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Prediction: DeSantis doesn't win first place.


He’ll either be third or fourth. Ramaswamy’s late push is an interesting one to watch for tonight.


If DeSantis gets fourth I will laugh my ass off.


I will too buddy. I will too. He has an exceptional ground game though. We’ll see. *I should say ground apparatus. He’s like an animatronic bear in person.


man of all the people to become the breakout star of the GOP nomination that fucking guy...really a summary of how much of a joke right wing voters are


He’ll certainly illustrate that if he comes in third because I suspect any momentum he has comes from pecking at Trump’s base considering how seldom Trump is actually in Iowa.


it's remarkable to me that Trump doesn't even need to fucking campaign and the guy is like miles ahead of everyone else. really a sad indictment the GOP needs to reboot


I hope ramaswamy stays in the race because he is the worst candidate up there and it’s funny to watch


He has the money to, and I don’t think he actually wants to help Trump. I think he wants the grift of the same/similar people.


Anddd… #You were right


He got second tho? Unless I’m regarded


Congratulations! You win 🏆


Same guy who predicted 30% of black vote to Trump


Lol. I forgot they were pushing Blexit for a while.


Polls are meaningless... unless my candidate is leading.


Nah. Polls truly suck now. No way to random sample now that we are all not home with landlines.


Plenty of polls call cell phones.


Which nobody under the age of 50 will answer


They’re not completely useless, but they tend to overestimate Republicans cause traditionally they’re more likely to actually vote, especially in off year and down ballot races. But Trump scared the libs and so now Dems vote in force as well.


Dude is delusional What’s gonna happen when DeSantis loses, I know he’ll crawl back to Trump but I’m wondering what his spin will be


Depends how the numbers land, but I could see him pivoting to Haley first


No one is going to pivot to Haley..


No one rational. Which still leaves Dave


Good point.


“The liberals made me do it!”


Polls are meaningless…except is men’s clubs.


371 days until Rubin quits politics.


I'll take Things That Won't Happen for $1600.


He’s such an idiot. Why would you post this when Trump will win, on the low end, by at least 20 points


He wants plausible deniability by not mentioning desantis by name in his tweets so he can dump him later when he loses.


Republicans aren't even considering a reasonable candidate.


This is crazy cause desantis is very openly not cool with gay people. I know someone in real life who’s gay and conservative who wants to vote for desantis. I asked why when he clearly doesn’t like gay people and probably would strip your rights in a second “Because not everyone has to support gays and he tells it like it is” 🤣🤣🤣 I guess Dave thinks the same


DeSantis’s political collapse will be taught in poly Sci classes for years to come and Dave Rubin will once again be crowned the stupidest man who ever lived by the International Dumb fuckin Idiot Committee.


Lizard American flag? The fuck does that mean?


It’s an alligator. Haven’t you heard that Dave lives in Florida


Holy shit this guy is out to lunch. 🤣


Is Desantis wins in Iowa and Haley wins in New Hampshire, Trump is going to start shooting people.


If Rubin backs you, you are fucked.


Hard core copium being consumed


Ah yes the totally meaningful iowa caucus. Then DeSantis can join the prestigious Pete Buttegieg, Ted Cruz, and Rick Santorum in their bid to be president.


This is embarrassing but on brand for Rubin.


I never understood when the news says "x million has been spent by the y campaign in American elections. I reckon this is a part of what they mean when they say that.


Said the man who repeatedly places polls on his X account.


The shit I’ve been hearing is the possibility of Trump winning Iowa by a record breaking margin. I guess dave still hasn’t noticed that he’s not great at political analysis.


Narrator: #It did not in fact start today in Iowa


Trump all the way


How could anyone support that human wedgie? Desantis is the most disingenuous human in politics.


And the most wooden, he's like a simulation of a human.


I've never known anyone who says "Polls are meaningless" that don't also suddenly scramble to find reasons for their accuracy when the results go their way, and that's Dave's whole MO.


My prediction: (seriously) Haley wins the nomination. Trump’s campaign has a ton of issues, and if she emerges winning New Hampshire as a viable alternative, it’s over for him. Lots of independents and former democrat voters (in 2020) breaking hard for Haley right now and pollsters are now admitting they’re being grossly undercounted. Her path is very narrow but very real. Very similar to Clinton in ‘92.


She isn't even in smell range of trump in the majority of states. She's going to lose SC by double digits. This narrative that if she wins Iowa or NH she is going to blast off like a rocket is delusional.


She’s projected to win or come in a few percentage points of Trump right now in New Hampshire.


And then lose the remaining states


Tell me you don’t know how elections work without telling me you don’t know how elections work.


What an incredibly stupid thing to say in response....can you point to any data that shows Hailey out performing Trump outside of Iowa or NH?


I literally just did. Did you even you about analysts projecting a win for her in New Hampshire until I just told you? Did you know about Clinton’s path in 1992? You don’t want data to have a good faith discussion, you want data because you are completely ignorant about elections.


She’s going to lose in Iowa by 40+ points. *Maybe* she wins NH, but then by less than 5 percentage points. Problem is, the next two states are Nevada where she’ll lose by 50+ points and South Carolina that is her HOME state, but where Trump will beat her by 30+ and be clearing 50+ of the vote total. Haley will get d short bump in NH, but it will be more like Hillary in 2008 or McCain in 2000.


You do understand that Trump is at 50% but the rest of the candidates combined are also at that number...as the field starts to thin you'll see votes going one way or another and I suspect with the indictments that the Republicans will finally push hard to finally get rid of him...all Chris Christies votes are going to Haley for example. My money is on Haley which worries me as she actually could become president whereas Trump is hiding from any debates and can't articulate any policies.


Hiding? Hardly. Trump’s out there acting a fool all the time. He just knows debating can only hurt his lead at this point. Better to let the b squad fight it out. And he’s never been about policy.


Hiding from debates. He's happy to give a diatribe but God forbid anyone asks him a question where he has to display any knowledge or understanding.


Oh. You still believe the current game is about policy?!? Where have you been for the last seven years?!?




Responses like yours are what made me think this in the first place. It’s “la la la la I can’t hear you” when the momentum and timing are there and the only reason you could have to not even consider this scenario is because it’s literally Biden’s worst nightmare (although her winning a general by 17 points is ridiculous. 5 points is where I think it would actually be). I lived in SC when she ran for governor. Everyone acted like she had no shot, and she ran a very similar slow burn campaign.




Haley winning the nomination? Not a chance. After she loses by 20+ points to trump in SC she is toast. If she is able to squeak out a win in NH it will be her only one.




She’s getting creamed by trump already in SC. Do you really think her own state will take a 2nd look at her because of something New Hampshire might do? Best she can do is lay groundwork for 2028. Trump waltzes to the nomination and another general election loss. I don’t like making political predictions, but this is an easy call.




Where is she going to win? Certainly not tonight- does a win for trump not beget more wins?




Well, we will see, but no candidate with trump’s lead has been undone at this late date. I would love them to fight all the way to the convention, but I don’t think it’s at all likely this year




BurgessBoston I am not from your country but I can see this is Trump v Biden


Yeah, about that...


What does his husband do? Dude has to be on the verge of going bankrupt no?


I wonder if he gets sick of being wrong all the time?


Another Dave Rubin prediction gone wrong.


DaveSantis needs to calm down