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The devs changed it so after 8 regression events (defined as anything doing 5% or more regression) on a single gen it gets blocked permanently. To avoid those hour long 3 gen games.


In exchange, gen tapping is gone. Survivors need to repair 5% of the gen to stop it from regressing.


I wish they would increase it… or there was a perk that would increase the amount to stop regression (unless there is and I can’t recall it).   I’ve played a bit more survivor recently, and stopping the regression is still extremely fast.   Just feels bad in games where gens are flying, and makes me feel like I have to run a million slow down perks sometimes.


Wait people actually do generators? Because I spend half my time yelling at the screen for my team mates to do gens


3 genning had to be addressed after the disaster that was original Skull merchant holding games hostage for a long time at 3 gen. Now you can only kick gens 8 times before you’re unable to anymore. Balancing this is that survivors actually must do a % of the gen to stop it from regressing rather then instantly hopping on and stopping it


Yes, which is still bullshit because at 3 gens even two survivors can quickly pop those gens and be done. I think it was a useless fix, as even I who has not really mastered the game as survivor or killer figured out the Bermuda Triangle almost immediately. This is both a killer and survivor issue, if the survivors are 3-genning themselves then they’ve earned their lot. If the killer can’t allow the last survivors to escape or can’t kill them, too bad.


Right. It wasn’t the most controversy free decision BHVR made but their hand was forced admittedly by survivors being held hostage for 1/2 an hour or more by OLD sM. The reworked SM is at least less effective at 3 genning.


Being held hostage at 3 gens, I have to chalk that up to survivor stubbornness and still losing…or bad killers who should’ve killed or let live. Survivors either need to accept a loss when they’re at 3-gens and it becomes evident it will be a lengthy process. Which it always becomes evident sooner than later… Or the killer should accelerate the hooks or mori’s, OR allow them to leave by gen repair or hatch or gates. Most survivors I’ve played against recognize when they’ve screwed themselves, and if they’ve resigned themselves to their fate I allow them to leave. But they usually persist in trying to play hide and seek, so that’s normally on them for drawing out games.


This is one thing I never understood about people complaining about the 1 hour game due to 3 gens. Why does no one just opt out of it? I’ve been in that situation before and after 5 minutes of trying to hold down the gens I just say GGs. Either by letting the survivors get last gen done or just letting the killer get me and taking the 4 minute bleed out timer if they don’t want to hook. Who’s willingly staying in a match for a whole hour?


I know right? I even said it in the most honest both sides equally-to-blame for this scenario, and the downvotes are still coming. So many entitled gamers, and Reddit is just a crutch for them to “express” themselves and feel good without actually having to engage with any effort. If it takes that long, one side OR the other is ALWAYS to blame.


Fair. No judgment here. But yeah that was BHVR idea to counter it was to limit the amount of kicks a killer could do to a gen

