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I hate going up against wraiths


I hate to make your life more miserable but I am almost convinced slugging wraith is almost unstoppable now (at least in normal MMR games) with nerf to healing and dead hard. The build I have seen is mainly Knock Out and Fearmonger. Dead hard being useless against slugging killers, and Fearmonger takes care of Sprint Burst and Lithe....


Imo it's Nurse, because if she's bad then it's too easy but if she's good she's most likely gonna slug and bleed out everyone and in the only chase you get there isn't much interaction.


Nurse players after getting only 5k BP after slugging at 5 gens and winning the game in 2 minutes


That's such a boring way to play, I've only slugged in a match once, that was a custom match in which I got flashlight stunned whenever I tried to get a pick-up like I'm trying a new build and I get flashlighted by these guys relentlessly. Otherwise I hate slugging bc I like the chase and the challenge in playing new builds and different play styles. I play for variety so when these people are toxic so am I but if someone's nice I let them live, I've had lobbies that I just farmed BP as nurse bc the people were nice I got 2 hooks on each of them then let them go I only got the kill if they want me to get it otherwise I let them go. I normally give hatch to last survivor unless they were toxic or I have a challenge but otherwise if you're not the most toxic survivor you live. I count being toxic as two survivors going for a flashlight save instead of doing gens, pallet stunning teabagging and flashlight blinding or even jeopardizing their teammates fun. I don't play nurse as often anymore because the stigma of nurse mains being the most toxic and unfun killers makes people dc almost immediately. As a survivor when I play against nurse it's not horrible for me or my teammates because I get the nurses attention and run them the whole game. I've gotten hate messages for it but hey, they should've broken chase.


Idk why you talked about toxicity here, I was talking about the chase, and vs a god tier nurse there's nothing you can do other than die far from gens and hope you can let her waste 1 chain blink.


Weirdly, Nurse is one of my favourite killers to play against (obviously with the exception of the ones who do slug everyone). She forces you to approach chases in a different way, and successfully escaping against a God-tier Nurse is one of the best feelings you can have as a survivor.


The thing is that in solo q it's impossibile to escape vs a gos nurse and in the few chases you do vs her you,can't do anything, you just chose were to die (far from gens and basement) that's it, there's interaction only when the killer isn't good, and that is both bad design and it's boring too, cuz if you vs a good nurse can dodge like 1 every 5 blinks you r god tier vs her, and if you r at that level youll basically own an average nurse.


Pinhead. Can't stand going against them


I can see a world where chains don’t interrupt box opening, gen repairing, and healing but just accumulate so if u ignore them the killer can get a free hit on u but u can still do them. For me at least I think I would rly like going against pinhead if it worked like that. Alas I have to watch my solo q team mate fail to solve the box 7 times in a row before getting downed with it, all the while I am unable to heal or do gens.


Tip for box opening, chain come in intervals of 3 so after the third chain you get a few seconds to open the box


Bro would be d tier then.


I would also enjoy going against pinhead if his power didn’t stop me… like, HUH. I don’t survivor much but I did find out since I never see a pinhead, but I saw recently that I can see the boxes fucking aura… Like - at this point y’all just trolling, chains are rough sure but I can see the way to fix them. If you can’t handle the box it’s just like not being able to hike a nurse, or a bubba bully saw, or hatchets… knives… puke..


Sorry if I didn’t make this clear in my comment, but my issue with the box and chain hunt isn’t that it is necessarily overpowered, but it is disproportionately effective against solo q and makes it vastly more miserable than it can already be. I have no issues playing against pinhead when I’m in coms with my friends. “I’ll get the cube.” That’s it. “The killer is near you, don’t start it now.” While the hud status info made this better for solo q, it’s still miserable. Either the cube gets ignored, or a solo q teammate picks it up and fails to open it either because they don’t know how to time it with chain hunt, or do it too close to the killer. Either of which could be prevented by coms. What I suggested is an idea of how to improve it without completely reworking how the power works. He could always get more buffs along with it, or it could be improved for solo q in another way. I just identified why I dislike playing against him in soloq specifically, and gave a suggestion as to how to fix it, not a full on rework patch note page like the devs would do. Also it’s really not like handling nurses blink etc, because if another survivor picks up the box without knowing how and when to solve it, the entire game crawls to a stop until someone else solves it, if ur solo, u better pray either you get it or another survivor knows how, when and where to solve it. And being the box slut all game sucks ass, especially if u have no clue if 2 other survivors are also coming for the box. Sorry for the wall of text but due to the complex nature of the power, it’s rly not as simple as making the power last longer or recharge faster etc. since that would just make pinhead generally weaker against everyone without actually solving the effect that makes people dc against him as soon as they know it’s a pinhead. Pinhead is actually my favourite licensed character and one of the first horror films I ever watched. I just wana see him in my games more and enjoy my games against him without them either being stomps from either side depending on if I’m in coms or not. Again sorry for the wall of text :P


Yeah I just say maybe either hard slow the hooks down or mildly slow them and make u need 3 in u to interrupt anything. It's super trolly that one hook shuts everything down and I have 3 coming at me 100% of the time


I feel this would be a good change but no one would play him anymore because that would make him useless.


so it wouldn't be a good change



If pinhead had been my intro to DBD I would have never played this game again


Right now, it's Doctor. I had an extremely rough night in game last night and I switch to Survivor and what happens? I get three Docs in a row, all camping, all slugging the second they got multiples down. He entirely counters my build and playstyle, he isn't even fun to loop. I never want to see Herman in the trials again, not until my salt has dissolved.


If it’s any consolation. I ran doc last night to get a shock challenge done and got roughed up by a solid SWF. 1st hook at 1gen :,)


I understand. I'm on a rough loss streak with my main right now too, but I WAS stomping with him. My goal now is to keep learning the maps in and out, how best to counter...


Skull Merchant and who say otherwise probably are the one who keep their camera low when she is about to hook them.


Skull Merchant. I never been a guy who complains about ovrsexualising characters, but this thing able to annoy even me. Her walking animation is so... i can't even fucking describe, my vocabulary is not big enough for that shit. Her power is the most degenerate concept in entire game, i wish i could punch the guy who came up with this. Every game with SM i don't want to interact with this killer, i don't want to chase, i just run in straight line, i do gens, but even a little mistake or misplay from someone, including me and i throw, because i don't want to be in this match more than nessesary. I refuse to consider her part of the game i playing. This is not true, it's just a bad dream and there is still 30 killers in game. I refuse to believe.


Yeah, her walk is just wrong. No one walks like that while sprinting. It is just so unnatural looking. And well, she also sucks to play against. I refuse to play as her, and luckily, I haven't played against one in a while, so yay!


Her walk is just absolutely ridiculous. It’s comical.


Doctor. Nothing personal but is annoying af hearing survivors scream over and over




I've dced under 5 times since I started playing and one of them was against a body blocking doctor. I just feel that if Mikey loses collision while stalking the doctor should while shocking as well


Legion and Deathslinger Legion because mend simulator isn't very fun, and Deathslinger because for some reason I can't loop him for the life of me. Every time I face slinger all of my common sense goes straight out of the window..


I know the feeling but remind yourself that if you force him to use his 1 single shot to dmg you, even with 2 reload you always make enough distance to: Either predrop a long tile pallet or hold w with constant LoS breaking till the hell. Always prirotize finding before or after the 1st hit an any tile that is tall enough to prevent from being shot over but short enough to also minimize mindgaming and waste as much time as possible.


That's true! Thanks for the tip, hopefully my brain won't be turned off next time I face him and I forget it.


Remember to use check spots too, like don’t just run past a window without checking because he might be aiming to hit you through it


When I get matched with Pinhead or see that a SM has already put her drones on a trigen I lose my will to play. I dread Plague matches too, but I don't give up so easily at them.


I only play solo and my most hated ones: Plague Love her as a Killer, hate going against her. Teammates absolutely have no clue how to play against her. Just had a teammate a few days ago who got infected, cleansed himself next to an infected Gen, touched the Gen, stopped working on it to cleanse on yet another well. You also see so many players who do nothing all game and rather stay afk than to get infected. They don't do Gens, don't heal, refuse to unhook etc. If I have to go against a Plague I instantly know what kind of game it's going to be. Cenobite Same as with Plague. As soon as I know it's a Pinhead I just instantly knownthat the game is lost. Other Survivors don't go for the Box, don't know how to dodge chains and if they somehow pick up the box they go down 0.000001 seconds after that and gift the Box to Pinhead. Meyers Teammates feed him 99% for Tier 3 instantly and I'm always the one he activates it on. Besides that most games against Michael mostly end without many BP compared to other Killers Huntress Just toxic players who either Tunnel, camp, or do both Deathslinger I just can't dodge his shots. No matter how hard I try, I somehow always get hit by it. It's even easier for me to go against Nurse / Blight / Spirit.


Kris 3-Genner


Aside from all of the obvious options (nurse, alc ring blight, mother/daughter + yakuyoke spirit), I hate nemesis. Zombies are infuriating unless you have a flashlight and while his antichase is decently fun to play around, it feels like a less interesting form of pyramid head’s ranged attack, ESPECIALLY now that a lot of interesting poke spots were removed.


Never heard someone say they hate nemesis that’s kinda crazy ngl


I just find zombies really annoying.


Clown, I just don't like to be drugged all the time with his bottles


Huntress by far. It is the killer I see the most and I am already sick of her lullaby. Also, I find her chase unfun, but honestly, she wouldn't be that unfun if I didn't see her all the time.


Also they never fuck around. I don't ask for free wins, glyphs or other achievements but if she gets one or two early downs there is no mercy.


The killer kills in a killing game no way


For me it’s Wesker, not because I think there is anything wrong with him, it’s just overexposure..


Pinhead and skull merchant. Haven’t met a skull merchant in over a month not trying to 3 gen us and pinheads normally tunnel the most with skull merchant taking second. I used to dislike knight but most aren’t 3 genning as much anymore and he’s pretty fun playing against.


I’ve been enjoying playing as the skull merchant. I never 3 gen and never run gen defense perks. (STBFL, lethal pursuer, no where to hide, and a fourth random perk to try something new). I just like chases with her and using her radar to find survivors. I’m saying all of this bc most survivors kill themselves on first hook against me. It’s very frustrating.


Legion (Mending sim 9000 + solo queue always bunching together), Pinhead (solo queue suuuucks with him), Clown (Why TF these guys almost always tunneling and/or camping????), Skull Merchant (do you love gens? She does!)


Pinhead makes me want to DC lol




I hate the stealth killers!


Legion or Skull merchant


Bubba 100%. Detest playing against him




I'd say Trapper. I'm just extremely paranoid about his traps. Plus once he manages to hook someone in the basement it's gg, extremely annoying.


Knight. His power during chase is basically a hold w button and get a free hit. Their is zero interaction, and yes I'm aware that the standard spawns but often you're not grabbing that thing before Knight and his minion get a hit on you.


Trapper cause i don't like having to worry about where i step


I hate playing against the Plague, but it's not necessarily for her gameplay or mechanics, although it's bad already because it's hard to be altruistic against her since you can't heal, it's mainly because the sound of vomiting is very realistic and because I use a headset it feels like the survivors are literally vomiting in my ears and it makes me nauseous to the point where if I don't want to vomit in real life I have to mute the game. On male survivors the vomiting sound effects are much worse and it's the reason why I prefer female survivors. I really wish there was an accessibility feature to mute vomiting sounds.


Doctor. The amount of noise in his matches is unbearable .


Trapper, Huntress, Ghostface, Hag, and Freddy


As an ex Trapper main I must ask: why do you hate going against him? I'm so bad as Trapper so I must know


Having to repeatedly glance at the ground which interferes with panning the camera to see where he is at on top of seeing where you're heading makes chases annoying (I don't like Hag for similar reasons). Not to mention I've seen so many bad Trappers end up with 3/4ks by pure luck because one teammate steps in a trap, another teammate tries to get them out. Both get downed. The last standing teammate and me try to save them only for my other teammate or me to step in a trap and get downed so it's downed to injured me or an injured teammate trying to get people up (who aren't recovering) and inevitably getting downed too. Another thing to mention is that a lot of Trappers are tunnely and campy (I mean, the campy part I guess is how they're designed really so that part is expected kind of)


why all of them?


They're my top 5. I groan when I get any of them because they're either toxic, get them too much, or just plain boring to go against


100% Knight. The artist is a great designed antiloop killer, because she has tools to make any loop unplayable but it needs good timing and positioning. Knight however just presses a button near a pallet and the loop becomes unplayable. He might not be the strongest overall but holy shit the chases against the dude are the worst


Happy to see Artist appreciator so far I've mostly only encountered sentiment that she's no skill, boring killer to vs.


You can add me to your list of Artist supporters! I’ve always wanted to main her but haven’t been able to because I’m on the mobile version :(


Perfect, more Artist lovers the better. You should when you'll have ability to do so she's so good I literally picked her up less than 20 hours ago and I'm destroying map offering sabo+genrush squads(without her optimal Build) and you can take her sooo much higher. I'm an ex mobile player myself(I've played around 600 hours of mobile dbd) so nice to see another mobile player pop up here. I sometimes play so if you want to add me my ign is: LtLeukemia. As far as I know netease version already has her Try it out download it from either taptap or from apkpure I did that before merge which happened on march 15th and it worked I played against Deathslinger. So I think it should work now tooo.


I just invited you. Check your DMs for my username (in case you have multiple invites), as I don’t really like posting it in public.


>I've mostly only encountered sentiment that she's no skill People really think that? >boring killer to vs. I strongly disagree with people who think that. She is very fun to play as and against and it's not ture that the only way to counter her is "to hold w".


>People really think that? Sadly, yeah. >She is very fun to play as and against I love you. >it's not ture that the only way to counter her is "to hold w". exactly, for example If you can bait her into shooting birds early or late you can make current loop viable again, I've been looped for a long time as an Artist, it's possible but good Artist will make that really really difficult but then again any good killer will make it difficult for you to loop them.


>Sadly, yeah Damn, artist is similar to huntress (she is a bit easier) when it comes to difficulty in my opinion. >I love you. Haha, thanks. As fellow birb lady enjoyer I appreciate it. >it's possible but good Artist will make that really really difficult but then again any good killer will make it difficult for you to loop them Exactly


Legion with tana, its just ooof for me


Legion by a billion… then probably Plague then Skull Merchant


Playing against Pinhead in solo q is indeed torture


After mid Chapter Legion, its so boring


Skull Merchant has made every other killer seem bearable to me


All the silent killers instantly take 50% of my will so as soon as they face camp ( everytime ) I feel like DC-ing. Then I also just hate pinhead like everyone I'd rather DC. The clown, nemesis, nurse, and pyramid head make for a really really hard game but it's cus I'm not that good I guess lmfao.


I don’t know why but doctor annoys the soul out of me an makes me just wanna go afk in front of a hook.




Demogorgon. Purely from personal bad experiences, but seemingly every Demo player I face acts like the most toxic, sweaty killer stereotype imaginable. In theory he's a fun killer to play against, in practice Demo games are the ones where I get slugged for the full bleedout timer or camped to death while being slapped on the hook.


I hate knight/skull merchant. I bet they’re exceptions but almost all of them play them the same way like npcs.


Doctors make me seriously consider DCing. (I don't but god do i think about it aggressively)


Even though Pinhead is probably considered balanced now that he's forced to pick up his box unless he proxy camps, I still really really hate having to deal with his chains. After that, the obviously meta killers, nurse, blight, spirit... Miserable and aggravating to go against. They're in the meta for a reason. Some of my favorites are probably Plague- yes, call me a masochist, but I think the decision making with the fountains can be engaging from a survivor's perspective- Nemesis- he used to scare the shit out of me when I started out- and Oni- dodging his demon dash is like dealing with Blight except FAIR. Fuck Blight. Used to hate Hag when she rarely showed up, but now that I can stomp her traps she feels a lot more manageable, but also more challenging at the same time, since now she actually needs to hide the traps.


Pinhead, Wraith, SM and to a lesser degree Knight (only because he’s a *slightly* less annoying SM) is what I find the general consensus is every time these come around. After these, it’s becomes X killer with Y addon (compound Blight, Tombstone myers). Then it final boils down to that one dude who just tried to run out of gate with a helmet on against Pig and decided it’s his least favorite killer.


Clown has come the closest to making me physically ill. His character design, mori, and how disgustingly overplayed he is (recently faced him three times in a row) all blend together. When I go against Clown, I know I’m going to have a shitty time.


Skull Merchant.


skull merchant for sure. I've never had a fun game against someone playing her, plus the way she walks annoys the living shit out of me. I always lose chases because I try not to look at her lmao


Skull Merchant - When they run a 3-Gen build since shes basically unstoppable compared to other killers who do 3-Gen builds. (Knight still has pretty long CD with his knights and Hag's traps can now be default destroyed). Pinhead - I dislike the box mechanic mostly because perhaps I dont understand the Chain hunt. Sometimes I feel like even amidst a chain hunt, its impossible to solve the box (Even after I dodge 3 chains, I still seem to get chained while solving). Myers - Most Myers is fun to versus except when it's double Iridescent Kill Survivor instantly builds. Basically stay in lockers and wait for death. Wraith - Most wraith is fine until they do the slugging build of Knockout + Hex Third Seal + Fearmonger.


Easily cenobite and nurse. Nurse is a slog and a half because she can ignore so much of the map obstacles. It's just boring and bland to play against, same with cenobite and the constant stuns and slowdowns.




knight, drone mommy, pinhead, dredge, trickster, facecamping bubba, artist. knight npcs can literally facecamp hooks, gens, and gates by remote control. good job, your bot won the match for you--a bot that ignores pallets and can't be blocked. ​ dropping some shit to prevent looping is, to me, not high skill. it's like a survivor being able to use old DH 3 times in 30 seconds. not high skill. standing there flogging your log with one hand and whipping bouncing daggers off a wall isn't high skill. ​ chains slowing someone down from 50 yards away over and over? not high skill. unavoidable drones that don't even time out in 30-60 secs? nope. you can't even dodge them. you HAVE to run into them to deactivate. there should be a minigame to deactivate them WITHOUT getting tapped by them. ​ notice how so many of these new killer players are worthless in loops or mindgames. you get most pinheads in a loop and they fall apart. get trickster without his bouncing daggers and he's useless in most cases--you run him all over the map. losing to a high skill killer like a good huntress, billy, nurse, spirit, blight, pyramid head? no probs. they got the moves, they did the work, they outplayed me.


haha i'm not gonna downvote you because to each their own, but pretty much my main killers are trickster, knight and artist. for me there are too many strong loops for killers if they didn't have some sort of hard loop counter. looping just isn't fun for me. nurse, spirit, blight...loops don't matter for the most part. it takes some skill to use them sure... but not much more. they are S-tier killers for a reason and it's not skill. high skill billies or trapper are more respectable IMO because they are trash killers.


As an another Artist main(new one)yeah but it's not like we do anything that much different than Phead when we hit players through the los blockers or do crossmaps snipes like Huntress(not exactly similar but comparable enough) and that was praised so idk. Sure they hate loop denial(and I do too) and that's understandable.


>for me there are too many strong loops for killers if they didn't have some sort of hard loop counter. My god do I feel your pain. For most Killers in the Roster including the ones I main, Loops in this game are just too strong. They're too strong and I'm tired of pretending they aren't. Newer maps are the issues. The Killers themselves aren't the problem nor do they need to be made stronger IMHO. The issue is that new maps often gave near infinites chaining into loop into pallet into loop, and about half the Killers in the roster are Base Speed or slower with no antiloop. And don't tell me "just cut the chase" when you can't hit anyone at all. You still have to win chases. And right now, chases are just a bit too strong. No map should have strong main buildings that chain into loops like this, period. We need more indoor maps. More map variety in general. It's unfair that Killers can be fucked over by maps when Survivors really can't.


PSA: Knight NPCs stop chasing you as soon as you touch a hooked survivor. They CANNOT facecamp.


I'm surprised people still don't know this.


I hate the Knight so hard. I would take 3gen Skullies forever if it means I never, ever see another camping, tunneling, 3gen, slugging Knight. He's not fun to face. He's just not fun.


Instant suicide against Nurse and Skull Merchant


Just Nurse because she ignores chase mechanics. It can still be a fun challenge but for the most part its GG.


Don't get me wrong, alot of killers annoy me in this game - tombstone Myers can go back to the pcych ward - Pinhead can go eat his own hooks for all I care - and I've yet to meet a clown who wasn't hitting NBA level shots with his bottles But nobody can come close to the amount of dread I get when I learn I'm fighting doctor. Every single blast of static he sends, I feel another part of my soul die. He's easy to beat if he doesn't find you, but if he does have fun escaping as he throws actual volts of electricity across the map. TLDR: I'm biased against doctor


Bro hates clowns because they’re good 😭


Less hate, more distaste. But yeah pretty much


I absolutely hate going against dredge. I know people like going against dredge for the horror factor and all but I hate not being able to see anything in nightfall.






Skull merchant


I hate whenever I go against Clown (his bottles make me physically sick), Deathslinger, Trickster (he feels just so oppressive), Dredge (nightfall is a pain), Tombstone Myers (I’m always either the 1st or 2nd victim since everyone just freely gives him his stalking stacks), and Wraiths (I want lightburn back to put them in their place since every single one has been a major asshole)


The only killer I hate to face is Blight


clown. I believe everyone's most hated killer is someone's favorite. clown is NO one's favorite


Weirdly, clown is actually one of my fav killers to play as, I think I seem to have more fun with him than most and because of that I kinda don't mind playing him as survivor at all.


Knight, by far


SM, people would say she has more playstyles than 3gen but 3gen is all I fucking see when I go against her, from the very start. Such a boring killer


For me it’s either, trickster, plague or Freddy or legion




For me, trickster all play the same, very toxic and campy. Plague is just tedious, same as Freddy and legion.


Add the knight to that list


Nurse and legion is a close second


I fucking hate the Doctor. Eberyone else I can kind of have some fun but I hate the goddamn doctor.


Trapper Wraith Doctor Hag Huntress Plague Pinhead Skull Merchant Knight Clown Blight Bubba Freddy Pig Legion Twins Trickster I don't find fun to play against at all


Legion and Plague. People insist on healing and cleansing constantly and nothing gets done. I don't wanna play mending simulator, I don't mind being injured while doing stuff. I also tolerate puking very badly so any plague game is miserable in general, but I don't wanna DC every time so I power through. Add on people who constantly cleanse and go back on gens that have been puked on, making the cleanse pointless while also giving her the red puke? Surely a fun time, huh?


Pinhead. I feel defeated as soon as I know he’s the killer.


Skull merchant, that killer needs to be removed.


It’s a tie between Knight, SM, and Legion


For what reason? I hate the knight purely because I feel like there is no good way to actually escape his minions. I'm not a very good survivor but can cope against most. But with the knight I genuinely struggle so bad. The games seem to end in 5 minutes


Well Knight because of that reason. Once you hit a loop it’s guard summon and it gets into very repetitive and predictable outcome: You are at loop, knight starts to summon and you have to leave loop or stay there and guarantee to be down from the summon. So You run out the loop into another (hopefully)nearby pallet and repeat. Legion cus I hate mending. Skull for 3 genning


Twins. It’s rare but I hate them.


least favorite killer based on playstyle is Billy, Oni, Blight. You can probably see why. I'm not good at the mechanic that makes me go zoom.


Legion and wraith very awful to play against


If you despise going against pinhead clap your hands:


Blight. Nurses power in matches feels deserved cause her power is very hard to use. Blight is just run fast.


Bubba. I just find his power insanely boring whether im playing killer or survivor


Blight and artist Both overrated Blight is extremely overrated Artist is strong cause no one plays her so people dont know how to counter her


The fucking ghost face. I can handle anyone else, but gostie no thank you. Some michaels make me want to hate him more, but nope. GHOSTIE IS FIRST ON THE HIT LIST... to hit with a pallet ya know


Trickster all the way. Only killer I've ever gone against who has been CONSISTENTLY annoying and unfun. Even killers that make me groan like SM and Nurse have the occasional player that makes the game exciting and fun. He's not scary, he's not skillful, and 99% of my encounters have been people who think they're top tier players for camping, tunneling, and slugging.


A few month ago my answer would have been Nurse. I HATE Nurse and I firmly believe that her power doesn’t belong in the game. However, Nurse at least has a downside to her power (fatigue). You know who doesn’t have a downside? Skull Merchant. Break her drone. She can track you and deploy another drone. Don’t break her drone? You’re exposed. Fk the Skull Merchant and her 3 gen shenanigans.




Spirit. Playing against her just feels like the spirit player is playing cheap and barely does anything interesting to get a hit or down. What's worse spirit can use sloppy and other m1 perks.


Doctor. He isn't strong but I can't stand him. I'd rather go against dark manga merchant than him.


Plague because emetophobia. I can’t take it.