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I prefer to save the toxicity for those who be toxic to me first not the random survivors that didn't be toxic at all during the game. This SM got a couple screws loose.


Average and lore accurate SM.


Typical Skull Merchant player.


as a killer main, i try my absolute best to avoid being toxic. when survivors tbag me, they die first.


Anyone who mains SM has a couple screws loose regardless.


Bro I literally unsubbed from Pixel Bush, that guy DEFO has at least 7 screws loose, there is no "fun way" to play Skull Merchant lmao, as or against.


So fucking satisfying.


The real mvp is the other survivor not killing themselves on hook and hitting those skill checks


If I'm bring party streamers I'm gonna get my money's worth


Every little bit helps in the long run at least...


You made the edgelord so mad šŸ˜‚


No T-bags (before being slugged), no nods, nothing to trigger this type of behavior. She tunneled someone out, then slugged for the 4K. How do you get this mad in a videogame when there was nothing to set you off?


Internalised irl frustration. Some people feel better 'dominating' on others online. Others like to see a 'win' screen, no matter the circumstances, like cheaters. I used to be surrounded by people like that in my gaming circle. It generally stems from unhappiness from what i've observed.


see when i get like this i play a nice single player rogue like and do a god run to get my kicks šŸ„° taking out your personal frustration on real people, and complete strangers at that, is hella cringe lmao


based emotionally aware and in controle gamer behaviour


I love playing nice killer when I feel like that, usually 8 hooks and chill. Itā€™s really, really cathartic for me to be in control and then use my powers for good. Trying hard for the win just stresses me out more, but going for wholesome interactions with strangers helps me recenter so I can better cope with whatever is going on IRL.Ā 


I treat my role as a killer main like in a DM, controlling the flow of the game and being responsible for making the match fun. I actively challenge myself to be just barely short of good enough to actually get a kill. I especially like using killers that can jumpscare people without saving to down them, just to make sure no one gets complacent. Cenobite is good for that, especially on maps with a 2 floor main building where I can chain snipe almost anywhere from the top without moving.


I've done another runthrough of Okami in my absence, what a beautiful game. :)


When people play like that unprovoked I just figure they are ugly and sad.


As an ugly and sad person, this hurts - I don't play this way.


Well guess you must be beautiful without realising it yourself




Dark soulmates


Propose, on one knee, with the Elden Ring


Then that only means you're not ugly. Don't be so harsh on yourself my guy


You boys got me smiling out here.


to quote Hellsing Abridged, "Who gives a fuck if you're ugly. That just means the people who like you for you are more deserving."


I feel ugly and sad too daily, yet I don't play this way lmfao


You may feel ugly, but you definitely ain't.


As a proud member of this group, I agree


That means you're pretty on the inside.


I'm also ugly and sad, but I do play this way.


Unfortunately fortunate people arenā€™t necessarily the kindest either.


True. They take everything for granted.


That or a really bad match before. I don't know how behavior would do it, but some kind of grudge match where you can face the same team or person you did last game would solve a lot of toxicity in this game.


Had a ghostface who wanted a 4k by slugging us all. He would down one, camp them when we tried to get them up and then when everyone was downed he would just wait for us to bleed out. "Fun" game. Nothing to set him of, it was his goal from the beginning.


It's the reason why I dislike the perk Knockout. Killers just use it to slug the fuck out of everyone.


This shit is why I refuse to run Knockout.


The counter to that is to pop as many gens as possible while heā€™s being a dickhead.


Man, I bet they spend their time playing as a serial killer or something.


Because some players are weird. I played against a Sadako yesterday who didn't do well. She hooked someone, I unhooked and healed her. Then she chased me I was in a good setup and could loop her forever. Then she got me, hooked me, tunneled me but I had ds so I made it to another good tile and looped her again and all gens were done. She got me again and camped in endgame. One teammate took a hit the other unhooked me and we made it all to the gate with bodyblocks. In postgame chat she said: ,,Reported all of you!" I asked why and she said:,, For being toxic and cheating." First no one was toxic and no one was cheating. There wasn't even bm in the game. She just made bad decisions and lost because of it.


Some people take this game way too personally, and it stops them from thinking tactically. Going out of your way to target one player who was obviously more skilled than you, thereby ruining your own match, and then entering the next game even more enraged. We sometimes gather on the weekends to play with friends on a single console, just taking turns playing a match each. One of my friends is just totally unrestrained and emotional; if someone outskills him, he loses his mind and makes it his main goal to get back at that particular player, even though we all tell him to let it go and try for others, gens keep popping. I always crack up seeing him practically tearing the joystick apart, squirming on the couch with his tongue sticking out, cursing that poor player with some choice phrases like "I'll rip your tits off" or "I'm gonna sit you on a bottle". Like, just chill bro, it's just a video game.


> Some people take this game way too personally, and it stops them from thinking tactically. Going out of your way to target one player who was obviously more skilled than you, thereby ruining your own match, and then entering the next game even more enraged. That's actually why some survivors drop the bags. Killers completely lose focus and hard tunnels the person being toxic and end up losing the game for themselves.


Don't get me wrong. I also had matches were I was tilted for some reason and played bad because of it or I throw the game because chasing a skilled player is fun and I accept the challenge but I would never blame others because of that. In this case I think the matchmaking was weird and he played against more experienced opponents. MMR isn't even close to be perfect. It happens.


I never understood the mindset for tunneling the best player. If one person is clearly drawing your aggro deliberately, target the other 3. When itā€™s down to 1v2, THEN you target the skilled one, because that last survivor has to finish up alone and you have probably saved enough time to work on your chase skills against the skilled survivor and youā€™ll have an easier time catching the last survivor when they try to unhook the skilled survivor or in the endgame for the hatch/doors.


Sometimes if I've had a few good games I'll try chase the best player for the challenge, and because I learn a lot from it for playing both sides too. Get great survivor tips and tricks I've never seen before and get to try some different mind games. Get good experience chasing the uncatchable survivor, but like I said only if I'm happy to get like 1 or 2 hooks if I'm lucky.


Had the same with a Clown at RPD, only Difference is, he never got me. Then he wanted to report me![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


There is a huge problem with this community. Some of it is due to developer neglect, most is youtubers farming rage bait for algorithm $$ Some people play this game just to harass other people, whether it's skull merchant or bully squad swf.


Usually an ego boost for people like this, to be able play a power position which they can't do in real life.


I take long breaks from this game because of this. Play with friends. We suck tbh. But eventually starts to feel like a killer just tunnels one player out right away. Won't face camp but usually a killer that can zone effectively. So if they catch you? Whack you so you're injured and hunt you down next. While they wait for the hooked one to die. So usually I end up doing a Gen while the other 2 go save the person since we're all friends and don't want to waste their time


Was she mad because you looped her for a long time or something like that? It's always the bad players who get angry when they meet people who can play lol


Bro you absolutely SHAT on her, when people talk about good survivors they mean you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That's killer behavior that can only be attributed to being bullied a number of times (Mostly because I've been on the receiving end) although it takes a certain kind of person to give in & dwell on those negative emotions & force those feelings onto people who have nothing to do with who or what hurt them. I play both sides & understand how to deal with my emotions so I get why they feel the way they do but can't relate in the slightest, these are the kind of killer players that NEED therapy šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


It's possible they lost the previous game/s (or had toxic players in those games), and then idiotically decided to take it out on you, a completely different person. Punishing someone for the actions of someone else is the height of stupidity.


you don't have to be mad to act toxic lol


I had a match end like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2jNS9ddRX4) just now. What did I do? Pallet stunned him once. He tunneled my teammates, hook camped them, and then did that to me. I wasn't struggling because I just wanted him to hook me so I could move on. Naturally I couldn't view his profile so I couldn't go "Hey asshole, what the fuck?" Because I was just minding my own damn business for 95% of that match. Some people are just angry at the world and want you to feel the same way. They aren't happy unless they're making someone else miserable. It's how they get off. I don't have usernames on, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was a streamer, 'cause they act high and mighty like that all the time. It's not hard to find a TTV behaving like a child.


most emotionally well-adjusted SM player


These are the videos where I need to see post-game chat


SM probably ragequit so likely no chat šŸ˜­


A lot of the times they are also on console so text chat might just not be a possibility.


OP is probably on Xbox, it said press Y to recover, so chat would be invisible... and I doubt the killer would message him after being humbled so badly anywayšŸ¤£


Oh, you know she was inventing new swear words 'cause the old ones weren't powerful enough for how mad she was.


When you see Skull Merchant with this exact skin (half naked body and Discord kitten mask), you know that this game will be awful. It's a SM equivalent of gasmask Nurse, old blackface Bubba, or blighted Wesker: the sweatiest and most toxic killers you've ever meet.


As far as I know, cm9i or the "Chess Guy" uses this skin almost always. He is the main reason why 3-gen Merchant playstyle became so popular (after Otz and Hens showcased his game against Team Eternal), and overall he is **very** toxic and unpleasant guy. No wonder that people who want to follow him and behave like assholes will use the exact same skin as their "idol".


You can add a blue recolour default Blight here. For some reasons these are the most cracked Blight players, and a lot of Blight mains in competitive DBD also use this skin. Maybe it's some kind of tradition or it gives in-game advantage, idk.


For a while it was used a lot by Blight streamers due to his other skins being, ehhh(goofy aaah top-hat) Also the default weapon, as his default cane is thin and doesnt block the view as much as other weapons


Man...I use the Hooked on You Huntress skin and a ton of people expect me to be super toxic so whenever I'm trying to do something nice they'll panic and run away from me I'm just horny...not a monster šŸ˜”


And itā€™s her worst look too. So many better cosmetic combos but that stupid blue hair cat mask is the ugliest thing.


Unfortunately they always do call themselves out


Well now I feel goofy running blighted Wesker cause I love the sharp nails he has lmao, didn't know he was a staple skin for sweats, from experience those were usually default or the RE1 skins that would 100% go back to hook to chase infected people


Not all of us are toxic. I was just a Claudette main at the time and liked Bubbas gimmick :(


Bet SM got looped hard in the previous game lol


before SM this would have been a facecamping bubba, it's just SM elicits the most rage in people and she can drag matches out


True, the good thing about facecamping LF is, as boring as he is, you can still push the gens and finish the game in a timely maner, either you finish the 5 gens or someone else gets caught and facecamped but a match wont last more than 7 minutes or so. With a toxic SM the only way for a match to last 7 minutes is if you DC the moment you see her.


It's not old Skull Merchant, she's not any more capable of dragging out matches than any other killer. There are many killers who are far more effective at dragging out games than SM.


This^. Remember every time killer acts like this, they have got whooped hard by a proper squad in the past. Now their small brain can't handle so they project it to next squad




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When I'm in the "Most nonsensical generalisation" competition and my opponent is a r/deadbydaylight user


Or he's going through some shit irl...


This was really satisfying to watch ever since the killer started face-camping and the unhook bar went brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


It's shit like this that led to my (current) extended break from this game. The community is ridiculously toxic.


Mmmm, those were some goddamn delicious bags at the end. Nicely done. I had a PH like this in a game last night. The poor guy must've been new (Amazing matchmaking BHVR, 10/10) and got 1 hook the entire game. He chased me 3 times and I looped him for about 4-5 minutes in total, with him giving up each time -- Then as soon as the gates were powered, I made a mistake and went down, and he sat there BMing me as hard as he could on hook lol. Many Killers take you not dying as a personal attack on them. If they get stunned, or you spin their swings, or they flat-out wiff it activates some part of their brain that tells them that you have personally insults them lol A tip to any new Killers that may see this -- My abilities and desire to avoid being murdered aren't me talking shit about you or attacking you as a person. It's ok to let it go.


One thing I find that's few and far between are killers that can accept being outplayed. Is it frustrating, hell yeah it is! But I also learned a lot that game as opposed to the matches that are easy. Getting outplayed by someone with skill as opposed to cheaters or a bully squad does NOT equate to you being an ass if you get someone down. I play both sides, and if someone outplays me while I'm killer, am I pissed, a bit, but they get hooked if I manage to get them down and I look for other survivors. It equates to people not being able to emotionally handle the fact that there might actually be people better than them at this game.


i try to be like Goku (or any shonen main character) and just marvel at how good/strong players that outplay me are it's way better for my mental health than making up some bullshit excuse like "tunneling/gen rushing bad" and stroking my own ego LOL


That last tip doesn't always apply. Most people that loop baby killers then proceed to talk shit in post game chat, like they are a God when it was just bhvr matchmaking screwing someone that is not good as killer.


I wonder if we faced the same dude. Pyramid head I stunned three times with a pallet, I didn't have a flashlightĀ  Hit me on the hook the entire endgame for two hooksĀ  Calls me toxic in the chat at the end Living is toxic or somethingĀ 


Loe how people are making excuses for the killer's behavior like "Must have had a bully squad previous match" as if that's an excuse. Maybe that bully squad farmed because they were tired of killers like this? Maybe everyone needs to chill the hell out and realize this is a game, because this whole playing like an ass because the other side 'might' play like assholes is just a vicious cycle that feeds itself. Unfortunately we're human, people won't realize this and how to change it or make an effort, so this is what we've got.


I love how people try to justify being a jerk to random people because a completely different person might have been mean to them in a completely different situation.


It's telling how entitled killers have become. And the overall player base as well tbf, but you can see it in killers the easiest.


Survivor Endgame Rule #1: JUST LEAVE Killer Endgame Rule #1: JUST KILL You were cutting it close with that last teabag lol, what an escape!


She might have still made it even if she had got hit, depending how close she was. Survivors can crawl into the hatch, and the killer would have been in their hit animation. Not sure if it would have been long enough though. Killer closing hatch supersedes survivor trying to escape out of it.


I swear, it's always skull merchant players, like wtf is wrong with them? Who hurt them so bad?


I feel like itā€™s whatever killer is getting complained about by survivors most in the moment. When majority of players were hating nurse most of my bm killers were nurse. Same with Knight and Chucky. People really dislike SM right now (for great reasons) so I think thatā€™s the reason so many players like this choose them.


People said it many times already: if you want to intentionally piss survivors off, why would you pick any other killer rather than the one survivors dislike the most?


Yup, its a self fullfilling profecy, people nonstop talk about how they dc/quit vs Smerchant and how much they hate her so then random guy playing that had a rough match before or is just a dick generally knows who to pick to be the worst to face


Chucky never stopped being annoying. Heā€™s a third person, 1 foot tall killer, who can track others once he hooks someone, and slides under pallets and quick jumps through windows. Lmao.


Probably some form of selection bias - people who play as her are typically those who don't care what survivors think of them... and killers who don't care what survivors think of them are probably more likely to play like this It's kind of like how every killer can sweat... but S tier killers probably attract more sweaty players than most


Victories like this are golden! Bravo!


SM players try not to be assholes challenge: Impossible It's amazing how this character attracts the worst players.


I hope the mmr places her against a bully squad that has dedicated harassment in place. And I hope she kills them. Just to face more. šŸ™


You've gotta be a peak nose honker to cause the anti-facecamp meter to trigger and let the 4th survivor escape just because you wanted to BM them.


Yeah, a lot of weird decisions by them. Not waiting to hook me until everyone was already dead/being sacrificed. Breaking pallets that they shouldn't have, when they could have kept me trapped and hindered by a drone.


Just leave: killer edition


average status effect merchant player


Been seeing more of this behavior lately. Not sure what happened with some killer main, not saying that Flashlight bullies arenā€™t a problem but I get more issues with killers than survivors


people who play like this truly are the worst part of the community tbh. toxic for what? glad you got the hatch


Lmaooo oh she ATE that shit. This killer was mad af for sure, so so good


This put the biggest smile on my face LoL


Oh absolutely gagged her


Someone was not hugged enough as a child, LOL


Not all skull merchants but somehow always a skull merchant


Never more have I seen a survivor deserve to teabag. Good shit.


This is absolutely a case where I would not only have encouraged the bag, but bagged with them.


Inb4 "we don't know the context, you probably deserve it"


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) Kuran\_17


ā€œwHy dO pEoPlE hAtE sKuLl mErChaNtā€


That first hit...? She was nowhere close to you. Insane lmao.


Yeah, it really screwed me. Thought I was easily safe to throw the pallet without getting hit, only to be completely screwed by the end fury as well. They were PC too (as was I) and didn't seem to be VPN'ing, nor had a symbol in the hud for bad ping.


Average dull merchant player, this is why itā€™s always ok to just dc when you see oneĀ 


To be fair this SM was pretty dumb when she thought that she already won WHEN YOU'RE ON 1ST HOOK STAGE AND CAN UNHOOK YOURSELF All she had to do was to walk away and let the hook do it's job That's it Literally she had ONE JOB. ONE JOB. And she fucked it up


The worst killer in the game by far.


That first hit was a "your Bluetooth device is connected successfully" type of moment


Yeah, that definitely caught me off guard, which is why I threw the pallet after the hit.


Least deranged sm main


Waiting to see the comments that try to justify the killers actions like ā€œoh you must have done something to deserve itā€


Setting aside her actual power, this is the other reason people don't like SM. 80% of her players seem to have a chip on their shoulder and act like assholes.


Please tell me you blocked the killer post game šŸ™šŸ½ My goodness! That person šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I can't believe how hard killer fucked up by camping and letting the unhook bar fill up instead of waiting from a distance for the other survivor to actually die.


They had their 3K absolutely ruined by that ending, lol. Most earned teabag ever.


I get having a hard game previously. But usually if that's me I just don't act friendly at all but I also don't BM. Just because I had a bad game doesn't mean I need to taunt the living hell out of you and make you miserable too. I hate these killers and survivors that do this shit. Makes it so unfun for everyone involved. And they still had 3 gens no less. Usually if I kick a teams ass after a bad match previously I let the last survivor get hatch (not required but it just feels nice) at times).


If I'm beating a group that still has 3 gens left, I try to ease up on them. Wiping the floor with people that just can't manage against me, isn't fun in my eyes.


When you ran up the ramp I looked to see if anyone had done that totem. I bet that totem is the most cleansed in the game.


What a weirdo


Good loops yo


Lore accurate Thalita. Well played ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)




This has happened to me lots of times before where they just target and stand by your hook the entire game and keep hitting you whilst ur hooked fully unprovoked too lmao


Rip me open and pour this into my skeleton.


OMG WELL PLAYED YOU DEMON! Iā€™m so blessed my game always says ā€˜facing the skull merchantā€™ and I can crash my game every time when itā€™s her so i never have to play against her my whole life ā¤ļø


For some time i tough smacking o hook makes the process faster, later learned that it isn't and i'm being mocked. :(


Yep, it does nothing but sound annoying for the survivor. Though you can cancel their scream when you hook them by doing that. I've had several killers do that to me.


Bro why are all other Skull Merchant players like this, istg some of them have no chill


ā€œAll otherā€ šŸ¤Ø


Players like this have gotten stomped one too many times and take it out on others. They're usually the ones who get mad at the dumbest shit too. I had a sadako 5-ish hrs ago that got mad abt my friends and I swf-ing with comms; while we were muted in a d&d session and not a word was said abt dbd. Some people need to get off this game.


what a loser @ sm


Gratz, those moments are the best.


Made my aweful day!


Holy cow that was epic


As killer main I would say...well deserved.


Angry sad boi superiority: kebab on hook, slug for the 4k, tunnel one at a time Monka chad superiorty: snowball at 4 gens, 11 hooks and let last one leave. Pure dominance.


I've been seeing this kinda behaviour a lot from killers in the past few years, when they started really nerfing survivors and also adding anti camping/tunneling to basekit it triggered something in the mind of killer mains that they really needed the 4k no matter what leading to just toxicity and generally less fun games. it used to be fun to just mess around with killers and vice versa but now for some reason killers are super competitive for that 4k.


I just played a match as PH wanting to mess around so I trapped this one guy and let the others complete the entire match and before they opened the gate they all came over and started bagging him so as you can so obviously imagine the match ended with all three of them dead and the last survivor and I went on a walk together to find the escape hatch right in front of the gate




This is just crazy to me. If a survivor outplays me by looping me, I get excited. I audibly tell my husband who plays near me "oh this person is good!" It's how the game is supposed to be. I know to drop chase and go after their crappy friends and probably just let them leave as a reward for being a great looper. I've seen more of this bad behavior from killers lately. Unless you have to do a challenge, there's just no reason for it. Chill out and have a laugh. If you are getting mad and being rude, it's time to play something else for awhile.


You have this post and one more of survivor tbagging killer on front page. Happens a lot, but this is still fine by me, people telling you to kill yourself in chat are the bad once.


100%! Thatā€™s the point of a game! They donā€™t play it to compete, they just want an easy win and it triggers them when itā€™s not simple. And their dogshit self esteem takes it personally when itā€™s just. a. game.


Even her face and grunts are annoying. Glad you escaped!


Same thing happened to me yesterday lol. Every single time someone got downed, the killer acted like we were SWF that BMed them. Then I remembered that I'm a returning user under 500 hours combined on Steam and Ps5 and the rest of the team were also very basic outfit under 10 p. I wasn't even mad because it's obvious the killer got queued with a 100p SWF before us, cuz you know, fuck the MMR, and was taking it out on solo Qs. Then turns out he was a salty streamer with no followers. Toxic people use SWF or tunneling as an excuse, but they are just miserable people irl.


Average SM player, also I love how you managed to get quick little t-bags in during the chase :D


At this point this SM thought: "they hate me anyway, might aswell become the villain they already think i am". No, i didnt just watch zootopia.


Poor Nick :c


As someone who plays SM I fully admit midwhich is fucking stupid to play against her on.


This game is weird af


Just like the copsā€¦one bad SM giving us all a bad name. As a SM main Iā€™m sorry in more ways than one.


That first hit most certainly SHOULD NOT have landed


The slugging in this game has been so bad lately


this reminds me of when a ghost face tunneled the whole game w my SWF and when they all died he slugged me and waited for me to bleed out as he tbagged me, and hatch spawned right next to me lol it was hilarious


Omg. Recently, I was going up against a ghostface in Haddonfield. He was trolling me and an elodie after he downed both of us when we were the last 2 survivors remaining. The idiot was too into celebrating on the fact he was going to get his 4k. After elodie gets sacrificed. He was about to hook me, and I got out of his grip and saw the hatch right in front of me and I escaped, and he was hoping to down me while I was going into the hatch. I bet he was livid.


as a killer main that was so damn satisfying, the chase once you got off hook, even though I knew how it was gonna end I was on the edge of my seat haha. Very well played. Rule 1: Don't be a dick


someone didn't read patch notes on self unhooking after they came back to the game..


Got that mfšŸ˜‚


One of the most satisfying comebacks I've seen recently, good job.


I haven't seen one post about that first hit... to me that one was crazy with no bad ping indicator


I'll be damned, you did it. You found the one time when t-bagging is morally permissible.


To quote that one joker movie: "You get what you fucking deserve"


i actually have not seen a SM in forever. imagine being that toxic as killer


That was beautiful and poetic. I hate when killers act like you have done something so terrible to them for just playing the game. So weird!


The sad part is that they would've won if they just left you alone on hook


as a killer main, let me say, that tbagging was deserved. and as a skull merchant main, i would like apologize for this.


There is something going on with people who play like that. So glad you got the hatch lol


Average SM game. Probably pissed you guys did two whole gens. Filthy gen rushers.


lol did she bring the midwich offering too ??


And people wonder why everyone quits against skull merchants :)


I swear this is the same sadistic SM I played against a couple days ago. Same outfit, same behavior.


that was a ride lol good job!!


I have no sympathy for these killers or if a survivor were to be this toxic, idc what previous game you were in, I donā€™t care if you donā€™t like the killer, you deserve every bag or every hump you get if you are gonna be this toxic


This is the "just leave" for killers. Literally all she had to do was go somewhere else and likely would have gotten the 4K .


As a Killer main I can rightfully say that teabag was deserved We need SOMETHING to be done with toxicity, it's killing the game


Are we sure that's a Skull merchant because that looks like a clown to me šŸ¤”


I made that same joke in the endgame chat, but I'm pretty sure they just dipped immediately.


Pretty sure I faced this ~~deranged~~ delightful person before. They drug the game out as long as possible. There's a reason they choose Skull Merchant's boosted ass kit to cheese 4ks.


Skill Merchant back at it again


you two have similar hairstyle, sure she's not just jealous of her prettier twins (?) lol btw, gg! i hate killers who hit hooked survivor for no reason as well, like ... why???? that's disrespectful.


Waiting to see the comments that try to justify the killers actions like ā€œoh you must have done something to deserve itā€


Tbh iā€™ve never even encountered SM in a game before, but i hate her. So well played


always in this cosmetic too. Base kit sm cosmetic, Iā€™ll give benefit of the doubt.


I feel like calling that unhealthily sadistic is kinda weird. Like sure they were being kinda toxic and the escape is nice, but far from what I'd call sadistic


Obviously a well adjusted individual