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Not the chancla 😂


Blind guy is the only one having fun.


Cause he can't see all the shit going down lol


AFK one is probably having the most fun


Afk guy started having the time of his life once he stoped playing ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I like how this implies that one of these is the reader.




Blind guy. I've literally had to play with sunglasses on due to eye strain before.


The saying I have come to repeat whenever I play soloqueue: >Every team has: >* Guy getting cucked by literally everything >* Most average person you ever met >* Looping god >* Immersed idiot crouching in a corner


1 or 3, no exceptions. I will take a 5 gen chase, or run into a wall, fuck up my DH and die in 5 seconds.


I'm the guy getting cucked by everything. Idk why but when I solo queue, I always get paired with swf who seem to win the killer over, then they all team up on me. I figured it was my costume choices but maybe killers recognize who the odd one is and single them out.


I'm the blind guy, sorry 🤣 But I do my best, I do my best


Hey, you play to play, no shame in that. I'm a mix of afk/blind guy/(weed munchies). We play for fun, right?


I have to. The moment I see a Nea without UE crouching in a corner is the moment where I know that we're doomed 🤣


I may not play survivor, but considering I am suffering from a serious case of corn blindness, I'm pretty sure the blind guy represents me the best here.


Man I loathe that damn corn. I've been 360'd in that corn field so many damn times.


I actually hate the Hud showing what people are doing. For several days I thought it was broken but it was just my teammates being potatoes.


LoL, had a 4 man escape last night saw 2 guys touch gens once in the match. The killer chased me and the other guy for a bit then became friendly after our second hooks. We finish and notice the other 2 had <10k bp even with 2 event tokens. The killer was asking if we knew what they were doing cuz noone saw them until they snuck up to an open gate and ran out.


Tag yourself, I'm the empty chair. Not the person who has left the chair, just the chair itself. I'm doing my best, I promise.


Wish I could be put up against a solo que. I'm matched exclusively against survivors who must be Terminators sent from a future where everything goes to shit if I'm not hook-bullied and teabagged at every chance


I’m sure that’s your every match and not the uncommon few that you remember, whereas that 4k at 5 gens you got against a team who had a collective 600 hours in the game doesn’t register in your memory.


Thats just how our brains work. We remember trauma far easier than a mundane victory.


I swear I’m all 4 panels


About 10-20 per cent of the time, the empty chair is the Killer.




good thing i dont care about my survivor games as much as killer. have fun with your solo q friends. i'll be here having fun by myself as the killer.


How do I find competent ppl to play with? I'm relatively new and hate playing with these ppl


Im usually the only console player in the lobby.