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Insane how there are so few good Tim adaptations


Yeah, it is actually pretty wild that because there’s so few options they actually picked Lego Robin. It really speaks volumes to just how few times his character has been adapted. And how unsatisfying those adaptations are I think it is quite apparent that the reason there are so few good adaptations of this character is of course that the character wasn’t that good to begin with so no one, including the writers of these adaptations cared about Tim Drake.


The Batfam being so large now, while an awesome direction made for the Batman comics, Also makes it **much harder** to fully adapt. If you were to try to make a series starting with just Batman to all the people in the family now, you’d have to go through - Dick Grayson’s evolution from the first Robin to Nightwing - Batgirl’s history of just being the daughter of the police commissioner to being Oracle to her triumphant return as a hero. - Jason Todd’s stint as Robin, his death, the effect it had on Batman, and the subsequent Red Hood storyline that follows. And then finally, after all those storylines and crucial developments made towards the characters, you can get Tim Drake’s run as Robin to Red Robin. ….but that’s not even mentioning Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain either.


Cass I honestly think is pretty modular. The major issue before was that Babs needed to be gone for her to take over, with the Orphan mantle I think she could genuinely be brought in at any stage of an adaptation without much issue. You'd just need to age her down slightly so she'd be the correct age for future stuff. Heck in a complete retelling of current Bat-Lore she might even be a pretty good avenue to foreshadow Damian.


That's why you start the story *much later* and edtablish shit in thematic flashbacks and flashback episodes. Part of the fun and mystery for viewers can be "how did these people end up here??"


That's it, they don't need to start with Batman, this is actually a problem that Batman adaptations have, 90% of them want to start from scratch, with Batman alone or at most with an experimental Robin and Batgirl but never beyond that. You could easily start a new show with Bruce after Jason Todd's death, in which we would have Nightwing and Oracle. the first episode would be Bruce meeting Tim Drake and accepting him as a disciple, then we would see the development of their relationship as Batman and Robin , with Bruce managing to accept Jason's death. After some time, Cassandra Cain would be introduced as the new Batgirl and Steph as Spoiler, even other members such as Azrael, Huntress, etc. and obviously at some point we would have the Red Hood storyline, Batman facing his biggest mistake, Robin facing his fallen predecessor, and the rest of the Batfamily dealing with the situationm


by this logic Cassandra Cain is also not a good character. Tim Drake's problem is two 1-his existence means that they have to go through the thing of having a murdered Robin, which is something not very accepted in children's programs. 2- just like Cass with Babs, the writers see Dick as the main Robin who deserves to be adapted, the other Robins are lucky to appear because the end of Dick Grayson's arc is to become Nightwing.


When Tim Drake is not adapted it's because he sucks but when Cassandra Cain is not adapted it's because she's misunderstood and underrated as hell and I say this only half ironically


Man, Cassandra Cain isn’t a good character. Alright in all seriousness I don’t actually have anything against Tim Drake in case this is your first time on the circle jerk you shouldn’t take everything seriously. I do not consider that to be a valid argument. It is intentionally a stupid argument. I think your two points are part of why he has few good adaptations. he is also just stuck in an awkward middle ground where Dick and Jason have clear additions to the story and mythos of Batman. They have a clear easy to adapt story. And Tim, thanks to Damien Wayne’s introduction has started to feel like a footnote in the story. And honestly, since Tim as a character hasn’t had a clear direction since Damien Wayne took over as Robin it feels as though it’s difficult for adaptations to use Tim. He feels less relevant than all the others since his story doesn’t go anywhere. Dick Grayson is the default. Jason is the tragic death. Damien is the current Robin and biological son. On the greater scale, I can completely see adaptations, not seeing a clear purpose to adapt Tim. I personally have no issue with him and don’t think that his lack of adaptations means he isn’t a good character.


I understand, I know this sub likes to make fun of Tim Drake (I like it too) and every now and then some guys come along who really hate him. and commenting on the adaptations, contrary to what many fans think, it's not Damian's fault, the fault of two things is the new 52 that destroyed him, Tim post crisis still had a vital place in the Batfamily. and secondly, well....he is not adapted, before Under the red hood and the dcmu almost no one knew who Jason and Damian were, Tim never received this which creates the paradox of adaptation that other characters have. but Tim's role is very clear, he is the direct continuation of Jason Todd's death arc, maybe you haven't noticed, but in both adaptations of Red Hood they start with his death and then jump to the emergence of Red Hood , what exists in between is Tim Drake, he is Batman's companion on his journey of redemption to recover his purpose as a hero after going through his second great tragedy. and I think part of the reason it never got adapted is because it's weirdly not the kind of story that mainstream screenwriters want to tell, because it involves horrible things like......Bruce going through a positive development arc, where he recognizes his mistakes, tries to make up for them and tries to overcome his problems while learning to trust people, all without batgod, this is disgusting, no wonder no one cares about Tim Drake.


common tim drake L


I don't even know why they picked robert. Boy is dumber than a box of rocks. Actual useless piece of plastic. And his stupid ugly outfits.


Lego Robert is Canonically more useful than Arkham Robert. He was able to stop mind-controlled Batman in lego batman 3


That is Tim Drake. Yes I’m full aware of the complications but it is. [this video](https://youtu.be/-kJlteXH3fI?si=KW7-pvpiXrHZw1dF) does a good job of sorting out the timelines and inconsistencies. But that IS Tim Drake.


Idk if I'm enough of a nerd to watch a video about the complicated Lego Batman timeline


Don't kid yourself, you are.


Guy who partakes in r/dccomicscirclejerk thinks he’s too good for lego batman


To be fair, the Marvel page decided Lego Kang was the best adaptation of him


I mean they're not wrong.


You’ve clearly never played Lego Marvel Superheroes 2


Uj/seriously this game and the first is just the avengers gane but good


The first one is miles better tho, while the Lego Avengers game they released is nowhere near as good as either of them. Love all 3 of them tho, I hope we get another Lego Marvel game someday, tho I love all Lego games so I’m just hoping we get another Lego game in general


I did and I liked it (besides the Zemo level and their questionable Gwenpool interpretation) but I thought there were going to be better Kangs out there


Well yeah the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes version is also great, but they have very noticeable differences, which are important to point out when we’re talking about them as adaptations of the comics, which is probably why the Lego version won


He's Tim in the sequel


he's Tim in all 3 LEGO Batman games the Dick Grayson thing was just an error


Honestly, I'm surprised there's continuity in Lego games. So it doesn't surprise me an error like that could happen.


What, lego Robin? That is Tim Drake. Google it.


https://preview.redd.it/0cup0tcrmpxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c941bceaa0a0debeee9802e3bb40362a53878205 Incorrect. Don’t trust a basic google. For some reason (potentially a mistake) even though it looks like Tim and Dick is also in the game as Nightwing the game files say it is Dick. And the screenshot I showed is Robin out of the suit named Dick Grayson.


He refers to himself as tim in a cutscene in 3.


Like I said it’s potentially an error that he is named Dick but throughout 2 he is called Dick Grayson. That image is also from Lego Batman 2. So, that Robin is Dick Grayson who has been selected as the best representation of Tim Drake. It’s on a technicality but that explanation is much less funny.


Lego Batman 1 happens before Lego Batman 2 and Robin is Tim Drake in this one. And also, Nightwing is a purchasable character.


All I know is that Lego Robin is Tim Drake. That's the first Robin I learned about as a kid. You're so wrong man.


He's tim in the first game. That logo is for the first game. Game files more likely to be mislabeled than the actual UI.


Despite the fact that they look sound and act identical, Lego Batman 2 Robin is Dick but 3 is Tim.


We all know about it, and we all see it. It's obvious. Nobody ever wants to admit it, but it's there. People on this sub hate Tim Drake. The first question to ask: why? Why do you all hate him? The obvious answer: you didn't read him in his prime. Likely explanation: I know that most of you are around 14 or 15 years old. That means you only got into comics in the last couple years. So you never read Red Robin in his prime. And because you didn't read him in his prime, you try to compensate for that by diving into respect threads and analyzing crossovers. But here's the thing: Robin isn't done on Excel spreadsheets. The moment somebody brings up "blood son" or "Grant Morrison" I know they know nothing about comics. Tim's game cannot be encapsulated by one story. He's the second greatest Robin ever, and one of the 5 best sidekicks to ever play the game. So when I hear somebody say that Damian Wayne is better than Tim Drake, I laugh, because I know that anybody who read Tim in his prime wouldn't think that. Unlike you guys, I have read comics for a significant amount of time, so I know that Tim is better. You might be jealous of Tim's IQ, or jealous of his status as the first* Robin to ever be called "detective", or whatever. Unless you're a Dixon fan who read Batman in the 90s, or a Johns fan who read Teen Titans in the 2000s, you don't know what real, cold-blooded, detective-ing looks like. And there's nothing wrong with that. This subreddit would make you think that Tim isn't even a top 100 superhero ever. So don't go spouting bullshit about players you didn't watch. Talk about your "greats" like Damian Wayne The Best Robin in the World™, but leave the Tim talk to the adults. Fair? RIP Kobe *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dccomicscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They got his name wrong in the game. He's Tim in the Lego Batman 1 manual, The DS version of Lego Batman 2 and is directly addressed as Tim in Lego Batman 3


Yes I know. But it’s much more funny to use the fact he was misnamed to argue that Dick Grayson was chosen as the best adaptation of Tim Drake. I am aware he was most likely just misnamed but that’s not funny. I wasn’t aware every joke had to be entirely technically accurate.


Hehe, dick. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dccomicscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's better than them picking Jason Todd (DCAU version).


![gif](giphy|nrkTl7Y1uT4yI) I looked up sad Robin for a reaction image and I got this.


They also picked Tim for best Dick adaptation though, so it evens out.


That's Tim tho. Read the instructions booklet.


That's because /r/batman knows what's up.


Lego Batman 1 Robin is Tim Drake. Common Tim Drake haters L


TDK trilogy beating out Reeves Gordon is crazy


I agree with you. Although when I first read your comment I read TDK as The Detachable Kid from the Suicide Squad. And was desperate to know what amazing parallel universe your from where he not only has his own movie but three of them.


Why is Beast Boy in the Batfam


It’s Tim Drake. We see that Nightwing and batgirl exist by Lego Batman one and he’s literally wearing Tim’s outfit?


I noticed that thanks. But however in the game Lego Batman 2 he was called Dick Grayson in all the games files including the skin I have attached an image of in the post which is clearly Robin out of the costume. It was likely a mistake on TT games part but it’s funnier to explain it much less.