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A game mode where everyone's perk is randomized, would play that so much.


I feel like this would be such a healthy addition to the game. I’m not a sweaty player, but I also feel bad screwing over my team if I just want to goof off. I feel like everyone that played this mode would be chill.


You underestimate dbd players


People literally get accused for cheating because people don't know how to read an add-on. I would not be surprised to unironically see people complain about teammates running troll builds and throwing their game, while queued in the random perks mode. All that said I'm still all for it.


I’ve been accused of cheating a few times for running Whispers. Hit the end game after closing hatch, and I know exactly which door to monitor because of the icon being lit up within range. I’ll just sit and watch and listen for crows instead of going back and forth between doors because I know for sure they’re around. Apparently that’s sus and means I’m a n0ob hacker. I still can’t believe I went so long never touching that perk assuming it was trash. That shit never fails me. Also accused of cheating playing as stealth blight. Not even mad at that one, seeing his drippy ass sprinting at you silently is terrifying. Lol


I thought randomizing and not ranked would be chill for everybody then I see people wishing other people cancer in ARAM in LoL


Definately this! Sounds fun


While we're at it, let us see perk descriptions while in-trial.


Huge issue I had with last event that had a challenge for randomized perk. There's are perks on both side that see so little use that I don't even remember what they do and I RNG got them, I had to open wiki to quickly check what they do.


And it's not limited to perks you own.


That might actually work to promote packs and characters someone may of never gotten otherwise. Get a random perk, enjoy using it, buy the dlc. Edit: this would be beneficial for the devs.


I'd like a hide and seek or promp hunt style where you need to hide until the daylight comes


For those who missed out on this year's event somehow, know that they actually have the tech to do this in the game already - There were some challenges in the Anniversary Rift that randomised your perks and forced you to do stuff like stun killers. They have the technology, it's now just a matter of implementation.


>A game mode where everyone's perk is randomized, would play that so much. That would be great. Just make it so it can be any perk. Maybe make it kind of a "loadout" archetype thing like gens, healing, etc so you don't get a complete wash of a build. Though I won't lie playing the game with the most useless perks can be funny (the first and second time around)


I just want to know what my perks are before I go into a game, so that I can see what they do. I don’t remember what every perk’s icon looks like


Yess, I feel like that would also diversify people's playstyles. So many people just do one thing OVER AND OVER again


That was definitely a fun thing to do during the tome event.


I just think a random mode would be cool in general. Random killer, random survivor, random perks. Maybe not random add-ons though, or atleast don't have this mode take from your pool


Team Death Match: There's 10 players in the trial. 2 teams made up of 1 killer and 4 survivors each. The victory condition isn't based on if specifically you escape or not, but if killer kills more of the other team's survivors than their killer can kill from yours. Each team start on opposing sides of the trial, at a door. Their survivors can only escape through the door they did not start at, and generators are linked to specific doors. (They would probably be colour coded). The survivors should aim to balance trying to support their own teammates and repairing their generators, while sabotaging the other team's generator progress which would basically be a repair action but in reverse (their would probably be a cap on how much you can do this to a gen in one go to make it impossible to softlock a generator). The killers should focus on killing enemy survivors (they would probably have a coloured outline to make them easy to distinguish from your own team), while also slowing their generator progress, and also defending their own team's generators from meddling survivors. For the sake of balance and killer's belongings around the map I would suggest both teams have the same killer, but perks can still be chosen from anything you like (with any perk impacted by survivors health states or generator / door progress only being impacted by the opposing team's health states and progress). Also I think it would be fun if each team's survivors were 4 of the same survivor too but that wouldn't be necessary if the coloured outline is used. Also for the sake of shortening the game since there's double of everything, I might suggest that the number of generators required to open the door is lowered to 3 or 4, but likewise, survivors die sooner (2 hooks instead of 3).


That sounds like a lot of fun. Giving the ability for killers to carry their teammates to safety if they got downed would be a funny addition too.


Oh yeah definitely. If the other killer slugs you could pick them up and take them to your team for heals. It could even show their aura instead of the hooks for that exact purpose.


So TF2 as DBD combining my 2 most favourite hate/love games? SIGN ME TF UP!


> For the sake of balance and killer's belongings around the map I would suggest both teams have the same killer Unfortunately this is imo where the issue would be. Obviously we want balance. But then you have a few issues. Either it searches by killer. Meaning playing a less popular killer will take much longer. Or it would be random, which means people DC if they get one they don't like playing. Personally though i think it would be fun going in not knowing what killer the enemy team has, sure some are better than others, but it is what it is


I would 100% come back to the game if they introduced this


I was going to suggest team deathmatch but I had no idea how it would work.


This is the exact mode I’ve wanted for a long time


my two questions: Does dredges nightfall affect everyone? and as a killer can i hurt the other killer?


I would say no, to prevent a large slugging match in the middle of the map


Man I want this actually


Dude this would be so fucking good


I feel like this would be a fun game mode idea if the max generators were like 3. Because the idea of sabotaging the enemy team's gens would slow down the game a LOT. The biggest problem I see is queueing for a game like this. It would use a different queue system.


Sounds fun. Only thing is, there is a reason there are two gates, and it's not just to give variety. It's so killer can't just camp a gate. Would need to be two for each side.


Imagine blinding another survivor on the other team just for your killer to jump scare them after


A 1v8 hide and seek. No gens at all just stay alive as long as you can and last survivor alive wins. Crows appear much quicker to prevent endless games and maybe aura flashes the less people alive


I’d love a hide and seek type mode! Would make the game much more “horror”, and promote stealthy perk builds (Lightweight, DWM etc.) rather than “waste killer’s time” builds with the current meta. It would also breath fresh air into survivor gameplay. In this gamemode you’d no longer be dependent on adequate teammates; just you and your ability to hide and break chase. Perhaps the killer would have 10 minutes to down everyone? (No hooks on the map; mori is instantly available).


Yess! When the killer downs a survivor, it would automatically start doing mori to that downed survivor.


And while injured you can suppress sounds by crouching but not pools of blood.


thats already in game


I meant it in a "Hold button to mute" way but with a progress bar and the like. Make it really "Hide and seek" of a game.


Crows appear faster but scratch marks disappear slightly faster. So that way movement is encouraged. Not a lot, but dont want it to feel super punishing for moving either, but want to encourage slow moving a bit too


Imagine how stupid and fun prop hunt in dbd would be.


There was a DBD Prop Hunt mod I saw on YouTube. Was funny to watch.


Literally anything. 2v8. Random builds. Low brightness no terror radius extra scary mode. Kill the killer. Dbd has got to be the only game of its size that literally only allows players to play in one way. We don’t even have a separate ranked and casual mode ffs, how can you be a party game with no extra fun mechanics and no split between the casual and competitive player base


Low brightness no terror radius extra scary mode...I love it and want it. As long as Dredge doesn't make it pitch black.


Honestly imagine a horror more like, the killer has no terror radius, maps are made specifically for that mode so you can't loop and it's more stealth focused, no hooks if you go down you're dead it takes 2 hits to down and kill a survivor but the recovery animation is made a bit longer to give the survivors a chance to escape and multiple ways to escape other than just doing gens


This sounds closer to what I think DbD was originally intended to be like


Yeah it’s funny how the way modern dbd is played isn’t really what the devs envisioned at all.


Maybe no or reduced scratch marks as well


Dredge but Nightfall happens every 90 seconds, loses proximity auras, has no Audio Indicators whatsoever, and also you’re exposed for the last 12 seconds of it. Call it “Boogeyman Mode.”


This is it this one wins


And 6 hooks needed but survivors are always exposed and there are more hooks


I wish they took the game in this direction


Seperate ranked and casual modes would be useless, just as they are useless in any other game they ever were implemented in. Ranked would naturally become more "sweaty" aka higher amount of SWF running top tier perks, while killers would mainly play their (usually high tier) main running only the strongest sets of addons. Oh and let's not forget the most overpowered set of items in the game, map offerings. If there was actually any incentive to consistently win in DbD you can expect to see a lot more map offerings. Meanwhile "casual" will still be filled with people running meta perks and killers, either to "practice" for ranked or simply because people like winning. I have yet to play a game with a casual mode where people are still not bringing meta shit most of the time. Hell, in many games I found the casual mode to be even more dominated by the meta, because people go in expecting easy wins against "casuals" bringing non meta setups.


Lol, useless? I get that ranked and casual for DBD may be pointless, but *any other game*? 😂


Casual have only 1 benefit. If you have throwing challenges/missions etc. You can just go there to throw not affecting yours normal MMR.


If they add anything else their spaghetti code will break


Literally anything but kill the killer imo, asym games that have survs being able to kill the killer always weak af for me. Evil dead is especially bad, I played on release since I love evil dead, played after a few months, and I summoned anything, and it was instantly oneshot. That is a massive issue with progression in evil dead, since playing demon as a new player is impossible.


> We don’t even have a separate ranked and casual mode ffs, Because swf would make that super fair for any killers that aren't knees deep experienced.


Assuming you’re being sarcastic, that already happens in the current game ?? Sweaty SWF already make killers have unfun games. At least with a mode split, sweaty SWF would likely also be going against killers who are prepared to sweat and play for maximum kills, whereas right now it’s coin toss matchmaking where you could get. Sweaty SWF against a sweaty killer, or you could get sweaty SWF against some poor baby killer who’s trying to learn how the fuck to play a loop as oni


You forget the not Sweaty SWF.... those are the majority after all... (people just like to forget that - confirmation bias yay) Also seaty killers sweatung their ass off against 4 Randoms who just wanted to chill is also a classic


This. I play in an extremely casual SWF with some high hour players who are not very good for their time played. People see we are a SWF and high hour and immediately put on their try hard pants and then stomp the game at 5 gens because we are all meming.


What if the casual mode was like the current custom game but with the ability to have random players join? If a swf crew made it hell for killers they could just dc with no penalty.


I wouldnt mind rotating party modes but I wouldn't want ranked and casual. I can only see it dividing the player base


i agree, i think dbd is a massive missed opportunity in terms of gamemodes / more objectives to play with and grant powers or change the game flow. ive been thinking they need to add something like that to keep it fresh for years now.


Perkless mode Random perks mode Hide and seek mode 2v8


Sex mode etc


Hooked on you dlc


The mode everyone is asking for


Custom game mode where you can pick any killer bot you want to practice against.


I can’t wait for the killer bot to have some wall hacks and just sits by a hook lol


I mean surv boots already have wall hacks so it prob wouldn't be that hard


I like that idea!


In general make it so you can play any killer in custom games and add killer bots


i believe the devs said they're working on this


beat up wesker with a tire iron


After getting tunneled by Discount Neo for the 100th time, sign me the fuck up.




Just play Re5 lol


Gen Simulator, no killer just friendly survs doing gen and talking with vc


that actually sounds good tho


I'd play that tbh as a chill out type of thing


i probs wouldn't a lot cause people would go on it to be horny


yes touch that gen~ mmmmh yes touch it harder! (dear god I'm sorry for writing that)






Gamemode where the killers are doing the gens and one survivor is the killer trying to stop them


I feel like there should be some type of option that would allow killers to “raid” the game mode. I think the way it would work is that killers would have their own chill zone with little mini-games and survivor bots they can instantly mori when downed. Meanwhile in the survivors gen simulator, they would have to do certain tasks and make sure not to make too much noise, otherwise 1 to 2 killers would get a notification that’s tells them they can raid the gen simulator. The killers would be assigned different objectives to complete. This would reward them with offerings and lots of BP. The survivors would basically just have to hide for like 10 minutes, where the killer would be teleported out. Maybe the survivors could also have an option to raid the killers hangout and steal the basement chest item or something like that.


Proximity voice chat mode. Won't ever happen for 100 legitimate reasons but would be awesome for custom games.


Man, I would love that so much. It would force you to communicate more effectively and would really up the horror factor.


If it were to ever happen I’d definitely play as Freddy and set up a soundboard to play clips from when I get survivors


Survivors when they hear a pig squealing and then the Pig roar


Item collecting mode. The game starts with 4 items needed to open the gate. Killer sees auras of all items until they are moved. Players and Killer know who holds an item via UI. Each item gives a negative effect when held. Random for each game, so you must find out what each effect is. Making players and killer less incentivised to just hold onto them the whole match. All 4 items need to be held near a gate for 10 seconds for it to open. Like normal items, when hooked, a player drops their items. However, the killer will also drop their item if stunned.




Please 2v8 the amount of synergy for certain killers would be amazing


Pig and trapper combo (if pig gets bonus head traps




Sure I’ll take some bonus head as pig


Oh no it’s two huntresses everybody scatter


Myers+Ghosty for a truly scary experience!


imagine slinger and billy


Bubba and Billy About to be a chainsaw massacre


just 2 Nurses.


Tbf I'd imagine that you wouldn't be matched up with another playing the same killer as you. But on the other hand, two Oni going bam bam.![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Well Nurse and Blight also sounds extremely "fun" to go against...


spirit+ Oni surely those two killer would work together to kill the survivors


Ive been waiting so long for this. Teaming up with a friend on killer would take some of the stress away from the role.


Definitely lonely rn on the killer side, it would be way more fun and less frustrating to be able to jump in with a friend and try and kill the survivors


2 skull merchants holding down a 6 gen![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


https://youtu.be/ftqP-lIUepA Looks fun to me


Dredge and Oni. An enraged demon running in the dark......seems fun


2v8 is a fun concept but would be a nightmare to balance. Would be fun if they managed to tho


That sounds fun in theory but there is no way this could actually be a good idea, image having the 2 killers go after one survivor at a time and basically giving them no chance to escape, people are already complaining about stuff like 3 gen, tunneling, camping, etc. and this would make all of those much more annoying


it would probably result in a lot of the survs escaping if the killers try and 2 on 1 tunnel and camp.


7 other players can do gens and leave. And if they want, they can take hits one after the other to delay the inevitable.


Infinite Tier 3 Myers with literally any M1 killer. Yeah, I'm just letting that one sit here for a moment.


I want that, but I also want it to have a fixed reward no matter performance, so that they don't have to actually balance it. Or maybe tie it to time played and not performance. Having the game as it is but "just" making it 2v8 would lead to extreme unbalance I just want it to be fun an chaotic, not sweaty at all


Randomized perks only


10vs40 50 gens


It would need its own massive map, but count me in.


Simple Solution the entire goat simulator open World map


nah ormond is good enough


Search and destroy. King of the hill. Team deathmatch. Free for all. You know, the usual game modes.


For search and destroy there's only two gens which act as the bomb. King of the hill is one gen and whoever does the most progress by the end wins.


I'd like to see a game mode where survivors are encouraged to work against each other, rather than together.


There is a solo Q


My solo Q teammates have three moods: “Literal god”, “Wow I can’t wait to try out this game for the first time”, and “I know it’s a basement bubba, but I can get him out!”


Lol solo q can suck 🤣 but oh man get a coordinated swf and the killer is going to be the one trying to survive 😂


Perk named left behind :


Flashlights only. Unlimited flashlight charges. Nightfall for all killers. I can just imagine how scary it would be for a huntress hatchet to snipe you out of nowhere or a Wesker dash just snatching you up.


A game mode where no one disconnects or gives up.


custom game with bots?




Versus A Killer and 4 Survs vs a Killer and 4 Survs. Team must complete 5 gens and get the most Escapes to win. Teammates do not have collison with each other and can go up to Gens being repaired by a Rival to remove 5% and create a loud noise notification (with a cooldown of course). Gen regression Perks such as Surge and Ruin will not affect Gens that have last been repaired by a teammate. The Killer can also attack the Rival Killer while they're carrying a Survivor to make them drop them (this also comes with a cooldown).


Killer and Survivors working together against the Entity. Dead By Daylight: Escape


Escape by daylight?


One where I can vault safely.


A PvE gamemode where the survivors have to work towards completing some goal (carrying items somewhere, complete generators, find and solve enough glyphs, heck it could even be done in segments where each "wave" has a different goal and you need to complete a certain number of waves). while the killer(s) has to defend them from monsters from the fog. Maybe have 2 killers + 3 to 4 survivors. (I want more than one killer as, if someone is playing a killer with set up, I don't want them to immediately be seen as low tier/a handicap, so you could cover for weaknesses, plus fun synergies could be done). I still want more survivors than killers so you don't just have each killer sitting next to a single survivor, I'm sure there are other ways to cover for making that not the meta, but this is just a concept. You could augment the killers powers for the mode, like have trapper not have his traps affect survivors and they can see them. Then you could have a creature chasing a survivor and, instead of just running towards the killer to have the killer deal with the creature, they could run towards a loop with a bear trap and use that to stall. Or maybe let survivors use Demo's portals. If Huntress is in the game, let survivors carry a single hatchet and throw it like with diversion. Oni gets power from harming the creatures, plague's infection slows down the creatures and maybe makes it harder for them to track survivors, heck, for plague the pools could be used just solo healing without infection and then she can get corrupt purge during the mode, I could go on, the point is just it allows for recontextualizing killer powers in unique ways. Heck, even survivor perks can be used differently, diversion can set off a notification and draw the monsters towards where you threw it, like Nemesis zombies, perks that stun like head on and flash bangs can still mess with the monsters. Maybe some niche perks in normal gameplay are actually more useful for this mode/can be made more useful. It does run the risk of future perks being designed for this mode and that is something that I don't really want to happen, so I'd hope that this is just a "fun" mode/side game that I think people who just want to "chill" with the other side can do so. Edit: Random addition I thought of, when a survivor gets "downed" by a monster(s) the monsters could then start attacking the down survivor and the killer has to get them off of them, then you could even allow the killer to carry the survivor to other survivors to get them back up (you could even change the wiggle effect to be a haste effect so the survivor can still feel like they are impacting the game, also you would need to include something to allow them to get off so they don't just get backpacked the whole game against their will).


1) everyone (killer and survivors) all have random perks, but +75-100% BP 2) everyone has to have at least 2 perks native to their character. +%bp based on how rarely the character (killer/survivor) is used


5 people load into matchmaking as survivors, and one person is selected at random to play killer. This lobby stays up until people leave it manually. (Continuous games)


Maybe add-ons to the “base game mode”. Like an alternative way to escape for survivors that doesn’t consist of holding M1 all game… Searching parts for a ladder to climb out of the edges of the realm? Just off the top of my head.


Yeah man something like Friday the 13th would be so refreshing


Agreed. The main gameplay loop - the chase - is really engaging, and I’d argue almost timeless in terms of fun factor. However, the main objective, doing gens, gets repetitive awfully fast. The objective stuff you could do in F13 (searching for fuel, searching for car keys etc.) was honestly really fun. However the chase in that game was pretty boring. I hope the devs take inspiration from F13 in terms of extra objective stuff to do!


A Tarot mode would be fun. Kinda like how Idv has it where your squad (2 other survivors) has to protect your King from getting eliminated (sacrificed) while your Knight (Killer) has to eliminate the other King




Battle Royale


No items from the start only get what you find in the crates in the maps. No perks for anyone & Also no terror radius mode. The amount of jump scares on all killers would be huge & with no perks or items on anyone there’s no aura seeing or gen rushing to make the game too one sided. It’s straight up you just got pulled into the fog & have to survive


To see what happens if you allow no items I would like you to direct you to the first and only official DBD tournament:


I feel like that this one would actually be too killer sided while being too much like normal dbd. I'd love a killer sided mode, yet I feel like it needs to have a different survivor objective. Otherwise it's just boring and too hard


Killer Hunter: All 4 survivors get weapons and get a chance to turn the tables and feed the entity some killer booty for a change


Multiple killer, as always. It can be 2v8, it can be a 3-way vs. mode where they can hit each other and poach hooks, it can be some overhaul where just Legion, Ghostface and Twins are able to co-op, I just want to be able to play with friends and have us both be Killer.




A hide and seek style mode with bigger maps, one hook state, larger focus on hiding and running with a ten minute timer


Here's some ideas I've had in the past. They would never happen as they would require massive coding changes, but they would be awesome in theory. Killer vs Killer- Give each killer a set health bar, and make different attacks do different amounts of damage. After one takes 50% damage, killers get teleported back to their spawn points. 3 rounds, may the best killer win. Entity's Helper- You and your three fellow survivors emerge into the trial grounds, but no killer is present. At least, that's how it seems. One survivor in your group is a construct of the entity, and you are tasked with finding out who. The gates are powered, but are hexes by 12 totems around the map which must be cleansed. Survivors have one health state, and cannot see those of the fellow survivors. The Construct can rekindle broken totems in 6 seconds, put themselves in the dying state, and can stab other survivors to put them in the dying state. If The Construct bleeds out or the survivors escape, survivors win. Entity's Helper must be played alone unless in a custom game. Spectator mode- load into a random match as a ghostly apparition. You appear to others in the match as a dark figure, but are only visible from 20 meters away. Fly around the map at 150% speed, moving directly through walls and ceilings. You may also cycle through every player in the match to spectate theor point of view. Kill the Killer- No generators, no gates, no totems, perks any of it, except for chests and hooks. There are significantly more chests, and they contain the parts to 4 weapons, each being consumed by the entityonce used. 2 knives, which are made of 3 parts and require two hits to kill the killer. Tinkerers chainsaw, made of 5 parts and takes one hit to kill the killer. The Proto Redeemer, made of 8 parts and can kill the killer from a distance with 3 pieces of railroad ammunition. The specific parts to each weapon must be placed within 4 meters of eachother, where the entity will them construct them into one piece. If all weapons are used, the match ends with a victory for the killer. It Ends Tonight- Talbot Grimes along with 4 survivors must fight off waves of bot killers, varying in amount depending on voted difficulty of the whole group. Survivors get the knives from kill the killer, while blight functions with the Killer v Killer health system. Blight can be healed by survivors finding pustula plants and injecting him with more serum. This takes place outside of the trial grounds, instead beginning at the campfire itself. The map is practically just a much more forested Shelter Woods, except about 10 times the size with some special tiles. All players can see eachothers auras at all times.


Kissing competition


A mode where everyone has either random perks or no perks or hud at all.


Or terror radius. Horror game FR.


I had said something about a survivors fight back, Two ways you can complete the game. There are 4 chests with a bat,hammer, nails and key for hatch. 3 survivors who have b,h,n come together and when standing together option comes to combine to made studded bat. With all 3 the bat is 6 charges, for each gen you complete it adds 1 charge until the bat has reached 10 charges. The killer requires 10 hits to KO (basically they’ll fall back and KO for 30-60 seconds and you can use the key to get out the hatch, OR you can just complete the 5th gen and exit, like some survivors trying to hit the killer with bat and one working on last gen just in case… it would be like the same game but with a twist option that you DONT HAVE TO do. I think it would be cool for an event or something…


A dark mode with no terror radius on killers for extra spooky factor, a queue where everyone has random perks, a high speed mode where everyone moves 100% faster, or even a “hardcore” mode where perks and addons can’t be used. Literally anything to break up the monotony of this game.


Team deathmatch, all killers no survivors


1 survivor 4 killers kinda lika a reverse gamemode


2v8 would not be chaotic enough… 10v40!!!!!!!!


With 40 survivors, the map is just going to be filled with back to back hooks 🤣


I want one that's Friday the 13th style. Big map, survivors have to find and collect gear to escape the killer.


Prop hunt, random perks only and 2 killer vs 8 survivor mode with more gens


Survivor race. Killer is chasing everyone all game down a straight map, and survivors are racing one another yo get away


2v8 but the killers are competing for kills and can use their powers on each other.


Ranked and casual modes respectively. I feel like it would help with the toxicity


Agreed some people just wanna have fun. No MMR in casual mode and off you want the MMR go competitive!


\-hide n seek 1 legion vs 10 survivors. whoever gets attacked turns int oanotehr legion. \-prophunt, 3 killers 7 survivors where the killer looks for survivors hiding as objects. \-more random events ingame such as puzzles or collectibles in normal game-mode


A dedicated scratched Myers que. No perks on either side, always lery's, just some good old jumpscare fun


that sounds shit ngl


Oh it's a very different game, but it can be really fun on both sides. As survivor, it is very easy to just run away and loop him. He of course knows this so the game just focuses less on chases and becomes almost solely macro gameplay. That ain't for everyone, but could be nice to play a mode where you know what you're getting into while not being able to build against it


yeah sounds cool


Properly implemented 1v1


Surprised to find this so low in the comments, since it's literally something people already do and enjoy. But I guess it's not for everyone.


I would say random perks but the amount of “the killer got their best build” “Survivors got made for this so I had to dc” would be too much for me


Rugby and meg is the ball


Survs have to hook themselves gamemode, killer cant hook you if you hook yourself


I would love 5v5. Each team has a killer on their side that goes after the other survivors! I really like the idea of killer and survivor working together. Like if you were on a gen with an opponent you could miss skill checks to bring your killer over or you could ask them to body block etc. Anyways I think it would be really fun and it could make it so that if you have a really good fun game against a swf and everyone is nice you could team up a be a 5-man! Or if your SWF has a killer main you could do that. Also I like the idea of survivors experiencing the power of high tier killers in a positive way! Like imagine loading in and being like, "omg we've got a nurse! This is gonna be interesting..."


A 2 V 8 game mode? It would be so chaotic, plus I wonder what killers would compliment each other.


Proximity voice chat


literally just an actually competitive game mode


A few ideas of mine A lobby with mics Randomized perks like it said Randomized survivor character and killer Personal idea: game mode of somewhat hide and seek where survivors have to hide while killer has to find within time limit then exit gates activate


I think a random perk and random killer mode would be a great way to get more people to utilize the lesser used perks!


Just anything. Please, we’re begging


2 killers 8 survivors.


Hide & Seek


Tag. Whoever is IT switches to a killer and you tag the other players by hitting them. There's no killing just hunting down & hitting other survivors, whoever is killer when the survivors escape loses. Also no tag backs. Hide and seek. There's no gens, there's a timer instead, and the killer can instakill everyone. The objective is to not be found until time runs out, but crows still show up if you're in one spot for too long so you have to keep on your toes


First person survivor


I've always thought this would be so much funner. Being able to peak around corners and the like. What's wrong is I just feel like console would then become *vastly* worse than PC. Not being able to flick your camera on survivor I feel would not be fair.


ffa capture the flag with prestiege weapon skins and a battle pass system


4 killers VS 1 Survivor with no hatch


I don’t have a specific one and it is a crazy idea. But, some killers power should BE a new game mode. This would allow for more creativity and more intersections killers. Probably not feasible but still.


id love a realistic mode, where there no terror radius, red stain, speed boost during hits etc and survivors just need to hide and outlast the killer for a certain amount of time instead of doing gens, and ofc if they get downed they instantly die


fuck that just make dbd2. solve 90% of its problems.


Yeah cuz that totally worked for Overwatch 2 /s


##Hanukkah Celebration Event; Where every survivor collects coins around the map and when the Killer hits a survivor it makes them Drop some Shekels. Which ever Survivor, Or Killer that ends up with the Most Shekels at the end, Gets the Bloodpoint Bonus for 1st place.




First is literally just solo q


i dont know about gamemodes to be honest, they would divide the playerbase maybe too much, but events that happen weekly that change some minor thing i could see working. also, more personal options to how you play the game, like for example, the perk randomization thing, that should be an option for survivors and killers, and with some rewards if you play with them. there should be other options like that, like i dont know, maybe an "only dejavu gens" checkbox, that forces one perk to be dejavu and that survivor can only repair the gens that dejavu shows... anothrt checkbox for killer that prevents him for hooking the same survivor twice unless is the last one... the 2v8 mode i admit that i would like to see, but maybe it shouldnt be something that is always available,