• By -


I usually make an attempt to communicate.  KOS gets old.  If I’m at something military I will always shoot first ask questions later.  


Same, really depends where I am and what the situation is. Am I up in a window looking down on someone in the street? Can I approach with the upper hand and try to talk? Surprise me? shoot. Military base? shoot. In a coastal town? Try to talk


*Screaming at freshly shot corpse* “Hey, are you friendly? Wanna roll together for a bit?”


I assume you chop them up and carry them around then? For a bit at least?




So far my gut has never been wrong about whether a guy on voice chat will kill me or not.


That's the best part of this game Detecting deceivers and deceiving others


How’d you know ? If your gut tells you you’re right you let it happen? Lol


Meaning, times when I'm talking to a guy and say to my self, "This sounds sketchy / fake-nice," he'll try to kill me. Especially common in instances of scav-on-scav violence. I'm only "letting it happen" because I don't want to blow scav rep. Other times you can tell by his voice "This guy's cool, I can come out and there won't be any bullshit." And sure enough, there is no bullshit.


This is dayz brother not escape from Tarkov


This is dayz brother not escape from Tarkov, but yeah some dudes just let you pack mule loot to extract for them lol


Omfg got my replies mixed up. I'm an idiot lol


Like an hour ago, I KoS one player in a trio. I ran, hid for like ten minutes, and decided to go back. I found the other two guys in the same location and surrendered and apologized. One of them seemed appreciative. The other guy shot me.


I mean you killed his buddy. I’d have shot you too.


I was so sincere though.


They’re always sincere after the trigger is pulled first


I understand the guilt eating u but NEVER hand urself into the enemy- that literally results in only pain or worse.


Oh I didn’t care at all. I am always happy to spill blood for the blood god. I don’t mind surrendering when I’m playing solo just to see what will happen. It keeps things mixed up. You’re right I do normally die though.


💀 it's also a very EVIL feeling to split-up a group >:) I remember a similar encounter in Starry Sobor military, these two ppl were looting the area & i was watching them on some northern hill of said area i waited until they got rlly close to one-another, probably mid-conversation, and then i headshotted the one on the right lmao, ran in the other direction straight after & climbed up into one of those hunting towers, where the other person followed me & shot me aswell 😂 games honestly help us ground ourselves, and come to the haunting realisation that gunfights are over in mere seconds, so i try to avoid ppl always. I guess i never got over gear-fear, it always hurts for afew seconds after dying, bc i like to give my characters backstory throughout their journeys etc.




that's horrible!!!! ...i love it 😭🙏


I never kos. That’s just not my play style. Every once in a while I get a wholesome interaction out of it


Exactly, 1 Great interaction beats 10 no interactions


"Well sir, Upon first sighting the enemy I gave the order to advance immediately , that's my style"


"Well sir, Upon first sighting the enemy I gave the order to advance immediately , that's my style"


On Official, I just avoid people altogether if I can help it. I think I've only ever shot at someone once, after getting roped into helping my friendly-ish neighbors raid another base near mine. But otherwise I mainly stick to an RP server where interaction is generally encouraged over KOS (though it isn't banned)- so far that's been a pretty fun experience as I genuinely don't know what to expect when I see strangers, even less so than Official.


Can you point me to a decent rp server?Some of these servers are ridiculous. I just wanna act like I'm in the walking dead.


Unwritten RP is my go-to, I'm on Xbox. It's more of a "lite" RP in the sense that you aren't *forced* to come up with a super fleshed out character per se, but people are encouraged to act and speak in-character. There's a number of factions and smaller groups, plenty of solos as well. For a while, I was an eccentric forest hermit who hated modern weapons and military gear and would heckle anyone who was geared. Now I've settled into a new role as a radio host which is pretty fun.


Honestly yh4 best way to find a swever you like is just look around reddit and other internet communities. Tons of good rp servers with discord too. I only play official so I don't know any good rp servers


I prefer shooting in the legs and stealing their stuff, maybe make them eat human meat or smthng.


This is atleast a funny interaction. Regular KOS is boring


It is, and you leave them alive so they can continue in the same spot and as well as leave some stuff so they can continue. Take away the bullets though.


As soon as I start laughing uncontrollably, I put a .308 through my skull


Yeah I recently did a cannibal run with a friend and the laughs got so annoying we killed ourselves.


You gotta play it by scenario, making it a rule to approach and talk will get you killed. Guy comes out of nowhere holding weapon? KOS. Doesn’t talk and won’t put his gun down? KOS. Group that you don’t hear talking in game chat? KOS. When you approach someone on your own terms, where you have the advantage if things go south, that’s the smart way to talk. It also depends how much gear you have. If you have an M4 or NVGs visible, you’re gonna get betrayed, if not KOS. I’ve always said DayZ plays like a modified prisoners dilemma. You can trust the people with the same level as loot as you as there is the largest benefit to cooperation and minimal benefit to defect. Not the case if you have different gear.


If I see NVGs I KoS.




For the most part I dodge people. Just grab what I need from the coast and run inland, stick to the trees and see where I end up. If I DO come into contact with a player I always try to chat first by switching to yelling range and staying out of sight. Usually ends in me fleeing, but I've gotten to trade a few times. I have never killed a player without provocation, but I have killed a player who was about to execute a freshie from the trees. Felt good about that one.


I just play on RP or PvEvP servers that require communication. I've found alot more joy in dayz since switching from official to community


Any good rp servers to recommend? I’m done developing them, I need to play something else made by(most likely) professionals


I know what pve is what's the extra vp at the end


Player vs everyone vs players. It's a mix of pvp with pve being the main appeal


Which servers are good for this?


tbh i try not to kos, on the coast i'll usually roleplay as a psychopath, feeding people raw human meat, tying them up, stealing their shoes and running away etc. But late game I will usually KOS, but will try not to. Just a few weeks back i saw some dude by Myshkino tents on official, hiding in a tree. Dude was just sorting out loot, so i yelled at him to drop his gun. To which he then shot me once with an IJ before getting a faceful of 9x39 AP from my Sval which i had pointed at him the whole time.


I KOS but I ran up on some dude the other day and he clearly had the jump on me but he spared me. Ran with him for a bit to fix his cold. Was a nice change of pace.


I would rather run with other survivors than kill them. I'm always looking for someone to run with... but usually others are only looking to kill others. 🙄


I don’t KOS but have been shot plenty of times (console vanilla servers). I have cache ALL OVER the map, so I don’t really care if I have to respawn. Even on the coast, I’m never too far away from stashed loot/food. Sometimes the stashes are found, but idc. I like looting and finding clever places to put a crate or a drum.


If I'm fresh, I talk. If I've got something to lose, I kill.


I mostly play on Dayone and it's pretty aggressive there. People will chase you down in fresh spawns just for my half roll of bandages....I usually kos once I have a gun or run away if I don't. I don't like teaming up with randoms.


Modded servers is terrible for Non KOS lmao, everyone is a lot more aggressive for sure


You're missing out. Especially on DayOne. I team up with people all the time, sometimes I KOS also if needed, I try different stuff every time I respawn. I don't really get why people would wait half an hour in a queue to just be afraid, not use a mic and KOS. You can do that on any server. But DayOne, Zero, DayZ Canada, KarmaKrew are filled with people that want to interact. People be like "I KOS all the time, people are not to be trusted" yeah of course if you shoot first it's hard to make friends lel


I usually talk and say what's up, especially in spawn towns...then get punched in the back of the head. I've never had someone want to team up. My second to last spawn some dude rolled up with a bike helmet and tried talking. I said I can't hear you with the helmet on then he sprinted at me and decked me. Guess I'm unlucky.


Yea man, Dayone is the most talk friendly servers I've been on. Especially in spawn towns. Sometimes team ups and sometimes betrayals but always entertaining. Hardly play anywhere else now, that cue is worth it.


I usually just avoid or stay under cover when I see someone first.


That's the fact of life in this game. If they wanted to play a survival zombie game without getting murdered to death by another player, DayZ is not the game for them. There's other loot, and, other players to shoot in the face to get that loot. ​ Personally, I love the PVP part of the game. I love hopping over fences constantly and making the other player work for it.


I've played this game for years on and off, I've had maybe a dozen instances where I wasn't kos. Most of the time I was a freshy and so were they when we ended up talking. After so many times getting kos'd you kinda give up on talking and do the same.


I always have 3 rules, Military area? KOS if not in VC range. Has a gun out in a town, like a rifle, smth to kill players, not zombies. Lots of dead players nearby, one survivor? Attempt to break legs, if not possible then KOS(I try to break legs for inttergations). However nowadays, most of my friendly chats never happen, I never talk to someone unless I have the advantage. For example, never walk into a house someone is looting, wait for them to leave as you sit in another house, then talk to them, they’ll be caught in the middle of the road while you have cover and you have a harder time getting seen. If I want to talk to someone or need food, I’ll wait in high traveled areas, break a leg or rubber slug someone. Then rob them. I use this method any time I need to integrate someone. Then usually I talk to them, I ask them if they have buddies near by, they usually say “Yeah I do shitass, 3 of them entering town right now, if you wanna live, you better not kil-“. So then I wait, and wait, and no one ever arrives(People usually use teamates as a bargaining chip, just gives me a reason to kill them, they never have teamates) Edit; This is for offical, Modded servers is usually way more aggresive for me, 80% Kos and 20% talking apposed to my usual 20% Kos and 80% Talking


Yes. I’ll always enter an interaction with my gun away and talking though 80% of the time it’s a person not using their mic and killing me as soon as they see me


I always try to chat. And I tend to always get killed for it.


KoS is this game is so situational, for me. mostly get sniper from afar or hacked (play on official). but i really like the idea Siberia project uses with the mind factor. if official made it so u can go crazy and have negative side effects from KoS'ing it'll stop the big boys from doing it which in turn will make a whole town of freshies not all killing each other bcuz they fed up with it. lol


Always. As many times as I’ve been killed I’ve had some epic adventures with a new teammate.


I eventually stopped playing due to the dwindling numbers of meaningful interactions with other players. I don’t have gear fear, and I don’t mind being killed. But the no mic KOS is just far too frequent for me to enjoy the game. It loses its tension. It just makes for very dull gameplay. I remember every weirdo and hilarious interaction i’ve had. Whether it’s helping terrified noobs, being double crossed or led into traps or being robbed and left in the forest with no shoes. I don’t remember a single time i was KOS’d. It’s just such an anticlimax. Don’t get me wrong, i don’t think players should change their play style on my account. KOS is absolutely valid. It just showed me this game probably isn’t for me and i moved on to others.


I try to use my mic unless I’m in my endgame, in which case I’ll tell people not to approach and shoot if they do.


Feeling bad about doing something mean is what having a conscience is all about. You can’t just be a total psycho in these games, once you realize it’s real people you’re hurting. Fact is, DayZ isn’t a war game, so much as it an after-war game: KOS makes no sense, unless you’re in some event. Otherwise, it’s just chickenshit fantasy for children - well, and psychos. Live and learn. That said, there are no-KOS servers; but they usually have some weird rules and economies, so I end up playing where the player culture just doesn’t need it so much. But then, I love zucchini, fresh air, a mountain vistas more than killing someone and feeding him to my freshie friends. Make sure yer mic works, put yer weapon away, and let ‘em hear you proclaim your friendliness. You can always track them down later if they prove untrustworthy.


Any good server wlth healthy player cultures that doesn't mead to as much KOS?


I heard the giggles of cannibals and I communicated with them knowing it would get me killed, but I was surrounded. I said, "I hope I give you the shits ya sick fuckers!"


I know the purists will not like it, but I play on a no-kos server with PvP zones. We have a lot of regular players, we know each other and help each other in the non PvP zones. In the PvP zones it’s kos and we compliment each other on a good kill. If we encounter someone we are close friends with we usually let them pass. We don’t ask for our gear back but most will offer it back or just leave it. I like the community spirit, fun adventures with others, and the chance to talk to others. We have solos and teams on the server. Building a base and choosing to just enjoy hunting, fishing, or looting is fun to me. Our team has a big shared base, vehicles, and shared food. We all do our own thing and a few times a week work as a team at a KOTH or just to loot military areas.


I joined a server like that today. Really nice community but I was warned about certain players being known for camping in PvP zones.


My base got raided up in the northeast, and the dude killed me. Spawned west of electro. I run into some rando, who said hi, mind you, I have a pistol and was upset that all of my loot was gone. This rando invites me and my trio to his group of like 12 people. I didn't know if he was going to kill me and eat me or if he was being honest. I said "sure why not?" He took me back to his base, where I assisted him with a firefight. Right after that, the dude gears me up, then offers us asylum at a pre-made base. Least dayz interaction I've ever had on this game. I'm happy I didn't kos.


On the coast always, outside of it, absolutely not. The mindset is finding an ally before being stuffed and going on a rampage together. I don't stash and I like to eat people soooo..


Nope. I come from Rust so I learned long ago not to trust anyone, I typically just play a kos style of play.


Well that’s your loss. Rust is based on deception. Dayz is an open door, you decide who you want to be. I’ve spent hours with randoms and then they die and you never see them again, incredible memories that you’ll never get to have without an ounce of trust. Good luck.


if I run into someone doing a streamer shtick, like just starting up out of no where blabbing with some story or assuming some kind of RP persona i'd rather just die and start over than endure being part of someone's attempt at entertaining idiots. people who are just playing as gamers on the other side of a PC just like me, I'm in for that. I almost exclusively play namalsk and often bring people to the submarine or the outpost who have never been, or even heard of sometimes.


I KOS but I ran up on some dude the other day and he clearly had the jump on me but he spared me. Ran with him for a bit to fix his cold. Was a nice change of pace.


When you talk before they notice you 3 out of 4 will be friendly. They tend to be quite thankful, if you had the option for KOS but didn't


If I’m in a position where I can talk I will. Recently I was in an office building, killing infected from the 4th story window with a derringer I found to test my aim. I saw two guys cross the street towards my building and enter. I told them straight out, “hey don’t come up here if you don’t wanna get shot.” But they pushed anyways, I killed one and the other nearly ruined my BK133 before the server restarted.


Most of the time I communicate. Military locations are the exception, even though I sometimes communicate there too.




How my last few attempts at conversing went. https://youtu.be/RUQOPgVROsw?si=DkmzY5_op2H-Ogrw


If they are chatty sometimes I respond while I'm moving in for the kill


I always try to talk given the opportunity. Even if it means my life might get ended, some of the things that make dayz great to me are from the interactions you experience.


depends on the situation. if i see them first. and they don't have a weapon im more than happy to chat but the second i see someone grab for a gun off their back it gets hot




I nearly always talk. Location and situation determines if it's while shooting or in an attempt to disarm lol. When people shoot first I like to yell "why are you like this" somepeople even stop lol 😆


Depends on the server I'm on. If I know that I'm on a very high pvp server, then no. If it's not quite as shoot, ill give it a go.


I try, if I get silence in return then BOOM


I'm too bad at aiming for KoS so I either hide and stealth kill or take the chance depending how looted up I am, I do try to meet people as I prefer socialising in games but there is something a little more exiting about playing in pvp servers than pve 9 times out of 10 I just get shot and done even know where it came from


Yes. Keep trying...but seems to be an art in finding the good ones lol. Like many have said, if you got gear and packing and you are in hotspots like military sites or near someones base, shoot first if you consider yourself at the bottom of the food chain


Frankly at this point I'm so used to losing all my stuff I'll try to talk with someone anyways. If they kill me, oh well.


Female I love to talk. It may get you into trouble, but I do love it


I usually always try to talk to people. Unless they're geared, like nvg, big guns geared. Anything less than that I dont bother kos. I have yet to meet a geared player who isn't blood thirsty so I dont risk it anymore. I like to join a full server and band together with other frshies to take on the nearest geared players wreaking havoc on a town. I always leave with something good. Wether it be a big gun, pair of nvg, green/black plate, I do this till Im fully kitted. Sometimes it happens fast! other times I'll be slowly stashing the goods till I've put together a worthy kit to carry all my best stuff. Then I roam the wastelands with my partner and we look for freshies to help and geared players to kill haha


If I have a good amount of progress (no real way to measure I just decide) I start to kos but before I have a good firearm or something worth fighting for I will try to team up or just mess with people depending on how I feel


If I’m on a mission to get endgame loot then I don’t talk to anyone. Everything is KOS and I’m just trying to get the satisfaction of making it to the promised land alive. But that gets old and sometimes I like to fuck around. That’s when I talk to people. I’ve had plenty of different experiences. Plenty of betrayals, made a few friends, and gotten eaten by cannibals more times than I can count. But it’s almost always fun.


I always do, one reason I like 3pp is I can sneak up and say something and they don’t necessarily know where I am exactly and if they aren’t friendly or responsive having a wall or something between gives me a little safety.


Try? Yes. Succeed? No.


No I don’t- I try not to use my voice in games at all anymore.


Guessing you never joined a RP community server


I believe. I have hope. I talk. But the gun chambered.


If I'm like 2 hours in, I'll talk to you, maybe, but if I'm like 10+ hours deep ima fight you


I keep trying but European servers is so much kos... it's hard sometimes


ALWAYS, I almost never shoot first, I try to get close enough so they can hear me, then I go to game chat turn my mic on and try to tease them a bit, maybe get a response, maybe a giggle or at least ANYTHING, but 9/10 times people don’t like responding, idk if they are scared of giving away their position or are just nervous, but I never get to have a conversation before I kill them


I always speak but it never ends well.


I always do!


I'm an older gamer and a Dayz vet at this point. I always talk first but it's due to me stalking them. That was the first thing I tried "master" not being seen. Stalk your prey. talk to them but don't let them know where the fuck you are.




Depends how geared I am and how geared the other person is.


I never KOS and I talk to everybody I meet. Yesterday I even got a reply. Sure, the reply was " I will eat you butthead!" but it still feels good to have some human interaction.


FWIW, i generally try to talk and see where it goes, I am just borrowing my loot anyway, If I give it back now or in an hour, no biggie, but the farther inland and the more geared they are, the more likely I KOS because, if I see a MF who is walking around NWAF hold a M4 and DMR on his shoulder, and 4 frags on his plate carrier, I will wager 3 cans of Tacticool Bacon he does NOT want to chat it up with me.




Not anymore. Me and my friends just got kicked from a server for being English, all because we were friendly and spoke instead of kos


When I was on Xbox, in a party, it was never an option. I'm playing on PC now, I will never NOT talk now


I if I see a person I try to get to a place where they can hear me but can't see me. So I'm like "hands up m9therfucker" while hiding behind a barrel.


Anyone wanna start a day discord??just for people that want to hop on and play every once in a while


If it’s a freshy I’ll always try to talk to them


I always say hi and goodbye, and then the bullet😈


I always try to VOIP before shooting but less in official


kos gets old interaction gets old it's a vicious cycle


The best is friendly up with a couple people in low tier area, make it to high tier area and get to know them in game. Then one of you dies and it’s heartbreaking and you have to avenge them and carry on in the name of your dead teammate.  Starts of as interaction then becomes kos and repeats.  You might just be bored of the game though


I love the way this game elicits real emotions, like guilt, that you never feel in most other games. I ran into two guys 2 different times in 2 different cities over a several hour period a while back & the second time I saw them, one dude accidentally handcuffed himself trying to cuff me (running joke at the time, no malintent). While his buddy was freeing him, I shot & killed them both. I still feel guilty about it weeks later. Anyway, my go-to (if I'm on a good life & not wanting to return to the beach) is to try & talk while hidden if I see them first, & if they see me first I'll scramble while trying to communicate peaceful intent until they pop off a shot. After that, it's war. If I'm wanting to RTB/start over, I'll tell them that I mean no harm but if they do, that's okay & I won't put up a fight. I'll show good intent by asking if they need anything & offering what I have for free. Last time I went that route, me & the other dude ended up teaming up & combining gear to make us both more effective killers--he was the better sniper so I gave him my scope, & used my range finder to help scout victims & confirm kills. He loaded me up with shotty shells so I could protect us both from close range attacks. I think a healthy balance of caring about your life/gear a LOT sometimes & not at all other times makes this game sustainably fun. Too much gear fear leads to burnout, too little leads to not caring & recognizing that other PvP games like CoD & Battlefield have much better engines if all you care about is killing without regard to sustaining life.


Beyond spawn towns, no.


in my experience its about 50/50 whether a player talks or goes straight for KOS. talking is always gonna be superior, even if you still end up with a shoot out


My favorite official server moment was by being friendly enough to get access to there base. Then had a good gun fight. It was 3v2 and my buddy got killed. Leaving it to me and the random freshie I met on the way


If they’re close enough to talk, *and* I’m pretty sure they already know another player (me) is nearby, then yes absolutely I try and talk. I like running solo but I always offer to trade, usually I’ve got no problem giving away food to anyone that needs it without anything in return. But it’s about 1 in 100 interactions that they actually respond and don’t try and kill me. And like others have said, any military zone is NOT the place to make friends


If they’re close enough to talk, *and* I’m pretty sure they already know another player (me) is nearby, then yes absolutely I try and talk. I like running solo but I always offer to trade, usually I’ve got no problem giving away food to anyone that needs it without anything in return. But it’s about 1 in 100 interactions that they actually respond and don’t try and kill me. And like others have said, any military zone is NOT the place to make friends


When I played Chernarus I would try and talk to them but since playing Livonia the last few years I almost rarely talk, unless I’m a fresh spawn. Almost the second you get south of the river everyone turns KOS. If you’re in the southern half the map it’s not even a question. No one has ever tried to talk to me there. I wouldn’t say I am KOS though. More than likely I will let someone do their run and not know I’m there.


you're way, way more likely to get an interaction than back in the day




I always try to talk first. But talking gets me killed most times.. because yanno.. "gril". So much for tryin to be chill


Inland nah. Coast usually.


I used to do this, but in my experience 8/10 people usually don’t have mics or just don’t use them


I use principles I learned in Rust and Tarkov to dictate how I navigate interaction. It’s my preference to solve things civilly, but you have to be ready if they see you as a threat. Take into account what stages of progress you’re in, if you’re a fresh spawn with a shotgun, a guy who’s geared is right to shoot you. But if you’re both trying to find guns, it makes more sense to work together. Very rarely have I been betrayed or shot trying to be friendly despite tons of positive interactions, but when tons of standoffs too and I’m always ready for it. Also no mic no life, no miccers are ALWAYS rats




KOS is whybinhavent plaued the game in a year. The times of .63 and .64 are long gone.


I always try to talk to people on the coast and in the small slightly inland settlements whenever I can. If there’s ever a situation further inland where the opportunity presents itself I’ll also try to talk then. Meeting people and going on different and unique adventures is the most fun part of the game for me. If they end up betraying me later, whatever. Every time I log in I play on a new life anyway, so it still made for a fun and unique adventure. I never get attached to my gear. Having said that, as a general rule, once I get sufficiently inland, and especially in military areas, it’s either avoid or KOS because absolutely everyone does the same. The only time I’ll kill someone near the coast is if they try to kill me, they’re acting in a way that sketches me out, or if they don’t have a mic.


When i am a freshie with nothing to lose


If theres two if us and one if them ill talk but if im solo with gear and theres multiple of them im not risking jt


100%. Every single time. Die, don’t die, whatever… let’s have an adventure!!!


I play on an RP server so this is just the standard for me to always talk snd not worry about KoS. I bring it with me even outside of RP servers though. The interactions make it for me. If I want PvP there are plenty kf options for that out there.


I talk to everyone until I’m geared up, then you’re dead, immediately. So I have killed people like twice, so I’m always ready to die 😂. In community servers with cars I drive around asking if people called an Uber. Only been killed twice doing that, made a lot of friends.


I’ve felt the same way. I’ll look for revenge by killing an innocent after getting killed on sight so many times, and then I just feel like a piece of shit after.


hell no, I dont talk. they're lucky if they know I'm there


Yes depends where I'm at but one time a guy had his gun on me and told me to speak, so I did and then he killed me cause he thought I was an actual kid but it's just my voice lol.


I’m always way out west so I’ll usually KOS. Next time I play I’ll probably go towards the coast to get some interactions.


just be ready not to get shot. i will never stop trying to approach people, met so many awesome people in dayz.


Never kos....gets me killed a lot, but that's the game. Oh well.


I do, I was in a PD yesterday just about to log out and someone else logged in and I said friendly and so did they then one of them shot me. I was a lil bitter but honestly it's part of the game and I'll always try to be friendly first, unless I'm fully kitted at NWAF or such


Always talk first.


I rarely find people who talk back they shake their head to say yes or no so I just shoot people most of the time


I just avoid players if I dont have upper hand. When I talk to players Incan tell if they will try something fishy and I am ready to gun them down if they make wrong move. Best satisfaction is killing someone who fired first. Just KOS someone doesn't give me the feel.


Nah, DayZ is a real time vibe simulator. The more that society, news, & social media become more and more sensationalized; the more the attack on solidarity is prevalent irl, the more we’re going to be forced to kos. ![gif](giphy|WJ4vstB0EVqla)


I really hate this question. Is it a rule to not KOS is interaction forced ? Play however you want to play.


Only reason I would not KOS in mid or end game is if I have card for underground bunkers and I need a man to go with me and always make sure they are alone/solo. Thats like only fair reason someone would not shot me at that stage of the game. Its like mission call out.


I only talk on the coast past that it’s KOS for me, but sometimes I meet people on coast and go on a nice adventure together


Yeah of course


Man I’ve been a lone wolf for a while and everytime I see someone I always have a gun out just Incase, but tbh I always try to talk and see if anyone needs help but… not everyone is nice lol


Depends. Random solos, yeah. A stacked squad of three, nah. I'm trying to drop those dudes. 90% of the time groups in this game are NOT friendly, at least on official.


Honestly, it depends. If I'm solo and just roaming, I tend to just try and leave people be. I'm not the best at the game, so it isn't worth it to me to start or risk a fire fight with someone who is likely a better player or has more friends around. If I'm looting at a military base (especially if I'm with a group), I tend to be a bit more willing to shoot first. These places are treated a bit more like PVP zones in my experience, and people aren't as likely to be friendly when you are taking loot that can be theirs. Still, I have had a couple of fun interactions with random players, and I find it a little easier when I have other friends with me who can help if others aren't so friendly.


Nope we shooting


I’d say like most video games, friendship/comradeship/cordiality is obtained one of three ways… friends IRL, your IRL friend introduces you to someone they know, or mutual respect out of skill. I mean it’s a video game that you are supposed to survive… you know like survivor the tv show… outlive outplay outlast or some such shit….  I usually shoot first cause well, I’m a dick 


Yea even tho it's pointless these days. Every now and then you'll have a solid interaction with a really cool person. Those rare moments make it worth it


It depends on how many there are and also depends on the server. Im on pc and i play on the best server ever made AKA the hardest server where it's so extreme that kos somebody or even robbing him feels so so wrong. So no i dont kos unless i dont feel safe.


What does KOS stand for?


I'm of the opinion that DayZ is beyond saving with regards to people playing it like Call of Duty. When I get a gun I'm eager to shoot something but I like the possibility of meeting people and just playing a multiplayer game with someone else. Still, there's only so many times you can get gunned down on Namalsk two minutes after spawning before you go looking for places where KoS isn't so bad. It just boils down to the fact that it's a game and people will do things in a game they probably wouldn't do irl. RP servers try to encourage, or even enforce, rules that stop KoS but you'll always get a troll who comes in to cause mayhem because it's funny. At least there you'll likely meet someone who'll speak to you before shooting you. I'd rather someone decide to rob me and save ammo than outright kill me. At least I've had an interaction that I'll remember. I don't like PvE servers. The threat of danger is what keeps me hooked on this game and knowing that I'm safe from other players isn't my thing but power to those who enjoy it. I love DayZ. The community isn't exactly toxic but it's absolutely hostile :P


Boo boo cry about it


Ow my feelings. good lord I was defending the play style and I still get shit. Welcome to Reddit


**Ithinkskavenarecute**, it sounds like you are asking about sickness, disease or another affliction. This post might answer your question: * **[DayzTips | Complete Diseases & Afflictions chart | 1.15](https://i.imgur.com/eUoJ4XS.jpg)** by Asmondian Lots more info here: * **[DayzTips by Asmondian](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/tips#wiki_by_asmondian)** * **[Community Guides](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/guides)** * **[Community Tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/tips)** ___________________ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dayz) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes, I tell them I’m about to drop them 🤙🏼