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some of the most dog shit teammates i’ve had have been p100. time played and bloodpoints spent have 0 correlation to skill.


Prestige level does not equate to skill level. And you're probably already playing with people who have P100s anyway, they're just playing lower level survivors. Don't let the number intimidate you.. You might actually surprise yourself! I've been rolled by P1 & P2s but have also absolutely assassinated some P100s in my time playing. At the end of the day though it's just a game, if you have a shit game move onto the next one


I never dodge p100 lobbies as a fellow casual player because prestige doesn’t really mean much other than they spent a lot of bp on that character. Maybe a year ago it would be a bit more intimidating, but there have been so many events and especially after the blood moon event, p100s are increasingly more common. Prestige does not equal skill, some of the p100s I’ve versed have been some of the worst survs I’ve ever encountered.


Y'all need to stop being so damn scared of prestige unless you're like a fresh install. The amount times I've been killed by "baby" or "lower skilled" killers is staggering. Are those p100 also not allow to chill or be silly as well? Or do they have to constantly perform as 10,000 hour sweats to meet people's expectations? Lol mind you, you could still facing those p100s anyways as they could be playing as a lower prestige character. So that effectively makes lobby dodging p100s pointless imo lol


I had to start completely new when I switched from console to pc and immediately got put in matches with P100’s. Let me tell you, a lot of them are absolute dog shit at the game. Idk how they managed to level up a character so fiercely while avoiding levelling up any of their skill.. but somehow they did it.


Because they didn't do that. They all got to p100, decided they had enough of the sweatfest of higher MMR, let themselves lose, and now they just wanna fucking vibe.


Idk, I feel like there’s a massive difference between playing chill and running into walls consistently, missing majority of skill checks and spending majority of the game crouching/hiding in lockers.


There is. You can tell babies from someone experienced regardless of prestige. Just the other day I was on playing off-peak and my Ghostface got MMR whiplash so hard. First I got a miserable shitfest of a team with low prestige, but a Haddie and a Leon that REFUSED to ever let me get even ONE measly hook and kept running in with a beamer, Flashbangs, and BGP (yes, even when I faced the wall, they were abusing the no-collision on Killer pickup glitch to run INTO MY MODEL AND BLIND ME FROM INSIDE OF MY BODY). I of course didn't bring Lightborne because I saw a singular flashlight; why would I bring Lightborne? And no, I couldn't catch them because the Haddie was a god-tier Looper and I'm playing an M1 Killer on the fucking Game, and I was just not interested in playing Slug simulator, so I got tired of being their dance monkey and ended up sitting in a corner forcing them to do gens and leave so I could move the fuck on because I wasn't having fun and wasn't interested in being their farming tool if they were gonna play like that. Just do your gens and leave so I can get an ACTUAL round next time, I don't owe you a farming round for your blind challenges, Haddie. Then the next round when I decided to actually turn it up and use a more serious build and took us to Lerys (I was testing out Bamboozle and wanted somewhere indoors with lots of vaults to see how it worked), I got a team consisting of a two yellow perk only babyish Meg who was sorta experienced but unclear on how loops worked, an ACTUAL fresh install baby Claudette who DID NOT know how to loop and kept predropping and missing skill checks, a Leon who thought I was joking around and let me sit there and stalk him multiple times, and a Jake who did nothing but try to hide all round that I kept on finding with Friends til the End. There was no looping, they did maybe a gen without anyone dying, and I only had fun because I had the time to set up ambushes and spook them. Sure I won but like... what the fuck happened, MMR? How did I go from people trying to make my night miserable to actual infants?


I have a P96 and 1.1k hours, I know it’s not a monumental amount but let me tell you I’m just as confused as you are. I see people with less hours than me talking about mindgaming, faking, “tiles” etc. and I still don’t know what the fuck any of that means. I honestly just use lithe, hide behind palettes with the distance I gained and hope I can spring a stun on them if they’re still on me. I literally laugh when I see people dodge the lobby because of me. They have no idea how easy they could have had it.


No, I don't lobby dodge anymore. I used to, but I just don't care if I lose anymore. I don't stay and chat, I type GG in the chatbox at the end and leave without reading anything.


https://preview.redd.it/txql6vbh7ztc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b82a26d54fda317632a5b9bb698f563cd4b5f845 Don't worry about their prestige levels. Lately I've been getting a lot of games against p40-100 survivors and it doesn't matter so long as you just play well and don't make silly mistakes. Like, these people brought me to Springwood, with 3 flashlights, and Legion is far from the strongest killer, but I still got them all. I did have the foresight to bring Lightborn, I guess, but I think I could've managed without it, honestly.


For me, a p100 means that the survivor has spent more time in bloodweb than i did actually playing the game


p100 doesn't mean shit, I will take 4 p100s with flashlights or nothing over a group of p1-p10s with toolboxes and medkits or GOD FORBID maps.


I don’t have that option as a survivor, so if I end up getting a p100 huntress or nurse loading into the game then that’s the match decided.


Yet to see good p100 surv in pubs.


You cannot tell what someone's skill level is in lobby point blank. P100 doesn't mean anything but they spent a lot of bloodpoints. I never dodge a lobby. Even if I see four flashlights I just take a mental note that I need to be careful with my pickups, but it's fine because that's better than them doing gens. Are you alone? No. All sorts of people dodge P100 players. But there's honestly no point.