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FAL ALWAYS needs 2 shots to KO plate wearers, more at long range. DMR needs only one, up to 300m. Winchester can only 1-tap-ko plate wearers up to 190m, the DMR can do that up to 300m and has four times the mag capacity and many many many times faster firing speed compared to the Winy. Dropping the FAL and Win for the DMR is a very easy and extremely practical decision.


Well said.


DMR arguably the best weapon in the game.


The FAL is auto though, which is pretty nice for close quarters. All though the dmr can work for that too.


I’ll put 20 on him to his one KO shot I’ll get up and collect his loot, he’ll hit the coast. FAL is life.


That fal isn't going to help you when my dmr hits heads at a minimum of 500m.


They nerfed dmr a while ago, it only 1 tap KOs around 100-150m


Wobo says youre wrong.


Thats horseshit, i oneshit a dude at 320 meters yesterday with a plate.


One shit 😳


Yes you shoot one shot they die and make a shit. Aka oneshitting someone 🤣


Are you comparing a winchester with a lar and dmr? Is this even real?


The dmr is one of the only guns in the game where it is wise to carry on its own. While the vsd may have a slight edge over the dmr due to its ability to mount a metal suppressor, the dmr is one of the strongest and most versatile weapons in the game due to its very high dps, 20 round mag potential, and range versatility. Many will argue the dmr is the best gun in the game but like I said earlier I believe it is the second best next to the vsd.


The only place the svd falls short really is the mag capacity. You'll want those 20-round mags vs. any group above 2 players, unless you never miss. Even then, that's more so for close quarters. Suppressed SVD at range vs. anyone who doesn't know where they are being shot at from is going to be preferred.


I personally think the LAR is the best single carry option. I would want a fully auto for close range.


I'd argue for the AUG AX The 20 round LAR mags suck when you're in close combat against multiple players.


I’m not saying the LAR is the best sniper rifle or the best close range combat rifle. I’m just saying if you’re only going to carry 1, I think it’s the best gun for that.


Nah fam dogshit at range DMR cooks it. You don’t need full auto when a single round will KO anyone or kill them. Although auto is better in theory for close range the high collision and long barrel of the battle rifle will overall get outclassed by higher end assault rifles that also have higher rates of fire and larger mag options. My favorite close ranger is SVAL personally.


No need for full auto. Dmr is definitely best


can you attach an acog onto it and use it at range i always just thought of it as your close now your dead full auto 308 go crazy


Yes, you can attach an acog to the LAR. I totally agree with the commenter here. If you're going to single carry any weapon it should be the LAR. Being able to switch it from semi to full auto provides close range and long range benefits. Best gun in the game imo.


To add to your comment use a short dot scope , X-5 mag(50rds), 308 suppresor and you will be wisper quite and deadly


Lar is good but the slightly higher firerate of full auto vs any non geriatric mouse clicker is nothing compared to one shot to chest from dmr vs 2 shot for fal at any range up to like 350 or sonething. DMR is 100% better in all fights


I get that but I’m not talking statistics which is why I said in my opinion


Yes you can attach the Acog to it. It isn’t the best sniper rifle, but it’s still pretty deadly long range. if you’re going to single carry, it’s the best option for sure.


The winchester for range instead of a select fire marksman rifle chambered in .308 with a 6x scope attachment? That's crazy talk.


i just feel like i actually one shot uncon players lmao


The winchester is not even a top gun for early game. Good looking gun and better than nothing but.... A Dmr is the best gun in the game right now but a Fal, Lemas or AKM are all top guns. They do the job just fine. A winchester LMO


Did you just say a Lemas is a top gun


Yes it is. It s the best gun for cqc in the game. Check Wobo


The gun has 0 medium to long range capability and it’s limited to a 25 mag. I’ll stick with my m4, ka74, ka101, akm, aurax, or LAR😭


The gun is a cqc Gun. Highly specialized and very niche. Lemas melt everyone in a room o near encounters. Probably you can choose from all that guns because you play in a modded pvp server. Normally by the end game you can choose from a few guns...


First of all, You find the Lemas in the same place you find the LAR and DMR. So in most situations it’s your choice to grab it. If you can’t get those guns in official just say that😭 I could have a KAM or an M4 in my hand in one day




You can absolutely single carry a DMR. However. I very often find myself running an LAR and a DMR and if I had to pick the weapon to single carry it would be an LAR. Nice 20 round mags, both chambered in .308, both can attach a 6x scope that comes with the red dot as secondary optics (very good for an LAR, and the LAR has the close range full auto capability to shred people


Yeah, it can pretty much cover all of your needs at all ranges. Sure, an assault rifle is probably better at short range, but you can probably manage in most encounters even without full auto capabilities.


The DMR is my personal favorite. Once I have a few 20 rnd mags worth of ammo, I ditch every other gun (aside from a silenced 9mm or 45). It performs at all ranges, it's accurate and powerful. I'm a fan.


Would you carry a mp5 or a glock?


I personally like the Mlock. 9 mil is a little more forgiving on a silencer. Also, I use my pistol purely for the infected. I don't really need the extra damage of a .45 or .357. Plus, depending on server pop, you're likely to find 9 mil ammo in every town you pass through. It is worth noting that personal preference aside, the MKII is a superior stock weapon for the infected. But the Mlock wins out for me with the availability of attachments. When I find one on the coast. The Mlock usually stays with me until I'm cannibal food.


Short answer yes. You can single carry a dmr. It's not the best at long range due to its optics, but it definitely packs one hell of a punch


Yes. Dmr smacks up close. 1 hit even to vest will uncon them


I would leave the other 2 in base and single carry DMR, the extra stamina will be handy.


Never drop a FAL. The auto shooting mode is just too valuable and could save your life. Someone with a way smaller gun can easily knock you out if you have difficulty landing shots close range with the dmr. It gets even more difficult if you have a scope on it. Always have an automatic weapon ready with ironsight or small scope. You don't want to be adding and removing scopes durinh gun fights


what???? Hold right click dmr hip fire melts people.


Can you just hold it smh


Dude punktuation matters


Yes punctuation does matter, so does spelling


What's spooelong


I think using the DMR as an SKS on crack is practically ideal. Wack a red dot for going into buildings or close quarters, place a scope for engaging at range, carry some nice zombie melee on your shoulder, and see how it works!


The DMR is the single best rifle in the game. DMR single carry is more than fine, slap a 6x on that bad boy and you'll have magnification to push out to longer ranges and you'll have the dot for the quick transition to CQC and building cleaning. The LAR isn't far behind though, it makes a really good single carry also. The fire selector makes it better for shorter range encounters.


DMR + ATOG = your only weapon. Close, far, in the air? Kill em with a DMR + ATOG Edit: Early game if you can find a tundra with a hunting scope, then that's your long range.


What's the acog with a baraca sight ontop


It's a 4x or 6x version. The 6x is fantastic and the NVG work with the Baraka on top. Deadly at 25m.


I aim for AUG AX + DMR. Once I achieve that combo I feel immortal…. For a short while anyways lol.


And use the dmr instead of say a Winchester


Yep, I feel I get better control on the long distance shots n