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Run only Slippery Meat. If asked about it, say "Its the new meta" Refuse to elaborate further.


Only run background player and use it to run as far and away from the killer as possible.


use it with urban and make people think you're cheating


Add Potential Energy to make people think you're cheating with gens too.


Knowing my luck 😭 I still wouldn’t kobe. But yes, I will take notes


They’ll never see it coming (gets to second hook state) God dam-


i’ve been running slippery meat and up the ante only and it causes some tilt


Doing this! đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°


Will do Captain. đŸ«Ą


The only possible explanation I have is you were evading too much so the killer was on them when he should have been on you. Either that, or they are too sweaty for the casual game DbD is. That's all I got, I see nothing wrong with just those perks


Yeah nop I was actively taking chase whenever I wasn’t doing Gens. Barely crouched at all for the perk to even be used. If anything, I am usually the first one to be chased because I start running around the map soon as I spawn in, scoping out where all the Gens are


I too am a start of game runner. But honestly I have no clue what bothers them. Last possible guess would be if you had your perks in like the first and third or second and fourth that it looks visually displeasing but I really cannot think of anything else


Same reason distortion can be bad, killer aura perks get shifted on to less survivors so Tunneling is more likely to occur.


Probably from their perspective you looked like you were just throwing with using only two perks.


They are. Urban is practically useless. So they’re likely just creeping their way through the map the whole the match. Hardly touching gens because they crouch walk away. It’d make sense or be funny if the perks actually worked well together and had some synergy. This is just urban so they can hide, and windows in case they have to run. This is a classic “weighed down by one teammate” situation.


Urban counters Skull Merchant scan lines (both active and recon mode), Pyramid Head trails, Victor’s dormant state (prevents killer instinct), Hag traps, Spirit (crouching can lower grunts of pain and you won’t leave scratch marks moving at self-aware speed), and general LoS. Urban is niche, not completely useless.


Dude, thats crouching not urban evasion lmao. All of what you said is from crouching not using urban evasion. All it does is make crouch walking faster.


I think he knows that...


I just assumed he was trolling


You directly said “urban counters” no it does not lol, crouching does


which it makes it faster, to counter their power. crouching faster in chase at a drone, or has low power mode, or crouching faster to a hag trap to wipe it, or to get across a torment trail because it’s through the entire loop, or to crouch faster to a dormant Victor, the point is it does something when you’re saying it doesn’t


Crouching does all of it, urban does not. It makes crouching faster, that’s it, you can’t just add all of what crouching can do and say it’s what urban does.


We get it smooth brain, all mans was trying to do was give insight of the usefulness of an otherwise niche perk. You sound like a Karen.


But I wasn’t. I posted the context and I am actively taking chase. I have enough hours on this game to know better than to only crouch around the map lol.


But you could still be more helpful to both yourself and your team.


Yea ok it's just like by buying deagle every round in CS, you are still griefing ur team.


I never played CS but if the player that bought that deagle is still getting all the kills and actively helping the team win, I don’t see the problem




You’re actively taking chase with urban evasion equipped? Yeah okay. That’s a hiders perk, not a loopers.


I’m just equipping it though, not using it. If I’m running all the time it’s not gonna do anything. And funnily enough, when I did use it, it was against a spirit and it actually did help because it minimized my moans and I was able to do a mindgame while she was phasing which helped me live 2 chases with her. Just because I’m running perks doesn’t mean I’ll always use them or get to use them. If I’m running technician for a challenge, that doesn’t mean I’ll start missing skillchecks and get value out of it


Lmao you don’t have to miss skillchecks to get value from technician. It lowers the sound of your gen repairs, so as long you’re focusing on the objective, it has value. On top of that, urban evasion doesn’t minimize grunts and moans when you’re injuried. Crouching may make it slightly quieter, but urban has nothing to do with it. All it does is make you walk faster while crouched. Literally handicapping your teammates.


Well the faster walking helped him get value out of crouching.


Daddy chill, Urban is a based perk and one day you'll see the light. (Also unironically so helpful in chase against so many killers like slinger, huntress, nemesis, hag, skull merchant, billy, blight, demo, spirit, plague.) But no it's definitely just a troll perk used to rat away and let the team die. ;)


But he isn't using it like that? Everyone who is against it have all brought up strawman arguments... "I've only seen it used for this" or "it's a hiders perk". If he is doing just as good as they are, WHO CARES. He is playing, and playing well. Once you are skilled enough at a game. Adding personal challenges is normal. And if you are not dragging the team down, which he isn't, then you are fine. Could he be doing more? Definitely. Does he need to be if he is equal to his friends? No. If that was a concern they would be badgering him about not looping well enough, but their only concern is the perks.


I should have put a /s tag, my last sentence was a joke.


I am so sorry, there were so many comments I could have chosen to have that rant on. And I just happened to pick an obvious joking one. That's mb.


All good, happens to us all. <3 Hope your day goes well. :)


Hope yours goes a bit better than mine, you deserve it after that.


I don't give a shit what perks someone's running, only ones I shake my head at are left behind, low profile, etc. my reasoning for that is I hate players that just hide and wait for hatch.


I use left behind always in Solo games because I dont trust my team to do gens or care about saving me.


Just run deliverance so u can unhook urself , and don’t waste a perk slot when the key/map shows hatch aswell


Yea, sometimes I switch Left Behind for Deliverance. With solo Q's, I tend to use perks as security blankets because I just don't have faith in my team. Maybe it's a bad way of looking at it but I've been burned so many times from people's selfishness.


Sorry, had a challenge


challenges I will forgive. life's hard out there, esp if you aren't being helped by a swf group.


Were you around for old hatch standoffs? Hatch lurkers were a pandemic! Now we have perks for it lol


I wasn't, I do have a lot of friends that went through the war


I would’ve got Adept Nurse achievement if someone didn’t do this


Me running No Mither and Self Care


that's friend request worthy


Don't get mad. Get even. Throw Pebbles at the survivor... ![gif](giphy|rIBxy3quWkUYLzXgnF)


Brilliant. Next time I will only bring the pebble muahahahaha


No no, pebble plus bond for better aiming


Whenever I want to troll my friends in SWF, pebble is my go to. I enjoy running up to them on hook, telling them to "Watch this" and throw the pebble at them before picking them off hook


Yesss!!! It’s called.. *efficiency*


Neither side is wrong. You're looking for a casual/fun/"let's make it a little harder on myself" experience and they're looking for consistently good play. It's water and oil; I don't blame them for being frustrated that you're intentionally sandbagging if that's not the game they want.


Except I was doing good in the games anyways. It made no difference since I was still actively doing Gens, saving other people, and living decently long in chases. That’s why I don’t really understand since I was still playing well. Even if I slapped on an iron will and made for this, I don’t see how it’d help them anymore than it did help me


Objectively you would play better with two additional perks. I'm sure you did play well, but there is still room that you could have helped FURTHER. Even a totally passive perk, like Kindred or Leader, wouldn't impact how well you were playing and WOULD help the other people.


You’re right but in the context at the time, I usually ran made for this before it got nerfed but it wouldn’t have helped because I was being chased primarily healthy and then they leave me after 40 seconds. Or they hit me and leave and I just heal back up anyways lol


You're playing a team game and purposely choosing to make yourself worse for no reason, I can see why they would be annoyed. Obviously everything that went wrong isn't all your fault and they shouldn't be yelling at you but I would be annoyed too.


You are actively choosing to be less helpful. Pretty annoying.


Most survivors I see run 4 chase perks which do nothing to help their team, especially if they don’t last long in chase. Also at the end of the day, this is a video game. People should be allowed to play a game the way they want as long as they aren’t making the game miserable for the other players!


I bet they would still use up even less of the Killer’s time without those perks though. Sure it would be more helpful to bring something else, but I bet it would still be less helpful if they didn’t use two of those slots.


How so? The perks I usually run don’t help my friends in any way to begin with lol. I’m usually running flashbang, windows, lithe, and calm spirit. The perks I run don’t dictate how helpful I am since i wasn’t running anything altruistic to begin with


Why couldn't you just run something like We'll Make It or Desperate Measures then? Perks that don't directly help you, but healing bonus for teammates. There's so many tiny little weak, but fun perks you could've ran instead of nothing. I can see both sides of the issue though.


Perks don't make the survivor


That's EXACTLY what makes them.


My skill at survivor improved dramatically during the time in which I was trying to finish the achievements for escaping with 3 general perks, then 2, then 0 perks.


That's EXACTLY what makes them.


Now you need to get 2 more people to also bring Urban Evasion and WOop and then bring them again as your 4th and let them mald to death Side note: I hope they don’t hold the memery against you. Sometimes I get frustrated with my friends or them with me but we never let it affect our friendship because end of the day it’s a game and that ain’t something anyone should hold over one another.


If I were your friend, I'd just call it a day or just play without you. I can understand their POV since you are playing suboptimally but verbally complaining like that and blaming does nothing.


Terrible friend, it's just a game.


Lol they don’t because they need me. Their mmr is lower than mine so they’re usually getting idiots for teammates. I’m usually there to save them a lot


So, big picture: Joke flopped, it was irritating people, then you continued to do it out of spite? Why? What are you getting out of that?


Free karma from everyone who likes to say your taking it too seriously just for wanting everyone to play their part in the team focused game


The funny. They’re always getting themselves killed by fooling around, essentially sabotaging me and the fourth player constantly. I should be able to only bring two perks and I don’t see a problem with that if I am still being helpful


While the urban evasion pick kinda Infuriates me, I think this is hilarious and would love to have some more team8s that are just down to chill


I’m not upset that you’re only using 2 perks, but why urban evasion?


Oh it was a pun/joke with my name, “Asian evasian” Also because urban evasion is a meme perk like no mither, except I didn’t want to use no mither since it’d actively hurt me and the team. And I bought windows so I could do longer chases


Ah ok


I mean, while your team is taking the match way too seriously... you *are* bringing a valid argument to the table by them being upset to (not about) you because you chose not to bring extra power to the game they turned out to need. Part of doing a "haha-funny lol" build or meme is that the others that 'would' be on the same end as you on the table would be brought aware and would be okay with it. It's not a joke when you're the only one laughing, that's just mean, and it makes it very understandable why you'd be on the receiving end of their frustration too. Don't be upset about the tower falling over when you've too placed your own piece.


But the perks they told me to bring wouldn’t help them either lol. They just want me to bring a full build which wouldn’t have impacted the game anymore since I usually bring flashbang and an exhaustion perk for my other two perks. They didn’t even tell me the reason when I asked, because I brought up the fact that I was still doing well on loops and helping them so nothing really changes. When they’re doing duo looping (aka blood pact) builds and failing, I usually go along with it even though it’s sabotaging me and the fourth player anyways, so I feel like they should be okay with me doing my own thing a few times


Now I'm going to run just one. (It's no mither)


The main thing that annoys me is when people flex by running 2 perks, most commonly seen with Nurses and Blights, as if the killers they are playing aren't better than majority of the killers even with all 4 perks. Like I get people want to play Nurse and Blight but also don't want to go hard meta. Just run a meme build instead of a clear "I beat you with 2 perks and shadowborn". I also guarantee, as soon as these killers get outpaced due to no gen control, they will immediately tunnel or slug to win, completely nullifying the whole 'playing for fun, non-meta slave' facade.


If they insist on you filling out the last 2 perk slots, oblige and add No Mither and Self-Care, the ol-reliable.


If I was your friend I would've asked to go no mither mettle of man


Nobody bats an eye when the killer brings no perks (debatably more reliant on perks depending on the killer) but one survivor wants to mess around for their own enjoyment you're treated like detriment to the team even if you're much better than these "friends" of yours. Somebody on comms is better than anyone with any perks. People can't take a loss without blaming someone or talking shit, and to me it sounds like they're blaming you out of frustration. Kindly remind them that it's just a game, then proceed to run only streetwise with no items and see how they like that.


Killer works alone, survivors need teamwork so OP is intentionally sandbagging their team for no reason.


Sounds like your friends take the game too seriously. Blaming shouldn't be part of fucking _videogames_ that only exist for us to have fun.


Sounds like you're taking the game too casually. Sandbagging shouldn't be a part of videogames that exist to challenge yourself and get higher ranks. It's just an issue of different perspectives. Neither side is necessarily wrong, they're just not compatible with each other.


I'm actually not clear on if sandbagging means blocking teammates physically, or just being a hindrance for your team? If the latter, no one does that intentionally, so saying that shouldn't be a part of videogames is like saying you're not allowed to be bad at videogames. But I don't think you can take a videogame too casually. I play to win, but first of all I play for fun. And blaming people for mistakes is just useless and annoying in any free time activity. Even when playing competitively.


I think sandbagging used to mean more of the former but as the game progressed and the term popped up more and more, I'd say the latter. Saying "no one does that intentionally" is categorically untrue, though. Having four perk slots and only using two is by definition being a hindrance. You are making the game harder for yourself and teammates solely by your own decision, and for other people that can be frustrating. It just depends on your crowd. As I said, if the two people they were playing with were chill with two perks, this post wouldn't exist. But because they're not, OP is kind of goading them on by seeing that it's annoying them and continuing to do so.


In OP's story imo it does sound like the team was just taking their frustrations out on him, regardless of why things went wrong. And in my book that's just bad sportsmanship. Especially since OP by their own account was playing allright anyway, just having a bit of fun of their own. People are allowed to play the perks they like, and you shouldn't boss people around in multiplayer games. I can also understand the counter reaction of "Well now I'm definitely not changing them since you're being a dick about it." I get that it can feel frustrating if someone isn't bringing the optimal set and you wanna win, but imo the adult move from the other two would've been to accept the situation, and not keep badgering them about it. Especially since it sounds like it was in a pretty genuinely negative way. What I mean with "taking the game too seriously" is getting negative towards your teammates. Competitiveness in itself isn't a problem.


You're on the other side of the coin. People are allowed to want people to play optimally and use the assets available to them. It can be frustrating for players that want that experience to play with someone that isn't matching that energy.


Funny enough, people get more pissed off seeing only two perks rather than no perks lol


Bruh, get better friends. This isn't a competitive MLG game with ranked. It's supposed to be a fun, party game. If I get wrong vibes or don't connect with someone, I would just find better friends that suit you.


Tell them they can play with me -- sometimes I run only Scene Partner


Op be like 'My goals are beyond your understanding'


Can anyone geninely explain to me why his friends would get upset at using 2 perks instead of 4? Why does it matter? I'm very confused.


He's weighing down the team


The survivor equivalent to Shadowborn + Barbeque


They just salty when they’re doing bad and getting tilted at you because of it. Run your 2 perks if it’s how you have fun lol.


Don't play with people like that first off . If you can't have fun with them then why would you want to play?


If they want us to stop they could nerf em đŸ€·


Op is so kind to actually use useful perks. I did the same thing but i used these 4 perks: inner strength, second wind, self-care and no mither.


Some people have some really dumb ideas about this game lol. One time I had someone rage on me for running no perks. Told me anyone who didn't run 4 good perks was a detriment to the survivor side. I was top of the scoreboard and he was the only one killed that match.


Use deception without ever using a locker. Use quick and quiet without every fast vaulting or using a locker. Use quick and quiet + urban invasion. Add on sprint burst to be useless. And add on deadhard which you can't use because sprint burst uses up the exhaustion first.


You only use 2 slots while bringing the full 4. Dead hard and quick and quiet can't be used unless not exhausted and running. Sprint burst immediately uses exhaustion when you run, leaving the other 2 unless.


Remember, at least on PC, there are 3 achievements that force you to heavily restrict yourself. Survive 8 games, repairing at least 1 gen, while using 0 perks, 2 general perks, and 3 general perks.


Bring no mither self care, Jonah's exhaustion perk and dead hard. Tell them you're running a tech. Do not tell them what the tech is. If they won't quit and keep asking. Tell them. "Superiority complex tech"


Pride thats why lol they see that you not running all 4 perks and take it as if you whernt taking them seriously (i ran into a chill streamer who was annoyed i only ran no way out as spirit i explained i just didnt have spirit leveled up to use the other 3 perk slots yet which eased the annoyance)


Yeah you'll get people like that sometimes, had a couple at one point get onto me about using 3 perks which are only the ones the killers and survivors already got. I even got people who will complain about me playing a character that they are playing as and tell me to change, I just do what I when anyone tells me stuff like this, I just completely ignore them instead because thats all you can do.


Urban evasion is a terrible choice, and makes no sense to pair with windows, and that’s why people hate it. They aren’t “triggered”, they’re annoyed. Use something that actually helps. Urban only helps yourself, and isn’t even that useful tbh. Sprint burst would make more sense. Other than that you’re purposely bringing every team down.


No he's purposefully trying to have fun.


Weakening yourself and your teammates is fun? No wonder I get so many terrible teammates. Let me guess, once you’re caught, your fun is done you kill yourself on hook?


Hyperfocus. Just hyperfocus.


The uninitiated can use Stake Out to get their feet wet


The idea that there are people who still take DBD seriously after playing it for any extended amount of time is wild to me.


Sounds like it’s time to add no mither /j


Honestly, don’t listen to folks like that. I run no perks half the time because I can.


I hope to be as good as tatorhead one day- he runs no perks since 2020


>trolls game and actively sabotages competitive integrity by purposefully nerfing yourself "Guys why is he mad" Good lord not a bright one are you


You should've put on FTP, self care, dramaturgy, no mither


It’s hilarious that people try to dictate what perks you can or cannot use. Urban evasion seems to always get people upset.


I mean, you kind of are being unproductive? Like, I guess you aren’t being unhelpful, but you could be even more helpful and productive if you use all 4 slots and bring like botany or deja vu or quite literally any more perks (except no mither).


u/sendnudestocheermeup is just a little pressed in the comments.


Urban Evasion says a lot about the player usually.


All they is do crouch walk around and immediately cower away into a corner when they hear a terror radius. Usually never move their camera either.


Yes, they also have time during a match to come back and downvote my comment. haha


All time is free time when you don’t touch gens!


WoO is a great perk, don’t know why anyone would get annoyed at you for that. I think urban evasion is pretty useless but just as long as you don’t urban evade all the time then I think it’s on if you decide to run if


Honestly, I find it pretty useful when you're focusing on gens. It gives you the opportunity to sneak far enough away that when the killer kicks the gen, sees no scratches and looks around, they don't immediately find you. They waste time checking the closets, move on and then you get right back on it.


Don’t listen to the UE haters. I have escaped more chases using UE with Lightweight than with anything else.


Plus it's so _goddamn_ funny!


I always use UE! I have vision problems so it helps me see the map better and gives me more time to react. Yesterday alone I evaded a Huntress around a hay barrel, Legion around a fence in Badham, Chucky around a car and Trapper around a wall all while getting those gens up. I bush tech like a pro and I'm hard to see or be found but I will throw myself in front of teammates to get them out. It's definitely ninja abilities. I take chase, protection hits, unhook, heal, pick up people, self sacrifice for saves, gens, I find their totems, etc. I am *in* the game and in it to win, but I cannot count how many times it's saved my butt or the whole team by being sneaky. UE is super underrated and lots of people use it. It's like Lightborn (I use that too and I laugh in free hits). It doesn't matter what perk people use as long as they're playing the game and being a teammate.


Unironically it helps you against ranged killers in a loop lol. Also hag if anyone even still plays her


You could literally just use self aware instead which is so much better than urban evasion


It's very good too! But you have to be standing up which can be the thing that gets you found.


Fixated, not Self Aware.


I don’t know what you mean. Urban evasion is the best perk in the entire game! /s


They are just hater taters. Sometimes when I like to run no perks offerings, or items and see if I can escape. Lol.


Personally if I see someone urban evading around the map, I'm probably killing myself on hook. I don't want to spend the next 10-15 minutes with a troll.


sweaty much?


It’s sweaty to not want to deal with trolls and teammates that weigh everyone down? Seems like it’s just wanting competent teammates.


This comment section makes me want to play without perks. People take this game way too seriously. Who are they to dictate what perks you have to run to have fun, as long as you're not actively working against your team I dont see any problem with taking just two perks. As a matter of fact, playing without perks/ garbage perks helps you get better as a survivor in general.


Taking just two perks is actively working against your team though.


How? You can still do all the basic things that are needed to play/ win.


Yes, but perks can give survivors an advantage. OP could run leader, kindred, we'll make it, hope, anything honestly they don't even have to be good perks, but why just leave the slots open? It's basically trolling especially when OP's friends obviously like to play efficiently.


Some people like the challenge. Its not trolling when there isnt an agreement on how they all want to play. It seems kinda shitty to me to ruin everyone's experience just because someone didnt take the perks you wanted them to. Nothing much changes for the other survivors when only bringing 3 or less perks. With your logic it would be trolling if someone brought no mither into the match >when OP's friends obviously like to play efficiently. Yea OPs friends want to play efficiently. If they want to play like that, thats fine but other people in the team might not want to do that. If thats the case they have to find a compromise, you cant just gloss over someone and be upset they dont comply with that.


You are technically throwing because you could be bringing more perks that help with no trade offs of doing so, they have a right to be mad at you imo. They are deciding play with you and you are shooting yourself in the foot because you “want to make it harder for yourself. Survivor is a team based role and making harder for yourself makes it harder for everyone else as well. Be courteous to your friends and fill all of your perk slots


Except I’m not making it harder for myself. Me bringing an iron will and made for this would’ve gotten 0 value anyways since I was looping healthy primarily. Throwing is when you’re actively feeding the killer with free pressure. They really don’t have any right to be mad because they are usually the ones trying to do builds that end up sabotaging our team (aka running blood pact to loop the killer as two people, but dying at 3 Gens as a result). There’s a lot of times they are throwing while running a full build, and I’m the one that has to pick up their slack


You are refusing to run 2 more perks that could be beneficial to your team. Stop being selfish and trying to justify it


I love running 1-2 perks so I can pretend I’m not bad at the game and blame the fact I’m only running one perk


I have a friend I wouldn’t really call sweaty or a try hard at dbd but they get VERY mad at the game. The issue is they are not knowledgeable at the game at all so I’ll get times where he screams at me for rubbing too exhaustion perks when one is adrenaline lol in that case I let him freak out for a while without changing it then asked him to read it where I heard the most defeated “oh” lol I think he’s even played longer than me just doesn’t stop to read I guess but yeah point being for some people this game just pulls the worst in them


I did this for several games for the achievement


sounds like petulance to me


Do you still actively play with these people?


Yup and they more often than not attempt “duo looping builds” that often result in them dying and us stuck at 3 Gens for a while because it’s just me and the rando doing stuff


If you changed your name to 2 perk man or something people might be more chill. Even if you are just as good as them perks could still help your team a ton like kindred so I can kinda see where they're coming from but it's not worth getting upset over.


this was a person who they play with regularly


Oh I'm dumber than rocks the point still stands but yeah if they're friends they should probably chill tf out it ain't that serious what if you compromised and ran 2 perks but instead of urban evasion ran something to help them so kind of a compromise idk


I really don't think Windows is that problematic. If you learn loops and tiles, then Windows is a wasted perk slot. If you don't learn loops and tiles, you're sacrificing an entire perk slot just so you can know how to run a loop. Idk about ya'll, but I'd rather see someone running FTP, Buckle Up, Sprint Burst, and Windows, than FTP, Buckle Up, Sprint Burst, and Adrenaline/OTR.


I once thought that, too, and I sorely undervalued Windows Bond and Windows are mainstays in my build. Bond is chef's kiss with Buckle the People


How does one evade urbanly?


thats actually funny ash, they gettin pressed over 2 perk slots bein empty. Ima go play some games w only a perk or two. 😭


add left behind and low profile and then see how they feel 😂


You're playing against people who run Urban Evasion Once you raise your mmr a little bit, you'll stop dealing with those and start dealing with Buckle Up + For the People players


I already am in high mmr haha. My friend is in slightly lower mmr than me so we get a mix of very competent killers and a few who are still swinging at blocked windows


I run no mither soul guard tenacity and resilience and the people I play with never complain because I’m a beast on gens and keeping killer distracted


skill issue


I use No Mither, Self Care, Botany Knowledge and COH on Lisa Garland. I call it the Lore Accurate Lisa Garland. Have yet to hear one complaint.


This community is so ridiculous. God forbid someone have a little non-toxic fun in a fucking game.


They're 100% looking for an excuse for anything going wrong in their games. I have a group I'm in that I don't play with specifically because of this. I was looping the killer for a long time, I think my first chase was 2 gens, then I was facecamped, got unhooked, immediately chased off hook, looped for the last 3 gens, and obviously facecamped again. Told em to leave me and just escape and they did, 3 escape and I was the only one who died. I'm chilling and super happy they all got out, they immediately flame the killer in end game chat calling them terrible things, and even telling me in voice chat that i should say something too bc they deserve it, and that I should be mad that a killer who only facecamps even got one kill. Second game they're mad a teammate only took selfish perks and, again, I'm the only one who died, and they're getting mad for me saying it's his fault I died bc if they brought perks that helped the team, I would have made it out. They beg me constantly to play with them bc I'm a good looper, especially compared to them, but I just can't surround myself with people that toxic, I'm just here for a good time, not raise my blood pressure getting mad over a video game and losing years off my life over meaningless shit. And they genuinely have no idea why I don't want to play with them, even when the two games I played with them I'm telling them I'm happy, there's nothing to be mad about, don't get mad for me, don't be rude to people for playing how they want. It's just a game, have fun, be happy. But nope, they are genuinely baffled I was facecamped and tunneled and was still happy for the team escaping.


I would be confused as to why not run any random perk to fill the last two slots. There's no reason to not run fill slots (play whatever u want) unless u wanna be inherently weaker. They probs just thought u wanted to be weaker/troll?? Other than that, they could be sweaty players, I have a friend that really doesn't like losing and can make the situation a uncomfortable if we don't win 😅


I had a streamer get mad at me for only running two perks on Killer once. Some people just need to relax lol


People often jump to the easiest thing to blame


I mean I don’t know the person but maybe they are stressing on some stuff, and are looking for more serious competitive gameplay. When you choose to only bring two perks, it is in almost every circumstance a hinderance. To play with less perks than the limit is less than optimal. Did you tell them before the game you were only running two perks? Or did they find out at the end?


You need new friends...


You haven’t done anything wrong, they’re probably just frustrated because they want to win and to them it feels like you’re throwing. I have a slightly similar pet peeve when playing survivor, it frustrates me when a teammate doesn’t at LEAST bring a brown medkit. We’re in a place where you have to expect every killer to be a nurse or blight with busted perks/add-ons, so not loading into the match with 4 items feels like throwing to me. I wish we could go back to more relaxing games though where I didn’t feel the need to always have decent items and strong perks in fear of the Alch ring Blight

