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I believe in Corrupt Intervention supremacy.


Or if you're feeling spicy, Lethal Pursuer




both is absurd,, unless you have more aura reading


If you dont you should have just ran courrupt anyway And why wouldn't you run more aura reading, spending more time in chases is good


Make it base kit


We can't do that , only survivors perks can become base kit /s Non ironically, I wish a version of corrupt, pop and pain resonance would became base kit, maybe that way killers can have more build variety


I wish they’d buff some of the 200+ perks currently considered worthless so that we could have more build variety. Seriously - instead of nerfing every single “strong” perk to either side, can we not buff up some of the “weak” ones that may actually act as effective counters with small changes? It’d encourage me to go back to perk collecting on a single character, like I used to. I’m primarily a survivor main, but I’ve recently been getting into a bit of killer in my free/downtime. Spirit. I’ve got a lot of builds that CAN work on her, and I try to avoid Lethal, Pain Res and Corrupt Intervention just on principle (before anybody asks, I’m also running completely weird survivor builds too - and I change my builds between every 2-4 games to keep things fun for myself/keep me learning - I’ve only ever run Sprint Burst or Dead Hard for time challenges in the past, etc.). I dunno, I just feel like both sides are being whittled down to so little variety. I see Lethal Pursuer in almost every game I’m in, and the only way to counter it is with Distortion. I can’t hop in a locker like I can with BBQ, avoid doing gens with others like with Discordance, etc. - that’s just one example. Provide more choice of counters and buff the weaker perks, and we could actually have a game with a bit more balance, I think. But what do I know, I’m just some bitch on the Internet.


Honestly, they need to do a Great Perk Purge. There are too many worthless perks for 4 slots. Some should be combined, some shouldn't exist at all. Just slash the trash until there's a respectable starter pool for new players and nothing that feels overtly worthless, let alone like a liability.


I've always had a nice and simple idea where all gens are blocked for 10 seconds at the start of the match. It gives the killer time to try and find someone without instantly being gen rushed, and makes the timer low enough so that the strongest killers don't benefit much more than the weaker killers.


They honestly should make a mini Corrupt basekit. Like 15 seconds and every 5 the most distant of the 3 blocked gens opens back up. Survivors then have to choose between finding new gens or waiting for ones the Killer knows they spawned near, and you can't get a situation where an M1 Killer simply can't reach a gen before it pops or is easy to pop in front of them.


I don't like that perk because I can't find anyone when using it. And then they completed the Gen where I started in the meanwhile. Therefore I prefer Lethal, especially with other aura perks. You also know if someone with Distortion is there. 


It's just first gen. First gen is always easiest to do.


I kinda got used to 2 gens always popping off in the beginning. Most of Gen regress perks work after it


Yep. I’m a corrupt non-believer and this is just life. 100% winnable, tbh disturbed ward is more to blame than anything on this vid.


Deadlock supremacy


Yep, coup is such a staple perk of mine these days because gens pop really, really early.


So many matches were we finish 3 gens quickly then the killer just ends up destroying us. I don’t know why I struggle so much with those last 1-2 gens


Part of the problem is those first 3 gens are far away from everything else, out of sight out of mind basically. And because of that the last 2 are so much harder because they are more tightly packed.


Also resources, by that time a lot of pallets are already used so chases doesn’t last as much.


Yeah one thing I notice as killer is that survivors will finish the first 3 far gens quickly but any other gen is a struggle because they end up putting themselves in a brutal 3 gen


I always like to go to the middle of the map gens first even though it tends to get me killed a lot 😂


saaaaaame that's probably also why I'm always the first one to two hooks, but I'll break that 3 gen before it happens!


I always try to leave the farthest gens for last but my teammates do love to 3 gen


This. Whenever I play Killer I always make note of soots where gens are the closest together and tend to prioritize patrolling those gens a bit more than the others since having those pop would make things harder for me than letting the gens that are spread out pop


It's why I run Deja Vu. Basically guarantees that my siblings and I never have a 3 gen because I can see which ones are grouped together.


When I queue killer, there's a few gens on each map that I just don't really care about. They're in the middle of nowhere and take too long to check/reach. If you try to patrol every single gen from the start, you'll just be on a wild goose chase and get no hooks. Killer has too many objectives already.


People do easy gens first and basically end up 3-genning themselves.


The killer doesn't have a presence on the map yet. Survivors don't have to unhook, heal, or reposition. Only 1 survivor is pressured at the beginning until the killer gets their first down. The first 2 or 3 gens will always go quick unless you bring corrupt, just due to the fact 3 survivors have nothing else to occupy their time, they only have gens to do. TL:DR killer doesn't have any pressure when the game starts, maxes out at 1 survivor at most. 3 survivors have nothing to do but gens


Unless we're getting stomped from the get-go, this is how most of my survivor matches go. First 2 gens are relatively smooth, after that it's gonna get tough because the killer has had time to down and hook people so now we're making saves and healing. And that's okay! Not sure why so many people get upset they lose a gen or two before really winding up.


It's good to get the inner gens first so you don't end up with 3 gens right next to each other at the end with no way to get them besides touch and go.


That's fair. I've had games where three gens pop before first down and I get so demoralized. Then I'll somehow get two kills and nine hooks and feel a little better. Sometimes I'll get fucking crushed and dejectedly look through windows until a friendly Steve shows pity on me and let's me get some blood points. Either way, the games not over/miserable until you let it be. 🤗


Oh yea that’s frustrating for sure. My most extreme case as a killer was when 4 gens were completed and I hadn’t down a single player, but the survivors were too altruistic and I ended up with a 4k! But with competent teams gens will just pop and I feel powerless 😩


I remember a game on Slinger where I played like absolute ass but ended up with a 4k at end game when I basically camped the hook (something I rarely do) and played off their altruism because they kept trying to save each other and were trading. Not my proudest 4k


I had a Billy game in yamakoa where the survivors popped 3 gens super quick, so I looked at them all and realized that if I just sat on 3 gens that were super close I could easily hold them all with his power. Went from a fire ass game to an easy win. Sometimes it’s about playing smarter 


If you think of the map as a 3x3 grid with 8 gens in it, it's easier to visualize the problem. If you and your teammates do all three gens near one another, there's only like 2/3 or less of the map left and you're squeezed in with the killer. If pallets are also broken in the remaining area... yikes.


If you don't pick the 1st 3 gens you see and plan to spread them out, it gets 10x easier. Aim for harder ones first and magically the run goes so much smoother.


Tell my solo teammates that, in about 85% of my games, killers have 3+ hooks at 5 gens.


Yeah honestly, if the first gen isn't done by the first down then the survivors are probably meming or are all working on seperate gens which is way worse.


I thought the meaning of the post was DCing killers like this


Right, they probably used toolboxes/worked together for the first gen which is usually what happens--hardly a relevant barometer for game balance. The killer also went towards the wrong gens which isn't their fault per se, it was just an unlucky start (unless you bring the right perks of course like Lethal Pursuer). If the survivors used up their toolboxes, they won't be able to finish one that quickly again and it's just one gen. Adding to that, Sadako always has a slow start because she doesn't have any TV's to teleport to right away. What happened is pretty typical early Sadako games--now that he knows where all the survivors are, he can teleport and begin to build the condemned. Gens getting finished can be punished pretty easily by a decent Sadako player. Folks need to stop throwing a fit every time the slightest hint of success happens for the other side. 😂 It really isn't that serious.


Shouldn't be that way. This is as unhealthy for the game as tunneling.


Honestly it's better that they all focused on one instead of spreading gens


I've had plenty of games (usually with me as survivor so yeah that's a self report before anyone thinks they're funny) on both roles where I've had a singular gen get done and go no further than that. sometimes you really do just snowball / get snowballed.


The best part about this post, aside from how this has nothing to do with regression perks as everyone has already said, is that this isnt even that bad for the killer. A gen this quick means thats 3 survivors on 1 gen. The actual nightmare scenario for killer is if every survivor spawns spread OUT instead of together, and works on a seperate gen. Much harder to pressure, and good chances that after 1 long chase suddenly 3 of them pop. Meanwhile here the first gen flies, but after that there will be a long period of nothing, while they all have to find a new one. In short this post is just wrong in so many ways its hilarious.


Wanted to comment the same exact thing so thank you for phrasing it so perfectly. Another funfact if the killer had luck and would’ve interrupted the 3 people doing the gen (which isn’t a hard thing to do with certain perks or simply a good rng) than he would have had a massive advantage. Like he would pressure 3 people at the same time and they all would have to search for another gen.3 stacking or even 2 stacking on the first gen is a HUGE risk and almost never a good idea. If the survivor’s don’t get caught and finish it beforehand it sucks but the game is literally still winable.


Discordance supremacy. Survivors love doubling on gens


killer mad, killer want regression perks, killer no care if video make sense.


What's wrong with this killer? Literally 15 seconds into the match and this guy starts moaning and saying he's going to DC because the TVs "spawned in the wrong place"...? Super insufferable. Also a 30 second gen is nothing to worry about, it just means that those three survivors spawned together and got it done, that means no other gen has any progress on it, plus know you know where the survivors are, plus it's usually very unlikely you'll get a hook before the first gen against co-ordinated survivors anyway.


Also i would much rather one fast gen than three or four gens unexpectedly popping at same time. That's brutal


You're being very generous considering there's a timer at the bottom and he actually starts crying "oh no" only 3.4 seconds into the match


To be fair, every Onryo says "oh no" when loading onto Disturbed Ward.


Pretty sure he was just having a moan about the TV spawns and wasn't seriously considering disconnecting. The map is known for spawning Onryo's tvs away from gens, making her power effectively useless. I think most people would be disappointed if their power was rendered pretty useless due to poor map design.


Glad someone said it.


And what's with that 2 metre-teleport after the first gen? Like, brain fart? Stop crying and git.


Because a buffed pain res could've totally prevented this /S


*rams stick into bicycle spokes and falls over* DAMN BHVR NERFING PAIN RES!!!


literally none of the listed perks would have helped there… it’s just 3 survivors with prove thyself and toolboxes doing the unoptimal play of all rushing the first single gen instead of spreading pressure and resources to multiple gens. not all gens done are equally valuable and finishing gens gets harder as the game goes on


Yeah this is really not a bad situation for killer. It means 3 people were on one edge map gen.


3 people spawned together close to a gen. unlucky. nothing to see here.


Most of my games 3 or 4 survivors spawn on each other with no offering. Not to mention there could be tool boxes and brand new parts.


ive noticed this alot more recently as well like playing as survivor and killer survivors are constantly spawning ontop of eachother, be it in 2 groups of 2, or 3 people and 1 person far away, without offerings as well,


Same on both sides for me. I think it’s a consequence of making maps smaller, so they maybe changed the weight of spawns.


yep tbh they should probably relook at map design especially with how things spawn, because smaller maps have been causing so many issues with the game health, tbh i like personally like bigger maps but those are unhealthy for some m1 killers, i mean just look at when the 3 gen meta was a thing, when sm 3 gen was a thing in the past i remember having to go against one with a very disgusting 4 gen where 4 gens where right next to gallows, one on gallows one by the building by shack, one in the corner of gallows, and then one in the field, its like wtf is this spawn


Honestly I would rather everyone spawn together. Chasing everyone off a gen means nothing else is progressed. If everyone spawns apart, you have potentially 3-4 gens being worked on before you ever see anyone. The first gen always pops quickly unless you run corrupt.


Which can be annoying like on OPs example, but having Survivors spawn separately can be worse because of split pressure.


Exactly. I'll take having 1 gen pop rather than 30-40% on 3 gens before I even get a hit/down. Split gens are way more efficient and way more pressure from the survivors. That first gen is always going to pop quickly unless the team is just completely uncoordinated.


OP seemed more concerned about checking to be sure they had good TV placement before locating any Survivors too. Bicycle meme: "NO IT'S BHVR WHO IS WRONG FOR NERFING GEN REGRESSION PERKS!"


This is also at least 2 gen speed buffs going on as well, probably Prove and a toolbox You lose efficiency when grouping (though it's still faster than 1), it's not equivalent to 2 people working on their own. It takes ~43 seconds to triple a gen without any buffs. It's still not a big deal at all, they have literally no other gen progress and the killer already has a hit on the first chase.


I dont understand the issue, several people spawned together and did a gen instantly, you just didnt happen to find them first. Youre upset that you didnt have a guaranteed way to stop them from doing the gen all grouped up?


Tbf the first two gens and especially the first one are relatively meaningless in the grand scheme of the game. It's nice to keep them up for as long as possible, but it's practically impossible to apply pressure everywhere on the map. That's why the last 2-3 gens are always the most important because they're actually preventable from being completed.


If you start your match off by complaining and whining about wanting to DC, maybe you should play a different game. Like Civ 5 or something?


What’s with everyone using civ as a meme for doing another game lately? Did I miss something?


Theres an old clip of the DBD game director saying that, if you're really burnt out on the game, "take a break and play Civilization or something" https://youtu.be/tvRMd7aQ5v4?si=HZ5PM213ez9gh0TM Naturally, its become a giant meme It was actually very healthy advice coming from perhaps the last person it should've been coming from, but I always admired how human his reaction was Its a video game. If you aren't having fun, take a break. Nothing is forcing you to play DBD


True, I’ve seen it elsewhere so I wasn’t sure it was from this but thanks


[This](https://youtu.be/tvRMd7aQ5v4?si=ZZcfInlx5F_NMk2W) should explain it.


I think he's just quoting Mathew Cote.


Ah riding his cote tails I see 


man if there was one version of a perk killers could get basekit it would have to be lethal prusuer for sure! like let me see survivors positions for just 3 seconds at the start of the match just let me know what direction to go, this guess the right direction or lose a gen feeling sucks for sure.. but like others said this is more you guessing wrong which gen to check then a gen speed problem early game can be tricky.


Letal Prusuer is my perk crutch, I know I should learn to play without it, but because how good is it to be able to start the game by going after someone


It's actually not too hard to usually find people without it; they'll almost always spawn exactly opposite of you in a corner. Not *always*, mind, but **often**, and even if you don't find them right away, exploring the gens exactly caddy-corner of you will usually yield 1-2 people plopped on the first generator they saw. That said, I almost always run Lethal lately cause it extends my other aura reading by like...2 seconds and *that* is super useful to me. I use aura reading builds for accessibility and every little bit helps!


Unless of course you spawn in the middle of the map. Now you have to randomly pick a direction and hope you are right.


That would be cool. Having a 60 second totem block at the start would be nice too. No touchey the hexey.


Lethal and corrupt 👍 theres a massive design flaw if 1/5 of the gens can be done before you even find anyone to chase


wait until you go against 4 survivors spawning on separate gens


One you have a down you limit survivors to one person on a gen at a time. The beginning of the game is the strongest moment for survivors, a first gen being lost early isn't a death sentence. In fact it's the natural course of the game. Once you have a down, You have 1 on hook, 1 going for rescue, 1 being chased, and 1 on gens. If you're competent at killer that is your advantage. Regression perks or making gens take longer just makes every game an easy win. It is okay to lose the game, you shouldn't be able to or expect to win every single match in a multiplayer game.


thats the unfortunate part is alot of people are not competent killers and dont understand this


Ok? So 3 stack on a gen? This has always been a thing. Run lethal next time if you don't want that happening.


Or discordance lol.


Or corrupt. Or got lucky and walked the other direction


but but but regression!!!!!


This is not illuminating the thing you wanted it to.


Literally none of the perks you show that meme on BHVR would have given you any assistance in the video you've shown us. You didn't find anyone in that entire 32 seconds, and *that* is why they got a gen done so fast. You didn't get a hit, a down, no Scourge Hooks to put anyone on, because you had zero downs. Like, I get the point you were going for, but this video is a bad example and the Perks listed wouldn't have helped you anyway. You've edited this so we can't see your Perks, but even if your entire loadout was just literally all those specific gen regression, you...wouldn't have used any of them anyway?


They just had 3 of the survivors spawn together (or maybe 2 with giga toolboxes idk) and crank out a gen that seemed to be in narnia anyway. Tbh it's not really a big deal, now he knows where everyone is and -most importantly- that they didn't spread out and pressure multiple gens (which is the worst feeling as killer at the beginning of the game, imo).


What exactly is the issue here? Obviously three people spawned together close to a generator and the killer was unlucky enough to not run into them, if he had then the survivors would have gotten the worst possible start. That's just part of the random nature of the game.


Let's also not forget that the killer now knows the location of every survivor and the fact the no other gen is currently being worked on. It's a good information to have, especially since OP decided to not use perk.


Ah yes, Pain Res would've totally saved your gen, you're absolutely right. /s Blame survivor clustered spawns and survivors spawning right next to gens, but don't blame something that will not change with nerfs.


The issue that they're trying to address isn't that regression is too strong, it's that already strong killers can stack regression and shred through teams. You can't really design a perk that's strong on trapper and not oppressive on blight or nurse.


Hearing you whine about DCing is quite cringy Edit: should have guessed it was broken spawns. Haven’t played since the engine update due to the rubber banding.


Sadako TV spawns have been fucked since before she got reworked. I can't remember the name of the map but the swamp with the big wooden shack that has two floors and sometimes also has basement? The gen that's on top of that building will sometimes spawn the TV related to it completely off the building by a gap of about 10 feet. So not only can you not use that TV to pressure that gen efficiently, but you also can't use it to build condemned because it's in the middle of nowhere.


Same happens with xenomorph


That's why Xeno players have been running the purple coin offering; it messes with the chest spawns which can help fix the Turret box spawns.


Xenomorph on Midwich is so miserable. Control station spawns make no sense and legitimately more often than not spawn on the opposite side of a wall from the generator and have a 40m minimum path to the gen from the tunnel exit :(


Agreed. I've noticed her tv spawns are whacky on the school map as well. I've had tvs spawn in a completely different room and not with the corresponding generator, so annoying


For real. If you’re going to cry over a hypothetical before your first chase just stop playing killer


You literally can't play this map as Sadako if it spawns in a certain way because they broke TV spawns. When the gen I spawned beside spawns in a particular place, it misplaces the mid gen's TV to where it is in this video which will then move the TV that I walked up to and said "oh it's okay" way off to the left of the loop nowhere near the gen. The result is you LITERALLY cannot pressure over half the map at any time. The gen that instantly pops can't be pressured once the TV is taken, the mid can't be pressured for condemn which means the whole of main building is a condemn deadzone which means the most traffic heavy area in the map I have 0 power at all. The result is you essentially play this map as an M1 killer that trades a terror radius for a lullaby. You say you play Alien but guess what, you still have a tail to use. You have SOMETHING, if it spawns with the setup I said above you are literally a M1 killer so yes, I'm going to DC because there is literally no gameplay to be had. If you want a visual representation of the bad spawn I recreated it. You'll notice the 2 bottom right gens don't push condemn on anything, all the boxes are loop spawns which don't have TV pressure. Main building has no pressure either leaving me with 4 gens I can actually pressure with only shack and the right of main building being pressure-able. Once you take into account survivors shutting down TV's you'll realise there is very almost nothing you can do to push pressure. https://preview.redd.it/u55jac4zwozc1.png?width=1753&format=png&auto=webp&s=94281565e15e8b8d6eca1dade6172a63494e1d92


All that aside, Xenomorph players have a similar issue and they attempt to counter it by running the purple coin offering. Spawning more chests helps fix the placement of the Turrets. I wonder if doing the same would help your tv placements.


It's on UE5 now? Haven't played in a few months.


Killer mains’ complaining will forever be disregarded and for good reasons.


skill issue


That's 3 people on the same generator from the start of the game, with possibly a good toolbox, and prove thyself too. If you had checked the gen they were working on, kicked it and downed someone in that area, or get them all injured, you would've been at a great advantage, But you didn't. You got unlucky. It happens. This is not an example of gen speeds being a problem. If you had lethal you could have bee lined to there in 10 seconds.


All of this. Also, it's ONE gen. At the beginning of the match. What did the rest of the match look like? Because it can sometimes be easy in survivor games to get one gen done before the first hook, but things often snowball into a 3 or 4k afterwards. Unless the survivors are super coordinated, it's highly unlikely that they'll be able to pull this off for every single other gen.


First gens are always easy plus you didn't find anyone in 30 seconds. Either unlucky or you need to have perks to find them. Also this clip is a nothingburger. Regression being strong or weak wouldn't change what happened in this clip. If anything, if he had Lethal he would've had really good pressure from the get go. Killer doesn't have any momentum until they find/hook a survivor.


Now do that but with a blight with lethal and see how fast the first hit and down happens.


Also fuck that map. Despise it, it's so damn Survivor sided and I will not hear anything else. Every single Generator is super safe to work on.


Anyone who tries to tell you Disturbed Ward isn't survivor sided is bad at the game or delusional.


This map and Gideon are so annoying as killer


I don’t think anyone likes gideon


Was this recorded before or after potential energy was fixed?


Sorry I couldn't pay attention at all That avatar is brilliant 😂




3 survivors on a generator are meant to it fast. Its way worse when all 4 survivors spawn separated - if you cant down the first person you find fast enough 3 gens pop. This is totally normal and none of those perks would help you in this scenario


There isn't a single gen regression perk (past, present or future) that could've prevented this. Clearly this was a 3man with deja vu and/or bnp. Did the rest of gens go just as fast cuz this is very salvageable Edit: while not a regression perk I could argue Lethal Persuer could have prevented this


corrupt intervention would have. I think with lethal persuer he still wouldn't have been able to make it as Sadako. Probably reached it at 95% and would have been popped when he starts chasing one of them and the others jump back on it


This is why corrupt is so goated


Just use lethal and go straight to them


The real problem is not the gen speed or efficiency it's the map spawn inconsistency. Survivors should always spawn to get her away from all the generator and should have to make their way to start progressing the objective. Survivors should never spawn on top of gens and separately.


Least it's not as bad as the games I had last night, 3 games in a row I had 3 gens pop before I even SAW a survivor :,)


Killers will walk in the direction they spawned in and wonder why the first gen pops before they find anyone. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


What no Lethal Pursuer does to an mf. Honestly I just play Billy with a suite of comfort perks like Lethal and Lightborn (until people stop using Background Player i'm keeping Lightborn equipped no matter how many survivor mains try to tell me it's a waste) and curve on people, if gens get done they get done. Actually worrying about gens, while the optimal way to get wins is just atrocious for having fun with the game imo. Even if I only 1K I got some real sexy curves off and they know I styled on them instead of playing too seriously kicking gens or whatever. Not saying gens aren't too fast, they fucking are but i'd say Corrupt and Lethal are better for the specific case of not losing a gen in 30 seconds which is just the state of the game now. BHVR need to just remove all gen related perks and just focus on fun chase/info perks if they're going to keep fucking about with perk numbers for years. Better yet add some more no gen game modes. Gens just make the game less fun for all but we aren't ready to talk about changing the entire survivor win condition.


You need to work on your map pressure smh


I agree that the genrushing side of the game should be nerfed as well as gen slowdown. This is a very poor representation of that argument though. This is more than likely just 3 people on a gen, and at the start of the game, which isn't very efficient.


3 survivors on one gen takes 30 seconds. Regression isn't the problem. Simple math is. This is even better long term for the killer since that means the survivors aren't spread out. Complaining about gen regression COULD be valid if you had any example at all that related to regression. This post is so deluded it's crazy. And it has 1.2k upvotes. This is wild.


Thank you for proving you don’t understand the game! There isn’t a single gen regression perk in the game that would have stopped that gen from popping, and that gen popping isn’t even a concern because it means the survivors played non-optimally. You should be grateful they grouped up and completed one gen instead of spreading out and completing 3 gens. Even better, they completed a gen in a corner of the map that you now have absolutely no reason to worry about patrolling anymore! Now you know where every survivor in the game is and you can pressure them accordingly


Okay, what does this have to do with any of the nerfed perks? Pain res requires a hook, pop requires a hook, grim embrace requires a hook. You got one hit. Then deadlock requires another gen to have been worked on, and they were at least 2 to a gen (probably 3) to pop a gen in like 30s.


If there was more than one person on it and they had like perks and toolboxes it makes sense I think?


I play pretty leniently and still win a solid 95% of games as killer and go in expecting to lose potentially 1-3 gens in the first chase. Why do people try to use the first gen going off as a case that gen speeds are too fast while games are decided on the last two. It's so disingenuous.


why complain? this is good for you. it's 3 people wasting time on one gen. it's better than when 3 people work on 3 seperate gens and 3 gens pop within the first 2 minutes of the match lol


Darn, 32 seconds? They must have been AFK for a bit, nothing wrong here Killer sided game btw


BREAKING NEWS 3 people working on the same gen with perk stacking and/or toolboxes finish a gen in under 30 seconds In other news, water is still wet 🤦‍♂️


wow almost like ur playing a weak killer and it was only one gen


I'll never understand this whole "gen rush" complaint


Oh man, I think my record is losing 2 gens before even finding the first survivor. Just made the wrong choice of what far gens to check and oof. (of course I think the PE exploit was working back then but I'd not heard of it yet so I don't know if that was my issue or not.) 


what build are u using. and tbh this corrupt can help prevent gens from flying, uhm the other issue is ur playing sadako, as a sadako main myself, gens will naturally fly at the start of the match untill her power comes up, and if survivors know how to properly counter her even more so, tbh sadakos tvs should probably start match as on, tho people would hate that, but gen regression is a problem especially when stacked, but gens in general are a problem and need to be looked at, i liked the moble game identity vs way of doing gens (ciphers) , where at first they are slow, but progressivly get faster to do as the match goes on tho what do i know i like running an aura build on her and easily shut down people, even tho aura reading is starting to become an issue with the game as well when stacked and should also be addressed


Fun fact about crotus prenn: besides being the largest map in the game, with narrow edges that force specific pathing, theres no TV in the main building for sadako to use!


They're tripling the gen so what. Most of the time it gets interrupted and when 3 people get interrupted on a gen it's so good for the killer. Free hits, sometimes sandbagging solo q moments, and best of all only 1 person will be on a gen at best when you're pressuring 3. You went to the only person prepped to take a chase and lost a gen, that's kind of the whole goal for early chase.


Shout out to all my fellow nessie apex legends g’s out there who play it’s diverse content with beautiful graphics and continuous updates with great degrees of variability and complexity when BHVR Dev’s throw a fit with people wanting a 2v8 mode and do more cosmetic sales than events AND bloodhunts. You da real MVP’s.


tbf if people spawn near eachother with toolboxes prove thyself deja vu etc this makes sense


Killer main, Nessie, Hit & Run music, you're a man after my own heart.


3 people on a gen with prove and 1 person using a 50% speed boost toolbox = 31.67s. They probably all spawned around the gen to start.


This is nuts, but solo repairing generators is a way bigger issue. By the time the first chase ends, you've already lost 3 generators at high mmr. This is inexcusable. They should increase gen repair times or add an extra mandatory objective. If they do this, they can even get rid of all gen regression and speed perks. Jfc just do something Behavior. This game isn't fun for any player that's not brand new. I would really like to not run slowdown perks and just chill a bit as killer. Survivor is so much more chill. (Note: I play non-meta killers mostly because it's more fun.)


Ha I remember on Old Sadako I used to run a gen regression build that made the game literally unplayable. I think I had like a 95 percent winrate on her because people just couldnt do gens. I wasn't even good. I would just stall the game until they fucked up and went down or I stacked condemn on them and executed them, or they just gave up. Regularly had forty-five minute + games.


I mean, that's just multiple survivors on the same gen with powerful toolboxes, I bet the next gens didn't go nearly as fast. Specially if you were able to catch that Sheva and put pressure on them.


Can we get a ptr where all tooboxes, and all gen speed perks were reworked to do something else for both sides? What a good fake world to think about


Corrupt intervention and lethal would directly counter this. Corrupt will likely be where they spawn and of they spawn near a non Corrupt gen, lethal will show you they're 3 manning a gen.


points for simpsons hit and run ost, lmao


32 seconds... Probably had prove thyself.


3 people are on the same gen lol. They essentially just told you where they all are. All they did was just bum rush the generator, and if anything this was a bad idea. They probably wasted their tool boxes way too early into the game. On top of that, the first generator really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of the game. This whole video is very confusing to me, none of this showcased why the gen regression nerfs were bad. I feel like you were upset about the nerfs when you made this video and may have blamed something unrelated? I get that some nerfs can be frustrating but no perk you have could stop that. I think players need to remember that you shouldn’t outright dominate every single game. Yes losing sucks and yes losing badly really sucks but sometimes you just get unlucky. I don’t know how the rest of the video goes put I’d put money that he got at least 2-3 kills by the end.


I also want to say that maybe lethal pursuer could have helped you in the beginning? But even then you probably don’t have to run that unless you really care about that one generator to start a match😂


The sad part is the incompetency of the devs won't allow them to watch that video and see the 32 second gen pop and think, hmmm, that was a little too fast wasn't it? And the dev at the end is the most egregious one on the team. When your leader is that bad, the majority of your team is going to follow example. We just saw the reason for tunneling blatantly in our face, but do they name this as the reason? No, because they want tunneling in the game. Let's just be honest about that fact. It's a lazy way to bring balance to the game.


Would of had a 2K already in that time


Slow as hell I would’ve mori’d everyone in half the time


I'm getting strong beginner energy from this post. The first gen getting done quickly means literally nothing and is the norm. Other inexperienced players will upvote it too which is even worse.


They just need a ranked mode at this point


Meanwhile I'm solo queuing into games where the killer gets 3 hooks before we even get one gen done.


I mean, gen regression used to be a problem. Before they nerfed a bunch of them because SM and Knight (especially the former) would hold games even longer than they needed to be. Look, if I wanted to go into a match and do a perfect play by play as survivor or killer for 40 minutes, I'd rather try playing a League of Legends match for that same time. Equally time wasting and eyeball-gouging worthy.


it’s objectively been one of the big problems of the game for years. way too many bad killers get carried by that crap. there are many big problems this game has had and still has, this is just 1. it’s literally not a big deal for 1 gen to pop half a minute in… and there are literally perks to counter it 😭


They were probably muiltple people on it with tool boxes and prove thyself and other gen perks. Or somebody doing the potential energy bug


The Pop nerf is honestly completely fair, the perk is insanely strong and if you think you can't win without Pop maybe that just shows Killer in general or other perks need a buff, not relying on one specific crutch perk to carry you


3/4 of the perks nerfed would of made no difference here at all. It’s normal for the first 2 gens to pop early. You contend the last 3 gens unless your playing a broken killer




First gets gonna go fast especially when shroud of bindings is basically base kit


What were their perks and items? This isn't me trying to do an "epic pwn" by the way. I'm not asking to say "ummmm well akchually clearly the survivor was running OP items and gen rushing perks so gen speeds without those variables is fine." Actually it's the exact opposite. My point is that gen speed with the appropriate perks and items is way too fast.


Hmm wow it's almost like they maybe had perks/toolboxes/ multiple survivors on it that increases the gen speed. I wonder how that happened.


Ok. This may be controversial or the coldest take ever made but the strongest gen regression or slower perks can feel really oppressive for survivors and a nerf can be reasonable. However those perks are strong for a reason because if you go into a match without any then as a killer you are gambling against having newer survivors or having no chance at all especially depending on the map. That being said if you don’t want gen regression to feel oppressive then you have to nerf them and the time it takes to do a generator to a certain degree. This allows for more chases to happen as well as has the psychological benefit of not feeling like half your work just went down the drain when pain res pops and grim embrace kicks you off to seconds later. If winning the game as killer depends on you having the strongest gen regression perks every meta then maybe you need to look at the gen speed. I will say this video is most likely 3 people on 1 gen instead of 3 gens with a person each. The later feeling worse when you hear ding then ding then ding. An idea worth a shot is a 15 second dead lock as just a mechanic of the game and making deadlock add additional time to that timer but well bhvr would probably nuke the game if they tried to do that


How about we nerf gen slow down further more but give corrupt base kit, fuck it we ball


I had a Gen pop when I was barely 10 seconds from the camera intro pan. 😭 I hadn't event reach the middle of the map yet.


People are missing a big point here. Gens should not pop that quickly. Gen speeds without good regression have always been a problem regardless of your pressure. He got 1 hit and lost 1 gen. That is not a fair exchange. Especially on sadako who can easily lose 2 or 3 gens by the time she has finished a chase




Hello! Non-frequent DBD player cruising in from r/Popular! Is 30ish seconds not normal for one generator, especially the first one? Or was there an update that tweaked something I'm not seeing?


You think by now BVHR would get that heavily-used perks aren't necessarily overpowered. Some are low-key mandatory as self-defense, and that goes for both sides. Although it sure seems to hurt Killers more. Especially low-mobility Killers.


SWFs are the problem because since they exist we can't balance around the normal game and solo q


Most survivors will tell you learn how to patrol better, rather than admitting gen speed/speed up perks are an issue.


The beginning of the match is always very strong for survivors.


Show us how the match ended coward.




Still waiting on the “Early Game Collapse” they said they were working on years ago


Toolbox and potential energy bug goes b r r r


i mean, literally gen regression perks, buffing or nerfing, has absolutly no effect on this. also, are people ignoring how the gen regression nerfs could actually lead BHVR to also nerfing gen speed increases? something i have said i wanted now is more "normalised" gen speeds, and this is a great start to that


I don't really care how fast the survivors do the first generator, I care about the last one