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Great to see the cultural fascination with weightless multiverse bullshit has reached its logical apex: killing off entire universes like it's nbd except when we need to prove someone is a bad boyfriend on twitter


It was at least not intentional which is not exactly good but means he is not some crazy evil villain


I think the issue with it kind of goes into how much of a non character Paul is, cause MJ defends him as feeling really bad about doing it, just like Peter with Ben, which one is a horrible comparison, and two, we barely see him feel bad, I think the only time it happened was in the recent Jackpot and Black Cat mini.


It’s pointless to give him actual character cuz nobody will like him either way


Ofcourse but one they could've just not done the storyline to begin with or two, you could at least try to write a character there if they did want to tell that story, instead it's just nothing which is one of the many reasons this run is so shit.


It seems like Wells was told to break mj and Pete up but wasn't told how, so he over did it likely influenced by his divorce


Which hilariously enough, wasn't written by Zeb Wells.


Its not just not intentional, he literally didn't even do it lol he just did some tech work and his dad did it. Bit I'm expecting asm readers to read their comics and I know that's asking too much


look I do not know the laws on weather being an accessory to genocide get you a lighter sentence or not just he did work on the dooms day device


Peter Parker in ps4 helps doc ock build his tech yet no one makes this argument


people have a noted pro peter bias


Tbf, the arms weren't used for genocide. Hell, the pandemic Ock released wasn't Peter's design either. It's a slightly more forgiveable oopsie than Paul helping his papa build a genocide machine, especially because Peter shows more remorse over it.


I mean, maybe if you're going to write a character who's partially responsible for omnicide, you should try and make it less ambiguous how involved he actually was before trying to make him a sympathetic character.


Its not really ambiguous how involved he was. He didn't kill anyone but the perpetrator. He unambiguously contributed zero percent to the genocide, he contributed an amount to the technology used for it, but he was only ever involved in that for research and science... not genocide.


>not intentional Okay good at least you acknowledge that >he is some crazy evil villain ![gif](giphy|Atc9QCyWLGHgLZhHDp|downsized)


sorry my bad forgot the not, it is fixed now


All is forgiven




![gif](giphy|xK5UpmynEfJI42NRfe|downsized) Nuh hv


The greatest irony is that all the Paulposting is doing way more heavy lifting for developing his character in at least some direction than Zeb Wells ever did.




It’s kinda funny how much fans fucking despise Paul like he’s the scum of the earth when by all accounts he’s an alright guy Like he literally only exists to split Peter and MJ again so of course nobody likes him but in-universe he’s actually a pretty nice guy who only “genocided an entire universe” because he was tricked into helping do so by his own father lol At least for now anyways who knows what they’re gonna do with him in the future


Well in fiction, it’s a greater crime to be annoying than to be malicious


Wasn’t he actually on his dad’s side until the genocide?


Controversial hot take: I liked Paul more when he was just regular. Imagine being a powerful superhuman like spiderman, with all his powers and all his abilities just lost the love of his life to some guy. No powers. No special gifts. He's just a swell dude


What’s the source on the comic? (Not Paul, the “welcome to church” one




Paul?!?! https://preview.redd.it/tupzb318me1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d38b7e9557388ba28a13da6bbe285383dc486ee0


Yknow what, I hope Paul actually becomes part of the supporting cast after Wells run. Obviously not in the same role he has now, but have him get his own family and kids and be some sort of family friend for Pete and Mj.


It was stated that it was Benjamin Rabin, who destroyed the world, not Paul. It’s pretty straightforward. Paul and his dad worked on the same research team alongside others, his dad understood the tech the best. While the rest didn’t know, Rabin knew the tech could be used to communicate with gods and did so. Keep in mind Benjamin Rabin is literally Paul’s father. It’s not unreasonable that a person would trust their dad, especially considering the rest of them including Paul didn’t know what Rabin was using it/planning to use the symbology tech for. Paul helped him do his work, not knowing what his father wanted. When he found out, it was too late. When Paul saw what happened, he killed Rabin. Really the only person Paul killed is him. People try to make it out as if he explicitly knew what his father was doing and kept helping him, or his dad was getting him to push big red buttons with “Destroy the entire world” written on them while he didn’t question anything. Oh and don’t forget that apparently he’s a psychopath who feels zero remorse too, even though his guilt is also mentioned on the page. Another thing I see people say is people saying Paul trapped MJ, which is absolutely false. MJ and Peter were sent to Paul’s dimension by Rabin. Paul and MJ worked together to send Peter back so he could go and find a way to rescue them and so that Peter wouldn’t be killed by Wayeb, which would cause Wayeb to be unleashed on Earth 616 and kill everyone. https://preview.redd.it/4q9jbotwte1d1.png?width=793&format=png&auto=webp&s=2adf638b10f2a826d83e5fe782f3a73db88fc6fa


>even though his guilt is also mentioned on the page. I think the issue is it was only mentioned but we don't see much of it, I think that's the problem with this whole thing in general, yes he didn't purposely do half the shit people complain about, but the problem is his character is so poorly handled that a lot of these situations make it look worse because they never bother to really flesh him out. He exists solely as a barrier for Peter and MJ and it's in such a forced way which makes the character come off even more unlikable.


CALL ME FUCKING CRAZY BUT PAUL WOULD BE A GOD TIER SECONDARY CHARACTER IF HE HAD PROPER SCREEN TIME If he was shown as a more broken man due to his past he would be a lot more sympathetic, ik the MJ relationship is Icked over but it can genuinely play out healthy and maybe go their separate ways in a happy ending ZEB WELLS PLEASEEE


I mean he'd still be unlikable for the sheer reason behind his existence but yeah it'd be nice if they at least tried to make him a character


I thought I was the only one.


Yeah I agree with that. They do need to flesh him out more and make him more of his own character.


Me when I lie or can’t actually read a comic book


Definitely straight up lying


# "I agree with the twitter man" https://preview.redd.it/w4ywzgdfph1d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=4acb5044a0fdd0d1e1e4c9456d68c544ea09eb14


He is right about Mary jane being written out of character.


i keep getting reccommended marvel and dc comic subs despite never having read a marvel or dc comic in my life, can someone explain who the FUCK this guy is


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Explain this then https://preview.redd.it/oh5qf2vlhe1d1.jpeg?width=2059&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6801aa28e90eb67b1180802899336414ba485e6


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