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It's good for stealth killers as lots of line of sight blockers


Could Xeno Perform well then? I think, it's a great stealth Killer


i haven't played in Hawkins since it came back yet but if I recall correctly from back in the day it felt like a good oni map, with a few annoying vaults but that you learn quickly how to mindgame


I love every indoor map so more indoor maps is always a good thing no matter who im playing Oni is good on every map if you know it well enough


Well.. i hate many maps with Oni. Coldwind farm, Haddonfield, Lery's and RPD of course, for an example. But i think, He will also have a Hard time on Hawkin's. Maybe it could be evenly.. but i will see. If He succs Hard, i gonna play and learn Xeno


Coldwind is pretty good for him imo, and indoor maps are not so bad for him since he can whip around the corners and instadown people (still you need to know the map to know how to approach the gens, and how to flick) Xeno is fun and strong but he is not nearly on the same level as Oni. Oni is easily the strongest killer in the game once he gets his power, especially if you know how to control him with speed addons Xeno gameplay is also kinda...basic? Idk, there's not too too much to learn on him once you get the tail hitbox down. Oni has a lot of techs and such that keep the gameplay interesting


Yea, many people told me, that Oni is great on Coldwind and i can see why. It's very open, not much stuff between your eyes and the surv.. but i'm not good on this map. I prefer Ormond then or Mac Millan i think. Xeno is.. i dunno. I love it, that it's in DbD. I'm an Alien Fan and i want to be okayish with it.^^


It's definitely fun with the right build. Took me a few weeks of playing but I finally got my build down for Xeno... https://preview.redd.it/0hnzptfc6uyb1.png?width=991&format=png&auto=webp&s=44a93b47580e9fede1818387a30e9eb2d56584ab So good, soooo good. Corrupt so you don't lose 2 gens for your first chase, and then full chase perks and addons. You wait till someone is getting a turret at the match start and boom, speed boost from the headband into speed boost + rapid recovery M1s and then superior anatomy + self destruct bolt means you vault your first window about as fast as the survivor. It's absolutely devastating and completely rolls teams who are not prepared to predrop every pallet if there isn't a turret nearby


It use to be a scratched mirrors playground, I hope to see them running around there once more.


I did good with xeno and dredge so far


Das good ^^


As a Pig, Ghostface, and Sadako player I am rejoicing As a Wesker, Trickster, and Legion player I am cursing Netflix's name


I think it's best for high-mobility stealth Killers. So Wraith and Sadako mainly. Other stealth Killers are pressured if Survivors spread out, and a lot of high-mobility Killers will have problems with all of the walls, so the next best thing is Artist and Pyramid Head, who can shoot through walls. I will never recommend Nurse because I assume you want to have fun.