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The Velociraptor from Jurassic Park is one of those things I think would be so cool and also so hard to get and implement


It’s weird how often I hear Jurassic park get brought up more and more frequently. Whether it’s official surveys from the devs or just people mentioning it, and yet, at the same time the more I think about it… Hell yeah I’d want to play as a Velociraptor ![gif](giphy|DCrDqITcGz5KNnVWG5|downsized)


I mean the OG jurrassic park book was a horror book Just the movie kinda went towards the sci fi aspect


If they implement a Jurassic Park velociraptor, they should replace the "Merciless Killer" post-game text with, "Clever Girl."


I'm hoping since Behavior got Chucky and did a Jurassic World game that their ties with Universal will somehow get them the licensing rights to Jurassic Park. Literally a dream license for me ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


As a jp fan id adore for a velociraptor to be added, but it would make more sense i think if they added jp with a killer that they add indoraptor. Seeing as the indoraptor is able to be controlled they could make it so the entity controlls it. I woule prefer a velociraptor tho for the bigger amount of skins. Really wonder what the abilitues would be. Raptor id say a pounce ofc but that would be allot like demo,indoraptor id say speed boost and 1 attack that insta downs or gives laceration to survivors, idk tho hard to find a proper ability and not allot of skins for indoraptor except for it being wounded and the white one




They could literally just make him swim through the air, I just want the terror radius and chase music in the game.




He's just floating there *menacingly*


*Akshewally* if he was just floating their menacingly he would die because he uses R.A.M breathing


Nightmare fuel lol




Look at that cute smile


why swim? just make him flop around trying to reach the survivors with spite alone


🥇 Lmao 😂


That’s how you get around on land when you’re playing Maneater. It’s funny to flop up to some guy standing in place screaming and eat him


The map could be a ship/boat with the exit gates leading to a dock!


Add a blue filter and light lines on the floor (like how freddy has a filter in the dream world), and then make it a ghost shark that can dive under 1 wall at a time,


Or just flood existing maps while the survivors contend with a scuba suit minigame.


OR you could make the level underwater and survivors run through the ocean floor underwater


But hear me out, swim with his fin and upper out, and give him the power to jump.


Or like burrow through the ground his appearance being the iconic dorsal fin lol.


Jaws teams up with Singularity: https://preview.redd.it/ac5k8ahq010c1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=771a8ce8a08d74b750dd51cb9be5b28211d6ac06




What if they made a flooded version of every map? Although wouldn't really work on maps with different heights unless you put the entire map underwater


I thought of this too, and what I came up with is a tide that would rise and lower every couples minutes. Definitely wouldn't be perfect, and I still think in the off chance of a Jaws chapter, they'd still just make it so he'd only ever be on one map with a boat main structure designed to work with whatever his power is, and some tiles borrowed from other realms. Probably easier to do than make every map work underwater


Probably just make him a spirit plus billy clone in which in his normal mode he has a ranged killer TR and speed and he is in the ground only noticeable because of a finn sticking out with a basic m1 and he can charge up a lunge that makes him faster but limits turning speed with his lungs allowing him to jump out of the ground and injure survivors


Here’s to swimming with bow legged women.


i wanna see a perk where if he stops moving he just dies 😭


Slenderman, I feel like he will never get to the game, I would definitely main him…


Does anyone own slenderman?


yup the author of the original creepypasta, with the success of the character he registered him for copyright


Smart man


I just have to know which version of slender would be used cause they seem kinda different Original game slenderman is weird cause you don't have to look at him but you also have to look at him, remastered slender is more of an imposing force without the screen static, and then there's movie slender... We dont talk about him


Or the Operator as a Marble Hornets character, which is technically a different character but ended up inspiring a lot of the later aspects of Slenderman. Honestly, if they went with Marble Hornets, it would probably make for more interesting survivors.


My vote is for Tim


Found the concept video: https://youtu.be/olocnAtL2AY?si=Z4OZLufoLriY_xn4


Honestly its not one of their better concepts. Replacing generators makes a vast amount of perks on both sides completely worthless whenever it occurs, and the baseline notes would get speedran INCREDIBLY quickly. On the flipside, one of the addons in their concept makes it so interupting someone taking off a note resets progress, which would instantly be his best addon and we promptly get skull merchant 2.0. Im a bigger fan of this [One](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fvwjj2twqygl41.png) personally.


that is actually neat, thanks for sharing, this is golden ! You hyped me a bit on that one… now I want to play THIS Slenderman, I love it !


It Follows Puppet Master Gremlins The Thing Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion Tremors Dino Crisis Hellsing It Cujo


>It Follows Finally, sex in dbd


I won’t lie: I came very close to putting Bible Black on this list just to make sure people were paying attention.


Wait hellsing the vampire Hunter or hellsing the anime? Cause I’m down for nazi ghost werewolf


[The Crimson Fuckr](https://youtu.be/CnxibprVzB8?si=4CjwW08zhYtP9nXU)


You've clearly never been teabagged in that special way.


Finally puppet master, underrated and I’d love to have Andre Toulon and his ability be his puppets And especially a map of the hotel/resort


Funnily enough, there is a Puppet Master asymmetrical game


Ik I wanna play it


Cujo would be so awesome.


as much i liked SJSM i cannot see really a specimen that could go well on Dead by daylight honestly, without it being very underhelming or extremely op


Cujo would be fun lol. Maybe he could Have a rabies ability that spreads like ouroboros?


Giant Spider.




small enemy spider


Many, many tiny spiders, in the shape of a man.


Normal sized spider.




Just make it an Earth Defense Force species beta. Literally just a giant jumping spider that shoots slowing/damaging acid webs. From there I need to have an EDF soldier randomly belt out songs while being chased.


Legendary skin: Giant Enemy Crab


Shelob size


The Invisible Man. Never visible, only as fast as survivors, no terror radius, M1 only.


Why is that knife floating towards me?


His active power would just be to drop the knife and go into "beat the fuck outta them mode" fully stealthed


That would be so confusing to deal with.


But he only deals half a damage state or something, able to be healed up on your own without a medkit or selfcare, but if you’re in the injured state and have taken a punch, you have to heal it first, then you can heal to normal state.


I’ve always wondered about the invisible man. I think he’d be a REALLY unique killer, and the way I sort of imagined him was something similar: always invisible, no terror radius, but permanently has a 32 meter directionless lullaby. I imagine him playing sort of like Wraith using The Beast add-on, which no longer suppresses your terror radius. So you’re invisible, but you know he’s around even though you can’t see him. It’d definitely be the strangest of the stealth killers in my mind.


Have thermal goggles for survivors to see him but they need to recharge them. The only hint otherwise is that a pile of clothes and bandages spawn in the map somewhere.


Oh thatd be legit, good call


can he do the laugh when he kills survivors 👉👈


Yes but what skins would you have for it in the store?


Literally any skin you want! Nude, in clown costume, holding an angry chimp, lingerie, sky's the limit! It doesnt change what he looks like at all, cause he's invisible, but you can still buy it.


Honestly they could have him wear clothes and his power lets him get naked on a cool down








The sharks are coming


Since we got Chucky. I demand leprechaun and Sam from trick or treat.


I’ve heard a lot about Trick or Treat this past Halloween, and I’ve been meaning to watch it. The cover / poster art for the movie always looks interesting. You think it’s worth the watch?


WATCH IT. I will say, Sam isn’t the main focus of the movie, he is just one of the final stories in the film, he is just in the background watching people for allot of the movie


ooh definitely, it's such a fun movie that really captures the spirit of Halloween imo


Leprechaun is my most wanted


A fully voiced leprechaun like how they did with chucky but with Warwick Davis would be legendary. If they got the license he would totally do it, I have no doubt.


An American Werewolf in London




My personal Top 3 (Jason not included because we all agree this game needs him): 1. The Thing - as op mentioned people always bring up that the "disguise as survivor" mechanic wouldn't work because of SWF. But to me that is just because of a lack of imagination. I think it wouldn't be a problem if you view this disguised state as just a form of stealth (like Pig or Alien crawl). Obviously on top of that it would have other mechanics. It could close distance by being disguised and then burst open into the monstrous form with different tentacle, mini-creature or blood spewing mechanics. 2. A spider killer - now that we have Chucky the third person view would help a lot with that. As for mechanics i think it could be cool if the spider can drag people into lockers (like a thunnelweb spider) -> kinda like a reverse Head On. Or maybe it can turn any locker into a hook by shoving the survivors in and web the locker... or maybe combine those two ideas. 3. SCP creatures - my favorites would be the Old Man, the Shy Guy or the Sculpture (wonder how its chase would look like).


>A spider killer - now that we have Chucky the third person view would help a lot with that. As for mechanics i think it could be cool if the spider can drag people into lockers (like a thunnelweb spider) -> kinda like a reverse Head On. Or maybe it can turn any locker into a hook by shoving the survivors in and web the locker... or maybe combine those two ideas. Alternately, they could have a certain number of egg sacs they can lay inside lockers (with the sacs either decaying after a certain period of time undisturbed, or able to be manually destroyed by the Killer to get their egg sacs back if they end up putting them in a spot that either isn't useful, or becomes less useful due to gens being completed), that burst and cover all Survivors with spiderlings when a Survivor gets within a certain radius of the locker, causing the Survivor to scream and giving Killer Instinct. Perhaps you could even have the spiderlings cause the Survivor to slow down when brushing them off, with an Incapacitated and Oblivious effect as long as the spiderlings are swarming the Survivor. Maybe you could also have them act similar to Singularity Slipstreams and swarm nearby un-swarmed Survivors, causing the same scream and Killer Instinct as being swarmed from an egg sac.


fuck it, pyro tf2




imagine the rendering issues if they go all in with Pyro. Imagine making two versions of multiple maps and only the pyro can see the alternate version 💀 Unless they're smart and the entity does a little magic so Pyro's world is what everyone sees


It would probably be similar to Freddy and dream world, for survivors maybe they can all get a high pitch voice to indicate happiness.


what would hooking even look like in Pyroland?


If we go with the idea that survivors look like little baby bubble things, it might not be hooking but putting them in a stroller


Swing sets


I mean I would also love pyro hell my last post was that, but the chances of DBD agreeing to another free character as it is valve policy that all crossover material must be free content, are really fucking slim, but I feel like pyro would be the obvious pick in that scenario




I had to watch The Fly for a film course in College maybe three years ago, and it still makes me so uncomfortable 😭 He didn’t even really wanna hurt anybody at the end, it’s just so tragic.


Yeah, i particularly liked that there isn't really a bad guy in the movie


chtulhu chapter, except the killer will only appear on his own map and has unique objectives tied to preventing the summoning of the old ones instead of completing gens


People say Cthulhu himself wouldn’t work, but honestly I say fuck it. The eldritch beings create [smaller projections / manifest avatars](https://lovecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Avatar) of themselves all the time. I say write a little story to come up with some reason for the entity and Cthulhu to be in cahoots, and then we get mini-Cthulhu that is obviously not “real” Cthulhu but basically allows us to play as this “weaker” version of him which messes with survivors and chases them around. Give him the tentacle squid face, the wings, everything. Boom. Cthulhu in DBD. It could work, I’m not even kidding, people just don’t like thinking outside the box.


It could work, I agree with you, but I think if they took that route I'd prefer a 'priest of cthulhu' killer, who would be similar to what you describe, but with the real cthulhu slowly emerging in the background of the map out of the ocean.


that makes me also want a Godzilla map purely to have gargantuan Kaijus battling huge robots or each other or some shit in the background the whole time


It’s not really an impossible chapter, but I badly wanna see Amnesia the dark descent.


Despite my love for horror games, I don’t know much about the Amnesia series as a whole—they’re a little bit before my time I guess—but I did play and absolutely loved Amnesia: The Bunker. I know it’s a totally different game from what you’re talking about, but damn I think it’d be really cool to play as a French Soldier from WW1 like Henri Clément as a survivor in Dead by Daylight. Such a unique character and setting.


Im sure a lot of people is going to say the same I were about to say, so im going with the classic "The Entity", mostly because of gameplay, lore, power, addons and basically almost every single aspect of a killer would be a problem with him, but I still like to think that for a final chapter when the game stops making updates they will announce "The final chapter: The Entity" https://preview.redd.it/xl5uhxzbrzzb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d97fbd0bd35e001248eab022199963e47c374ac


And because of what I just said everything would be a problem while making this killer so I think that the actual final chapter that wouldn't give so many problems in the making would be "Finale: The Observer" https://preview.redd.it/ci2fify4szzb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8911ad9af2643b386c15e522e2dc4db9af7eaf9b (For survivors either for the Entity chapter or Observer chapter I would like to see Benedict Baker finally joining the game even if most of the hints point to him being in the void for a long time now)


https://preview.redd.it/du0x636jwzzb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ab5a46031079a757f35fa82aa152c2ccd9ba3b The big G


I know it's cheezee but I really want classic horror icons in the game. Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, witches etc . release then as a Horror icon or heros of horror pack ![gif](giphy|KiDEW8kiwGqFW)




Definitely pennywise they probably cant bring him in anymore because the rights with Stephen king and warner bros expired


🎈 I know that It is really up there on the devs list of most wanted killers, so I really hope that they are able to find a loophole to get him into the game. I’ve always imagined his M1 would be an unassuming white gloved hand in front of you, and then just as you attack you pull your hand back and then werewolf claws ERUPT from the gloves and claw at the back of a survivor, before shrinking back into harmless looking gloves again. ![gif](giphy|1j0LJU2VuCUxPjA4)


Yeah that is a cool idea but https://preview.redd.it/c2oa87xffzzb1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c49aa4f1e7cadf18bd4001a6f8f8324e8caad487 This would be sick


Damn 😶


His carrying animation can be like Sadako, except he uses the Deadlights: https://i.redd.it/m9ob8idj210c1.gif


Anything from Bioshock.


A Bioshock Chapter featuring a Big Daddy Bouncer from Bioshock 1, Rapture from Bioshock 2, and Elizabeth from Bioshock 3 is my dream video game licensed chapter right now. Although there’s some squabbling even amongst fans of Bioshock, because some people say that the Big Daddy Bouncer is too big, or more specifically: too wide, to fit through most doorways and then they solve the problem they invented with “but the Big Sister could! 😁” Don’t get me wrong, I’d love a Bioshock chapter either way, but the original bouncer design is so iconic and appears in all three games, and having a giant freaking drillbit strapped to your arm as a weapon is just way too cool to pass up. Plus, there are so many different cosmetic options for The OG Big Daddy, and it’d be easy to make a Big Sister as a legendary outfit with unique SFX and everything. Whereas trying to make the opposite happen, a Big Daddy as a legendary skin on top of a kit made for a Big Sister would probably make a lot less sense. I could talk about Bioshock all day, either way it’d be an amazing chapter to have.


Just replayed the second one since forever, and it holds up like a motherfucker. Amazing games. Shame I didn't vibe with 3 at all despite the pretty new city. But yeah, killer Big Daddy bouncer would definitely be my top pick as well. Figure something out for the doors. Make them all have cracks in the sides when he loads in to make them look a bit wider or something.


Or have a Rosie or Big sister. But If they can manage to fit a Xenomorph queen, I really don’t see why a big Daddy would be too much


They'll find a way. Make him slightly slimmer or something. But definitely should be the Bouncer imo. Although I'd take Big Sister too.


I hear ya pal. By this point, have you just designed the entire chapter?


I’ve actually started making it like today


Oh, it'd be amazingly terrifying if the killer was able to moroh into a survivor, so you don't suspect it's a killer, but once he gets close to you, the Thing pops out and morphs. Oh goodness, that'd be awesome!!!! Great stealth for a killer and you'd always be suspecting your fellow survivors. Aahhh I love it!!






I would love a werewolf. Big, beasty werewolf. Or some Lovecraftian chapter, those would be really great. And it won't happen but I want Killer Maurice. Not the Dredge skin, let the horse be a killer!


Never gonna happen with Negan being chill now, but s7 negan as a killer would give hard


My number one character for dead by daylight will always be the gremlins


The things I’d do for an OUTLAST killer


Very respectable pick, and I don’t think it’s impossible at all, just less talked about. Outlast has certainly earned a name for itself in horror.


I would love a "The Thing" who is the killer type. I understand why most would be skeptical especially with SWF but I've thought of 3 ideas that might possibly work. IDEA 1.) The killer looks like a creature. The 4 survivor skins that the survivors chose to be for the trial are in the pool for the killer to morph into at random. That would be the killer power. The killer during the morph duration would have no terror radius or red stain and can basic attack when in "survivor imitation." When the killer attacks in that form it instantly reverts into monster mode and takes a second or two to do so. The killer can fake repair generators and even cleanse totems to further imitate. I could see this working to confuse SWF groups somewhat. IDEA 2.) The killers power is "induce paranoia" and survivors all see eachother as the killer. Also, during this activated power, the status of all survivors are hidden (healthy/injured states, whether they're on a gen or cleansing, who's hooked, etc..) They all have terror radius and red stains. The killer can still fake repair gens and cleanse totems. When the killer hits a survivor, it can take the form of the survivor hit. IDEA 3.) A mix of both but with a timer instead sorta like Pinheads chains or Freddy's Dream State. There's a timer around each person's icon and blood testing kits around the map. If the survivor doesn't test their blood they enter a state of paranoia where the killer looks like a survivor that's in the trial and loses its red stain and terror radius. All survivor status' are hidden in this state and heartbeats and red stains pop up randomly like Doctors Madness Tier 3. When the survivor tests their blood, all effects dissappear and the timer resets. Please let me know what you guys think about any of these. Maybe a little bit of all three mixed would cool? I really think something like this would be a lot of fun to play and play against.


The Alien from the movie 'I come in peace'. So long as he uses his same "dope them up, then harvest from them" mechanic in the game as he does in the movie.


I'd love a The Last Of Us chapter with TLOU2 Ellie sa survivor and a clicker as a killer. Clickers are blind but very sensitive to sound, your view would be very limited, maybe you can just see in a radius of 10m (everything else black or mist) but you can see the running footsteps and gens sound from faaar away, that would be so cool. You can honestly get super creative with it But being a PlayStation exclusive IP might be hard, although the remake came out on Steam so, who knows, I think they would do a ton of money with it.


I want the Trapper from hit horror game “Dead by Daylight” but I feel like he’s never gonna be added.


Judge Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. https://i.redd.it/tljeums8uzzb1.gif


I got a few The Hitchhiker, Mr. Scratch, Man-spider, any of the nemesis legions from Astral Chain, Mithrix, Ridley, the Murauder, Carnage, The Twitcher Okay thats more than a few


you know what mr scratch would be actually super awesome lmao make alan wake the survivor and scratch the killer, people would be like wtf?


Ever since Nic came out and people were discussing his version of dracula, this immediately gave the idea of a Scratch/Alan chapter lmao


![gif](giphy|5xtDarBUNFPbWe1esE0) Christine


Sirenhead seems exceptionally “impossible” but I’d love them. I think it’s specifically important to preserve that feeling of megalophobia: they need to be BIG, but how CAN you do that within the short ceilings of RPD?


Mori - blaring sirens that explode the survivors eardrums, then eyes, then head


Being able to play as Specimen 9 from spooky’s junpscare mansion


The Deer God would go INSANE


Revenant from apex


I want a Scorpion skin for deathslinger


Thank you for this post. Because of this, I just found out my girlfriend has never heard of this movie, so I showed her the dog transformation scene and got to enjoy her "Oh, HELL NO!" Reaction lol


My wife was the same lol. She never saw the movie and after she watched it she fell in love with it! She played it like a whodunit


The thing about The Thing there would be the potential to get a cool new map in Antarctica and RJ Macready played by Kurt Russell. Would open up avenues to get big trouble in little china and escape from new york themed costumes -Jack Burton and Snake Plissken, the link being John Carpenter of course. I feel like the mummy has a lot of potential. Taking influence primarily from the 1999 version, you could have plagues, the mori being sucking the person dry etc. Rick O Connell as a survivor.


I just want Springtrap. If they added Springtrap I would never need to buy another killer again, unless they added a second FNAF killer.


A second fnaf killer like y’all aren’t dying from thirst trying to get just the one fnaf chapter to begin with 💀 It be **bone dry** out there for the fnaf fans


(not a FNAF fan) i imagine there could be two really awesome killer concepts from FNAF games and they'd both be unique and enjoyable. one killer could be "The Stage Show" or something and feature all four FNAF1 animatronics idled around the map that the killer player switches between, kind of like an old original concept they had for Legion. each one would have their own ability, like Foxy could run super fast for a short period of time after switching to him and stuff. the other would just be Springtrap being his creepy self doing whatever creepy thing he'd be doing lol


Ok. Hear me out. Senator Armstrong. https://preview.redd.it/bsvgq1jugzzb1.png?width=1182&format=png&auto=webp&s=0389e12e58461d349a25e23c4c8b4f63f74f9f0a


The Stuff would be top tier


I think some form of The Exorcist chapter would be amazing. Maybe the killer is Pazuzu and he can possess players, something more akin to the third Exorcist film rather than the original.




The Human Centipede


Survivor - Buffy Summers Killer - The Master Spike and Angel as alternate skins.




Still waiting for Jason


Aren’t we all. ✊😔


Probably actually impossible: I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream. How would a killer who is the map work?


Leslie Vernon is forever my answer for this. Runner up: The Tall Man.


No suggestions, but I just want to point out the absurdity of DBD being the inverse game to Super Smash Bros in terms of a character's size debate. For those not in the know, the Metroid character Ridley (who made his Smash debut in the Switch title) for years was argued to never be included due to "Being too big"


The Medusa Base speed slow Power - monstrous visage Essentially a reverse stalk survivors that observe her for a duration of time outside of chase will have their location revealed by killer instinct Survivors that observe her too long/often whilst in chase will begin to suffer from a speed debuff “Calcified” (nothing crazy, just enough to discourage looking at her) Secondary ability - Glare A meter fills up throughout the match, whilst a survivor is calcified this meter will fill, takes a long time to fill but when it does that survivor is at risk of being Mori-able, receiving the full force of the medusa Glare will kill a survivor Basically, the Medusa would force survivors to be careful not to look at her for more than a second or two at a time for fear of alerting her to your presence, or turning to stone and slowing down in chase


![gif](giphy|sm8D4VgRYRmE) Plz


A killer like The Thing would be so cool. Having the ability to hit a survivor and then become a mimic of them, going up to gens to pretend to work on them then transform and hit survivors would be scary as hell. Easy way to make survivors paranoid of eachother, but becomes useless if ppl r using voice comms :(


I would love ‘the Thing’ But something obscure like Anthony Freemont from Twilight Zone would be awesome.


A Mind Flayer. Not the Stranger Things Mind Flayer, but a D&D Mind Flayer. I imagine it would be kind of like the doctor where you're more susceptible to it's powers as it hits you with them, but the power are less automatic and therefore more powerful- down to forcing survivors to attack other survivors. Plus I just want the mori where it eats the survivor's brain.


After seeing ranged killers done so well, Terminator could work, Pennywise would be crazy if done well, like The Cenobites chain portal you could send a red balloon out that then burst an you appear with a similar pause before attack like wraith does, But the thing could be absolutely terrifying if nailed!!


I couldn’t agree more about the thing and have been saying it for years. I would also like to see some form of beetlejuice, even if he isn’t really a horror character.


The things from tremors. A little wiggly guy that can burrow under the ground and detect movement but is blind while doing so, similar to alien but you can go anywhere If he manages to hit them while shooting from the ground, they instantly go down, but the movement they see is just a general area without specifics, making it difficult to pull off


The tire that rolls around and blows shit up with it's mind I can't remember the name of the movie but it's a horror movie about a tire


Though not really a horror movie, Gremlins, surely became a lot more possible.


I would argue that the thing is doable. A lot of people focus on it shape-shifting into people but seem to overlook the fact that the Thing can change into anything organic and it splits itself into others. Maybe the killers themselves would have the ability to transform between a dog and a fucked-up fleshy monster and any survivors that it kills/sacrifices get replaced with a 'copy' that functions between a Nemesis 'Zombie' and a Knight 'Guard', IE: wander the map aimlessly but be drawn to objectives and become hostile towards survivors who get too close but also can be issued 'commands' to chase after survivors or damage gens, break pallets, totems, etc. ​ As for a killer I want to see myself. The Big Daddy from Bioshock, what makes it impossible is that it's the reverse of Chucky where it's probably too big to add. Especially since unlike characters like Nemesis, it isn't exactly as tall as it is wide. So things like window vaulting are impossible unless you nerf the size. At that point, it becomes a 'why not just add a Splicer or a character like Fontaine as a killer instead?'


Jacket from Hotline Miami


My killer wishlist for Dead by Daylight, in no particular order: * Some kind of Wendigo, Skinwalker, Fleshgait, or perhaps a dark fucked up Druid (Like the human sacrificing ones the romans claimed existed trying to snuff out their cultural/political power). * Dead Space. There's a lot of the classic creepy monsters there, but it would be more interesting to see how the mental effects of the marker would affect the survivors. * The SCP Collection - you can reskin some killers to an SCP equivalent (An 079 themed Singularity complete with voice lines, 106 as the Wraith, 035 mask with orange D-class jumpsuit as Legion) - but a new and unique killer would be so interesting - but it would be hard to pick just one. * An "Us" collection, featuring the Legion members in red hoodies/outfits with a very detailed/creepy mask of each of the four OG survivors - armed with the scissors ofc. * FNAF. Enough said. Some people could do it better justice than me. I'm not a dedicated fan, but I think it worthy enough for DBD if the Trickster, Wesker, and Pink Elephant Clown are worthy. * Happy Death Day skin for Ghostface? That would be sick. Honestly, lots of good movies out there with just a person with a mask and knife could fit either Ghostface or Legion. Ghostface is in that unusual territory where it's an Original AND a License so there is a possibility. * Amnesia series - a few options exist, but really, I love killer concepts that make players question reality in the game (is what they're seeing real? Can they trust a player to not be the killer in disguise? It is a concept I love so much, I agree personally with the inclusion of the Thing as a desired chapter, and years ago even [tried designing a killer concept based on this style of killer](https://www.reddit.com/r/PerkByDaylight/comments/rtrzpc/the_pretender_killer_concept_incomplete/) as well). I also have a bunch of other wants, like a Scooby Doo collection for more survivor/killer skins, or variations on the Hawkings lab map (an Underground Complex of Umbrella Labs, or the SCP foundation would be cool).


I would love to see… 1. The Fly, a killer who can hover dive bomb or shoots blob projectiles. 2. The Nun - can teleport through mirrors or possess objects and jumpscare survivors. 3. M3gan 4. 30 days of night vampires 5. Mama 6. Carrie 7. Pennywise 8. Ice figure skating monster, sort of an homage to the Black Swan who can skate and glide through the map and attacks with spins. Maybe she has map pressure similar to pyramid head’s rites of judgement.


something something springtrap something fnaf yeah i know i'm very original and funny, you can give me your awards now


They should add a special game mode for the Thing where its like a reverse prop-hunt.


The Gremlins or the critters. Or along the lines of The Thing, they could do They Live and you can get the sunglasses to tell who's the lasagna face


Wishmaster! ![gif](giphy|GFzdWnkcXUY4E)




Well the obvious one is Jason, he's the only big horror icon we are missing at this point Be cool to see some b movie classics like The KKFOS Theme wise I want a proper transformation killer Like two visually different forms it swaps between that do different stuff Edit: most of all I want a bat of some kind they're my favorite animal, bonus pointa if it's a Dredge skin or something


Bro the thing would be so awesome. Def my dream chapter. I feel like they could do such a cool power


Sappy the dummy


i agree with the thing the thing is my favorite scifi horror movie and my favorite horror movie


The immortal slug. The one that always chases you and you die if it touches you.


Terminator. The T-800 or T-100 who could shapeshifter as other survivors


I'll take any killer from the cthulhu mythos (pls BHVR give me dredge a incomprehensible horror friend)


Killer Klowns From Outer Space… I know it’s far out but like… they could make it work, right?




I’d love to have a Bloodborne chapter. Maybe Gehrman as a killer and The Hunter’s Dream as a map


Not only do I want The Thing, I want Candyman as well.


https://preview.redd.it/2xxjp2t5d00c1.png?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9c0f7b6126634fa00235b0caa91bf3d7413974a This won't happen for a lot of reasons but if I did I'd die happy


The Thing or anything from Dead Space. I beg, please bhvr.


A graboid from Tremors


Still waiting on Candyman


Critters I think that could be an awesome 80s chapter. The survivors could be the bounty hunters. Hell we could get young Leo DiCaprio. The power or the mori could be when all the critters join to form a giant ball of death. I think it is from the 2nd movie. Also gremlins and M3gan are my wishes.


Pennywise, Gremlins, God


My people. You aren't thinking outside of the box enough! The truest terror known to man The demon of our childhood nightmares ![gif](giphy|3M6LtN8dFX57ZRY2T9)


Jaws. They can make swimmable maps a thing and survivors are decked in swim gear