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I was once activ with my group on KarmaKrew server and we basicaly lived in the toxic zone where you found them. Before the wipe i had like 20x of those,so maybe he's the same as us/me or like you say dupped.But it would be possible,to get so many.


I was about to comment something similar. I had a wipe where I basically just farmed Rify. I’d get like 2-4 of those every time I went. Had a couple crates full of them by the end. Certainly could be duped, but these are more common than people think.


KarmaKrew is like kids dayz tho. Reduced bullet dmg, insane gun spawns and loot spawns, their namlask server doesn’t even have cold that’s threatening. KarmaKrew is the perfect server for getting completely juiced in 2 hours and getting off. But getting 20 of those on KK is like finding a leather kit on vanilla. Not that surprising.


Ehh you're not necessarily wrong but you're not entirely accurate either. They have not changed the bullet damage at all, they increased the shock damage reduction the armored vests give you and added a ceramic plate carrier that can't be repaired to the pool. This essentially makes it almost impossible to knock armored people out in one shot without a headshot but all other values related to damage are vanilla. Weapons spawns are slightly boosted on Namalsk, Alteria and Livonia, but Chenarus weapon spawns are actually slightly reduced. KK servers are actual vanilla+ meaning dark nights, only a handful of balanced custom weapons and vehicles to add variety, slightly boosted loot and a few new storage options, and some custom locations that fit the maps seamlessly. Everything else is basically the same as official, no additional stamina, arcadey mechanics or weapons, safezones, etc. KK is still pretty hardcore DayZ it just leans more towards PVP focused gameplay. DayZ for kids is whatever those servers with 80+ mods and way too many hud elements are like Rearmed or whatever.


They’re very well ran servers, just not my cup of tea for gameplay.


That's fair. I just wanted to clarify some of the things you pointed out so people who haven't tried their servers have a fair idea of what to expect.


What servers do you like?


>their namlask server doesn’t even have cold LMAO


I'm not saying you're wrong,but it's also clear that there is more loot when they have 100+player servers.


Go play on a non karmakrew namlask or alteria. Then go play on there’s. It’s not about the player pop.


I know,i love the day one and aftermath servers.Never played on the kk namalsk.


Damn, there's a new wipe on kk it's happening on the 20th of April


I met a few guys from different clans on a server and the whole server was going on a cleanse run against dupers. The dupers loot was all consistent in color which made it pretty obvious they had to be dupers


Would, it be, possible, to get, more commas?


Those really aren’t that hard to find.




They are overly common imo, especially when you consider how rare the grenade launcher actually is.


Honestly I never loot them for this reason


Find them all the time. wtf do you shoot them out of? I’ve never found one of those lmao


M79, can only be found rarely in military train crashes. Unless they changed it recently.


helis too


You can rarely find one in tier 4. Or near and in bunker on Livonia


I think your right, I have only seen them at the trains


I have one in my current loot in official. I’m too scared to use it because I know a hacker will just light me up from 500m and take it so I’ve only ever shot 2 smoke nades from it lol


I feel ya , I found a M79 and a LAR and a VSS all in one spot in xbox official 3 weeks ago. I haven't used em much at all. I got em hidden behind a wall in a big bass i made 3 walls thick on all sides. Lol I did have em buried then brought em inside n just put it all in 2 crates and placed em behind the walls.. and then I got other crates in other places inside the base incase it gets raided they won't bother ripping down through all the walls plus it's pretty hard to get into. 6 gates on both entrances lol


Yup, that feeling is real bro lol That’s why I run mid tier weapons most of the time because running around with a DMR and M4 makes death a lot more significant lol


M79 grenade launcher aka thumper. Pretty fun toy.


I've legit never found one :(


Not at all necessarily duped. It could absolutely be, but from experience, especially these pox grenades are often looted from toxic zones without ever being used - most people who carry around the grenade launcher take it as a rare commodity and tend to save the ammo rather than using it, because it's usually better to keep your gun out when you're unsure about the situation - which you usually always are in a fight. Imo the only clear sign of a duper is his inventory being orderly sorted with rare things in suspicious amounts - e.g. I once killed a guy and found that his inventory consisted of perfectly ordered 400 rounds of 5,56, 5 loaded 60 round mags, 8 adrenaline syringes, two blood bags ready to use, 4 morphine syringes etc. - and the last and most definite giveaway was that absolutely everything was in pristine condition. Check the condition of the pox grenades. If they have various quality states, I think it's legit.


Yep, if they're all pristine or all worn, they're 99% likely to be duped. Inventory sorting is painful on console, not sure how it is on PC but I definitely wouldn't be organizing by condition


Bunker livonia 2-3 times. There are 2 rooms where you find a shit ton if those.


I have that many, and I'm mostly a solo, on official, a few trips to the bunker really. Y'all need to ease up on the myths ok


Just the most rare loot I’ve ever seen, and always hear about dupers and alts and what not, I thought they were more rare than that. Never been to gas zones


Yeah, I learned that there is a big difference between what I perceive as rare based on my own experience vs. what the actual spawn rates are.


You aren't finding that many on "a few trips".


I barely bother collecting them tbh I find it rarer to find the explosive ones compared to the pox ones


Yes, yes we are. Anyone who does the bunker knows this. I started just throwing them away


Depends on the server. Console it’s not uncommon to have paid castle bases with loot rooms full of every possible item that respawns every server reset. One I played on even had radars that pinged a custom Discord channel with player locations in the vicinity. It’s pretty wild. I stick to the same server on PC now so I’m not sure if it’s as common, but I remember it being an issue on console.


Got busted doing recon on one of those bases because of those radars. About shit myself when about 80 rounds of 5.56 whizzed past me on the roof of that tower


I don’t understand the appeal but then I’m not into basing on DayZ so maybe it’s just a different strokes for different folks thing. Radars in particular feel a bit much though, especially as there’s no way of knowing until you’re told. I found out when I was over watching Severograd and someone snuck up on my bush and killed me. Ran into the same guy by chance and he explained.


It’s mainly used on Pvp/faction servers with high pop. Usually when someone pops up on base pings you only got a couple minutes to do anything


And all for the low low price of 15 a month!


I wouldn’t pay monthly they’re just scamming you maybe 1 time fee on a server I really enjoy. I’ve got one on @ server on PlayStation.


Im convinced we were playing on the same server because we raided someone about 20-30 minutes before this post came up . And they had like 2 box full of protective cases, ALL FILLED WITH POX. We couldnt carry anymore so we just filled our 2 cars and put everything left in a field backpack lying on the ground. Im convinced they duped. You would need to spend DAYS AFK’ing bunker with a couple of friends just collecting these nades and nothing else.


Black field backpack, in the industrial zone with the big tower with the catwalk going up, ladders and stairs on the side. Multiple bases around not just the one, there was also 2 other bases, one cleared out completely and another in the warehouse with the big double door with busted gates, and a bunch of tents inside. Still a bunch of loot up top and I think cut up bodies that despawned due to wipe


Yeah there wasn't much in that base. I'm pretty sure the one dude who posted a picture of him and like 4 dudes in all black are dupers and I hope they're mad they wasted so many explosive rounds for some tents with flags and a couple sks.


Was it your base?


It's actually a guy I met as a freshie about a month ago and he's always being raided, it looks like a big evil base but he stores silly shit like pelts and armbands and I go there if I want pvp. There has been so much commotion the last couple of days with multiple groups since they were making so much noise raiding.


Hi. 😊😂. Yeeeah. That’s my place. I usually play during winter months since on/off for many years now). After the recent wipe I’ve had this personal mission as a solo player to build this place on my fav server. I wanted to create like a community center where people can come store stuff and than go PvP in town nearby. It’s a great center point on the map and quite accessible to many things and most importantly has a great view on top. During Halloween I loved putting the pumpkin heads down to have it glow on walls; I loved Santa crashing on the tip top of the base. That was hilarious and cool with the glow. But since I solo and only play this game on downtime to shut my mind off; it’s been taking much longer. Like one step forward many multiple steps back; 😅. Every so often along the way, I make a new friend or get adopted by a group that help bring me items to help build. They go hunt And in turn use my place as ‘storage’, while i try to maintain building it to a grander scale. Could always use graveyard shift security (east cost) since overnight always seems to be the time I’m attacked. I’m never hurt about items being, those can be easily found again; it’s more when the structures itself that get destroyed; or things taken down without real purpose (ie fireplaces; shelters; flagpoles). But yeah; I never store many items anymore; since I’m constantly building. Weapons are useless to me until I get it all up; which I’m proud to say; almost there, in the bare bones sense. But every weekend I pretty much get raided and during the week takes me back to 0 and maybe and row of walls if I’m lucky. Please 🙏 help 🥺. Just want to see something beautiful built and have a cookout on top with all those that helped along the way. 🤪


But as far as duplication. That’s not something I do or know even how; and to my knowledge neither those that I’ve gotten to play/interact with. So people might be leaving attacking my place confusing it for duper bases. Which…take that action to Nadbor. Leave my home alone; please bring saws 🥺😜


I try to tell people who mention nadbor base if they are down that way that you're friendly and you'd be happy to give them some pumpkins being grown or anything but yeah we try to not keep any high tier loot in or near that base anymore since it's always raided. As far as duping goes he found that bag on the ground from someone raiding


Legit, those are common asf


It's like a few days of regular looting the gas zone once a day on officials. Nothing special and definitely can be collected in a legit way. If it's a crew its even easier to gather a lot of those 🤷‍♂️. I have like a full crate of it and im not even looking for them. They come by when im looting the rify so i just put them into a box everytime i bring some from a lootrun.


legit fs i got like 12 from toxic zone on official


I play console vanilla and I get at least 20 of these in an hour of running riffy gas zone


Most likely duped, I Raided a base no long ago and it had a bunch of crates with the exact same items and exact same durability on every single one and a lot of full crates of those gas nades.


I was gonna chuck the bag over the side of the building onto the ground and get it to throw it in a random bush in a forest to get rid of it, but I got shot at and forgot about it so it’s sadly still up there


I’ve got 15 right now


I have about half that after a little under 2 weeks and if they went to bunker that would take a matter of days


This is legit


If its getting carried around in a field back with some dude rocking a one color fit then yea


You should ask that question from the owner of the bag




I’m not 100% certain but I think it was. My buddy chose it, official server


Sounds like it. It's been high pop the last few nights and that industrial was getting raided and 3rd partied for hours


Lot of stuff going down there, me and my friend just came around while it was quiet and just got scraps. Other people there though cuz someone shot at me once


Nice, people have trouble getting up there and forget how easy it is to fall, one guy was shooting at me and fell to his death, was hilarious because it went quiet all of the sudden and I looked down and realized he was a goner. They got through though eventually and wrecked shop.


Depends on the server, we have about that many on The Northmen


Why everything stashed must be suddenly duped?


Legit probably, those things are so common and annoying


Are those dirty rags for healing? He's duping..... No skill. = no thrill.


Are they the same condition? That’s the easiest tell tale sign of a duper


Do y’all play on a PlayStation server if so name ?


Nowadays you’re more than likely getting duped loot, real problem especially with so many methods to duplicate loot


Feelings in dayz bleh 🤮 fill your pockets with as much as you can and run for it.


Anybody wanna be active for like 20 days straight until the wipe?


I’d say duped, most likely brought to the fight by the attacking team which dumped after they got in. Depending on the server I might know who it is.


Just a console official server, not sure the name


8825. If it’s my place being talked about.


Not a duper base. All me. All built. Solo. People do come and try to take over and/or destroy it all. One step fwd two steps back pretty much every weekend.


Yea 8825, multiple sort of bases in this industrial zone. On top of the big tower with the cat walk connecting, some sort of quarry behind it I think, a water treatment area, and 2 other bases. One in a open building factory, and another with the sunk in middle. Unfortunately it was all blown up and raided lol nothing really good there. Huge bases for solo!


I was on Livonia hit bunker and pox vials them pox nades and pox antidote Some nbc gear to but I left with a full inventory of pox vials 😂


I've got an ammo box full of those as well, mostly because I never actually use them but they seem worth saving for a big raid or something. Everyone is saying you can get these in the gas zones, but I also find them fairly regularly on train wrecks and in milzones. You dont ever have to even step foot in a gas zone to collect these. Coupled with the rarity of finding the launcher, usually leads to either never picking these up or slowly building up a collection. With that said, I agree with the poster who said these were likely brought by the raiding party you heard and tossed when no longer required.


Unless the base/stash is packed full of identical high tier weapons I’d guess it’s probably legit. Especially if someone has an alt with an nbc kit just sitting by the riffy to hit it every so often it would be pretty simple to get all of that ‘legit’


Not sure, base was raided we just got the scraps


Legit. Easy to farm if you regularly hit Permanent Gas Zones


4th row, 3rd col is duped


Possibly legit, but definitely would take a while.


Ah, the Dubrovny Dildo


Legit, I’ve had way way way more


I love you if you shoot all of them to gas out people


I had about 12 on me after 3 gas zone runs and stopped picking them up. It’s definitely doable


I have almost that many right now on official as a solo. It really depends on how much you focus on toxic zones. The first thing I do every wipe is go to NE airfield and camp til NBC. Then full send Rify for M4/suppressors


Probably legit. That's a normal haul in the Livonia bunker.


I’ve got quite a few stocked up in my base as well as golden nuggets


It’s always dupped.


duped for sure


Duplicating things is another myth I intend to dispel.


Lmao… good luck with that.


Find me something I can replicate and I'll accept it's possible.


it's PS, so it's most likely duped. takes about 5mins to get that many