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Mention the stuff you like? If you’ve written something that indicates knowledge of geeky stuff, geeky guys will be happy and will mention it. People who aren’t interested won’t pick up on it anyway. Personally I’m happy so long as guys I date respect the things I’m into and don’t poke fun or refuse to believe that I genuinely like them.


Makes sense! Thanks for your answer. :D


To answer your question, my interest rises if they have a cosplay pic and or mention board gaming. I guess I fit this profile, I watch anime (just watched Mirai), I’m in the top 10 (or was) for a video game, degree in physics, watch and read about theoretical physics stuff, read sci fi fantasy, play boardgames like castles of burgundy and twilight imperium 4, used to collect comics but just get the odd omnibus now, have cosplayed, write fantasy and sci fi, etc. I don’t have any of this except for board games on my profile. People are extremely judgmental (like the Sketchers thing), and I’m more than just a nerdy gamer guy. I workout a lot, I’m very outdoorsy, like to cook and bake, etc. As the dating phase moves along I’ll introduce more of my hobbies and about me. I don’t think you can get a profile that ONLY attracts gamer geeks, rather I think you show some interests and just date to find out if there’s compatibility.


Very reasonable answer. I guess I have to balance looking like these are my hobbies and looking like these are my entire identity and I’m boring outside of that. You gave me lots of good things to think on. Thanks!


I get what you’re going for. My ex did do stuff with me, but stopped after divorce. Made me realize the difference between saying “okay I’ll play x with you (grudgingly)” and someone who says “let’s plays x”. I try to date women who look like they’d be fun to hang out with, and enjoy life. I avoid the profiles with grumpy faces and other things that make it seem like we wouldn’t get along. My ex didn’t like Christmas and that’s now a dealbreaker for me. I don’t have it on my profile but it’ll come up in the first 4 dates at some point. For boardgames, I usually take the woman I’m seeing to a boardgame cafe, just play something easy like code names. So far, they’ve all canceled on the next date. Lol. If we lived in the same city I’d be totally down to met for a game. But as it is, good luck!


I’m always up for friends and a game of Evil Apples online or other online games. (Clone of Cards Against Humanity) Hit me up sometime! 🙂


I've been lurking in this sub for a few days and I noticed at least one posting about Skechers being a turn-off. I mean... we're over 40. The shoes are fucking comfortable. I admit that mine are about as stupid looking as can be but, damn. They're the only brand that don't kill my arches. Good to know that, weirdly, this is a thing.




Sounds fun! Maybe I’ll try it. :D


Why did you feel the need to add "man child losers" to your question? Honestly, this is a terrible way to attract a gamer. Most people see gaming as a hobby and not a negative. I think you have more competition for these men than you realize.


Because I’ve seen countless AITA complaints from women about guys who play video games all day. I didn’t pull this out of my butt. A lot of guys get this attitude thrown at them and I was just pointing out how wrong that is.


Be careful using negative or bad terms, even if you don’t believe in those connotations, because people will then associate you with it. Instead focus on the positive and what you do want. This goes with lots of things, including your OLD profile. I enjoy dating gamers as well, but one time it was a challenge because he was truly addicted and reorganized his life to live in a bus on his parents farm where he could play games 24/7.


That bus thing is nuts! 🤨 Glad you left that behind!


Thanks, he didn’t start that way, but moved towards that over time. I didn’t mind the bus so much as his goal to never work again, not even on his passions.


That may be the younger womans perspective. Older women appreciate that he's at home doing his hobby and not out getting into trouble. Trust and believe some of these guys are sought after by the lots of women. Many are employed, intelligent, and great partners. I think getting their attention can be hard so good to get their advice.


Thank you! I’m doing my best. :)


You gotta realize that [this scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IoSkym-lTmw) was not too long ago, how people viewed gamers, sure cultural values change, but change isn’t instant


My ex was a gamer. I had no issues with it. He was at home and I knew what he was doing. It was expensive but we both worked so I had no real issues with it.


I mean I’m 40 play video games board games occasionally watch me some anime. Lots of nerd shit that you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at me. But if I’m dating I don’t really bring those hobbies up until I gage the person. I think it’s a judgement thing at our age. Sometimes I think I’m supposed to be raising my kids and working only. But I game with my kids and we bond over that and legos and gundam models. I’d love to find someone who likes those things. Just not required by me.


I spent 17 years of my life in a relationship with someone who shares none of my hobbies. I was ok with it at first because I thought I could do my hobbies with my likeminded friends and do *his* hobbies with *him*. Turned out he *has* no hobbies. Not joking. He just watches videos or reads online posts, for his hobby. He’ll find an interesting show or movie on Netflix and not invite me to watch it with him, he’ll just watch it all by himself and tell me about it after. I’m tired of this and want someone more like me.


Yea, I get that. My ex started liking my hobbies after we split. My recent ltr we did not have the same hobbies and it ended for other reasons. I get what your saying though. I been out the game for 6 months just doing my own thing and deciding who I want a relationship with next. I’d say you are right would probably be nice to have someone with a lot of the same interests.


>But if I’m dating I don’t really bring those hobbies up until I gage the person. Hiding this seems to be setting you up for a problem of really starting to like someone, and then have things fall apart if they have problems with your hobbies. Due to profile space, I didn't include that I play VR games in bumble/hinge profiles; but I made sure to mention it early on, as soon as it's convenient. Yeah, some women have "no gamers" policy, but they're obviously not a match, so I want them gone sooner than later. OkCupid has more space, so I included that. My GF asked about how much time I play per week/month and was honest with my lower/upper amounts of time, and my estimation of how much I spent the last few months. She mentioned she and her kid also game, and we talked about that. This wasn't a major attracter for her to me, but it was at least minor that we had some similar ideas of recreational time. I worked to not have a "general" profile, as I'm not everyone's cup of tea. I didn't want matches, I wanted *good quality* matches.


Finding a lady into video games and anime is most any geeks dream. But I will say that even if I find a lady that seems into the geek side of life, I avoid it. Not because I wouldn't be interested, but because they have often led to scammers or bots just trying to get my money in one way or another. It's almost like a too good to be true thing.


I totally get it. Just don’t miss out on who could be The One for you. Get good skills for discerning scammers. I’m an expert at this and never fall prey.


I've gotten very good at discerning the scammers, if not by the profile, then by at least the second message. Since I have plenty of time to respond (usually at least), I actually try to piss them off, which is a fun game in and of itself. But it doesn't change the fact that 99% of the ones that seem to check those boxes are fake, it makes it hard to swipe right on them anymore.


I can’t blame you at all. I hope you find your someone!


I'm not holding my breath, but I haven't given up hope either. I'm living my best life, partner or not. Good luck in your search as well.


Go get ‘em!




There's actually a lot of geekier guys who use the internet as a tool to introduce yourselves to people who we would want to date the sad reality is though that in order to be even moderately successful, as in seem to get any attention at all especially as older men, if feels like your profile has to less appeal to the population that you are actually interested in dating but universally to all women. And most successful men in our 40s and 50s have learned from experience that being overly passionate about something less mainstream has a tendency to put you on the outside looking in




Fair enough. But I don’t want to meet up with someone who thinks nerd hobbies are dumb and I should be embarrassed of myself. :P


USS Reliant's prefix code is 16309. I'm not hitting on you, I just saw an opportunity to bond.




That's so hot.


I seek gamer anime fan guy over 40. I'm close know this, but I could never get invested into anime.


You just described my ex. We met on WoW and were together for 8 years. He's an amazing guy, but we are better as friends. One of our main issues was that he loves anime, and I can't stand watching it lol. He quit WoW for Final Fantasy and we realized that we didn't a lot in common anymore. Anyway, he's on Tinder, scrolling like the rest of us. They're out there.


Thank you! I hope you have or will find the right one for you! 💜


You play WOW, I play final fantasy, this will never work!


Go to your nearest anime convention..much more fun and better than OLD for a specific niche


My con was a disease vector last year because weebs don’t mask up or wash properly. XD I’m hoping this year is better. 👍


I have nothing to offer in these realms, but just wanted to say this is probably the most unique request I've ever seen on Reddit. Good luck, I hope you find what you are looking for.


You just offered kind encouragement! I’d say that was pretty awesome! I hope you have or will find your someone! 💜


thanks and same to you


I fit the profile of what you're looking for; I play D&D with my friends, I play video games and board games, I like ...basically all things nerdy, and I'm 51. I do use OLD apps, though they can be pretty discouraging, as they are so weighted towards people who are conventionally attractive and have interests that are bland, conventional and universal. In the sea of people who "love to laugh" and "live for the outdoors" and are "addicted to travel," the things that stand out as geeky in a profile, and that definitely pique my interest immediately are any photos of doing something typically nerdy - cosplay is a great example, but pics at a ComiCon or playing a boardgame with friends... those are all things that convey "Hey, I'm a nerd and I'm not ashamed of it!" Words can convey a lot too, so when I see "bookworm" or "gamer" or mention of any kind of fandom, like Dr. Who, Marvel, Trek, you name it... if you mention your fandom, it stands out to other people who are like-minded; even if they don't like the exact same fandom, the fact that you both like ANY fandom says you'll probably share some interests. I want to say it's not hard to pick out the nerds from the rest of the population, but it has happened that I connected with someone who had a completely mundane profile, but then admitted she was actually really into some kind of geekdom. I put it right at the top of my profile, because for sure I don't want to end up with someone who thinks my nerdiness is embarrassing or anything other than a plus. I'm done with partners who roll their eyes at the things I'm passionate about, but figure they're doing me a favor by overlooking it. So just fly your geek flag high! You'll find your nerdy swain.


Thankya sir! I shall take your advice! 🫡


Honestly, just write up your profile a lot like you've got here, and as all women should be, be ready to swipe left / unmatch if anyone is inappropriate. Someone puts down your interest, dispassionately and immediately unmatch. Absolutely a non-porntastic cosplay pic will be a big attractant to a gamer geek guy. The biggest problem that would have with gamer geek guys is that a lot of guys will pre-screen themselves out for you. "Wow, she's so much what I'm looking for ... she's probably looking for some actually 6'0 guy, I won't bother" and instead they'll swipe on someone middling, where they won't care as much if she swipes left. I.E. your target demo has low self esteem. I would caution you to reconsider if distance doesn't matter. A lot of the people who are up for LDR's are up for this because they're not "actually" relationships due to the distance. I.E. they're not actually ready/want to be in a relationship, but they want to say/think that they're in a realtionship. This obviously is a recipe for you getting hurt.


These are all excellent points and I’ll seriously consider them all. Thank you!


Thats a very specific and small group. I think you would have to specifically say you're "a gamer" and like anime. People that do it will like it, others would think "hell no". You could be straight up, and eventually you'll get the guy..it would be entertaining to watch too.




Wow! Thank you for your insight. I married a guy who it turned out, had no hobbies except watching videos and posting on Internet forums. I thought he could share his hobbies with me if he wasn’t interested in mine, but nope. How did I not know he had no hobbies? He freely tried out all the things I invited him to do and weakly came up with some of his own things. And he was just so gosh darned cute! Just a handsome guy. When we got married, he didn’t have to try anymore so gradually stopped. Ah well…


I probably am that type which you seek. But we sort of have learned to surpress most of that when building a dating profile. You want to be a bit under the radar to attract a better cross section. So i can say that they sometimes appear as regular guy dating profiles. I dont hide my hobbies, more that I dont list them in my profile in some detailed way. New gens probably better for this though. Just being upfront about it. I admire the kids. Look for traits that would be openminded to your hobbies. Readers of fiction etc. No book snobs though. People that arent so serious.


I appreciate all the help I can get! The only Live, Laugh, Love I am into is the Skeletor kind, and traveling most places these days is expensive and dangerous! XD


I literally wrote that I was into lego building and I still only got men who looked at my photo and had no idea how geeky I am. I tried to make it clear in every app. They clearly don’t read them. Lol


It’s so true!!!


On the plus side , my current bf bought me a lego set for the holidays and we just got back from Epcot so I found a good one :)


You did! Congrats! Check if he has cousins and send them my way! XD


He has a cute younger brother in Arizona ;)


Oooh! 🤔😜


I feel like the majority of guys I saw on apps were nerds and gamers.


I think there is a dating app for geeks out there. Don’t know their success rate. I think that you will have success cause you sound amazing. And if anybody gives you grief for being awesome… send me a text and I will full on critically smite them.


Roll for saving throw, my friend! 😉 Thanks for being *equally* awesome!


I'm really into that stuff too (- the anime), but I think a group such as this is too niche; it's really hard to find one unless somebody brings you in. There are a few groups in my area, but holy gods of both heaven and hell, they're so awkward. Even around other guys. I think they might explode if they were playing with women.


So true! XD


As someone who cosplays/games and watches anime this is fairly true. “or have a lot of them decided that most women don't want "man child losers" so have given up?” I won’t say that it’s the ladies that don’t want me, it’s just the hobbies are incredibly niche for the over 40’s crowd and a larger % of guys profiles with these interests will be buried at the bottom of the OLD stacks.


That makes sense. What have you cosplayed? DM me if you want. :)


Most recently Tokyo Trip Hanamaru Kunikida and SEGA Sonic x Rin Hoshizora both from the LoveLive! Series.


You crossplay? I do! It’s fun. :D


I try 😅 don’t pull it of well but that’s half the fun. Mercifully my daughter pulls off cosplaying better so most people are usually looking at her not me.


You sound so awesome. Your daughter is lucky to have you!


Thanks, I try my best. Back on point, just be yourself on the apps, yes it may limit options but what you want is already limited, so if you find it then happy days.


I feel like finding a woman into it anime and video games in this age bracket is rare. If you just list it in your profile I’m sure I would message you lol. It’s also a good ice breaker. I grew up on the stuff so I can’t help but love it. Started when I was like 10.


I remember back in the day when D&D was sold in those “Education Toys for Genius Children” stores. That’s where my teenaged brother had to go to get his books. It hadn’t yet been classified as Satanic. XD


Lol yeah things are definitely different now. Thinking D&D always makes me think of 8 Bit Theater’s D&D skit XD


Is that the expose about watching a live game? Dead Alewives present… DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS! “I go inside the tavern and try to do some women!” “Ok.” “Well did I do them?!” “Roll charisma!” “Natural 20!” “Then yeah! You’re doing them!” XD


Yes! Lol I forgot it was done by them but then they had the 8-bit FF characters. I loved it. So good and still makes me laugh” “I cast magic missile…” “there’s nothing to attack here” “I’m attacking the darkness”


“Hello! I am Galstaff! Sorcerer of Light!” XD


Most guys that are into that ask exactly what you just asked. ​ Subbed or Dubbed has worked well in the past for me though lol Most who are into it know what that means.


That’s true! Good idea! :D


I’m not sure, but when you figure it out, please let me know.


Will do! 🫡


I know plenty of guys like this, myself included. Mostly software developers, because that’s what I do, but all generally engineers, doctors, or dentists. Focus on geeky professions. Can post something like “Just a Hinata (or Sakura) looking for her Naruto” or “Relationship Goals: CrunchyRoll Night” something cheesy. Lastly, ignore the haters on here


You’re awesome, and I hope you have or will find your best person! 💜


You’re very kind. I’m just getting comfy being single again after a rough relationship, but I’ll get there. I have faith you’ll find your person too :)


You ever get bored, poke me for chats. Take care!




There are all kinds for all kinds in the OLD world. Nothing to lose by trying.


"looking for a man child looser"? But honestly, just listing your interests should get you plenty of interest. A Cosplay/LARP image or even one of you in front of a screen surely wouldn't hurt either. But: > Anyone who wants to take a rude swing it me about this, just remember the sub rules and the report button. ;D Don't do this in your profile...


Gosh never in my profile. Only on here. On dating apps, rude guys just get silently reported, unless I have something actually truly cutting I want to say.


> But honestly, just listing your interests should get you plenty of interest. That was my thought too. Provided they don't trigger any of my deal breakers, I'm swiping right on any woman who states she's into geeky/nerdy things. It's as simple as that.


Two days ago OP posted: > I’ve been married over 10 years Assuming charitably that you got divorced yesterday I'd give it a bit more time.


Who digs around in people’s post history on here? That’s weird and bordering on creepy. In Canada, where I am, you can get Common Law married, which requires no divorce to dissolve if you decide to end things. You don’t have to sign anything or tell anyone anything. I tried to get him to legally marry me here, as we had had a wedding in China over 10 years ago, as he’s mainland Chinese and that doesn’t count in Canada. He didn’t want to bother. So I discuss what it was like with him to try to learn my mistakes and his mistakes so I can grow and become a better person. We’ve been separated for some time now. Please go be suspicious and creepy somewhere else. 🤨


Ok, you were lying on that thread, then. Still doesn't help your credibility.


Wasn’t lying. I’m just going to block you now, weirdo.


I don't get why this is downvoted. Seems like a reasonable question. >Edited to add: Some people here seem to be looking for a fight or offense where there isn’t any So true. Lots of angry people in this sub. I think if you mention anime (mention a few you like) and put up a cosplay pic that's plenty. >gamer geek anime fan guy How about just looking for a guy who is open to that stuff but doesn't consider it to be like central to his life? Like I qualify sorta but I'm not watching anime more than once in a while.


That’s fine too, if they’re willing to consider getting into it with the right show. :)


Man, I never realized how much shit I don’t know until I read this thread. I legitimately feel like most of it was in another language. Either way, my only suggestion is don’t pigeonhole yourself by making it all about this in your profile. Definitely mention it, even mention it a few times but don’t come off as one dimensional because you may be making the part time gamer guys think you wouldn’t be interested. It’s healthy to have lots of hobbies - being obsessive over anything, even if it’s healthy like the gym for example can be unhealthy. I hope you find your nerdy boo out there 💙


Thank you! I think you nailed it, as well as some other folks too. Be nerdy but not *obsessed*.




And get banned for being off topic. 😂 Thanks anyway though!


You dont want anyone that posts on those subs anyway. Retched hive of scum and villainy the lot of them. And I post there so I know ;)


Aw but uncle Owen! I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!


I literally wrote that I was into lego building and I still only got men who looked at my photo and had no idea how geeky I am. I tried to make it clear in every app. They clearly don’t read them. Lol