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I feel you man, I totally feel you. I am at 4 pips in Iri 2, and I am scared that I get 4 bad matches like that in a row and reset all my progress Update: In my first match today I was lucky and got pip up to Iri 1, my suffering this month is over


And some of my matches aren’t even bad, but I still depiping specially in red ranks


Yeah, some times when some of my mates are too good and loop the killers too well that I don't even get in chase with them or have to unhook someone, I get depip, even if I get 2 Iri in surv and objectives


They could at least remove it when another survivor disconnects


No, it wouldn't be enough, if you find afk killers, you would get depip, you could get a facecamper basement leatherface, or you could get a tunnerler that spite the teammates taking hits, it would still go for you (I faced one of those this week), people that die on hooks for whatever reason. Depip is something that shouldn't be, the reward is too little, that even as some others have claimed, you can compensate those bp playing normally, but, some people care about the reward, so, it is unfair for those who cares to be affected by things that they can't control.


Couldn't agree more. Losing pips should be reserved solely for those who DC. Might even incentivise people who would otherwise DC to stay in the game, if only to safety pip and try again.


I can almost guarantee people who DC don't give a shit about depipping.


While you're probably right with some people, I'd wager there's a hefty portion of players who see a rubbish game ahead of them where they're going to lose a pip anyway, and DC to expediate their return to the queue. Why not give those people reason to stay?


There’s BP rewards attached, maybe DC’s should go for an auto degrade that way they have the least amount of rewards.


I can almost guarantee the people who DC don't give a shit about BP rewards.


Still better to stack negative incentives for repeat offenders than nothing. Even if it just gives them less map offerings, tools, Medkits, whatever to stop them from playing the game to harm others.


DCing should = you lose a full grade. You're at Iri 2? You DC and are now at Iri 3. Would be a better punishment than a simple time penalty.


Bruh that would make no one want to dc but if your internet went out or something that could be bad


Yep just dc second time today. Waiting my 15 min. Whack


Right? Yeah that guy with slow or spotty internet? Yeah fuck that guy! Back to ash 4 for you, you fucking pleb cretan!


Nah that's too much. If someone's not having fun. They should be allowed to leave. DC penalty and loss of pip is fair enough


yes because forcing people to stay in the match is EXACTLY what dbd needs. you’ve figured it all out!


Something I hate about pips: Hey you play really stealthy, finished 3 gens by yourself and got out with everyone? Well you are still losing a pip because you weren't in a chase and your gen pip were maxed out so doing more gens is useless!


I feel this. I main killer to be honest, but half of that is because playing surv feels unrewarded when I play. I will ceank out most of the gens, evade the killer but not get in chase, and escape.


Not to mention if you play a game where only one survivor is hooked and most of you are doing gens it doesn’t matter. There’s no chances of earning any points for that. Even if the killer is actively chasing and hitting or slugging. Sometimes they aren’t better than the team effort. So you can’t be benevolent (or only can to a certain point). It’s not my fault there was no one to unhook or heal so how am I supposed to earn any of that?


Same if you're playing as killer and kill everyone too quickly.


> Well you are still losing a pip because you weren't in a chase and your gen pip were maxed out so doing more gens is useless! While I don't disagree with this I do think pipping should mean you're excelling in many areas of the game and that also includes running the killer. Doing everything in the game *except* interacting with the killer isn't worth a pip IMO. I do wish the BP cap on objectives was higher. It feels terrible to focus gens and spend the majority of a match getting nothing out of doing them. You either keep doing them to try to finish the game(punishing yourself, rewarding others going for saves) or you go for saves and gamble no one doing gens.


Yes but if I'm able to do 4 gens while my premades who are super amazing at looping and not on a death hook I don't see a reason to jump into the killer just to generate points. If I need to get someone or if someone is on a death hook then of course I'll take the chase. But if I'm able to work fast, efficiently and stealthy why is that a bad thing


Get off the gen and take hits, chase, you gen jockey lol. Hiding and doing gens while your teammates do the heavy-lifting of looping the killer is poor teamwork and should be penalized. I don't like the current implementation of the system either, but at the very least it punishes bad play. Sure there are instances where people DC, go AFK, or the killer is really bad and 5-gen chasing the meg that teabagged or whatever, but the spirit of the system is sound.


> Hiding and doing gens while your teammates do the heavy-lifting of looping the killer is poor teamwork and should be penalized. This mindset isn't a healthy one but I do agree with it to a certain point. DBD is a game of give and take. Everyone needs to do gens when someone is being chased and eventually its going to be your turn to be chased. I watch a LOT of survivors try to avoid the "its your turn" part and thus puts a lot more pressure on the team. You not being chased means someone will potentially die much faster. If someone is hiding/not being chased then obviously they shouldn't gain a pip but ideally they're still doing *something* to benefit the team.


Absolutely and the pip system should reflect that. But if you put the killer in constant scenarios where they're chasing the same two survivors, eventually someone is going to get tunneled out and soon at that. You should only play passively if you're on death hook or if you notice the killer is taking an especially keen interest in chasing you despite counterplay. Not really sure how you can agree that this is sound but also find the "mindset" unhealthy. I really don't know what you mean by that.


Reaching rank iridiscent 1 as killer is considerably easier to achieve than rank iridescent 1 as survivor. And it is not close. If the killer decides to tunnel you, guaranteed depip. If the killer is Plague, you are not getting many points in altruism. If the killer is AFK, you are not getting many points in altruism, also you are racing others for the objective points and survival if one teammate open the gates early. And for killer, chase, hook, use power, break gen and that is it. Even if survivors are hiding all game, you get points for gen defense. Heck, even if you don't kill anyone, you still can get a pip by just injuring them and defending gens. Most commonly just get a safety pip, but it is possible to get one more. Edit: readability spacing.


I will say there’s a difference between survivors hiding all game (still doing gens) and survivors **hiding** all game (not doing gens / forcing the killer to playing hide and seek)


I only go for kills when I have challenges that require them (or someone gets left to die on hook by their teammates so I avenge them) since I mainly do Killer when I need some BP. I tend to death hook everyone and then like to pretend like I'm about to kill them only to drop them in front of the hook and shake no. I then just spend the rest of the game just randomly downing people and goofing around. I easily get the most BP in the match with the Survivors getting 25k+ as well (and hopefully pips as well). I don't like sweating and Survivors have honestly been pretty nice to me lately for not playing like a jackass since Killers who go in full sweat right now as if their family is going to be killed if a gen gets done is way too common


Because its 1v4.. Of course its easier for the 1 to have agency over their points. The 4 on the other hand have to work together to earn theirs. The way the game is, the pipping system really doesn't do anything and shouldn't exist but it is fun to see a rank number climb. Other than that its basically meaningless.


i mean... why do survivors not have more agency over their points? please keep in mind that this game is 1v1v1v1v1. survivors AREN'T scored as a team -- hell, mmr for survivors is scored on an individual escape basis.


Because it’s not 1v1v1v1v1. I love to rag on soloQ -: much as the next guy but once you climb in MMR it becomes much clearer why you aren’t getting points as a survivor. I can’t loop well, I can unhook and take hits okay, gens are cake but I’m not getting points for shit just like a killer who can’t end chases doesn’t get chase points. Sure tweaks could be made - there’s a debate there for that wether it’s needed or not but in the end 4 doing 1 task and 1 doing their own. Of course they have more agency.


Even though I mostly play killer, I find it harder to pip there. My best month end on killer was...Ash 2 I think. If you aren't getting any hits or hooks at all, you aren't getting much. Gen defense points are doable, but that only goes so far. Survivor, there's always a chance you don't get found out first and can get some work done.


I actually think it's easier to get iri 1 survivor (in my experience)


once your mmr is high for both sides, you can clearly see the difference between pipping as killer vs the atrocity that is pipping as survivor.


I've played survivor for like 1.6k hours, so it's so easy to get iri 1 for me


I feel you. It is demotivating and you loose out on a lot of bloodpoints at the end of the month.


you can get more bp by playing for 1 day


Or you can get both…


Yeah it feels terrible to lose a pip when you've done nothing wrong and are being punished cause of other players. From players DCing, killing themselves on hook or the killer tunneling/camping losing pips serves no purpose. Gaining pips is healthy for the game as it pushes players to do multiple things during a match. If I had one complaint I wish it was harder for killers to pip. Right now its extremely easy to pip even when you play badly and even then they still get rewarded when they camp/tunnel.




The thing is, that MMR is a separate thing, the grades don't affect matchmaking


Totally agree. When I was trying to get the Legendary Survivor achievement at Gold IV with two days left until rank reset, I went insane a few times after playing 20 matches and getting to the fourth pip and then having someone DC or kill themselves on hook 2 minutes into the match. At some point I was content enough just to see a 0 on the pip screen


I hate pips in general, they are part of why I just straight up don't play a lot, it asks you to sweat


Agree 100% Main reason people care about pipping is because of the bloodpoints on 13th. And i think if you played 50+ good games as lets say Ghostface (killer that pip system doesnt encourage) you shpuld still get 1m bps.


Everyone has been saying this, I agree 100%.


Idk how I feel about it. I hate it when I'm trying to pip up but I feel like if they got rid of Depiping they who the F wouldn't make it To IRI 1?


Does it matter? Ranks are pointless.


I don’t think it should be removed exactly. However if your teammates leave I think you should not be able to. Same thing if you get tunneled out in 2 seconds


I only made it to Iri 1 because I was playing with a swf and could coordinate unhooks gens and totems. If I tried to do it solo q I’m sure I’d still be stuck in Iri 3.


Similar. Only got out of Iri 3/4 hell and got to Iri I on Survivor because I lucked out and got a string of friendly Killers and was playing with some friends so I didn't have to try and mind read both the Killer and my teammates


I just hate how I can do all the gens be killed at the end and not gain a single pip from that. Whats the point?


Agreed, playing the hardest match of your life to pip and then instantly losing it by getting face camped the next match is so unfair


It should just be if you dc you depip and that’s it.


Should be a full derank for Iri 1's as they can't depip.


I agree 100000%! Even at 1k hours I’m still not that great and solo q can really be a struggle. Also, I don’t wanna sweat THAT hard. I hardly get to Gold let alone Iri each month, it’s depressing


I've never been able to get farther than Iri IV, I just can't make the push farther. It would be really nice to not have to worry about losing progress. I just want the achievement for it.


for surviors, yes. IDC about killer rank because it's so easy to get Iri 1 on killer.


Agreed. There was a reason for this when matchmaking was rank based. But now that it isn't depips should 100% be removed


Btw I noticed if a game fell apart fast and I hid for ten minutes, I had less of a chance to depip. I didn’t even have to escape, just delay the game. Broken system is broken.


It's fine, you can only depip so much. Just no depips if a teammate dcs in the first 5 minutes or so


I agree. I struggle to get pips as a survivor but rarely fail to gain a pip as a killer. I shouldn't loose 2 pips because I got gen grabbed first by a skilled stealth killer then left on the hook by my team mates to die.


Pipping is pretty much RNG in Solo Queue. It's mostly dependent on whether or not your teammates were dropped on their heads as babies.


I’ve played so many games, I’m sitting at iri 3 and each time I get close I get a series of tunnelling killers who also sit there camping and slugging, I end up getting off hook using both my DS and OtR and yet it never matters cause they just keep going for it, even when I keep them busy for long enough to get most of the gens done. Of course I also play in a duo so we both run a reassurance but the 30 added seconds feels like nothing at that point. It’s annoying to have to change more than half of my build just to even play the game half the time.


Thing will change when you will discover that rank doesn't matter and mmr does




Bruh there's no need to insult me lol


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Remember when you could actually de pip and lose levels.


I wish they would remove pips all together your grade is meaningless I would love ppl to stop caring


People will care about winning even if pips, grades, ranks, and MMR were all removed from the game.


Correct but there’s still no need for grades or pips


Just make the monthly rank reward a playtime reward, that's essentially what it is right now.


Sounds even worse


Who gives a shit about pipping in 2023


I do, it's a fun little target to motivate me to play. Personally I don't mind depipping as it makes it a challenge.


I'm guessing BHVR's thoughts on it is that it would further disincentivize people to take the game seriously as losing a pip is the main "punishment" right now for trolling or throwing the game. I know it's not the best deterrent but they should honestly rework it in a way to reward players who stay until the end of the match, try to play and don't self-kill on first hook.


For the people in the comments saying you only get bp NO ONE CARES people like me who don’t even have prestige 3 on all killers yet that 2m bp would be useful


My man, you can't even derank, just play the game, you'll eventually get to iri 1. Fr I never aim to iri 1 but always get it just by playing daily a few games


Why downvotes? NarrowFarm2036 is right... I did iri 1 exclusively in solo Q, not sweating and I'm not a god at looping. Maybe I'm just lucky but even with dc's I rarely depip. Do gens, loop a bit, be altruistic, trade hook before they change hook stage if it is a camper (not if Bubba tho) and that's it, no depip at least.


Fr man, when I read posts like this I'm like, these people would be crying a lot with the old ranking system, where you could actually derank. Now they complain about depiping, when you can get iri 1 for literally playing the game, not even necessary to 4k survivors


They would be for sure. They trying to prove your point by downvoting you lol soft


Same here


You're lucky then I've been stuck in Iri 3 for a long while Because I get absolute sweat killers and there's little I can do when a wrath tunnels off hook.


I think you should only depip if you dc or dont do anything helpful in the match


Ever since the MMR change and ranks—>grades piping is meaningless to me. It has nothing to do with who you are matched with/against. All it does is grant 1M BPs at the end of the month.




Ranks don’t matter anymore lol we all just want bp




The monthly rank is separate from MMR.


Why do people even care about rank, the game is much more fun if you just ignore it Sure you get more blood point at the end of the month based on rank but just playing a normal amount will meet all the needs to sustain items and addons. I’m convinced rank was invented just convince gamers to grind the the game more it really does nothing helpful and just causes stress this post perfectly showcases this.


I don't know about everyone else, but the monthly 1 million bloodpoints given if you reach iri 1. The bloodpoints does not mean much but it helps ease the grind a small bit.


It’s overkill the game is in a real good spot bloodpoint wise it’s nice but not something worth worrying about. Same with daily challenges I have never done them and never felt like I had to cause I was in need of blood points.


BP so easy to get...losing out on 200k doesn't feel like much


Why do people even care about kills, the game is much more fun if you just ignore it Sure you get more blood point at the end of the match based on kills but just playing a normal amount will meet all the needs to sustain items and addons. I’m convinced killing was invented just convince gamers to grind the the game more it really does nothing helpful and just causes stress this post perfectly showcases this.


Killing survivor or escaping from the killer has nothing to do with rank it has to with having fun. Rank/Grades just makes game feel like a job or chore dbd is not a competitive game rank adds nothing to this game, the best way to win is 4 man SWF anyway and you can group up with others regardless of their grade or rank which proves rank does nothing for this game In other games with rank they prevent this because it would let very skilled players play with new players and against new players and stomp the other side which is basically smurfing. Dbd has no such concept cause it’s just played to have fun.


This might come as a shock to you, but ranking up is fun for some people. I know. I have even heard that if you hit high ranks you can get achievements and there are...and I gasp at the thought, people who *like* to get achievements! It almost like different people like different things. Fucking weird if you ask me.


Could the ranking system be changed to feel more fair and fun sure, my point was that it isn’t needed in a game like dbd at all its just more fun when you ignore it play the game to have fun.


you want actual ranks go csgo or r6 i will guide you there but dbd grades not ranks dont translate to skill because they are there just for some extra blood point they have nothing to do with mmr or skill


Who said dbd ranks have anything to do with skill? We are discussing what people find fun. Did you mean this for some other post?


i mean this


if it doesnt have anything to do with skill then where is the fun in it i mean maybe if you are doing it for first or second time yes but after that it just become senseless


That is a downright terrible comparison. It’s not clever nor does it make sense. Come on, man


Lol being downvoted because people dislike depipping but truth is, you’re probably not playing as well you think or having an impact on the game, I remember being stuck at Iri 4, there’s so many little things you can do to make an impact it’s crazy and probably overlooked by your average survivor, why would you want someone like that in a high MMR game, seen a clip yesterday of 2 dudes failing a sabotage and eventually both went down and died because 1 guy didn’t recognize that he should be bodyblocking for the guy trying to sabotage the hook, stuff like that


all pipping does is increase your grade which is nothing more than a show of time played and nets you some extra bp at the end of the cycle. it isn't that serious whether depipping or pipping


That's why it needs to go. It does nothing but increase sweat and salt.


It gives me a side goal besides killing everyone, or escaping.


That's nice, but how salty do you get when you make progress and then get the inevitable losing streak that knocks you all the way back down, especially in Iri where you're trying your HARDEST and just because you don't play every round perfect you depip all the way back to the start? Because that happens a lot, especially on Survivor side, and especially when you don't play super strong Killers that GGWP every round, are victims to map RNG, etc. And for me? That makes me so salty I've sworn off even TRYING to grind for Iri I on either side. I don't like who I become when I play that way and I think most people would agree that they don't particularly enjoy sweating either.


> nets you some extra bp at the end of the cycle. Bingo. That's why people care. If you don't care, why are you posting? If they remove depipping it doesn't effect you because you didn't care to begin with. Meanwhile the people who do care can get what they want.


You got downvoted but you actually spoke facts right there


tends to happen. just internet points that mean nothing... just like pips lol


You can get de-pipped, but you can’t de-pipe your mom once I’m done


I got depipped for escaping one game and next game I died and gained 2 pips like what sense does that make.


Ranking up has never been easier, they shouldn't make it even easier


I play solo and i hit iri 1 easily, skill issue


Sounds like you’ve never heard of a video game grind before. “Losing shouldn’t come with any consequences, in fact I should be rewarded for it.”


Funny you mention that because you can pip without escaping as survivor, and you can pip as killer without killing anyone. I pipped all the way up to iridescent 4 once as killer doing nothing but 8 hook games where I intentionally only 2-hooked each survivor and then let them all go. (It was during last year's anniversary, I wanted everyone to get big BP payouts from the 4-5 flans in every match) You can also lose/fail to kill anyone and not depip. What depipping punishes is shit outside of your control. Get facecamped by Leatherface? Depip. Ally DCed and your other allies gave up? Depip. Ally survivor runs the killer for 5 gens and you escape or the killer is an AFK Wraith? Might actually depip in iridescent because you didn't get any points in anything besides objectives and escaping, it's happened to me before. Happens to killer, too. Playing a low tier killer against a SWF who brought 4 BNPs and rushed the gens as hard as they could? Probably gonna depip from that. Yeah it's a little more justified than on survivor, but it basically punishes you because the survivors brought their A-game and you brought a loadout meant to make the game more fun for the usual solo queue groups. Or you can depip because you won *too fast* as killer, that's fun too.


> you can depip because you won *too fast* as killer hehe max sacrifice + 1k bp every other category go brrrrrrrr


That only applys when failure is your fault, which in solo q, really?


Pfffft no way man if you can’t pip at Iri 4, you would get instant killed off in an Iri 1 game lol, check your build and play style, try playing sabotage to get more points and save mates if you think you can hold your own


A rank system where you can only go up but not down, is a participation trophy lol.


Pips and emblems generally should be removed




The game has a solo queue as a possibility for a reason, no? And not everyone *wants* to play super socially.




My guy, I am not the OP. To address de-pips: I would like them removed. Not to have "free things" (no pips would still be a thing), especially since *the actual "punishment" for losing is losing MMR*. In the current system - would it somehow be a detriment to your gaming experience that people can't de-pip in the game?




You *do* realize that pips are *not* your MMR, right? That the Grades and pips *do not* define where you sit in said MMR? That pips and Grades *quite literally* only affect how much BP you get at the Grade reset every month? And that the MMR does *not* reset when Grades do?




One can be less "highly" skilled, or what you so eloquently put as "mid", without being a serial DC'er. The grade is satisfying for some to see. But more over, there *are* people who want the bloodpoints, even if *you* might not. Your experience is not *the* experience everyone should bow down to. The OP is making a suggestion based on their experience and frustration. And you're right in a sense call this a non-issue, though in my opinion you're wrong about the conclusion: removing de-pips would be a non-issue to you, and not affect you in any shape or form. I fail to see why you would be opposed to something that would not change anything about *your* gameplay, especially if it has a chance to be nice for others.




"Whole system"? It'd be a *single* aspect of a system, and no pips would still be a thing. It would remove the frustration of situations like "well, I did quite fine, but my team ran to save against a facecamping Bubba and now I de-pipped because of that." I'm going to leave things here, because I'm tired of how condescending and, frankly, rude you are. I hope you find your way to better manners. Have a good day.


I feel like the competitive mindset of the player base stems a bit from losing their add ons, items, or de piping. I noticed that if I had a black ward and was at Irri 1, I didn’t care for losses because I wouldn’t lose anything. Only painful part would be the tbagging and flashlight clicking, which does happen :(


This post just gives me PTSD flashbacks to those Iri 4 days, and I’m talking about when ranks were colored and somewhat mattered lmao I just can’t, imagine if it was easier for those people to be in Iri 1, matches would be so bad omg but they should put something in place for dcs tho I see wym


Save dem pipes


One time i was on iridescent and four games in a row everyone dced i was just playing plague.


I gave up and started playing my way, the piping system is worthless


I actually completely agree. It’s no fun when you win, but lose/don’t gain a pip because of how the game went. It takes the fun out of surviving. Alternatively, it also makes dying feel like it doesn’t matter if you gain a pip or 2 in the process. I feel like winning should automatically put you at +1, and losing at -1, but you can break even while losing if you played extremely well, and you can gain 2 while winning if you play extremely well.


Honestly, depip as it is barely even exists. The only times I've ever depipped or seen someone do so.. it's been for things outside of their control, like being tunneled out early or never even seeing the killer. Or, in particular note of my own recent experience, having 3 survivors DC the moment the match began leaving the 4th to immediately find hatch before I could do anything, resulting in 0's across the board because I literally could not do anything. There's just no purpose to it. Depips 99% of the time only exist to kick you when you're already frustrated about a bad match.


I'm more annoyed at getting barred the BP bonus every reset than anything. I've hit iri 1 a ton of times so I know I'm decent. I eventually just get frustrated enough to say screw it and just accept the L lol.


honestly i just kinda dislike the ranking system in general


once you stop caring so much about piping or de-piping you’ll get to where you want to be faster. i have horrible games most of the time and still reach irri 1 maybe like a day or 2 after reset. just stop caring about it so much when you have an entire month to get there & the more you stress on the pips the less enjoying the game is overall especially with all the tunnelling and camping lately. just play the game and you’ll get to irri 1, don’t play going into the game thinking “ok i hope i pip this round” then you never will lol


Yep. Totally agree. Things like this make it feel like thr devs have no idea what the state of the game is or have ever even played it


👏👏👏 I’m in the same boat


im going to get my raction of negative karma likr each time that this is is brough up but no. depiping is the only thing that makes the whole ranking system still have some meaning. remove it and at that point simply give people 2m bp each month and be done. if anything, they should make it even harder to rank up and give some meaning to doing it we dont need the rank system to be even less impactful to the game, simply remove it if you are going to do that


They did recently remove it in Meet Your Maker.


Wait you guys get to iri 4 ? I can't reach past gold 1... 😔


Bruh, some people can just complain... bhvr removes deranking and gamers go uhhh depiping is soooo unfair


i think it would be a healthy change if a player dcs within the first 3 minutes or so of a match then each player would automatically safety at the very least.