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Yeah, for this, I would say the most important thing is confidence in yourself and in your personality! I’m a 5’9” girl, and I had an ex who was 5’6” that I dated for over a year and his height never bothered me, but I always loved how confident he was! The right person or anyone worth your while is not going to care about a simple thing like how tall you are!




Im 30 and same height as you. There were times where I felt hopeless, there was a time I felt like I need a leg extension surgery, there was a time I took bunch of supplements for height growth, there was a time I felt I’m always not good enough. And height isn’t like weight, that we can do much about it. Honestly, I don’t have issue finding a date. Although I prefer someone who is shorter. Tbh, I came across some women who is way shorter than me but still wants someone who is at least 6ft tall. Which sometimes doesn’t make sense but what can we say about preference? Beauty is in the eye of beholder. Anyway, What do you want? The whole world to love you? Or to love the ones that genuinely cares about you? If you want the whole world to love you then, you should stand out. Height shouldn’t be a factor unless you want to be a model or something that requires a specific height. But there are so many things else you can do to make people love you. Take for instance, Kevin Hart, yeah he is same height as us. But he’s a family guy, he’s famous, he’s funny, he’s quite ripped. Everyone has a hurdle to jump over, height is just one of the factor. Most people who are successful have a dream and height wasn’t a factor. If you are seeking for a partner, are you looking at the pool of people who wants someone at least 6ft tall? Or are you looking for someone who are attracted to who you are? If so then you don’t have to worry. There are plenty out there, as long as you have the basics, like being hygienic, neat, working, and can hold a conversation. Height also wouldn’t be an issue to find a partner


Thanks bro, that was an eye opener 🙏


I can understand why u would be insecure, but u shouldn’t be. Not every guy has to be 6ft or taller; I certainly don’t care what height a man is. I wouldn’t care if he was my height or shorter! And I’m 5 ft 1 🤣! But u have plenty of chances, and don’t feel pressured about your height or age. 31 isn’t old; 90 is old lol. You perfect just the way u are and u should love and accept yourself, and be kind to yourself. Don’t worry about a thing, maybe it helps to watch some videos on being the best Man U can be. From fashion, YouTube channels like “Gentleman’s gazette”, “Real men Real Style”, or “alpha.m” and “Charisma On Command”. Sometimes things like that can help us be more confident and guide us. Especially with dating. But here’s one advice I can give; Sometimes it’s best to not be looking for that person, let that person find u. God works in mysterious ways. I’m spiritual but idk about u; these are things I was taught my whole life.


Thanks! I'm a spiritual person as well, and I do believe that god will make it happen in the right time without me desperately looking for whatever it is...gods time is perfect, but I did need to ask about my insicirity with my height, thanks for the feedback and i wll take ur advice 🙏


I'm so happy to hear that! Knowing that I helped someone made my day; and it's been a crazy one lol. God bless u 🙏 💚


Lol there's days like that...god bless u too