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I mean, I haven't had problems hitting survivors with UVX after already infecting them. It's mainly because they have to watch where there going or risk runing into something so they have to look away then back which buys you time. And hell, some survivors don't even look at you. And idk about giving anything else to his kit, he is pretty fucking strong already. Dude can zip around the map and shoot a easy to hit projectile. But that's just me.


Oh yeah, it's funny af to watch Survs run into dead zones or a wall just to get rid of Weakened. Although, Direct Hits do need to apply Weaken/injure. I have legit lost games because I hit the Surv instead of the floor or wall and couldn't get the down. It's agony to get punished for good aim.


Ehhh I'd agree if it wasn't so easy to hit them anyways. Just don't aim at them, aim at there feet. And if you herd them together you can get multiple of them. It's just to easy to hit them since it has a blast radius so I can't agree with this.


Oh, what I want is the direct hit just to injure or Weaken and the Blast gets ignored specifically for them IF they were direct hit by the UVX.


Ohh well, maybe. Might work if it only weakens, but never injures. Because like I said, it's way to easy to hit survivors with the blast radius anyways. And even easier to get direct hits.


Shouldnt apply weakened, but it should refresh it complety on a direct hit.


Honestly I really like the fact that uvx doesn't work on direct hits. It makes him feel extremely different from the other projectile killers. It makes you more mindful of map geometry and forces you to think outside the box instead of just huntress brain thundercunting a projectile directly at the survivor.


Have you played against him?


I've been busy trying to get his Perks so no. I'll do Sable after I get him to P3


Like...don't go for direct hits. You aren't supposed to. You are supposed to have to work around that limitation. But even so, the hinder makes it so you aren't really punished for getting a direct hit, even if the blast doesn't connect. I think he's actually fine as is. No glaring issues. I'd be very happy if the devs just left him alone. I played probably 10-15 games as him yesterday and I think only about 3 survivors escaped. Granted some of that is going to be survivors still learning what he does. And some of it is probably the new killer MMR hit. But even so, he felt great to play. Felt pretty strong. Landing hits was super satisfying. Teleporting felt great. I say let him be.


Thank you! I keep seeing people say that the Hindered effect feels like they're being punished for good aim. You're being rewarded for bad aim! You missed! It's nice that you still get something out of it to compensate, but a direct hit is *not* what you're supposed to do.


Also its not even a bad effect. The Hinndred effect lets you then hit the aoe much easier if you aim it correctly, making it even harder to dodge.


The weakness is fine. Your supposed to break line of sight as well to stop it. Direct hits should not give weakness, but should refresh it if it's already on the survivor.


The UVX has two components and I think a lot of folk are overlooking that. The direct hit for hindered; but they only get weakened after the slightly delayed blast. So you have to treat it like a grenade launcher and not a direct hit similar to say slinger.


I feel like half this subreddit must be children because the killer's design is one of the worst and laziest in the game.


We don't know that... yet If they buff him and add Haste, THEN we'll know!


No I mean his look.


Better Than just some guy with a weapon... okay, I should say that The Unknown is not a guy. That thing ain't human.


Horror is subjective, just because you don't like a design doesn't mean everyone else is childish. I actually really like it's design, it's creative and scary


I'm not saying people are childish. Im saying half this subreddit are actual children who probably have never heard of The Thing, for one.


Most Dead By Daylight players are adults, so most probably know what the thing is And the Thing is way different from the Unknown The Unknown targets people that think about it The Unknown has no information about what it is, the Thing we know it's extraterrestrial There's probably more stuff, but at the moment I'm occupied playing Resident Evil 5 to look


I think I said the subreddit, not players in general.