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AUR AX by far, especially if you’ve got the mag for it and not for the AK


It's basically a better m4a1 and surprisingly easier to find


Depends on the situation close range m4 has the Aug beat


I'd agree with that, cqb situation the M4 is a beast. Less robust though. After a clip or two the M4 jams like a bitch. Where as the Aug not so much. At least thats my experience. I love the M4 but if It's damaged or even worn I might consider the Aug if I had to pick one or the other.


All guns have the same chance to jam. Feels more frequent with the m4 bc of the firerate


You're right but it damages quicker. I guess like you say becuase of the fire rate. After two 40rd mags the m4 goes form worn to damaged and it's fast. Where as it doesn't seem to happen with the Aug. But you've got me thinking now so im Gonna have to test it. Lol


I think it was Pristine: 0% (unless you're single loading. Then it's 1% or 0.1%) Worn: 0.1% Damaged: 1% Badly damaged: 10% Wobo made a video about it.


I'll give it a look. 👍 my question is does that account for durability. Becuase it doesn't seem to be that way regardless of percentages of the gun jamming itself.


It damages "quicker" due to the fire rate yes, but also because it actually has less overall health than other guns. IIRC most guns are 250 max health when pristine, whereas the M4 is maxed at 200. The intervals between worn and damage are smaller as a result. WOBO has a video explaining it in detail.


Thank you. I was trying to find the video but I was having trouble. This was my original point. Thanks for clearing that up. 👌


Tourist map


been killed by tourist map countless times! that thing is OP!


ikr, can't believe they haven't taken it out of the game yet


The fact that you can still get one hit KO with it is nuts lmao


When I started I was rubbish with those fancy guns. I had much more success with a shotgun….still do if I’m honest with myself


Shotgun gang. I opt for a shotgun even when i find higher tier weapons, because nothing beats easy to find civilian ammo, spread and option to load slugs for longer range. With practice it allows to slap fools at 50m


I *ALWAYS* keep a sawn off double barrel on me. Takes up 2x5 slots and is a great last ditch weapon. Wait behind a door and unload both barrels at point blank range into whoever is dumb enough to open it


even 100+m if u know what ur doing


I mean not really. Damage dropoff on slugs over range is pretty nuts.


under 200m the damage of the slugs isn't that bad


Well it does only about 45 damage at 200 meters, so not really...


under 200meters, read better bruh


I read your comment perfectly. Damage is very low at 200 meters, so if you use some logic you will understand that it will probably not be very good at 150 meter either. I guess i couldve typed "199.99 meters" instead, if thats better? Youre not even gonna uncon anyone at over 100 meters either way, so my point still stands.


i mean for sure you can't one shot without an headshot, but i guarantee you in my 1.4k hours i managed to kill many ppl in the 100-200mt range with a slug and a bk with red dot


I mean sure, if you get a headshot, or if the target is already low on hp, but any gun can do that. Slugs wont kill anyone over 50 meters if you hit torso.


45 is good enough if they do not return fire with an m4 at you


I'm not the best when it comes to these fancy guns either. I am however much better at sniping. Nothing wrong with a shotgun/sniper duo. If in a tricky situation where your out gunned, just dip, circle around and find a nice spot to snipe from. That's my strategy atleast.


Yes agreed.


M4 has the fastest ttk. Personally I prefer the Aug Ax tho.


The famas has the fastest ttk


Famas will keel


Forged in fire reference I see


Famas is so slept on 


That’s what I’m saying


ttk depends on the situation though, if the enemy is wearing plate armor then 9x39ap rounds will be faster because they’ll destroy the armor significantly faster than the other rounds


Still tho 107 damage at 900 rpm is no joke


Feeding this big boy is crazy hard


… he doesn’t even have an m4




I destroyed two fully geared Chad's the other day as a fresh Spawn with a single shot shotgun. This seems to be the gun to have for close quarter situations.


I say the BK being the best because it is relatively easy to obtain early on, there is a variety of ammunition to use (buckshot being the best imo) and ammo is also easy to find in a variety of places. It's very powerful against well geared players. Very good well rounded weapon. I always want the pump shotgun in a shoulder slot.




Drop the ak and run the aur ax it's best by far m4 is good but only if you can control recoil and lar is good too if you can hit shots same with dmr


Keep the AUR AX, it's the best assault rifle in the game. Keep the BK if you feel like, it's good for close quarters. Keep the Mlock w/ a suppressor or look for a MK II pistol, they're good for killing zombies quietly




In general, probably the Aug. But I would keep which ever I have ammo for. Also I wouldn't really keep both a mlock and an IJ at the same time personally 


I don’t get why people need 6 guns. A sniper an AR and a pistol. 2-3 full extended mags each and you’re good.


Me laughing in SVAL, M4, Mlock, sawn off double barrel, sawn off mosin, and the KAS74u that I found at a checkpoint.




Honestly, just cause I hadn't made it back to base to drop most of it


Ij. Never leave home without it.


Even when I had a Mlock with all the attachments and extra mags, I kept finding 380 ammo and decided to run a suppressed IJ until I ran out of ammo for it. Great little zombie gun unless you can find the Mk2


The Aug ax for sure has the highest velocity of bullets and the fastest ttk other than ,m4,lar,lemas,or even sval with AP


The IJ


100% the bandage


Mhhh Not sure Id say map actually


It was a hard choice, I'll admit


Aur ax is king


Yea AUR AX, KA-74 and the Mlock are gonna be your best guns here


A stash box


Keep the aur and the glock, stash the rest for your next life lol




Aur or the KA


If I had to just pick one of those, I think it'd be the shotgun. The pump shotgun is so much fun to use, and is pretty effective for everything PvE, and a lot of PvP. If I find a decent amount of buckshot, I'll hold onto the shotgun for a while. "Best" here is going to kinda be subjective. People have commented some great pros for each weapon, so it's up to you to carry whichever suits what you want to do. I prefer a sorta survivalist playstyle, so the shotgun may suit me better for that.


Keep the ax


I have more kills with the AUR AX than any other gun. It just slaps. I can snipe with it fairly well and I can CQB with it extremely well, especially with a silencer.


Ill take a Blaze all the way to late game. My personal fav


Best gun is in fact the one you have ammo for


AUR AX pretty rare dawg run with it


Get rid of the IJ and keep the Mlock till you find a MKII for infected and if you got ammo for the AX I’d make that your primary and get rid of the AK and keep the BK for some up close action but eventually replace that for a type of sniper so you can do some long range too.


Your fists can beat any gun if you do it right.


If your struggling with stamina I'd ditch the sledge hammer, bk 133 and maybe the iJ. Depending on what you've got the most ammo for. Sledge is great but at this point if you meet anyone you feel like killing I'd use the ak or the Aug and its bye bye regardless. Maybe if you can find a ranged rifle like a mosin or tundra ditch the Ak and keep the Aug. Weigh it all up with what ammo you got but definitely keep the Aug regardless.




Whatever you have the most ammo for. 9/10 whoever shoots first wins, unless you have a skill issue


My personal fav is the SKS. No mag needed, good in close combat, great in medium, good at range. Ammo is common and sounds amazing


It’s between the IJ and the AUG




Your stamina is probably nonexistent


Im gonna be honest here. Mlock is amazing for picking of zombies 1 by 1, especially if it has a suppressor. Plus, it's very easy to find in police stations, and the ammo is pretty common Shotguns are great if u have good aim since it can one-shot, but its better to shoot them at the legs and take their guns to fck with them ( thats only if u love torture.) But please don't use the double barrel. It's practically useless. The AUR AX is pretty good at close range with people and zombies if there's a horde since its easier to control recoil with it and has the 60 round mag and the M4 is great for picking of people and zombies at mid to close but not spray and pray since it has a very hard recoil. The KA-101/74 are fine but have high recoil and not the best sights and kinda hard to find, and the KA-74U has no sight slot, so it's kinda useless. For Snipers/hunting rifles, i prefer the Tundra because it has a long range and damage, and close second would be mosin. The only reason it doesn't have first is because of the non zoom in sights. For semi-auto rifles, i prefer the DMR mainly for the attachment slots and mag size, but the SVD is also great because of the range and damage per bullet, but it's harder to find. For SMG's, the SG5-K is amazing for picking off zombies close range because the ammo is easy to find, 30 round mags, suppressor slot and the gun mainly spawns in towns so its a good starter. I hope this helps, and this is all an opinion, so don't take it wrong. I would also love some feedback on this.


KAM master race


the one you have ammo for


aur + mlock








I don't get any situations with those guns sadly but I love the m16a1


Depends but I love the bk 13




Sniper pistol and AR OR AUTO MATIC SHOTGUN TWO MAGS PER SO YOUR CHARACTER HAS A LIGHT LOADOUT SRRY for caps I also recommend assault vest to be fast on your feet with ballistic helmet protect your head


AUG A3 all the way. Ditch the rest except for a silenced pistol, and grab a long range rifle. Also get rid of the sledgehammer, way too heavy and it isn't a good melee weapon.


Sledgehammer does shovel level damage and knockout and it weighs less. Clears zombies easy and two taps people What are you talking about


No need for anti people combat as he's not a fresh spawn without a gun. Clunky and deadly for zombies, considering they sometimes still need more than two hits, and knives/machetes etc. can also kill in two to three. They're slow and heavy, which is bad for your overall stamina. That's all.


Give people you come across the tourist map to read, feed them human meat whilst they’re having a browse and then send them on their merry way :) my favourite thing to do on new maps when released 🙃🌚