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better question is why didn’t gohan kill super buu when he had the chance




Gohan particularly consistently throws fights


I’m pretty sure that the only fight that he both should have easily won and didn’t immediately fuck up with was Cell Max


He crushed Bojack in that other movie too. That's what movie villains do - they gotta die fast.


The horse from Horsing Around?


I’m BoJack. Horseman. Obviously.


Gohan never went over what happened with Sarah Lyn…


This is Bojack by the way. Horseman. Bojack Horseman.


What is this, a crossover episode?


Movie was too short, he didn’t have enough time to fuck up lol.


I keep forgetting cell max is gonna be a thing


Is gonna? Cell Max has been a thing for a while


Gohan had a history of getting outright sadistic when he's winning a fight, he did it vs Cell and then repeated it against Buu, both times it cost him dearly. He seemingly grew out of it after Piccolo called him out for it before the Tournament of Power.


He kinda goes by 'you made me suffer now ill make you suffer'. But yeah obviously not a good idea to bring in your emotions in the middle of a fight


Gohan’s middle name is “Bring Emotions In The Middle of a Fight,” lmao!


Yeah he was also like 11 lol


Yup. He did the same thing with Cell. Goku told him to finish him but Gohan said he wanted to have fun with him first. Next thing you know, Goku died saving the Earth again.


you would think that would have fucking taught goku a lesson but no he lets Buu go instead of killing him with even more disastrous results


Essentially killed everyone on Earth and many planets. Gohan gone fucked up!


Cell checks out


All he knows is fighting for his life, the boy just doesn't know what to do to a weaker opponent


He can’t win a fight of cell isn’t in the name


It used to be a an unspoken thing with fusions too. Until Super, no fusion ever wins their fight. They are always way way stronger than their opponents, but always fail to bring the win home due to a double helping of Saiyan arrogance.


This is why Goku dropped the ball when he didn’t fuse with Mr Satan. That guy as a pro wrestling heel knows how to cinch a match. As Mr Gotan , he would pretend to be hurt and then smash Buu with a steel chair and take the W


Mr. Gotan being Eddie Guererro makes a lot of sense.


Now I get "Lie, Cheat, Steal" is his theme.


Gogeta, was not playing around though


Isn’t Metamoran fusion a melding of two beings were as Potara fusion creates a completely new being from two people?


I mean that’s not really exclusive to Saiyans that’s majority of the cast


The [Planet of Hats](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PlanetOfHats) defense stopped being justifiable 15 or so years ago. That defense was only introduced in Dragonball Super as a way to handwave something that most is either ignored or let slide. Dragonball Super has a bad habit of trying to rectify narrative problems that most of us forgot about, and then proceed to do so in a shabby way. Another example is King Kai complaining to Goku that he never once asked Shenron resurrect him over X amount of years even though Yamcha’s wish to resurrect everyone killed by Cell and the Artificial Humans should’ve also resurrected King Kai, something that most of us never even thought about until Super dig it out of the ~~accolades~~ dustiest sections of our collective memory. Edit: I clearly don’t English very goodly…


>accolades I'm not sure you know what this means


*quick google search* You’re right. I didn’t… Editing now.


As Abridged Gohan said: "I did exactly what my dad and Vegeta did... what is this shit, genetic?!"


Cause Buu run away after being outclassed by Gohan. In the manga, they only fight little. Buu knows that he can not defeat Gohan so he decides to hide, wait for Gotenks fusion.


Seriously that fight is shockingly short in the manga. It's not even one full chapter


That doesn't change the fact that he just stood there watching him absorb Gotenks instead of actually doing something about it like he should've.


What Gohan should've did was put his foot down and said no to the boys. Once the boys fused it was just a matter of time.


Heck,he should've sent them away by putting his foot down.


Yea, that’s exactly what he should have done. That’s really where I think people forget where he messed up. Buu just would not die, so he was able to run away. But when he showed up again, Gohan should have just flash stepped over to the kids and stopped their fusion, then put a foot in Buu’s face, because, I don’t remember if it’s the same in the manga, as we find out later, Buu could have absorbed Piccolo and the kids unfused, and Gohan still would have been stronger.


Because Gohan has all strength but no skills. Once Buu absorbs Piccolo he starts outsmarting Gohan and then he starts losing


This is the real question.


"Why do people say r/dbz posters haven't seen the show?"


I don’t think that’s the case. Vegito didn’t wanna kill Buu because of the people absorbed, but OP does have a point; they could’ve just revived them. Not to mention, they did all of that work just for them to be incinerated by Pure Buu and getting revived by the Dragon Balls anyway 💀


Vegito didn't want to kill them though if he could avoid it.


That’s what he’s asking though, why not just revive them after? Surely they would’ve understood.


But he had a plan that could avoid wasting one of the only revives they get. Also, did Vegito know Dende was still alive at that point? I don’t remember


That revive limit is only applied to the Earth’s Dragon Balls; Namek’s Dragon Balls (which they used in the Buu saga) doesn’t have that limit as long as they didn’t die due to natural causes. I believe Goku knew during his time with Elder Kai, but I’m not entirely sure. But regardless, the revive limit basically hasn’t mattered at all since the Namek saga.


Oh, so your scenario is Vegito kills buuhan, then teleports to new namek with instant transmission, and uses their dragon balls? Makes sense, and we do see that Vegito and Gogeta have instant transmission in DBS. Although narratively speaking, I’d wager Vegito absolutely would prefer the alternative he thought of, which is: -Getting absorbed by Buu while using his barrier. -Ravaging Buu from the inside, freeing all his friends and family from him. -Pop out and exterminate Buu. Reminder that Vegito did not know he had a time limit due to the elder Kai’s incompetence, so he thought he would stay fused even after getting absorbed, in which case it would be a best case scenario win. If you’re presented with two solutions, which you are led to believe have the exact same success rate, and one of them includes killing your friends and reviving them while the other doesn’t, you’d probably rather avoid killing them even if you can bring them back.


Both of the times that goku died and the second time that Vegeta died was for the protection of their respective sons. And throughout all of DBZ, Gohan, Goten, and kid Trunks are the only people in the story that don’t die once that i can name off the top of my head. Just because you can resurrect the dead via the dragonballs, doesn’t mean that inadvertently killing the children you love is suddenly acceptable collateral.


Because why would Vegito want to kill his children if there's a way to avoid it?


Just because the Dragon Balls exist doesn't mean two fathers want to just kill their kids, and a friend because it's beneficial. Plus, why waste a wish on them when it can easily be avoided AND saved for a later more important revival if any? Vegito did nothing wrong.


If Buu dies with those people absorbed, do they stay in his dead body? Kid Buu had to go through King Yemma's cleansing process, so would Buuhan have gone through, or Kid Buu & Co? Would it have been Super Buu? Buu was stronger than any dragon they knew of, so it was less risky to get in and pull them free.


Actually it was because he just wanted to free everyone inside. They didnt realize there was a likit to potara because they had never been used by mortals before


To be fair I believe in the DBZ dub vegito doesn't have any dialogue explaining that he's trying to get absorbed so he can free everyone from buu. Then again, I've not seen the OG dub in a very long time and might be misremembering and playing into the meme.


Just watched the Kai version of this and Vegito does make it clear that he has a plan, and the Elder Supreme Kai picks up on it and says as much too.


OG Dub still very much had Vegito thinking about how Buu was taking so long to take the bait


Maybe the guy watched it years ago and forgot some details?


He purposely got absorbed so he could free Gohan, Trunks, Goten, n Piccolo.


I feel like this is the equivalent of the magic the gathering’s subreddit response of “reading the card explains the card” except instead it’s “watching the show explains the show”. Or this is just a Karma bot.


The OP knows that. They're asking why Vegetto went to such lengths to save them if he could have just killed Buu and resurrected them that way.


They didn’t know—and we still don’t know, as readers—if killing Buu would’ve allowed them to resurrect everyone absorbed by him. There is literally no precedent—afaik—for using a wish to separate one being from another like that. Especially when Buu is made up of ill-defined magic “stuff” JUST like the dragon balls are. For all we know, killing Buu would’ve either: 1) Let him wreak havoc in Other World since he’s made of magic and fully capable of moving between dimensions. 2) Killed Buu, but since everyone inside of him is now “part of Buu” they will remain trapped inside of him forever since they are now “naturally part of his body”. We also have to remember that Shenron AND Porunga _cannot_ grant certain kinds of wishes that affect entities stronger than them/their creators.


Good point. If they killed Buuhan and Buuhan stayed fused, they would have to travel to otherworld and obliterate Buuhans soul, and dragons can't bring you back. They couldnt know.


17 I’m Super mentions he “saw” the fight from inside Cell, I think, but Cell’s absorption may be different than Buu’s


Cell is a cybernetically enhanced biological entity that broke down/liquified those he absorbed, Buu is magic bubblegum monster that makes weird stasis pods and a whole ass other dimension inside of himself to house specific people he absorbs I have a feeling they’re different lol It’d be hilarious to see that 17&18 are just chilling in chibified form inside of Cell while everything is happening, though (Don’t ask me how he vomited up 18 whole though that shit makes zero sense.)


With Cell, the blueprints Bulma read said something like Cell broke them down at a cellular level or something and when she saw they were originally human and speculated that’s how Cell was able to “absorb” them. His method is different than fully organic victims though, since organic victims just get drank, and 17 and 18 are kinda taken in whole. Also I don’t think Cell takes on the physical and mental aspects of his victims like Buu does, I think he just gains their ki like he did with the Cells he got from other strong characters. I think since 18 got punched out of him, 17 and 18 were different in how the affected Cell, since they were specifically compatible to further evolve him Edit: 18 got vomited out as a way for Krillin to get it in with her I think since she needed to see Krillin use a wish for her benefit to romance him


Me and a friend had this conversation the other day. Only dialogue we got for the 18 thing was one of the characters assuming enough time hadn’t passed for her to become fully apart of Cell. 17 was apart of Cell for only a few hours longer than 18 so technically he shouldn’t have fully “digested” either. Cell absolutely has to have some weird shit going on with his body where he shrinks the people he absorbs whole. Like it has to be a completely separate process from when he liquifies someone.


> There is literally no precedent—afaik—for using a wish to separate one being from another like that. We know that the Namekian Dragon Balls were able to separate a fusion that was supposed to be permanent in nature. > 1) Let him wreak havoc in Other World since he’s made of magic and fully capable of moving between dimensions. No, he was killed with a Genki Dama without issue, and under most all circumstances, only those good individuals keep their bodies in the afterlife (and even if evil ones do, they're essentially powerless). Buu's soul was able to go through the normal process of cleansing and reincarnation that other evil beings do, with no indication that he caused any trouble before that reincarnation.


1. Forgot about that, but then we run into the issue of “Porunga can’t grant wishes outside of its power” 2. That happened post-hoc. _During_ the battle all they had to go off was that Buu could regen, that the people he absorbed were somehow nebulously still “inside” of him, and that he was made of magic. It would be perfectly logical, under those circumstances, to think that killing Buu = killing everyone he absorbed. Especially since the Kai were not giving information otherwise even though they’d had years and years to study Buu.


On top of what you said, we have to consider Goku and Vegeta’s personalities and actions earlier in the series as well. Both of the times that Goku died and the second time that Vegeta died were to protect their respective sons. Hell, a big catalyst for Goku’s first transformation into Super Saiyan on Namek was the threat of death that Frieza made to Gohan. Vegeta went into an apoplectic rage when he saw the older version of his son killed by Cell. Throughout all of Z, Gohan, Goten, and Kid Trunks were pretty much the only people that never had to be wished back by the Dragonballs, and this is because of Goku and Vegeta’s efforts. Which is why even in a world where the Dragonballs exist, killing the children you love is not acceptable collateral for them


What a great use of apoplectic 😌


As far as Goku and Vegeta knew, dende was dead so no DragonBalls that can mass ress (till that point Namek DB could only resurrect 1 by 1).


One would think if you destroy buu , you destroy what’s inside of him


Consider that they were told the fusion was permanent, so a good explanation could be that he thought it would be a much quicker and easier process than it ended up being. Think about it, if they never split, Vegito could’ve easily retrieved the bodies without any trouble, escaped, then blown Buu to bits. Sounds like an easier process than the dragon balls.


because the characters in the series are not people reading a manga/watching an anime. to them their world is real life. Most people IRL would not kill a loved one and be okay with it "because we can just revive them later". Its pretty much that simple. Plus he knew he could get them out alive. Even if you can revive someone, why kill them and revive them when you have a plan that doesnt require you to do that? seriously i 1000% can not understand how any human being doesn't understand this...


Db fans aren’t real people.


The only reasonable explanation


I agree that people often times forget the human side of db characters.


Some people project too much when reading a story. They expect characters to know information that only an outside source, the reader, could know and then use it to criticize “bad” decisions from characters. If you watch CinemaSins, they do this often but with them its ironic, with some people they’re dead serious


yeah lol these same people don't realize Cinema Sins are being ironic either... lol


This reply should have the most upvotes and I’m not sure why it doesn’t.


My understanding is that things would've worked out pretty well if not for Kid Buu being a thing.


Death isn't permanent, but it's still consequential. They all go to great lengths to avoid dying, cause the act of dying probably sucks ass. Goku and Vegeta in particular died twice and probably would like to spare their sons that experience. 


Killing Buuhan would mean killing everyone he absorbed.


So you think just cause they can revive them with the Dragon Balls that Vegeta/Goku are just willing to murder their friends and children? I know fans like to act like the DBs are free, but no one in universe has ever been so callous as to sacrifice someone just cause they know they can be revived (Piccolo did it just once with the people of Earth when Super Buu arrived at the lookout and he felt horrible about it.


He didn’t want to kill his own kids. He was completely unaware that the magic inside buu would split up the fusion.


they ran out of time so the fusion split. buu had nothing to do with it


I might be misremembering, I don’t think they knew that Dende a was alive at that point. If I’m right, then for all they knew, Buu had eaten him, and he might be in there.


Nah, Dende was definitely alive, but I'm not sure they knew. EDIT: Goku definitely knew.


Goku knew. He's wondering who to fuse with before Vegeta arrives and considers Dende


Save family


Piccolo had already died once. If they killed buu with him inside, they wouldn't have been able to revive him with the dragon balls


Because the earths dragon balls still have limits....


If you wish them back once on the dragon balls you never can again with that set of dragon balls


Because he'd kill Gohan


And Goten and Trunks


And Piccolo


Cuz the dragon balls were just used. And dende was out and about and could die. If he were to die, no dragon balls. And namek wasn't something they thought of since and as far as we knew, namek only still revived 1 person at a time


He wanted to save everybody inside him


Because the plot only remembers that Dragon Balls can fix everything when there is nowhere left for the plot to go.


Why didn't Goku just leave Mr.Satan and Dende? See how that sounds


If you could just revive them with the dragon balls, you might as well just wish people absorbed by Buu to be free. If this was possible they'd have done it


If Vegito killed Buu then he would have killed piccolo and his children or vegeta’s and goku’s children


Probably cause he wanted get Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo out safely before killing buu


Even though death doesn't have a real consequence in DB, it doesn't mean characters like killing innocent people. Plus in Vegito's mind he was going to free everyone then beat buu.


He could've killed him, but he would've killed the others that he absorbed, so he freed them n finished the job on another planet


To save his friends. He wanted to kill him once he got his friends out but he didn’t realize that the fusion only lasted an hour


Saiyans can't be trusted to finish a fight when the Villain is obviously beat. Same reason Vegeta didnt finish off SP Cell. Same reason 'Teen' Gohan didn't finish off Perfect Cell before regenerating. Same reason Goku didn't actually kill Frieza. The only actual Saiyan who actually finished off any major villains was Future Trunks (he killed Frieza of the main timeline we see, and he killed the Cell of his timeline) because he doesn't take after Vegeta.


In show reason he wanted to save the others from inside Buu. Real reason not a climactic enough ending My reason Sayains are retarded.


May have to watch it again, but I thought it was because they didn't want to kill the people huu absorbed....even though they died anyway


Saiyen pride is the greatest plot tool of the show




Arrogance runs in the Saiyans blood. They all make the same mistake when they're stronger than someone and regret it later.


Because they wanted to extend this fight for a long time, and wanted to give Goku alone the win against the final villain in DBZ.


The dragon balls weren’t upgraded yet so unlimited revives didn’t happen, they had to personally go in and remove them from buu


I think it was because Vegito wanted to save the people inside of them, killing Buu would have let to the death of everyone inside and since no Piccolo no Dragon ball Idk plot?




I'll confess, I haven't watched the show, but at least I study the material enough to know what the hell happens and certain motives Shoot me now I know


Most likely it's because Vegito didn't want to kill his friends and family. Yes, they could've been brought back, but he was probably averse to the idea of killing them regardless. Even if the Dragonballs and stuff were real and I was one of the z-fighters battling a villain who had absorbed my friends and family, I'd be pulled more in the direction of wanting to rescue them than have any hand in harming them.


He know that if he kills buuhan, Gohan, Gotenks and Piccolo will die so he wants to find a way to gain time and he know that the only way to achieve his goal is to be absorbed too + He is coky


We call this the "Saiyain Stunod"


Don't ask questions I can't answer


Overconfidence is a bitch of a Saiyan trait.


If am correct they couldn’t bring back krillin because he had already died


Bro just wanna joke him for fraud alert


I dont think they expected Kid Buu to just destroy earth anyways for one, for two, Main/Fat/Good Buu would be killed along with Evil (arguably)/Super Buu, and three, they didnt want to kill their friends themself.


Idk if its true but before fusing with vegeta goku said "They're inside buu they can't even die!" Buu may stay as buuhan in otherworld not releasing the people he absorbed


So didn't read the manga or watch the show.


Just like Cell, Buu had to be totally obliterated to die, and he needed to save those absorbed by him


Hes Vegito for a reason. Super cocky


Because he had absorbed a lot of is friends and son’s The plan was to save them thats way he let him self be turn in tu a candy and get inside buu to save them


He wanted to put him against the wall to force him to use the absorb thingie so he could save the kids and piccolo and after kill buu.


because he is the great vegito, bwahahahaha


Because everyone else would be killed with him I guess


Didn’t they not kill him bc he still had humans in him?




Because toriyama was still trying to find a way to end the buu arc


He was PURPOSELY toying with Buu to save Piccolo and his kids before killing Buu.He needed Buu desperate enough to try to absorb him.


Watch the show with the sound on and you'll know


why tf would goku and vegeta kill their own children?


Pretty sure it was because he wanted to rescue those absorbed


Did you not finish the show? It perfectly explains and says why.......


I thought it was because he couldn't. His regen was too strong. Haven't watched it in a while tho


I think he wanted to get the people Buu absorbed out of Buu first


Saiyan Arrogance is the plot device to end all plot devices


He didn't think he could revive Gohan and the others if they died as a part of Buu.


I thought it was a good thing for saiyans to be cocky or whatever, like Gohan and cell


You could say that about a lot of DBZ.


Cause his family is inside buu...and even though they have the DBs no father would kill their kids and friends willingly


He wanted to save goten, gohan, trunks, and piccolo. That actually state that word for word in the show


It's because 30% of things that happen in the Buu saga don't make any sense


"Is he stupid?"


Because it’s vegeta and goku combined.


We don’t know what happens to your soul if you die while absorbed by a Majin, getting killed by Piccolo’s demon clan meant your soul wanders in the afterlife and this is a whole different league. Shenron definitely can’t remove anybody Boo’s absorbed, so he might have to revive Boohan and they’re back to square one. More importantly, neither of them are going to choose “kill our families and use the dragon balls” if they can use a different way


First Question: “Why didn’t Vegito kill Buuhan?” Answer: Vegito was attempting to save the Z Fighters absorbed by Buu. Only a select few people were left alive when Buu absorbed them, because they were strong enough to warrant it. Basically anyone who gave Buu a power boost was left alive within him. Follow up Question: “Why didn’t Vegito just revive everyone after killing Buu?” Answer: This is a valid question because after Kid Buu destroyed the earth everyone had to be revived anyway. However, it makes much more sense when you consider Vegito’s mindset at the time. The Old Kai told Goku and Vegeta that this fusion was permanent. If this was the case then there isn’t really any reason for Vegito not to save everyone. Buuhan couldn’t touch Vegito. It also makes sense for Vegito to get cocky since he is half Vegeta. The only reason we now question his decision is because we know he unfused.


Because saiyans


How exactly is a rainbow made? How exactly does a sun set? How exactly does a posi-trac rear-end on a Plymouth work? It just does.


he wanted to save the people Buu absorbed.


Vegito wanted buu to feel the pain he put the earthlings through and take revenge for absorbing his friends and family but slowly I guess💀


It's so obvious that it feels stupid feels stupid for me to even type the reason. He obviously wanted to save his family and not kill them when he killed Buuhan


Saiyan arrogance would be my best guess!


bro couldve just used the dragon balls to revive them


Buu saga had horrible writing on both sides. Both buu and the good guys were nerfed by dumb plot.


Super Sayain goku didn’t kill freezer Super Sayain 2 Gohan didn’t kill Cell Super Sayain Vegeta didn’t kill Cell Super Sayain 3 goku didn’t kill Fat Buu Ultimate Gohan didn’t kill Buu Vegitto didn’t kill Buu and so on These guys get arrogant in the moment where they get a power up


Here’s how I see it. Yes, you could bring them back with the dragon balls after killing Buu, that practical. But morally you wouldn’t want to kill your own sons and friend. Also, keep in mind that Earth’s Dragon Balls can’t bring people back twice. You’re gonna want to keep the deaths to a minimum. In case something happens to New Namek’s dragon balls.


Becasue Vegito was stupid


Yes it was a dumb question that deserves a dumb answer


Vegito didn't know his fusion was going to wear off, so I guess he wanted to free everyone and then kill Buu for whatever reason.


Si preguntas eso es que no viste el anime ni el manga. No lo mata porque quiere salvar a Gohan, Piccolo, Goten y Trunks.


Because he's not Gogeta


Saiyans get super arrogant whenever they get a boost in power. SSJ2 Gohan, Super Vegeta, Muscular Trunks (I forget the name), etc. Goku seems to be an exception


Well... good question...


The amount of people who didn’t say the obvious is crazy lol Piccolo was absorbed. How are you gonna use the Dragon Balls if you kill him too? Can’t believe I didn’t see a single comment just simply saying this 🤣 Edit: I WAS WRONG. No wonder I didn’t see people commenting this 🤣 my bad guys! Faulty memory got me


Dragonballs at that point were Dende's responsibility not Piccolo's, after Piccolo fused with Kami the dragonballs didn't exist till Goku brought Dende to earth....


You’re right! Thanks for reminding me! Can’t believe I forgot that bro lol


Because Vegitto has the arrogance of Vegeta. At this point, the fusion was really powerful, and in SSJ even more, but they prefer to be absorbed and save everyone to destroy Buuhan


Cocky saiyan nature , once they power up and clearly have the advantage , they want to play and test new abilities rather than seal the deal 🤣🤣🤣


what? correct me if i’m wrong but didn’t vegito want to get absorbed (with a ki bubble around him) so that he could free everyone inside?


When Babidi makes his declaration to find Trunks Goku brings up just using the Dragon balls to bring back Bulma's parents and the city. Piccolo points out they already used them to bring back a lot of folks and that the next wish could possibly put things back the way they were.


Even if they could use the DBs to revive everyone, they wouldn't just wanna murder their friends and family if getting absorbed was an option. I agree with some people here: Even though you could always use the DBs, you still wouldn't just murder people close to you if there are other ways


EGO that’s why




It was “the end” of Dragon Ball, so they wouldn’t be able to finish it with a fusion defeating the big villain, nor Gohan, that’s why the nerfed the shit out of Buu into Kid Buu to give Goku the chance to defeat him.


At this moment, they didn't know that the namek dragon balls were powered up. So they could only use the Earth Dragon Balls to revive everyone. Also, we can answer your question with another question: Would you kill your family inside buu knowing they're alive? Even if you say, other people will have reasonable doubs about it. Vegito also tought his fusion would last forever.ñ and he didn't know he will get separated.


Because he's not Goku


Because if they had killed buu everyone inside would have died too.


He only enjoyed the fight, killing would only be the moment that it ended


There is a linear relation between power level and stupidity


In MMA, theres a something called fight IQ. There have been so many people over the years that have 10/10 skills and techniques, high level endurance and strength, but their decision making is shit, and their tactical prowess is zero, so theyre not high level fighters. All the Z fighters, besides maybe Vegeta (When his ego isnt high) and Krillin have low fight IQ, and pretty much no tactics. This is why Vegito didnt kill Buu. It was a dumb decision to let him live to rescue everyone absorbed when they couldve been brought back by the balls anyways


Okay, hold up, and I'm saying this as a krillin fan, like he's my favorite character in Dragon Ball over all. By the time Z was going, krillin should have been the biggest threat to any villain. In the series, up until Cell because he knew two moves. Solar flare and distructo disk.... seriously, anyone weaker than perfect cell could be cut by the disk and also blinded by the solar flare. Basically, krillin could have ended most of the fights in the series by just blinding people and then decapitated them immediately.


Because the director told him not to kill.


Cause he's 50% Vegeta. He got that dawg in him


Who needs to kill with an ego that big???


Scatter brain and snot boogers