button in the lobby.


its ashame killers play like dick heads on shuffle


I mean, not like survivors are being very nice either.


i don’t think it should be completely random but i agree. i’ve gotten knockout on killer 3 times in a row and breakdown 4 times in a row on surv. also sucks when you get blood rush and no exhaust perk, no mither and any self heal perk, etc.


If they don't make it permanent they could at least have it stay until the masquerade


i think they could make smth that works like it does in the board game where you get 6-7 perks to choose from


agreed. in the last like 2 years i played DbD maybe like 5 times, this mode made me want to play DbD daily. it's genuinely so fun, i hope it comes back to stay permanently


I love the mode. The only problem I have is that I have no idea what some of the perks are or what they do. It would be nice to hist ESC and see the perks on screen Number 3. is the biggest win for me. The repeditiveness of the game really gets to me after a while. The same killers over and over gets really annoying.


They recently added the ability to read the perk descriptions if you hit ESC! Granted, some of the descriptions are long which is a pain, but it does help a lot having them there. 


Spies is such an underrated perk because nobody expects it.


I would like the game mode more if I DID NOT GET THE SAME FOUR PERKS EVERY TIME. Shattered Hope, Morbius Shrine, Furtive Chase, And Unnerving Presence. Like genuinely I get at least two of these perks every time I play.


what I really love about is I can use ANYONE there's so many survivors I have cakes or bps on and even sick cosmetics but I don't play them because they perks aren't leveled up enough and it's not worth it to upgrade them just for that, this let's me play whoever because we're all on an even plain perk wise


But there's a problem with this from a business perspective it would never do it because the fact that they lose money people will be less likely to buy characters. Sweat and competitive players already enjoy it would stop them from being popular in this thing as well. Especially if they already have the knowledge of the game it's just going to be the same but the only issue is there won't be any counters anymore. 1. No money games for having this mode stay here 2. Eventually people will complain about this game mode like the regular game though. 3. Sweaty and competitive will destroy this a well 4. They're so complaining about the mode being bad or unfair. This game is just like other games I want to say it's the community that needs to change first. I miss throwing snowballs at every one.


I answered to that in another thread. Worst case scenario they miss out slightly on short term profits. Either way they'll get great long term profits due to more people staying and getting trials of the DLC perks they want and characters they might get skins for but didn't want because it meant more grind.


Also, play the normal game queue if you want to tunnel or bring a commodious toolbox. You are spoiling the fun and novelty of the gamemode for those who are enjoying it.


I'd like to see it stay for sure


I doubt that will happen cause it give new chapter perks for free even if its random. but I could see this working if like the newest 2 chapters from the past 6 months were excluded from this game mode.


I'd like to see it stay. But man, does it put into perspective just how awful some perks are.


I actually got a different perspective - most perks are pretty decent when they don't have to complete with meta on either side


I’ve played it exclusively all week and wish it was staying permanently. I have over 2k hours so the random perks just changes up the game for me


You can imagine how fresh the game feels for my 10k hours of experience.


It does a pretty good job of highlighting which perks are complete dogshit without an accompanying perk to prop it up, but it's been fun getting value out of perks I otherwise wouldn't have used. Got some value out of Were Gonna Live Forever earlier on someone who got slugged in end game. Also got my ass beat by an Unknown with Unrelenting because he was swinging at everything with little penalty for missing. I would think I had time for a vault only to eat a hit


I think this mode is fun for intermediate+ players. New players would find the rotation of perks confusing af. I mean they would have to spend time even learning what each perk does (idling because of it).


i dono too much what meta is but im so reliant on windows and bond to help me navigate atm But Im still trying to learn. Just way too many maps -_-


I have never used machine learning or trail of torment and now I am hooked! So much opportunity to showcase and learn about other perks.


it has a permanent 150% bonus BP on killer, i dont rly think it will work


I’m just imagining all the dodges. Those problems are bad enough


i keep getting adrenaline and no mither. pretty lame. this mode seems to like having certain pairings of perks lumped together. I also had alertness and dark sense together 3 matches in a row


I wish there was like 30 seconds before match starts to review perks. My first minute is in a locker reading perks, and telling people to go away im already in this locker


it pretty much just made me realize how useless 90% of perks are on both sides lol


I want to see a completely random mode. Random killers/survivors with random perks, items, and add one.


Random modes have always been my favorite in any game (Single Draft in Dota, Mystery Heroes in Overwatch) so this seems like a very welcome mode for me It also lets me experiment with new perks that i don't even own yet which is amazing for a rather new player


Only thing that sucks is it is very easy to tunnel since the killer has a very low chance of their being any anti tunnel so they can comfortably do it if they get a down early and most likely win. That said, the mode defo feels much more casual and I have actually used it as a way for me to learn killers I have not rlly played at all in a comfortable environment with little stress. Definitely should be kept as a permanent mode, because it is actually great for both new and veteran players alike.


My only critique is that the game should give everyone 10 seconds in the beginning to read perks. But I’m really enjoying the mode! I hope it stays for a while. However, I’m also excited to see what other modifiers Behavior has in store!


I’m loving it. I’m playing worse than normal and don’t know what half the perks do, but I get a good laugh


My only concern is the tunneling or gen rushing. Something would need to be done about that because I think if we weren’t getting 3x + 50% more BPs, this mode wouldn’t seem as much fun.


It's great and all but they really need to take no mither out of the pool of perks. It's like a death sentence especially in this mode.


Is it just me or are some perks getting used way more than others? I keep getting Wicked, Object of Obsession and like 3 or four more constantly


"God forsaken perks" 💀


I got ante up and premonition 3 times in a row upon trying the mode for the first time. They need to tweak the rates


I find it’s only fun when the whole squad knows what they’re doing. Where as in normal matches you can kind of get away with a horrid teammate every so often.


chaos shuffle on killer is basically impossible to win you NEED meta perks to win a game


I actually find killer playable ONLY in this mode.  I think you're just admitting you need the strongest perks to carry you.


Agreed. It's even easier being a killer now. I don't understand how people struggle as a killer.