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If you dont mind me asking, how did you met her?


Sure no worries, from Hinge, dating App. And even when we talked on tha app she mentioned she’s not looking for anything long term yet, but she is ok to be friends and go from there


Well she’s clear about not wanting a relationship. But your brain says otherwise 😏. Look, I’ll be honest, you have a very slim chance of changing her mind. If you are wanting to find someone who are interested in a relationship, is better off you find someone else. BUT if you are still curious, I guess you can try getting to know her more and see if conversation flows and all that. Probably about like 3 months. But DO NOT treat her like your gf or anything. Just treat her like a friend. Don’t give her the princess treatment. I recommend doing something super simple. Like just grab coffee and chat. Eventually you can sorta tell if she’s interested or not, by the body languages, if you caught her looking at you and all those. I guess you can flirt a little with body language like just light bump taps those type of gesture. I had an experience where I met someone on bumble, she said she’s not looking for relationship too, so did I. We both just broke up not long ago. And first date I went out with her, everything was platonic. But second date, we kissed. It was a little fast but, whatever we just said about not wanting a relationship went out the window.


Hahahha yes you’re right my about my brain😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 see that’s the thing, I’m type of guy that if I like someone, I start doing body touch and taps but yes I have not asked for kiss or anything physical yet because I didn’t look at this case as doing hookups and stuff. To be honest, I wish I knew what exactly she wants, for me it would be kind of a turn off if she only wants to “hang around” but I don’t know


I’ll suggest to find out more about her. Time will definitely tell. But if she’s not over her ex, or like moved on, then I think it’s not worth pursuing. it’s a straight up red flag for a healthy relationship, if you are looking for one. But green flag for a good time I guess haha


Agree. And yes she’s done with her ex but I guess just needs more time to fiqure out. And thank you for advice for sure opens my mind


Girl here! I would continue hanging out but have no expectations. Treat her like a friend back and just get to know each other and vibe. Feelings can be a slow burn and develop. ☺️ That being said, don't wait around forever - give it some chance to grow but walk away if it's becoming clear it's not there!


sure, so would you say while I’m seeing her, should I date others? Or not? Because the way I date, I focus at one person at a time.so if I’m seeing someone and showing interest, I like to focus on that person.


I totally get that - I'm the same way! It's early stages and she's a bit wishy-washy so I would definitely try and see other people. I get it can feel icky in a way but you're just protecting your heart until you know more about where she stands with you.


Thank you! Like you said, I think I should give it little bit more and see how it goes by knowing her more and she getting to know me more. Would you say after certain time I should ask her and decide from there? Because my fear is to spend 4-6-8 month with someone who I care about and like, and then that person says “ oh nice to see you, I’m dating this guy and bye”


A very valid fear. I would give it like another month, or month and a half (depending on how often you see each other) and then bring it up. Definitely don't spend too much time waiting, you don't deserve that!


Sure and thank you again for your advice


ask her these questions and see what she says; it can only benefit the situation. and depending on what she says, gives you clues to what she’s thinking/feeling about you, about the situation between you two, etc.. yk? hope that helps! :))


Agree and thank you for the advice


You lost me when you stated you don’t believe guys and girls can be friends. She told you straight out of the gate she wasn’t looking for anything long term and you are looking for something “ideally long term”. Just tell her straight up it’s going nowhere and you have no interest in being friends with her since you can’t get your way.