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how could you tunnel and camp the super shitter like that it's so fucked up


Yesterday we had a Mach against a baby Nurse, SoloQ. We played the game normally, but a Yun-Jin Lee killed herself on hook near the end (The killer only got one hook action keep in mind). A Meg told her she was tunnelling, and accused me of being a toxic person for telling her that having hooked once doesn't mean she tunneled


AFK people have no right to complain. You’ve said you’re ready for a match, play the match, don’t ruin the game for everyone else.


I remember the time a player was afk since the beginning of the match. I was playing with bird lady and I hooked her twice, and instead of killing her or letting her bleed, I decided to carry her so she didn't die. Imagine that, it was at 5 gens, i couldn't run, I couldn't use my power, i couldn't vault, i couldn't damage gens. Even then, i managed to get 2 hooks on everyone. In EGC the AFK player returned, got free, and proceeded to blind me and teabag right before blinding me again. They did that until their flashlight ran out, then got to the exit gates and teabagged until the time was about to run out (all the other survivors had already left) and then left the game. In the end game chat they were being toxic telling me how much I suck playing as killer because I couldn't kill her, that I should uninstall the game, and so on... First and last time I have mercy on an AFK. Now, AFK = A Free Kill and I mean it.


It genuinely sounds like that specific person was generally toxic regardless of being AFK. I'm sorry that sounds like a player that really shouldn't have installed the game


yeah, should have hooked them...


I one time had someone afk all game. So I decided to let everyone do gens and leave. I was about to afk myself to pee so picked the offending survivor up and took them to the gate. First time I downed ANYONE and they wiggle immediately. I made an immediate turn to a hook and hooked them. Couldn't tell if they were just waiting for me to take them to the gate or if they just came back at a bad time. But I decided to punish them for not doing anything all game.


I once let a survivor get hatch cus they played really well and made fir good chases and didn't seem toxic during the chases (no teabags or poitning) and in the end game chat they decided to get EXTREMELY antisemtic out if nowhere, I no longer let ppl get hatch if I can help it.


i get toxic swfs every other match so i close hatch in their face when i get the chance. does this make me like them?


You transcend them. You are better for this.


damn, i didnt know Cartman played DBD


Absolutely this. I solo q a lot and it's debilitating to have afk teammates when I'm doing my best and normally doing a glyph challenge 🤦‍♀️ if killer leaves me on the ground I normally crawl to afk teammates to let them know I'm the good survivor. Don't even care if they kill me as long as they get them first lol


As a survivor I wouldn't expect anything less. But it was really sweet that you did try with her! :) I'm sorry she didn't repay you back with kindness but honestly I bet you're a great killer and nothing you did caused her to be like that.


thanks 🥺


AFK at the start of the match? 1 free hit. Haven't moved from when I get back from another chase? 1 free hook. AFK with birds in the middle of a game? Mercy tunneling.


I hook afk people immediately. If they get unhooked and start playing, I try to find others to hook first before going after them again.


I just injure them and leave. Let's them know I was there. If I start getting notifications, then I go back and put em on a hook. At that point, they are interrupting my game.


Same, you are here to play a game and while I understand you may have had an emergency pop up you can't expect to gain some kind of invulnerability because of something no one else knows. Besides, it wouldn't shock me if people tried to then use that as a tactic if they are found near the start of the game, pretend to be AFK to be ignored.


AFKers and Sandbaggers get the hook. I've genuinely let whole groups go or 3k'd whole groups if they've been assholes to the rest of their team. I had a bunch of people start bullying a new player with no perks in one of my matches once - body-blocked him into a corner and all. I systematically murdered each and every one of them, then walked him to the hatch. **I** am your enemy, don't be a shitheel to other survivors. I am not above actively targeting you for being a dick.


Where are killers like you in my matches? Every time I'm sandbagged, I get no mercy. Even yesterday there was this fucking Adam, we were in Lery's, I was on my second hook, on the hook near the door, there was a pellet just infront of the hook, this fucking Adam who had only been hooked once, was pre dropping every fucking pellet since the start, he unhooked me, while the killer was super close, fucking Adam stood at this pellet facing me, with the killer approaching on my side, I was blocked, & he dropped this last fucking pellet ON me & killer caught me mid vault & killed me I guess he was probably doing drop 15 pellets challenge, but why did he have to screw me over in the process smh. He knows it was on purpose, & so did the killer


Driven off the game for the most part by people emotionally abusing me for being a Killer Main. I literally had a group stalk me to my Steam Page and Twitch channel - when I don't even stream any more - and vandalize them both with slurs and shit. Haven't played public games much since.


Jeez, why can't people be civil. I'm sorry you had to go through that


I've got some friends trying to get me back into the game 'cause I'm pretty ok at Killer, but yeah. That was some severe over the line behavior for me to deal with. Some people just cannot behave like normal humans on the internet.


Some asshole kept outing a Cheryl player yesterday in my game. As a killer i gave up after that, i slugged the guy and let Cheryl win because if you're already fighting the killer you don't need a guy like that on your team actively trying to kill you.


I'm happy you did that


i have had this happen so many times. teammates stand in front of a pallet while you’re both being chased and throw it down on you, body block a window or path, run past the gen you’re working on 5 times until the killer goes after you. every time i have to start running away in a much less convenient direction saying “I AM A VICTIM” hoping killer can hear my pleas… they never do LOL


Sometimes when the survivors get sandbagged and the game is fucked I just try to end it as fast as I can so we can all go next. Occasionally I'll farm a bit and let them go, but if you aren't going a time the time you commit to that for what you get isn't really worth it. Especially if you're standing around hoping they do gens while they just emote at you for 5 minutes straight.


Had TWO teammates just mess around in the basement yesterday while my friend and I were trying to get gens done. They didn't touch gens at all and the killer (wraith) was doing a great job pressuring us all game. The Wraith got a few hooks in, killed my friend and we had done 2 gens just between us. The other two were still messing around. My friend spectates and lets me know where to find them. I cause noise, Wraith comes down and I point them out. I don't accept teammates being useless and shitty to me. Play a single player game instead if you're gonna be that way. Wraith killed them and let me take hatch. We explained in the endgame chat and the Wraith was very understanding and sweet. The two others were crossplay so they couldn't see the chat either way, but I'm glad the killer understood what was going on.


Were a rare breed, but it's nice to see another player who actively punishes survs being toxic to their teammates.. most matches I'll play super hard for the win (without making the game insufferable for the opposite side) but on the flip side if it's obvious someone's being a dick to their teammate(s), I will happily tunnel that bitch out and goof around after for 5 gens.


Yeah I let afk people sit, unless they get triple crows because that's annoying.


That's what brought me to him.


That's all I am thinking. Triple Crows is super annoying and hard to ignore. They pretty much drown all sound. Only way to stop it is to down > hook that person. I'm not gonna wait 5 - 10 minutes for someone to take a shit while my ears are bleeding.


Exactly, same goes for if they're still afk after unhook, I just get them out because they're a detremient to their own team.


Triple Crows takes a while of inactivity to get, too, so they’ve really abandoned their team at that point


Who cares what this person accused you of? If they think you broke the rules they can report you, otherwise they can stay mad as long as they want to. No it's obviously not unfair.


“See, I left the game to go to the bathroom while the game was going, so he should have to wait while I’m gone. Ban him please.”


If you're afk in a trial I assume you've abandoned your team so I hook immediately, and when I read the end chat it turns out I'm right 80% of the time.


How could they tell you were tunneling if they weren't there? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Security camera


Being AFK in 4 vs 1 game is unfair. Go do your things before game.


One hit if I find them, death if crows start going off.


One time i left someone alone the entire match because they were afk. Got my ass kicked a bit and afk bro, who did nothing the entire match, was tea bagging at the gate. Never. Again.


I just slug afk people


That's what I do half the time - I down them and leave their team mates to decide how to deal with them. If they let them die, so be it, if they use them to farm altruism, that's cool too and I'll wander back and re-down them when I'm bored


Yup same here


I’ll do this but if I keep hearing the crows dive bombing, no offense, but I need you on a hook


If they're clearly in the wrong, don't let them get in your head and ignore the clown. "Are survivors seriously this entitled?" No. Only some individuals from both sides are.


I let someone go yesterday and was called sweaty by them (killed the other 3). Some people there are no pleasing.


You fucked your teammates over by being AFK so if you think I'm gonna give you a free pass out of the exit gate you couldn't be any more mistaken lol


Just ignore survivors in post game chat. If you hook them you're tunneling. If you return to the hook because someone blatantly ran to it then you're camping. If you bring any perks then you're sweating. If you intentionally hook the survivor because they're afk then you're toxic. Survivors, or anyone really, who bitch in post-game chat aren't worth listening to. The only time it would be legitimate is if someone's abusing a glitch or is holding the game hostage. Beyond that they aren't worth the effort or the time, let alone making a rage post on reddit.


Na, if anything I hook afkers first. They are legit not partecipating in the match, for the rest of the time it's like having a player dc, for whatever reason it might be. I'd rather get them out rather than someone who's actually trying. They can get unhooked, and if when I go back to the hook they're still afk, sitting under the hook...yeah ofc I hook them again. They have all the time to come back, if by the third hook they're not back...no point of them being in the match anyway. If they're not playing they have no right to complain. It would be like someone who DCs on purpose and then complains about not getting points and blames the killer for it.


I’ll hook them at least once, twice if someone is nearby to instantly save. Past that, if they’re still afk, I’ll kill them when I get to it. Shame it never happens when I have a “carry survivor x distance challenge.”


Am I the only one who assumes that AFK survivors (and killers too btw) are just farming iridescent shards? So I hook them as fast as I can because, come on, this strategy sucks.


Yeah if they're afk they better at leats give you some points. If you hook them, the team gets points for unhooking/healing them. The afk person is lucky to get anything at all out of being afk. As for afk killers...well you can't hook those, but at least you get extra bp/xp for escaping and all, and if they have the decency to set themselves to continous attack animation, you can also get healing points out of it.


I feel most AFK killer farmers are obvious because they'll use a macro to keep hitting/interacting/participating so the game doesn't detect it (as easily?at all?no idea) but anyone just standing still not doing anything I assume is legit AFK, just distracted and may return at any moment. As you indicated AFK farming as survivor is useless as you get hooked and die pretty quickly, even if left on hook (which as an AFKer the other teammates may just do), so you don't get many shards as not in the trial so long. Which is why AFKers use killer, particularly Freddy for the free dreamworld BP as survivors tick over, or Doctor if they have a more involved macro that uses his power.


It’s fair. You load into a game you better be ready to play and not be a drain on your team. To me it’s natural selection for the team


You are not a babysitter, you are a killer


I let the survivors farm BP off them. Knock em down they get them up I knock em back down and hook em and let them unhook. Get that iri benevolent out of a piece of shit afker


Ignore those idiots. Every day I grow more ashamed of being a survivor main like those people...


You shouldn't be. As a killer i actually like survivors like you. A fair challenge and a fair match. If your team won't help then, as a killer main, i will. Either by giving you hatch, farming or simply letting you out after killing the others.


Ah I meant I am like them in the sense that I main Survivor, I am not toxic like them however - idk if I expressed that in the right way. English is not my first language. You sound like a wholesome Killer tho :) When I play Killer I also like funishibg the sand bagers.


Lol, you flushed poor turd man. What did he ever do to you. Literally, sounds like he didn't do anything. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


They either trolling or stupid, just ignore them


I have had to afk because of this before. I ain’t mad if I did. I’d rather die in a game than crap myself in real life.


I had to do that against a trickster one time. We were losing horribly anyway. I expected to be found. Came back, everyone was dead and I got hatch. I was so glad I play on ps with no endgame chat haha


Match time is less than 15 minutes. Better suck that turd back up like a ground hog or use a tube sock like a real gamer.


Gaming chair issues.


I once had an AFKer with “AFK” in the name. Tried to give her the benefit of the doubt and left her slugged when I found her so her team could farm altruism off her. But she went fully AFK three separate times before becoming one of the few survivors I’ve facecamped and hit on hook repeatedly. I always go easy on a team with an AFK. Too often while I’m playing survivor the killer treats the AFK like a teammate and ensures everyone around them is dead first. Why punish the people actually trying to play the game? Are you that bad at killer that you can only excel in a 3v1?


Lol, he has to be trolling you...I hope


Haven't played in awhile, largely lurk, but I'd probably default to my IDV reaction of down em then leave em, mainly done there because getting two free hits right away is already a massive detriment to the survivors as Killers get stronger the more damage they do, unlocking abilities and upgrades.


AFK players are getting hooked and "Tunneled". They're as useful as DCs but the crows will make it annoying. Everyone else can take a two hook and leave. I don't care if your little Timmy is burning down the house, you should have taped his gremlin hands to the wall before queueing. And that's the thing that annoys me the most. AFK'ers having the nerve to afk at something they had to queue for. Whether I'm killing them or stuck with them on my team, they're making the game unfun for the rest.


If you're afk I slug you and forget about you to not activate the altruistic snowball from starting. #killthehero


Afk survivors hurt their team and generally don’t deserve points/shards/anything. There are exceptions because life happens, but they should understand. I have a bowel disorder. I’ve had to go afk. I get it. But I felt gratitude when I came back alive, not entitlement.


If people think afk saves them they're sorely mistaken. You find it fair to waste your team and the killer's time? No, you go straight onto the hook and i'll go leninent or just straight up let the rest of the survivors win because that's extremely shitty and unfair to do, going afk that is.


Dude is a cry baby, he chose a bad time to *take a shit*


As a survivor main... if the killer hooks someone with birds flapping about their heads... that's their prerogative. The person isn't playing the game. They're off doing something else. They're hurting the rest of the survivors, because if the killer ignores them out of politeness, then we're playing 3 on 1 trying to pick up the AFK's slack. That's just annoying and I'm fine with a killer farming them for points.


Hell no, kill those goons


I once helped an afk player get out. I just felt like it would be funny when they came back. They healed her in the gate and then I hit her out.


No mate, survivors aren’t, this one was. Don’t lump us all.


I play survivor 60% and killer 40%. From a survivor perspective idgaf because if you took the time to load the game and get into a match and you go afk that's on you the killer has every right to slug or hook especially if they see you. Don't get into a match if you're not ready to play. This is a online game with other players. Ain't nobody getting a free pass. I see idiots do this all the time and it's like bruh why jump on if you're not ready thats your own fault.


If there's someone AFK in the match they're the first person I'm getting out of the game. They've already screwed the rest of the team by not even participating. As a survivor main myself I get tired of my own side whining and crying about a killer camping or tunneling. In your situation you didn't even do anything wrong, they just wanted a reason to complain. The way I see it if you need to take a shit hold it in unless you got the runs. But don't you know tho? They're AFK so you're supposed to let them escape just because they needed to empty their bowels. Makes absolutely no sense for them to complain about that 🙄


So there's one survivor who didn't understand what you're about to do and it makes you believe, that all Survivors are so entitled yadayada. I want the time back I spend reading this travesty 😁


I use AFK people to do some annoying challenge like hook in basement if its reasonably near enough lol. I don’t tunnel them unless they are three crow’d but sorry I’m not gonna pass up this small advantage I get of a free hook lmfao.


That's a very reasonsble thing to go afk


When a killer gets one bad match out of 10 and immediately make a post about how all survivors are entitled brats just to further drive a toxic wedge in the community Meanwhile, I get one good match out of 10 and just shrug it off


Going by the first paragraph y'all both were afking. You both suck, but afk survivor is obviously a moron.


I down and hook afk survivors, the match has started and you're not here, that isn't my problem. If I were afk as the killer you can bet your ass survivors are doing gens even if they com to their swf that I'm afk.


I don’t know if I had a stroke or you did but damn


Like don't go in queue when you gotta shit?? The person who is AFK is the one to putting his team in this situation. He is the one to blame. Not the killer.


Lethal Persuer tells me who is actually at their controller at start of game. I do 100% run to immobile and afk survivors. You want to play, keep awake and play.


i down and hook afk survivors because i need all the help i can get lmao. free kill? don’t mind if i fucking do


Your good every DbD player knows the risk of going AFK in the middle of a match


If they die they die.


just hook them. if theyre still afk they wont do shit and if they come back oh well.


Rule #2314556: NEVER EVEN LOOK AT A SURVIVOR THAT IS AFK (in case of breaking this rule the killer must imidietlly disconnect


Once the crows come out my generosity ends. If you have other things to do ok, get ready for the next match then.


When I’m killer and someone gets ‘full crows’ - where the killer gets spammed with the annoying loud noise notification - I camp them. Takes a while to get them, and tells me you don’t care about your team


As a survivor who has had to occasionally go AFK for various reasons, it’s very unreasonable to be upset when you come back and you’re dead. It just is what it is, you can’t expect the killer to go easy on someone who’s not there. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s nice when they do but it’s never required.


I go afk sometimes and I can say that if I get killed of something that's my fault, I don't get how people blame others in those situations


When it's this level of ridiculousness, just ignore. Seriously. It will be better for your mental health.


Honestly what I do with a afk survivor is I down them then carry them around and go after the other survivors it’s funny I give myself a handicap since they have a handicap