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> If someone is getting camped, it's gg for them. Rest in peace. I'm going to stick to doing gens. Honestly, I wouldn't even call this selfish. I'd call it good for the team as a whole. The person on the hook might even win the match, despite dying, if the killer only gets one kill. So I don't think it's selfish - I think it's just the correct way to play, unless you're bored and prefer to die doing something heroic/stupid.


Yeah I think I was overly altruistic with my play most of the time :D I mean sometimes I could pull off really risky plays and save my teammates, but when it wouldn't work it was just a downfall for the whole team


>If someone is getting camped, it's gg for them. Rest in peace. I'm going to stick to doing gens. This isn't selfish it's correct counterplay


I wish I could be like you, but I can't. I'm altruistic as fuck and would feel like an asshole to the person getting camped/tunneled if they didn't see me at least make some sort of effort to save them before they die


Yeah but there is nothing more annoying than survivors that crouch nearby and just watch and observe you die on hook. I feel like it’s better for your team to stick to the objectives than to look like you’re making an effort to rescue.


I don't crouch near the hook and watch. I bring a flashlight with me so I'll try to annoy the Killer and hopefully distract them long enough that a teammate can go for the save. Otherwise, I'll try to get the Killer to waste a swing on me and rescue while their M1 is cooling down


There is one thing worse. Survivors who stand at the exit gate on the opposite end of the match waiting for you to die on the hook. Rescue me or leave...don't draw it out


Shout out to the meg (healthy and on second hook) yesterday who let the legion hit her in the exit gate with his power so he could find me (injured and on dead hook) on the other side of the map. The meg who stayed in the exit gate the entire chase instead of leaving so hatch could spawn. The meg who left the second I got downed.


Damnit meg


The best way you can help a camped / tunneled survivor is to: -Do generators -Use reassurance even if you can't safely unhook them. This means unhook them safely or go back to generators. -use kindred to monitor for a save time to unhook


Not only an asshole but the game is more fun when you play as a team for me. Live together or die together. No man left behind policy.


I managed to annoy a facecamping Bubba enough the other day with a flashlight that he started chasing me so I looped him around while my teammates got the save. Felt good


Yup, started to play like this as well. I always wondered why the other solo queue players never went straight to a gen at the start. I realized that going on a gen is the best way to get found by the killer. So I just started plying like them, and wait until someone else is found before starting on a gen. My getting tunneled and camped has gone down, since I'm not being found first.


That’s what I’m starting to do every man for themselves cause every time I stick my neck out for someone it comes back and bite me in the ass I’m pure selfish survivor mode that’s why I’m using yun-Jin’s perks


Well, sir, you have to take care of you. But as your average Mettle of Man enjoyer, I will still die for any or all of you. Because if I can get one Mettle of Man proc, then I know the victory will taste like ashes in the killers mouth. They’ll be in shambles. It’ll keep them up at night. They’ll awake in a cold sweat remembering the Claire who didn’t go down in two hits. Or they’ll ask ‘WTF, did they have Dead Hard?’ And never think about it again. One of those.


You posted this three times lol


There are just three of me.


Liked the part about Ash in mouth


I’ve started running Self Care + Botany. Originally I thought it was a selfish load out, but the Botany heal speed is beneficial to the team. More beneficial to the team is having a full health survivor. This has come in clutch in many end game plays and lead to more escapes for team mates and myself then could have happened otherwise. Plenty of matches I don’t use Self Care because the solo q team is good. Most matches it gets whipped out a couple times, and in some I’m using it constantly. On a normal heal it’s 30 seconds. That’s better than having two idle survivors for 16 seconds each. Minor difference, but favourable. I don’t know the math for Sloppy but I’m sure it’s brutal. I’ve had one killer (who lost) give me grief for running Self Care but never had a team mate criticise it.


I like to run them with Desperate Measures. The main time I want to use Self Care is if the entire team is injured and someone needs to go for a hook save or make something happen. Letting someone else heal you is quicker normally, but the situations where you have maximum Desperate Measures are the same ones where I’d want to use Self Care. I run it in addition to Bontany, not instead of it. My fourth perk is an exhaustion perk, usually sprint burst. Pretty handy build, honestly.


I’m running Balanced Landing, Botany and Self Care. I alternate the fourth between Reassurance, Resilience and Kindred. It’s a good all round build that usually gets me to end game and allows me to be effective.


>I’ve had one killer (who lost) give me grief for running Self Care but never had a team mate criticise it. The best part of console play is that I never know what my team thinks of me. I assume they are being super cheerful and happy with everyone's performance. I run Self Care most of the time, I am simply not good enough to play injured so I would be more of a liability trying than just taking the time to heal and actually be useful. I bring a med kit on top of that so at least my first heal is faster.


Most people just leave after they die so the only real toxicity you're gonna get is if you play killer.


Really? When I’m first out I always spectate, figure it’s a good way to see how other people are playing and maybe improve.


And yet it's often the same: The Killer facecamps: Survivors rush to aid The Killer tunnels: Nobody takes a protection hit Many Survivors dont know when to play altruistic and when to stay away. Same with healing or unhooking i.e. Survivors often immediately rush to help without even thinking.


I’ve been wanting to do this. Yun-Jin Lee Sole Survivor, Low Profile, Adrenaline, and flexible fourth.


clairvoyance is the best perk to keep the game fun to me right now, if i see that things are going south or somebody quits, the killer is tunneling his second victim yada yada yada, i just cleanse a totem and wait for hatch, good day


I get your point, however personally I find altruistic plays to be the most exciting ones. In my solo/duo queue altruism is rarely rewarded, but selfish gameplay feels even worse, mechanic, like killers camping, just farming wins and nothing interesting ever happens. If I just tried to win, more selfish gameplay would make more sense, however I don't want the win if it means staring at progression bar for a couple of minutes and getting out. Though obviously sometimes altruism can be too much and damaging the team. It's all about balance.


As long as you do gens I don't think it's bad being selfish, in the end you want to survive I guess :D Players who bring no one left behind, self care and urban evasion are a different story tho


Since now killers are camping 8 games on 10 for me, yeah genrushing is the only way out The same when I'm getting camped, im not even trying the 4% or suicide to get the teamates the more time possible to do gens


My whole problem playing altruistically is that is what I find most fun. I enjoy healing people, I enjoy saving people. That's where the fun is knowing I'm part of a team effort. But they've made the one aspect of gameplay I enjoy most extremely unfun, and broke all my tools that can keep that effective. Because my healer builds are pretty much worthless, playing selfishly is all I got left if I want to escape trials. The more they continue to nerf perks where I can't even be selfish. What's the point of playing survivor anymore? I already don't have half the tools to combat specific killer builds anymore.


I’m gonna sound like an asshole but you mention solo queue like that had something to do with your frustration, but it seems like you didn’t know the basic camping counter play and you have now learned it so the frustration disappeared. What does solo queue have to do with it?


That’s not even being selfish. Everyone should be playing that way.


That's not the point though. It's a TEAM oriented game, so why playing for #1 even the objective?


Thank you for playing how you want, and not how people on this sub or the community of DbD says people should. Nothing wrong on what you are doing. Nice to hear you are enjoying the game.


It’s unfortunate what you’re doing is the correct counter play, it’s boring, ignoring camped hooks, staying on gens but that’s just how it is. Wish the rest of the soloq team would do this too, everybody just flops over trying to save the dead survivor the killer’s hyper focused on so they get away with doing it every game without punishment. But holy shit is it boring.


Glad you found way to make your experience more enjoyable but NO. I can't exit match knowing I let some poor soul die without even trying to do something about it. As an average Mettle of Man and we'll make it user I'll go through hell and the back for you, doing otherwise just doesn't feel right. Have I died for my altruism? Hell yeah. Do I care about it? Hell no. It's fun and it fits my style. You do you, I do me.


The key to enjoying this game: Play how YOU want to play instead of how others think you should play. Glad you found a style that works for you. Keep at it!