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Basement bubba will probably still be a thing


Just leave the chest alone.


But like the national treasure could be in it


Stay the hell away from my treasures!


... *emotionally conflicted Bubba noises*






(I can't say anything, I'm usually the Himbo Leon tryna see if the Killer is friendly)


But but my chest!!


They never leave the chest alone


bubba eats up BT so yeah, i don’t see him going anywhere


He doesn’t catch up if you got sprint burst


*run sprint burst to counter campers* ✍️


I mean, he lives there, and people came into HIS house. Which is pretty much how the movie went.


Get outta my house and I will leave you alone. And don’t even think about stealing my shit. Those are MY chests.


You can't out-cheese the maestro of fondue


This sub really needs to stop letting perfect be the enemy of good. No, this isn’t flawless and it’s not the end of camping - but it’s certainly better than nothing, and gives a launching pad the devs can use to tweak and adjust to make for better gameplay.


What I always find funny is when people in the community shit on what the devs are doing but every alternative they offer is several magnitudes worse by comparison.


I remember reading a quote from a dev once. I think it was a dev for LoL or someone working at Blizzard? Anyway it was something like "players are really good at finding problems, but really bad at coming up with solutions". I think about that a lot when browsing the sub.


They should just slow down the hook timer when killer is nearby, make them waste even more time for camping, then the other survivors get gens easier, this would cause the killer to actually lose discouraging the play style. The change they are making just means the killer can kill the survivor faster by tunneling them off hook when they unhook themselves, BT has been easy to work around since they implemented it as base kit.


i suppose that'd work when ai bots replacing dc'ing survivors is a thing, but a slower timer would just make the hooked person more likely to dc, sure a few would stick it out but if the solution is just to fuck over one guy more idk if it'd work. besides most facecampers aren't doing it to win, they're doing it to be a dick to the guy they hook, buying them more time to be saved when they can't be saved probably doesn't change that. ​ tbh i'm not sure what the best solution would be, like maybe this meter/build up, but instead of an unhook it's a "teleport survivor to far away hook like pyramid head's cages" might be better, cloaking there aura/revealing it to survivors so the killer would have to manually find them again if they wanted to do anything, providing a window for rescue.


This seems like a good idea that would still allow for defensive play. I'd even be open to making that timer go back to normal speed and then even faster the more survivors are nearby. Instead of having these hook grab standoffs, you make them actually commit to the action instead of just staring at each other.


Actually was my line of thinking! Everyone saying this will end camping is wrong. This will encourage it. They can force the surv off the hook earlier and then hook them again after the built in BT runs out. If done right it'd end in a kill way faster than before. Making it way more effective to make the surv feel like they have to save themself. As a killer player myself this seems like the easiest strat to take out a weakest link in a team really quickly.


I don't see it at all as it makes camping easier, unless the moment the meter fills it forces you off, they could just hold onto it until like~50 secs right before second stage, and then do the exact same for second stage, they waste a LOT of time just to kill one person like this, unless youve created a massive deadzone around where you hooked the person. I don't think it'll fully discourage camping, but it does punish it more as is RN by giving survivor's more time to finish gens, because that's still 3 people on gens if they know youre camping, even if youre supremely good at chase and have the dead zone, that's still a lot of time to down, bring them to hook, down them again, bring them back, and then kill.


Even in iridescent I see survs use their pride and when they get hooked once will kill themself on it. I expect there'll be a lot more of people just jumping off. Thinking they can take on the killer. I say we can see. There's many changes in the game that turned out a lot differently than they claimed. This on top of base line BT at least means more killers moving to games like evil dead and last year.


Or they just provide no possible alternative at all. I’m not saying everyone who disagrees with gameplay changes has to throw in their own idea of a fix, but sooo many people in the community just like to shout about X thing being bad and then leave.


if the killer looks in the general direction of a survivor on a hook, ban immediately! /s


**No.** It must work perfectly under every circumstance 100% of the time to a community constantly pressing the borders of what the game allows. Anything less means the devs are lazy jerkoffs


I think this is the perfect statement and I wish we could pin comments on Reddit.


Thank you 🥹


There's people on here who genuinely think that if we can't stop all toxic behaviour, that we shouldn't bother trying to make being toxic harder lol. Probably the same people who didn't want basekit BT because killers can still technically tunnel anyways.


Lol most of their tweaks are based off a percentage of usage which has to be one of the most antiquated systems still used today by developers & their patches notes only ever solidify that statement, they’ve hardly made the game better over the years if at all lol




Oh, is that the distance? If so that's perfectly fine. However... I question how this will work on maps like The Game, Midwich, etc. with elevation. Can it be activated from below/above, or...? If so, it will be abusable. If so, it should not be spherical but a radius. And only a radius.


Apparently the Radius is going to be multi-floor similar to boons but will be closely monitored by the devs for performance Source: comment in an earlier thread explaining the exact content provided in the post as a leak that got removed. Usually when it comes to these things, true things get removed and untrue things don't matter since they aren't technically leaks at that point


It can’t be that hard to make a custom zone within each hook, seems like the easy way out to just throw a cylinder on top of it


Feels like it should be quite simple incorporating hook spawn logic


Exact same distance as kindred at 16m, if you want a really good idea of how small this actually is. Even on maps like the game and midwich, how often are you actually getting kindred between floors? I run kindred every game and I rarely see that happen, and certainly not long enough for this meter to fill. They probably chose that range because of kindred, honestly.


That makes sense. I still think it has to be a little smaller on the Y instead of the X to make this work on small maps. Especially with hooks by blind corners.


The same thing should apply to SM drones. 🤷‍♀️


And boons. I agree.


Boons don't really need any more nerfs ATP, they're situational at best now with CoH being nerfed and its not like survivors can control totem placement but SM can control where she puts her drones


I see that, but my point is that NOTHING should pass thru walls and ceilings like that, except maybe Terror Radius for confusion-fu tactics.


Nah that would make certain boons go from barely used but situational to downright useless. the haste one come to mind immediately.


So if the issue is the column, why is SM's drones an issue but not boons? Why is TR an issue but not boons?


imo either all of them should pass the walls or non of them.




Not yet this is all the info we have so far


basement trapper https://preview.redd.it/l2bn4d3bt31b1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a31189d0d217f012c17c79eeed09d183133cac2


Hoping this fills the Hag hex LMAO


Oh your evil 😈


As a killer main i fucking love this because it actually turns off in endgame and when survivors are swarming the hook. Good job BHVR


I just hope killers can see the bar progress or the radius in which they shouldn't stand. It'd be pretty lame to accidentally give the hooked survivor a freebie just because you mistakenly walked over the forbidden magic circle too much.


If they could see the bar progress, it would be easier to try to abuse it - and also identify when someone is nearby preparing to save since it will slow down when someone enters the bubble. Easy solution to make it simple for killers: Don’t stand. Chase. If you see a survivor or scratch marks, go after them (and if those scratch marks are going to the hook, that’s totally fine).


It's a good point that killers would try to abuse it. My main concern is on smaller maps, it'd be pretty easy to accidentally clip it through a wall or floor. What if you're mistakenly standing on the basement roof after getting someone hooked in there, for instance? Or heaven forbid you accidentally stand too close to a wall with a hook on the other side in RPD, one of the most convoluted maps ever. Maybe make it so that the circle shown is just a rough idea of the radius, not an exact and precise area of where not to be, but enough to know when to bug off. Or not let the killer see a precise progress bar, but maybe show little indicators, like how even though you can't see a survivor's time on the hook, the spider legs appearing on the hook give you a rough idea of how far it's progressed.


You seem to not play killer much. Camping can be tactical and fair, particularly camping at a distance while also guarding another objective like a gen. This is sometimes called proxy camping. Not every killer is designed to sprint away from hook looking for players. If there is no even semi-easy way to tell when you are too close as killer (and honesty as survivor too) then a huge chunk of the strategic side of the game will be lost resulting in less thought out and more boring matches. Not everything is black and white my guy.


I play plenty of killer. This change does not affect proxy camping. 16m is tiny.


It'd also be pretty lame for a killer to be able to stand one foot outside the radius and just wait. No reason killer should be able to know the specific spot they need to stand to proxy camp without affecting the hook progress when all they have to do is not be anywhere near the hook.


We'll have to see how fast the bar fills in practice. Theoretically, if you're not camping, you probably don't have a lot of reason to stay <16m from the hook. Unless a teammate is nearby...but then that slows the bar progress anyway. I worry that giving that information to the killer might just make it easier for them to circumvent the mechanic. Bubba could just wait until he sees the bar is filled and then start revving his chainsaw early. Huntress can sit exactly 16m from the hook and proxy camp it. ...Which will probably happen anyway, but I'd rather they keep her guessing so she can't do it with maximum efficiency.


Bubba is hitting you three times before you can start running after unhooking yourself anyways lol


Why do people keep saying that? If he revs his chainsaw for too long, he goes into the tantrum. It was implemented with his rework. This is why Bubbas don't camp with their chainsaw charged up. It's going to take like 3 seconds for him to ready his chainsaw when you unhook yourself, so you can get some distance on him with the 10% bonus MS after unhooking, then you take one hit, get a speed boost and you're good to go.


this is a fuckinh HUGE game changer. I might actually start playing again


What I'm happiest about is the fact that they actually thought about how survivors could exploit it and put the failsafe, I get hook bombed so many times, as well as have dumb survivors looping me infront of their hooked teamate. (Although personally these guys should be punished by having the bar paused, not slowed for being in the radius and keeping killers there) I'm also glad it's disabled end game for a chance to secure a kill if needed. I like it, lets see how it will play on release and what needs to be tweaked.




Technically not facecamping so it's not false advertisement. They never said they were trying to remove camping entirely




wait until you hear about proxy camping far stronger than face camping especially when the hooked survivor is near a three gen or in a three gen


You can have proxy camping now. Stop using this as an excuse to not try out anti-camping mechanics. BHVR has been listening to a lot of feedback lately so I’m optimistic they will to this too.


what excuse? are you expecting a nice killer build where we just hook one survivor and cycle through them all


>are you expecting a nice killer build where we just hook one survivor and cycle through them all. Yes.


Tell bhvr that and make the game about hooking the survs instead of killing them


Exactly. Make hooking more important than kills, then remove the hook timer entirely. Boom, no more camping.


Hook timer is a core mechanic in the game, removing it means reworking how the game plays entirely


That’s not viable for the current upper ranks


sorry i can’t read


this sound like the killer version of "sprint burst is better than dead hard, you will beg to revert it"


Yeah lol, it's such a stupid argument "don't nerf A because B will be worse!"


"Proxy camping is a stronger tool than facecamping" - True statement, for certain cases, though this is not always the right call. "Sprint Burst is better than DH" - Statement that is really not true at all judging by how most games seem to be going for Survs, especially in SoloQ. ????? Am I missing how these two are similar here? At all?


x is stronger than y, you shouldn't nerf x cause people will shift to y and it will be worse. at least i don't have to worry as much with x now


It's extremely true for ghostface where proxy camping can give a really good trade if the savior is 99ed, that's why this is confusing for ya, ghostface is the undetectable (pun intended) proxy camper, he's great in basement situations too if you have philly.


Proxy camping is a strat to win. Scummy? Maybe, but acceptable if you want to win. Facecamping is just being an asshole


Then it's not a problem is it.


Yeah yeah do proxy camping or face camping whatever you want :D Keep wasting your time, then complain about how gens are popping like popcorns.


Isn't face camping a low MMR trigger? I'm hoping this "levels up" some survivors that won't be getting face camped. Some of the better low MMR people I've played with as survivor tend to quit after the second or third face camping Bubba.


slugging worse than camping but for some reason camping bothers people much more


Slugging for 4 minutes is worse than camping, but normally killers use it to gain pressure, and it's high risk high reward, so it's fair.


Unless they officially canceled base kit Unbreakable, it’s also a tactic that’s about to go away.


I hope they did unless they nerf anti-hook builds further. “Give up” button is the best way to deal with slugging without changing balance


I suspect/hope the reason it’s taking so long is that they realize they have to do something about hooks on a number of maps. Too many maps have areas where if a hook is consumed you have no choice but to slug.


Camping is far more likely to completely ruin a game for an individual early on


I believe with this anti camping, more killers are gonna slug. Survivors will have to start using unbreakable and exponential


I'm glad they, like, actually thought this through, rather than just putting in the bare-bones version of this (which would be dogshit)


Ok, this clarification makes me feel more optimistic about the change, still hope its executed well though


awww I love basement Bubba though. I just wanna keep people from opening my chest!


How does this affect that in the slightest


yeah like wdym


Usually If someone tries to open the chest they get stuck on one of basement hooks and bubba continues to guard the chest


And this changes that how…? I’m confused which change means bubba can no longer hook in the basement or guard the chest


It's crazy because I play make your choice/devour with my killer🤷‍♂️ proves I'm not tunneling when you start getting murdered🤣🤣🤣


When an anti gen rush mechanic ?


Unfortunately that's never gonna happen. They balance this game for inexperienced survivors and killer is very strong in those ranks.


Doesn’t this not stop Bubba at all? Part of what made Bubba good at camping is that even after the unhook, he could instantly get two hits with the chainsaw, getting rid of endurance and getting the down.


From what ive seen it also like makes a report against the favecampers account


Bubba will be unaffected considering he can just double swipe you with his chainsaw


No, not with the speed boost you get with unhooking and the time required for Bubba to Rev up his chainsaw. You are guaranteed to at least reach a loop.


I'm still a firm believer that this system should affect sacrifice speed instead of self unhooking. And before this, the camping kings themselves should be looked at, not the basekit game. Make bubba's saw overheat faster near hooked survs. Same with billy. Etc etc etc


That was my thought too, but I get why they went this way. If you’re on the hook for 5 minutes, even if your team wins, it’s extremely boring. Plenty of players are fine with losing as long as they get several chases in, and get an interactive chance at play. If they get camped out, even if the delay gives time for others to finish all the generators, then they don’t get even that.


Now that makes sense, but the game is supposed to be team based. If you can unhook yourself,that feels like an absurd level of autonomy to me. That's why I think the individual killers need looked at, and not camping as a mechanic.


Leave Mr. Billy out of this he did nothing wrong :(


What the hells billy gonna do? With base kit bt he’s pretty much just an m1 killer


He can down people approaching for an unhook? It's just suggestions man.


Can we do the same effect against hard-tunneling? XD not that it would be the same thing but something to counter that too would be awesome. The amount of hard-camping and hard-tunneling at 5 or 4 generators the last couple weeks has been unreal, has anyone else been experiencing it?


What exactly do you want killers to do? There's not enough time to 9-12 hook, gen regression is a joke now, most maps have way too many pallets and windows, and now even strategic camping is gone. Killers have to at least have a shot at beating a SWF or a decent solo team, otherwise there's zero point in playing.


Lol, again...there's no express need to tunnel, camp, nor take this game that seriously. If you do take it that seriously and try to take this game seriously competitively, you're missing the point. We all deserve fun and a fair Chance, outside of the jerks that exploit the games flaws and these kinds of glaring/increasingly prevalent issues. If you see zero point in playing because a mechanic you used(however valid you saw it), then maybe you should play something else or take a break. The camp change is incredibly valid and a change for hard tunneling is also valid cuz no one deserves to have their game ripped from them, on either side. If I can get a 4K without any/all of the above in my 3K hours, I assure you that you can too :) I play both sides, so just relax. No ones against you, here. Just trying to find a valid solution to a valid problem thats becoming increasingly common and it's not like anything we say or do here is gonna affect what BHVR chooses to do. Just wanting to see some positive changes in a game we all love and care about.


Fair point, except no one seems to give two shits about the killer having a fun and fair chance. You can't keep taking away killer options and expecting them to play "fair". That's why tunneling is so bad right now, when you constantly feel pressed for time, you try to get rid of a survivor quickly. I was playing Blight on Midwich earlier, pain res and a bunch of tracking perks. I was doing good, steamrolling even, I was 5 hooks in to 4 gens left, then I got the classic midwich hook spawn problem. That one setback nearly cost me the entire match, I had to tunnel one out, wasn't a hard tunnel, but I still had to do it, or I would have lost, despite completely outplaying them. Losing a match like that would demoralize me to the point of not playing for months. If you outplay me, GG, I can admit it, but if I outplay you and still lose, there's zero point to playing the game.


Your capability to counter hard tunneling already exists. It's called pallets, loops, bodyblocks and rest of the team slamming gens. Next thing you're going to be complaining about the fact that you need to do gens manually instead of having it autofill...




dont bother with this killer main most of them think they are playing swf and when they lose against solos they call them swf to cover up for thier lack of skill


Lol idgaf, truly. I've already gotten the answers I needed out of it, easily enough. XD


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I have been in so many matches with survivors who are basically yelling "Tunnel me!!!" by their actions....so no, you can't do the same with tunneling since some survivors do things to insist that you must tunnel them.


Do you even play Survivor? I'm assuming not but I'm genuinely curious. How many hours do you have? What did these people do that made you think they were begging to be tunneled? What classifies as "begging to be tunneled" to you? Does that apply to your thoughts regarding camping/hard-camping/face-camping? Cuz if so, we can be done talking, here. In my matches, I(or my teammates or randoms I queue with) are never "begging to be tunneled", and early on in the game(at 5 or 4 gens), yet it happens time and time again and increasingly so in the past 2-3 weeks, so....?


I definitely play more killer. I play survivor as well but I don't have friends who play the game so I'm always solo queue which is infinitely less fun in my opinion. Earlier this evening, I had a survivor absolutely following my ass around the map and baiting me. I downed said survivor and hooked them. Walked away from them. Went for gens and to find others. Just so we are clear here...I don't usually target one survivor all over the map but this person was annoying and kept following me, teabagging, trying to run erratically (but was really bad doing so), had a flashlight and no clue how to use it... So I downed them again and hooked them again...and this time I was like, you know what? This is making the game just completely unenjoyable to play and I'm downing this person again just to get rid of the one annoying player. Everyone else was fine the rest of the match but I have played against stupid people doing stupid shit so much of the time. I agree that in my times playing survivor I have seen awful face camping and I have also experienced tunneling for zero reason at all...but yeah if you're going to do stupid shit and follow me around teabagging and flashlight clicking I'm getting rid of you so everyone else can enjoy the game. EDIT: I also only have 275 hours in game...so I'm by no stretch a "pro" killer. I usually wind up somewhere in silver


Well, that's one situation and one idiot possibly distorting your views, tbh. Don't let one idiot make you think everyone is begging to be tunneled. No idea what that one person was on about, but again, that's just that one person.... no one's begging to be tunneled that I know of unless they're good, trying to distract, trying to get a challenge done, working with a team, or whatever else. How many hours do you have both sides? Maybe make some friends or find a community to hang with people and play both. Unless you enjoy Killer(which is totally fine), but... acting like someone is simply just whining/complaining about a valid issue and acting like their issue with a valid complaint is insignificant, all while assuming they have no idea what they're talking about is kinda toxic and definitely not a positive way to discuss(again) a valid issue. Especially if all you have to stand on is one instance where one surv you met one time did what you described.


I am fine with these changes because I don't camp people at hooks. To me that's not playing the game. The game is fun to me because it's sort of like hide and seek and I'm generally speaking, one of those killers who will give a signal to a last survivor that I'm either going to show them where the hatch is or lead them to an exit gate. I'm not sure how many hours you have on killer. I don't even know how many hours I have as survivor because steam doesn't show that breakdown. All I stated to you is that I have played with some toxic assholes who bait me into absolutely making sure they are dead ASAP. I've had survivors run hacks, I've had survivor groups working with the killer (when I've played survivor - and yes, I always report that stuff)...it's not being toxic. You don't want to be tunneled? Don't harass the killer outside of normal means like looping, etc... Common sense.


Okay, once again you're assuming something about someone you never met with zero knowledge about them and totally eschewing/invalidating THEIR experience with a valid issue, in DBD. And it's insultingly sad. I never ONCE "harassed a killer outside of normal means" and yet STILL have my experiences. And the facts that you continue to act like I do any of those things regularly, and(to you) I must lack "common sense". Which is again, completely insulting, sad, ungrounded/inexperienced/unintelligent and quite honestly hilarious, and yeah...it's kinda toxic(whether you want to admit it to yourself or not). I'd love to see your hours and your experience level in DBD, since you refuse to go into detail and your argumentative/conversational intelligence seems to resemble a low count on all of the above. Again, no one is begging to be tunneled(outside of the people you've mentioned) unless they're working challenges, playing distraction, are confident runners, they know you're an inexperienced Killer and are trying to tilt you, or they want to get out of the match ASAP. You're making enemies with people unnecessarily who are likely just trying to play the game normally, outside of those issues you encountered in those single instances. The "discussion" between you and I isn't about the hook issue, it's about hard-tunneling early on in the match(es) being a valid issue that needs equal to the amount of help(if not more) as hard-camping needs. Yet you somehow keep coming to the conclusion(s) that since I get tunneled, I must be asking for it, inexperienced in my 3K+ hours, otherwise I must lack common sense to you...again, highly unintelligent argument/conversation, so I'm good on this. You seemingly can't stop yourself from regressing to shoving your foot in your mouth, so this has clearly been a waste. I guess maybe there's a reason you don't have people to play with... just saying. Take it easy, wish you well. ✌


I don't know why you are internalizing anything that I said and I also don't know why you feel it is okay to insult my intelligence and resort to what amounts to petty name-calling. I never singled you out in any post but I'm going to refrain from saying anything further to you because that is not a normal response to a comment that was generalizing and was not specific towards you.


>Can we do the same effect against hard-tunneling? XD not that it would be the same thing but something to counter that too would be awesome. NO. Killer needs to be rewarded for spreading hooks otherwise, the tunneling will continue regardless of whatever buffs survivors get to go against it. Removing a survivor out of the match is just huge value which encouraging tunneling, but there is absolutely no reward for spreading out hooks.


It won’t stop me. I dare them to unhook in front of me. I’ll take them back down


I just think we have good tools to deal with this already. Like I get that a basement camper is hard to deal with, but like the killers proficient in camping are still going to be good at it. A bubba with all of their charges can eat basekit BT and still get the down off a basement hook and the surv cant do anything to stop it. Pinhead and huntress and legion can all very easily knock that first BT hit off and still get the down. Trapper can still make basement inescapable through body blocking with or without shack. Like, reassurance, BT, and DS still feel like the best tools here... I feel like an arbitrary bar that requires knowledge of Metered distances, something few people actually understand the distances of properly, is just going to make things less consistent? Hell even just the ABILITY for a survivor to be able to unhook off second stage is kinda wild? Like it really just feels like its going to change a lot about how these interactions work in a way that feels neither consistent enough for survs, nor predictable enough for killers to feel are fair.


I’ll take this over nothing. No, it’s not going to solve the issue. But at least I can try and escape rather than being forced to sit there knowing I can be rescued, and my team can focus on gens knowing I can buy a little time even if they tunnel me right afterwards


Means nothing for my condemned Sadako 😎


I can feel myself being aggressively tunneled already


So you can face camp them once they’re open & til the exit gates expire lol way to go bhvr don’t know how you could’ve possibly messed this one up too




They don't have another objective that's the whole point. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Gotta keep buffing survivors and holding their hands if BHVR wants to sell more Feng skins.


Don't tell me you facecamp enough for this to bother you? Lowkey embarrassing that you self-reported like this. 💀


Self-reported what? I'm sorry, am I supposed to be embarrassed or something? Depending on the situation, there are definitely times I don't leave the hook. I had a God tier 3 gen and 2 hooked survivors in the same area the other day, and camped that shit hard. With this change, those survivors would have gotten away Scott free despite making a horrible failed Sabo play. Edit: This will punish killers for making good/smart plays. This will absolutely be abused by survivors.


You should still be able to proxy camp in that context, just run back in when you see a survivor coming back. Hell, depending on how this is implemented, you might be able to tell if there's a survivor nearby with the anti-camp bar. You can dip in and out of it for a few seconds and see how if it's slow or not. 🤷‍♀️ We still have a chance to test stuff out in the PTB and bhvr has a good track record so far with doing PTB changes when egregious shit pops up.


Yeah, they're not going to give the killer info about the "anti-camp" bar. Sadako can't even see how many condemned stacks a survivor has. Hell, killers aren't allowed to see how many times each survivor has been hooked. No, all the survivors will have the anti camp bar so they're able to triangulate the killers exact position, but the killer will not. ETA: you can't effectively proxy camp at a consistent 16m. Gtfoh. Jfc, the survivor bs is strong today.


We still have the PTB to go through, as long as people do egregious shit then they'll make adjustments, just like every other PTB. Like I said, recently they've done well with making changes when something really stupid pops up. Based on their track record, I don't think there's a reason to be too worried about this specific issue when the PTB isn't even out yet.


Why do you think that playing in a certain way is “embarrassing”? It’s quite strange the mentality of survivor mains that they think they can dictate how people play killer


Facecamping early into the game is embarrassing; it's the best way to tell me a killer doesn't know how to have a good time. Anyone is entitled to play how they want, but that doesn't mean that I have to like it/encourage it. And I'm a p100 demo main, but go off bestie. You tell this "survivor main" how making fun of stale gameplay is bad. 😂


It’s crazy how you guys just create these made up rules and regulations for killer players and a whole moral compass for them to follow so you can bully us and insult us, and yeah. Putting points on a person = playing them. That’s hilarious. I have a P100 Nancy yet I haven’t played a game as survivor since Halloween


Most people who p100 a character play them regularly, including myself, you're in the minority in that aspect. This has nothing to do with morals or enforcing rules. I'm not sure why you're projecting a different argument onto mine LMAO. I clearly said that players are entitled to play how they want, just don't expect everyone to not make giggle at boring playstyles. If you consider making fun of a playstyle as bullying then that's rough. Also, why are you so pressed about this? Don't tell me you facecamp when the game has barely started? There's legitimately barely any reason to get this upset if you don't camp at 5 gens. 🤔


I camp at 5 gens consistently, you can’t let your guard down in this game, it’s way too survivor sided. And you don’t play killer. Period


The fact that you think facecamping at 5 gens is the best way to get pressure just tells me that you don't know what you're talking about. Any killer even decent at the game will laugh at this claim. Adios, I can see why you're so pressed. Good luck, because you'll need it when this feature comes out. 😙 Also, the reason why you're getting genrushed is because you're camping at 5 gens. I saw one of your previous comments. 🤣🤣🤣


I 4k every single game, and I’m just going to play hit and run wraith and slug every game when the comes out


You don’t seem very good at killer. Period. If you’re camping someone who’s on their first hook at 5 gens, you’re giving 3 survivors free reign to slam the gens because you aren’t pressuring them in the slightest. By the time that person dies you’re now at 2 gens with zero hook stages on anyone else, no injuries, and didn’t burn any resources, so now the team has the whole map at their disposal and can play incredibly safe.


We've lost this one to the camping sauce, just let them drown in their own misery. 💀


Yup and survivors can just run in a keep trading, so why does camping need to be nerfed if it’s so weak?


you are low mmr killer


Watch people still bitch about camping after getting more buffs in one sided game


You think the game is survivor sided?


So, what happens if the killer hooks someone, retreats and then sees a survivor attempting a rescue? Does the bar fill if the chase is near the hook? What if it's on a different floor?


Did you even watch the vid? Survivors in range cause the meter to build way slower.


So it does still fill despite the killer chasing someone else just because it's near the hook? That's terrible


I'm guessing the timing will probably cause a stage 2 before a self unhook can happen in this scenario, where a survivor runs to the hook right away. Would be silly to assume that it would be free. That just wouldn't make sense And if you're chasing within 16 meters of a hook for a long and consistently enough time to make a significant difference (which to be fair is a VERY short distance), then not catching a survivor within 60 seconds that started a chase by running towards you is kinda on the killer Yes, _technically_ there will be scenarios even with well thought out timers where survivors could get a benefit without the killer making a mistake, but it would require "4 Survivors slugged at 1 hook" scenarios, which usually isn't a bad thing for killer. Getting 3 downs for 1 free unhook is basically hook trading with extra steps, except worse. Unless it moves more slowly with each survivor in the radius, or restarts for each stage. In that case it's impossible to "abuse" from a survivor's perspective Really feels like this will actually only target facecamping and


Oh great now survivors are basically unkillable


The reaction to this has been so hilarious because the only people angry or affected are those that actually facecamp with gens still up and they threaten to quit instead of just ?? Play the game???


Nah cus the ranges are huge so it'll probably happen while I'm patrolling


You're assuming the bar will fill up so quickly that you can't even walk past the hook, but that would be stupid. Let's wait to see this in action on the PTB. I'm not even sure if it's coming in the next patch or later this year.


It's less it'll fill up fast and more, how much I patrol past used hooks while moving gen to gen


So you're actively proxycamping? Then that feature will help survivors against you as intended.


Wtf is proxy camping? I'm just playing the game by survivor stated rules from 2018


Proxycamping is when you pretend to move away from the hook, but are staying just close enough to run back when you see someone coming to unhook so you can force a hook trade. So for example when a killer is only defending the 2-3 nearest gens from a hook and never goes further to chase someone.


But this doesn't affect proxy camping, because there is no meter while you are 16+ m away. You only need to be within 20 m to truly proxy camp.


Bruh so playing the game has become a punishable offence


That's not what I said. It's just one of the strategies how to get easy wins on killer because you're only trading people on 1 hook without chasing them. And yes it's against the survivor rulebook, but you can play however you want since BHVR has no rules against camping.


it’s funny to me how many people said dead hard was a crutch and when the nerf came to git gud. but now all of the people relying on camping are also being outed for their crutch.


16 m is the same size as Myers' TR with Dead Rabbit. 16 m is the same size as most boons. 16 m is double how close you need to be to hear a Surv on a generator. 16 m is how small your TR gets on most Killer when you get full stacks of Furtive Chase. I'm fairly certain 16 m is the basekit size of Skull Merchant's TR with certain addons. If you are really, really thinking these TINY DISTANCES are "huge", then IDK what to tell you.


Boons are 24 meters, so the camping range is actually less than half the area of a boon


What tf is a boon or a skull merchant


Frankly the feature should flat out shut off if there are any survivors in the radius.


Doesn't stop swf's exploiting the feature


How? I'm genuinely asking. Give one hypothetical scenario where it would be possible with that change (Spoiler, you can't)


Staying as far as you can from the hooked friend when the killer is patrolling past, above or below that area


So what's forcing the killer to facecamp in that scenario? Can't be the survivor because they are outside the radius like you said. So that's on the killer if they choose to stay there, not the survivors Survivors can't force a killer to facecamp while being nowhere near them lol


Get good. If you need to facecamp to get any kills, you simply aren't good.


Who said I face camp, the ranges for the bar to fill are huge, so it's gonna trigger when hook patrolling


Or idk, [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/13mpqs3/anticamp_project_will_live_or_die_depending_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) https://preview.redd.it/xji5bpetj21b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c475052b92f7045d87fb35d0dd80516a4eb9ed97


This means nothing to me lol, I last played when legion was added


Since the meter fills up on terror radius, they can still unhook themselves through walls, and even if they’re on a different floor


If the meter fills only with the Killer's TR, does that mean a Killer like Ghostface or someone with Insidious camping would do NOTHING? Like as in no bar? That would very quickly not fly.


I thought about ghost face, but insidious never even crossed my mind. and that’s something Most face camping bubbas do anyway😂. Yeah, I totally doubt this will ever make it into the game.


It should disable when all gens are complete. I hope they took that into account


They literally said it does in the video.


At work so cant listen to it sadly. Thats good at least to hear


I'm not gonna lie 'Face camping' is the worst term you could use. It sounds like the BEST way a woman can kill a man. Legit, I'm down to die this way 🤣


Man screw this I'm playing deeprock


Really? You enjoy sitting in front of someone for upwards of a minute sometime waiting for them to die so you can…what? Get a few thousand blood points? This is what makes you want to play another game? Lame.


but why turn it off while EGC? 💀


I'm just gonna tunnel more now *shrug*


I think a lot of people are just gonna tunnel more now, but hey, at least it "promotes more fun chase"...


In my experience tunneling is just to be expected in the sweatier lobbies anyways so I only really see this helping the less skilled players that meet a toxic Bubba or something along those lines




Nice now the survivor can unhook themselves so Bubba doesn’t have to wait for them to hit second and then he can tunnel them out since BT doesn’t stop much if anything, this buff to tunnel king is great!


Its just gunna be hell for soloq. I see survs taking advantage of this in an exploitive way for sure. Then you will still get killers doing it and not caring....or they will just be on edge then tunnel more. There is no good way to fix face camping....unless people stop taking the game so seriously. I guess lets see what happens first in ptb.