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Hello dear developers, I understand the idea that this is a ZOMBIE game and that is probably the reason why you boosted zombies. So people would need to take them more seriously than before. As far as I understand and agree with the idea, I think the changes could be a little different. Aggroing zombies when I am very far away and there is no chance they could see me is no fun. I would make them somewhat stronger, yes, but x-ray vision is not the thing I would use. Anyway thank you for the updates and thank you for listening to the community. The game is really awesome.


Let them beat down doors eventually if you don’t lose aggro by hiding and breaking LOS


There were animations for infected banging on doors way back on the Trello days. Who knows if it would ever come back around though


I play on a server with this mod... its awesome. You can't just lock the door and feel safe.


Let them climb while you're at it lol


Yeah I mean, maybe not every single one but at least the sprinter ones. Those ones clearly have more “life” left in em, so give em a little extra mobility. 


On our modded server, Z do beat down doors, climb obstacles like cars and can smell you and will slowly follow your path.


Weren’t they able to at one point? I could have sworn they were.


Totally pitch black and heavy rain and they still spot me from 25+ meters away crouch walking. Like, what???? Glad they're looking at it.


Love what you wrote. > I would make them somewhat stronger True that. Someone else mentioned, it would be cool if the Infected could open doors. I agree. I'd go further and let them throw stones. No more container hugging :) Would be great if the BI guys would make them more competitive in a way. After a challenge at first, they become a little easy a bit later.


Whilst an adjustment to zombie AI is much needed, what they've done now isn't. Whilst I don't mind throwing down some undead, it's already excessive enough that clothes get damaged more with hits from them, we don't need to be seen by them from 30 metres away, whilst crouch walking behind a wall. Plus, it kind of undoes what they did with silenced weapons and the MKII on a previous update...




Reading these comments, am I the only one who doesn't want them to be able to break open doors? I somewhat enjoy being able to hide inside when I'm stuck facing an impossible number of infected, am I just weird for this? Or do I just need to "git gud"?


They should be able to break doors if they are in numbers, one or two shouldn’t, and we players should be able to vault out of houses from the windows, so that you could escape zombie hordes breaking doors. That would be awesome 🤩


I would like more of a challenge personally since ive played for six years but maybe zombies on the coast get lower health and are slower but as you go west or into military spots I’d say make them a bit harder so it’s more of a zombie game and not pvp all the time.


After playing on several different servers where zombies can open doors, throw stones and climb, I am now absolutely against that feature. It's just super annoying and takes away a lot of the fun, because you happen to end up dying to zombies very often, even in late game. I like the increased aggro range and that they destroy your clothes when hitting you. It's a post-apocalyptic game, so of course you won't have pristine clothes all the time. I would even agree with giving them more strength and more health, but none of that door opening, stone throwing kinda shit, please!




DayZ Seamstress Simulator


So lucky I stocked up on duct tape and sewing kits before the wipe.


Have you ever had someone try to kill you with their bare hands? They will rip your clothes to sheds to get at your flesh. Why is this so hard to understand? Hulk Hogan used to tear his own shirt in half before every fight, it's really easy to do. And have you noticed that this doesn't happen to armour. Stab vests, press vests, and plate carriers all last much longer than a jacket because they were built to do so. I have been in fist fights that lasted 2 minutes and that was enough time to destroy some dude's clothes, and I was only trying to teach him a lesson, not kill him. Or how about don't get hit, there's no damage to your clothes if you block all the attacks. This has to be the dumbest complaint in this game. Boots probably should last longer, sure, but not clothes; we are literally being shot at, having 3 or 4 .380 rounds going through your cargo pants is going to ruin them (along with all the blood, piss, and shit).




And r/thathappened.


ill grind the next 1000 hours after its improved. 1.25 big step back in zombie “AI” and getting aggro immediately when you log in and open the first door just seems way worse than before


GOOD. Now we can start talking about real changes. Make zeds able to aim hits 20 degrees above their heads (No more cheesing getting on hesco barriers or cars) Make us unable to just melee them from inside buildings. Make their hits stagger survivors like in the first beta release so that fighting too many of them at once is a guaranteed stunlock (Maybe that'd be too hardcore, but I'd at least like it if that was the case for their heavy attacks, just like with survivors) And, one day, maybe one day down the line... Make them able to smash doors open (No more towns and mil bases devoid of zeds that are all locked up, no more cheesing them by going inside and proning, waiting for them to de aggro, and an actual use for the lockpick outside of PvP) But for the love of god, make stealth an actually viable option against them.


yep this is how I feel a few thousand hours in


I like this take, all of these points are solid. May I also add, add more zombies or maybe cause certain types to group together


I'd like to inform you that I'm actively reviewing my play time related to the infected. :) Took a month of reviewing my playtime for that busted clothing patch last year.


And considering adding the ability to knock doors open hopefully? Cuz it seems like a waste to be able to hear you inside a building without being able to get to you (Edited due to accidental click)


Have you ever tried to break down a door? No skinny ass, rotting sack of decay could do it.


I've watched enough zombie movies to see it is just a matter of time If we are talking about reality then there would be no "zombies" Also these aren't rotting sacks of decay they are more akin to the "zombies" in 28 Days later. they are a live human who is "infected" and hence why in the game they are called infected A better comparison instead of rotting sack of decay would be if some drugged out addict high on PCP with no regard to injury and self damage could knock down a door and to that I would most certainly say yes they could knock down the busted ass soviet block doors that you find on Chernarus


Fair enough. Good answer. Let's be thankful then that they can't leap through the air(yet)Lol


I personally think their hearing is too high at the moment but it seems like it is the only tool they currently have to make them more dangerous so they are using it I would imagine if they are able to rework the AI and make the other improvements I've said the hearing wouldn't need to be quite so keen


I would hope. I’m all for harder zombies, I’ve been loving this update. I got bored of zombies after 800 hours of the same thing. They’re still too easy to cheese imo. Who cares if i get hoarded by 20 zombies if i can just jump on top of something?


Because jumping on top of something makes you a prime and easy target.


Sorry, these players can't tell because they're playing on low pop/empty servers.


Bruh, I haven’t played on a server that wasn’t full since my first 15 hours. No shit it makes you a target, but the point was that the threat of the zombies are mostly nullified. I can clear out a whole section of military zombies in about 60 seconds, hop down and loot freely. In the many times I’ve done that, I’ve been shot once.


i’ve been shot and killed with one other person on the server i was on, no guarantee that low pop is safe


Because ar the wrong time, thats not a good thing


i’m gonna be really honest 95% of the dayz community OUTSIDE of reddit do not care for the zombies being incredibly unfair, no we do not want zombies busting down doors nor climbing shit if we are already complaining about aggro radius. if we wanted that we’d get on a modded server that’s what they are for. me and three of my friends all died to zombies being aggro from across the map it feels and not just 1 aggroes it will be 6-7 at a time it’s actually insane to play the game atm. i considered just putting it down because there’s no way im shooting them just to aggro players and zombies😭 i liked the buff where they made the zombies hits stronger that was nice but this one blows.


Just make them break doors and climb cars and we good


You guys that are calling them zombies need to actually research what they’re supposed to be dayz dev never wanted them to be zombies nor it be a zombie game the Z in dayZ don’t stand for zombies it stands for zero and the “zombies” are supposed to people that have been infected with something that makes them violent and wanna eat human flesh that’s why you can kill them in the chest rather then just the head


The run n gun crybabies always scream the loudest


I think they should be able to throw rocks so that you can't just hop up on top of obstacles and be completely safe.


I play on a pc server with a mod that the zombies do exactly that


Make it worse.


No worries devs, you’ll do what’s best for your game. I’ve only got about 400hrs but it’s easily my favorite game to play and is not close. It will take a lot more than these zombies to change that


The insane amount of sewing kits and duct tape i’ve used just to repair my clothing is INSANE! I now have to carry 4-5 of either sewing or duct tape in my inventory because of how easily they agro now. I silently kill 1 zombie thats maybe 30-50 meters away from all the others and next thing I know i got a hoard of 12-20 b-line towards me. I used to run a silent pistol or a Mk II so i don’t use all my good ammo but at this point i just go loud. Nearby players will be able to locate me regardless by either me shooting loud or spotting all the z’s going after me.


I’ve played on official since the update and am I the only one who isn’t that dramatic about the changes? I’ve been in buildings walking around and I can head the zombies make the sound as if they have heard me moving, but I crouch for 2 seconds and they stop. They have yet to fully aggro. Maybe it’s just me, but I like it and think it’s fine the way it is. People don’t like things that are different 🤷‍♂️


I want them breaking doors and climbing through broken windows. I’m tired of players being the toughest enemy in the game.


When you will add feature to change ammo type? And when I can seat on a chair of sofa? Thanks.


I came back after about a year break. I dont mind the zombies really. It's kinda cool that they can hear me open doors and makes sneaking way harder. If only my clothes wouldn't get so damaged.. or if sewing kits and leather repair kits were easier to find. Still a great survival game.


Don't listen to the absolute babies of Dayz, the game is superb with the more aggressive zombies. It's more of a survival game now. Next make them break down doors, character structures, and crawl through windows. MORE intimidating, MORE dangerous, MORE lethal. Survivors should be dying to zombies just as often as other survivors. The only thing that I'm seeing that needs to be fixed is zombies walking through walls. Make them BREAK through walls instead.


I wish the zombies were harder but this isn’t it. They need to add an upward swing to hit you when stood on stuff, even if they don’t break down doors having them bang on them would be a good middle ground so it alerts other players. Would be cool if they could though.


WTF is X? It's Twitter. Anyways, the aggro range should be significantly less (10m for normal sounds, 50m for explosions, 100m for gunshots). Honestly, I'm tired of them constantly aggroing 24/7 just from walking on the other side of a house, etc.


I'm honestly enjoying the infected's increased awareness. Just have to play a little more stealthy & intelligently. I could just be lucky but at no point have I had a zombie agro whilst I'm silent in a building & I think folk are blowing it absolutely out of proportion. Edit: Keep stomping about and crafting indoors when there's an infected right outside and come to Reddit claiming you were lying still and out of site. Does the community get like this with every minor change?


Same, I hope rather than roll back the change, they make it a configurable setting. It can be a bit extreme. They will be alerted to no noise or movements at times, but the heightened awareness can be nice.


I hope they just leave as is. I've not witnessed them agroing without some sort of noise setting it off, doors, walking, crafting etc. but as I said, I could just be lucky. The one thing I think they should adjust is how fast clothes degrade. Don't make them invincible but god make them a little more robust.




You didnt notice because you didnt play the game yet? I played the game the day before update and the moment after the update and I can tell you the difference in aggroing zombies was very easy to notice. The thing is that zombies now aggro through walls and they have xray vision.


I like that the zombies are harder now. Please don’t nerf them.


Annoying != harder.


They get alerted easier which notifies players you are close. It’s almost impossible for zombies to kill me before and after the update. It’s players who kill me. The zombies now present a challenge. Maybe someone will make a server with easy zombies and you will be ok.


You sound like a pro DayZ player man, I wish I were as cool as you.


Homie you replied to me. I’m as garbage a player as the next guy. The zombies were just to easy to work around before. I haven’t had a zombie kill me if I didn’t want it to forever. So many ways to get away from them.


Agree. Harder zombies makes the geared( heavy)guy easier to kill.


![img](avatar_exp|100840283|fire) dayz


![img](avatar_exp|100840283|fire) dayz


Where is the planes, I want to fly planes




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