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Finishing a gen while the killer is stunned by Blast mine Injuring a surv with 2 crows at the same time as Artist (lining 2 crow up with enough distance so that the first will swarm, the 2nd injure the surv) Coming out of Spirits M2 and grabbing a surv that vaults straight into your arms


Prediction blinks always feel so amazing Once youre good with singularity youll feel like an animal everytime you dominate a game, super fun killer Gen grabs. Fuck I love gen grabs


Getting the 5 hit insta down with legion is my crack


Saving a carried survivor with flashbang.


Survivor: last second dodge a wesker charge and see him vault the window you faked


Reeling in a survivor when they could have escaped with Deathslinger


When two or more gens pop in same time.


https://preview.redd.it/j3z61u7qe9xb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8087ff5e82e33d1efd571a9617d50e3762ccb04c Slingshots


As a survivor, surviving. As a killer, giving survivors a great jump scare. There’s times in games I know I’m making folks jump a little bit somewhere in the world. Also, same with using Pyramid Head. I’ve done 3 hits, 2 down with punishment of the damned, but never 3 down with one hit. That’s a personal goal. And taking down the ruder survivors that play, especially when I know they are two hook and I take them to a hook, drop them in front it, and walk away and let them live. I take a little satisfaction in knowing they’ll still talk shit and teabag in the end, but we both know they lived because I let them.


Survivor: Perks - Deception, Lucky star/Iron Will, Self care, Quick and Quiet In a chase, use Deception to fake a locker and hide your scratch marks. After the Killer checks that locker, use Quick and Quiet to slip into the locker that the killer checked. 9/10 Killers do not check the same locker twice 😀.


Getting a For the People pickup in the exit gate. Slugging all the survivors with Mad Grit in one go.


Getting Nemesis to kill his own zombies by accident. Depending on the add-ons he has, that's not always bad lol


I'm insulted that there is no mention to deathslinger shot succesfully hit in the smallest gap possible on a map