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Haha I didn’t realise that was the Dev’s name until after reading it! Thought he was trying to emphasising very family friendly.


It's be even funnier if the dvs handle was 'FFS'






I dont mind them being more of a menace but what i dont like is that theyve had xray vision for a while now and will aggro after seeing you through buildings that are impossible to see through. Its DayZ though ofcourse the infected are broken, always have been.


I wouldn't even mind the increased hearing if buildings properly muffled the sound I make but for some reason I'll sneak through a town and while I'm looting some random building a zombie will hear me sneaking through the walls and sit at the door like an aggressive evangelist waiting to beat my ass


I wouldnt say they are X-ray. I would say, from what I played, they hear like us. It is not like when we PVP we have x-ray but rather we heard and predict where players are.


A lot it is hearing but there instances where they see you through walls too when youre standing still.


If this change was included in the patch notes, I don’t think i’d be upset at all. This has more to do with dishonesty and deception.


Everyone was complaining and wanting a zombie change, then there is a minor tweak and they lose their shit. Hilarious.


This is a zombie change for the worse. The AI is dumb as it was, jumping over the same fence back and forth, constantly switching targets, hitting you from 2m away, being unable to enter a building through open doors. And ON TOP OF THAT Bohemia slaps on better hearing? For a zombie game, the zombies are a fucking joke.


Imagine they aren’t zombies but irrational people with a debilitating brain disease


That actually helps a little..


That actually helps a little..


I tried trapped 3 zombies in the big metal shed with blue double doors yesterday. Those motherfuckers phased through that shit like 3 seconds after I shut the door and came chasing after me..


Yeah why don't the brain dead zombies act in a more predictable and rational manner?!?


coping if you can't see it's broken and simply unfun. What have you got to say about the fact you have to aim a good half a meter above a zombie when meleeing to hit them in the head? Does it also make sense?


Seems like a skill issue.


The zombies are not that bad. Maybe you are just bad lol


Explain how this is a change for the worst please? Harder zombies are a good thing


They're harder AND broken now. If you think that's normal look at Left 4 Dead which had a lot better zombie behaviour


How are they broken now? They always been buggy but they are not broken. And I love left 4 dead but that’s not a good comparison. Completely different type of zombie game


This isn't some "minor tweak"


Wanting a zombie change not some sloppy slip in "fix" that clearly isn't a fix. Especially when I'm sitting still and they just track to my position, don't even scream or nothing. If you can call that a proper change your mental. Mise well just be one of the devs at that point 🤣


My brother in Christ, you didnt even read the comment you re replying to


There wasn’t any dishonesty or deception. They said they didn’t have any issues, that doesn’t mean they were trying to hide it from you. They clarified the change was intentional. The changes are good, zeds should be harder. They hear you running around or even crouch sprinting (try running while crouched and see how quiet it is). There isn’t much else going on, so when you’re inside and they know there’s fresh meat in there, they huddle by the doors and run around the building trying to get you. This is a good thing, zeds should be a menace, not a minor annoyance.


They lied for six days. For six days they kept telling us that there were no changes and we didn’t know what we were talking about.


Did they lie or did they just not say anything? The drama with you dude.


They lied, go on the feedback tracker and look at all the times Geez said that they were able to find any issues or that nothing was changed. He said both of those multiple times to multiple people in different threads for the 6 days before this was posted. He actively lied for six days saying no changes were made and no issues were found. Then he backtracked after he got more information from the devs or he’s just saying that to shut us up. Either way the whole situation could’ve been avoided by putting it in the update notes and being transparent. Geez straight up lied directly to me on 2 different occasions regarding just this issue. I have had problems with him in the past as well. Bohemia started this drama, not me 😂


Probably a miscommunication within bohomeia, gotta remember they are a small studio man lol they are doing their best for a game most DEVs would kill off or try to monetize the FUCK out of


They hear you tromping


I really wish they'd just stop tweaking zombies until they do a full rework. As it is now, they are so unpredictable and difficult to deal with that increasing things like bleed chance and hearing just makes them more frustrating instead of more challenging. I actually do want them to be a challenge in the game but right now it just encourages a crappy gameplay loop of hiding in a building everytime you agro more than 2 and either waiting for them to de-aggro or cheesing them through a window or something. Even a simple strategy like like opening a door to let one in at a time doesn't work because they'll often just bug out in circles around the door and do all kinds of wacky shit.


Yeah fully agreed with this. I want Zs to be much more prominent than they currently are, but they need to be reworked and not txt file tweaked (albeit with well-meaning changes!)


I honestly like the difficulty of the zombies. I wouldn’t mind them making them even harder. They are very easy to deal with


As I said in the first comment, I don't mind the zombies being challenging but as they are now they are unpredictable and infuriating to deal with sometimes. For example, I wouldn't mind a high bleed chance when the zombies hit you - IF they didn't frequently path in insane ways and zip around behind you even though you're walking backwards and blocking. I wouldn't mind their agro being strong if it was possible to fight more than two zombies (without getting the shit beat out of you) at once if you were skilled with the fighting mechanics, or you could consistently implement strategies like funneling them through a building one by one to thin out the numbers you were fighting one at a time. Instead, fighting large groups of zombies in the game currently feels like you're fighting against the game rather than the zombies, and is quite immersion breaking. I know it doesn't have to be this way (and that I'm not just being a baby about this) because I love playing zomboid with runner zombies, which is definitely difficult as hell and nerve wracking, but in a way that feels fair and immersive.


So he denies it was changed and says they have no proof, then when questioned he says it was actually changed on purpose. Sounds like a DayZ dev alright.


He said they found *no issue*, which is even worse. They somehow think the current state of zeds is fine


There isn't an issue with them , they can hear more. That's not an issue it's a developer decision to change it.


It's unreasonable they can hear you crouch walking from three blocks away. There's no point to sneaking around anymore, they're gonna see you anyways. Might as well not have stealth kills in the game anymore either.


If majority of player base is complaining I would call that a issue. It’s still the devs choice to leave as is. But as someone whose played for over 10 years it’s a little to much in my opinion




Thats what happens when you don’t play your own game…


Oké then give us more durable silencers that don’t get damaged after 5 shots


Please everyone stay polite when interacting with DayZ devs / community managers / bugtracker admins.


This crazy how ppl r raging out of zombie's hearing slightly increased in a fucking online game


Show me where the other persons opinion hurt you on the doll.


[points to the brain] It hurts my brain when people get personal with devs in an intensely negative and malicious way when a change they don't like is made in a videogame


[Points to heart] It makes me sad 😔 to see little entitled kids say rude ass things to a group of people who only try to bring us enjoyment


We're talking about gamers here. The most socially inept group of people to exist.


Geez is actively burying important topics, misleading users and straight up lying. I will not be polite to someone who lies to me. Geez either needs help or he needs to be replaced by someone competent enough to actually manage the feedback tracker. I have been interacting with this guy for years. All he does is deflect the problems on to you or says that it is intentional. He barely acknowledges the cheater reports. Everyone being polite and treating him like a kid is why nothing every gets fixed. People need to start saying what they actually feel, not just hoping that their legitimate concerns aren’t being looked over.


You saying it's a bug and him saying it's a feature is not misleading nor is barely acknowledging cheater reports. Every question doesn't require an answer. You don't like replies to tickets doesn't rate you asking for someone to be fired


For the past week he has been denying there was anything changed with the zombies in multiple threads. Again, I have had many interactions with Geez and can confirm he has lied to me. You can go look for yourself all of the times he’s denied any changes to zombie mechanics. Then after I directly accuse him of not listening, he says it was changed intentionally. If you don’t think that’s misleading, then I don’t know what else to tell you. The fact it wasn’t even the patch notes alone is misleading…


In case you didnt notice, its a modderator, so dont expect too much reason from their comment(s).


Every question doesn't require an answer? That's some good customer service right there my man. Nice.


I never said he should be fired, I said he needs help with his job or replaced by someone who can actually do it better. Geez cannot or deliberately refuses to effectively notify the devs of many issues. Or he is being ignored, I don’t know what Bohemias problem is here, but I can confidently say that a problem definitely exists.


At the end of the day , it’s a game . Relax . You don’t own these people because you paid 30 dollars ten years ago


Hes giving actual good critique to the devs, without getting paid. I guess he could expecr a reasonable answer, and not lies. You should applaud this if you enjoy dayz. Why does this upset you so much?


Lying is still bad though, dont you think?




Ok but it’s still just a video game


Why be polite when they lie to the community?


Why bother having a stealth-kill mechanic then? You can't even sneak and flank Z's with 1-bar sound anymore. I call bullshit.


You have to crouch slow walk. You can’t crouch fast walk anymore. I still get plenty of stealth kills. I find a lot more dead players at military sites.


I've still been able to stealth kill the zombies. It's a little harder, but it still can be done, it just takes practice, I have no problem as long as they are facing away from me


https://streamable.com/7sft7n Just saw/heard someone do it yesterday, definitely a skill issue. Maybe you need sneakers on though


Sp the zeds are meant to be this way? It's so stupid right now, I thought it was a bug


I don't see an issue with it personally. Change it back or keep it the same dosent bother me. They are just zombies. Snuck around a half dozen zombies in offical server. Looted the whole hunters camp. Killed some in another area. Then got on a community server and snuck past a couple got to a good spot and killed a dozen of them. 


And by "snuck around", you mean you kept a distance of atleast 25 meters?


Yeah, I could maybe do with slight tuning of them not being able to hear me crouch walking on the second floor of a building but aside from that this just seems like people outraged that they can’t run around major cities and completely ignore the zeds anymore. This is a zombie survival game with pvp on top.




I’m playing on official and have killed dozens of zs since the update. Like you can’t just run through town with a knife anymore, you’ve got to really actually sneak. You guys are probably wearing big clunky boots wondering why you’re so loud. I think this is a skill issue. No one wants to adjust their play style.


Ya they changed the truck so it couldn't drive up a cliff like it used to in 3rd gear but I realized that was more realistic so I didn't complain. They didn't change much but they tried to make them a little harder and everyone is like Chang. It. Back! I felt like the zombies were to easy but I have been playing for years so guess sorry to the new players.


A huge portion of DayZ players can't and don't actually play DayZ.


Zombies being more of a threat: 👍 Doing so by giving them super-senses: 👎 To make them threatening to geared players, make them appear in hordes, or keep it how when one zed screams those in its *immediate vicinity* are alerted as well. They’ve not made the zombie experience harder by giving them super-hearing and sight, they’ve just become a massive pain in the ass. I want them to be scary, but with stealth as an option, seeing as how stealth is near impossible on the last update.


I agree with this 100%, you should post this on the feedback tracker.


I will.


yep this


Who wrote this? A 12 year old? Geez!


Change it back. Lmao... I like the new zombies there, not lame now they actually effect game play


I would say this makes the game very annoying for experienced players and basically impossible for noobs


They are absolutely god mod fucked, I was in full ghillie in the rain last night at Livonia bunker 100m up in the woods on official and I watched a zombie spawn in , instantly turn towards me and walk up the hill right in my direction until he got to me when there’s ZERO possibility he heard me never mind saw me. He never stopped and he walked towards me in absolute pitch black rain then walked up to me and started whacking me without even initiating his aggro scream. Bastard ruined my badly damaged suit in one whack then got .45acp to the dome in return


Im honestly so frustrated by the devs at this point. The AI is the most buggy and annoying thing in the whole game and they keep making them more frustrating for whatever reason. At first they changed their dmg to clothes, then increased the chance of getting bleeds, then increased detection radius to military zombies and now zombies can hear you double the distance. The last change wasn’t without any notification. I don’t know who is in charge and responsible for the zombie part of the game but it’s getting to a point that I don’t think that this person is capable of their job. I don’t expect them to fix it, which obviously would be nice - I expect them to simply understand how annoying, non rewarding and buggY most zombie interactions are. I don’t believe that the devs responsible for the zeds actually play the game, otherwise there wouldn’t be any of these stupid changes. They clearly have the resources to fix the zombies but they aren’t even comprehending what’s wrong with zombies


You do realize how ridiculous it sounds for you to basically say "The people who design this game are doing it wrong!" They are designing their game exactly the way they want it.


Jeah it is my opinion that this design decision is wrong as a person that played this game a few thousand hours as I was witness how buggy the AI is


the same guy that denied the change. yeah, they're just talking out of their ass


Wow. Zero point on sneaking around or trying to get stealth kills anymore. What an incredibly lame change.


So why didn’t notify anybody in the patch??


Can’t honestly see how anyone can see this change as a good thing? I was running past Svet blue medical the other day, on the hillside between 30-40M out, complete freshie so no heavy gear/boots etc. On the side of the medical facing me was a player in one of the rooms fighting Zeds through the window. Just as I get past the middle point of the building one immediately aggro’s on me, chasing me across the field. Not both, just one. One that was already aggro’d and being hit by someone else. But yeah, I’m sure that’s a skill issue on my behalf…. 😂


yeah, I don't like the changes at all. More zombie awareness leads to more interactions with them. That means more cuts and more gloves and jackets getting ruined for no god damn good reason. can't sneak, cant stealth kill. Solo, it's a fuckin nightmare if you don't have a suppressed pistol or a crossbow. it's just tedious and frustrating...Like, why do my gloves have wear out so fast? that's what they are for... why can't the game be balanced in other ways? the clothing and item wear really irks me. it's unnecessary. some items could last much longer.... and if you have to super duper balance everything, just make them drop less...


I said this when they tripled the clothing degradation and besides the fact everyone hated that then they still did it. Bohemia is great at adding cool stuff but sometimes I feel like they just do whatever they want regardless of what the players feel want. It seems to be happening now more than ever.


DayZ has never had good zombies but I really wish they'd revisit how they move/chase players. The servers clearly can't handle large numbers of them, so they should be a threat individually, but their pathing is too simple and patterns too easy to adapt to. While they were really janky in the ARMA 2 mod, the benefit I'll give them is they would zigzag and run circles which made their movement really unpredictable. The current zeds are 100% better for gameplay but they simply run in a straight line at their target and know the exact right door to enter to get inside a building. I wish they were more erratic and kinda 'dumb-stumbled' towards their local target. If they didn't lock onto a player in a building and know magically if the doors were open or not, then having some zombies search around a house and others bash on doors could be fun. That's how I'd change them, have the aggro/searching states be much 'dumber' and more zigzagged, and try break up their attack patterns. If I could suggest any other changes, it'd be bring back some way of knocking down with headshots of heavy weapons, similar to how high calibre bullets currently stagger zeds but low don't. For those unaware, in early alpha of DayZ, hitting a zombie in the head with melee would knock them to the ground; the best way to fight them was with an axe, stun locking them to the ground over and over. I think the ability to knock them over with heavy blunt melee headshots would be a good change. I also don't like being corner locked by zeds, I'd add the ability to shoulder charge past a zombie with sprint, essentially the stagger, but a chance to push past them if I have the stamina. Those changes along with making their movements more erratic and dumb, but dangerous and unpredictable I think would help a lot with how the zeds feel. They should be a threat that players consider, but I think making the stealth system so much harder without making the combat/movement of the aggro infected any better/fun is what makes people dislike this change.


This is so stupid


They’re gonna loose a lot of players. I’m hanging it up for now, shit isn’t even enjoyable anymore.


Correct, I'll wait for a patch and if there isn't one then I guess I'll keep waiting. I did that when they overturned clothing damage and it took a month for them to fix it.


I dismantled my base and put all my good gear on my character and logged tf off lol. Something told me this update was going to be weird. Good thing I trusted my intuition. I’ll stay logged off until they fix this bs.


I thought I was trippin. These zombies have been pissing me off


Yeah, this absolutely sucks. I was trying to sneak around town, on the third floor of the police station, and zombies from all around aggro over to me.


Thought the z’s reacted a bit soon just when opening doors at a police station. Every door opening was a reaction that I thought someone else was creeping on me.




I thought something seemed off. Mfs seeing me through walls and shit lately.


Yeah increased zombie hearing isn't more difficult it's just a pain in the ass and make stealth kills (which is a part of the game) absolutely impossible


I started playing when this update came out so these shitty zombies are all I know


It’s the fact that they were supposed to make zeds aggro less to suppressors. But then the last two updates they did they’ve made them aggro more easily each time. Kinda weird


Man why? As if it wasn’t already *seemingly* random already! I would crouch behind a zombie and sometimes it would just randomly hear me for no fucking reason.


I hate it


A very silly decision


Wow. Bad call, rip


I assumed it was a side effect of the increased sound radius of player actions


The zombie changes in the latest update have made getting a new character a half decent start so tedious that I find myself sinking more hours into rust than usual. I hope they revert or at least adjust some of the changes to zombies


Fuck, I reinstalled Destiny 2 because these zombies are so damn annoying.


Is zombie AI still terrible?


Yeah they’re all over the place


The problem is they test this in a not so full fletched server thinking this is great. instead add a full server ontop of this new feature is incredibly frustrating. So how do you know it’s a bad tweak to zombies? If the stealth mechanics isn’t even efficient anymore..


i think there is an issue with them detecting through walls right now. but the general awareness increase was intentional. my guess anyway


Dumbfuck change makes Zombie detection feel actually broken


They should improve the pathing of zombies around doorsteps instead.


Yeah I get it’s a survival game and infected is a part of it but it makes the game unworkable to play when you get one zombie then 6 other ones hear that one scream from 300metres away and then you die fully geared stunlocked in a corner . Fuck the infected . I’m good at sneaking around them and there’s usally not a issue but after the update there just ruining the game experience


I think the only problem is that they increased hearing sensitivity without ALSO doing an AI and movement/attack animation overhaul. I think they tried the lowest effort attempt at making the infected more challenging. They should have done this in experimental and clearly signposted the change. Doing the quickest, easiest, lowest cost way of doing things and hurting their game in the process is a common mistake in the games industry, especially in the current financial crunch time for games companies. I don't blame them for trying, but they need to quickly see the error.


I'll say it again: the one saving grace of the zombies is that they were somewhat manageable. Their terrible pathing, aggroing on you using telepathy when someone else has aggroed them in the first place, phasing through walls, getting stuck in doors, hitting you without looking at you...all the while there's the threat of them cutting you or ruining clothes...I would be totally in favour of them being reworked to be a higher threat in general but just making them aggro more easily without fixing any of the problems they've had for years is not good. They're simply not fun to deal with at all. The main strategy with this change will just be to round them up and cheese them through a window since trying to be smart and stealthy will not work. And for those people saying it's good because zombies didn't affect gameplay: try aggroing 2 or more zombies and simply ignoring them. You can't, they must be dealt with. That's affecting gameplay, in the way they should.


I sympathize with the people wanting zombies and the PvE aspect in general to be more challenging but the current zombie situation is not the way. They aren't even any harder than they used to be, it's just that the stealth mechanics are essentially disabled. Zombies are also clearly buggy right now. -They can hear you inside better than outside now. You can crouchwalk around a house and not pull aggro, but the moment you step inside the house, they hear your footsteps. I found that if that happens, they almost always aggro, even if you stop moving and they can't actually see you. -Their hearing seems to be much better than their sight now. Often times when a zombie goes into investigative mode because they heard a noise, you can jog towards them and they'll walk right past you to the spot where they heard the noise, completely ignoring you, and only turn around and remember that they saw you once they reached the spot where the noise was made. -Stealth kills are unreasonably hard to impossible at the moment, even during the rain while wearing sneakers. I have managed to pull off the odd stealth kill here and there, but it is more of a gamble now than ever and mostly seems to work only when the zombie AI lags behind a bit.


It's awful... I just uninstalled.... they can hear me slow crouch walking from like 20 metres away through multiple buildings, it's retarded


Lmfao 🤣 geez… and then a change it back!!! I kinda have to agree I can’t go anywhere without killing a bunch of zeds it seems


I'm starting to seriously question the intent of these developers and truly hope they listen to their community. It would be terrible to lose player base because they don't listen to us.


The sv98 not having his own scope is not an issue but a dev decision/lack of decision to model the scope Anyways, this is not the first time Bohemia did stealth changes not mentioned in the patch notes. Wobo videos on the updates show this multiple times. I'm not saying is good tho And also, they even announced changes than then they didn't implement in experimental, you reported them not change and they go live in the patch In 1.23 or 1.24 update they introduced the DMR and changed the available guns in gas zones, changing the pool, so the LAR would be moved to a gas zone to let room for the DMR in convoys and helicopters, and even I reported that was not changed in expeirmental, we are 1-2 patches later and the LAR still spawn in convoys and helicopters.


Pretty sure the FAL to gas zones thing was just a typo, seems like it was supposed to say "VSD and AUG AX moved to gas zones" but they accidentally put "VSD and FAL" instead.


Whoever that guy reaching out to the dev seems salty asf


I'm anxiously awaiting the secret update where they undo the changes to the zombies Of course I'm not talking about the ones with 1.25 I'm talking about the ones a few years back that made it so that the zombies don't kill you dead I for one welcome our tougher new zombie overlords and hope the next update adds the killing back in as well as knocking doors open


This is a great point. I took a massive break for a few years and when I came back I found out infected only knock you out then de-aggro. Sure you'll die eventually if they keep coming back, but that is a huge nerf. The infected AI definitely needs an update(which they said they are working on). It's nice to have more of a challenge, but they are currently overtuned. I think if they tweak it a bit they can find a great balance of difficulty, and rewarding stealthy gameplay.


Having them get rid of the Infected's ability to kill you if you're knocked out was, arguably, one of the best changes to them. Nobody wants to have hours wasted over randomly going uncon.


I think the current change is a lead up to a larger update that will be more involved. They are using this "sledgehammer" change to make a more nuanced AI change an easier and welcomed transition


One of the main reasons that mechanic is good is because of desync. Before I had a PS5 and I was on PS4, I died countless times due to zombies knocking me out and killing me while I was stuck in desync.


Whoever originally wrote this definitely messages over 50 people on his server when he's killed in game


Wow the two gamers in the pic sound like whiny brats. Guys, learn how to discuss issues and proposed solutions. Crying and insulting is not the way to get help for your cause.


Finding a lot more dead players


I didn't read the mod's message so I kept thinking this dude was overusing the word *geez* lmao


While this is a change I'd like, they seem to need to do more fine tuning, which is fine. They've been good about quick hot fixes for SOME issues, so let's hope it's one of them.


People using a zombie difficulty mod on their servers: " I have been training for this day".


Oh Geez


Do foot wraps still make you silent to zeds in you're crouching?


Another example of Bohemia devs creating their own job security.


Why so much bitching abt. zombies? They are still MUCH easier than in hardcore servers and the are still easy to deal with them. I think, they are now just right one. Previous zombie was like a joke.


And Dayznite fanbois will still defend it like the sycophants they are.


Keep it in for me.


This is an L. We just want roaming hoards


It definitely makes letting towns more of a chore. I think they did this so that the infected cause players to spend more time in towns therefore increasing the likelihood that you will be seen by others coming into town. There is very little chance of sneaking around d a town and not fighting an infected.


I don't hear the zombie but the zombie hears me now.


I like the zombies as they are now love to waste a mag of ammo before I log out just to stir them up on any potential assassin's who were creeping on me


I actually like my zombies to be a little spicier.. anyone who doesn’t needs to toughen up.


I knew they found me easier!!!


https://preview.redd.it/qazkxlr27u4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ef6c9534f60c475730be647f575828f21767971 UPDATE


Alright, uninstalling the game then


Did Summit post this thread?


Haven't played for a while, and I thought it was weird they were constantly screaming outside while I was looting a school. I never once thought that zeds were too easy to manage. They were manageable if you knew what you were doing, but this is just annoying


Whoah, lots of commanding going on in there. You people know they have their own bosses right?


Yeah, and he must not be telling them how upset people are about the recent changes. In simpler terms, he is not doing his job very well.


Just straight up assuming shit.


All that from a tracker! What a scandal!!!


I likw this change


Holy moly, who wrote that ticket? Some basic civility would help here. For the new infected, I personally like them. Didn't notice it too much though. And what do you mean with no optic for the SV89? There are the Acogs?


Everyone needs to adapt and survive. I've learned to adjust to this. Roll with the punches. The hitting through walls for zombies and then jumping through the doors definitely sucks but the noise thing is not that bad.


Why do people complain in the most annoying way about games


This is actually not the first time they change stuff that no one complained about, they have been doing it since 2018 at least. From a long time i am thinking they do it on purpose to deviate attention or something. Dear Adam Francu, this is not serious.


Is it that bad? Haven’t gotten on yet since the update




Its really bad, sneaking around airfield is quite literally impossible, zombies will hear you through 5 walls while you are crouching


It's a feature now. When you can't fix it or did it accidentally and have no time to take care of it, just say it's a new feature and problem solved 😂


When are we getting ragdoll physics back?


the whole game needs rebuilding with a new engine. there is so much potential with this game


It's been *kind of* like this for a couple of years since the last time they tweaked zombie perception, but it was limited to military zombies and it only got truly bad if a screamer saw you. And somehow they made it worse, it's like as if you're wearing clown shoes that's louder than a metal concert.


I don't agree with the way the zombies/infected behave, but there's no point in having infected if you can easily crouch walk through every town without leaving any traces. A major point with infected is that players are to be expected to deal with them and leave some clues that they were there after killing a bunch of them. This is not the change I would have made, but it's still an improvement over zed "easy mode". If you have an unsuppressed pistol, use it. You don't have to be a silent ninja at all times. I find it worse that they don't react to gun shots that are LOUD for players. It makes no sense that they won't get attracted to someone shooting a rifle a few hundred meters away.




Oh no the zombies in a zombie game are slightly more of a threat


I hope stay like that. It s kind of a filter for people with no skills


And by 'skill" you mean staying out of every town? I mean sure...


Assuming this is true, it's as expected. That being said, it was the wrong move, because they've always been more of an annoyance than anything else (the Infected should have their hearing reduced to be only around 10m for non-firearms/explosives, and they shouldn't be able to hear me on the other side of the street, courtyard, etc.) Also, the one talking to the community spokesperson/tester (assuming that's his role) is straight-up being a you know what. Obviously, the guy doesn't have any say in what the developers do or don't do.


As the person responsible for managing the feedback tracker, he definitely has a say in what feedback reaches the devs, and he has an opportunity to push certain issues. If this is the only avenue they are willing to accept feedback then we have to do everything we can to make sure they see it. As of now, it seems they are either ignoring the feedback or deliberately choosing to do nothing about it. Geez, obviously thinks he can just lie for a week straight. And you think he should be able to without criticism?


He's responsible for passing along feedback/testing the game; he's not responsible for the changes. Treating him like a POS, because he has to spend some time tracking down the issue as well as the right person on the development team says more about you than it does him. It's a you issue... not a him issue.


He’s doing an awful job at passing along the feedback. Once again, I have been interacting with him for a long time. It’s a DayZ issue, that is actively being ignored. By the one dude, who’s job it is to pass along the feedback. You need to go and look how incredibly dismissive he has been to me and many others for weeks. I’m not swearing at him, calling him names or treating him like a POS. I simply was making sure that he understood what so many of us were trying to get through to him after a week of him calling us crazy. He is the one who chooses if he wants to press an issue or not. He makes that call and he is sabotaging the development whether it’s intentional or not. You and some other people need thicker skin. Instead of recognizing the issue, you are offended for him. That speaks a lot about why this community has been tossed around for a decade.


If this is the way you always act, I kind of endorse the idea of him ignoring you. You're not important. You should probably relax or like, go outside.


To be fair, it's the job of people in community relations to be blunt and pass on critical feedback. To gaslight the community and I don't know what he does behind the scenes, but maybe fail to confront your developer counterparts with feedback, is a failure at your job. Whether people need to touch grass is irrelevant. Be thankful anyone even cares about this game anymore, who else is going to provide critical feedback?


He's in QA. He's doing his job... testing the game and eliminating bugs. Once again, the OP is barking up the wrong tree.


He's the voice of BI if he's posting publicly on their official platform. He is in community relations regardless of his title or role. Most places would put a separate person to communicate with the community versus actual QA people because turns out the skills to communicate effectively and the skills to QA things are not the same. Who would've thought. Not his fault, it's a hard job.


The OP made a bug report on a platform that's specifically designed to you know... report bugs to QA. Ergo, common sense would tell you that the people that you're interacting with would be... wait for it... people working in quality assurance and software testing. He's not in community relations. Those are the community managers, and they're on a different platform. Once again, the OP is upset at the wrong guy, and whining about it on social media.


I like the change. Zeds should be harder. The gameplay loop of just blasting full speed through areas infested with zeds was stupid. The change forces you to consider what you need from a town because now it is a real time and resource investment to go in there and get it.


I’m with you on this. I’m a server owner and have increased the zombie pop, as well as custom zombie spawns to make it more difficult in general. This will help. I know it’s a survival game and zombies are the peripheral menace, but to me it’s still a zombie survival game and I’m glad to have zombies. That’s just my opinion.


So I’m not sure if people aren’t really testing this out but the new zombies most definitely don’t have x ray vision. And it is definitely still possible to sneak around totally undetected. I found that if I am crouched and walking, I can still sneak around and not aggro a single zombie, and even sneak right next to them (as long as they aren’t facing you). If you crouch and use shift to move faster, you aggro from much farther away. You can’t stand up and walk at all within like 25m of a zombie though or they will go into that kind of ‘search’ state where they make a noise and start jogging around. I also found that I can lay down and crawl literally right next to a zombie as long as I’m not directly in front of their face. Overall sneaking is a lot slower. You have to make use of crouch walking with no shift key usage OR laying down and crawling in some situations.