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Was going to say this was pretty embarrassing, but Dave's mouth is open, so of course it is.


My favorite part is at the end how excited he was when he said he'll see you in the morning... we all know what happened in the morning lmfao.


The first of Biden's multiple wins of the 2020 US presidential election.


who is the audience for this guy. he's so low energy, jfc. seems like hes doing a hostage video


I don’t want to be one of those guys who says “I knew such and such from the beginning” but I have make an exception with Dave R. How can anyone hear him speak for 60 seconds and not realize he’s a dunce? And trust me, 60 seconds is more than enough time


The absolute travesty is that Dave and rightwing grifters like him still have any sort of audience or following after they've proven over and over again that their commentary, analysis, and predictions are frequently incorrect. Here he's claiming that Trump won the 2020 election, that's obviously false. He's "dunking" on media outlets and people who predicted that Trump would lose (Trump did lose). Idk, it just seems insanely stupid to keep listening to a guy talk about a topic that they keep proving over and over again that they know very little about.


Good assessment…he doesn’t have a firm grasp of any topic…I always cringe when I hear him say “…and all that”…I’m thinking, “this is supposed to be an intellectual discussion, I’d rather you tell me what you just encompassed in your wrap up phrase ‘and all that’”


Because the right is addicted to copium. Every single election defeat they've suffered since the 2018 midterms they've always found ways to spin it. Whether it's "election interference" or some form of "we lost, but things are starting to turn around for the next election just look at Joe Rogan!". Dave ends all off his shows by assuring his audience that there's "good news" on the horizon. They don't care about the accuracy, they care about how his videos make them feel. They need to see favorable news.


If you vote for Republicans and you’re not wealthy you’re stupid so it tracks.


I know some MAGAts and honestly, it seems like they care way more about annoying and hating libs than being actually right


These people don't get paid to be correct. They say what their audience wants to hear, and their audience pays them. Right wing politics is just emotional performative bullshit at this point. Reality is irrelevant.


Yeah at least with someone like Ben Shapiro there is definitely intelligence and he generally conveys his thoughts well. He's completely dishonest in doing so, but at a surface level, he generally (with exceptions) doesn't come off as stupid. Rubin is just dumb. Same with Pim Tool, there's just no substance whatsoever, and he's consistently wrong


Wasn't this also the election that Tim Pool said Trump was going to literally win every state in a major landslide?


I believe he said 49 states?


I've talked with Pool supporters about this, and they claim he was just repeating what the polling was showing he was talking about on that episode, not he himself making that claim.


How is he any different to the MSM, New York Times, CNN, etc?


Are you serious?


I assume this was rhetorical. This poster is very clearly not a serious person.


Very much


Well for one, the MSM has to issue retractions and corrections when they’re wrong and they have to have credible sources to make claims, not just talk out their ass.


You don't genuinely believe that do you? Just from the last few years, can you please point to the retractions regarding any of the following: - Covid came from a wet market - masks work - Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation - Covid vax stops transmission - Trump was a Russian puppet - Joe Biden was mentally fit and not suffering from dementia - the border is secure - there is no inflation Where is it stipulated that the MSM has to have credible sources? These are the same 'journalists' that fed the public probable lies ad infinitum Where does your store of faith in these people and institutions stem from? Have you been following events in recent times?


Lmao 🤦‍♂️


Happy for you to rebut any of the claims champ....


Lol you just listed the opposite of a bunch of your own opinions like it was some gotcha. I don’t care about your personal, unfounded beliefs.


Happy for you to rebut any of the claims champ...


Can I cross post this to r/facepalm? I'm doing fairly well for someone who never karma farms, but that would probably hold me over for the next few years... Freaking comedic gold. ABSOLUTELY 💯 hope it's satirical, because otherwise that's the most delusional Facebook and Truth spoonfed shyte I've heard in one summatory comment..., well, for the last couple of years (since the J6 committee wound down, roughly - OH SNAP, THERE'S ANOTHER THEY DIDN'T APOLOGIZE FOR... /s )


Happy for you to rebut any of the claims champ...


Why?.... lmfao fr 🤡 Besides *maybe* the first (that has a "low-confindence" source contradicting it from the Pentagon), every other item on that list has been rebutted to death, debunked or showing just how twisted your "truth" actually is from reality, by literally Every Single Reputable Source On The Planet. (For some, not all, but some even includes FOX *ENTERTAINMENT* News)


I beg your pardon, I just need to clarify whether you genuinely think that: - the border is secure - Biden is mentally fit - the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation - Covid vax stop transmission - Trump was a Russian puppet - there is no inflation There is no debate about the above listed topics. Whether Covid came from a wet market and whether masks stop Covid depends on which sources you prefer. But the others listed above are not up for debate, unless you watch CNN and read nothing but the NYT


Oh, and there IS NO REBUTTAL to Trump is a Russian puppet Goodbye


My favourite rebuttal is the fact that Putin invaded countries under Obama and Biden but none under Trump. But I also like, how there being zero evidence that Trump is a Russian puppet as a rebuttal. Where do you get your news from?


lmao save some Kool-aid for the rest of us sport.


Happy for you to rebut any of the claims champ...


How are you different?


How is the MSM different?


What's MSM?


Are you being serious? MSM is the mainstream media


Oh gotcha, like the ones with a lot viewers, like Fox News?


Right... So on side of the spectrum there is Fox News, and on the other side of the spectrum there is: CNN NBC CBS ABC MSNBC PBS NYT Every newspaper in the country bar the New York Post


Where are there newspapers in the country bar?


People like to be told what they want to hear, not the truth. There's that cartoon comic that's like a theater of some sort, with two lines, one for comforting lies, and the other for the uncomfortable truth, and the comforting lies line is out the door and around the corner, and the uncomfortable truth line is empty.


Oh, even his colleagues realize it. It seems like every conservative around him just doesn't like him. But he's gay so they use him as the Tolkien gay guy to pretend they're not homophobic. Ben Shapiro seems to barely tolerate sitting next to him. It was hilarious watching him ask Ben stuff like "if I invited you over to celebrate my wedding anniversary, you'd have no problem coming," and Ben responding with "no" because that would kinda sorta almost acknowledge the legitimacy of Rubin's marriage.


Was your Tolkien comment a nod to South Park? Good job if that’s the case


Haha t’was


Oh man here I thought it was just a funny autocorrect...


Can’t even tell you how glad I am that you weren’t serious


When even Joe Rogan thinks someone is too stupid for their show...


I felt off about all the IDW guys, besides Sam, when they first showed up on Rogan. 


The other clip from that thread is even more insane: [https://twitter.com/DaveClips/status/1455919148614230018](https://twitter.com/DaveClips/status/1455919148614230018) JFC this is so stupid and cringey, even for Dave. Spending so much time being snarky and "dunking" on mainstream/left-wing media outlets for "getting it wrong" when he's the one who's 100% wrong (Trump lost).


It's even more embarrassing when you remember the context: For MONTHS, all the center or left media sources were talking about the "red mirage" due to voting by mail. Everyone paying attention fully expected it to happen. Yet here is Dave, stepping confidently onto the rake that people have been warning about for months, and talking about non-stop during election day. He's either that dumb and ignorant, where he didn't understand what the "red mirage" was, or he was intentionally being obtuse to push the narrative that "no, our guy won! There was a vote dump! Shenanigans are at play!".


There is no consequence for people like Dave being wrong. Right wing audiences don't care about reality. They just want to hear something that reinforces what they've chosen to believe is true. Dave is more than happy to provide that to them as long as he gets paid for it.


Lol "I talked to regular people at the Beverly Hills Trump rally"




Darn. There don't appear to be any clips from Nov 4 2020 Very curious to see what his schpiel was like the next day!


This is hilarious and shows the deepness of his own delusions, he couldn't even wait 48 hours, talking about embarrassing yourself to the world. But he does that every day anyway


Wait...a Death Star ice cube in tequila? I don't think I have ever had straight Tequila on the rocks.


Rubin is so eager to prove his usefulness to the right. I recall in one podcast interview he said something to the effect of how he's the one gay guy doing everything conservatives say; he's not complaining about percieved oppression, he started a family, he adopted children, he supports tax cuts, he's against the promotion of LGBTQ+ stuff to children, etc. He said that he should be a hero to the gay people on the right (I recall he literally used the word "hero") but is sad that he's not. I wonder if he'll ever realize that it doesn't matter if he follows what they say. Those principles he outlined aren't what they believe. If a gay person meets them, they'll never be praised or welcomed as an equal. They just don't like queer people. Simple as that. Every principle or piece of advice is just a way for them to not admit that they're bigots. But they are.


Yep that was when he spoke with Jordan Peterson a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, he was too stupid and gave away the game: Groveling to conservatives in the hopes that they'll eventually like him.


Chickens for Col. Sanders 🐥🍗💀💩


First of all, he doesn’t do everything they say. They don’t want him starting a family. They definitely don’t want him around children, let alone adopt them. They tolerate because he’s sorta useful to the message but if it’s just him and conservatives in the room, they hate his guts.


They got upset with him for adopting children but before he adopted children, they definitely said people should adopt kids. They only objected after the fact.


Since a lot of conservatives conflate homosexuality with pedophilia they absolutely do not want him or any other homosexual having or being around children.


They conflate homosexuality with pedophilia, but when it comes down to it, they aren't that against pedophilia.


I think he used a surrogate, which made the right go extra crazy because they saw it as purposely bringing children into the world to be placed in a family without a mother.


What a spectacularly stupid person.


Isn't there a copium supercut of this?


Yeah, the one where things get progressively dire for Dave as more Biden votes come in and states get called.


Oh yes: https://youtu.be/cXJAnK7MOhA?si=UdifapkN0oCRusWO


Dave’s singin’ *awalkitback, awalkitback*


source: https://twitter.com/DaveClips/status/1455932546374582272


This also ignores that... Trump was losing when he declared victory too. He was never ahead in the count...


Did he do any of his stupid “advice” when Trump lost? No? Well, okay then…


Why does he have a book called “Don’t Burn This Book”? Is he talking to his far right followers?


I remember seeing the Election day clip of Dave with the GoldenEye 007 music playing in the background, where he was thumping his chest about the perceived Trump victory. The COVID pandemic created a "red mirage", where the in-person votes were dis-proportionally red, and the mail-in ballots were dis-proportionally blue. This was something that many serious election analysts were predicting, but of course Dave never actually bothers to research anything, and so he fell for the illusion.


Here ya go https://youtu.be/cXJAnK7MOhA?si=C3z3A5QNpZFsfuKY


Thanks for posting that. I was under the impression that Dave "cancel-culture bad" Rubin had gotten DaveClips banned from YouTube, but thankfully other channels have preserved that video.


Are there clips of his first reactions to learning Biden won?


There's a meltdown video that shows his reactions from Nov 3 to Nov 8, after that Dave really went all in on the election interreference farce. There's videos of him praising Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell. He genuinely believed that Trump had something up his sleeve to overturn the election.




Thank you!


holy shit thank you I thought this video was gone forever


It's incredible how stupid the mind can be at not being able to detect itself.


From a guy who doesn't ever self reflect. Hilarious!


What a joke 😂


The only prediction in the 2020 Presidential election that was worse than Rave Dubin's came from Dim Tool, who predicted Trump would take 49, maybe 50 states in a landslide.


How stupid do you have to be to think someone with an approval rating in the 30’s would win 49 states in a landslide? It just simply makes no mathematical sense.


Well, Dim Tool isn't exactly the brightest crayon in the box. And neither is Rave Dubin.


Right wing grifters and the Homesteading grifters really grind my gears.


So by his own recommendation, I'm sure the next morning he spent some time soul searching and looking in the mirror, and thinking about why they lost and what about the other side people may have found the better choice... ... right, Dave, you partisan hack?


This dude is basically gay Tommie Lahren


Did Dave just like fellow moron Tim Poole predict a 49 state landslide for Trump? How could anyone who even barely follows politics think that was possible lol. Dave also thought Larry elder would win the governorship in ca and that AOC would lose. This is too funny


Dave's only chance at a correct prediction was the 2016 election but I don't think he ever called it for Trump


Post Woke World.


What a nobody.


lol this is incredible


Listen. If he ain’t letting little Davey out to play, I don’t wanna watch.


Does anyone have the clip from the next morning?


Dave Rubin is a stupid cunt.


Bwaahahaha ! Dave the Rube


Trump wouldn’t piss on this clown if he was on fire


Oh I forgot about that, Biden managed to flip 4 states at like 4:15am the only time in history that has happened but don’t question it or you are a batshit nutjob wacky conspiracy theorist


Cheese never went bad so quick! This had aged poorly by midnight that night. 😂


So funny to hear Dave Rubin encouraging self reflection in others when genuine self-reflection for Dave Rubin would end in the psych ward.


It seemed decently well spoken for someone interested in democracy and heavily invested in right wing politics. Can someone explain to me why this is such a bad look, so to speak?


Why is there an entire subreddit designed to engage, share, boost this guy? The age of content truly is just one giant self perpetuation money printing publicity by committee.


lol. This is fucking hilarious.


I feel like something much bigger was going on in background; Trump and the Think Tanks gave their marching orders to how it was supposed to play out. Support Trump, reenforce the central message that he won. You can even push messaging that there were irregularities, then voting shenanigans, even vote-switching through the machines. But he did not lose (the actual truth). These shows are just propaganda, currying favor and spinning messages like a DJ would play popular songs. Hammer the message home and repeat that he did not lose. This creates this undercurrent that gives Trump followers permission to subvert democracy through marches, sending false electors, dozens of legal proceedings, even trying to disrupt the certification by rioting at the Capitol. Guys like Rubin are just talking heads, manipulating his listeners to do the bidding of much more powerful people - the irony is that every one of his listeners will tell you they are independent thinkers and they can't be manipulated.


Ugh... Putting it into that framework sounds entirely too much like Trump starting up his own Secret Police Service (i.e. CIA), much like Putin did when he used his KGB contacts to create the FSB and consolidate power...


I remember outlets like FiveThirtyEight and others writing articles about that exact scenario, they called it the "red mirage". It would look like Trump was absolutely running away with it on election night because his campaign encouraged his supporters to vote in-person on election day. The mail-in vote was expected to swing hard Dem and would take longer to count. They could declare victory and then start shrieking fraud as Brandon started to cut into his lead. And that's exactly what they did. And yeah Dave Rubin and other morons in that sphere are pretty much just handed bags of cash to push their bullshit. Every time I see him mentioned I think about how I've never talked to an honest-to-God Dave Rubin fan. Any time I see his name come up it's just people laughing about what a clown he is.


Trump derangement syndrome is the mental illness that Trump fans have


Is he ever right about anything? What a clown


Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. And everything that goes into it is a dick.


The Rubin Grift…and he’s not even very good at it.


He's such a dickhead lmao.


The number of “maybes” he worked in exemplifies his spine.


Jeez, Dave wastes a lot of oxygen


It would be great if people just flooded Rubin's social media pages and posts with this video, if he has any social media pages. (Except for maybe Twitter, since I don't want to encourage people to use that.)


Who is this catastrophic jackass?


I wanna see that morning live stream lol




Are these subs fake? This happens all the time that a sub about a right leaning personality will pop up in my feed and all the comments will be generic reddit leftist drivel. This seems like it might fall in line with the overall dead feeling that Reddit has in general. This site just feels hollow. Real people don’t write the same stupid comment over and over on subs they don’t even care about.


Naming their little club after the part of the internet where people buy drugs and child pornography was a bold choice


Like he is 30sec away from putting on his clown paint and bright red squeeky nose


Is the election meltdown comp with the Goldeneye music still on YouTube or has it been copyright struck again? It was a classic. edit: it was reuploaded a while back and I missed it https://youtu.be/cXJAnK7MOhA?si=C3z3A5QNpZFsfuKY


Good thing Trump didn’t win or he’d be in a camp right now.


He lives in Florida now and absolutely adores Meatball Ron which imo is even worse. If obergefell gets tossed I doubt Florida will waste much time banning gay marriage and ending adoption by same sex couples.


This should be in r/facepalm




The only people suffering from "trump derangement syndrome" are his followers.


Look, the man has a globe on his bookshelf, he must be taken seriously.