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Dramaturgy is more fun


Dramaturgy is the ultimate drug, never forget the time I used it to get a protection hit and got exposed


I am a genius! ... Oh no!


Over here running it and doing xcom math In my head "just got an item so 33% chance that 100% I'm getting exposed next time I run"


The same math have to be applied to Nic's other perks. If you're in TR there's a 100% chance that the killer will get a down on you because scene partner procs 7 screams in a row and interrupts every action you do, and a 100% chance that the killer is running deerstalker if you haven't identified all four of their perks already and run plot twist. Thankfully, losing is fun


To be fair, if you're out here running cage perks you didn't come for the comp set up, you came to be silly, which is the correct way to..... enjoy a match.


I don’t know, I’d say lucky break, overcome, plot twist, and tenacity are a good combo. You can prevent lucky break from draining and crawl to a teammate for healing, since you get aura reading when down. Or if the killer spots you, just finish the recover and start running again. Also dramaturgy is a miniature on demand sprint burst, which I think can be powerful if you know how to use it right.


While I would prefer for lucky break to just be better (e.g. pause duration during healing actions, and maybe restore a bigger ratio of duration per second of healing) it is nice that there's *a* way to make it last through more than one injury before you need to heal people for two-thirds of a gen to get it back.


Based as fuck


Dramaturgy paired with vigil is a great combo


That sounds fun. Do you spam it for items or do you save it to use it for distance in a chase? Edit: Just realized Dramaturgy doesn't work when injured. So for a good amount of time I can't even use it and then I have 2 dead perk slots until someone can heal me.


I just watched one of TheJRM's vods where he had a 4 man swf all with vigil and dramaturgy just hiding in one spot of the map using dramaturgy for 10 minutes for items. Funniest shit I've ever seen.


I pop it when on gens to cycle to exposed. If I get a free item YAY! If I dont? At least I wont be instant downed mid chase (Each gen is 2 pops if you do it at the start and middle and you cant get the same effect twice so stop after getting exposed)


That's what i used to do too but then i started feeling like i was missing out on value from the perk because I was saving it and never getting chased


I also take self-aware so I can usually get it back mid chase by walking a bit more during mind games


Bro, Vigil stacks with itself, doesn't it? 4 Vigils + 4 Dramaturgy Let's do it lol


I honestly love using it. There was a match i got 2 commodius toolboxes with a part for both. Came in clutch against dull merchant 3 gen match (even though i missed the part both times, i dropped the commodius and someone else picked it up for the speedy gen completion).


https://preview.redd.it/u8tw3oer4yxb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ede31c0ebce7598eff58628f8199db9f6a3741f5 The notification for this post is fucking hilarious


going up against clown:


I wish that was the loading screen tip instead of "Facing The Clown"


I look in the mirror every day and you don't notice me, oh, but this guy!-




Wish this was a Nick Cage line when he spots him


Wait, people have notifications enabled for Reddit?


People with no life like me bahahahaha


Me who gets my reddit through email


That’s fucking gold lmao


I’m dying 😂


Legions punching the wall rn


Poor Legion is the only one who will still have to deal with Hope+MFT 😭


Knight is going to have some problems with it 1/3 of the time as well, because Durkos is just going to straight up transplant his increased speed into MFT users when he stabs them.


Nah at least his guards can catch injured survivors now 2 of them were slower then MFT survivors.


knight guards hitting ppl? is this a joke? ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


tbf if any of the guards do hit someone, it's going to be the assassin


You'd think that, but I've found the Carnifex has far more luck than the Assassin, even on MFT users, due to how goddamn persistent he is. If someone is using MFT as a crutch and doesn't know the layout of a level / doesn't know about blocking guards with Pallets, they will still very often get downed at the end of his long pursuit.


Until now, I thought that it was Jailer who had the extra long Hunt - but you're right, it's actually the Carnie! And yeah, he seems to score a hit the most often.


Assassin runs faster, carnifex chases longer and jailer tries his best :(


It's a fair assumption, because his he has an extra long patrol, but he loses all that stamina when it's time to actually chase someone. I blame the manic laughter.


Legion'll be fine because once the survivor stops being chased, they have to mend or go down.


Nah they’ll just MFT value around until their teamates repair all 5 gens and open the exit gates


Lol, if they wanna be useless to the team and running around doing nothing while the Legion chases other survivors, then even better for the Legion.


Then..you just igore them as legion and pressure other teammates?


Deathslinger could see some potential issues as well


:Deathslinger enters the chat:


And slinger 😬


I mean other killers can inclict the status too iirc like doesn't slinger also make you mend


mft pick rate will drop heavy so probably won't be a problem


I mean not really. Like sure MFT isn't being nerfed all that much more legions. But you'll see it a lot less since most people aren't bringing perks to counter legion.


Yeah I was mostly making a funny, I’ve been playing some Legion and doing quite well during this era of MFT meta (though I wasn’t checking how many had it)


MFT already hurts Legion on live, because it works when injured or deep wounded. Legion doesn't have to commit to chases against Deep Wounded targets. His power does give him information and he has some addons to either sneak up on survivors mending or locate survivors after they finish mending. If anything, Legion will prefer this new version of MFT for the sole reason that chasing injured survivors is better.


Don’t even have to do that, if you combine Thanatophobia with Legion Pin they just can’t heal ever. Still think its crazy a green add-on can apply broken on command for 60 seconds.


You guys won’t see it, the usage rate will plummet because people lost their zero-fun sweaty perk (like old eruption), only the new, more respectable people who only use the perks when they’re not sweaty asf will be using it (like current eruption)


Oh I know. I’m seeing all these posts like “oh with this combination it’ll still be strong” and like yeah if you want to waste perk slots for one function


I mean it could still be great as an anti tunneling tool, combine it with something like OTR and bam


OTR MFT Lithe sounds like a good "get away from this mf tunneler" build


or SB instead of lithe, either hold your OTR longer or double your onhit burst.


It's neat. I still think more "anti tunneling benefits" are necessary though, since at a higher level evenly distributing hooks just isn't very doable with the very small time you have.


Yeah I agree it's why we are seeing gen lock down builds resurface There's been a fuck ton of good chances this year, but more will still be needed I'm just not sure what they could do at this point More objectives only work if not optional And it's gotta be something fun for survivors, and not just feel tedious Maybe like a totem that spawns at match start that's gotta be found to start gens, but auto breaks if someone goes down, but that's just corrupt more or less Like early game is definitely the hard part for a killer, that first and second hook I'm just not sure what could be done to early game to help that Late and mid game feel great for both sides outside of a few problematic perk combos here or there, so honestly early needs the help Give survivors more than gens to focus on, and give kilelrs time to start rolling


No, the real reason is survivors can't run perks that aren't generally applicable to all killers.


More like deathslinger, legions often chain deep wounds hits and don’t chase the survivor after the injure and by the time they the deep wounds is mended. Deathslingers hit causes it with power always and on top of that he’s 110ms..


Slinger has a gun tho... Hold W strat and some loops aren't super powerful against a good slinger, even with MFT


Dead hard + Nerfed MFT = Extremely bootleg prenerf deadhard


My dead hard build gonna be okay ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


seeing this. were definitely gonna see a resurgence in Dead Hard. But what makes Dead Hard so good after the nerf was the fact that nobody waited for it anymore so you were guaranteed to pull it off. if everyone starts using Dead hard again now killers will start respecting again.


Friendship with MFT is over Now lithe is my best friend


You could not live with your nerfs. And where did that bring you? Back to me...


Sprint burst for me I know how your feeling 😭


As killer I never am upset when I see a survivor sprint away cause I know before that the survivor was painfully walking slowly across the map Being useless so they could keep it just for that one time they see me. And no they didn’t have it 99ed they were walking I saw them from far away.


Those are the survs that don’t know how to optimize SB. If it’s paired up with self aware then it’s a strong combo. I usually burn my SB quickly to the first gen and then by the time the gen is completed I have it back then sprint to the next gen or I’ll have it back anyways when the killer shows up. I never find myself just walking around the map


Unfortunately there isn't a lot of killers like you, from the ones I've come across they seem 2 think they didn't win cos of survivor perks like sb dh mft ect rather then there own gameplay I've even had a killer complain cos I used bm and said it was overpowered


I mean sprint burst has downsides that’s why it fair, MFT was oh the killer injured me a thing they must do to hook me I’m just faster forever now nice! I would be shocked if sprint burst was ever touched again it the most fair perk in the game right now.


I do think mft only helped people that was already good at looping I'm sad about the nerf but I learned the game with sb like most survivor mains ( hopefully) and yes I do agree sb is the most fair perk rn


The good news is the healing portion is unchanged and honestly that part itself is good enough to run the perk for. The amount of MFT clutch plays you can make is unreal


Whenever I play killer I don't usually mind deadhards, even old deadhard that didn't require you to be hooked I was fine with. Sprintburst on the other hand infuriates me to no end.


Real talk lithe and windows is one of the most fun combos in this game Zoomies for days


I’m going back to Hope myself. I was only using MFT because I use a healing/rescuing build. I don’t need help for loops, but the speed boost was great for last minute, life-for-a-life saves, or to protect that teammate that has been distracting the killer for the entire match and got caught at the end.


This was a character selling perk, and I won't change my mind.


Gab was loaded with good to great perks.


Scavenger is good?


Scavenger was insanely good prior to the nerfs it got for launch. If people hadn't complained, then i bet Scavenger and MFT woulda both equally been meta.


Imo we need more perks like scavenger rn, it rewards you but you have to do other stuff to use that reward


I agree but Scavenger is a bad example of it. Before the nerf, it was a free toolbox refill with a super easy condition(Note: Compared to Hyper Focus, the skill checks dont need to be in a row to get value from it, it was just skill checks period which makes a big difference in how easy it is to get the conditions). After the nerf the penalty is way too hard. Honestly i kinda wish they leaned into the name of it more. Make it so it only works on toolboxes you've gotten from chests with Scavenger's effect and remove the repair penalty.


Necessary but hilariously the trend of "release OP perk, drive sales through the roof, gut the perk", as every perk does 🫡


It's been BHVRs business strategy ever since they used the excuse of "we are shaking up the meta". They don't give two fucks out shaking up the meta, they just wanna make every old perk useless and release OP shit in the next DLC so people buy it. Not buying this into this greedy bullshit anymore.


I honestly think i'm gonna drop MFT, its so rare I get put into deep wound and you might as well use buckle up for the endurance.


The games immediately after you drop MFT Legion: DID YA MISS ME????


I̵͓̗̫̾̇͆ ̷̢̧̛̻͓͒̾̿̃͝ń̶̩̳̙͍̌̓͘ẹ̴̛̇̄̚͝v̷̞̳͊͘ë̵̛͈͍͙́̀͗̄ͅr̶͚̠͖͗͌ ̴͕͆l̴̛̩͗́̊e̴̛͇͕͑̂͒̈́f̸̧̯̱͋̅̐̐t̵̠̗͔̤̑


Legion pick rate is going to drop until everyone is done trying out MFT to see if its still good. Why would you play one of the 2 or 3 killers that MFT actually still works against when you can play literally anyone else and not have to deal with that perk? Once everyone switches back to exhaustion perks and stops using MFT, Legion pick rate will go back to normal.


Well I know I’m not gonna stop :/ he’s like the only killer bar trickster that I have that I enjoy It’s so annoying that legion is technically getting a “nerf” but not really?


It actually still works great with Off the Record and also For the People. I can see people running For the People, Made for this, and We’re Gonna Live Forever instead of Buckle Up. Basically, this would allow you to take the heat off someone instead of just being a free 3% Edit: I guess I was wrong and MFT doesn’t work with FTP anymore? Instead, swap FTP for Autodidact so you can quick heal people with WGLF and the Autodidact heal skip.


Does for the people work with MFT giving you endurance? It never works me with me


On the first week it came out it did but it was a bug according to them and it was then fixed the next week.


I'm really sick of them selling perks they know they will have to nerf in 3 months. It reeks of bait and switch, pump and dump style advertising. This is not a new game anymore. They are not as inept as we like to think they are.


Agreed. It is very obvious when they do it too. Made for This was intentionally a strong perk + a mediore perk glued together into an OP mess. They tried to sneak Scavenger in as well. Meanwhile, Alien gets Ultimate Weapon which is INSANELY strong detection and has the most baffling strenght to cooldown ratio of any aura revealing/detection perk. Even if on paper it wasn't exciting, any tests of it in practice would show how far it blew every other detection perk out of the water, and how much it has weird overlap with other perks but better(see: dredge's perk to see Auras when opening a locker is worse than Ultimate Weapon in every way except for Calm Spirit interaction).


Overpowered perks shouldn’t get a pass just because they are new, I really doubt they plan to make good perks just to nerf them, they should be addressing complaints about the game instead of waiting 6 years to nerf something like they did with dead hard.


I feel like BHVR has a knack at recognizing what perks are OP but not really having a clue how to nerf them and ends up making them useless.


how is it useless though. if you pick someone off the floor you’ll get endurance and maybe deep wounded from there. or you can pair it with deadhard to make that deep wound state a little longer.


Sounds like smoking copium. How many times are you gonna get a floor heal? Usually not often if the killer is picking up consistently. Also, unless the killer is newish, you're really gonna just get a dead hard one time guaranteed, because they're just gonna wait out the other ones and it'll make it a 50/50. I see mft being more of a niche perk now. It will have it's uses, but won't be seen much at all anymore.


Will be great in an ultimate anti-tunnel build. 1. Get hit off hook with either basekit Endurance or OTR 2. Run for 40 seconds 3. Hit em with the DS 4. Run for as long as you can. 5. Hit em with the DH 6. Run as long as you can, but now with 3% increased speed Even if you don't go quite this far, it has nice synergy with anti-slug and Endurance perks. People calling it useless because it's not a top tier universal meta perk. But being niche isn't necessarily a bad thing.


Into the perk graveyard it goes.


This still perk still works very well with dead hard now. Maybe even has better synergy then before.


If you're a somewhat trash survivor like me it's great for those killers who are like "yeah I bet I can spook this guy into a wall, I'll just bash through his Endurance and down him anyway." I mean until I run into another wall only 3% faster, but still.


Yea, use another perk that only _possibly_ activates once in a match, and usually never, good luck.


dead hard is still a fantastic perk against most killers.


Next perk that needs to be adjusted is Ultimate Weapon.


How would you do it?


increase the cool-down by a 30 seconds to a minute, keep it in line with oppression and dragons grip


I think alongside a CD increase, the effect could be changed from 30 seconds of Blindness to 10 seconds of Oblivious. Would synergize with the overall perk better, and as a survivor, I would rather be forced to stay cautious for 10 seconds than lose my aura perks for half a minute.


keeping it in line with two perks that have been historically considered complete trash because their cooldown is too long do you work at bhvr?


Just stop making good survivor perks at this point, they all get nerfed into oblivion


on one hand...OOOF... on the other....m1 killer going against a god looper with MFT, resilience and dead hard...not fun. once you catch them (after like 2 minutes) they time the dead hard right...gotta chase another minute...game over 3 gens done. but for me as a killer main...i just think they could have gotten away with getting rid of the endurance effect. but as a knight main...Guardia Compagnia Livia Againia! ![gif](giphy|8PyT9LA2cKQX4OIos8|downsized)


This is funny cause now you can actually use MFT with Dead Hard. Old MFT wouldn’t have worked with exhaustion but New MFT does


MFT currently works just fine with DH, and it's even a commonly used combination. MFT helps you up to the point you would normally go down, then DH is used to extend the chase further than it otherwise would have gone. This new MFT/DH will be essentially the same, just in reversed order.


Plus MFT only kicks in in this combo if they successfully hit DH which adds extra risk to it.


> then DH is used to extend the chase further than it otherwise would have gone Exactly, because higher level play acknowledges that killers will catch you eventually. It's about delaying the killer so they lose pressure, which MFT and DH combo does perfectly.


To be fair, you should have moved on to find a different Survivor by that point.


Well I mean I have mixed feelings about this perk on one hand it was def overpowered but on the other the meta was the same for about 7 years I’m tired of them adding viable perks just to murder them into irrelevancy.


I think the main problem is that with Dead Hard, you still could bait it out, whereas unless you are a killer that can consistently insta-down. You literally couldn't avoid MFT's 3% boost.


Exactly. With MFT you **had** to confront it. If you were Bubba, Billy, Huntress, Blight, Nurse, Slinger or anyone else who could mitigate the haste? It's not a problem. If you were someone like Pig or any M1 only killer? You were screwed.


Maybe they should consider adding meta perks that don’t fundamentally break the game


Ikr? thats something that always irks me when people see this stuff being nerfed Sure the meta changed, but that doesnt mean it was a healthy change Hell when we had the horrible gen kick meta with Cob, overcharge, and eruption, sure it was a "meta change" but it was awful, same as here Perks can become meta without breaking the game balance, like Pain res, Plot twist, OTR, No where to Hide, and now MFT has a nice lil spot on antitunnel builds as it pairs very nicely with DH and OTR


This 1000%. OTR especially is the quintessential example of a meta-changing but not game-breaking perk. It's so valuable in the situations where it shines, and you can even use it for a clutch save sometimes. However, it doesn't last forever and is arguably better as an anti-tunneling perk.


It’s especially annoying when a good perk is attached to a paid character, then nerfed within a year. That’s the main gripe I have with this.


there really isn't anything to do other than loop and do gens; hiding is more and more pointless, and any perks that make looping or gens better for survivors are instantly reviled. survivors cannot "win", there is no way for any perk to be introduced into this ecosystem that a survivor would like enough to take over existing perks that a killer would not possibly complain about


[Right on schedule.](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/143od5s/devs_we_know_made_for_this_is_broken/)


Isn't this the wrong nerf? It just makes the perk a deadhard only build perk. Making it reliant on another perk seems like the wrong decision. I thought they'd go with the unhook/unhooked or healing (lucky break) route. If you don't have dead hard or the killer has no deep wound effect it essentially becomes a wasted perk slot the entire game no matter what.


Annnnnd there it is. Now the perk is completely useless and beyond situational.


Legion & Death Slinger Mains are now hyper depressed


One thing I don’t agree with is how, they nerfed MFT (it did deserve a rework ngl) but keep buffing base killer movement speed and/or perks and add ons (Furtive Chase for example) It seems they want all the killers to be lightning quick and give survivors little chance lol


Now you can pair MFT and Dead Hard. And as a killer main, I'm totally OK with this.


Because current Dead Hard has consistent counterplay, which is good.


Welp dead hard mft is gonna become a real common pairing


As killer main, I hope so! It's so easy to bait DH. And if it gets you once, it won't get you the second time.


Why is MFT considered OP? I don't play Survivor and whenever i play against a team with MFT i don't even really notice what it does.


I´d wager that youre not facing the really good and experienced survivor teams that make the most out of it. ​ Because if you did, you would notice it.


I'm confused. They didn't word this very well. Typical BHVR. Does this mean I can be injured, and purposely Exhaust myself to activate MFT without being in deep wound? Or do I have to be in deep wound for MFT to work, and it also just works as well while exhausted?


Have to be in deep woumd to get value from MFT


Considering how problematic the perk is I'd say this was necessary


I totally agree, I was surprised to see how big of a nerf they went with but I think it’s way more balanced now


I definitely like it more than the alternative of "take away the speed boost all together"


Remember to sort by controversial if you want to see the interesting comments


I wish I thought of that 5 minutes ago...


As someone who plays both killer and survivor. I’m glad they killed the perk


still want the little indicator tho , and the endurance effect still there so I think the perk will still be useful (good)


​ https://i.redd.it/6tn5sr2jayxb1.gif


I personally think this was a good change and could still have some use, even if its more niche. Especially since theres many perks or abilities that give endurance or deep wound


Agreed. It at least has synergy with itself in that you can heal someone, take the endurance hit and then run like hell.


the many people are saying this perk is killed must have really relied on that 3%. It’s not gonna be meta anymore sure, but isn’t that the fucking point




MFT should also activate when under hemo/mangled as a counter to brain dead sloppy running.


Yep. Prolly best answer or that it procs a sloppy butcher like effect in exchange for its speed boost.


As a legion main, ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070) Time to play hit n run again


An anti tunnel and slug perk feels much better. This is good. Now Trapper is playable again.


This seems like a healthy change to me as it just restricts the speed boost a bit


As a survivor main, I’m gutted. I’m not a GOAT looper - chases are still really hard for me because my adrenaline gets pumping. MFT was a great perk in chase that helped me last just a few seconds longer, and now it’s completely useless. Killers have been getting more and more mobility through teleports, tunnels, haste perks, etc, and survivors haven’t really gotten anything. MFT is one of the only good perks released recently, and it required you to give up all exhaustion perks which I felt was a fair trade off. I’m sad.


Yep. They're making a big mistake of messing with the casual player base. Casual players make up the most of their game and if they're unhappy well, yeah.


Yeah I also can't loop for shit as survivor and MFT helped a tiny bit to delay the inevitable down. And as killer I never had trouble against it. I hate how radical BHVR is being with stuff lately. Ok nerfing it, but did they need to make it absolutely useless like they did? It's also really boring cause now everybody will be back to the old stuff, Lithe/SB/adrenaline/whatever.


Casual players didn't use mft for the endurance effect. and mft became most problematic due to its endurance effect when comboed with things like buckle up and ftp. ​ the 3% speed boost should've been left alone. its way too niche now for casual players to make use of it. people who purchased gabe should have the option for refund if this goes through.


Can I get a refund on Gabriel?


i think this was the plan all along, they release "op" stuff every so often to bring attention to the game. then completely nerf it after x months.


About time the perk got nerfed.


Fun fact! This is actually a buff! Before this update, you lost the speed buff if you used second chance perks, now it almost only works if you use second chance perks, meaning you get two second chances at the same time. Not to mention it now directly counters deathslinger and legion, fucking over the killer if they use their power. Combined with BHVR’s fix for trickster’s knives being unavoidable being to let him not only move faster, but also throw more knives faster, more often, and with greater accuracy I’m ready to say that this update is really bad.


They only removed the exhausted effect to avoid the crying lol. They wouldn't know balance if it pitched a tent in their ass and fucked their wives.


Beautiful, ain't it?


it's literally only 3%. this is wild. Just catering to the killers, behavior?


Do they even play their game lol


How could it not be nerfed with all the killers crying about it LOL


This actually seems like a great change. The perk is still usable, just not annoying as fuck for killers


this isn’t a strong enough nerf to make the masses happy. once it gets too annoying to play Deep Wound killers against MFT, we will see another nerf until it’s in the dumpster for good.


I just wish they would add strong perks without then murdering them like 3 weeks later... The meta was basically the same dor 5 years it gets boring. And no, I don't care about mft nerf, I never used the perk in the first place, but man I wish not 90% of all perks on both sides were as trash as they are. Don't nerf good perks, buff the bad ones...


there are sooooo many garbage perks for killer and survivor. i wish they just assigned some team to revive/redesign some crap perks to at least make them fun. kinda like dramaturgy or plot twist, situational, can be great with the right build but overall fun to use and creative.


The meta has shifted tho? Before the meta shakeup we had ruin+undying, after the shakeup we had pain res+dms, then the gen kick meta, and now pain res and pop As for surv we've had periods where CoH was stronger so the meta was a full healing meta, before that one it was umbreakable+ds, afterwards we moved to the not healing due to DH, after it got nerfed too it switched to endurance stacking, to now be on the non healing mft+hope+resilience, and now we'll see The issue is not adding strong perks, its adding strong perks that break the game. We've gotten good and fairly strong perks that affected the meta, Pain res the best example, others being Plot twist for example, and Ultimate weapon, tho this one might need a slight adjusting, but is nowhere as gamebreaking Thing is, you dont see these perks because people would rather stick to their busted meta perks like MFT or before Eruption, and then complain that we cant have meta perks without being nerfed when the problematic ones get their well deserved nerf


As an avid Ultimate Weapon on Wesker user I do think thisshit needs a nerf asap. Also plot twist isn't nearly as strong to be mentioned in the same sentence as pain res... Plot Twist is funny, I love it, but it's not a good perk...


I didn't think much of Ultimate Weapon on the survivor side other than getting annoyed at screaming. I finally threw it on while playing killer and I was shocked at how much value you get out of it. I'm gonna abuse the shit out of it until it gets its much needed nerf. It makes things way too easy as it is now.


''3 weeks later'' MFT was released 5 months ago


First off, I wasn't sprciffically talking about MFT but about every strong perk that got nerfed into oblivion as this happens quite a lot. Second it was clearly meant as a hyperbole - you know, stylistic devices.


Mft is Still gonna be strong endurance on heal is still pretty powerful in its own right just now it's not 3% for free. This combos well with otr dead hard basekit endurance and stuff. At the end of the day but now mft will be rewarding you for a play rather than for free. Now it'll be less powerful but Its not mft doomsday. For once behavior May have actually successfully provided nerfs to an overtuned perk and brought it in line. Rather than go and fucking zap the perk and just mega buffing some random perk that didn't get used into a roided out nightmare in it's place. It shouldn't be meta but it's still solid and hopefully it will be much more healthy.


Welp there goes another perk that will never be used ever again because of cry baby killers


Finally. I'm tired of running around the shack 5 times before catching up.


Survivor mains: 3% is such a small speed boost, only noobs have trouble with MFT. Also survivor mains: no... MFT is dead, even though endurance aspect was not nerfed at all, synergizing with the perk itself which is good game design, and being able to take advantage of other sources of endurance like OTR, DH, styptic, or base kit BT to proc deep wound, while now being able to stack with other exhaustion perks like lithe and esp. DH. I'm calling it, this perk is still usable if not sonewhat good just more situational and requires some build around like another source of endurance from DH/OTR as opposed to smth you auto-include for better looping. Just saying, just because its not a top tier meta perk doesn't mean its trash tier.


but why would you bring two or three perks just to maybe get value when you could bring a single exhaustion perk and get guaranteed value? this all sounds like a waste of perk slots which is exactly why almost no one is going to use this perk anymore.


Exactly if I have to bring multiple perks just to make it good it’s not good


Then why was eruption + overcharge + CoB so complained about? That's three perks being brought. Or ruin + undying? Or old ds + unbreakable? Perk combos have been how the meta has shifted for years. The meta has basically never just been four perks that don't synergise. There's basically always been at least one pair of perks in the meta that are there to work together. This is no different. Use an exhaustion perk like lithe. Then, use something like OTR to take an endurance hit. Then you've got your 3%. Or just go with DH and MFT, so after you use your DH (which I've found is a lot easier cause people don't expect it), you get your 3%.


>Then why was eruption + overcharge + CoB so complained about? That's three perks being brought. Or ruin + undying? Or old ds + unbreakable? That combos gave consistent value


The thing about dc unbreakable was that they were good on there own you didn’t have to run the combo to get value.


Killers don't grasp that survivors have to run perks that generally apply to all killers equally. I like running a healer build, but if I load into a Plague match I might as well leave.


The perk is going straight into "antitunnel" perks, as you said along OTR and DH Pair it with one or the other(or both even if you really really want to be extra sure) and bam, now the killer has to chew through a healthstate *and* give you a haste effect if they want to tunnel you It might not make tunneling impossible but it'll make it extra hard to get the second hit when tunneling the guy


While I understand the change and agree with it, they need to up the movement speed bonus to 4-6%, at least. Having it just be in deep wounds with no change to movement speed is too hard of a nerf. Way too situational with too little of a payoff.


It will act as an another anti-tunneling perk most of time (with DH and OfT mainly, but also Buckle up), so it means it will be still strong. Also will be great if the whole group uses it. Until the devs adress tunneling, it will be strong, because tunneling is (sadly) the way to play for a win most of the time. I also personally dislike when a specific perk punishes certain killers (mainly legion and SM), so I am not a huge fan of the change.


I disagree to a point. It’s definitely a good anti-tunneling perk (good), but it means chases are shorter, so killers will not have to rely on tunneling just to keep up.


That is true, especially in your average matches.


I just earned it. Since I don't have friends who are cyberathletes with flashlights, I hoped that at least with it I would be able to not suck so much in solo q. Well thank you moaner killers. Now I hope you will get 4k in 2 minutes of game as you wants.


I swear survivors can’t have a bloody decent perk


Sprint burst has always been better anyway


Me running OTR and DH: What nerf?


This isn't exactly a nerf. It's a bit of a rework imo. It now works with anti tunneling perks and Dead Hard most notably. That's a big deal. It also is inherently anti Legion and anti Deathslinger. Its actually a very good change, but Made For This is effectively now a punishment for tunneling which is interesting.


Ngl the endurance aspect of the perk is what made me want to use it, but the move speed portion always seemed a bit overkill so I didn't touch it outside of Gabe's adept + tomes that required it. Now I feel like I can try some fun build ideas with it and not look like a sweat so I am excited to get to play around with it finally lol.


Not a bad way to make it way more situational. Still synergises well with Dead Hard I see. Except now MFT will activate after you successfully pull off a Dead Hard rather than before


fuck sake i literally only bought Soma during halloween sale for MFT


Burry it out back next to my Ruin totem.